Treatment of skin dermatitis on the legs. How to treat dermatitis on the legs? Photos, causes and symptoms. Symptoms of dermatitis on the legs

Dermatitis is an unpleasant and complex pathology of the skin of an inflammatory nature. Dermatitis on the legs occurs as a result of external or internal causes, accompanied by itching and pain, as well as pathological changes the external condition of the skin - inflammation, peeling, the appearance of cracks and a number of other reactions. The disease occurs regardless of age and requires immediate treatment, as it can provoke complications and other diseases.

What is meant by dermatitis

Dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction of the skin to external or internal factors. External refers to contact with extraneous stimuli. This can be rubbing with uncomfortable shoes or fabrics, irritation chemicals, allergic reaction on solar radiation, overheating or hypothermia, as well as exposure to biological organisms- poisonous plants or fungi.

Endogenous factors include diseases internal organs, allergic reactions to drugs, stress, malfunctions thyroid gland, decreased immunity, as well as hereditary predisposition.

The way dermatitis on the legs looks depends on the specific causes of its occurrence and the degree of damage. External manifestations different: from slight swelling and redness of skin areas to skin rashes- rashes, blisters and ulcers of varying intensity.

Types and symptoms of dermatitis on the legs

There are several varieties of dermatitis on the lower extremities:

  • allergic;
  • atopic;
  • contact;
  • venous;
  • seborrheic;
  • dry;
  • weeping.

Common signs include:

  • inflammation of the skin;
  • redness of the affected areas;
  • swelling, puffiness;
  • itching, burning in the affected area;
  • an increase in local temperature;
  • compaction of epithelial tissue;
  • cellular nutrition disorders;
  • heterogeneous rashes: rash, blisters, vesicles, ulcers, scales, cracks;
  • secondary infection, purulent and weeping formations.


What causes allergic dermatitis is simple to answer. This type of inflammation occurs as a result of contact of the legs with substances, causing allergies. This can be external contact with the allergen (for example, contact with the skin of household chemicals) or internal (on medicines or food products).

Quite often, allergic dermatitis is diagnosed in people suffering from chronic allergies, bronchial asthma, urticaria. There is also a hereditary predisposition to the development of the disease.

The disease of this form is characterized by redness and irritation of the skin of the legs, accompanied by pain and itching. A red-pink rash develops on the skin, which can turn into blisters with fluid. The greater the spread of irritation, the stronger the intoxication. The rash can appear in small areas or on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs from the hips to the feet, there is even dermatitis on the toes.


Atopic dermatitis on the legs, or neurodermatitis, is the result of a malfunction nervous system, thyroid gland, malfunctions of other systems and organs. It is typical for him chronic form aggravated in winter.

It is believed that the disease is based on allergic inflammation.

This disease begins with itching and inflammation of the skin of the legs, then a rash occurs on them, which can thicken, dry out and peel off. The most common symptoms are on the thighs, calves, and feet, including the toes.

In adults, the treatment of this type of dermatitis, as in children, should be comprehensive. Therapy is aimed at relieving symptoms and treating the underlying disease.


This type develops due to violations of the venous system in the legs, that is, varicose veins. Therefore, the disease is difficult to treat, often inherited. In terms of its symptoms, the disease is similar to other types - inflamed areas form on the skin that itch, prone to drying out, the formation of ulcers and crusting.

Treatment of varicose dermatitis is aimed at eliminating the primary disease, as well as relieving symptoms. For this, apply medical methods and traditional medicine.

Often develops congestive dermatitis in areas of the legs with distinct dilated veins. By localization, dermatitis is most common on the lower leg, where, as a rule, stagnant processes in the vessels are formed.


Contact dermatitis, due to its occurrence, is very similar to allergic, being a reaction to an irritating substance. However, in the case of contact inflammation, only physical contact of the skin with the irritant is meant.

In acute contact dermatitis of a simple type, reddening of the skin and characteristic rashes (vesicles filled with a clear liquid) are noted.

The disease manifests itself in the form of redness and inflammation of the skin, accompanied by itching. May be complicated by the appearance of blisters and increased swelling.

The disease is localized in areas of direct skin contact with the irritant. Since protruding areas of the body are most susceptible to it, contact dermatitis of the knees is more common.

