Nettle is an amazing plant. Nettle is an amazing plant. Why does nettle sting?

Nettle is a plant that has been known since ancient times, a kind of “nipper dog” among the biological kingdom of plants. Few people have not experienced its burning tingling and itching on the skin after accidental contact with it. Even rubber gloves and thin layers of clothing are not afraid of this sultry grass.

Why do nettles sting?

In fact, this effect of nettle on an external stimulus is a method of self-defense from herbivores. The latter, knowing about this ability of nettles, avoid the bushes of the plant. The stem and leaves of nettle are entangled on top with thin, barely noticeable to the eye, and very sharp fibers that easily pierce the skin of humans and animals, and when broken, remain in it. The villi contain juice.

The composition of the juice is formic acid, histamine and vitamin B4. When the villi enter the skin, the juice flows under the skin and causes a burning sensation in the pierced area. The juice acts as a kind of poison, but for humans this dose does not pose any particular danger. On the contrary, from such an injection, blood circulation in the body increases and blood begins to pump faster through the vessels, removing excess waste, toxins and other debris that is harmful to humans from the body. It’s not for nothing that one of the popular brooms in bathhouses during bath procedures is made from nettle. After 7-10 visits to the steam room with such a broom, the blood becomes clear, like that of a healthy small child.

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With a nettle broom you can also check your body’s saturation with vitamins. If the skin turns very red and burns when hit with a nettle broom, it means there are not enough vitamins in the body, and vice versa, if there is a slight reaction, it means there are enough vitamins.

Should I be concerned about the effects of nettles?

Burns resulting from the interaction of the skin area with the plant do not pose a great threat and disappear without a trace after two hours. There are even methods to speed up this process:

  • Wash with soapy water 10 minutes after the burn.
  • Keeping the burned area of ​​skin in cold water for a while.
  • Applying the slurry from baking soda soaked in cold water.
  • Applying sorrel leaves to the burn site so that the alkali neutralizes the effects of the stinging formic acid contained in nettle.
  • Applying a cotton swab soaked in aloe juice or its concentrate to the burn site to soothe the irritated skin area.

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The only time when you really should worry about a burn from nettle bushes is the presence of allergic reactions in the body. There are known cases in history where touching nettles resulted in death. fatal. But such precedents are a rare occurrence in modern life. Symptoms that can be identified allergic reaction to nettle - a rash, swelling, nausea and vomiting, severe diarrhea.

If the itching and redness from a nettle burn does not go away within a couple of days, then a serious exacerbation may have begun. And if you don’t get help in time medical supplies, which the doctor should prescribe, then the reaction will not only not subside, but also general state the body may finally deteriorate.

How to quickly get rid of a nettle burn?

The first thing to do is to remove those very poisonous fibers that have stuck into the skin. To do this, the affected area is washed with a sufficient amount of cold water or wiped with ice cubes. Afterwards, treat the washed area of ​​skin with a solution of any alcohol using a cotton swab or bandage in order to disinfect the affected area.

Hello, friends!
Today I will answer a question from Ksyusha, which was sent to me by Svetlana Labuznova, author of the blog "Hodgepodge". The question was asked back in the summer, but it turned out to be so spring-like that I hid it until spring. I hope that Sveta and Ksyusha can forgive me that I answered them briefly in summer messages, and the time for a spring fairy tale has come only now.

The bell rings, a new meeting of BioTOP awaits us in the clearing. At the previous meeting, a new hero appeared in the clearing. Thanks to everyone who took part in guessing his identity.

Chapter 1. Fish or frog?

Elephant (ringing a bell with his trunk): I declare a new meeting of BioTOP open!
Kaffir Raven: Bio-bioTOP!
Elephant: Allow me to introduce our BioTOP colleague - the Mudskipper. He is a candidate for the position of special correspondent at sea.
Mudskipper (showed off his fin): I wish you good health!

Anglerfish: This is my candidate!
Owl(in the ear of Meerkat): What kind of unknown animal is this? Either a fish or a frog...
Meerkat: And I know what question to ask him to clarify this!
Owl: And I know! Listen, my dear! Will you be a fish or a frog?
Meerkat(confused): I wanted to ask how many cervical vertebrae he has...
Owl: And where will you be from, my dear?

The mudskipper splashed across the puddle and sang:


I'm a mangrove swamp dweller
Came from the tropics.
I approach evolution
I found my own.

I can jump like a frog
Curling your tail.
I love being on branches.
Like a fish, I'm not simple!

I walk through the swamps of swamps,
Minting a clear step.
You will find a few fish among the waters,
Who could do that!

