How to take nicotinic acid for hair growth. Nicotinic acid as a means to stimulate hair growth. Principle of action, dosage forms of release

You can achieve beauty, thickness and accelerated hair growth using nicotinic acid. By using this product to care for your curls, you will certainly be amazed at the results you get! What are the main advantages of this liquid, how quickly does it begin to act, and are there any contraindications to its use? You will find out all this in our article!

What is nicotinic acid

Most often, this drug is used to cure vitamin deficiency RR, angina pectoris, Hartnap disease, intoxication, neuritis facial nerve and many other ailments. Its natural content is found in buckwheat, mushrooms, rye bread and many other foods. If you have heard about how nicotinic acid is used for hair growth, then you probably know that you will need this substance in ampoules, which are sold in most pharmacies. The ampoules contain an almost colorless liquid.

Of course, the drug comes in other forms, but for hair growth you will need nicotinic acid directly in a form that acts externally - the substance is not taken orally! Next, we will describe exactly how to apply nicotinic acid, what it can be diluted with, and how to achieve maximum effect. Of course, you are unlikely to see a special effect from a single application - nicotinic acid must be used in a course if you want to achieve noticeable hair growth. Usually such a course lasts about a month. The drug has a stimulating effect on blood circulation, due to which the hair follicles receive more nutrition - this directly affects hair growth.

Due to the fact that the hair follicles receive more nutrition from nicotinic acid, they become stronger, which ensures not only hair growth, but also its safety. The hair becomes thicker and more voluminous.

Vitamin PP is responsible for moisturizing hair, protecting it from dryness, dullness and brittleness. A nicotinic acid makes hair shiny and strong, preventing hair loss or baldness.

If you do not have an allergic reaction to niacin, there is no need to worry about any harm from using it. Otherwise, you may experience slight itching at the areas where the drug was applied or find a rash there. This indicates individual intolerance to the substance. Doctors also warn against using nicotinic acid for hair growth in case of pregnancy or lactation. Use by children is not recommended at all.

Women who have used nicotinic acid for hair note its noticeable effect - it provides not only intensive growth, but also elasticity, softness, and shine of the strands. Niacin helps normalize sebum production, which reduces oily hair. After a course of nicotine, hair becomes visually more attractive and healthier from the inside.

Methods of using nicotinic acid for hair

Vitamin PP is often found in various care products that promise rapid growth and strengthening of curls, hydration, strengthening of roots, elimination of dandruff, and others. positive sides. Nicotine is also used in pure form– just buy ampoules with it at the pharmacy. Some prefer to use the substance in its pure form, others consider it preferable to use a mask with the addition of the drug. Please note that we are talking about external use - nicotine is not taken internally for hair growth!

The acid is applied to clean skin, and if it is prone to oiliness, be sure to wash your hair before the procedure so that there are no obstacles to the penetration of vitamins. Do not use shampoos containing silicones during the course - they prevent the beneficial substances from being fully absorbed. It is more convenient to distribute the solution over damp skin using your fingers or a syringe without a needle. First, grab the temples and hairline, and then the partings. Despite the fact that there is only a small amount of solution, try to distribute it as evenly as possible, but if some areas are not captured, then do not worry - the vessels will reflexively begin to expand over the entire surface of the scalp.

After one procedure, you are unlikely to notice an obvious effect - the nicotine will need to be rubbed in several times. It is enough to do this two or three times a week for a month. Then you need to take a break for a month or two and you can repeat the experiment again. If you feel the slightest discomfort or notice side effects from using the solution, stop using the solution immediately.

The classic method of applying nicotine without additional ingredients:

  • Wash your hair thoroughly with silicone-free shampoo and dry it a little with a towel. By skipping this step, you risk sending dust or dirt into the follicle along with the solution.
  • Open the ampoule and use a syringe to remove the contents.
  • The solution is transferred from a syringe to the skin, or poured onto a saucer and then distributed with fingertips. Some girls use pipettes, dripping them onto their partings.
  • Rub the substance in with massage movements.
  • The procedure is done two to three times a week (you can do it once), the entire course lasts a month. In a couple of months, we will allow a repeat course.
  • Taking breaks of several days during the course is simply necessary! Don't think that daily application will be any better! On the contrary, it will be detrimental to you, resulting in headaches, a significant decrease in blood pressure, and in some cases fainting is also possible.

Beauty recipes for hair with vitamin PP

Vitamin PP is very useful for hair growth, and you can feel the benefits of its effects by doing simple procedures at home.

Masks with nicotine for growth and strengthening

1.) The mask will accelerate hair growth, make it shiny and silky. The composition includes: 1 ampoule of solution, 20 ml of aloe juice, propolis tincture (20 ml). Mix all ingredients thoroughly and lubricate the scalp with the mixture for half an hour. For better effect A course of ten procedures should be carried out with an interval of 2-3 days.

2.) With the help of a mask you can grow luxurious hair in a short time. Mixture ingredients: 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 10 ml of vitamin E, 2 tbsp. spoons of flax oil, 1 yolk. Apply the mask not only to the scalp, but also to the strands for 30 minutes. Use three times a week for a month.

3.) Suitable for all hair types. Gives dull strands shine and vitality, helps in regrowth. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of jojoba oil, 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid or melted honey, 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, yolk and 10 ml of vitamin E solution. Wash your curls, pat them dry with a towel and apply the mixture to them and your scalp for 50 minutes.

Nicotinic acid for hair loss

Rub nicotinic acid directly into the scalp. In order to stop hair loss, it is not necessary to distribute the substance along its length - this will not provide an additional effect. Also, nicotinic acid is rubbed in immediately after opening the ampoule, because what longer drug interacts with air, the faster the properties you need are lost.

Nicotine can be used either in its pure form or in combination with other beneficial ingredients, such as pharmaceutical vitamins. Vitamin B9 is suitable as additional components, folic acid, vitamin E, carotene and so on.

