I get goosebumps when negativity comes out. Simple tests for the state of the chakras and unobvious causes of female diseases. Changes in your prayer or meditation

Under the influence of the ever-accelerating vibration of the Unified Energy, including the energy of our planet Earth, all people, whether they realize it or not, began to awaken to the fact that everything in life is interconnected, and to participate in the creation of a new vibrational reality.

Changes happen in everyone physical bodies. Those who are aware of this process and allow it to happen without resistance experience less physical and emotional discomfort. Read this article and determine which of the following signs of spiritual awakening you have.

1. Change in sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night.

Feeling tired after waking up and periodic drowsiness during the day. There is something called the Sleep Triad pattern that happens to many people: you sleep for 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep for another couple of hours, wake up and go back to sleep. Other people's sleep needs have changed. It may have become acceptable for you to sleep less.
Advice: Get used to it. Make peace with this and don't worry about getting enough sleep (which often leads to more insomnia). You can do this throughout the day if you hold onto the thought of getting what you need. You can also ask your Higher Self to give you a rest from time to time and then give you a good deep sleep at night. If you can't fall back to sleep right away, use your waking moments to meditate, read poetry, write in your journal, or look at the moon. During such periods, your body will adapt to a new sleep pattern.

2. Activity in the crown of the head: sensations of tingling, itching, irritation, as if something is crawling along the scalp and/or down the spine.

Feeling of energy vibrating in the upper part of the head, as if energy is pouring out of the head in a shower. It may feel as if energy is being emitted through the crown of the head in a “splash.” It can also be experienced as pressure on the top of your head, as if someone were pressing their finger into the center of your head.
Advice: Don't worry about these sensations. What you are experiencing is the opening of the crown chakra. These sensations mean that you are opening up to receiving higher dimensional energy.

3. Sudden waves of emotions.

Because of nonsense, you suddenly become angry or sad, cry over trifles, or for some unknown reason suddenly become depressed, and then suddenly very happy. You're on an emotional roller coaster, so to speak. Often there is a feeling of burden or overwhelm with emotions in the heart chakra - in the middle of the chest. (Not to be confused with the heart, which is to the left of the heart chakra).
Advice: Accept your feelings when they surface and let them go. Mentally go directly to your heart chakra and feel these emotions. Open your heart chakra to all your fields and breathe deeply, from your belly to your upper chest. Just feel the feeling and let it evaporate on its own. Don't direct your emotions at anyone else. This is how you cleanse your past. If you want help with this, say out loud that you intend to release all these old problems and ask your Higher Self to help you. Be grateful that your body is releasing these emotions rather than holding them inside where they can cause harm.

4. It seems as if all the old “stuff” is rising to the surface, and people (or their clones) appear in your life with whom you need to work through this rubbish.

This is the process of completing your life lessons or working through issues of self-worth, abundance, creativity, addiction, etc. To do this, they begin to appear in your life. necessary resources and people to help you through these problems and to completion.
Tip: Same as #3. In addition, don't let yourself get too carried away with analyzing these issues. If you get too involved in exploring them, then it will lead you in a cyclical manner to go through them again and again at deeper and deeper levels. If necessary, get professional help and work through them. Don't try to avoid them or separate yourself from them. Accept whatever comes to the surface and give thanks for helping you move forward. Thank your Higher Self for giving you the opportunity to release these problems. Remember, you don't want these problems to become stuck in your body.