I breathe in the water with my gills,
On land - through the tail.
In water, on land - yours everywhere!
Like a fish, I'm not simple!

I'm building a tower in the mud
How do I attract ladies?
It's good to threaten from the tower,
Cheers to the jumpers!

I look forward like a captain
I'm blinking my eyes!
I will teach my enemies a lesson,
That this is my land!

PS: This video is a compilation of scenes from the life of a mudskipper. Thanks to the jumper, you can easily see what changes must have happened to the first amphibians to conquer land.

Meerkat: Are you sure that you are a fish? Fish do have scales.
Anglerfish: Scales are not an essential element in the structure of a fish. I don't have scales either. And the catfish doesn’t, and the eel...
Octopus(looking at Jumper's tail through a monocle): How do you breathe with your tail, dear Mudhopper? The tail looks normal.
Mudskipper: My skin is without scales, covered with mucus, like frogs. This allows me to breathe through my skin. And in my tail I have a lot of capillaries passes (small
blood vessels). My tower also doubles as a swimming pool. Water remains in it after the tide, so it is very convenient to lower the tail into it. And oxygen comes from the water through capillaries and mucus. And the skin is moisturized.

Meerkat: So, will you still tell me how many cervical vertebrae you have?
Mudskipper: Alas, not a single one!
Meerkat: Then you are definitely a fish, no doubt about it! We counted last time.

Kaffir Raven: I think it’s time to start our meeting. A case of nettles awaits us. And the Monkey carrying something...

Cheetah: Dear Monkey, what are you talking about?
Monkey: Help me! I froze all my paws!
Octopus: Why do we need ice? Will we provide first aid for a nettle burn?
Monkey: This is our witness!
Dragonfly: Ice is a witness?
Monkey: Be patient, now you will find out everything.

Chapter 2. The Mystery of Ice

Monkey: Give me a bowl so the ice in it will thaw. I dragged him for a kilometer!
The octopus gave out a bowl, into which the Monkey put a voluminous piece of ice.
Owl: And why did you try so hard? The ice is dirty! Some points are frozen in it, and underneath there is completely frozen silt. Over there at the edge of the clearing, the hill had not yet melted, so it was possible to break off a piece of pure ice from it.

(jabbered): Actually, I was tasked with finding Nettle to testify. But in March, she had not yet grown! I even wanted to grow it from seeds. I came to the store and they told me that they only had nettles. I was naive and bought the seeds, thinking that it was also nettle, only small. It turned out that its leaves were simply similar in shape!

And the Monkey threw two bags of coleus seeds, popularly called “nettle,” onto the floor in annoyance.

Monkey: Then I decided to look for her relatives in arms.
Meerkat : Ice is her kin in arms?
Monkey(pulling up the magnifying glass): Let's hope I found the right ice.

Orangutan (looking at the already melted ice): What do you want to see there? Is this some kind of special dirty ice?
Monkey: This is ice from a pond. I wanted to call the jellyfish, but as luck would have it, there was a storm at sea, and all the jellyfish disappeared into the depths. So we had to drag ourselves to our pond for ice.
Anglerfish: Monkey, you are mysterious like March! We don't understand anything!
Monkey: Managed! Hooray! Look. It emerges from a hibernating egg.

Everyone crowded around the magnifying glass. From the small dense grain some kind of gelatinous stick with tentacles began to appear.

Monkey(swelling with pride): This was already the fifth piece of ice! And I found it in him!
Owl: And what is this micro-ghost with tentacles?
The ghost, no more than half a centimeter long, deftly grabbed with its tentacles a small crustacean that was swimming past, half-frozen, and pushed the poor thing inside.

Chapter 3. Nettle cells

Ghost: Always in the spring you have to eat frozen semi-finished products! Oh, hello!
Meerkat: And who are you?
Bringing: I'm Hydra!
Orangutan: But Hercules fought the Hydra. She was huge! With a bunch of heads, and when he cut off her head, two grew in place of the previous one!
Hydra: Yes, I was named after the mythical heroine Hydra. I also have poison in my tentacles. And I recover just as easily. If you cut me in half, each half of me will develop into a new hydra.
Octopus: This is called regeneration. There are even special scientific laboratories, who study this issue on hydras.

Hydra: And I'm also budding. A bud grows on the side of me, and then it turns into a small hydra. And when the time comes, the daughter polyp falls off and begins an independent life.

PS: Hydra reproduces by budding from spring to summer. The budding process is included in the design of the Hydra finger toy. The daughter process is attached to the fishing line. It can be carefully pulled out to demonstrate the hydra budding process. The video shows the budding of a finger hydra made from felt.