Nicotinic acid in ampoules – hair lamination effect

1.) Mix 5 ml of nicotinic acid and tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile decoction. Rub the mixture into your scalp and rinse after an hour. It is recommended to do this mask several times, at intervals of several days, and over time you will notice the lamination effect.

2.) A mixture of 1-2 ampoules of nicotinic acid and 1 tbsp. Gently apply spoons of burdock decoction to the scalp. The mask can be left on for up to 2 hours, after which it is washed off as usual.

3.) To the owners dark hair you can mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of regular strong black tea with 2-3 ampoules of nicotinic acid. Use your fingers to smear the mixture over your scalp and rinse off after a couple of hours.

Hair treatment with nicotinic acid, how to quickly expect results

These easy-to-prepare nicotine masks will help you get rid of many hair problems.

For thin and weak hair

Combine an ampoule of nicotine with 3 tbsp. l. linseed oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of eleutherococcal tincture, 1 tbsp. spoons of vitamin E. Gently mix the mixture and lubricate the scalp and roots with it. Insulate your head with polyethylene and a towel, and after an hour, rinse everything off using sulfate-free shampoo. Do this mask two or three times a week, for a course of one month. After this time, you will notice that your hair has become much stronger. Using only nicotinic acid, you will also soon notice the result, but together with other ingredients, the effect will still be more obvious.

When restoring after painting, chemicals

After exposure to chemicals, curls require especially careful care. In this case, a nutritional mixture consisting of one ampoule of nicotine, a teaspoon of fresh yeast, a tablespoon of water and 5 drops of verbena essential oil will help. Add 3 tbsp to the mask. spoons of colorless henna steamed in half a glass of boiling water. Apply the mixture to the roots and entire length, wrap your head with polyethylene, and insulate with a towel. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo - since henna is not washed out too easily, you may have to wash your hair more than once. Carry out a month-long course, applying the mask 2-3 times a week.

The problem of hair loss can be solved by a simple course of rubbing in nicotine without any additional components. But if you want to achieve a significant effect in the shortest possible time, then we suggest the following mask: 1 nicotine capsule, 1 Aevita capsule, burdock oil (3 tablespoons). Apply the composition to the scalp for 20 minutes, cover with polyethylene, and insulate with a towel. Rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo. Carry out the procedure twice a week, and after four months you will notice a noticeable effect. Take a break for 1-2 months, and you can repeat the proposed course again. The strands will become not only stronger, but also more elastic.

How often can you apply nicotinic acid to your hair?

Despite the fact that nicotinic acid is known as an excellent conductor of oxygen and other important substances, there is no need to abuse it. Due to an excess of nicotine, the follicles will not work and independently produce substances valuable for their vital functions. As a result, after stopping the drug, you will notice that your hair begins to look less presentable than with long-term use of nicotinic acid.

Use the substance in courses not exceeding a month. The interval between courses is 2 months or more. The drug is contraindicated for children, nursing mothers, and pregnant women. If you feel any unpleasant manifestations from rubbing the substance (dizziness, headaches, rash, itching and other unpleasant manifestations), discard it.

If your hair problems are minor, but you still want to improve their quality, add vitamin PP to your shampoo (choose as much as possible). natural product without silicones). The product can be used a couple of times a week, for about a month. After a few months, re-enrich the shampoo in the same way if it suits you.

Release form, price, where to buy

Nicotinic acid in glass ampoules will help in caring for your hair, and you can buy it at almost any pharmacy. The liquid substance has a much better effect on the hair follicles than tablets. On average, a package of nicotinic acid with 10 ampoules will cost you about 50 rubles (depending on the manufacturer).

The Renewal company began producing nicotinic acid specifically for hair - the product can be found in many pharmacies, and it will cost you on average from 130 to 200 rubles. Release form: polymer buffet containers made using Blow-Fill-Seal technologies. The manufacturer chose 5 ml containers for ease of use.


Beautiful and Thick hair- a real decoration that every woman would be happy with. But nature has not endowed everyone with luxurious hair. That's why they have to look various methods care Not only salon procedures or professional products are suitable for this, but also other drugs. One of these is nicotinic acid in hair ampoules.

What is it and how does it work

Yes, yes, you heard right! But don't be scared by the name. After all, to nicotine, which is contained in tobacco products, she has nothing to do with it. On the contrary, nicotine brings back to life curls weakened by vitamin deficiency, constant stress, dyeing, frost, winds, curling irons, flat irons and hair dryers.

But first, it’s worth understanding what nicotinic acid is. At its core, it is one of the types of popular vitamins. It is produced as a medicine. It is often referred to simply as vitamin B or PP. Other names include nicotinamide or niacin.

Doctors often prescribe a course of nicotinic acid to treat a variety of ailments. It would seem, how can this affect the hair?

Benefits of use

In fact, nicotinic acid is very useful for strengthening hair. In addition, it allows you to solve several related problems. So, vitamin PP:

  • promotes the active growth of curls, since the product instantly makes the blood circulation process more intense locally and awakens the hair follicles;
  • makes hair thicker, fuller and more voluminous, since niacin has a powerful warming effect;
  • allows you to awaken the follicles after suffering stress, strict diet or weakened immune system;
  • stops the process of baldness due to its vasodilating properties.

If you systematically use vitamin PP in ampoules and rub it into the scalp correctly, you can achieve fantastic results. The product locally increases blood flow, while saturating the hair follicles not only with vitamins, but also with oxygen. As a result, they “wake up” and begin to perform their immediate functions.

There is one more remarkable property of this product. Nicotine returns natural shine, pure radiance and gloss to curls. The whole point is that this medicine (which niacin is in its essence) effectively nourishes and moisturizes the top layer of hair. Thanks to this, damaged “scales” are restored, smoothed out and closed.

