Treatment of runny nose in children. Traditional medicine or folk methods - we treat a runny nose in a child. What not to do

Rhinitis, or, as we used to call it, a runny nose, is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by characteristic discharge. A runny nose may be accompanying symptom of certain “problems in the body,” but can also act as an independent, separate disease. Let's try to figure out how to cope with this illness in a child.

How does a runny nose develop?

There are three stages of development of a runny nose:

The reflex stage is the shortest, lasting only a few hours. The mucous membrane becomes pale, and the blood vessels sharply narrow. The process is accompanied by the appearance of dryness and itching in the nose.

Catarrhal stage. Its duration is approximately two to three days. The nasal mucosa turns red, swells, and the blood vessels dilate, making breathing difficult. This period can be called the peak of the common cold.

Recovery stage. During this period, the functional abilities of the nose are restored. Swelling and redness subsides, nasal breathing normalizes, burning, dryness and itching in the nose disappear. The contents of nasal discharge become yellow-green and thick. If you start in a timely manner and correct treatment rhinitis, then the child’s illness will last no more than 7-10 days.

Treatment of a runny nose

No matter how strange it may sound, the main thing in treating a child’s runny nose is to prevent the mucus from drying out in the nasal cavity. There are situations when the baby has a runny nose, but there are no drops on his hands. Then pediatricians advise preparing a saline solution, which should be dripped into each nostril, three to four drops, at intervals of every half hour to an hour. Instead of a saline solution, you can use an oil solution of vitamins “E” or “A” - this helps to moisturize the nasal mucosa, in addition, it relieves irritation, resulting in regeneration of the nasal cavity.

Of course, drops will help you fight a child’s runny nose. Today there are a huge number of products, among which special mention should be made of complex furacilin drops, collargol and protargol and some others.

According to the majority, the most “valuable” remedy in the fight against the runny nose is protargol. You will ask why? The thing is that this product contains approximately 8% silver. The drops have an astringent, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, if you notice the first signs of an “impending” runny nose in your child or yourself, just drop a few drops of this drug into your nose before going to bed. It is worth noting that protargol is safe even for newborns.

Another drug that we mentioned is collargol. This remedy has the same properties as protargol - the drops also contain silver, so at the first manifestations of rhinitis, drop it into your baby’s nose before bed. Pediatricians recommend using this remedy even for inflamed adenoids. However, do not forget to consult your pediatrician before purchasing this medication.

Compound furatsilin drops will be very useful if the baby has a chronic or prolonged runny nose. The components contained in the drops have an antihistamine and antimicrobial effect, while helping to constrict blood vessels and eliminate tissue swelling. Use drops 3 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril. You can use cotton swabs soaked in this solution, the maximum “holding time” of which in the nasal cavity is 3 minutes.

Drugs that promote vasoconstriction:

Vibrocil - used at the very beginning of a runny nose, it helps to “thicken” the nasal contents. Dosage: 1 drop 3 times a day.

Nazivin, on the contrary, is used to dilute nasal contents. Dosage: 1 drop 3 times a day.

Please note that both Vibrocil and Nazivin can be used for no more than 3 days in a row.

Active substance

Name of medicine

Age restrictions

Duration of action

Dose and mode of use


Symptomatic medicines for colds: Rinza, Coldrex, Antiflu, etc.

In pediatrics they are used very limitedly. Approved for the treatment of children over 12 years of age

Few hours


Drops - can be used on infants.

Spray and gel - from 6 years.

6 - 8 hours

No more than 3 - 4 times a day. Children over 6 years old - 3–4 times a day in each nasal passage, 3–4 drops or 1–2 spray injections. Children under 6 years old - only drops 3-4 times a day. From 1 year to 6 years - 1–2 drops, up to 1 year - 1 drop

Nazol Baby 0.125%

From 1 year.

Average duration of action

No more than once every 6 hours. For children over one year old, 1-2 drops. For children over 6 years old 3-4 drops


Naphthyzin 0.025%

From 2 to 6 years

Short duration of action

Imidazoline (xylometazoline)

Otrivin (children)

From the first day of a child's life

10 - 12 hours

3 - 4 times a day for no more than 10 days. 1-3 drops in each nasal passage.

Xymelin 0.05%

From 2 to 12 years

10-12 hours

Instill into the nose no more than 3 times a day for no more than 5-7 days. Children from 2 to 6 years old - 1-2 drops or 1 dose of spray in each nasal passage, children over 6 years old - 2-3 drops or 1 dose of spray

Xymelin 0.1%

Over 12 years old

10-12 hours

Nazivin 0.01%

For the treatment of runny nose in newborns and children 1 year of age

10-12 hours

Place 1 drop into the nose 2-3 times a day. Use no more than 3-5 days.

Nazivin 0.025%

For the treatment of runny nose in children aged 1 to 6 years

Till 12 o'clock

1-2 drops in each nasal passage 2-3 times a day. Use no more than 3-5 days

Nazivin 0.05%

For the treatment of runny nose in children over 6 years of age and adolescents

Till 12 o'clock

Sodium deoxyribonucleate

From the first day of a child's life

Till 12 o'clock

2 drops of the drug are instilled into each nasal passage 2-4 times a day for 7-10 days.

Water procedures against runny nose

You can fight a runny nose using hot baths with the addition of a few drops of essential oil, the leader among which is rightfully considered tea tree oil. About 5 drops of oil are enough for a bath. It is worth noting that children are not recommended to take an aromatic bath for longer than 15 minutes. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly rub the baby with a towel and put warm pajamas on him, after which you need to immediately put the baby to bed. This procedure is very effective not only in the fight against a runny nose, but also against an incipient cold.

The importance of fresh air

Pathogenic microbes that are in the air only worsen the already not very good state of health of the child. And in order for the air to become our ally in the fight against dangerous microbes, it is necessary to humidify and disinfect it. And a specially prepared mixture will help us with this: take 100 ml of alcohol, add 20 drops of tea tree oil and 20 drops of eucalyptus oil to it. The finished mixture must be sprayed into the air every hour.

You can also use ready-made preparations produced in the form of aerosols, because they contain essential oils (rosemary, peppermint, eucalyptus, cloves), which have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. In addition, you can moisten a cloth with the appropriate mixture and place it at the head of the sick child.

And do not forget to regularly ventilate the room.

Treatment of a runny nose with inhalations

Inhalations are extremely useful and important procedure in the fight against inflammatory processes that occur in the respiratory tract. After taking inhalations, you should never go outside (at least two hours). It is important to remember that the temperature of the water for inhalation should not exceed 40 o C.

Inhalations with pine buds. For 1-2 liters of water, take 3 tbsp. spoons pine buds, which need to be properly steamed until they swell.

