Feed the dog what. What to feed your dog at home: natural food diet and menu for the week. What vitamins to give

Rational nutrition is the main condition for proper puppy care. Eating habits, vaccinated in an animal in childhood, are preserved forever and affect the health, character and life expectancy of the dog.

At each stage of a dog’s development, its nutrition must be adjusted. This is due to changes in biochemical processes in the body due to growth, pregnancy, illness or aging of the pet. The breed characteristics and living conditions of dogs also affect nutrient requirements, which must be taken into account when preparing the diet.

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    Nutritional needs of dogs

    Breeding new breeds of dogs with a predisposition to allergic reactions, poor ecology, low-quality products force us to be more attentive to the diet of pets. You can give animals both natural food and dry food. In any case, this must be done taking into account their physiological needs.

    Half of any dog's diet should be meat, which is the natural food of their wild relatives. From it the body receives the necessary amino acids for healthy growth and proper functioning of systems. Any dog ​​needs animal proteins - mongrel, purebred, domestic or yard.

    The food must also contain other nutrients: fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

    Natural nutrition

    Supporters of natural nutrition must adhere to certain rules:

    • Pet food should be at room temperature.
    • It is correct to feed your dog at the same time of day.
    • Leftover food must be removed.
    • Portion rates are individual for each pet, as is the number of feedings.
    • It is better to give food to dogs after games, walks and physical activity.
    • Water should always be present in the diet.

    The table shows the products included in the menu for dogs:

    MeatLean varieties of beef and lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit - raw (can be doused with boiling water)Daily
    FishSea - cod, hake, pollock, trout, pink salmon, chum salmon, navaga (it must be boiled and boned)No more than 2 times a week
    By-productsLiver, kidneys, lungs, rumen, udder1-2 times a week
    EggsBoiled chicken, raw quail3 times a week
    Vegetable oils, animal fatSunflower, olive, linseed oil, rendered beef fat, butterDaily
    VegetablesCauliflower, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini - raw or boiled
    Fruits, berriesApples, pears, currants, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, gooseberries
    GreeneryCelery, parsley, lettuce, beet tops, radishes, carrots
    CerealsRice, buckwheat, rolled oats
    Dairy productsKefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, whey, cottage cheese, cheese
    BonesRaw joint parts
    Vitamins and mineralsComplexes are purchased in specialized stores in accordance with the needs of animals

    Each dog's body is individual, so the list of products presented may contain an ingredient that causes an allergic reaction.

    The following foods are prohibited:

    • tubular bones;
    • spices, seasonings;
    • smoked and salted products;
    • marinades;
    • pork;
    • raw river fish;
    • sweets, flour products;
    • canned food;
    • fatty food.

    Milk is given to dogs if there is no reaction to it in the form of stool disorder: not every adult body is able to break down the lactose contained in this product. There is no need to add it to the diet.

    Examples of diets

    Dogs have different energy needs. This depends on many factors: the age and health of the animal, breed characteristics, living conditions and time of year, physiological state and functional load (muscular activity). However general principles the combinations of products and percentages of substances are the same.

    The table shows an approximate weekly diet for adultsdogs:

    Breakfast Dinner Dinner
    Monday Beef with porridge and vegetablesKefir with eggBeef with cottage cheese
    Tuesday Fish with vegetablesCurdled milk, cottage cheeseFish with oatmeal
    Wednesday Chicken fillet with porridgeFruits with cheeseChicken giblets with vegetables
    Thursday Meat by-products with porridgeCurdled milk with eggChicken backs with cottage cheese
    Friday Turkey with porridgeRyazhenkaTurkey necks with vegetables
    Saturday Tripe with cottage cheeseKefirBeef with vegetables
    Sunday Fish and porridgeCottage cheese with wheyFish with vegetables

    The less food is heat-treated, the healthier it is.

    Compatibility and serving methods:

    • Some vitamins found in vegetables are fat-soluble, so adding a spoonful of oil is a good idea.
    • Vegetables are grated for better digestibility.
    • The meat can be doused with boiling water, but not cooked. Cut it into small pieces.
    • Dogs benefit from raw bones: they are given periodically, which promotes the development of the muscles of the head, neck and shoulders, and also perfectly strengthens and cleanses teeth from plaque, preventing oral diseases.
    • Many breeders advise choosing bones from fish, but it is much more convenient to use heads containing mucopolysaccharides (substances for the elasticity of joints).
    • Vegetables are combined with both meat and cereals.
    • Greens are mixed with meat or vegetables.
    • Cereals can be mixed and cooked from cereal crops.
    • Fruits are given as a treat.
    • Vitamins are added to the meat according to the instructions on the package, depending on age, weight and other factors.
    • Fish fat, meat and bone and fish meal are also added to the diet.
    • Seaweed is a good food.
    • Bran is useful for dogs; it is steamed and given with porridge or meat.
    • The general ratio should be as follows: proteins - at least 50%, fermented milk products - 30%, vegetables - 15%, cereals - 5%.

    Dry food

    An alternative to natural food is industrially produced food. They save the owner's time, store well and are liked by dogs.

    The dry food market provides products for all categories of pets. It is correct to buy food not lower than super premium class, but better - holistic.

    Features in nutrition

    It is impossible to accurately determine the amount of daily serving of food for a dog. On average, this is 3–4% of the pet’s weight. Usually this issue is resolved empirically and in accordance with the appearance of the dog. The normal condition of the dog is when the ribs are easily palpable under a thin layer of fat. Regular weight monitoring will show how correctly your pet is being fed.

    Most dogs are able to eat in reserve. Therefore, you should not give food to your pet on demand. Overfeeding is fraught with dangerous diseases, and getting rid of excess weight is difficult.

    It is a misconception that small dogs require less energy than large dogs. For example, huskies - large, energetic working dogs that feel great outside and on a frosty day, ready to run from morning to night, need the same amount of nutrients as Chihuahuas - small pets living at home. Often, adherents of dry food supplement their pets with meat when they see that they do not have enough protein to replenish energy costs.

    When choosing a puppy, you need to know everything about its nutrition in advance. The diet is compiled based on the characteristics of the dogs: there are breeds that are prone to allergies to chicken protein, other pets do not accept raw fish and meat, and for some, grains are contraindicated. Large animals need glucosamine and chondroitin as a supplement; for animals with beautiful coats, vitamins containing a special complex of fatty acids are purchased.

    How to feed pregnant and postpartum dogs

    For pregnant and lactating bitches, the diet should be such that the dog’s own resources are not depleted in the last stages of gestation. During pregnancy, the need for additional energy and minerals increases. At the same time, when feeding pregnant bitches, problems sometimes arise associated with toxicosis, loss of appetite, or an excessive desire to eat.

    Food must contain a sufficient amount of easily digestible protein and an optimal composition of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus: an imbalance of minerals can provoke birth eclampsia - dangerous disease, conditioned sharp drop calcium levels in the blood, leading to the death of mother and puppies.

    • In the first half of pregnancy, the diet is not changed.
    • The type of feeding must be maintained: if the dog ate natural food before mating, feeding it dry food is not recommended.
    • Increase the level of protein foods, reducing the total amount of carbohydrates.
    • In the second half of pregnancy, feedings are made frequent, reducing the volume of each. By the end of the gestation period, the total amount of food increases by one and a half times.
    • Vitamin and mineral supplements for pregnant bitches are added to the normal diet, which are stopped a week before giving birth, and the amount of protein food is also reduced.
    • Calorie content is increased gradually, the total volume is increased by 15–20%.
    • Overfeeding a dog will lead to birth complications: its weight must be monitored.
    • There should always be water in the bowl - a vital component of nutrition.
    • During this period, foods that cause gas formation (cabbage, potatoes, legumes) are excluded from the diet.
    • If there is no reaction to milk, it can be included in the menu.

    Some time before and after childbirth, the appetite of bitches decreases, but quickly recovers with the birth of healthy offspring. The volume and quality of food are preserved, as is the frequency of feedings.

    A dog who has given birth should be given food in the same way as before giving birth: the food should contain a reduced amount of protein, and the diet should contain enough liquid.