Contraindications and warnings

But we should not forget that not everyone can use nicotine for hair growth. There are several contraindications to the use of this unique drug. So, treating hair with this vitamin should be avoided by those who:

  • experiences itching and irritation when applied to the scalp;
  • suffers from high blood pressure;
  • feels excessive tingling upon application and redness, which together resembles a real burn;
  • collided with hypersensitivity to the drug itself;
  • feels dizzy, since this effect may be associated with the vasodilating property of the drug and a decrease in pressure against its background.

Also, those who suffer from indigestion, gastrointestinal ulcers, atherosclerosis, liver and kidney diseases should not experiment with nicotinic acid.

Plus, there is no need to apply the composition if the scalp or neck is damaged, there are cracks, scratches or burns.

Niacin is a real salvation for curls, provided that it is used correctly. So, how to use nicotinic acid for hair growth, strengthening and healing? In fact, vitamin PP can be used in its pure form. It is suggested to use it to make masks, unique lotions and compresses. It is useful to add the product to a balm or shampoo for curls, or simply rub it into the scalp.

But we should not forget about the basic rules for using the composition. So, a solution is strictly used to care for hair. Vitamin tablets are definitely not suitable for this.

For 1 procedure, usually no more than 2 ampoules are taken.

If your hair is dirty and oily, you should wash it before using niacin. Otherwise, the product simply will not be able to penetrate their structure, and therefore there will be no need to talk about the effectiveness of the procedure.

When the curls are dry, it is not recommended to distribute nicotine along their entire length. This approach will only aggravate the condition of weak hair, making it thinner and more brittle. That is why, when treating weakened and excessively dry hair, it is recommended to mix medicinal composition with auxiliary products.

Other important rule applying nicotinic acid to hair - refusal to use it if after use itching, dandruff appears, the ends begin to break and “crumble”. This indicates that vitamin PP is simply not suitable for your curls. Therefore, it is worth choosing other care products.

If you decide to rub in nicotine, do not worry about a slight tingling sensation on the skin after application. This reaction is considered completely normal. But the strong burning and burning sensation is definitely not tolerable. In this case, you need to immediately wash off the nicotinamide.

Pure use

Most often the product is used in its pure form. But how to rub nicotinic acid into your hair correctly? There are several secrets here.

None special difficulties there is no use of this drug. So what should you do? First, you should buy nicotinic acid in ampoules, open the product and pour it into a glass or ceramic container.

Hair needs to be washed and dried a little. While the curls remain slightly damp, you will need to divide them into small partings and rub the product into the skin with light, massage movements. The sequence of application of the composition should be as follows:

  • frontal part;
  • whiskey;
  • sides;
  • back of the head

We must not forget that with bare hands You shouldn't touch the nicotine. The procedure should be carried out with gloves, and the product should be rubbed in with a hair coloring brush or toothbrush.

The composition does not need to be washed off after application. And remember: after the first use you will not be able to see obvious results. It is necessary to carry out at least 1 course of rubbing for at least a month. If necessary, it must be repeated, but at least after 2 weeks or a little more.

Mask recipes

Masks based on vitamin PP are amazingly effective. In this form, nicotinic acid “works” 100% for curl growth.

With honey

You can achieve a real transformation of your hair with the help of a honey mix. It is proposed to prepare it from the following components:

  • 1 teaspoon natural honey;
  • 1 ampoule of nicotine;
  • 1 raw yolk;
  • 2 tablespoons carrier oil (such as olive, jojoba or coconut);
  • 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E (you can buy it at the pharmacy).

All components should be mixed, then applied to the strands and rubbed into the scalp. Leave for an hour, then simply rinse with shampoo.

With egg

To prepare this mask you will need to mix:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 20 ml jojoba oil;
  • 20 ml honey;
  • 1 ampoule of nicotine.

Honey should be liquid. All components of the mask are mixed and applied to damp hair. The action time of the product is 50 minutes. You need to wash off the composition with warm water, after which you should rinse your curls with apple cider vinegar or herbal decoction.

With linseed oil

This recipe is ideal for all hair types, including very thin and weak hair. It is proposed to prepare the composition from the following products:

  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil;
  • 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • 1 tablespoon of Eleutherococcus tincture.

The mixture must be brought to a homogeneous state. Then you need to process all the curls with the mixture. Plus, it is sure to rub into the roots. Leave the mask in this form for an hour and then wash off with warm water. The peculiarity of this product is that it makes hair healthier, thicker, stronger and more manageable.

With aloe juice

A mask with aloe juice has a beneficial effect on curls. All the components that are included in the recipe have a positive effect on the condition of the hair in their own way, and all together it is simply a panacea. So, you need to take:

  • 20 ml aloe juice;
  • 1 ampoule current staff;
  • 20 ml propolis tincture.

Mix everything and apply to strands. Wash off after 1.5 hours. Thanks to this product, not only does the process of hair loss stop. But, no less important, the structure of the curls itself is restored.

With yeast

This recipe is a real salvation for fine hair. The product strengthens them well and makes them grow more actively. It is proposed to make a mask from the following components:

  • 1 ampoule of vitamin PP;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of yeast powder;
  • 1 package of colorless henna;
  • 2-3 drops essential oil lemon verbena.

First, you should pour a small amount of hot water into the colorless henna. Stir and leave for 20-25 minutes so that the product cools slightly (at least to 40 degrees). Dilute dry yeast with warm water. Mix everything and rub into the scalp. Leave for at least an hour. In this case, to achieve optimal results, you need to build a turban on your head from a film, a towel and a shower cap or a thick scarf.

These are just a few recipes that restore the beauty of your hair. Now you know how to use nicotinic acid for hair at home.

Nicotinic acid is a vitamin also known as niacin or vitamin PP, B3. With a balanced diet, the required amount of this substance enters the body along with products of plant and animal origin and is directly involved in redox processes, as well as the production of vital enzymes. IN medicinal purposes for stomach diseases, pellagra, pathology internal organs, dermatitis and neuroses, nicotinic acid preparations are used, which have a therapeutic effect.