5. Changes in weight.

There are people who have reached phenomenal weight. And there are those who, on the contrary, lose weight. We often gain weight because many of the fears we have repressed are now rising to the surface to be healed. By reacting to them, we create a defense. We also try to ground ourselves or build up mass to counteract the increasing frequencies in our bodies. Advice: Don't worry, just accept it as a sign of where you are right now. You will lose/gain weight when all your fears are integrated. Let go of your worries about this. Then you may find that it finally becomes easier for you to lose/gain weight.
Exercise: Before eating, try this: Sit at a table with nice cutlery for one person. Light a candle. Enjoy the way your food looks. Place your dominant hand on your heart and bless the food. Tell your body that you are going to eat food to nourish it richly, but that you are not going to use food to satisfy your emotional hunger. Then move this hand from left to right over the food items and bless them. You may notice that your hand feels the warmth of cooked foods, even if they are cold. I like to think that food is good for me when it feels warm and nourishing in my hand. I have also noticed that when I bless my food, I eat much less. It's important not to let yourself off the hook and remember to bless your food before eating. If I forgot and have almost finished eating, I bless the food anyway. This way I don't slip out of this habit. Another thing you can do is to be present while you eat - that is, pay attention only to the food, not watch TV or read, but wholeheartedly enjoy the blessings that are in front of you.

6. Changes in eating habits: Strange cravings and unusual food choices.

Some people find that they are no longer as hungry as usual. Others, on the contrary, feel that they have become hungry more often.
Tip: Don't deny what your body is telling you to eat. Listen to your body.

7. Food intolerance, allergies that you have never had before.

As you become more spiritual, you become more sensitive to everything around you. Your body will tell you what it can no longer take, as if it is throwing away what no longer serves it. You may be detoxifying. Some people have begun to find that they often have a white residue in their mouth, like runners do at the end of a track race.
Tip: One acupuncturist told me that this pattern can be eliminated by rinsing your mouth with 2 tablespoons of cold-pressed olive oil for 10-15 minutes, do not swallow, spit into the toilet and flush - not in the sink, because you have just removed toxins from the body and do not want them left in the sink. Then brush your teeth and do the same and wash your toothbrush. (Sorry, it's gross, but it works).

8. Strengthening feelings.

Increased sensitivity.
Vision: Blurred vision, flickering objects, shiny particles; an aura is visible around people, plants, animals and objects. Some people report seeing previously opaque objects as transparent. When you close your eyes, you can see redness instead of darkness. You can also close your eyes and see geometric figures or bright colors and patterns. The colors of nature around you appear more vibrant—the sky may appear bright blue or the grass delightfully green. By becoming more and more sensitive, one can see shapes and contours in space, especially when the room is almost dark. When open or closed eyes in your peripheral vision you can see white images (these are your mentors).
Tip: Your vision changes in many ways—you experience new ways of seeing. Be patient. Whatever you see, don't be afraid. Blurred vision can be improved by yawning.
Hearing: Increased or deteriorated hearing. Many people experience symptoms such as hearing continuous noise, beeps, sounds, music or electronic sounds in their head. Some hear water hissing, bees buzzing, whistling, roaring or ringing. Others experience what's called audio dyslexia—they can't always understand what people are saying, as if they can no longer translate their own language. Some people hear strange voices in their dreams, as if someone is hovering in the air next to them. In this case, you can either ask those present to leave you, or ask Archangel Michael to take care of the situation. Again, don't be afraid of anything.
Advice: Don't fight it. Let it do its thing. Listen. Your ears adjust to the new frequencies.
Increased sense of smell, touch, and/or taste. I noticed that I began to smell and taste chemical additives in some food products in a very unpleasant way. While other products may taste quite pleasant. For many people, these exacerbations are both fascinating and confusing. Some even smell the flowers from time to time. This happens to many mystics. Enjoy it.

9. Skin rashes.

Rash, bumps, acne, hives, shingles. Anger leads to rashes around the mouth and chin. Dermatitis on the skin may accompany the healing of some episode from your past. Having worked most this question, you will get rid of this condition.
Tip: You may be detoxifying and bringing emotions to the surface. When there is an issue that needs to be released and you are trying to suppress it, then your skin will express that issue to you until you process those emotions. Work on your “junk.”

10. An intense flow of energy makes you jump out of bed and start doing something.

This is followed by periods of apathy and fatigue. Fatigue often comes as a result of significant changes. This is a time of integration, so welcome it.
Tip: Spin with the nature of this energy. Don't fight her. Be generous to yourself. Take a nap if you're tired. Or write short story if you are too excited to fall asleep. Use this type of energy.