Orangutan: But what is the connection between hydra and nettle? I don't understand.
Monkey: Well, how about that? Hydra has special cells called KRA-BEER!
Hydra: Absolutely right. My tentacles are full of stinging cells, which used to be called nettle cells. They are so named because they burn, like nettles, when touched. Although they are structured a little differently, more complexly, than that of nettles.


The cell has a hair
Like a trigger.
He launches a typhoon
The most poisonous harpoon.

These cells protect
Food is obtained.
Coelenterates, friends,
You can't live without these cells!

Octopus: It turns out that such stinging cells are also on the tentacles of jellyfish?
Hydra: And sea anemones.

Biomodeling of a hydra stinging cell

Octopus: I propose to make a model of how a stinging cell works. We will need a wooden clothespin, thread and paper clip.

Angler:The paperclip will symbolize the harpoon, and the thread will symbolize the stinging thread. And from clothespins we will make a catapult.

Octopus: First, let's disassemble the clothespin, leaving the spring on one part, and turning the other back to front. And insert this part into the spring. This part will protrude above the part with the spring. This protruding part will be our sensitive hair.

Angler:Now let's tie a thread with a paper clip at the end. And we’ll twist it into a spiral, like a stinging thread, and put the paperclip on top. And now, by pressing on the sensitive hair, we launch the harpoon into flight!
Octopus: The speed is decent! The harpoon cuts into the skin at once. Look!

Orangutan:In nettle, everything is much simpler. I'll show you now!

Chapter 4. Why do nettles sting?

Orangutan: On the skin of the stems and leaves of nettle there are special growths in the form of stinging hairs. Here they are visible in the photograph under a microscope.

Meerkat: It is noticeable that they are not empty.
Owl:Looks like a medicine ampoule! What's inside? Poison, I guess.
Orangutan: Hairs contain formic acid and choline and histamine.
Monkey: And it seemed to me that the hairs looked like a syringe with a needle.
Orangutan: Good comparison! The surface of the nettle is studded with many miniature syringes, in which acid and substances that cause itching and swelling splash. At first they all stand in caps, but as soon as you touch these caps...

Monkey: How they break off and are pierced into the skin with a needle, and the entire contents of the syringe, that is, the hair, is poured into the wound.
Meerkat: And it’s not just one hair that gets stuck, but many, many!
Kaffir Raven: Hmm, looks like very small poisonous splinters.

Monkey (scratching his palm): And then everything itches and blisters swell! These splinters cannot be pulled out of the skin with your hands. Then for several days everything hurt and itched when I unknowingly ran into a thicket of nettles, following a beautiful butterfly. And why is this nasty nettle needed? Destroy it all!

Octopus(showing a photo): And by any chance, dear Monkey, were you not running after such a butterfly when you fell into the nettles?
Monkey: Yes, follow her! And the insidious butterfly lured me into the nettles!
Octopus: This is a butterfly KRA-PIV-NI-TSA! Its caterpillars grow by feeding on nettles. If there are no nettles, these beautiful butterflies will disappear. Would you really want these butterflies to become extinct?

Monkey: No. Let them live. They are very beautiful.
Anglerfish: They also make fabric from nettles.
Meerkat: To torture people with scratchy clothes?
Anglerfish: The fabric is made from the inner fibers of the nettle, and the hairs are only on the surface. Just before receiving the fiber, the nettles are soaked and the hairs fall off.
Mudskipper: They also treat with nettles. It contains a lot of vitamins and stops bleeding.
Cheetah: And young nettles, while their hairs have not yet become coarse, are eaten in spring cabbage soup.
Elephant: But what to do if the nettle burns you?

Chapter 5. What to do if you get a nettle burn

Monkey: Yes! What should I have done when I ran into the nettles?
Owl: I should have rubbed myself with earth! Do you have a tetanus shot?
Orangutan: With all due respect to folk recipes and to you, Owl, but you absolutely cannot do this! It's like covering a skinned knee with dirt! You can get an infection. After all, the hairs leave small wounds, but they are sufficient for germs to penetrate there!

: Okay, I won't cover myself with dirt!
Orangutan: First, you need to wipe the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or calendula tincture. This way we will treat the surface and kill microbes that can get into micro-wounds. And some of the splinters will be removed onto cotton wool.
Monkey: I am writing down: "1. Treat with cotton wool and alcohol."
Orangutan: If there is no alcohol, you can wash the affected area with laundry soap. Then you need to put in a paste of baking soda for a while.
Meerkat: Is this so that it stings more, and you don’t want to climb into the nettles anymore?