Other types

Rarer types of skin inflammation:

  • Seborrheic. It develops as a result of disturbances in the microflora of the body and subsequent changes in sebaceous glands Oh. There are dry and oily subtypes. In the first case, the skin flakes off and forms scales, and in the second, blisters and pustular rashes appear.
  • Weeping. This type provoke internal causes, among which are disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, chronic stress and malfunctions immune system. As a rule, weeping dermatitis occurs on the inner bend of the knees, manifested by inflammation and a rash that turns into wet ulcers.
  • Dry. Usually occurs in older people. Itching appears, small areas of the skin become dry, flaky. Mostly dry dermatitis of the foot is observed on the legs.

Which doctor to contact with a problem

If the skin of the legs is affected, it is first necessary to consult a dermatologist. The specialist will determine the nature of the rash, the type and severity of the course.

If the causes of dermatitis are caused by internal factors, consultations and additional treatment from other doctors (endocrinologist, neurologist or gastroenterologist) will also be required.

If treatment is ignored, pathological processes on the legs develop rapidly, deforming the skin and strengthening pain. The bubbles with liquid formed in the first stage then peel off and crack, and in the third stage the inflamed area thickens and produces a brownish or dark pink pigment.

How to treat dermatitis on the legs

The treatment of dermatitis on any part of the foot is complex, including the elimination of the cause of the disease, a special diet, a course of vitamins, as well as local medicines and antihistamines. Consider how to treat dermatitis on the legs in an adult.


There are several directions drug treatment inflammation in the legs. Initially, these are means to eliminate the inflammatory process and itching. These include external - ointments, lotions and specialized patches, and internal - anti-inflammatory pills and injections.

An effective fat-based ointment for dermatitis on the legs, which has a nourishing and softening effect. Among these are Salicylic Vaseline, Elidel. Drying lead lotions and lotions with Burov's liquid are used. Emla, Versatis patches are used to anesthetize inflamed areas of the legs. To eliminate itching and relieve inflammation, talkers based on natural ingredients are used - propolis suspension, Tsindol.

Treatment of any type of dermatitis is accompanied by a strict diet that excludes all fried, salty, fatty, allergenic foods.

In severe cases of dermatitis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. hormonal ointments like Flumethasone and Betameson.

Effective use of antihistamines to eliminate edema and allergic reactions. Basically, these are tablets such as Zodak, Tavegil, Erius, as well as ointments with antiallergic components.

It is mandatory to prescribe general strengthening and immunomodulatory drugs. With dermatitis, it is necessary to restore immunity, for which vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed.

Diet and lifestyle

To get rid of dermatitis on the legs, it is necessary to limit contact with allergens as much as possible. Even if the causes of the disease are caused by internal factors, any allergen can aggravate the course of the disease.

It is necessary to reconsider the way of life:

  • stop wearing fabrics and jewelry that irritated the skin;
  • replace aggressive hygiene and cleaning products with hypoallergenic ones;
  • normalize sleep and rest;
  • get regular moderate exercise (walking, swimming, yoga);
  • Go to balanced diet with plenty of drink.

With allergic dermatitis, a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed. Allergen products are excluded (citrus fruits, smoked meats, spices, strawberries, honey, chicken eggs, coffee). Nickel-rich foods are not recommended: oatmeal, sunflower seeds, lentils, millet, and soy.

Folk remedies

Treatment of dermatitis on the legs with folk remedies mainly involves applying lotions and applications with various mixtures and decoctions from medicinal herbs. Additionally, drinking decoctions or taking baths with their addition is used.

The most popular recipes are:

  • Burdock infusion. 1 tsp chopped burdock is poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Apply by adding to the bath, you can after 8 hours of infusion. As an additional restorative therapy, the decoction can be taken orally (100 ml three times a day).
  • Infusion of hops and succession. 50 g of each herb is taken, 500 ml of boiling water is poured and infused in a thermos for 7-8 hours. It is most effective to apply a compress with infusion at night and bandage it so that it lasts during sleep.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Suitable for lubricating the affected areas, as well as for oral administration twice a day, 2 ml.
  • Viburnum decoction. 2 tbsp crushed berries pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 4 hours. Take orally 100 ml 2-4 times a day.
  • Decoction of oak bark. 50 g of bark is poured into 300 ml of water, boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes and infused for 3 hours. Used for lotions.
  • A decoction of the collection of herbs. 250 g of a herbal mixture of string, celandine and chamomile is poured with a liter of water and boiled for 20 minutes. Strained broth is added to the bath.


V complex treatment dermatitis on the lower extremities shows physiotherapy.

There is a wide range of effective procedures:

  • low energy laser exposure, which has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and anti-edematous effects;
  • electrophoresis;
  • darsonvalization;
  • magnets; oxygen baths etc.