    To avoid digestive problems in puppies, new food is introduced gradually to their mother; the menu should not be diversified while the newborns are too small. After a few days, the volume of meat components in the feed is increased, reducing the number of feedings.

    During this period, the dog eats 1.5-2 times more than usual. With the introduction of the first complementary foods to puppies, they drink less milk from the mother, so her diet is adjusted again: the number of feedings per day is reduced to 3, and the volume of food is also reduced.

    When preparing nutrition for pregnant and postpartum bitches, it is worth studying the characteristics of their breed and consulting with breeders and a veterinarian.

    Diet after poisoning

    The consequence of any poisoning is disruption of activity gastrointestinal tract dogs. In this case, the body needs unloading. Diet is an integral part of treatment. After poisoning, the dog should not be fed for 24 hours, and in severe cases - 2. During this time, the body will prepare all resources for recovery.

    In severe cases, the diet is prescribed by a veterinarian; self-medication is inappropriate.

    General principles of light nutrition:

    • The dog is fed little by little, in small doses, gradually increasing the volume of food.
    • Fatty foods should be excluded.
    • Food should be semi-liquid and easily digestible.
    • The volume of water is not limited.
    • External signs of improvement are not a reason to switch to the previous diet: the diet for poisoning is maintained for at least a week, preferably 2.

    Recipes for your pet during the recovery period:

    1. 1. Rice water.
    2. 2. Broth with rice or buckwheat on chicken breast.
    3. 3. Liquid porridge with chicken and veal broth. Minced meat with well-cooked cereals.
    4. 4. Mashed vegetables, steamed.
    5. 5. Boiled meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal).

    Each product is introduced into the diet one at a time. If the dog's condition does not worsen, a new one is added the next day.

    How to properly feed an old dog

    Food for an elderly pet should consist of low-fat foods, contain the optimal amount of protein and be easily digestible. The diet of old dogs is almost no different from the usual, but is subject to adjustment.

    As dogs age, they experience digestive problems, the condition of their teeth and gums worsens, and their work changes. internal organs. The dog should be regularly shown to the veterinarian so that the diet is adjusted in accordance with the existing pathology.

    The general principles of feeding an old dog are:

    • Small meals - up to 4 times a day.
    • Availability of easily digestible sources of animal protein (poultry, rabbit, turkey).
    • The dog is not given foods containing fast carbohydrates - this leads to obesity.
    • The total calorie content of a serving decreases - older dogs move less, they no longer need to replenish energy expenditure at the same level.
    • The food is made of a soft consistency (finely cut, ground).
    • Cold or hot food is not allowed.
    • Vitamins for older dogs should be included in the diet. Their choice depends on various factors - the pet’s health status, the presence of chronic diseases or a predisposition to them.

    Nutrition for yard animals

    If a dog lives on the street, its feeding is organized in accordance with its increased energy needs. Different seasons, lifestyle, well-equipped enclosure - all these factors influence the heat exchange of animals. Often, owners of yard dogs believe that table scraps or porridge without meat are enough for their pets.

    A street mongrel and a purebred exotic dog have the same nutritional needs: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Both need the optimal amount of protein. The difference lies in the energy value. Street animals need an additional amount of calories, which is achieved not by cutting the meat component, but by adding portions.

A dog’s nutrition is one of the main factors influencing its health, condition and appearance. That is why it is so important to establish it from the first days of the pet’s appearance in the house or apartment.

Feeding natural products always raises many questions among dog owners, which we will try to answer.

Despite the fact that there are many commercial dog foods, many owners prefer to feed their pets natural food. But not all of them understand how to properly create a diet for their pet. What natural products should you feed your dog so that it always remains healthy, cheerful and cheerful?

What's better in natural conditions at home?

Some owners choose natural feeding for their pets, rightly believing that since the dog is a predator, it should eat meat with various additives, such as cereals, vegetables and herbs. But if you simply combine all this into a common pile in a dog’s bowl, without taking into account the nutritional value of the products and the presence of vitamins and minerals in them, then there will be little benefit for the animal from such food.

Many who feed their pets incorrectly do not even realize it. And those who guess, perhaps, would like to correct the situation, but do not know how to do it.

How to do it right

A system developed back in 1993 can help dog owners in this case. BARF, in which the dog’s nutrition is based on feeding meat products. It is based on the principles of feeding predators in the wild, where they eat raw meat, bones, game entrails, fat, as well as eggs, herbs and roots.

Here is a table of the main natural food products for feeding dogs, used in the BARF diet:

  1. Raw meat: beef, horse meat, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit. In this case, the meat should have cartilage, veins and films.
  2. Bones: bird necks and heads (the beak must be removed), beef tails, large moles. IMPORTANT! Meat and bones should be in the diet in approximately equal quantities and should be fed to the dog raw.
  3. By-products: raw tripe, poultry giblets, trachea, lung, heart, liver, beef trimmings.
  4. Fish: Very useful for dogs as a source of Omega-3 and phosphorus. But, despite the fact that BARF is a raw food feeding system, it should only be given to dogs in boiled form. In this case, it is better to feed your pets sea fish, such as pollock, hake, cod, and blue whiting.
  5. Vegetables. Give raw in any quantity: carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli and cauliflower, as well as bell peppers and cucumbers. Give raw, but a little: white cabbage, tomatoes, green beans. According to the BARF system, all vegetables should be pureed, but you can also give them simply cut into small pieces.
  6. Greenery: lettuce, parsley, nettle (boil with boiling water and cool before giving it), dandelion leaves, seaweed.
  7. Fruits and berries. Allowed: apples, pears, watermelon, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, banana.
  8. Dairy products. Healthy: cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, yogurt.
  9. Eggs. No more than 1-2 times a week. They are given only raw, and only the yolk can be fed to dogs.
  10. Fats: olive, flaxseed or burdock oil, fish oil for dogs.
  11. Supplements: seaweed, vitamins B, C and E, as well as bran.

How many times a day do you need

Usually it is customary to feed a dog 2 to 3 times a day, not more often. It makes no difference whether it is food or natural food.

The percentage of products for an adult dog should be as follows:

  • meat - 60-70%
  • vegetables and herbs - 15-20%
  • eggs and sour milk - 15-20%

Daily norm feeding according to BARF should be:

  • Adult: 2-3% of the animal's weight.
  • Working dogs the diet should be increased by 5%,
  • and growing puppies- by 5-10%.

It is not necessary to follow this nutritional system exactly, but you can take some of its principles as the basis for your pet’s diet. Here are a few sample recipes for BARF, but you can, based on them, come up with your own versions of dishes for your pet.

  • Beef trimmings, raw yolk, herbs, flaxseed oil.
  • Chicken liver (boiled with boiling water), yogurt, olive oil, bran.
  • Turkey meat, chicken necks, carrots, herbs, flaxseed oil.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, fresh grated carrots, curdled milk or yogurt, raw yolk.
  • Boiled pollock or blue whiting, fresh cabbage, tomato, greens, raw yolk or boiled egg(both yolk and white), olive oil.
  • Beef trimmings, raw grated pumpkin, egg, lingonberries.
  • Cottage cheese mixed with kefir, grated apple, blueberries, raw yolk.
  • Chicken necks, turkey, raw beef, grated carrots, vegetable oil.
  • Beef trimmings, liver, bell pepper, vegetable oil.
  • Chicken backs or wings, fresh cucumber, yogurt, vegetable oil.

ATTENTION! According to the BARF system, you should not feed dogs cereals, but if you do not strictly adhere to it, you can add a little boiled rice, buckwheat or oatmeal to your pet’s food.

Menu for the week

When a dog is fed natural food, it is especially important to correctly prepare its diet, not only the daily diet, but also the weekly menu. It should be borne in mind that the animal should receive not only healthy, but also varied food.

Here is a sample menu for a medium-sized dog weighing about 20 kg. For smaller and larger breeds, the amount of food should be increased according to the proportions. In this case, you should also take into account how busy the dog is with work or how active he is. For pets leading a “sofa-searching” lifestyle, this diet should be slightly reduced, and for working dogs – increased.