Anglerfish: Baking soda will neutralize the acid. Now let's do the experiment! Take a lemon and squeeze out some juice. Try it!
Meerkat(wrinkling his face with displeasure): Sour!
Anglerfish: Now I'll add a little soda.
Meerkat: Oh, how it hisses!
Anglerfish: This fizzing and foaming action helps push some of the hairs out of the wounds. Now that the hissing has stopped, try again!
Meerkat (incredulously licked a droplet): Not sour at all!
Anglerfish: This is because soda and acid reacted with each other, and then water and salt remained from them.
Monkey: I recorded: "2. Apply a paste of baking soda and water for a minute"

Orangutan: Then you need to rinse everything in cold water. And apply ice or a cold cloth. This will reduce the pain.
Monkey: "3. Rinse and apply cold".
Orangutan: To reduce itching, you need to take an allergy pill (antihistamine). And anoint the burn with antiallergic ointment.
Monkey: "4. Take an allergy pill and apply allergy ointment"
Orangutan: All! And try not to scratch!

Kaffir Raven: And I’m sorry that there are nettle-coleus seeds lying on the floor. It has very beautiful variegated leaves! Let's plant its seeds. It's spring! And then it will be very beautiful in our meadow in the summer.
Meerkat: What a great idea!
Mudskipper: This plant grows on the island of Java! That's where his homeland is. It's from the tropics, just like me!
Cheetah: I wonder if it's edible?
Orangutan: If you like minty smell.
Cheetah: Perhaps I'll abstain.
Monkey: I was told at the flower shop that its seeds germinate in the light. You don't even need to bury them!
Elephant: Well then! I declare the meeting closed! Let's go sow our coleus!
Monkey: And grass for cats, for our Cheetah!
Kaffir Raven: Biotope! Biotope!

BioTOP with all its old and new composition is looking forward to your questions about why! Dear teachers, you can also ask questions from your students.
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“Nettle is an amazing plant.”

Completed by: 2nd grade student

Boldyrev Igor,

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 44", Vorkuta

Head: Alekseeva L.V.



    Main part.

    1. What is nettle? Varieties of nettles…………………………4

      How nettle stings……………………………………………………5

      Beneficial properties of nettle…………………………………………6-7

      Use of nettle by humans………………………………..7-10




For a long time I could not decide on a research topic. After all amazing world plants are full of secrets and mysteries. I wanted to choose an object of study about which I could learn a lot of new and interesting things. I was sure that everything was known about the plants of our area and it was impossible to find out anything surprising about them. But the teacher told us that the grasses, shrubs and trees around us are not always as ordinary as they seem at first glance. For example, the most common nettle will reveal its secrets to an attentive researcher. I was very surprised.

Who doesn't know this ubiquitous weed? It grows everywhere from early spring and until late autumn. No matter how much other plants “disturb” or people destroy, the nettle grows and grows. And if you carelessly touch this herb, it’s scary to even think about the consequences: your arms and legs begin to burn, your skin instantly turns red and becomes covered with white blisters. This is such an insidious plant, don’t expect anything good from it...

Could this herb be of any use? I wanted to understand this issue, and I completed a study on the topic “Nettle is an amazing plant.”

Purpose of the study: find out if nettle may be beneficial.


    Explore nettles.

    Find out why nettles sting.

    Collect and study material about beneficial properties nettles

    Find out for what purposes people use nettles.

    Introduce your classmates to the results of the study.

Object of study: nettle.


Research methods:

    Working with encyclopedias and reference books

  • Watching a movie

    Studying materials on the Internet


    Generalization and conclusions.

Research results.

What is nettle?

NETTLE- a genus of flowering plants in the nettle family. The stems and leaves are covered with stinging hairs, which give the plant its name. The genus includes about 40-45 species. The most widespread in Russia are stinging nettle and stinging nettle.

Nettle always grows near houses, under fences, along forest paths. Nettles also grow behind our gardens. The area occupied by nettles is one and a half hectares. That's why everyone knows how unpleasant her burns are: it hurts, then a small blister appears that starts to itch.

Why do nettles sting?

To answer this question, I decided to examine a sprig of nettle under a microscope. To do this, we went to the biology classroom with teacher Lilia Vasilievna Alekseeva.

Under the microscope, I saw that the hairs on the twigs and leaves of the nettle were very sharp. Each of them is like the needle of a small syringe. I thought that if you touched the nettles, these hairs could damage the skin. But why the burn occurs was still unclear. To find out, we crushed a sprig of nettle and looked at it again through the microscope. Some of the hairs were broken and some liquid was leaking from them.