In addition to its main purpose, the vitamin of synthetic origin is used in cosmetology. Due to the properties of the drug, it penetrates into the layer of the epidermis and stimulates expansion small capillaries, nicotinic acid is used externally to accelerate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. There are many recipes for hair restoration, in which the main active component Vitamin B3 appears in ampoules, and the low cost of the drug makes these products very popular for salon and home use.

Composition and release forms

Preparations of nicotinic acid of synthetic origin in tablet form for oral administration or 1% solution for injection in ampoules, can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Women taking nicotinic acid tablets note the positive effect of the product on the condition of their hair. In addition to 0.05 g of nicotinic acid, the tablet form of the medicine contains auxiliary components (glucose, stearic acid). As a result of treatment, hair growth accelerates, its external characteristics improve, and hair loss stops. The best effect can be achieved with the complex use of vitamin PP, both internally and in the form of masks.

For the use of niacin not for its intended purpose - externally, as a stimulating hair care product, only ampoules are suitable, since they do not contain auxiliary components. Also, the vitamin in liquid form penetrates better into the scalp.

Nicotinic acid tablets used for oral administration are medicine and has many contraindications. This means that such a remedy is used as prescribed by a doctor in the treatment of diseases, including those caused by a lack of vitamin B3 in the body. It is strictly prohibited to use oral tablets or vitamin solutions intravenously or intramuscularly to improve hair condition.

Useful properties for hair

Vitamin PP - vital important element, which participates at the cellular level in all biochemical processes in the body. When taken internally, niacin helps normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, synthesizes enzymes that break down proteins, dilates and strengthens blood vessels, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The beneficial properties of vitamin PP for hair are due to its vasodilating effect when applied externally. The niacin solution easily penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and capillary walls, while expanding them and improving local circulation. That is why, when using nicotinic acid for hair at home in the form of rubs and masks, many women feel a rush of warmth to the scalp, and in case of hypersensitivity, a burning or tingling sensation.

Increased local blood circulation contributes to the following processes that have a positive effect on the condition of the hair:

  1. As a result of the saturation of the hair follicles with oxygen, the metabolic processes, toxins are eliminated.
  2. Activation of “dormant bulbs” leads to an increase in density.
  3. Niacin is involved in the synthesis of ceramides - the main barrier to protect hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and aggressive hair styling products.
  4. Vitamin B3, subject to regular external use, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the head, eliminates bad smell, which may indicate an excess of toxins in the body.
  5. Vitamin PP, penetrating into the hair shafts, retains moisture and affects the synthesis of melanin, preventing early manifestations gray hair.

The effect of using nicotinic acid for hair is achieved by accelerating blood flow in the area of ​​the hair follicles, as a result of which they receive more nutrients and oxygen. If the diet of a person using such therapy is unbalanced and poor, there are signs of vitamin deficiency or a lack of microelements in the body, positive results should not be expected.

Possible contraindications and side effects

When using nicotinic acid for medicinal purposes, there are many contraindications based on the effect of niacin at the cellular level. In the package insert for the drug you can find a list of side effects, which states that niacin causes increased secretion gastric juice, lowering blood pressure, and with long-term use - fatty infiltration liver. However, such contraindications are not related to the use of the drug externally.

When using vitamin PP as a means to strengthen hair, you should not exceed the dosage, which is 1 ampoule of a 1% solution for one-time use. In rare cases, such side effects:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • redness of the scalp with severe sensitivity;
  • manifestations of dandruff that go away over time.

Absolute contraindications to the use of nicotinic acid to strengthen hair are:

  • allergic reactions to B vitamins;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

The optimal duration of treatment to improve hair growth and strengthening is 4 weeks. During this period, you should use the product daily, 1 ampoule, rubbing it into the scalp, as well as the root part of the hair. After a month of using nicotine, you should take a 2-month break and, if necessary, repeat the therapy.

The classic method of use is very simple and convenient for those women who do not have enough time to prepare various masks and sprays, much less carry out salon procedures to improve the condition of their hair.

Tips for use:

  1. Before rubbing nicotinic acid into your hair, you need to wash it, since sebum prevents the product from penetrating into the epidermis and part of it will remain unused, which means the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease.
  2. To wash your hair during treatment, it is better to use shampoos that do not contain silicone, which envelops the hair.
  3. After opening the capsule, its contents should be taken out using a syringe, and then, after removing the tip with the needle, distribute it over the entire area of ​​the scalp, avoiding the temple area. When using a nicotine solution in bufus, the task is made easier, since plastic ampoules are easy to open and convenient for application without the use of a syringe.
  4. When in contact with air, the solution quickly loses its properties, so after opening the ampoule, you should use it completely, since it is useless to leave the product for future use.
  5. After the nicotinic acid is distributed, you need to lightly massage the scalp with your fingertips, rubbing the product.
  6. There is no need to rinse off niacin; it is perfectly absorbed without leaving any residue on the hair. discomfort, without weighing them down, and has virtually no odor.
  7. When using nicotinic acid to prevent hair loss, you need to add the product directly to the shampoo at the rate of 1 ampoule of the vitamin per 1 serving of shampoo. The effect of such procedures will be less noticeable, since the effect of niacin on the scalp is short-lived.

Before using the product, you should test it on the crook of your elbow for an allergic reaction. It should be borne in mind that slight redness and a rush of warmth to the skin are considered normal, whereas severe itching indicates individual intolerance to the drug.

Recipes for masks based on nicotinic acid

The property of vitamin B3 to improve blood circulation in the growth zone of hair follicles, saturating them with useful substances and microelements, is used in cosmetology when preparing masks. Such hair care products contain components necessary for nourishing hair, which, under the influence of niacin, better penetrate the structure of the hair column and are absorbed faster.