  1. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday



    meat and offal - 180 gr.,
    vegetables - 120 gr.,


  2. Tuesday (fish day)


    chicken necks, backs or ground turkey necks - 300 gr.,
    organic yogurt - pour on top,
    fish oil - 0.5 teaspoon,
    vitamin E - after meals 100 mg.


    sea ​​fish or minced fish - 250 gr.
    vegetables - 120 gr.
    egg yolk - 1 piece, raw,
    apple bite - 1 teaspoon,
    olive oil - 2 teaspoons,>
    vitamin C and vitamin B1 - give according to instructions.

  3. Friday (Curd Day)


    chicken necks or backs (you can also grind turkey necks) - 300 gr.,
    organic yogurt (about a quarter cup) - pour it on top,
    fish oil - 0.5 teaspoon,
    vitamin E - give after meals 100 mg.


    homemade low-fat cottage cheese - 250 gr.
    vegetables - 120 gr.,
    egg yolk - 1 piece, give raw,
    Apple vinegar- 1 teaspoon,
    olive oil - 2 teaspoons,
    vitamins C and B1 - in tablets, according to the instructions for the preparations.

  4. Sunday (meat day)


    chicken necks or backs (you can also grind turkey necks) - 300 gr.
    organic yogurt (about a quarter cup) - pour it on top,
    fish oil - 0.5 teaspoon,
    vitamin E - give after meals 100 mg,


    beef pulp - 180 gr.,
    porridge - 120 gr.,
    egg yolk (raw) - 1 pc.,
    apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
    olive oil - 2 teaspoons,
    vitamins C and B1 - in tablets, according to the instructions for the preparations.

IMPORTANT! Meat and poultry should only be given raw.

What vitamins should I give?

So, what vitamins should be given when natural feeding? A dog that eats exclusively natural food needs them. In this case, preference should be given to ready-made vitamin and mineral supplements, since all components in them are already in the best ratios.

If for some reason you cannot get these supplements, then you should give the animal vitamins separately.

The most essential vitamins for dogs:

  • WITH- it is not produced in the body of animals on its own, and if, among other things, there is little of it in food, then it certainly needs to be given in the form of a vitamin preparation.
  • E- necessary for dogs as an antioxidant. Considering that, as a rule, it is mainly contained in vegetable fats, of which there is not so much in a dog’s diet, it should be given in the form of ready-made vitamins.
  • IN 1- necessary for proper functioning nervous system. Since it is found mainly in cereals, which make up a small part of the dog’s diet, it must be added to food in the form of a vitamin preparation.
  • D— it should be added to food only for medical reasons or in the cold season, since it itself can be perfectly synthesized in the dog’s skin under the influence sun rays. Vitamin D supplements should be given with caution, since too much of it in food very quickly leads to the development of hypervitaminosis.

What cereals can you use?

The question of what kind of porridge can be fed to a pet and whether to give it to him at all interests owners primarily because many of them believe that it is best to feed the dog meat porridge. Whether this is true or not, you can find out from the article in which experienced dog handlers share their advice on preparing porridge for dogs:


Meat is a necessary product on any dog’s menu. In addition to the fact that it is the main source of proteins and amino acids, not a single predatory animal, including a dog, can do without it.

Already at one month of age, a large or medium breed puppy should receive at least 100-200 grams. meat per day. As he grows, the amount of meat and meat products in his diet also increases. An adult large breed dog should receive up to 400-500 grams per day.


The following types of meat can be given to dogs:

  • beef
  • mutton
  • horsemeat
  • chicken
  • turkey
  • You can also feed offal, mainly, beef: trimmings, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, trachea, raw tripe.
  • From poultry by-products you can give: necks, wings and heads of chickens, as well as hearts, stomachs, liver, skin of birds.

It is useful to give meat with fat or add fat to your dog's food separately.

ATTENTION! Some dogs may be allergic to individual species meat. Products that are allergens must be completely excluded from the diet, replacing them with others.

Is it possible

  • Raw

It is not only possible, but also necessary - feeding raw meat is the best thing you can imagine. Moreover, it is precisely this that should form the basis of the “meat” part of the diet. But at the same time, the meat must be of high quality and fresh. If there are concerns, then meat products can be doused with boiling water.

  • Pork

Why can't you feed your animal pork? In fact, contrary to the stereotype, dogs can eat pork. Of course, it is wiser to refuse meat from freshly killed wild boar, but a lean piece of high-quality meat will only benefit the dog:

Which is better: raw or boiled meat? Raw meat is digestible better than boiled meat, it is healthier for dogs and, of course, it should be preferred over boiled meat.

  • Is it possible only with meat?

You can't feed dogs meat alone. Not to mention the fact that with such feeding the pet will not receive the vitamins, minerals and amino acids contained in other products that it needs, it can also develop protein poisoning if fed only meat.

How cheap

When developing an economy class diet, it should be taken into account that even in this case, the dog must receive all the nutrients it needs from food. At the same time, we must not forget that your goal is to reduce the cost of your pet’s diet as much as possible, but not to switch the dog to feeding low-quality or inferior food.

ATTENTION! You cannot completely remove meat or other relatively expensive products from your pet’s diet. But it is permissible to replace them with others, cheaper ones: for example, instead of muscle meat, give trimmings.

  1. You can slightly reduce the amount of meat food, reducing it to 30-50%, but you should still not give meat less than this norm.
  2. There is no need to reduce the amount of fermented milk in the diet: it should be at least 15% of the daily requirement.
  3. Also, instead of meat, you can feed your dog chicken wings, necks, heads and other offal. You just need to remember that tubular bones, including those from chicken feet, should not be given to dogs.
  4. If it’s too expensive to feed your dog whole buckwheat or rice, then you can switch it to a cut of these grains: as a rule, it costs half as much, and the nutritional value it is almost the same as regular, non-crushed cereals.
  5. You should also not buy meat scraps of questionable quality. It is better to give your dog less expensive food, but of high quality, than to feed the animal food that can later lead to health problems.

IMPORTANT! Under no circumstances should you feed your animal expired or rotten food.

  • Like a scar

Beef tripe is a section of the cow's stomach consisting of smooth muscle fibers. It looks like a bag covered with lint. To a person, it all looks disgusting, and it smells so bad that you have to hold your nose.

Beef tripe is considered one of the healthiest by-products, and many dogs simply adore it. It is best to give them the tripe in its raw form, having frozen it thoroughly before doing so.

But to avoid infection with worms, you can boil the meat.

Advice: If you don't want to choke, buy already cleaned offal.

The uncleaned mass should be washed - left in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then scraped under running water with a knife, eliminating dirt and lint. The smell is removed during digestion.
Next, we divide the tripe into pieces - cut it, choosing the size of the palm, throw it into a pan of water and cook for no more than 10 minutes, counting from the moment it boils. After this, drain the liquid, pour the offal again and return to the fire. Cook until the characteristic aroma disappears. It will take about 5 brews!

And then we simmer in the pan for a long time and persistently - again we need a sufficient amount of water and patience. The fire should be moderate, the time during which we conjure at the stove is 3-4 hours. We determine readiness by piercing the pieces with a fork. If it slips out easily, you can cool the treat and invite your four-legged friend to the table.

  • Compound feed

Compound feed is considered a complete feed for poultry or livestock, but should not be given to a dog. The main reason is the difference in the physiological characteristics of herbivores and predators, which is why compound feed, which is quite suitable for food for farm animals, is completely unsuitable for dogs.

Is it possible

  • Bread

Give to the dog fresh bread You shouldn’t, but you can give some homemade crackers. Just do not feed your pet crackers from sweet baked goods, as well as those that are salted or sprinkled with sugar.

  • Potatoes

It is believed that you should not feed your dog potatoes, as this leads to stomach problems. But this applies to those cases when the dog is fed potatoes as the main vegetable supplement.

If you give your pet some boiled potatoes, nothing bad will happen to him. And many dogs love raw potatoes, so it’s quite acceptable to give your pet a couple of slices raw potatoes.

“I’m not a freeloader, I’ll grow my own daily potatoes”

The optimal dose of potatoes for dogs of large and medium breeds is 100–150 g per week (1–2 tubers), for small breeds – up to 50 g.