The teacher explained that it was formic acid leaking out, and all acids are very hot. This means that when formic acid gets on scratched skin, it causes a burn. This turns out to be why nettles burn even without fire!

Useful properties of nettle

“Nettle will replace seven healers”

Folk wisdom

May nettle is the most useful. It contains ten times more iron and copper than cabbage, two times more vitamin C than blackcurrants and four times more than lemon, more carotene than carrots, and more vitamin K than in spinach. About proteins, organic acids, tannins, essential oils, sugars and other biologically active substances There’s not even anything to say – there are a lot of them in nettles.

That is why a decisive trip into the thickets of May nettles - The best way spend your day off usefully. Just don’t pick annual nettles, look for perennial stinging nettles, which are the source of all the beneficial properties. It is not difficult to distinguish the correct nettle: the “incorrect” annual nettle is small, only up to the knee, and it is very easy to pull it out, while the perennial nettle is tall, up to one and a half meters - if it has managed to grow. And if you didn’t have time, then it’s still easy to identify it by its powerful rhizome: such nettles are pulled out of the ground with great effort.

Fresh leaves contain vitamin C (twice as much as in blackcurrant fruits), carotene (more than in carrots, sorrel), vitamins B, K, formic acid, which causes the stinging effect of nettles, other organic acids, tannins, starch, chlorophyll , gum, glycosides, sugar, iron salts, calcium, etc. Protein in fresh nettles is up to 3%, in dried nettles up to 20% (significantly more than in cabbage, carrots, lettuce).

Nettle is called “vegetable meat”; its nutritional value is not inferior to legumes.

The use of nettles in magical rituals.

Our ancestors widely used nettles in magical rituals. It was believed that they were afraid of her evil spirits. Thus, a child who was too naughty was whipped with this plant not to cause pain, but to expel the unclean from him, which, according to healers, encourages the child to play pranks. The ancients also believed that rugs woven from this plant could protect their home from evil uninvited guests and temporarily deprive them of dark witchcraft. In addition, nettle brooms were also actively used - they were used to sweep away damage from the home. For the same purpose, nettles grew in the yard; rarely did anyone cut them down. All kinds of amulets were made from it.

Nettle fabric.

From time immemorial, in Rus' there were craftsmen who wove and spun from everything that came to hand: fireweed, burdock, burdock, quinoa and even boiled pine needles. Fabrics were also made from nettles. They were quite widespread. Nettles for spinning are collected in the spring. This is a ready-made trust, the quality of which was taken care of by nature itself - autumn rains and fogs, winter frost and spring thaw. Thick canvases were woven from long and thin fibers - tows - then sundresses, shirts, towels were sewn, bed sheets- everything you need for a decent dowry. The canvases were bleached in dew and snow, boiled in a decoction of wood ash, or tinted with a decoction of chamomile and cornflowers.

From short and coarse fibers they wove coarse and rarer fabric - the so-called row, which was used for bags, blankets, bedding and capes for carts. Ropes and ropes were made from unspun fibers. First, the fibers were soaked for 24 hours in a decoction of oak bark for strength. Then they were divided into two parts, one of which was painted black with a decoction of rusty moss. The ropes twisted from fibers of two colors amazed with the intricacy and uniqueness of the design!

Nettle waste was used as tow, for laying between logs and sealing cracks when building a new hut. Rough socks-slippers were knitted from nettle yarn, which were worn without taking off during rheumatism, belts that warmed the lower back during radiculitis, and hats, the appearance of which on the head would relieve any migraines. Back in 4000 BC. people used nettles to make clothes. The “scorching” uniform was also worn by the soldiers of the French Emperor Napoleon. This plant actually has several advantages over flax. Firstly, the yarn made from it is softer, because it is made not from leaves, but from hollow stems. Secondly, due to the same cavity, it has better thermal conductivity than linen. It is cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Thirdly, nettle yarn is much cheaper than linen yarn and its production process does not pollute as much environment.

Nettle in medicine.

This is an excellent remedy against vitamin deficiency. Nettle stops bleeding. Used for kidney diseases, Bladder, liver and gall bladder, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, metabolic disorders, influenza epidemics. It is also used in the treatment of festering wounds and ulcers (they are sprinkled with powder from nettle leaves dried in the sun) - the plant has excellent bactericidal properties that prevent rotting.

