Summary of the parent meeting Brain-ring “Mom - play with me. Scenario for entertainment with children of senior preschool age “Ecological Brain Ring”

Target: strengthening children's knowledge about diversity flora.

Integration of educational areas:"Communication", "Cognition", "Socialization".


To consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of the plant world, about nutrition and its various forms of plants (“Cognition”);

Practice the ability to compare plant species according to appearance("Cognition");

Consolidate the experience of ordinal counting within 9 (“Cognition”);

Develop logical thinking("Cognition");

Activate lexicon children (“Communication”);

Revealing the intellectual abilities of children (“Cognition”);

Formation of the ability to work in a team (“Socialization”).


Invitations have been prepared for parents to the brain ring “Carnivorous plants - myth or reality?” Made team emblems with the captain's mark. Tables and chairs are set up for the competitors, the group is decorated with posters: “Brain Ring”, “I Want to Know Everything”, “Knowledgeables”, “Why”.

Methods and techniques:

Practical techniques: didactic games, outdoor game.

Visual techniques: viewing, demonstration.

Verbal techniques: conversation, problem conversation.

Equipment: stopwatch, whistle, bells, pieces of paper on the gaming tables, pencils, chips, 2 baskets, 2 buckets, balls, cut pictures of insectivorous plants “Venus flytrap”, “Zhiryanka”, TV, laptop, HDMI cable.

Brain ring progress

Presenter's speech.

Good afternoon I am glad to welcome you to the Brain-Ring game among the preparatory group students. Our game goes by the motto “I want to know everything.” All the guys enter the ring and take turns taking the team emblem from the basket: “Znayki” and “Pochemuchki”. Today the game participants will demonstrate their skills, knowledge, ingenuity and erudition in the field of studying the diversity of the plant world.

Team greetings

The commanders introduce their players.

Greetings from the Znayki team:

Let the fight boil faster

Stronger competition

Success is not decided by fate,

But only our knowledge.

Greetings from the "Pochemuchki" team:

We answer together

And there is no doubt here:

Today there will be friendship

Mistress of victories.

Leading. Today you will need not only knowledge, but also friendship. May victory and good luck accompany you.

The teams take their places.

Presenter: Fans also take part in the game - parents and the jury (2 teachers from other groups).

The prize fund of our game is “Nature of the Native Land” magnets and candies, which each participant will receive.

Rules of the game: 1 minute to discuss the issue. After the question is asked and the signal is given, the captain of the team that knows the answer gives a signal (bell) and tells us who will answer.

Task No. 1. Answer the questions:

  1. Do plants eat? What do they eat? (Yes, they feed. Air, water, light.)
  2. Why do plants eat insects? (Insectivorous plants live in the water of fresh water bodies, in marshy meadows and swamps, so the plants lack nutrients.)
  3. What do plants need? useful material? (For growth and reproduction.)
  4. What do plants use to catch insects? (Traps.)
  5. What are the traps of insectivorous plants? (Leaves with glands with a sticky substance, closing leaves.)
  6. Name one insectivorous plant each (for example, sundew, bladderwort).

Task No. 2. Captains' competition "Collect a picture of a plant and name it."

Each team captain is given cut-out pictures of an insectivorous plant. The captain who is the first to collect a picture and name the plant wins.

Task No. 3. Physical education minute

Game "Water your plant"

Game attributes: basket (2 pcs.), small balls (20 pcs.), gymnastic stick (2 pcs.), bucket (2 pcs.).

Rules of the game: 2 teams line up at the mark, near which there are buckets with balls. Each participant must take a ball from the bucket and get into a basket with a picture of their plant (which the teams assembled in the form of puzzles). The team that completes the task first wins.

Task No. 4. Game "Fourth wheel". (Presentation.)

Slide 1: The fourth one is extra.

Slide 2: The slide shows willow, birch, spruce and bladderwrack. It is necessary to give names to the plants and determine that the picture “Bubblewort” is redundant, because it is an insectivorous plant, and the rest are trees. When you click on the picture "Bubblewort" you hear applause. When you click the left mouse button, slide 3 appears.

Slide 3: The slide shows lilac, Venus flytrap, raspberry and gooseberry. You need to give names to the plants and determine that the picture “Venus flytrap” is redundant, because it is an insectivorous plant, and the rest are shrubs. When you click on the picture "Venus flytrap" applause sounds. When you click the left mouse button, slide 4 appears.

Slide 4: The slide shows sundew, chamomile, rose and lily of the valley. It is necessary to give names to the plants and determine that the picture “Sundew” is superfluous, because This is an insectivorous plant, and the rest are flowers. When you click on the picture "Sundew" you hear applause. When you click the left mouse button, slide 5 appears.

Slide 5: The slide shows milk mushroom, fly agaric, nepentos and champignon. It is necessary to give names to the plants and determine that the picture “Nepentos” is superfluous, because it is an insectivorous plant, and the rest are fungi. When you click on the Nepentos picture, applause sounds. When you click the left mouse button, slide 6 appears.

Slide 6: Well done.

Task No. 5. Rebus "Game Winner".

A rebus task is displayed on the TV screen. There are five pictures of plants on the slide. From the first letters of each plant, participants make up an answer to the question:

D dec R Omashka U crop AND Irish B white G rib A rbuz

At the end of the brain ring, the jury sums up the results and awards all the guys with gifts.