The most effective physiotherapy for the treatment of venous and atopic dermatitis, dermatitis on the feet is also successfully treated with hardware.

After treatment

When removed acute symptoms, you should adhere to a new lifestyle that limits the impact of allergens, avoid negative mechanical effects on the legs (uncomfortable shoes, overheating and hypothermia), and also take care of the skin - apply moisturizing and softening creams.

Dermatitis is a type of inflammation on the skin. The disease is accompanied by redness, inflammation, severe itching and blisters. As a rule, the disease affects the calves, feet or toenails.

Types and characteristic symptoms

For effective treatment dermatitis, the patient needs to determine the type of disease. In medical practice, four main types of skin inflammations have been recorded, which have different manifestations: from slight redness to inflamed ulcers.

The disease manifests itself in the cold season. As a rule, elderly people suffer from the disease. Dermatitis affects the feet, characterized by excessive dryness of the skin, scaly patches, itching, and inflammation.

The disease is caused by external exciter, for example, plant pollen, products, cosmetics, etc. (learn about allergy ointment). Dermatitis is manifested only upon contact with the allergen. The disease is mainly localized on the face, less often on the legs, manifests itself in the form of spots, itching and swelling.

The disease is similar to allergic dermatitis. The main difference is that the contact type of the disease occurs with direct "interaction" with the allergen. For example, if a person has sensitivity to synthetic materials, upon contact with a thing, dermatitis will begin to appear, in the form of itching and redness.

The onset of the disease is accompanied by changes in the composition of the sebaceous glands. The reason for this is the saprophytic flora (consists of microorganisms that feed on dead organic matter) present in the human body. When failures occur in her work, the patient is faced with seborrheic dermatitis.

Specialists in the field of dermatology distinguish two main types of seborrheic dermatitis. Among them are the following:

  • dry - peeling appears on the skin, white, dry scales appear;
  • oily - a pustular rash appears on the patient's skin

The appearance of the disease is influenced by internal factors, for example, decreased immunity, constant stress, impaired liver and kidney function.

Weeping dermatitis in children and adults manifests itself in different ways. On the skin of babies, a rash appears on the inside of the palms, as well as on the bend of the arms and legs. In addition, the disease is accompanied by redness, itching and thickening of the epidermis.

As for adults, the disease is localized in the face, armpits, limbs. A rash and inflammation appear on the skin, which form wet ulcers.

Varicose dermatitis occurs due to stagnation of blood in the veins, which causes malnutrition of the skin. Poor circulation in the area of ​​the veins provokes a failure in the valves of the vessels, expanding the veins.

The disease manifests itself in the form of heaviness in the legs, swelling, the skin acquires a blue tint, judgment and pain appear. In the future, the disease is accompanied by age spots Brown, the skin exfoliates, blisters appear.

Reasons for the appearance

Experts say that the appearance of dermatitis is influenced by many factors. They can be conditionally divided into internal and external. Among the internal factors contributing to the emergence and development of the disease, the following are distinguished:

  • disruption of the immune system;
  • malfunctions endocrine system, eg, diabetes;
  • excessive stress, lack of sleep, overwork;
  • the genetic predisposition of the patient;
  • food or drug allergic reaction (as a rule, dermatitis is provoked by products containing sulfur, iodine or turpentine).

Concerning external factors, disease-causing skin, among them are the following:

  • Mechanical- v this case we are talking about skin contact with synthetic clothing, for example, tights.
  • Chemical- the disease can be caused by low-quality cosmetics, rubber shoes, as well as contact with acids, alkalis and other chemicals.
  • Physical- the disease is exacerbated by exposure to too high or low air temperature.
  • Biological- various kinds of fungi, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms contribute to the appearance of the disease.

Stages of development of the disease

Timely diagnosis of the disease contributes to a faster disposal of unpleasant signs of dermatitis, so its development is rapid. The disease goes through three stages of development, including the following:

  • First stage- on the skin of the patient, itching and inflammation appear in the form of vesicles with liquid.
  • Second stage- Occurs when treatment is ignored initial stage illness. It is accompanied by the appearance of a crust and exfoliating scales on the affected area of ​​the epidermis.
  • Third stage- the patient's skin becomes thicker, the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin produces pigment, that is, it becomes dark pink or brownish.


Before starting treatment, the patient needs to visit a dermatologist who will help determine the type and severity of dermatitis. Medical procedures must be carried out in a complex manner. This approach will allow you to get rid of the symptoms of dermatitis on your legs within a month.