Inhalations with eucalyptus. Eucalyptus leaves are sold in pharmacies. For 1 liter of water you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves, which must first be boiled. If you were unable to purchase eucalyptus leaves, then a few drops of the essential oil of this plant can be successfully replaced. According to experts, from time immemorial this medicinal plant has helped people heal from a runny nose in just three days.

Inhalations using blackberry and coltsfoot leaves. For inhalation, take 200 ml of water, 15 grams of coltsfoot leaves and 20 grams of blackberry leaves. A separate decoction is brewed from each plant, which is then poured into one container for inhalation.

Inhalations of calendula flowers (marigold) and raspberry leaves. Take 20 grams of raspberry leaves for 200 ml of water. The same amount of water takes 10 grams of calendula flowers. Then both infusions are mixed. This type of inhalation is very effective for chronic runny nose.

Traditional medicine against runny nose

1. Take 5% iodine and apply it with a cotton pad to the baby’s heels, and put warm woolen socks on top.

2. Nasal drops made from honey. To prepare the drops, you need to take warm water and dissolve honey in it, based on a 4:1 ratio. Use no more than three times a day. Excellent product to combat runny nose even in the youngest children.

3. For acute and chronic forms of runny nose, it is recommended to use beetroot juice and honey in a 2:1 ratio. Such drops can be used up to 5 times a day. This remedy is especially effective for the acute form of the runny nose, but it also helps many with the chronic form of the disease. Used in the treatment of inflammation of the adenoids in very young children.

4. Onion drops for a runny nose. Take one large onion and grate it. For a quarter glass of warm water - 3 tbsp. spoons of onion gruel and 1 teaspoon of honey. Everything is mixed thoroughly, after which it is infused for about 30 minutes. The resulting mixture must be filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve. They can be used up to 5 times a day; it is also recommended to use them for rinsing the nose.

5. A solution that can be prepared in a matter of minutes will help overcome a baby’s runny nose: for this, take warm water(1 liter) add sea salt (1 tsp), baking soda (? tsp) and 5% iodine (6 drops).

Irina Vasilyeva

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What and how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child? 6 effective ways
A runny nose, or rhinitis, is not a disease, but a sign of irritation or inflammation of the nasal mucosa, often caused by infection. Most often, albeit various reasons, runny nose occurs in children. Therefore, for most parents, the question of how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child is one of the most pressing. To answer it, you need to be able to identify the causes of a runny nose and know which remedies will be more effective in combating it.

General information about baby runny nose

Experts identify several variants of a runny nose that are possible in both adults and children. They arise for various reasons:
  • Due to infections usually affecting the upper respiratory tract, including the ARVI group and influenza.
  • Due to allergic diseases, in which a runny nose is one of the symptoms of hay fever (pollen allergy) or a reaction to wool, mold, food, medications.
  • As a result of abnormal reactions of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa when exposed to irritants - strong odors, cold or dry air (such a runny nose is called vasomotor rhinitis).
Knowing the cause is especially important for treating runny nose in children. The choice of means that can eliminate nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, and reduce the secretion of thin or thick mucus depends on it. If some drugs are used for almost all types of runny nose, then others - antibiotics, hormonal sprays - will be indicated only for some of its variants and only a doctor can prescribe them, especially to a child.

ARVI is the most common cause of children's runny noses, along with cough, fever and general malaise. During the cold season, viruses actively spread in crowded places - in children's clinics, at school or in a kindergarten group. One sick child is enough for his coughing, screaming or sneezing to spread hundreds and even thousands of viruses into the air, which enter the body of healthy children with droplets of mucus. Viruses settle on surfaces, toys, get on your hands, and from there into your nose and mouth.

Adults can also infect a baby; they are more likely to be in crowded places, from where they can bring viruses. Therefore, even a child who does not attend regularly can get sick. shopping centers, cafes and cinemas.
So, alas, infection could not be avoided. How to treat a runny nose in a child?

Method 1. Treatment of a runny nose with vasoconstrictors

Having noticed the first signs of a cold with rhinitis in a child, as a rule, parents rush to the pharmacy to purchase drugs that will provide quick and effective treatment runny nose In children, the use of such products should primarily perform two functions - relieve nasal congestion and reduce mucus discharge from it. For these purposes, vasoconstrictor drugs are used in various forms. These can be drops or sprays for runny noses for children. Such drugs narrow the small vessels in the nose, which reduces swelling of the mucous membranes and makes breathing easier. However, they only reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms. And the effect of their use can last from 4 to 12 hours, then repeated instillation is necessary.

Although some of these drugs are approved for use even in babies under one year old, they should be used in childhood with extreme caution. Doctors who know how to properly treat a runny nose in children recommend using such remedies for no more than 3-4 days. Otherwise, addiction is possible, in which the child’s nose simply cannot breathe without drops. In addition, thoughtless use of vasoconstrictor drugs can lead to irritation and drying of the nasal mucosa. Therefore, they are usually combined with delayed-action drugs, the effect of which occurs after a few days, when the use of vasoconstrictor sprays or drops becomes undesirable and requires discontinuation.

Method 2. To start using hormonal medications, it is important to know the causes of a runny nose!

The next group of drugs that we will consider are hormonal drugs for the treatment of runny nose in children. They are used when an allergy is diagnosed or drug-induced rhinitis (dependence on vasoconstrictors) has developed. In addition, these drugs are indicated for chronic runny nose, treatment of severe rhinitis with complications such as sinusitis (inflammation paranasal sinuses nose).

A doctor may recommend hormonal drops for a runny nose; sprays or ointments are also suitable for children. The effect occurs gradually, lasting relief is usually achieved after 2-3 weeks of use. Treatment of allergic rhinitis in a child using hormonal drugs indicated only for severe, pronounced forms.

These drugs do not damage the mucous membrane and are not addictive, but they have a fairly extensive list of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, they are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Method 3. Antibiotics in the form of drops and sprays. When is it justified to treat a runny nose in children with antibiotics?

The use of antibiotics is indicated to combat bacteria only; if the infection is viral in nature (for example, influenza), these drugs are useless. Therefore, sprays or drops for a runny nose with an antibiotic will be prescribed only in cases where the doctor is sure that the cause is the activity of microbes. Unauthorized use of antibiotics without the recommendation of a specialist (even if these are not tablets, but drops or nasal sprays) is undesirable and even dangerous, because can lead to the development of resistance (resistance) in bacteria to them.

Method 4. Rinsing the nose with sea water: we treat congestion and runny nose comprehensively

One of the most harmless ways to combat a runny nose is to rinse your nose. When a child has a runny nose, sea water or saline solution is injected into the nasal sinuses. They thin out thick mucus and remove it, wash away viruses and germs from the surface of the mucous membranes, and gradually reduce swelling and inflammation.