Nettle is used in cooking. In the hungry war and post-war 50s, nettle was the main food of barefoot children. They ate it from early spring until late autumn, and their mothers managed to prepare many dishes from this plant - cabbage soup, salads and thin flatbreads. Nowadays it is also used in cooking. Fish and meat are better preserved if they are wrapped in nettle leaves. Annually in early spring My grandmother and I also prepare vitamin soup from May nettles, and my mother prepares various salads.

Nettle on the farm

    Increases milk yield in cattle

    Increases egg production in geese and chickens

    Valuable feed for pigs

Nettle dye.

Yellow paint is made from nettle roots, and green paint is made from leaves. I wanted to check for myself if this was true. I brewed its leaves, when the infusion was brewed, I placed a gauze cloth. After holding the fabric for a while, I saw that it had acquired a dark green color. Indeed, nettle leaves are a fabric dye. This property is used in cooking, coloring cream for cakes.

So, I became acquainted with an unusual plant that I had previously considered a weed - nettle. After looking through magazines, books and doing research, I learned that nettle really “replaces seven healers”, as it has many medicinal properties. It helps a person get rid of many diseases.

In addition, nettle is also an excellent food additive. In the spring, when many people feel a lack of vitamins, how can nettle help them restore their body? After all, it is a storehouse of vitamins.

And what a pleasure it gave me to look at the leaves and stems of nettles through a microscope. Everything on the glass comes to life, and small, burning hairs become huge needles.

So, based on the results of the research, I came to the following conclusions:

My hypothesis was confirmed that nettle is beneficial for humans, although it is a weed.

Nettle is a magical plant.

Nettle has beneficial properties.

Used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and farming.

Nettle is a fabric dye.

There are a great many medicinal plants on the planet, but the real leader can be called nettle. This is a truly unique herb that is used by humans in many areas of life.


1. Alekseev N.G., Leontovich A.V., Obukhov A.V., Fomina L.F. Concept of development of students’ research activities // Research work of schoolchildren. 2002. No. 1. P. 24-33.

2. Andersen G.H. Wild swans.// Library of world literature for children.-M.: L64, 1981.- 308 p.

3. Large family encyclopedia traditional medicine from Dr. Uzhegov.-M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2006.-960 p.

4. Dietrich A., Yurmin G., Koshurnikova R. Pochemuchka. - M.: Pedagogika, 1991. - 191 p.

5. Lavrenov V.K., Lavrenova G.V. Complete guide medicinal herbs and plants //Encyclopedia of folk medicine.-M.:NEVA, 2006.-119p.

6. Lysakov V.G., 1000 riddles. - M.:AST, 2006. - 120 p.

7. Urkushin A.A., Urkushina N.G. Dishes and drinks for all tastes. - Samara House of Printing, 1993. – 39 p.

8. " Healing properties nettle" .asp?id

9. Encyclopedia of Traditional Medicine.-M.: ANS, 1992. – 334 p.

10. Great Soviet Encyclopedia

11. “Chinese nettle” _2.html.

12. “Nettle”

13. “Technology for making nettle yarn.” http://www. traditions. ru/books/suhtravy/5-1.htm.

14. “Healing properties of nettle” .asp?id

View presentation content

Purpose of the study:

  • Find out if nettle can be beneficial.


  • Explore nettles;
  • Find out why nettle stings;
  • Collect and study material about the beneficial properties of nettle;
  • Find out for what purposes people use nettles;
  • Introduce your classmates to the results of the study;
  • Refute or confirm the hypothesis put forward.

Object of study: nettle

Hypothesis: Suppose that nettle brings many benefits to humans, although it is a weed.

May nettle is the most useful. It contains ten times more iron and copper than cabbage, two times more vitamin C than black currants, and four times more

than in lemon, more carotene than in carrots, and more vitamin K than in

in spinach. There’s not even anything about proteins, organic acids, tannins, essential oils, sugars and other biologically active substances

and say - there are a lot of them in nettles.

  • in magical rituals
  • made fabrics from nettles
  • used in medicine

  • Salads
  • Flatbread
  • Pies

  • hair rinse decoction
  • nettle lotion
  • nettle masks
  • hand baths
  • shampoos

Experiment: nettle – dye Conclusion: the fabric takes on a dark green color. This property is used in cooking to color cream for cakes.

  • My hypothesis was confirmed that nettle is beneficial for humans, although it is a weed.
  • Nettle is a magical plant.
  • Nettle has beneficial properties.
  • Used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and farming.
  • Nettle is a fabric dye.

  • Background
  • Ladybug
  • Boy

Why do nettles sting?