Nourishing mask based on nicotinic acid and Dimexide

Suitable for dry and damaged hair. Dimexide has the ability to penetrate tissue, while transporting nutrients, vitamins and oils into the deep layers of hair follicles, thereby enhancing their beneficial properties.


  • vitamin B3 - 1 ampoule;
  • burdock or argan oil - 2 ml;
  • Dimexide - 1 ml;


  1. Combine burdock oil with vitamin PP and steam until warm.
  2. Add 1 ml Dimexide and mix.
  3. Apply with a cotton swab, spreading first to the roots and then along the entire length of the hair.
  4. Put on a plastic cap and wrap it with a towel to enhance the effect.
  5. After 30 minutes, rinse off the product with warm water and shampoo.

Vitamin mask with Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and niacin (vitamin B3)

Pyridoxine moisturizes hair, making it less brittle, and also eliminates dry scalp, manifested by seborrhea. This is important when using vitamin PP, which in some cases causes dandruff. With the combined use of pyridoxine and nicotinic acid for hair growth, the positive effects of each of them are enhanced.

Mask ingredients:

  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • vitamin B6 - 1 ampoule;
  • vitamin B3 - 1 ampoule;
  • almond or flaxseed oil - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Beat the yolk until smooth.
  2. Mix with almond butter without whisking.
  3. Pour the contents of capsules with vitamins B3 and B6 into the resulting mass.
  4. Apply to slightly damp hair, paying attention to the root zone of the hair.
  5. Put on a shower cap and then wrap it in a terry towel.
  6. Leave on hair for 30–40 minutes, then rinse first with lukewarm water, then with shampoo.
  7. Rinse your hair thoroughly with water, after adding a couple of drops to it. lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Anti-dandruff mask with nicotinic acid and aloe

This product perfectly moisturizes the scalp, nourishes the hair follicles, and gives vital shine and elasticity to the hair.


  • propolis measuring 2x2 cm;
  • aloe leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Niacin - 1 ampoule.


  1. Propolis pour 2 tbsp. l. water and heat in a water bath until completely dissolved.
  2. Twist the aloe leaf in a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass.
  3. Mix not completely cooled propolis with aloe and pour in vitamin PP.
  4. Apply the mask to dry hair, from the roots along the entire length.
  5. For greater convenience, secure your hair with an elastic band. Leave without wrapping for 25 minutes.

Anti-hair loss mask with colorless henna and niacin

Colorless henna strengthens the hair follicles, prevents hair loss, and the yeast included in the mask helps restore their structure. Nicotinic acid plays the role of a conductor, delivering everything useful material for their intended purpose and accelerating their effect.


  • colorless henna - 1 package;
  • nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule;
  • live yeast - 1 tsp;
  • lemon verbena oil - 3 drops.


  1. Dilute the yeast with warm water and stir until the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Steam a packet of colorless henna with boiling water.
  3. After the henna has cooled to 37 degrees, mix the resulting pulp with yeast, vitamin from the ampoule and lemon verbena oil.
  4. Apply the resulting product to your hair, wrap it in plastic and a towel.
  5. Wash off with a large amount warm water after 40 minutes.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

Hair masks with nicotinic acid should not be repeated more than once a week. When taking a hair healing course, you can also use similar products, replacing the daily procedure of rubbing niacin into the scalp with masks.

Ingredients for preparing hair masks with nicotinic acid - photo gallery

Vitamin B6 in combination with nicotinic acid accelerates hair growth Argan oil improves hair structure Henna prevents hair loss Verbena oil gives shine to curls Aloe moisturizes the scalp, eliminating dandruff Burdock oil has a complex effect Dimexide accelerates the effect of masks based on healing oils and vitamins Egg yolk nourishes hair bulbs

The opinion of doctors and cosmetologists on the use of nicotinic acid for hair

The use of nicotinic acid for other purposes causes ambivalence among doctors. Firstly, applying the drug externally does not compensate for the lack of vitamin B3 in case of its deficiency in the body, but only promotes a rush of blood to the scalp on the scalp. Secondly, the cause of hair loss and slower hair growth often lies in more serious illnesses, such as: problems with the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalance, liver pathologies, vitamin deficiency. Such problems should not be solved by using cosmetic procedures, but by diagnosing the disease, followed by its treatment.

Nevertheless, both trichologists and cosmetologists agree that the use of vitamin B3 to improve hair growth has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. Such a remedy is not a panacea, but provided balanced nutrition and taking a complex of vitamins and microelements orally can enhance their positive effect on hair growth and restoration of hair thickness.

Nicotinic acid for hair - reviews from ordinary consumers

I rubbed it in. There was no smell, the “undercoat” was creeping in, it was very visible on the bangs, especially. These short ones appeared in literally a month, maybe three cm. I didn't rub it in anymore.

There is absolutely no smell on the hair! I grew 5-7 cm in a month. Because I came to my specialist after the last visit after 3 months - the growth was as much as 20 cm.

and after some time of use, an allergic reaction began - my face and neck were covered with a small rash, it wasn’t particularly noticeable, but it itched and itched, unpleasantly. I had to stop.

I rubbed in exactly 30 ampoules, there was no growth, and it seemed like my hair was falling out less.

In general, there is an effect, but not magical, of course. I dripped into burdock oil. The downside is that it stinks a lot. The smell is persistent until the next wash, and that involves applying a new portion...


Doctor's opinion about the benefits or harms of nicotinic acid for hair - video

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Nicotinic acid is included in most cosmetic products, be it masks, shampoos, decoctions or rinses. The composition has nothing to do with nicotine - a harmful narcotic compound. The acid is used to strengthen hair and follicles and accelerate hair growth. The composition effectively combats hair loss and fragility. To experience all the benefits of nicotinic acid, you need to use it correctly. The technology does not involve certain difficulties, but there are still some nuances.