11. Changes in your prayer or meditation.

During habitual prayer or meditation, you do not experience the same sensations that you experienced before. You don't feel connected to Spirit. You find it difficult to concentrate.
Advice: You can now be in immediate and more constant contact with Spirit, and therefore the sensations may change. You adapt to this new sensation. You truly now think and act in partnership with Spirit most of the time. Therefore, you may find that your meditation periods become shorter.

12. Voltage surges.

Suddenly, out of the blue, you feel hot from head to toe. This is a short-term sensation, but very unpleasant. In contrast to this feeling, some people feel inexplicably cold. I've experienced both. IN Lately I feel waves or currents of energy flowing through me. Sometimes it seems that the energy, when it first enters my body, is so strong that I feel nauseous. But if I think of this energy as divine and let go of fear, I feel great and enjoy the sensation. If you work with energy, you may have noticed that the heat passing through your hands has increased significantly. This is good.
Tip: If you feel uncomfortable, ask your Higher Self to lower or raise the temperature slightly for your highest good.

13. A number of physical manifestations.

Headaches, back pain, neck pain, flu-like symptoms (called vibration flu), digestive problems, muscle spasms or cramps, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, changes in sexual desires, numbness or pain in the extremities, and involuntary body movements or vocalization. Some even experienced conditions from childhood reappearing in a compressed form in order to be healed.
Tip: Remember what to look for medical care, if you need it! If you have determined that this is not a medical condition, then relax in the knowledge that it is only a temporary condition.

14. You look younger.

Hooray! When you clear out emotional issues and let go of limiting beliefs and heavy baggage from the past, you truly begin to glow more and more. Your frequency is rising. You begin to love yourself and life more. You are getting younger. You begin to resemble the perfect you that you truly are.

15. Vivid dreams.

Sometimes dreams are so real that you wake up confused. You may even have lucid dreams in which you are in control. Many dreams may be mystical or convey messages for you. And in some dreams you just know that you are not “dreaming” and that what is happening is somehow real.
Advice: Remember what is important for you to remember. Don't put any pressure on anything. And most importantly, don't give in to fear.

16. Events that completely change your life.

Death, divorce, change in professional status, home destruction, illness and/or other disasters - sometimes several at once! These are forces that cause you to slow down, simplify, change, or redefine who you are and what your life means to you. These forces cannot be ignored. They force you to let go of your attachments. They awaken feelings of love and compassion for everyone.

17. The desire to free yourself from limiting patterns, from draining work, from ruinous lifestyles, from toxic people or situations.

You feel an urgent need to “find yourself” and the purpose of your life right now! You want to be creative and free, to be who you truly are. You may find yourself drawn to art and nature. You want to free yourself from things and people that no longer serve you.
Tip: Do it!

18. Emotional and mental confusion.

It feels like you need to get your life in order - it feels like some kind of confusion. And at the same time, you feel unfocused and unable to concentrate. See No. 45.
Advice: Listen to your heart and insight will come to you.

19. Introspection, solitude and loss of interest in activities aimed at the outside world.

This stage comes unexpectedly to many extroverts who were previously considered quite sociable and enthusiastic. They say, “I don’t know why, but I don’t want to go out like I used to.”

20. Flashes of creativity.

Receiving images, ideas, music and other creative inspiration, often at stunning speed.
Tip: At the very least, write down these inspirations because Spirit is speaking to you about how you could fulfill your purpose and contribute to the healing of the planet.

21. Feeling that time is speeding up.

This seems to be because so many changes have been made to your life at an unprecedented rate. And the number of changes looks set to continue to grow.
Tip: When you break up your day into appointments and time slots, it enhances the feeling of speeding up. You can slow down time by relaxing in the present moment, paying attention to what is at hand, without waiting for what lies ahead. Slow down the pace of life and tell yourself that you have plenty of time. Ask your Higher Self to help you. Keep your focus in the present. Try to move smoothly from one activity to another. Stay constantly tuned to your inner guidance. You can also warp time by asking for it and, feeling that you are overloaded with work, say: “Time, please warp. I need a little more time to “——“. And relax.