MBOU "Secondary School No. 34"

Scientific adviser:

Drozd Tatyana Nikolaevna

teacher primary classes

MBOU "Secondary School No. 34"

List of modules


1. Title page 1

2. List of modules 2

3. Introduction 3

3.1 Tasks 3

3.2. Project Implementation Plan 3

3.3. Work steps 3

3.4.Form for presenting results 3
4. Research work 4

5. Studying specialized literature 5-8

6. Conclusion 8

7. Information resources 9


During the lesson on the natural world, we solved a riddle about nettles: “Oh, don’t touch me! I’ll burn you without fire!” In fact, when coming into contact with nettles, a person feels pain, like a burn. I was very interested in the question: how does nettle burn without fire? On the street I found a nettle and examined it carefully. I noticed that its stems and leaves were covered with some kind of hairs. Why do they need nettles? Maybe they cause the burn? I became even more interested, and I turned to our teacher for help. Tatyana Nikolaevna suggested that I do a little research work in order to answer this question. (1 word)

I set myself these tasks:(2 words)

    Find out why the hairs on nettle leaves are special? What's inside them?

    What happens to them when we touch nettles?

    What are the benefits of nettle?

The project implementation plan was as follows:(3 words)

    Research work;

    Visiting the library, studying special literature about nettles;

    Conclusion - conclusions.

Stages of work:(4 words)
1. First, I’ll think on my own.
2. Studying books about what I decided to research.
3. Conducting a survey of other people about this problem.
4. Acquaintance with cinema and television films on the topic of research.
5. Accessing a computer, finding material on the Internet.
6. Observation.
7. Conducting research.
8. Preparation of conclusions and conclusions.
9. Preparation of possible ways for further research.
10. Preparing the text of messages.
11. Preparation of drawings according to this scheme.
12. Reflection.
13. Defense of research work.

Form for presenting results:(5 words)
1. Presentation on electronic media.
2. Text presentation

Research work. (6 words)

To answer the first two questions, I decided to examine a sprig of nettle under a microscope. To do this, I went to the biology classroom. Under a microscope, I saw that the hairs on the twigs and leaves of the nettle were very sharp. Each of them is like the needle of a small syringe. I thought that if we touched nettles, these hairs could damage our skin. But why the burn occurs was still unclear. To find out what happens to nettle hairs when I come into contact with them, wearing gloves, I crushed a nettle sprig and looked at it again through the microscope. Some of the hairs were broken and some liquid was leaking from them. Tatyana Nikolaevna explained that it was formic acid leaking out, and all acids are very hot.

(7 words)

So, I concluded: sharp goads - nettle hairs contain a lot of silica salts, these hairs pierce the skin and immediately break off. Immediately, tiny drops of formic acid fall into the wounds from the internal cavities of the hairs, and a burning sensation begins.
This means that when formic acid gets on scratched skin, it causes a burn. This turns out to be why nettles burn even without fire! (8 words)

Studying specialized literature .(9 words)

In parallel with research work I made the following discoveries:

Tatyana Nikolaevna told me that, despite the fact that nettle stings, it is very useful. To find out what benefits it brings, I went to the library. From " Complete encyclopedia(Plants)”, from “Why” by ADitrich, G. Yurmin, I learned that nettle is a flowering plant. Its stems and leaves are covered with stinging hairs. In total, more than 40 species of nettle are found in the world. In Russia, you can most often see 2 species - stinging and dioecious. Stinging nettle is a tall perennial plant, reaching 150 cm. Stinging nettle is shorter, in Ukraine it is called small nettle. Its height does not reach more than 60 cm. In addition, stinging nettle branches much more strongly, and there are more stems on one plant. The leaves of stinging nettle are larger and more elongated. Stinging nettle has rounded leaves with deep, blunt teeth.

(10 words) There is a nettle that does not sting: dead nettle(white clearweed) found throughout the northern hemisphere, except in the desert zone. Dead nettle grows in deciduous forests, on forest edges, in bushes and in gardens near homes.

(11 words) Nettle leaves are rich in different useful vitamins. It contains substances that kill germs. Nettle stops bleeding well. It strengthens hair. Nettle is used to make paper, burlap and rope because its stems contain very strong fibers. I also learned that excellent cabbage soup, salads, nettle puree with eggs are prepared from nettles, and they even ferment it like cabbage. She happens to be good food for animals.(12 words)

It turns out there is a lot about nettles riddles and proverbs :


"Evil as a she-wolf,
It burns like mustard!
What kind of miracle is this?

"Just touch
You withdraw your palm:
The grass burns like fire.”

“I want green boiling water
I burned my bare legs.”

“It happens near fences,
It never gets cold.”

“Don’t touch this potion:
It burns painfully, like fire.