And use sea ​​water, and rinsing the nose with saline solution during a runny nose helps children breathe easier, but the effect of the procedure is unstable and does not last long. In addition, washing will be truly safe only if carried out according to all the rules. Otherwise, the solution from the nasopharynx may enter the mouth of the auditory tube, which connects the nose to the middle ear, and there is a risk of developing otitis media.
The procedure also has practical disadvantages - children do not really like it, and washing in kindergarten or school is simply impossible.

Washing with saline solutions or sea water should not be used as separate remedy treatment of a runny nose, but in a set of measures that should help the child breathe freely.

Method 5. Products with essential oils - a way to effectively and safely treat runny nose in children and adults

Among the effective and at the same time safe remedies, we also note essential oils.

For colds and runny nose, they help ease breathing and eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes. There are two types of products with essential oils - drops and inhalation patches. They are inferior in the speed of achieving effect to vasoconstrictor drugs, but they are not addictive and have antimicrobial and antiviral effects. Thus, products with essential oils fight both the causes of rhinitis and its manifestations.

Let's take a closer look at inhaler patches. In addition to effectiveness and safety, its great advantage is ease of use: just stick the patch on your clothes or at the head of the bed - couples essential oils beneficial effects will begin immediately. Use the patch wherever it is convenient for you and your child - at home, while walking, traveling or at school, kindergarten.

Inhaler patches from different manufacturers are similar in their mechanism of action and may differ in composition. For example, it contains levomenthol and five essential oils. For children with a runny nose, this combination of components is most effective. At the same time, there is no camphor in the composition, which means the risk of developing allergies is minimal. The patch can be used by children from 2 years old; one package can be used not only for the baby, but also for all family members. The duration and frequency of its use is not limited.

The patches are suitable for children from 2 years old and adults, which is convenient. All family members can use one package if they are faced with the question of how to effectively and safely cure a runny nose.
The only contraindication to the use of products based on essential oils is intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Method 6: Herbal medicine - how medicinal plants are used in medicine

Another group of drugs that can be prescribed to cure a runny nose in a child are herbal remedies, that is, products based on medicinal plants. Such products are available in tablet form. They are especially effective when you need to relieve swelling and reduce sinus discharge. Typically, a phytotherapeutic remedy for a runny nose is prescribed for thick and viscous mucus that “clogs” the nose.

But you shouldn’t expect instant results from herbal medicines. Their components begin to act a few days after the start of administration. But they reduce the risk of complications and can be used in combination with fast-acting medications for rhinitis. The disadvantage of herbal medicines is the possibility of allergies to plant components, as well as undesirable reactions from gastrointestinal tract. That is why herbal medicine in the complex treatment of the common cold is usually prescribed to children 6 years of age and older.

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies

Unfortunately, some parents prefer folk remedies for the runny nose to doctors' recommendations. For children, in their opinion, they will be healthier and safer. Is it so? Many so-called folk recipes against the runny nose" were used at a time when official medicine was simply inaccessible to wide circles - conspiracies, chicken eggs, plant juices. Today it has been proven that “grandmother’s recipes” can not only be useless, but also cause serious harm to the child’s health. Possible irritation or damage to the mucous membrane, increased inflammation, its transition to the sinuses, and increased temperature. Therefore, parents who prefer natural treatment for colds and runny nose should choose nasal rinsing in combination with the use of essential oils and herbal medicine. THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISING. THE MATERIAL WAS PREPARED WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF .

Below are the most common reasons runny nose in children.

  1. Viral infections. Coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses and other pathogenic agents cause sharp forms rhinitis
  2. Bacterial and fungal infections. Less commonly, they are the cause of a runny nose; as a rule, they are pathogens in the later stages of rhinitis during the transition from acute to chronic stage diseases.
  3. Hypothermia or sudden temperature change. Local or general hypothermia/temperature changes in a child’s body are not considered a direct cause of a runny nose, but significantly reduce the immune response, which in turn allows viruses, bacteria and other pathogens to activate almost unhindered and provoke the development of the underlying disease.
  4. Allergens. Allergic runny nose- a real scourge of modern society, especially for a child living in a large metropolis. Seasonal pollen, hair or saliva of pets, dust, waste products of mites, and other types of allergens can provoke the development of acute and chronic runny nose, which does not go away on its own and requires special therapy.
  5. Manifestations of other underlying diseases. A runny nose almost always accompanies diseases such as influenza, measles, diphtheria, and so on.
  6. Exposure to smoke chemical substances, other irritants to the mucous membrane.
  7. Contact with mucous membranes foreign body.
  8. Side effects of the series medical supplies(medicinal rhinitis).


The symptoms of a runny nose are quite clear and have a clear clinical picture.

  1. First stage. Dry irritation of the mucous membrane with its hyperemia. There is a burning sensation in the nasal passages; the child constantly wants to sneeze and “cry.” Subfebrinal temperature often appears, moderate pain in the head occurs, general malaise, weakness, in some cases- signs of intoxication with aching limbs. As a rule, this stage lasts a day, maximum two days.
  2. Second stage. Swelling forms on the mucous membrane, breathing through the nose is difficult, due to the narrowing of the nasal passages, nasal congestion develops, and in children the ability to taste sensations and odor detection. Moist serous discharge actively appears, often liquid and colorless - this seeps through weakened small-caliber vessels, the liquid fraction of the blood plasma, which in turn provokes forced secretion already on the mucous membrane. Around the nasal passages, on the wings of the nose and upper lip, irritation appears caused by the serous components of the secretion - sodium chloride and ammonia.
  3. Third stage. If the child’s immunity is strong enough, the cold can go away in 3–5 days and end in the second stage. If this does not happen, then after some time, you will be able to observe yellow/green mucopurulent discharge from the nose with an almost complete blockage of the nasal passages due to severe swelling. The child breathes exclusively through the mouth, and there is a partial hearing loss due to ear congestion. Under favorable circumstances, after another 3–4 days, the above-described symptoms weaken, the swelling begins to subside and healing occurs 14–18 days after the onset of the runny nose. However, in the absence of proper treatment, in most cases, rhinitis passes into the chronic phase.

Satisfied most of Parents do not perceive a runny nose as a disease and let it take its course, believing that after a while, the child’s immunity will cope with the disease on its own. Unfortunately, the modern generation of children has a weakened immune system, which in turn creates certain risks of complications even after a common cold. A child’s runny nose can and should be treated!

It is very important to understand the cause of a runny nose. If a runny nose is caused by ARVI or a common cold, then there is no need for “active” treatment. First of all, you need to secure an apartment fresh air(ventilate frequently). Secondly, make sure that the air in the apartment is humid. Moisten the nasal passage with regular saline or a preparation such as Salina. In 90% of cases, this is more than enough to treat a child’s runny nose.