Features of nicotinic acid

  1. Most often, hair improvement is done on your own at home, but some beauty salons administer the ampoule composition intravenously.
  2. Many girls have adapted to adding the product to masks, decoctions and shampoos. The result can be seen after 2-3 weeks of regular use.
  3. Nicotinic acid strengthens the blood vessels of the scalp, promotes rapid growth hair, treats hair from the inside. The composition saturates the structure with moisture and vitamins, retains beneficial enzymes in the hair shaft.
  4. Nicotinic acid includes vitamins B and PP, each group has its own beneficial effect on hair. PP increases elasticity, B strengthens the bulbs.
  5. Most often, nicotinic acid is rubbed into the scalp. In a short time, it penetrates into the lower layers of the dermis, treats dandruff, and relieves the feeling of tightness that often appears in those with dry hair.
  6. Thanks to its undeniable universal composition, nicotinic acid can be used by people with different types of hair. With frequent and correct use, activity is normalized sebaceous glands, the hair begins to shine beautifully.
  7. Nicotinic acid is a transparent, odorless liquid, so its use becomes pleasant even for people with a keen sense of smell. After application, hair does not look sticky or greasy.
  8. In most cases, niacin is used by people who suffer from massive hair loss. It is often rubbed into men with receding hairlines and girls who have lost a thick head of hair after childbirth.

Where to buy nicotinic acid

  1. Nicotinic acid is found in most food products, which is why the body is not in deficiency. However, ampoule composition or tablets are used to treat and strengthen hair.
  2. Regardless of the release form, you can buy nicotinic acid at any pharmacy. The drug is available without a prescription. For the best effect, you should purchase tablets and ampoules. The first are taken orally, the second are rubbed into the scalp.
  3. The cost of nicotinic acid varies between 120-160 rubles. The pharmacy also sells more expensive analogues from foreign pharmaceutical companies. The bottom line is the same - regardless of the price, the product contains vitamins PP and B. You should not overpay.
  4. If we talk about ampoules, one package contains 10 pieces with a volume of 1 ml. The composition is rubbed into the scalp daily, using 1 ampoule per day. The course is 25-30 procedures, so buy several packs at once.
  5. The tablets are taken after meals, one package includes 50 pieces of 50 mg each. The drug is taken orally, 1 tablet once a day. One pack is enough for the full course.

  1. As mentioned earlier, the ampoule composition is rubbed into the scalp. The procedure is carried out strictly on clean hair, so wash them beforehand. This type of application allows you to saturate the bulbs with oxygen, as a result of which the hair grows an order of magnitude faster.
  2. After washing, leave your hair to dry naturally; do not apply sprays, stylers or other products that are not intended to penetrate the follicle cavity. Never rub nicotinic acid into a greasy scalp.
  3. When your hair is dry, shake the ampoule and uncork it. Pour the mixture into a bowl and place your fingertips in the bowl. Run your hands through your hair, massage your scalp while rubbing in the product. Start processing from the top of the head and move towards the back of the head. The temples and hairline (neck, ears, forehead) are treated last.
  4. You can also rub the product in another way. To do this, open the ampoule and pour it into the container. Take a pipette and collect it maximum amount product. Divide your hair into straight partings. Now drop the dropper onto the scalp, maintaining some distance. When you have applied all the product, start rubbing it in. As in the previous case, the back of the head and crown are processed first, then the temples and hairline.
  5. You can use only 1 ampoule per day, do not overuse the drug. Nicotinic acid does not need to be washed off, if correct use it doesn't make hair greasy. The ampoule is rubbed in immediately after opening, because after 30 minutes the composition loses its properties. The course is 1 month subject to daily use.
  6. Before use, it is recommended to test for individual intolerance. To do this, take 1/3 of the ampoule, rub the contents into the temporal area, and leave for half an hour. If, after the specified time has passed, the scalp does not begin to itch, proceed to full rubbing.
  7. People who experience an unpleasant burning sensation should dilute nicotinic acid with drinking water in equal proportions. Only then can the composition be applied to the scalp. You can also add a vitamin cocktail to homemade masks, then distribute the mixture along your partings using a brush.
  8. To achieve maximum effect, mix niacin with a pharmacy ampoule of vitamin E or A. Mix thoroughly, then distribute over the scalp. In this way you will increase the volume of rubbed product. It is advisable to carry out manipulations after 2 weeks of using nicotine, when the scalp is already accustomed to certain vitamins.

It is difficult to prepare homemade masks every day, so try to stick to the technology of using it once every 2 days. The rest of the time, rub nicotinic acid in its pure form.

  1. Tocopherol and honey. Beat two chicken yolks with a fork, pour in 1 ampoule of tocopherol acetate, add 40 ml. olive oils. Mix the ingredients, add 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, as well as 35 g. melted honey. Distribute the product over the scalp using a color brush, then stretch along the entire length of the hair. Wrap with film, soak the composition for 45-60 minutes. After the specified time, rinse with shampoo and use conditioner.
  2. Aloe vera and propolis. Buy aloe vera juice, take 35 ml. composition and mix it with 20 ml. propolis tinctures. Add 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid. Distribute the product over the root zone, rub the residue along the entire length. Insulate the mop with plastic film and a towel and leave for 45 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, massage your scalp for 10 minutes, rinse off the mask with water and shampoo.
  3. Yeast and colorless henna. Depending on the length of your hair, buy 1 or 2 packages of colorless henna. Brew the composition hot water(not boiling water!), stir, let stand for 45 minutes. At this time, knead the baker's yeast with water according to the instructions. Cool the two compositions to room temperature and combine them. Pour in 20 ml. sea ​​buckthorn or burdock oil and 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid. Distribute over scalp and entire hair, rub well into ends. If possible, soak the composition for 3 hours, wrapped in polyethylene. Wash off the mask with shampoo and use conditioner.
  4. Vitamin E and flaxseed oil. Buy eleutherococcus extract at the pharmacy, you will need 20 grams. Mix the ingredient with 1 ml. nicotinic acid, add 1 ampoule of vitamin E (can be replaced with group A). Pour in 40 ml. linseed oil. Stir and heat the mixture to 35 degrees. Rub into the root zone of the head, if possible, stretch to the middle of the hair length. Wrap the mop with film and leave for 1.5 hours. Thoroughly rinse off the composition first with shampoo, then with conditioner (not vice versa!).
  5. Egg and cognac. Cool three chicken yolks, then beat them in a blender until foamy. Pour in 1 ampoule of nicotine, add 5 ml. vitamin A and E. Pour in 30 g. cognac, stir. Melt 45 g in the microwave. honey, mix it with 30 ml. corn or castor oil. Combine all the available components, distribute the mask along the hair roots using a brush. Massage your head for 10 minutes, then wrap your head with cling film. Wait at least half an hour and remove with shampoo.