Important: under the skin of tubers stored for storage, gradually accumulates solanine. Even in boiled root vegetables, it is poisonous and poses a danger to dogs. Therefore, starting from February and until the new harvest, it is better not to give your dog potatoes boiled or baked in their skins. If the tubers have turned green, then they cannot be boiled or baked for an animal, even without the peel.

  • Pasta

They are not a necessary product for dogs, but they cannot be called too harmful either. You can give your dog a little pasta, especially if you do it extremely rarely. It should be taken into account that this must be hard pasta and, of course, it can only be fed in boiled form.

  • Chicken heads and paws

Chicken heads are very beneficial for dogs; they are even an indispensable component of the BARF diet. Just before giving them to your pet, you need to remove all remaining feathers from them and cut off the beaks.

But you should never give chicken feet to dogs: they will not bring any benefit and, moreover, the crushed tubular bones from them can injure the animal’s mouth, throat, stomach or intestines.

  • Bones

Of the meat bones, dogs can only be given large bones, which they cannot chew. Chicken necks can be made from bird bones, which will not cause harm to the pet, but they must be fed raw.

  • Chicken

Chicken may well form the basis of meat products in a dog’s diet. They give it raw, after cutting it into pieces. There is no need to scald chicken meat with boiling water.

ATTENTION! Chicken is considered a strong allergen. It should be introduced into the dog’s diet gradually and should be completely eliminated at the slightest sign of intolerance.

  • Soup

The soup will not bring much benefit to either the puppy or the adult dog. But, by the way, there is also harm.

  • Fish

It can only be given to your pet in a boiled form and it is better to give preference nautical fish.

  • Eggs

Eggs can and should be given to dogs when feeding them natural food. However, you cannot feed them more than 1-2 pieces per week. You can give only the yolk raw; when boiled, you can give both the yolk and the white, finely chopped.

  • Dairy (cheese, cottage cheese, milk)

  • Liver

Liver is a valuable product and should be present in the diet of dogs. You can’t give it every day, but you can and even need to feed it from time to time. Before feeding, the liver must be cut into pieces and scalded with boiling water.

  • Cookies

Cookies, especially if they are sweet and buttery, are harmful to dogs. It should not be given to pets. Exception: special dog biscuits bought in a store or prepared at home; they can be given to your pet without fear.


Helpful tips from your veterinarian:


It’s not difficult to feed your dog natural food if you have the desire. It is only important, when preparing a diet for your pet, not to forget that you can feed it exclusively with good quality food, while compiling the menu in such a way that the dog receives from food all the nutrients it needs, as well as vitamins and minerals. Naturally raised dogs are usually distinguished by enviable health, they are cheerful, active and live long.

What foods do you feed your natural-fed pets? Or maybe you even have “signature” dishes specially invented for your pet? Write about it in the comments to this article. Share your opinions, tips and stories, as well as photos of your well-fed and happy pets eating natural food.

Proper feeding is the source of your pet's longevity!

Like any owner of a miniature dog, you want your pet to grow up healthy and full of energy. And in order for your Chihuahua or Toy Terrier to feel good, you need to feed him balanced diet, providing all the needs of a growing and developing organism. What to feed - dry food or home-made food - is up to you: there is no unanimity among experts on this issue. Each method has its pros and cons, but we will talk about them later. In this article we will tell you about the rules that must be followed when feeding your pet food. homemade. What should a small dog's table be like? Let's find out...

Regularity of feeding

The regularity of feeding a Chihuahua or Russian Toy directly depends on the age of the dog. Veterinarians are unanimous in their opinion that it is best to feed a small dog puppy according to the following scheme:

  • 1-2 months - 6 times a day;
  • 2-3 months - 5 times a day;
  • 3-4 months - 4 times a day;
  • 4-10 months - 3 times a day;
  • 10-18 months - 2 times a day.

From one and a half years old, a small dog can be fed once a day. However, this should not be done if your pet has problems with the gastrointestinal tract or liver. An acceptable option is the one where the dog has two feedings per day.

Volume of one serving

The amount of food eaten by a small dog is selected strictly individually, depending on the needs of the dog’s body. It is considered unacceptable to overfeed a dog, which leads to obesity and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and heart, and underfeeding, which can cause dystrophy and disorder of the nervous system.

If you watch your Chihuahua or Toy Terrier carefully, you will notice that the small dog's sides become slightly enlarged after eating. Keep an eye on this indicator. Normally, a dog’s sides should neither stick out much nor be sunken.

What can you feed a chihuahua and toy terrier?

Let's talk about this important topic, like your small dog's diet. First of all, I would like to note that you can start feeding your dog from three weeks of age. The first foods introduced into a dog’s diet are porridge and cottage cheese. From the age of 1 month, meat is gradually introduced into the dog’s diet.

When choosing a diet for a Chihuahua and Russian Toy Terrier, you should remember that the dog, no matter how large or small it is, is a wolf, so the basis of your pet’s diet should be protein food in an amount of at least 2/3 of the total diet . Protein foods include meat, offal, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, kefir, milk, eggs. Some veterinarians and experienced dog breeders It is recommended to give all these products exclusively in raw form. However, there is an alternative opinion on this matter. Opponents of raw food eating claim that raw foods (meat, fish, poultry, offal) may contain helminths or their larvae, which causes significant harm to the animal’s body.

Let's take a closer look at the foods that should be in the diet of your Toy or Chihuahua.

  • Meat. The meat is given either in the form of pieces or planed. It is not advisable to give minced meat to a small dog: it is poorly digestible. For a small dog, the pieces of meat should be finely chopped. Eating fatty meat is unacceptable. Meat broth can be one of the options for diversifying your pet's diet. However, it is not recommended to cook broth on bones: it is very frequent use Such broths lead to digestive problems in Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers. The ideal option is a broth based on cartilage, which contains a lot of collagen, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of bones and ligaments of a small dog. How much meat should a Chihuahua and Toy Terrier have in their diet? From ¼ to ½ of the weight of the entire diet. It should be borne in mind that a young growing body needs more meat than an old and sedentary dog.
  • Offal. The liver and heart are the most useful by-products. The liver contains a large number of vitamins A and D. Offal is thoroughly boiled and given no more than 1-2 times a week, but in a volume 1.5 times greater than the volume of meat.
  • Fish. Small dogs, like the Chihuahua or Russian Toy Terrier, are given only sea fish - cod, hake, pollock. Containing a small amount of fat, they include the necessary amount of healthy fatty acids, as well as iodine and phosphorus necessary for the body. Fish should be offered no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Dairy products. Should be presented in the dog’s diet in the form of kefir and cottage cheese. It is not recommended to offer milk to small dogs older than 2 months: upon reaching this age, milk begins to be poorly absorbed by the body and does more harm than good. As for eggs, they are introduced into the diet raw and no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Cereals. Contain fiber necessary for intestinal function. Rice, rolled oats, and buckwheat are preferred in the diet. But millet and pearl barley are poorly absorbed by the body of a chihuahua and toy terrier, so it is better to avoid their use. Cereals should make up 1/3 of a small dog's diet.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Compared to other products, they are less absorbed. As for vegetables, a small dog can consume carrots, which are an essential source of vitamin A. Carrots are given raw, thoroughly grated. It is best offered in combination with vegetable oil, since the vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits are best absorbed on an oil basis. You can also offer your Chihuahua and Toy Terrier cabbage, but not the stalk, because they contain the main nitrates that may have been added to the cabbage. But it is better not to introduce potatoes into your dog’s diet. In addition to the danger of solanine poisoning contained in some tubers, potatoes interfere with the absorption of B vitamins. cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes. It is permissible to eat an apple as a fruit. Vegetables and fruits can make up ¼ -1/3 of the diet.

Here are the main foods that should be included in your small dog's diet.

What should you not give to Toys and Chihuahuas?