What to do if your child has a runny nose

  1. First of all, identify the cause of the runny nose, and do not run to the pharmacy for vasoconstrictor medications.
  2. If the child is small, make sure that mucus does not accumulate in the nose; regularly clear the nasal passages of snot using an aspirator. Can your baby blow his nose on his own? Provide him with disposable wipes that he can throw in a bucket after use to wash his hands. Leave tissue handkerchiefs in the last century - bacteria accumulate on them.
  3. Unless absolutely necessary, do not use antipyretic drugs - the body’s correct immune response involves the occurrence of subfebrinal temperature, therefore it is rational to use paracetamol and other medications only in case of severe fever and the indicator rises above 38 degrees.
  4. Try to protect your child from drafts, while regularly ventilating the rooms where he is located, providing, if necessary, normal level humidity.
  5. Avoid nasal drops based on eucalyptus, mint, milk, etc. oils. - in a child, this can not only aggravate the disease, causing additional irritation, an active allergic response, and in some cases even sinusitis, when a viscous substance gets into the nasal sinuses and accumulates there.


  1. , providing temporary relief of edema - Vibrocil, Brizolin, Otrivin, Nazivin for the appropriate age. They can be used for no more than 10 days in a row, since the mucous membrane quickly becomes accustomed to the main active ingredient of the drug and its effectiveness is significantly reduced. Moreover, with prolonged use, vasoconstrictor drugs can cause the opposite reaction - drug-induced rhinitis.
  2. - drugs Dolphin, Aqua-Maris, etc. This is done after using vasoconstrictor drugs and thoroughly blowing your nose. If the child is too small and this procedure cannot be carried out, use the usual instillation of saline solution or preparations like Salina according to the given scheme.
  3. Local use of antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs - Avamis or analogues.
  4. With an allergic nature of a runny nose - antihistamines Loratadine tablets or Erius syrup.
  5. Antiviral and antibacterial local drugs. In the case of a confirmed infectious nature of the disease, use local antibiotics and antiviral sprays, such as Bioparox, Isofra.
  6. The use of non-narcotic analgesics and antipyretics of low toxicity with an antipyretic effect as needed - paracetamol, ibuprofen tablets, rectal suppositories or syrup.
  7. The use of immunomodulators in instillation solutions (Derinat) or tablet/syrup forms based on interferon and its derivatives/combinations.
  8. Vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamin C.
  9. Conservative physiotherapy - diathermy, UHF, UV irradiation, inhalation using a nebulizer.

Treatment with folk remedies

Any folk remedies used on a child to treat a runny nose must be agreed upon with the pediatrician!

  1. Squeeze the juice from beets or carrots, dilute it in a ratio of 1 to 1 clean water and place one drop in each nostril three times a day for a week.
  2. Perform inhalations based on chamomile decoctions or salt solutions.
  3. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in 100 milliliters of water, moisten 2 tampons with the solution and place them in the child’s sinuses for 5 minutes.
  4. Take the required amount of onion and honey in a 1 to 1 ratio, make a mixture of the ingredients as much as possible and take one teaspoon 4 times a day thirty minutes before meals for a week.
  5. Brew 50 grams of pine buds in 1 liter of water, boil the broth for 10 minutes, strain and give the child a glass to drink 4 times a day along with honey or jam.
  6. Take dry mixtures of calendula, yarrow and chamomile in equal proportions. Pour one teaspoon of the mix with a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath (about twenty minutes). Cool, strain and drop two drops into your nose three times a day for a week and a half.
  7. Cut the onion in half, grate the garlic, and place the ingredients on a plate. Let the child breathe in the released phytoncides until the appearance of a lung burning sensation in the nose/throat. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times a day until recovery.

Complications after a runny nose in a child

To the list possible complications runny nose in children include the formation of a chronic form of rhinitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, all types of sinusitis, diseases of the lower respiratory tract(laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis), and in some cases - meningitis.


The basic preventive list of measures to prevent the appearance of a runny nose in a child includes hardening, normalization of lifestyle with organization proper diet nutrition and a full cycle of work/rest/sleep, taking general strengthening and immunomodulating agents, as well as the use of external protective ointments applied to the inner surface of the nasal passages (oxolinic ointment) during epidemics, timely treatment pathologies of the nasopharynx (adenoids, deviated septum, etc.).

Useful video

Runny nose and medications for the common cold - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Komarovsky about children's runny nose

How to treat a runny nose in a child who appears suddenly? It was all of a sudden: in the morning he was active and lively, but towards lunch he began to sniffle...

Now, in the evening, when more than one handkerchief turned out to be filled with well-known contents, both young, “beginners” and experienced parents, several issues need to be addressed that will determine how serious the situation is and what to do next.

Often, the illness can last a month, or even more, until parents finally pay attention to it and take urgent measures.

If you don’t think about it, but immediately start treatment according to a well-known scheme - with vasoconstrictor drugs, then instead of quick healing you can get, for example, “naphthyzine” addiction, which can deprive a baby of the joy of free breathing for years.
So, preferably already in the first hour after the first signs of snot appear, parents should give themselves the answer (or try) to many questions, and we hope that this article will help you make the right decision and cope with the disease in a timely manner.

Terminology. What is a “runny nose” anyway?

A condition in which there is excessive secretion of nasal mucus is called “rhinitis.” And ordinary “snot” is scientifically called “rhinorrhea,” that is, literally “nasal flow.”

In medical clinical terminology, the suffix “-itis” means inflammation.

Of course, there is a big difference between appendicitis and rhinitis: no one will remove the nose. This word simply means inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal concha and the nasal passages existing between them.

Inflammation can be expressed with to varying degrees: in the present inflammatory process, with the addition of a bacterial infection, the mucous membrane may look tense, swollen, even cyanotic, for example, with meningococcal nasopharyngitis.

In the case of allergic rhinitis, the mucous membrane may be of normal color, only slightly hyperemic, but there will be a significant amount of mucus discharge, which has a transparent appearance.

It is known that the nasal mucosa is capable of responding to any irritation or infection in one - the only protective way - mucus production.

If, along with nasal discharge, there is a sore throat, for example, when swallowing, then they speak of nasopharyngitis, that is, damage to both the nasal mucosa and the pharyngeal wall.

What should you not do if you have a runny nose in children?