Other uses of niacin

  1. Shampoo. You can use niacin in combination with regular shampoo. To do this, buy the most natural cleaning product possible, add 1 ampoule of the drug per 70 ml. shampoo. Wash your hair as usual for 1 month. Next, take a break for 10 days, repeat the manipulations if necessary.
  2. Pills. If you bought nicotine tablets, use the composition once a day, 1 piece. Drink plenty of warm filtered water or milk. Some manufacturers allow you to take 2 tablets per day, read the instructions.
  3. Decoctions. After washing, rinse your hair with a medicinal decoction, into which you must first add nicotinic acid (1 ampoule per 1 liter of liquid). The procedure is carried out as usual; breaks are not necessary.

The effect of nicotinic acid on hair

  1. If you follow the instructions and regularly rub the composition into the hair roots, the result can be seen after 10 days.
  2. People who are experiencing massive hair loss should not be upset about it. The hair stops falling out after 3 weeks.
  3. When used daily, nicotinic acid awakens dormant follicles. After a month, you will notice that your head is covered with light fluff. It indicates the growth of new hairs.
  4. It is known that the average person's hair grows 1-1.5 cm per month. If you rub in nicotinic acid every day and accompany the procedure by taking tablets orally, monthly figure increases to 3 cm.

Before use, read the contraindications. Nicotinic acid should be used with caution by pregnant women, as well as people with heart and vascular diseases. The ampoule composition has a beneficial effect on absolutely all metabolic procedures of the scalp. Due to the abundant saturation of tissues with oxygen, it is possible to grow long and thick hair even for those who have never had such a pleasant feature.

Video: niacin for hair growth

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Thick, healthy hair can beautify any woman, so when problems arise with hair (loss, loss of shine, etc.), ladies find various opportunities to change the situation in better side. Nicotinic acid, also called vitamin PP, B3 and niacin, will help solve such problems.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is beneficial for hair growth. This product activates hair follicles, cares for curls, gives them strength and shine.

But let's not rush: let's talk about everything in order.

What is nicotinic acid?

Nicotinic acid is vital necessary substance, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. Vitamin B3 takes part in redox reactions, carbohydrate metabolism and has a vasodilating effect. The drug is available in ampoules, tablets and powder.

If you are interested in the composition of nicotinic acid, then each tablet of the drug is a source of 0.05 grams of the active substance, as well as some auxiliary components - glucose and stearic acid. In addition to nicotinic acid, the ampoules also contain an injection solution.

Nicotinic acid enters the body with legumes, buckwheat, sea fish, liver, nuts and prunes

Food, with which nicotinic acid enters the body:

  • legumes: beans, peas;
  • sea ​​fish, meat, liver;
  • buckwheat;
  • nuts;
  • dates, prunes.

It should be noted that the benefits of nicotinic acid for the body are great, and therefore it is not surprising that this drug is actively used in the treatment of a range of diseases and conditions, For example:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • pellagra;
  • intoxications;
  • stress;
  • decreased visual acuity, etc.

Vitamin V3 plays a special role in cosmetology; for example, specialists prescribe “nicotine” to improve skin condition and accelerate hair growth.

With regular use of vitamin PP, you can notice an improvement in the condition of your facial skin, which becomes more toned and beautiful.

Allergy to nicotinic acid

It must be said that allergies to nicotinic acid are quite common, and they manifest themselves as follows: symptoms:

  • hives;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure, etc.;

Thus, nicotinic acid, an allergic reaction when taking it is common, should be taken by you only after consulting a doctor.
In addition to treatment, the doctor should prescribe a hypoallergenic diet, which will speed up the healing process.

Nicotine is important not only for hair, but also for the whole body

Side effects and contraindications

In addition to the already mentioned allergy, taking nicotine is sometimes accompanied by side effects. The likelihood of side effects from using nicotinic acid is not high, however, it is worth knowing about them and not being afraid:

  • skin redness;
  • feeling of a strong rush of blood to the head;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • dizziness;
  • urticaria, etc.;

In addition to the possible side effects from taking B3, there are contraindications to the use of nicotinic acid. In the presence of chronic diseases Before using nicotinic acid, consultation and permission of the treating doctor is required.

About the benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

Now take a closer look at the benefits of nicotinic acid for hair. The beneficial effect of “nicotine” on hair is due to its warming and vasodilating effect, which helps accelerate blood circulation, and this, in turn, facilitates easy absorption of nutrients by the hair follicles. Of course, this has a beneficial effect on hair growth.

Regular use of nicotine promotes:

  • enriching hair follicles with oxygen, which reduces hair loss and improves hair condition and skin heads;
  • increased blood circulation, and, consequently, a faster supply of vitamins and nutrients to the bulbs and along the entire length of the strands, which ensures the restoration of their structure;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels in the scalp, thereby strengthening them;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands without drying out the hair, regardless of hair type.