Elimination therapy

The presented type of therapy involves the complete exclusion of the patient's contact with the allergen and the use of antiallergic medicines.

Note. The patient needs to stop using things that cause allergies. Clothing, shoes, personal care products, cosmetics, etc. can act as an allergen. Experts recommend using hypoallergenic cosmetics and laundry detergent.

Often, dermatitis provokes an allergy to food. Patients need to follow a special diet. It is recommended to exclude coffee, citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, fish, smoked meats, marinades and fried meat from the diet.

For detailed information about the diet for dermatitis, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video:

As for medications, patients are recommended to take anti-allergic drugs for two weeks:

  • Promethazine;
  • Chloropyramine;
  • Azelastine;
  • Ebasin;
  • Hifenadine.

Basic therapy

Basic therapy involves taking medications that eliminate itching and inflammation, both on the skin and in the body as a whole. Among the effective drugs recommended for dermatitis, the following are distinguished:

  • Ointments- it is necessary to use ointments based on fats that have a softening and nourishing effect (Lokid, Elidel).

note. In severe dermatitis, it is necessary to use hormonal ointments, for example, Betamethasone, Flumethasone.

  • Lotions- solutions that eliminate inflammation and itching, which have a drying effect (Burov's liquid, lead lotion).
  • Specialized plasters- it is necessary to use in places of thickening of the epidermis (Versatis, Emla).
  • Chatterboxes- effectively eliminate itching, as a rule, mixtures contain vegetable oils(Tsindol, propolis suspension).

Complementary Therapy

Dermatitis often causes mental disorder in patients. In addition, stress is one of the factors that provoke the appearance of the disease. For this reason, people suffering skin disease admission required sedatives(Persen, Glycine).

It should be noted that the disease is often provoked by a decrease in the immune system. For patients, for effective treatment, it is recommended to take immunomodulators and vitamins (Tacrolimus, vitamin complex, for example, Supradin).

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine did not remain indifferent to the issue of treating dermatitis on the legs. Patients can cook at home effective remedy to fight the disease, but do not forget that home mixtures should be used in combination with medications.

Among the most effective home remedies for the treatment of dermatitis are the following:

  • Rosehip compress. To prepare, it is enough to grind the rose hips and apply to the affected areas of the skin.
  • Sea buckthorn ointment. To prepare the ointment, mix 50 g of fat cream and 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil.
  • herbal solution. Mix equal amounts of chamomile, celandine and St. John's wort, bay hot water. For 150 grams of herbs, you need to use 3 liters of water. For 20 minutes, you need to keep your feet in a herbal bath.
  • Lotions from potatoes. Grate raw potatoes on a coarse grater and wrap in cheesecloth. The resulting lotions should be applied to the affected skin 2 times a day.


Having eliminated the symptoms of the disease, it is important for patients to adhere to simple preventive measures to prevent relapse (reappearance of symptoms of dermatitis). Among them are the following:

  • It is necessary to exclude contact with potential allergens, for example, give preference to hypoallergenic cosmetics.
  • Minimize stress and fatigue.
  • If possible, avoid being in places with sharp drops temperature (in winter time minimize spending time in the cold, and in the summer in the sun).
  • Skin affected by dermatitis needs to be moisturized with creams, for example, Losterin.
  • When choosing clothes, it is recommended to give preference to natural fabrics, for example, cotton, cashmere, etc.
  • Adhere to a specialized diet, exclude fish, chocolate, citrus fruits and fried meat.

Question answer

How to treat irritation on the legs? What is an inexpensive but effective remedy?

For elimination characteristic features dermatitis, the use of talkers is effective, but do not forget that they should be part of a comprehensive treatment. Special attention should be given to the Destin tool, which successfully combines a democratic price (within 140 rubles) and quality.

The remedy eliminates itching and inflammation on the skin. The composition of the talker includes zinc oxide, as well as petroleum jelly, talc, cod liver oil. The method of application is simple: you need to apply the product on the affected areas of the epidermis, rinse off after 15 minutes. warm water. The procedure should be repeated daily for 5 days.

Thus, dermatitis on the legs is a skin lesion that manifests itself in the form of red spots, itching and inflammation. The disease can be caused by both external and internal factors.

With complex treatment, within a month, patients will be able to eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis on their legs. Additional preventive measures help to minimize reappearance signs of illness.