You need to immediately decide what parents of especially young children are prohibited from doing:

Use nasal drops containing antibiotics from the very beginning without a doctor’s prescription. This is strictly prohibited for a number of reasons:
  • the antibiotic affects bacteria, but does not act on viruses, which are the cause in the vast majority of cases;
  • It is recommended to prescribe antibiotics only after obtaining the results of bacterial cultures of nasal discharge on nutrient media;
  • when they are instilled into the nasal passages, swallowing them is inevitable, and the development of intestinal dysbiosis is possible due to the death of normal microflora with the subsequent development of diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. Dysbacteriosis develops especially quickly in young children if they are hastily mixed up with the dosage of antibiotics and given the drug by mistake with adult concentration.
Start treatment immediately cold runny nose with vasoconstrictor drugs. Especially rude ones like “ Naphthyzin», « Galazolin" First of all, they dry out the mucous membrane and cause vascular spasm.

And if the symptoms disappear for a few hours, this does not mean anything: recovery treatment after abuse of such drugs can be quite long.

It must be remembered that the discharge of mucus in case of a cold is a protection, and there is no need to interfere with it.

Vasopressor intranasal agents can be used as the main ones only in case of allergic aseptic swelling of the mucous membrane , as an element of pathogenetic therapy affecting the development of the process. Use a rubber syringe to rinse the nasal passages. Especially for kids. The force of pressure may well cause injury to the eardrum, and fluid entering the structures of the middle ear may cause reactive otitis media.

The main causes of runny nose in children

You should not think that the only reason and source is a common cold. The reasons may be different, but infections still lead in frequency of occurrence in all age groups.

Viral rhinitis. The most common not only in children, but also in adults. It is caused, oddly enough, by viruses that have an affinity for mucous membranes. It is there that their attachment to cells and primary reproduction occur.

If the protective barrier is strong, then the antiviral immunity quickly copes with pathogens, and such ailment quickly goes away on its own.

It is about him that it is said that “an untreated runny nose goes away in a week, and a treated one – in seven days.”

By this we mean that the laws of development viral infection and methods of combating it in the body go through certain stages, which can be helped, but cannot be accelerated.

Most often, such an event as nasal congestion and runny nose is preceded by hypothermia: general or local (wet feet, an extra portion of ice cream).

Bacterial rhinitis. In most cases, it is a consequence of a viral process with weakened immunity. It occurs in weakened, often sick children, but can appear as a complication against the background of normal immunity, if the pathogen is particularly contagious.

As a result, bacterial inflammation develops on the weakened mucosa, which manifests itself as mucous-purulent discharge from the nasal passages. Often develop general signs intoxication: fever, malaise;

Allergic rhinitis. with repeated episodes, when it is clear which allergen caused it. And when such a reaction occurs for the first time, its reliable “markers” are an abundance of clear, watery discharge and other signs of an allergic reaction: conjunctivitis, Quincke’s edema, urticaria, itching.

In more severe cases, bronchospasm may develop, which makes it difficult to exhale rather than inhale.

Finally, in some cases, swelling of the larynx may progress, which may require urgent surgery to avoid death from suffocation.

Finally, the hardest allergic manifestation is fulminant anaphylactic shock.

As a rule, this type of rhinitis has a strong connection with both respiratory (pollen, fish food, house dust) and food allergens (strawberries, chocolate, shrimp, eggs, citrus fruits). Sometimes develops when caring for animals.

Medicinal, “ricochet” runny nose. It is a consequence of too aggressive treatment, in which vasoconstrictor drugs were used without proper control.

You need to understand that the speed of action and effectiveness of adrenergic agonists does not mean that these drugs should form the basis of the therapeutic arsenal of parents.

This is similar to how large-caliber heavy artillery should become the basis of an offensive operation.

A quick effect will be achieved, but at the cost of a scorched desert. This form of the disease is often transitional to chronic.

Congenital defects of the facial skull and ENT organs. They appear in case of serious disorders in the first days after birth, in case of moderate ones they can appear in cases of common rhinitis. The basis is difficulty in nasal breathing.

Most often, congenital symptoms are to blame for this, and due to inexperience, parents often mistake difficulty breathing for a runny nose, despite the fact that there is practically no “snot.”

Vasomotor rhinitis. A type of rhinitis associated with impaired vascular tone in the area of ​​the nasal concha and passages. The consequence of spasm of the efferent veins is swelling of the mucous membrane and rhinorrhea.

An important factor is the recurrence of attacks regardless of its connection with both hypothermia and the effect of allergens.

It is important to know

Most often, the provocation is some action or phenomenon: excitement, increased blood pressure, change in weather. May accompany symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In addition, other reasons may be the culprits of the disease: overgrowth of adenoids, foreign objects entering the upper respiratory tract.

Sometimes a painful condition may be due to the presence of a chronic congenital disease, for example, cystic fibrosis or sarcoidosis. Therefore, in any case, for an accurate diagnosis you need to consult a doctor. Source: website

What complications can there be?

Despite the fact that it is difficult to imagine a more “trivial” disease, it is fraught with serious complications and dangers. Let's list the most common ones:

  • gradual spread of infection into the bronchi and lungs due to the drainage of infected mucus downwards;
  • blockage of the Eustachian (auditory) tube with thick mucus with the development of inflammation in the tube (reactive otitis media);
  • development of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmotiditis) - with the involvement of the cranial sinuses (maxillary, frontal and ethmoidal labyrinth, respectively);
  • In infants who must feed by sucking, nasal congestion does not allow them to breathe fully while eating. Therefore, they may be malnourished, lose weight, or choke on milk or formula. and it can even lead to aspiration pneumonia.

Rhinitis in children: main symptoms

We will not consider here the manifestations of intoxication of the whole body (fever, malaise, lethargy), since they are well known to everyone and will focus only on local ones:

  • nasal congestion. It is very easy to check: close one nostril and breathe “half-heartedly”. It turns out without tension - there is no symptom;
  • rhinorrhea, or nasal discharge. They can be serous or serous-purulent. Purely purulent discharge does not come from the nasal passages, but during puncture maxillary sinus you can sometimes get pus;
  • sneezing. Everyone knows that its purpose is to clear the airways with the help of a reflexively caused push of air. The air speed when coughing and sneezing can reach 100 km/h or more. Sneezing is usually preceded by rich and varied sensations: burning, scratching, pleasant tickling.
  • with atrophy of the mucous membrane (atrophic rhinitis), scanty dry crusts form instead of rhinorrhea;
  • since the secretion of mucus and tears have much in common, with a runny nose it can sometimes occur. Sometimes it occurs on one side, with sensations preceding sneezing;
  • Hyposmia or anosmia is the inability to distinguish odors. This feeling is also familiar to everyone firsthand.

There are also other discharges from the nasal passages: for example, with a fracture of the base of the skull and ruptures of the dura mater, cerebrospinal fluid may leak from the nose and ears in rare cases.

Sometimes a child may have a runny nose with blood.