“It’s not fire, it’s burning,
It’s not given into your hands.”

“I grew up under a willow tree. What’s her name?”

Proverbs and sayings:

    The nettle seed is an evil seed, you can’t brew beer from it

    It stings like a nettle and stings like a hedgehog

    If there weren't frost on the nettles, there wouldn't be any problems with them

    Stinging nettle will be born and boiled in cabbage soup

    The nettle is young, but already bites

    The one who gets up first will collect the mushrooms, but the sleepy and lazy ones go after the nettles.

    Dealing with someone else is like sitting in nettles

Interesting Facts (13 words)

1. One of the most famous literary works where nettles are mentioned is a fairy tale « " EThe only way Eliza could save her enchanted brothers was to weave chain mail for them from nettle stems...

2. There is a belief that nettles grow in places where damned or sinful people died

3. In Ukraine there was a legend that the nettles were sowed by the devil himself and they were cursed by God

4. Fresh nettle leaves are a natural preservative: if you put it on fresh meat or stuff gutted fish, and then cover it with nettles on top, they can be stored for several days outside the refrigerator in the summer.

5. Dried nettle leaves are great for winter tea when you want vitamins. (14 words)

6. Nettle is the favorite and, perhaps, the only delicacy of such butterflies as burdocks and admirals. If it were not there, then these species of butterflies would cease to exist.

7. Nettle can cure gout because it contains substances that can decompose uric acid. There is an opinion that it is this acid that is responsible for painful attacks and other signs of gout.

8. From the fibers inside the nettle, you can produce fabric whose properties will be similar to linen fabric. During the war, the Germans sewed uniforms from this fabric.

9. Nettle is useful to eat, because it contains iron, magnesium and calcium, i.e. substances that are very important for the full development of a person and maintaining his health.

10. In Britain, wine is made from nettles. To get 3 thousand liters of wine, only 40 kg of leaves of this burning plant are required. But the wine also tastes a little prickly, dry and tart. (15 words)

11. Nettle decoction can be used to color eggs greenish; green food coloring is extracted from it

12. In some southern countries, a special nettle - ramie - is specially grown. She is so tall that in the nettle field, not only a man, but a horse would hide. The fibers of this nettle are used to make a fabric very similar to silk. And also strong ropes, fishing nets. Rami burns very badly, so people come out to clean it in special thick clothing and mittens.

13. In India and some tropical islands Indian Ocean Such nettles grow, the burn of which is as dangerous as the bite of a poisonous snake.

14. Nettle is used to treat burns: 4 tablespoons of stinging nettle leaves are poured into 1 glass hot water and leave for 2 hours. Moisten gauze with the infusion and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin.


During the implementation of the project, I came to the conclusion that nettle does not burn with fire, but with formic acid flowing from very sharp hairs that are damaged when we touch the nettle. I was very pleased with my little discovery. And she told her classmates not only about the results of her personal research, but also about what she had learned from books. (16 words)

. - encyclopedia "Everything about everything." Why do nettles sting?

- site "Because.Ru." Let's explore the world together. Section "Why do nettles sting?"

Why? A. Dietrich, G. Yurmin. Moscow. Pedagogy-Press, 1995.


Nettle always grows near houses, under fences, along forest paths. Therefore, we all know how unpleasant her burns are: it hurts, then a small blister appears and begins to itch.

Why does this happen? unpleasant feeling? The leaves and stems of nettle are covered with many stinging hairs. They contain stinging cells containing a caustic liquid. When we touch a leaf, a hair pierces the skin, the upper part of the hair breaks off, and the contents of the stinging cell enter the wound.

Nettle is a very unpleasant plant and has many relatives. The nettle family includes about 60 genera and more than a thousand plant species. They grow mainly in the tropics.

In Southeast Asia, Laportea stinging is notorious. Her burns are so severe that they could cause the death of a child. The leaves of Laportea gigantea, a tree from the forests of North-Eastern Australia, sting very painfully. Her burns sometimes cause people to faint and then be sick for several months. The same burns are caused by the Australian Laportea mulberry.

Our common stinging nettle is not only a stinging weed, it is also a medicinal plant. Its leaves and young shoots are edible, they are rich in vitamins A, C, K. This is an excellent remedy against vitamin deficiency. Nettle stops bleeding. Yellow dye is made from nettle roots, and green dye is made from leaves. This plant is an excellent bactericidal agent that prevents rotting. Fish and meat are better preserved if they are wrapped in nettle leaves. Here's another tip: try washing the dishes with nettles after dinner - and they will sparkle.