What should you never feed your pet if you want it to have health and longevity? Here is a sample list of foods that should be excluded from a small dog’s diet:

  • Bones. Forget about the existence of bones. Sharp bone fragments can pierce or injure a dog’s stomach, get stuck in the throat, and damage the health and life of your pet.
  • Pork. Its meat is extremely fatty, and this will place a huge burden on the liver of a small dog.
  • Raw river fish. As a rule, it is affected by helminths. In addition, river fish contains a large number of bones, so its consumption is generally undesirable for small dogs.
  • Peas, beans, legumes. They create problems with the removal of gases from the intestines.
  • Alcohol. In addition to all the harm that alcohol causes to the body of a small dog, and which we already know enough, keep in mind that alcohol is not broken down in the dog’s body and is highly addictive.
  • Sweet. Causes watery eyes in small dogs.
  • Salty. Firstly, it puts an enormous strain on the kidneys, and secondly, it causes salt deposition and increased blood pressure. There is no need to add additional salt to the food you prepare for your Chihuahua and Toy Terrier. It contains a sufficient amount of salts necessary for the body. This also includes the ban on spices.
  • Fried, fatty. Causes stress on the liver.
  • Pasta, white bread. They contain a large amount of “simple” carbohydrates, which contribute to the accumulation of fat mass.
  • Sausage and frankfurters. Render heavy load to the liver.

Basic rules that must be followed when feeding chihuahuas and toy terriers with homemade food.

  • A small dog should be fed only freshly prepared, high-quality food.
  • You cannot feed your dog from the common table. The food you eat does not suit your Chihuahua and Toy Terrier either in terms of the amount of salt, or in terms of fat content and spice.
  • If you decide to switch your dog to ready-made industrial food, the transition should occur gradually. At the same time, keep in mind what to mix together homemade food and the food is not recommended, nor is it recommended to mix food from different companies.
  • Never leave uneaten food in the feeder. It can turn sour, which will cause poisoning in the dog, and in addition, it will accustom the small dog to irregular and disordered eating.
  • After your small dog has eaten, give him time to rest. You should not immediately go for a walk or engage in outdoor and active games.
  • Your dog's main drink should be fresh water. Keep in mind that small dogs require more fluid than large dogs.
  • The diet of Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers must be balanced, that is, contain all the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required volumes and proportions.
  • In the autumn-winter-spring period, add to the diet special vitamins and microelements in the form of tablets and powders. After all, homemade food, unlike industrial food, is not saturated with all the necessary substances.
  • Be sure to monitor your small dog's weight and health. It's not proper nutrition will affect your appearance and well-being.


The phrase "we are what we eat" in to the fullest Suitable for small dogs too. Remember that how well your Chihuahua or Russian Toy eats determines its longevity and well-being. Your pet's diet should be well balanced and varied.

With proper nutrition, your dog will feel great and will repay you with loyalty and love that will last for many years thanks to your efforts and efforts. Be healthy!

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Health depends on how well your diet is chosen. appearance and the ability to bear offspring and life expectancy. The question of what to feed your dog at home should be taken seriously.

Natural or dry food

The choice of feeding type directly depends on the owner. Feeding with natural products is an expensive and labor-intensive process, directly related to the availability of free time and the desire to provide your pet with adequate nutrition. “Naturalka” must be supplemented with a complex synthetic vitamins and minerals that contribute to the normal functioning of the body.

In terms of dry food, experienced breeders advise giving preference to premium and super-premium brands; such food contains animal proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micro- and macroelements in sufficient quantities. Many manufacturers sell food that is individually developed to meet the needs of a specific dog breed or predisposition to certain diseases, such as allergies.

Cheap “drying” usually contains meat ingredients of low quality and unknown origin; its advertising on TV is just a standard marketing ploy from which manufacturers make a profit. High-quality food is quite expensive, but there is no need to skimp on your pet’s nutrition - this can lead to health problems.

Mixed type Feeding with breeders is not recommended at all; to consume dry food and natural food, pets require different quantities digestive enzymes. Such feeding may lead to serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract of a shaggy friend.

Adults and puppies

The difference between feeding a puppy and an adult dog is mainly in the frequency of feeding. A baby needs to be fed about 6 times a day; an adult animal needs morning and evening feeding. Very tiny puppies, weaned from their mother and up to three months, experience a physiological need for milk - a milk replacer for dogs in dry form, sold in pet stores, or goat's milk can help here.

By the age of three months, puppies lose the enzyme that promotes the breakdown of lactose, the need for milk subsides, which means they can be fed with products from the diet of an adult dog, with a predominance of meat products.

Proper nutrition for dogs

So, let's figure out what to feed your dog at home, it doesn't matter whether it's a mongrel or a shepherd.

If the choice is made in favor of a natural type of feeding, then the dog’s menu should include the following products:

  • meat and meat by-products - raw or boiled beef;
  • fish – preferably sea fish, from the cod or salmon family;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese or kefir with a small percentage of fat, which can sometimes be offered for breakfast;
  • chicken or quail eggs– in raw form;
  • vegetables and fruits - carrots, broccoli, best served pureed or mixed with meat pate;
  • cereals and bran - rich in fiber, they can be offered in the form of porridge in meat or fish broth;
  • vegetable oils – sunflower and olive.

List of prohibited products

There are things that are best excluded from your pet’s diet to avoid health problems:

  • tubular bones - can damage the esophagus and gastric mucosa;
  • sweet food - the animal’s body cannot break down sugar and, when it enters the stomach, sweets cause fermentation, which disrupts digestion;
  • sausages, sausages and smoked meats contain a large amount of spices and salt, the consumption of such food leads to impaired liver function;
  • legumes and nuts – cause flatulence;
  • flour products and potatoes - lead to bloating and constipation.

Feeding a dog during pregnancy

A pregnant bitch needs proper balanced nutrition for the full development of the offspring.

So that the dog can carry and give birth healthy puppies, you need to take into account the feeding features of the expectant mother:

  • products must be “first fresh”, intoxication of the body threatens termination of pregnancy;
  • The main part of the diet should be products containing large amounts of: animal protein - meat and fish, calcium - dairy products, essential amino acids - eggs;
  • The “pregnant woman” will benefit from vegetables and fruits as a natural source of vitamins;
  • increasing the frequency of feedings up to 5-6 times a day;
  • reducing consumption of foods containing starch;
  • add a complex of synthetic vitamins to the diet for pregnant and lactating bitches.

Dog's diet during lactation

The more puppies a happy mother has, the higher her need for food. A parent must eat enough to offer her babies enough milk. During the feeding period, you can offer the bitch diluted cow's or goat's milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, meat and fish broths.

During the postpartum period, the mother's body is weakened, the ability to absorb protein is reduced, so its amount must be strictly controlled.


Nutrition for small breed dogs

Dogs of small and large breeds differ in physiological development. Small individuals grow and develop faster, and their energy expenditure is higher. It is necessary to take into account the feeding habits of small friends, otherwise poor nutrition can lead to obesity, heart and liver problems.

To prevent your pet from turning into a fluffy sausage, you should follow some recommendations:

  • do not exceed the amount of feed indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of dry food;
  • introduce feeding according to the schedule, at regular intervals;
  • choose only fresh and lean meat products;
  • be sure to include vegetables and fruits in the menu.

Feeding large breed dogs

Large breed dogs have a standard menu, but they should not be overfed. Excess weight is an additional load on the joints, which is contraindicated for large breeds of dogs. The body of a large animal needs additional calcium and phosphorus supplements to strengthen bones.

What to feed your pet in the heat

In hot weather, dogs drink more and eat less. Most often, the appetite appears in the evening, so it is worth reviewing your pet’s diet and offering him less high-calorie food - fermented milk products or vegetable stew.

Nutrition for dogs with enterovirus

In case of intoxication and diarrhea, veterinarians advise not to feed the pet during the day and provide the dog with drinking plenty of fluids. Water will help cleanse the body of toxins and poisons accumulated in the body. On the second day, gradually introduce meat broths with rice, then beef and fermented milk products. After a week, when the pet’s gastrointestinal tract has improved, you can return to your previous diet.

Nutrition of the dog during the postoperative period

After the operation, the animal cannot be fed or watered. IN rehabilitation period The dog should be fed in small portions. Food should be easily digestible in liquid or mushy form - meat broth, porridge with ground meat, fermented baked milk.