Sometimes blood may drip from the nose, that is, arises nose bleed . There is even a special area from which almost all nosebleeds originate - Kisselbach's zone.

You should not be afraid of this symptom, you need to put the child down, throw back your head and put cold on the bridge of the nose, but for no more than five minutes, so as not to catch a cold in the maxillary sinuses.

Can be rolled from soft paper (napkins, toilet paper) turunda and insert into the nostril so as not to stain your clothes with blood.

Sometimes a nosebleed can simply occur because a child who doesn't cut his nails simply picks his nose.

A child develops a runny nose: what to do?

The stages of the disease, like any developing process, are clearly defined in time. They are most pronounced in the typical case when an incipient runny nose develops due to hypothermia:

Reflex stage, which is the shortest and lasts only a few hours. It is at this stage that primary edema forms due to hypothermia, without the influence of pathogens. Mild unpleasant impressions are possible: rawness (dryness and soreness) in the nose, worsening breathing;

Stage of viral rhinorrhea. Lasts several days and is associated with the direct influence of viruses. It is at this time that the child can be infectious to others. Of course, it is advisable that he wear a mask;

The third stage most often marks the beginning of recovery - symptoms decrease in the reverse order of their appearance. But sometimes the depleted mucous membrane cannot protect itself, and then a “landing force” of microbes lands on it, after viral inflammation first occurred.

Source: website Therefore, the answer to the question “how long does a child’s runny nose last” suggests, at a minimum, two options. The first - about a week with strong immunity and the second - for as long as desired - with a weak level of immune defense, since it enters the chronic stage.

The frequency of the disease also affects the speed of recovery. If a child is bothered by frequent sniffles, it may simply be the course of chronic rhinitis with long periods of relatively pronounced remission.

How to properly treat a runny nose in a child?

To do this, you need to follow a soft, physiological approach, and in no case do harm with your activities.

The dangers of prescribing harsh vasoconstrictor drugs at the very beginning of treatment and antibiotics have already been discussed.

Therefore it is possible to provide general scheme, according to which it is necessary to act from the onset of the disease until the achievement of “ critical point", which approximately occurs on the 4th or 5th day from the onset of the disease.

It is during this period that it will become clear whether your treatment has achieved its goal, or whether you need to call a doctor and add stronger drugs to the treatment.

Principles of correct and reasonable treatment

If you look at the instructions for children's drugs for intranasal administration (numerous sprays, dosed drops), you will notice that the approach to treating an infant aged 8 to 9 months will differ in both approach and dosage of drugs from the principles of treating children, say , preschool age- at 5 or 6 years old.

toilet the nasal passages at the first the appearance of rhinorrhea and difficulty breathing, especially in infants before feeding. This is very important for proper nutrition. For the toilet, you need to use turundas made of soft cloth or gauze, which are moistened with a solution of baking soda at the rate of 1 tsp. per glass of warm water;

then to babies to create immune protection drop a drop of mother's milk into each nostril, containing secretory immunoglobulins that protect the baby from germs and viruses;

if there is no breast milk, you can drip drugs that enhance immunity, or just warm olive or linseed oil;

it is necessary to ensure constant discharge of mucus, which contains many viral particles. To do this, it must be sufficiently liquid and should not dry out.

Therefore, the child must receive a sufficient amount of fluid inside: the mucous membranes should not dry out. If nasal breathing is impossible due to crusts and a clogged nose, then breathing through the mouth causes a significant loss of moisture through the lungs;

instillation of saline solution or drops of sea water is The next remedy for combating dry nasal mucosa. You can use oil solutions of fat-soluble vitamins: A and E, even in children 1 year of age and earlier.

Their harmlessness allows you to drip as often as you want, especially if there is no ionizer or humidifier at home: this compensates for dryness, which is very high especially in city apartments in winter time when water heating radiators are very hot.

Treatment with medications

The article does not set out to give a comparative overview of all available drugs, so we will limit ourselves to covering one or two of the most effective and popular drugs in each group that can be used:

Vasoconstrictor drops

Indicated as a primary remedy for allergic rhinitis, together with antihistamines:

  • “Nazol Baby” and “Nazol Kids spray” for children from birth and from the age of 6 years;
  • "Nasivin" is a drug that lasts about 12 hours (long-term action).


  • "Fenistil", "Allergodil". These drops are indicated for use even in babies aged 1 – 2 months;
  • "Tizin allergy". Used in children over 5 - 6 years old, can also be successfully used by adults;
  • “Zyrtec” in the form of an intranasal spray effectively relieves swelling and allergic rhinorrhea without causing side effects;

Miramistin for runny nose in children

You can find information on the Internet that Miramistin can be used as a remedy for children's runny nose. The thing is that this is not entirely true: if this drug can be used after unprotected sexual intercourse, this does not mean that it can be poured anywhere.

Below are arguments that refute the effectiveness of this remedy in almost all cases of childhood (and adult) rhinitis:

  • in the market era, the manufacturer would definitely release Miramistin spray for intranasal use, however, the manufacturing company does not agree to this;
  • the drug is intended to protect the mucous membrane and destroy bacteria on its entire surface Therefore, for ordinary viral rhinitis, the drug useless. It is effective against hepatitis viruses, HIV, but not adenoviruses;
  • with a bacterial complication and serous-purulent discharge, Miramistin will also be ineffective, since it is first desirable to identify the causative agent.

And, although the instructions contain indications for treating the oral cavity, and in otolaryngology it is indicated for irrigation of the pharynx and ear, the drug is not indicated for instillation into the nose according to the instructions.

In addition, Miramistin promotes the formation of a dry scab in the wound, and for the nasal mucosa, this is extremely harmful, since the pathogen remains in these dried crusts.

Antibiotics for a runny nose in a child

About application antibacterial drugs and the precautions associated with them have already been mentioned above. Here are a few of the best representatives:

A good cold remedy for children

What should you put in a child’s nose when they have a runny nose without regard for safety? What remedy can a mother give, in the hope of helping, but without harm or side effects?

What to do if a child’s runny nose does not go away for a long time?

If, against the background of a decrease in immunity, a frequently ill child develops a persistent, persistent, long-lasting runny nose, then in this case he is shown immune drugs containing antiviral protection - interferon and other active components:

In order to quickly cure rhinitis in a child, initial stage, it is not necessary to take medications that may have various side effects.

Numerous traditional medicines can be used, which can either prevent the disease from dragging on and becoming chronic , or even prevent the disease even before its first manifestations.

So, for example, going to the bathhouse, warming up the whole body, and drinking tea with raspberries, honey and linden blossom can simply prevent a cold from becoming active in the body due to hypothermia.