Dermatitis on the legs is a disease in which the inflammatory process of the skin develops due to the influence of various adverse factors.

Regardless of the causes of the disease, dermatitis is always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - peeling, redness and itchy feelings.

Untimely or ineffective treatment can significantly aggravate the course of the disease, so you need to contact a specialist when you find its first symptoms.

Reasons for the development of the disease

There are a huge number of factors that contribute to the occurrence of dermatitis on the legs. All causes according to the method of impact on the human body are divided into two groups:

  • exogenous - affect the body from the outside;
  • endogenous - have a negative effect inside the body.

The exogenous group includes factors:

  • having a mechanical effect - friction of the skin on clothes, etc.;
  • having a chemical effect - household chemicals, cosmetics, substances containing salts, acids;
  • providing physical impact- exposure to the sun, high or low temperatures, ultraviolet rays, radioactive exposure;
  • having a biological effect - poisonous plants, viruses, fungi, bacteria.

The endogenous group includes:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • beriberi, mineral deficiency;
  • ingestion of food - an allergen;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • taking medications;
  • diseases that cause self-intoxication of the body.

There is another type of classification of factors due to the impact of which dermatitis occurs on the legs.

The reasons are divided according to the frequency of the reaction caused:

  1. Mandatory (or obligate) factors - the reaction after their impact will occur in absolutely any person. This group includes: very aggressive liquids - highly concentrated acids and alkalis, strong radiation, ultra-low or ultra-high temperatures, the strongest allergens.
  2. Optional (optional) factors - the reaction does not occur in every person, and only due to certain circumstances: allergens that cause a reaction only if the body has sensitivity to it, temperatures below +4 degrees - in this case, some people may experience cold dermatitis .

In children, the development of dermatitis on the legs can begin under the influence of the same factors as in adults.

Types of dermatitis

The classification of dermatitis by type is a rather difficult multifaceted process, which is why there is no single classification of the disease:

  1. According to the site of the skin lesion, there is dermatitis of the palms, face, genitals, legs, and other things.
  2. According to the place of influence of the factor that caused the development of the disease, atopic, contact dermatitis is distinguished. In this case, the contact type of the disease is usually divided into allergic and simple.
  3. According to the causes of dermatitis, the disease is inflammatory, toxic-allergic, allergic, fungal, infectious, congestive.
  4. According to the duration of development pathological process The disease is divided into chronic and acute.
  5. According to the type of rash that has arisen - vesicular, erythematous, scaly, bullous.
  6. By the nature of the main symptom - weeping, dry, itchy, purulent.

Signs of the development of the disease

The external symptoms of the development of dermatitis may be different, but since in any case the disease is characterized by the onset of an inflammatory process on the skin, there is a certain list of signs that are classic.

These include:

  • redness of the affected areas of the skin;
  • swelling and puffiness - the occurrence of these signs contributes to the plethora of small blood vessels skin cover;
  • an increase in the temperature of the whole body or an increase in the temperature of the skin in the affected area;
  • a feeling of heat that occurs in a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body;
  • burning or itching of the skin;
  • the occurrence of compaction of the skin or the occurrence of trophic changes;
  • the appearance of a rash of a different nature - vesicles, papules, scales, blisters, sores, cracks;
  • some time after the onset of the rash, its suppuration may begin.

These symptoms of the development of dermatitis can occur in a specific area of ​​​​the body, and can spread to all parts of it. The extensive spread of the rash throughout the body is most often observed with the toxic-allergic and allergic nature of the disease.


An important role in diagnosing the disease is played by the collection of anamnesis: it is important to understand what factors preceded the occurrence pain and rashes on the legs.

The doctor is trying to understand whether the patient has eaten any new, unusual foods for him, medical preparations, or there was contact with any cosmetic or detergent.

Diagnosis of dermatitis on the legs most often occurs after external examination patient. However, to determine the exact cause of the development of the disease, scrapings and allergic samples are taken for further microscopic analysis. It is possible to prescribe a biochemical and general analysis blood.

Ways to treat dermatitis

Treatment of dermatitis on the legs primarily depends on the cause of the disease. However, there are general therapeutic methods used to eliminate the disease of any specificity:

  • elimination of the factor that provoked the development of the disease - the termination of interaction with the allergen, the elimination of the temperature regime that negatively affects the body;
  • adherence to a special diet that includes only hypoallergenic foods;
  • taking antiallergic drugs;
  • implementation of measures, the action of which is aimed at reducing the body's sensitivity to factors that have a negative impact;
  • with the infectious nature of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs, if necessary, hormone-containing drugs;
  • the use of drugs that have a local effect - anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, antibacterial ointments, with weeping dermatitis, it is necessary to use various powders and special creams;
  • reduction physical activity to the optimal level, on the recommendation of a specialist, bed rest can be prescribed.