Receipt deposit positive result from treatment - competent and dosed use of nicotinic acid

How to properly use nicotinic acid for hair growth?

Considering the likely side effects from using vitamin PP, it is very important to know how to use nicotinic acid for hair growth, and also, equally important, how to properly rub nicotinic acid into your hair so that the product is as effective as possible. We will need ampoules with the product and a syringe, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Further actions:

  1. We draw the drug from the ampoule into a syringe.
  2. separating the hair, drop it from a syringe onto the parting and, lightly massaging the head, rub it from the temples upward, towards the crown.

It should be added that for convenience, the procedure can be carried out with a pipette. There is no need to wash your hair after applying the drug. Firstly, “nicotine” does not have unpleasant smell, and secondly, being water-soluble vitamin, nicotinic acid does not leave greasy marks on the strands.

Vitamin PP will give health and shine to your hair

How long should a course of nicotinic acid be for hair growth? If we are talking about the prevention of hair problems, then you can get by with ten procedures that need to be carried out every other day. However, if the problem already exists, then ten procedures are clearly not enough: at severe loss hair, the minimum course of treatment should be 30 days, after which you should do break for several months and then repeat the course of treatment.

You should not constantly use nicotinic acid for hair growth: as with many products, there is an addictive effect

A few secrets of using nicotine for hair treatment

  1. Before the first procedure you need to test for allergic reaction : Apply a small amount of solution to a small area of ​​skin and leave for a couple of hours. If there is no discomfort or redness, the drug can be used.
  2. If there is an allergy then you can try dilute nicotinic acid with water or add it as one of the components to a hair mask.
  3. Use 1 ampoule of the drug per procedure to avoid overdose. It is important to remember that nicotinic acid is medicine, which can cause side effects if abused. If the ampoule is not enough to cover the entire surface of the head, this does not mean that the product will not work. Thanks to rapid absorption, it distributes evenly in the blood and vessels of the head.
  4. The treatment course lasts 1 month, the optimal frequency of use of the drug is up to three times in Week. Treatment can be repeated after 2-3 months.
  5. The appearance of dandruff indicates individual intolerance. In this case, the use of nicotinic acid should be abandoned.
  6. The opened ampoule must be used immediately, since the solution quickly loses its beneficial properties upon contact with oxygen.
  7. A warm or tingling sensation is normal., since increased blood circulation may be accompanied by similar symptoms.
  8. To enhance the effect of nicotine, you can take a steam bath in the bathroom before applying it. or a bath, do a head massage.
  9. Apply the product to washed, dried hair.. When applied to dirty skin, infection of the follicles may occur.

Combining nicotinic acid with decoctions of pharmaceutical herbs for the purpose of rinsing hair is pointless; these manipulations will not give any positive effect

What results should you expect from using nicotine?

What results will nicotinic acid provide for hair treatment?

  1. After several procedures using the drug, hair loss is reduced.
  2. The first results of treatment are visible after two weeks of use.
  3. After a month, the hair growth process is completely normalized. This will become noticeable in the new growing hairs, and therefore the hair will become noticeably thicker.
  4. 2-3 courses of hair treatment using the drug under discussion in undiluted form will provide good result in the fight against baldness.
  5. The condition of the scalp improves due to increased blood circulation.
  6. Hair stops breaking off and splitting.

Options for using vitamin PP for hair treatment

In addition to using nicotinic acid for hair in its pure form, it is used together with shampoos or as part of masks.

The use of vitamin B3 in shampoo

The use of nicotinic acid in shampoo does not seem difficult; just add 1 ampoule of the drug before washing your hair. There is no point in preparing such a composition in advance., since the drug will lose healing properties. For this procedure, you will need a shampoo based on natural ingredients, without the addition of balm or conditioner, because these substances form a protective sheath on the hair, interfering with the effects of nicotinic acid. This mixture of shampoo and vitamin PP is used for 1 month, repeating the course after three months.

Add 1 ampoule of nicotine to shampoo and wash your hair: the result will be the same as using PP in its pure form

The use of vitamin B3 in complex masks

Masks containing nicotinic acid have a pronounced effect, since the drug enhances the effect of other components and promotes deep penetration of nutrients into the hair roots. Basically, an ampoule of nicotinic acid is added to the mask.

People with heart pathologies, migraines and dizziness should limit themselves to a few drops of vitamin PP

Mask with nicotine, burdock oil and vitamin E

Mask with burdock oil and vitamin E helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and significantly accelerate hair growth.


  • nicotinic acid – 1 ml;
  • burdock oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.;


  1. Add the remaining ingredients to the liquid honey and stir until smooth. If the honey is crystallized, steam it to the desired consistency.
  2. Distribute the resulting paste onto clean, dried hair and leave for up to 50 minutes.
  3. Rinse under running water, then rinse with water containing a small amount of natural acid ( Apple vinegar or lemon juice) to remove the strong odor of the mixture.

Mask with nicotinic acid and propolis tincture

This mask prevents hair loss, gives it vitality and beauty.


  • nicotinic acid – 1 ampoule;
  • propolis tincture – 20 ml;
  • aloe juice – 20 ml.


  1. Combine the ingredients and mix.
  2. Apply the mixture to your scalp and distribute the remainder over the entire length of your hair.
  3. Wash off after 1 hour. For greater effectiveness, repeat the procedure 10 times with a frequency of use 2 times every 7 days.

Masks using nicotine help hair grow faster and deal with split ends

Mask with vitamin B3, egg and flax oil

This is a restorative mask that reduces hair fragility and adds shine to your hair.


  • nicotinic acid – 1 ml;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flax oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • vitamin E – 1 dessert spoon.

Usage masks:

  1. Mix the products to a paste-like state
  2. Distribute the mask onto clean hair
  3. Rinse off after 40–60 minutes with warm running water.
  4. Do the procedure after 1 day.
25 April 2014, 09:12