Mustard in socks

This method refers to reflexology techniques. Its meaning is to pour dry mustard powder for the child in socks to improve blood circulation in the feet.

Since the vascular networks in the body are connected by reflexes, this causes an increase in immunity in response to the irritating effect of mustard.

This method cannot be used in children under one year old, or when the temperature rises. This is a preventative method it can be resorted to only in case of hypothermia, which happened a few hours ago, and, according to the fears and experience of parents, can turn into a cold.

Mustard is poured 1-2 teaspoons into children's socks at night, and woolen socks are put on top.

Saline solution

Saline solution prepared at home is the same saline solution, provided that it has a concentration of 0.9% salt, which is equivalent to the state of blood plasma. It is very useful to use devices to rinse your nose with salt water heated to 38 - 40 degrees.

In addition to mechanical and atraumatic cleaning of the mucous membrane, water has the ability to draw water out, and with the water, swelling of the nasal mucosa goes away.

In the case of multiple drug allergies, the use of saline solution along with cleansing, moisturizing, and warming can cause the disease to recede.

Beetroot juice for a speedy recovery

How to cure a child’s runny nose quickly at home using vegetables? Many believe that for this you need to use raw beet juice, which is first left to settle in the refrigerator and then dropped into each nostril.

The entire effect of this event will be reduced to moisturizing the nasal mucosa, and beetroot juice has no advantage over ordinary salted water. In any case, studies have not shown any acceleration of the period of rhinorrhea when using this remedy.

Radish and honey

Black radish juice with honey has a great immunogenic effect: the top of the radish is cut off and a hole is made in the center. Honey is placed in the hole and closed again with a radish lid.

The entire structure is placed in a warm place for several hours. At this time, the radish will release juice, which should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon.

It can be used in children from 3-4 years of age, as it strengthens the immune system well and alleviates not only the runny nose, but also bronchitis, tonsillitis and other colds.

Essential oils

Drugs such as essential oils can only be used if the child does not have a significant allergic history.

After all, essential oils can cause severe bronchospasm. Thus, it is almost impossible to force a child to breathe essential oils of garlic and onion.

Therefore, tea tree oil, mint oil, eucalyptus oil, and lemon oil would be a good alternative. Thuja oil has a good healing effect. This oil is obtained from thuja needles, and it has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect.

In addition, vapors of essential oils can moisturize and soften the mucous membrane of not only the nose, but also the bronchi, having a beneficial effect on the ciliary epithelium.

For more detailed information on the use of a nebulizer in the treatment of ENT diseases, you can read the article below:

In addition to treatment:

The main purpose of this article was to make parents understand that in most cases, a runny nose (rhinitis) is a natural process

There are no children in the world who do not suffer from a runny nose from time to time. And no matter how frivolous this problem may seem at first glance - just think, snot! - There are a few important rules in how to cure a runny nose in a child, which loving parents should know. Of course, if the health of their babies is truly dear to them...

How to treat a runny nose in a child? There are options!

A runny nose plagues even “perfectly” healthy and strong children from time to time. Therefore, being able to treat a child’s runny nose correctly is the “sacred” duty of all parents without exception.

Moreover, the word “treat” means not only the use medicines. Sometimes a simple change in the climate in the nursery can “in no time” eliminate unpleasant discharge from the child’s nose.

The method of treating a runny nose directly depends on what exactly is happening in the baby’s nose.

If the discharge is liquid, dealing with it is easy and simple. If the nose is “clogged”, the mucus in the nasal cavity is thick or dried, the treatment plan is completely different: you need to find a way to soften the mucus, turn it into liquid and remove it. In other words:

Don't let the snot dry! This is the main rule of fighting a runny nose.

If we roughly generalize the methods of treating runny nose in children, then we can seriously talk about the following options:

  • Methods for treating a runny nose without medications;
  • Medicinal methods for treating a runny nose;
  • Controversial and curious methods of treating runny nose in children.

How to treat a runny nose in children without medications

In most cases, a runny nose in children is one of allergies () or... a fundamentally incorrect climate in which the child lives. With (or other acute respiratory viral infections) a runny nose is defensive reaction body, aimed at combating attacking viruses.

A runny nose in this case is swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and larynx. Naturally, in these situations, it is most reasonable to use certain medications; we will talk about them a little below.

However, without any illness, and even because the air in the room where the baby lives is too warm and dry. And in this case, treatment of a runny nose comes down to only ventilating the room and humidifying the air in it. In summer, it is enough to simply open the window, especially in the morning and evening, when it is cool outside, and thus ventilate the nursery. But what to do in winter, when there is severe frost outside the window, and in the apartments the central heating “spits”?

How to humidify a room in winter

Alas, in winter it is impossible to humidify the indoor air through simple ventilation. The point is that when low temperatures water practically does not dissolve in the air (the humidity announced by the weather forecast is not called “relative” for nothing).

Therefore, by opening a window in winter, we do not increase the humidity in the room, but, on the contrary, lower it. And there are only two things that can really effectively and at the same time positively influence the indoor microclimate in winter - a battery-powered regulator (with which you can reduce the heating intensity) and any household steam humidifier.

Ideal conditions for a child are an air temperature of about 21-22 ° C, air humidity of about 65-70%.

How to cure a runny nose in a child: medicinal methods

If we talk about runny nose in children under 6 years of age (including newborns), then in reality parents are quite limited in the use of medications. Most often, pediatricians recommend only two main categories of products to moms and dads - saline solution (also known as saline solution) and vasoconstrictor drops.

Let's start with the second one. Vasoconstrictor drugs are wonderful because they are fast - they really instantly relieve a child of a runny nose. But their significant disadvantage is that they have a number of side effects, and are also addictive. However, this is by no means a reason to disown them.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are indispensable in some acute situations, and should certainly be present in every home medicine cabinet as an emergency aid.

But parents should know exactly in which cases the use of these drops is justified and necessary, and in which it is better to refrain from using them.

Indications for the use of vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose in children:

There are 4 most common cases in which the use of vasoconstrictor drops (regardless of the baby’s age) can not only eliminate a runny nose, but also literally save a life.