Treatment of venous dermatitis

Venous dermatitis is characterized by dryness, redness, thickening of the skin, the formation of scales, and in some cases, the appearance of sores on the affected areas of the body.

Cause dermatitis insufficiency of the venous system and varicose veins, so the treatment of dermatitis should include the treatment of vein diseases:

  • holding a conservative surgical treatment varicose veins veins on the recommendation of a specialist;
  • reducing the load on the legs - you can not wear uncomfortable shoes, stand for a long time, walk;
  • during rest, it is necessary to occupy a position in which the legs will be on a hill - this facilitates venous outflow;
  • reduced fluid and salt intake;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory and heparin ointments, to relieve itching, it is recommended to use anti-allergic ointments.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis

Symptoms allergic dermatitis appear under the influence of an allergen. The first thing to do in the treatment of this type of disease is to identify and eliminate the substance that causes backlash organism. Otherwise, the therapy will be ineffective.

At allergic disease apply:

  • antihistamines;
  • with an exacerbation of the disease, it is possible to use steroid hormones(application is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist!);
  • carrying out procedures that reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens - taking calcium-containing drugs, saline solutions;
  • application of anti-inflammatory, hormonal and itching ointments.

Therapy for cold dermatitis

Dermatitis on the feet can be a vascular reaction of the body to low temperature regime causing spasms of capillaries and dysfunction of blood flow. Another reason for this disease is a change in the proteins of the skin, the body's reaction to them as the strongest allergen.

To get rid of the cold type of illness you need:

  • eliminate the source of cold;
  • take oral antihistamines;
  • take a complex of vitamins of groups A, E, B, PP;
  • use medicines, the action of which is aimed at improving microcirculation and the state of blood vessels;
  • apply nourishing creams and anti-inflammatory ointments to the affected areas.

Treatment of infectious dermatitis

Infectious dermatitis is most often the result of diseases such as chickenpox, syphilis, measles, but it can also be an independent disease.

Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the infection by applying antibacterial agents. As adjuvant therapy, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs are used.

Treatment of stasis dermatitis

The congestive form of the disease is a type of venous dermatitis. The cause of the disease is a disturbed outflow of blood and lymph, causing a deficiency in skin nutrition. With stasis dermatitis, the skin becomes susceptible to secondary infections and allergens.

When treating a disease of a congestive nature:

  • normalize blood flow;
  • eliminate allergens;
  • moisturize and soften the skin;
  • use anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • if an infection has joined, antibacterial agents are used.


Any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. For the prevention of dermatitis, it is necessary to observe proper diet perform optimal physical activity.

It is necessary to carefully monitor that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins. If you have an allergy, you should avoid exposure to the allergen.

It is worth observing the hygiene of the feet, while using only mild detergents. Avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes and clothing.

In the presence of infectious diseases they must be treated in a timely manner in order to prevent the development of complications.

If you experience any signs of dermatitis, it is important to immediately seek help from a specialist.

Dermatitis on the legs(dermatosis lower extremities) is one of the varieties of skin inflammatory processes, developing as a response to an allergen or an infection that affected the integument of the lower extremities.

Today we will talk about what this disease is, how contagious it is and how to cure it correctly.

What is dermatitis?

Dermatitis is an inflammatory damage to the skin that occurs under the influence of various factors. The most common variety this disease is dermatitis on the feet, which may be the result of contact with an irritant (contact dermatitis) or an infection of the body.

Why does dermatitis appear on the legs?

Many factors can provoke the development of dermatitis, but all possible reasons can be divided into two groups: exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal).

exogenous factors are:

  • mechanical stimuli (pressure, friction of clothing, etc.);
  • chemical (cosmetics, acids, alkalis, and so on);
  • physical (high or low temperatures, ultraviolet or x-rays);
  • biological (allergenic or poisonous plants, bacteria, viruses, fungi).

Endogenous factors include:

  • problems of the endocrine system (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • taking medications;
  • metabolic disease;
  • decreased immunity;
  • failure in the immune system;
  • food allergy;
  • stress, emotional overwork;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • hereditary predisposition.

How to recognize dermatitis on the legs?

Symptoms of dermatitis depend on the type of disease and can range from mild redness to weeping eczema.