Nutritional features of elderly and sick dogs

Your pet's body changes and as it ages, food becomes more difficult to digest. Therefore, the diet of elderly and sick dogs should be less high in calories - this will reduce the risk of obesity.

More and more older dogs are suffering from constipation; to avoid the problem, you need to offer your pet more fermented milk products, cereals and bran rich in fiber. Portion sizes should be small and food should be bland.

Daily need for energy and vitamins

Newbie owners often face a number of difficulties in preparing a diet, succumb to the manipulation of their pets and lose sight of important features breeds Let's figure out what to properly feed your dog at home and how to calculate the required amount of food. An adult dog eats 1-3 times a day; based on the diet, divide the daily intake into portions.

Water for dogs

The basis of proper metabolism, digestion, and therefore good health is water. The daily norm is calculated based on 40–60 ml. per kilogram of body of an adult pet (80–110 ml. for puppies), if the temperature environment does not exceed 25 C°. Please note that the daily water intake includes the liquid that is included in the porridge.

Protein food

Material for cell restoration and division. One of the necessary elements that the body cannot stock up on for future use, therefore proteins must be present in the animal’s diet every day. The dog's body synthesizes many vitamins and microelements on its own, but a number of essential amino acids are found only in protein foods.

Complete sources of protein - lean meat, natural milk, eggs. Eggs are a rich source of vitamins E, B2, B12, D, proteins and essential amino acids. Along with the benefits, the product is a strong allergen, so it is not advisable to use it more than 2 times a week.

For puppies, nursing and weak pets, quail eggs are recommended for maintenance purposes.

For variety, meat by-products are introduced into the dog’s diet - trachea, lungs, liver, heart, udder, stomach, ears, tripe, trimmings. The daily requirement of an adult dog for meat is 2.5 grams. per kilogram of weight or 15% of the total volume of food, for a puppy – 25%.

In combination with natural food, the pet should receive bones and cartilage, but taking into account several nuances: It is strictly forbidden to feed the dog tubular, rib and other bones that break into fragments under pressure - a direct path to the operating table, and only if you have time.

Bones are fed only raw. Boiled bone It is calcined like glass and, when chewed, breaks into small sharp fragments.

The dog can have spongy bones (porous) - shoulder blade, brisket. Sugar bones (moslaks) are given to the dog as a teething and teeth cleaning aid.

Moslak should be taken so that it does not fit into the dog’s mouth. You should not leave an animal gnawing a bone unattended - an overly enthusiastic pet can damage its jaw if the bone gets stuck.

Milk is a partial alternative to meat, but with a number of conditions:

  1. Homemade milk must undergo veterinary examination, otherwise the product may threaten the life of the animal.
  2. The optimal fat content of milk is 7–12%.
  3. The milk must be fresh.
  4. Mixing meat and milk in one feeding is not recommended.

Carbohydrate needs

The energy basis of the body, including immune system. Fiber - bran, the shell of cereals and some of their components, act as a catalyst for digestion and cleansing the intestines. The daily fiber intake for an adult dog is 2–3% of the diet, carbohydrates – 10 g. per kilogram. The optimal source of carbohydrates and fiber is cereals. They are fed only in a well-cooked form.

Porridge is prepared from chaff, whole or pressed cereals - rice, oatmeal, barley, buckwheat or mixtures thereof. Feeding millet, semolina, corn and pearl barley unacceptable! Vegetables and fruits are a source of fast carbohydrates and fiber.

Eating raw or processed vegetables in combination with grains and meat has a beneficial effect on the tone of the gastrointestinal tract, supports intestinal microflora, and helps the body get rid of toxins. It is optimal to finely chop or grate an apple, pumpkin, carrots, herbs, lettuce, and tomato. You should be careful with potatoes, cabbage and beets - they can cause diarrhea.

Fats in the diet

Contrary to all arguments about harm fatty foods, no metabolism is complete without fats. Of course, the dog should not be fed excessively fatty, fried foods, or foods containing harmful vegetable oils (palm oil, recyclables).

The pet needs to receive non-synthesized fatty acids Omega 3 and 6, food that will allow them to build up a small layer of fat by winter time.

The daily fat intake is 1.3 g per kilogram for an adult dog, 2.6 g for puppies. The source of healthy fats is boiled ocean fish, vegetable oils: olive, pumpkin, sunflower, which are optimally absorbed in combination with cereals.

Vitamins and minerals for dogs

The weak point of dogs is B vitamins and ascorbic acid(C), they are synthesized in the body in insufficient quantities and are not stored in reserve, therefore they must be present in food daily.

Note! High-quality industrial feed contains a full range of vitamins; when choosing tasty additives, study the composition so as not to increase the required daily dose.

Vitamin supplements are given in regular courses and additionally during pregnancy, lactation, active growth or illness. Please note that phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D must be present in one complex; they are absorbed in proper proportions, and excess is excreted from the body.

How to cook food properly

Traditionally, the dog is fed before a walk, but young German Shepherds, dachshunds and other hunting breeds are not recommended for active walks “on a full stomach”; there is a high probability of intestinal volvulus. Each owner must assess the risks and adjust the feeding schedule to the dog's needs.

Properly prepared porridge from natural products and courses of vitamin supplements are the optimal way to feed your dog. If you are thinking about purchasing an “artificial” breed (Shar Pei, Chinese Crested, Chihuahua and others), carefully assess your financial capabilities.

All “unestablished” breeds are prone to allergies and require lifelong nutrition with high-quality industrial feed.

If you transfer a dog from industrial food to natural food, for the first two weeks, the animal must be given a complex of bifidobacteria with probiotics.

Ideal recipes There is no preparation of porridge for dogs; the amount of food is adjusted based on the condition and needs of the pet. By adapting to the diet, carry out control weighing of the animal once every 3-4 days for 2-3 months, you can prevent obesity or understand in time that the dog does not have enough calories.

The porridge is cooked “with meat”; cereals and vegetables are added to the finished broth and make up 60% of the finished dish.

To prepare the broth you will need meat or fish - 40% of the total volume:

  1. Broiler chicken necks or soup set. Economical and quite filling option.
  2. You can make broth from homemade chicken, but before feeding it, you must completely remove the bones from the meat. Beef.
  3. Lean pork, ears, clean cartilage.
  4. By-products as an additive to the main type of meat.
  5. Ocean fish - no more than 1-2 times a week.

After preparing the broth, you need to remove the meat and bones from the pan, let them cool, sort them and chop them. Cereals are poured into the broth, and after cooking, vegetables are added. The only exception is carrots and beets, they do not lose useful properties when cooking.

As additives, add to the heated porridge:

  1. Probiotics.
  2. Bone meal.
  3. Vitamins B, C, E - sold at the pharmacy.
  4. Pharmaceutical brewer's yeast.
  5. Seaweed or extracts from them.
  6. Olive oil.
  7. Fish fat.
  8. Natural apple cider vinegar in very moderate quantities.
  9. Complexes of vitamins and microelements purchased at a pet store.

You should not limit yourself to only boiled food; offer your pet raw vegetables and fruits, and meat by-products if you are confident in their quality. Feeding human foods in the form of fried, pickled, smoked, spicy, and flavored foods should be completely avoided.

Number of feedings

While the puppy was still small, we had to feed him literally by the hour. But already at the age of one year, the diet is divided into one or two feedings. Some owners prefer to feed in the morning and evening, while others feed only before bed. Veterinarians consider both options acceptable, although the first is still better.

A sick or old dog should be fed light, low-fat food, dividing the usual diet into 3-4 meals for better digestion.

If the animal is not prescribed a different regime, then the question “feed the dog before or after a walk” should not be relevant at all. And this is not a matter of habit of the dog or the owner - doctors are unanimous on this matter - you can give your pet food only after a walk, and not vice versa.
The fact is that a dog’s gastrointestinal tract is designed in such a way that when overfilled with food during active movement, it can twist, forming a volvulus of the stomach and part of the intestines. Therefore, first an active walk, and then food.