22. Feeling of incomprehensibility.

It feels like something is about to happen. This can create anxiety.
Advice: There is nothing to worry about. Something is definitely happening, but anxiety only creates more more problems. All your thoughts - positive or negative - are prayers. There's nothing to be afraid of.

23. Impatience.

Sometimes you can't help your impatience. You want to be proactive about what you think is coming your way. The unknown is an uncomfortable feeling.
Advice: Learn to live with the unknown, knowing that nothing will come to you until you are ready. Impatience, in fact, is a lack of faith, especially faith in the Higher Self. By focusing on the present, you will experience miracles, even on the way to them.

24. A deep desire for meaning, purpose, spiritual connection and revelation.

Interest in the spiritual may have appeared for the first time in your life. And you are constantly experiencing craving. And the material world cannot satisfy this thirst.
Advice: Follow your heart and the path will open for you.

According to the teachings of Taoism, an invisible subtle energy called qi circulates in the human body, as in the entire Universe. Qi is the Chinese equivalent of the word "breath". In the Indian esoteric tradition, this energy is called prana or Kundalini.

Ni circulates through human energy channels just as blood circulates through veins. It is on the teaching of qi and energy channels that acupuncture and reflexology are based.

It is believed that blood circulation through the vessels is also provided by energy. While the energy moves freely through the channels, the blood also moves; when qi stagnates in certain areas of the body, stagnation is also noted in blood vessels these areas. It is for this reason that energy and blood in Eastern medicine are often compared to an object and its shadow.

As long as the circulation of qi in the body is not disrupted, a person is healthy both mentally and physically. The circulation of energy is affected by many factors - external, internal, natural, social, etc. It is disrupted by climate changes, strong emotions or lack of necessary stress.

The Chinese never gave precise definition of what qi energy is. For them, it did not matter what nature the qi had - material, spiritual or any other. The Chinese were practitioners, and they were much more concerned not with perfect definitions, but with how to use the fact of the existence of qi. In this they succeeded.

Many orthodox European doctors, citing the fact that there is neither an exact definition of qi nor instruments that would record it, deny the existence of this energy, and explain the effectiveness of acupuncture either by the fact that the needles act on certain nerve endings, or by some other way.

At the same time, almost each of us, being pleasantly excited, in love or making love, experienced specific experiences, felt how certain currents, sometimes light, sometimes strong, sometimes cool, sometimes hot, sometimes tickling, like gas bubbles, spreading throughout the body , awakening in him completely indescribable sensations. This was the movement of qi flows.

Another type of qi movement can be noticed in moments of anxiety or sudden fear. Very often it is observed during nightmares.

Most people have dreamed at least once in their lives of one of the most common nightmares, which consists of falling into an abyss or high altitude. Anyone who has experienced this can easily remember something similar to a heavy cold wave rapidly spreading along the spine and causing an unpleasant aching sensation in the kidneys, back, neck or back of the head.

The sensation defined by the expression “goosebumps”, from the point of view of Eastern medicine, means a rush of protective or sexual qi to the surface of the skin (although this can be another type of energy).

We, following the example of the Chinese, will not rack our brains over definitions, but will simply learn to sense qi and work with it. The Taoist classification of types of qi energy includes thirty-two varieties. We will not delve into such subtleties for now and will limit ourselves to getting to know two types of qi - protective and sexual energies.

Almost every day our body talks to us using certain signals. Let's try to understand the most common monologues of the body.

For example, you probably noticed your body shuddering on the eve of sleep, or since childhood you have seen that your fingers become wrinkled after water. Or hiccups suddenly started, and in order to get rid of them, you automatically drink water in small sips. These and similar signals have a medical explanation.