The main types of dermatitis are:

In children, detecting dermatitis is quite simple. However, many adults are interested in the question of what dermatosis looks like on the leg.

With the formation of dermatosis on the feet, lower legs, fingers or between them the child will begin to appear traces of scratching on the skin. This is due to the fact that the sores itch and cause irritation, which provokes the child to comb.

When even the slightest skin lesions of unknown origin appear you should immediately consult a doctor of a narrow specialization - a dermatologist, since only a specialist will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and suggest what and how to treat.

In some cases, it may be necessary to consult an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or neurologist, depending on the cause of the dermatitis.

Dermatitis on the legs - photo

How to cure dermatitis on the legs?

With the right approach, getting rid of dermatitis is not difficult. Conventionally, all treatment of dermatitis can be divided into several parts.

Exclusion of contact with the allergen

The very first step to getting rid of dermatitis should be the exclusion of contact with the allergen, including getting rid of mechanical irritants, especially if they caused the damage to the skin.

In other words, at least for the period of treatment synthetic trousers, tights, stockings and socks will have to be abandoned. For washing things, use powders that do not contain phosphates and their derivatives.

In addition, patients with dermatitis should follow a diet that excludes highly allergenic foods.:

  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus;
  • nuts;
  • seafood;
  • marinades;
  • smoked meats;
  • mayonnaise;
  • spices;
  • spices;
  • Strawberry;
  • pineapples;
  • melons;
  • tomatoes;
  • chicken eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggplant.

Topical corticosteroid ointments

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms in acute period diseases, hormonal gels, creams and ointments are most often used.

  • Advantan;
  • Locoid;
  • Elidel.

After the removal of the acute phase the skin especially needs to be applied topically with salicylic or boric petroleum jelly. With swelling of the affected areas, baths or lotions with weakly concentrated boric acid are recommended.

Desensitizing drugs

V acute phase dermatosis, desensitizing drugs are often prescribed in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injections of calcium gluconate.

Vitamin and autohemotherapy

Well-designed vitamin therapy can:

  • improve skin condition;
  • speed up metabolic processes(accelerate healing);
  • contribute to the improvement of the work of internal organs.

As a rule, vitamin therapy for dermatosis of the feet consists of the use of a complex of vitamins of groups: A, C, E, D and B.

Autohemotherapy is also used to improve immunity and is a course of physiotherapy.

With the diagnosis of neurodermatitis, the following are also prescribed: taking sedatives and consulting a psychologist.

To relieve inflammation, especially if the affected area is large enough, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Alternative methods of treatment of dermatitis on the legs

How to avoid relapse?

The most important component of relapse prevention is exclusion of contact with possible allergens. In addition, it is necessary to try to avoid stressful situations and climate change, since these factors can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

The use of hypoallergenic cosmetics and hygiene products will also help reduce the likelihood of re-inflammation of the skin.


It is extremely important for skin prone to dermatitis to moisturize daily. At the same time, after taking water procedures, the feet must be wiped dry.

Herbal infusions, compresses, baths and lotions can also be used as a prophylaxis.

Experts strongly recommend that people who are prone to dermatitis on their feet give preference to clothes made from soft natural fabrics - cotton, viscose, wool and cashmere. Wash things with a hypoallergenic powder, while using the extra rinse mode.

Dermatitis on the legs - video

A diet that excludes the use of allergenic and irritating mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach can delay the recurrence of the disease for for a long time.

We have selected for you the best diet for dermatitis.

Thus, the formation of dermatitis on the legs is an unpleasant phenomenon, but fixable. The main condition for getting rid of the disease is strict enforcement all prescriptions and recommendations of a specialist.

Dermatitis on the legs is an inflammation of the epithelial tissues on the lower extremities. Pathology occurs under the influence of negative external and internal factors. The disease is not contagious. A person burdened with dermatitis is not able to infect other people. The disease occurs in adults and children. With adequate treatment, the disease disappears.

Reasons for the appearance

Provocateurs of dermatitis on the legs are exogenous and endogenous factors.

Among the external causes leading to skin dermatitis, there are:

  • mechanical stimuli. Inflammation appears as a result of friction during physical activity (walking, sports training, doing work).
  • Exposure to aggressive substances ( cosmetics, acid, alkaline and saline solutions, poisons, household chemicals).
  • Physical effects: the influence of UV rays, temperature changes, burns.
  • Biological: allergens, fungi, bacteria, viruses.