  • 1 Acute pain in the ear (). As you know, the main cause of otitis media is the entry of thick mucus from the nasal cavity into the Eustachian tube (that is, into the ear canal). This happens when there is sudden crying, or when the baby tries to blow his nose, and the mother pinches his nose too tightly with a handkerchief. If, during acute pain in the ear (which indicates the onset of otitis media), you drop vasoconstrictor drops into the baby’s nose, they will enter the ear canal in the same way that snot got there, there is a high chance that otitis media will not develop at all.
  • 2 Lack of nasal breathing. For example, with acute respiratory infections. The fact is that constant breathing through the mouth provokes drying of mucus in the respiratory tract and leads to potential complications. Often, just one night, during which the child breathes only through his mouth, is enough to “give a start” to the development of bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • 3 Difficulty breathing - both through the nose and through the mouth. That is, situations when the baby finds it difficult to breathe. Such severe and sudden breathing problems can occur, for example, with asthma, croup or as a symptom of an acute allergic reaction. In this case, it is not just about severe runny nose, but about severe swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx - when air simply cannot penetrate the body. To quickly stop swelling and eliminate respiratory failure, you need to drop a few drops of a vasoconstrictor into the baby’s nose and mouth.
  • 4 Difficulty in nasal breathing due to high temperature (38.5 °C and above). The body is designed in such a way that when high temperature we begin to breathe at double the frequency. If at the same time the baby has difficulty breathing through the nose, then intensively inhaling and exhaling only through the mouth, he again runs the risk of drying out the respiratory tract and causing complications.

In addition, vasoconstrictor medications are used to treat different types sinusitis, but in this case they are used strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment of a runny nose in a child: appropriate to the situation

To help your child get rid of a runny nose, you can use different ways- everything depends, by and large, on two conditions: the age of the child and the “quality” of his snot. Let's consider all possible situations:

  • 1 If the baby is tiny (a newborn or an infant under one year old who does not yet know how to blow his nose on his own), and the snot is liquid, the easiest way is to use a special aspirator, or any other device for sucking out liquids, of which there are dozens of types in any pharmacy these days. In this case, no special medications (without a doctor’s prescription) are needed. By and large, here we are talking more about a caring procedure than a therapeutic one.
  • 2 If the baby is tiny (that is, one who does not yet know how to blow his nose), and the snot is thick, then you need to either use vasoconstrictor drops(indication - absence of nasal breathing), or periodically instill drops into the child’s nose saline, which will gradually turn thick snot into liquid. Your task is to collect this liquid with an aspirator without delay.

Saline solution (aka saline solution) can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself: 1 tsp. salt per 1 liter of water. This solution must be instilled 1-2 drops into each nostril approximately every half hour. You are unlikely to miss the moment when the thick mucus turns into liquid - your nose will literally start running.

Please note: sprays and aerosols cannot be used for babies under one year of age! Only drops. This is due to the fact that when spraying a spray into the nose of a newborn or infant, there is a risk of creating dangerous pressure in his ear canal and damaging his hearing.

  • 3 If a child is already able to blow his nose and has that same runny nose that flows “in three streams”- blow your nose more often. But according to the rules! When you bring a napkin or handkerchief to your baby’s nose and command “Blow!”, under no circumstances should you pinch his nose with this handkerchief too tightly. Otherwise, you yourself create a situation in which snot “flies” at high speed into the sinuses or into the ear canal. By the way, 85% of all childhood sinusitis and otitis begin this way. How to blow your nose correctly? Pinch each nostril alternately.
  • 4 If a child is quite capable of blowing his nose (from a year and older), but cannot do this because the nose is “clogged”- use the same saline solution. But at this age, this drug can already be used in the form of a spray/aerosol. The saline solution will not only make thick mucus more liquid, but will also move it from the front of the nose to the back. From where this liquid will safely “float away” into the esophagus.

And don’t worry that the baby literally swallows snot - there is nothing dangerous in this for his health. It is much worse if mucus accumulates in the nasal cavity and provokes the child to breathe through the mouth.

Vasoconstrictor drops and saline solution: in what order should they be used?

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays work almost instantly. But for the result to happen, it is necessary for the medicine to come into contact with the nasal mucosa. If this mucous membrane is covered with a layer of thick mucus (for example, if the nose is very “clogged” and it is even impossible to blow your nose), then the medicine simply does not have time to take effect, but simply drains into the esophagus. Therefore, first it makes sense to rinse the nose with saline solution (just drip or “squirt” it into the child’s nose every 15-20 minutes) and when nasal congestion subsides at least a little, use vasoconstrictors. And then, once they have regained nasal breathing function, use the saline solution again throughout the day at approximately 30-minute intervals.

Doubtful or curious remedies for a runny nose: a child’s nose is not the place for experiments!

Effective remedies for the common cold that can be used to treat children under 6 years of age are today: saline solution and vasoconstrictor drugs. We have already talked about them. Meanwhile, in everyday life, parents often try to influence a child’s runny nose with very unusual means. For example:

Breast milk. One of the most common and ridiculous misconceptions is that a runny nose in a baby can be cured by dropping mother's breast milk into his nose. It is a myth! Dripping breast milk into your nose is prohibited. This not only does not help with a runny nose (in breast milk there are no substances capable of killing viruses or bacteria), but it also provokes its intensification. Because there is no better environment for bacteria to multiply than milk - any milk, including women's milk.

Vegetable juices. No matter how ridiculous it may seem, in reality, some mothers really try to cure their child’s runny nose by dropping beetroot, carrot, and sometimes even onion juice into his nose. Any attempts to find any reasonable explanation for this method of fighting the runny nose lead only to folklore, but not to science. A runny nose is unlikely to go away during such a manipulation, but an allergic reaction to it can, and is very likely, occur.

Oxolinic ointment and interferon drops. These medications are very often used in the treatment of viral rhinitis. They are also popular with parents. However, both drugs still belong to the category of drugs with unproven effectiveness. Therefore, not a single pediatrician will undertake to claim that these remedies are guaranteed to help overcome a runny nose in a child.

Popular children's doctor, Dr. Komarovsky: “Oxolinic ointment and interferon drops can be used for viral runny nose, but they are remedies with unproven effectiveness. Therefore, these are by no means the drugs that I am ready to recommend to everyone.”

Local antibiotics. The use of antibiotics for a runny nose is truly adequate only in very rare cases. And even more so, you cannot choose this method of treatment on your own. Let's start with the fact that antibiotics are used only for treatment bacterial infections. You definitely won’t be able to find out the nature of a runny nose (whether it’s viral or bacterial) without the help of doctors. This alone should make you refrain from using antibiotics against a runny nose, especially in a small child. Another argument: currently modern medicine allows the use of local antibiotics only in two cases: for the treatment of purulent otitis and purulent conjunctivitis.

Dr. Komarovsky: “The use of local antibiotics in the nose has nothing to do with modern civilized medicine. Moreover, this method of “treating” a runny nose often causes acute allergic reactions in children.”

How to cure a runny nose in a child: summary

Let's summarize. To eliminate a runny nose in a child, there are very simple, affordable and effective ways: humidifying the room (which eliminates drying out of the respiratory tract), irrigating the nasal cavity with a saline solution, and in some “difficult” cases, instilling vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.

And in other “bicycles” symptomatic treatment No need for a baby runny nose!