This defensive reaction the body when irritating elements (dust, pollen, etc.) accumulate in it. The mucous membrane dries out and begins to become irritated, after which the nerve endings provoke a sharp exhalation, which is called sneezing. In this way, irritants are eliminated so that they do not penetrate further into the body. As scientists have found, the speed of the air that a person exhales while sneezing is 130 km/h. Sneezing up to three times in a row is considered normal. But if “sneezes” occur one after another up to ten times, then most likely the nasal mucosa is swollen. The body thinks that this is an irritant that needs to be gotten rid of, but it doesn’t succeed. In this case they can help vasoconstrictor drops which will quickly relieve swelling. Sneezing up to ten times in a row occurs during seasonal allergies. Then the attending physician will recommend taking antihistamines.


The key reason for any yawning is oxygen starvation. If your brain needs oxygen, it inhales faster. Usually it is deep and quite strong, so that more air goes down than during normal breathing. In this manner Airways become open and allow air to quickly enter the bloodstream. If you feel tired, your body collects carbon dioxide and overcomes hypoxia (oxygen starvation). This is why you start yawning if you want to sleep.

Scientists also explained why yawning “attacks” if you are bored or need to do uninteresting work. The fact is that from work “I don’t want to”, fatigue sets in faster, which entails a lack of oxygen.

Why, if one person in a group yawns, do those around them begin to yawn? There is an as yet unproven theory that explains this phenomenon. Researchers suggest that this habit was formed at the genetic level. When the ancestors went to bed at the same time, they began to yawn at the same time.


This action, unlike yawning and sneezing, can be controlled. But why does the body want to stretch? In this way the body prepares for physical activity. Even animals, after waking up, stretch before the active mode.

During times of fatigue, this need also arises. Muscle tissue accumulate local secretions - lactic acid. In order to speed it up at least a little, you should stretch well and stretch your muscles.


Hiccups usually signal a digestive disorder when you eat a lot of food at once “on the go.” It also happens after drinking alcohol.

Poorly chewed large pieces of food irritate the cranial nerve, which runs from the brain to the stomach. The excited nerve signals the stomach muscles and digestive system, causing the spasms characteristic of hiccups. The irritated mucous membrane tries to get rid of elements that are unpleasant to it.

You can cope with hiccups caused by alcohol by drinking cold water take small sips, but holding your breath will help with “full” hiccups.

Startle before sleep

It happens that while falling asleep, you suddenly awaken from the trembling of your limbs. Although this is unusual, it is a normal phenomenon. On the eve of sleep, your heart rate becomes slower, your muscles relax, and your breathing slows down. Therefore, the body is afraid so that the dream does not turn out to be eternal. The brain wakes up the body to activate the pulse, muscles and breathing. It's a kind of control.

Wrinkled fingers after water

Scientists have refuted the theory that the relief on the pads of the fingers from the water serves for better grip on the surface so as not to slip. The fact is that the skin on the pads is thick and quickly absorbs water. Therefore, from prolonged contact with water, these areas swell.


The skin may develop goosebumps from the cold. But it happens that an event, movie or music impresses you until you get goosebumps. This phenomenon is also explained by genetic predisposition. Primitive people had a lot of hair on their bodies, and when they froze or experienced strong emotions, the hair stood on end. Over the centuries, there is less hair on the body, so now only goose bumps are formed.

My eyes are watering

With the help of tears, the body washes away debris that gets into the eyes and also protects vision. However, why you want to cry is not known for certain. There is a theory that tears help reduce brain tension and have an analgesic effect.

Skin redness

The skin begins to turn red as the blood vessels dilate. This can happen during heat or from overwhelming emotions. Emotional condition due to changes in the amount of hormones (adrenaline also applies to them). When this happens, the blood vessels begin to dilate and you turn red.


In hot weather, the body cools the skin by secreting a liquid called sweat. It begins to evaporate and unnecessary heat goes away with it.

You just need to listen to your body to find out what it needs. By knowing what your body is saying, you can more easily communicate with it. mutual language and live in constant harmony.