Internal factors that cause dermatitis include:

  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus).
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Disorder of the immune system, weakening of protective mechanisms.
  • Food allergic reactions.
  • Being in stressful situations, experiencing negative emotions, diseases of the nervous system.
  • genetic predisposition.

Signs and symptoms

Manifestations of dermatitis on the legs depend on its etiology. On the skin of the extremities, inflammation of a different nature occurs: from slight redness and swelling to eczema or psoriasis. Various external signs of the disease are shown in the photo below.

Inflammation of epithelial tissues is the main symptom of all types of dermatitis.. Common signs of the disease include:

  • redness of the skin, which occurs due to the overflow of blood vessels;
  • swelling and swelling;
  • increased temperature of the skin in the affected area;
  • with extensive foci, the overall body temperature rises;
  • fever localized in damaged areas;
  • sensation of itching and burning;
  • tightness of the skin;
  • trophism disorder (nutrition of skin cells);
  • heterogeneous rash: papules, blisters, scales, ulceration, cracking;
  • secondary infection, the appearance of weeping and festering areas.

External symptoms are limited to one zone (for example, they form only on the toes) or spread throughout the limb (occur on the feet, shins, thighs, bend of the knee joint and other areas).

Extensive rashes appear with an allergic or toxic-allergic form of the disease.

V acute stage on the skin:

  • there are zones with edema and vesicles;
  • opened blisters are converted into ulcers, cracks, scarring.

The chronic stage of the disease is accompanied by the periodic formation of cracks and crusts..


Dividing dermatitis into separate types is quite difficult. So far, there is no unambiguous classification of pathology. The disease is divided into types, taking into account the following characteristics:


This form of the disease develops against the background venous insufficiency lower limbs. The disease occurs in people suffering from varicose veins. On the skin are formed:

  • hyperemic areas;
  • dryness;
  • places of seals;
  • scales.

In severe cases of varicose dermatitis, ulcers form on the feet, shins and other parts of the legs. Treatment is aimed at eliminating varicose veins.


When exposed to an irritant, the body develops allergic form dermatitis. External signs diseases look like this:

  • redness of the affected areas;
  • small rash;
  • itching and burning.

Increased intoxication leads to the formation of cracks and papules filled with fluid.

Doctors use tests to determine the allergen, eliminate contact with it. Symptomatic therapy will not give positive results if the stimulus is not eliminated.


The reaction of skin vessels to low temperature is expressed by the development cold dermatitis. There are 2 reasons for the onset of the disease:

  1. Under the influence of cold, capillaries spasm, as a result, blood flow is disturbed.
  2. Due to the cold, skin proteins are transformed, which provokes an allergic reaction.


Various contagious diseases (measles, chicken pox, syphilis) lead to this type of dermatitis.. However, this form of the disease can develop as an independent pathology. The appearance of the disease is provoked by various pathogens:

  • viruses;
  • mushrooms;
  • bacteria.

Dermatitis disappears after the suppression of the primary infectious disease.


This form is considered a type of venous dermatitis. Pathological lesions on the feet and other parts of the legs occur if the outflow of blood and lymph is disturbed. On the skin appear:

  • seals;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • ulcers, cracks.

In the congestive form of the disease, the skin is very itchy. Epithelial cells receive less nutrients. Secondary lesions appear on the integument, which are infectious and allergic in nature.


The choice of methods of therapy is influenced by the cause that provoked dermatitis. First of all, eliminate the root cause of the disease.

But there are also generally accepted therapeutic methods for treating pathology, regardless of its features.

traditional medicine

For the treatment of dermatitis with weeping foci, powders and drying agents are used (Desitin, Zinc ointment).

Folk recipes

Dermatitis is treated with traditional medicine methods. Phytopreparations are auxiliary means in the treatment of the disease.


Foot dermatitis is a complex pathology. Reviews of people suffering from this disease directly indicate the difficulties of treatment.

To prevent the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary to follow the preventive rules:

  • Eat rationally using hypoallergenic products. The body must receive the required amount nutrients, vitamins.
  • Give adequate physical activity.
  • Avoid contact with allergens.
  • Make hygiene procedures for legs.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and comfortable clothing.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Timely treat various infections, chronic diseases.

If symptoms of dermatitis appear on the legs, you should immediately visit a doctor. Treat the disease for initial stage much easier than in running form. Self-medication for dermatitis is pointless and dangerous. Only a doctor is able to identify the causes of the disease, select the appropriate medicines and folk remedies to eliminate the problem.