If there is a need to feed the animal before walking (it cannot recover normally without replenishing its stomach with food), then the walk should take place in an inactive form, only to relieve its natural needs. Only after an hour will the dog be allowed to frolic to his heart's content.

In winter, when it is cold, the amount and calorie content of food for the dog, which is kept in an enclosure, should be increased.


Proper natural food for dogs is for the most part monotonous, species-specific diet that does not require heat treatment, mainly consisting of fermented milk products medium fat content, raw meat or raw offal (heart, tripe, kidneys, etc.) and plant foods (vegetables and some unsweetened fruits) in raw form, as well as in the form of bran from cereals as an additive to the main diet.

Actually, cereals (porridge and other flour products) should not be present in the dog’s diet. Porridges and products made from or with the addition of flour contain easily digestible carbohydrates, which can cause disruption of the intestinal microflora, as well as a decrease in resistance, in all dogs and cats, which are known to be carnivores. The state of the animal’s health directly depends on the state of the intestine, which is a key organ not only in digestion, but also in providing the defense system (resistance and immunity of the body). Thus, the presence of dysbiosis in the intestines, which is facilitated by dietary disturbances, can lead to the development of mass pathological processes, including increasing the susceptibility to allergies, disruption of internal organs, the occurrence of a number of chronic inflammatory diseases and obesity, often associated with each other.

The health and resistance of animals depends very much on nutrition; the state of the gastrointestinal tract and healthy intestinal microflora play a very important role in this. If your dog's diet includes cereal or commercial dry food that contains from 40 to 55% grains, corn or sweet potatoes, then you cannot expect normal, healthy intestinal microflora. However, even with natural nutrition Digestive disorders are possible, indicating a painful condition of the dog.

Meat in a dog's diet

The main meat in a dog’s diet is lean beef, maybe not the first grade. It is not necessary or even advisable to feed your dog tenderloin and other high-quality meats. It is allowed to feed dogs of all ages lamb, horse meat, and rabbit meat, given the high calorie content of lamb and rabbit meat. It is not recommended to give pork.

Chicken, turkey and their offal can also be given, but individually, paying attention to the reaction from the digestive system and skin. It is not advisable to feed chicken skin to dogs.

Meat, both beef and chicken, is always given raw, pre-frozen; there is no need to rinse it with boiling water or carry out other heat treatment on the meat. Meat should not be ground into mince.

By-products and beef tripe

Meat feeding a dog can include not only meat, but also by-products (kidneys, heart, udder, by-products of chickens, turkeys, etc.), which can completely replace meat. By-products must be raw. It should be borne in mind that offal is a less nutritious component of the meat diet compared to meat, but at the same time the udder is significantly higher in calories than meat

The exception is liver and lung; these by-products are not recommended to be given to the dog often, since not everyone tolerates raw liver equally well, and it makes no sense to treat it thermally. However, many people successfully use these components in the diet of dogs and cats. Unprocessed, unpeeled beef tripe deserves special attention; it is often given to dogs. You can start introducing meat into your diet with tripe, then gradually adding beef. Cleaned tripe is simply a lighter organ meat. However, not all dogs tolerate one or another meat component equally well, so if an ingredient is intolerant, which is manifested by diarrhea or vomiting, it should be removed from the diet, as well as if other components of the dog’s natural diet are not accepted.

Of course, one can become infected with one or another disease from one or another product, but rare cases of infection from raw, untested and not frozen meat do not allow one to be afraid of feeding a dog a raw product. It is unlikely that any veterinarian will be able to recall a case of infection from anything from meat. In addition, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach of carnivores there is more than in humans and is sufficient to perform its disinfecting functions in relation to raw meat and fish. We also do not recommend purchasing meat “from hand” at the Poultry Market, where you can buy products obtained from a known sick animal, and even freezing it will not help, and heat treatment of meat reduces the nutritional value of the product for the dog.

Fish in a dog's diet

Dogs can be given raw fillets of sea and oceanic frozen fish, not bony, low-fat varieties, replacing meat with seafood in meat feeding 2-3 times a week. However, it is not recommended to constantly feed fish.

There are several questions that are often asked regarding fish feeding:

1. Feeding fish leads to thiamine deficiency due to the thiaminase it contains;

The problem with thiaminase is relevant for animal farms, where there is mainly a mono-diet and if you feed only raw fish, there will be hypovitaminosis B1, and therefore this is almost not relevant for a home mixed diet.

Dairy products

Dogs can be given fermented milk products with a fat content of up to 9%; not everyone tolerates such fat content well. In many dogs, a fat content of cottage cheese of more than 2% can already cause loose stools. But low-fat dairy products should not be given either.

Also, loose stool may be associated with the brand of kefir, which must be selected more individually for sensitive dogs. Ryazhenka should not be given to dogs, nor should yoghurts with fruit or sugar.

The most optimal fermented milk products are cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5-9%, kefir with a fat content of 3.5%, and yogurt, with a short shelf life of up to 7 days.

Using Evitalia and Narine starter cultures based on pasteurized milk, you can make a healthy fermented milk product that is useful not only for dogs and cats, but also for humans, and feed it either separately or together with cottage cheese.

Dividing dog food into fermented milk and meat

The main components of the diet are fermented milk products at one feeding and raw vegetables and raw meat with a small amount of butter at another. As mentioned above, vegetables can, if possible, be fed to the dog separately.

This means that fermented milk feeding can include either kefir alone, cottage cheese alone, or kefir with cottage cheese, curdled milk, yogurt, etc. It is advisable to give fermented milk products with a short shelf life, up to 7 days. Only bran and a raw egg no more than 2-3 times a week.

Meat feeding may include raw meat, offal or fish. You cannot mix the components of meat and fermented milk feeding with each other.

Vegetables in a dog's diet

Dogs can be fed most vegetables: carrots, White cabbage, bell pepper, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, cucumbers. It is useful to give greens: parsley, dill, lettuce.

Vegetables may be present in the diet as a mono option, or there may be several types of vegetables, but one type of vegetable is quite sufficient, with the exception of cabbage and cucumbers.

It is advisable to give the dog a raw clove of garlic once a week, a few spoons 2-3 times a week sauerkraut, which is very rich in ascorbic acid.

Greens and vegetables should always be given raw, finely chopped or grated on a regular coarse grater. In the summer, when keeping a dog at a dacha, you can feed any edible greens, including young shoots of steamed nettle growing in the garden. If the animal eats plants and fruits on its own, then you don’t need to add any extra.

Vegetables and greens should always be given only with meat feeding or separately. There is no need to mix raw plant foods with components of a fermented milk diet, with the exception of bran, which goes well with meat and dairy foods.

As a treat and as a source of raw fiber, dogs can be given vegetables or unsweetened fruit to chew on.

Bran (about bran, see below) in a dog’s diet can complement or even replace raw vegetables, especially in cases where the addition of vegetables leads to various types of indigestion (flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea).

Consistency of dog food

Dogs should not be given food in the form of minced meat or puree. The meat should be cut into pieces, hard vegetables grated on a large regular grater, greens and lettuce finely chopped. Dogs love to chew apples on their own; bran can be added to wet food, both dairy and meat. Dogs and cats do not chew food, but swallow it if the piece corresponds to the size of the animal or they bite off a piece that is accessible for swallowing - this is physiological for them and does not cause harm. In addition, ready-made ground meat contains too much fat. Even if the dog has few or no teeth, food can be given in chunks.

Eggs in a dog's diet

Eggs can be given raw, both chicken and quail, adding to milk feeding 2-3 times a week. Both puppies and adult dogs can and should be given both the yolk and the white, without separating.


Bran in a dog's diet, like vegetables, is a source of fiber and therefore it is recommended to add them to the dog's diet along with vegetables or replacing them.

The main advantage of bran is its high content dietary fiber(fiber), which enhance peristalsis, regulate and improve the condition of intestinal microflora.

Bran can be purchased in bulk at health stores, pharmacies or grocery stores and added in this form to both fermented milk and meat feeding.

But fermented milk is preferable, since bran shows its maximum effect when it absorbs liquid and swells. Then, once in the stomach, the bran does not undergo any changes and, retaining water, enters the intestines, accelerating intestinal motility.

Or you can buy bran in the form of crispy sticks or bran plates and pre-soak them. You should not buy bran products, including crispy sticks with added salt. But at the same time, you can give bran combined with fiber from carrots and other vegetables. The amount of bran (in dry form) for a dog weighing 20-25 kg is 1 tsp. without a slide added to each feeding. The dose can be varied for greater effectiveness or for high sensitivity.

Oil in a dog's diet

Dogs can add different types of oils to their meat diet: olive, unrefined sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed, etc., but exotic ones should be avoided. The main oils are unrefined sunflower and olive. Vegetable oils are added to the bowl where there are plant components of food (vegetables) in a dose of a few drops for a small dog and up to a tablespoon for a large dog.

Fruits and dried fruits

There should be no sweet fruits in a dog’s diet; dogs simply should not be given sweets. Almost all fruits are sweet, the only acceptable fruit is a green apple that is not too sweet, although there is no need to prohibit the dog from eating berries at the dacha.

Bones in a dog's diet

Raw bone - important source calcium and phosphorus are part of the canine diet and, of course, bones can be fed to dogs that have a full-fledged dental apparatus, but do not have chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Large dogs feed the ends (epiphyses) of the bones; smaller ones can be given spongy raw chicken bones: breast, neck. It is not recommended to give boiled bones to dogs; they are difficult to digest, as they can cause intestinal obstruction.

Prebiotic and probiotic environment in the intestines. Carbohydrates in the diet

Probiotics are preparations based on living “good” microorganisms: lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which remain viable when passing through the gastrointestinal tract, multiply in it and suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Prebiotics are completely indigestible food ingredients that serve as a substrate, a nutrient medium for the growth and life of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine, and also stimulate its work.

In the absence of a prebiotic environment (indigestible fiber), the amount beneficial bacteria sharply decreases, since they lack the prebiotic environment they need for nutrition and their share in the intestinal microenvironment will be occupied by pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, yeast, etc., which, in essence, is dysbacteriosis.

Cereals, bread, pasta are easily digestible carbohydrates (starch); dogs need complex carbohydrates of another type, which are found in raw vegetables or bran and which dogs and cats cannot digest. Carnivores cannot extract energy from complex carbohydrates and raw fiber; ruminants and herbivores “specialize” in this. It is raw vegetables and bran, or rather the indigestible fiber they contain, that create a prebiotic environment in the dog’s intestines, which is the basis and substrate for creating a probiotic environment and the formation of healthy intestinal microflora.

Moreover, if the dog has proper natural nutrition, then the dog, even without the use of probiotics, will eventually develop the correct probiotic environment and intestinal microflora, but only if the animal is healthy and free from congenital and acquired diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that require treatment and independent of the correct diet. It is for this reason that introducing probiotics into the diet of a dog that receives cereal or dry food does not bring the desired long-term results.

The role of the prebiotic environment in a dog’s diet is played by raw vegetables, which are best (but not necessarily) given to animals as a separate feeding, and also, when added to a dairy or meat diet, these components are compatible.

It is better to give dogs veterinary probiotics, only if they are not available, then try using human ones. It is possible to take prophylactic probiotics once every 3-4 months, but prebiotics should be taken at digestive system constantly, especially since this is not a medicine, but a regular component of the diet.

At the same time, you need to understand that if the dog has proper nutrition and the dog is healthy, then without the use of probiotics in the intestines, over time, a healthy intestinal microflora will form on its own.

Is it possible to mix dry food and wet natural or canned food?

Mixing different types of feeding does not have any advantages over the strict principles of feeding a dog, in fact, dry food is designed to be fed exclusively. If you add other components throughout the day, then an imbalance is guaranteed. In addition, combining diets does not make any sense: either convenience or a natural diet.

Vitamins and mineral supplements

An adult dog that receives proper natural nutrition does not necessarily need to be supplemented with any vitamin and mineral supplements at all times. In spring and early summer, you can add dry yeast to your food, which is a natural complex of vitamins. You can also give seaweed (kelp) once a year as a natural source of vitamins, but you must take into account the possibility of an individual allergic reaction.

At the same time, puppies and adult dogs need vitamins and minerals during pregnancy and lactation. You can read more in this publication.

The total volume of food from all feedings per day is calculated using the formula: up to 6 months. 6-7% and older than 6 months. 3-3.5% of body weight (body weight is calculated without taking into account body fat, of course, approximately).

The resulting daily volume of food is divided in half between 50% fermented milk products, 50% raw meat and everything related to meat (beef by-products, poultry, fish), raw plant foods are given ad libitum, but approximately 15-20% on the volume of meat portion. For example, an average dog weighing 20 kg can be given an average carrot to eat per day, cabbage leaf, two teaspoons of bran, a medium apple, etc. Please note that vegetables and bran are supplements to the protein diet and are not included in the calculated percentages (6-8% and 3-4%).

An example of calculating the volume of food for a dog weighing 15 kg, age 6 months and older:

15x0.04*=0.6 kg. or 600 gr. Of these, 300 gr. this is cottage cheese and kefir, which will make up fermented milk feeding and meat feeding will consist of 300 grams. raw meat, to which about 100 grams are added. raw grated vegetables and 1-2 tsp. unrefined vegetable oil.

An example of calculating the amount of food for a dog weighing 15 kg, less than 6 months old:

15x0.07*=1 kg. or 1000 gr. Of these, 500 gr. This is cottage cheese and kefir, which will make up fermented milk feeding and meat feeding will consist of 500 grams. raw meat, to which about 100-150 grams are added. raw grated vegetables and 1-2 tsp. unrefined vegetable oil.

* — Coefficient obtained by dividing 4 and 7% by 100

This formula is not absolute and mandatory, the dog’s feeding regimen, and also the amount of food may vary depending on the physiological state (pregnancy, breed tendency to excess weight, presence of hormonal disorders, etc.); age: for old and aging animals, the amount of food is reduced to 2.5-3% of weight; from physical activity(duration of walk, official work, swimming); the animal’s habitat (apartment, open enclosure); time of year (more in winter, less in summer); others individual characteristics etc. Fasting days without meat at all, but also without increasing the dose of dairy foods, are also welcome.

Are there breed specific characteristics of a dog's diet?

There are no fundamental features for healthy dog any breed, regardless of size and anatomical discrepancies with the ancestor of canines - the wolf. A sick animal may need correction, but this requires individual work with the pet.


As you can see, among the indicated food components there are no dry or wet commercial feeds, cereals in the form of porridges, breads or other carbohydrate foods. They are not recommended for dogs, just as feeding sweet, sugary fruits and everything else is not recommended.

The main mistake that owners make in feeding dogs is overfeeding. Even if the recommended components are maintained, their volume more than normal, then this is as harmful as feeding your dog inappropriate foods.

Should be adhered to simple rule, which works in most cases - if after eating food a dog or cat leaves any amount of it in the bowl, this means that the animal is already overfed. The bowl should not be constantly filled, as is often the case. Only an animal with a moderate feeding instinct will not overeat in conditions of unlimited access to food.

An animal that experiences health problems (diarrhea, regular vomiting) while eating natural food is sick and requires treatment. Switching to dry food will only adapt the animal to the disease, and will not relieve it. This is like a diet that makes life easier, which has the right to be used in practice veterinarian, especially in cases where the animal’s health condition is irreparable or the doctor is unable to cope with the pathology with a natural diet. Owners need to understand this.

Therefore, the question - What to feed a dog can be answered this way: only natural food that contains everything necessary for the body of a carnivorous animal. And all the talk about the domestication of the dog is nothing more than talk: the dog, like the wolf, was and will remain a dog and a wolf. It is also necessary to know that the recommendations of breeders or felinologists, as well as the popular literature written by them on keeping and feeding cats, have nothing to do with objectively correct methods of feeding, because the reason for such recommendations is partly due to ignorance and lack of understanding of the biological nature of dogs and cats, and, partly to reduce the cost or simplify the maintenance of the animal.

If you follow all the above feeding rules, your pet will live a long and healthy life.

Health to you and your little brothers.