Intellectual game for children of the preparatory group “Brain Ring”

Introductory part

Host: Hello, friends! Today we are taking a trip to the land of knowledge, where we will play the intellectual game "Brain Ring".

Let me introduce you to the rules of the game:

The game consists of 3 rounds. Each round has 4 tasks. You have 2 minutes to complete the task. The one who completes the task first receives a token. After each round, the jury sums up and announces the results. The team with the most tokens becomes the winner.

Let me introduce the participants of the game:

1st team - team “Pochemuchki”


We are inquisitive minds

We are asking questions on a first-name basis.

"Why? " - favorite question,

Helps us grow.

2nd team – team “Lyuboznayki”


We are a team of “Know-It-Yours.”

Our motto: “We want to know everything.”

Ask us a hundred questions

We are ready to answer!

The jury of our competition is headed by...

Main part.

Host: Look, I have a bell in my hands:

The bell is not simple -

He is loud and mischievous!

If we call him -

Let's open the door to the world of knowledge. (Rings the bell).


/Questions are asked to each team in turn. /

1. She welcomes spring by putting on earrings.

A green scarf is draped over the back.

And the striped dress. You will find out. (Birch tree).

2. How boring it is without movement

Looking into the water at your reflection.

Hanged flexible branches from a cliff

Tender, quiet, sad. (Willow).

3. He hollowed out the tree for a long time and destroyed all the insects.

He wasted no time, long-billed, motley. (Woodpecker).

4. The sun is warming at the doorstep,

The snowdrifts are melting,

And streams flow like rivers,

They are flying towards us from the south. (Rooks)

5. This beast lives only at home,

Everyone is familiar with this beast.

He has a mustache like knitting needles.

He purrs and sings a song,

Only the mouse is afraid of him.

Did you guess it? It's a cat).

6. Kicked out the horns

Take a walk in the meadows,

And horns in the evening

Arrived with milk. (Cow)

7. Flies, squeaks,

Long legs dragging.

The opportunity will not be missed:

He will sit down and bite. (Mosquito)

8. In the forest near the stump there is running and bustle:

The working people are busy all day,

He wants to build a higher house. (Ant)

9. I found it in a squirrel's hollow

5 small hazelnuts.

Here's another one lying

Carefully covered with moss.

What a squirrel! Here's the hostess!

Count all the nuts. (6)

10. Once to the bunny for lunch

A friend - a neighbor - galloped up.

The bunnies sat on a tree stump

And they ate two carrots.

How many carrots did you eat? (4)

1st round . “Look how good the region you live in is”

"You won't find it on the world map,

The house where you live.

And even native streets

You won't find it on that map.

But we will always find it,

Our country is our common home."

1 competition

/Questions are asked to each team in turn/

1. What is the name of our planet?

2. What country do we live in?

3. What is the name of the area where you live? 4. What is the name of the region in which we live?

5. Which city is the capital of our Motherland? 6. What city do we live in?

7. What is the symbol of our city? 8. What theaters are there in our city?

9. What is the name of the river that flows in our city? 10. What language do we speak?

11. Which kindergarten do you go to?

12. On what street is your kindergarten located?

2 COMPETITION : Attractions

Use the parts to assemble a picture of the city. Name what is depicted on it and tell everything that is known about this place.

3 COMPETITION : Nationalities

Team "Why"

1. What nationalities do people live in our region?

Team "Curious".

2. Pictures showing people in ancient Russian costumes decorated with ornaments.

Why were ornaments in Russian costume located along the edge of the hem, sleeves, and collar?

Answer: They embroidered patterns on the collar, sleeves, and hem of clothes not just for beauty. The pattern in the ornament goes in a circle. In the old days, people believed that the circle was a symbol of the sun. And the sun gives warmth, light, harvest. Protects from cold, darkness, disease, troubles. Therefore, the ornament in a circle was a talisman - it protected people from evil. That is why collars, sleeves, hem of clothes, belts, and headdresses were embroidered with ornaments.

4 COMPETITION : "Me and my friends":

"How many are there in this world

Kind and sympathetic people.

That good will not win on the entire planet,

Even the most experienced villain.

If we smile, we will become kinder,

We need kindness more than anything in the world."

What do the proverbs mean:

Team "Curious".

a) Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

b) Look for a friend, and if you find him, take care.

Team "Why"

c) Hold on to each other, don’t be afraid of anything.

d) Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth.

A fun physical education session.

Card index.

ROUND II - "Man-Made World"

1 COMPETITION - “Professions”

Host: And now we move on to the next test. Now we will find out how well our participants know their professions (the task is also given to each team in turn).

Rolls for us and rolls

They bake every day (bakers, not doctors)

Cooks porridge and broth

Kind, fat (cook, not postman)

All black, like a rook,

Climbing from our roof (a chimney sweep, not a doctor)

They talk about paired sounds

At school you and I (teachers, not firefighters)

Folds, pockets and even piping -

I made a beautiful dress (a tailor, not a musician)

Under the circus big top on a dangerous flight

Set off brave and strong (gymnast, not pilot)

2 COMPETITION - “What are they made of? »


3 competition – “The fourth wheel”



Solve crossword puzzles.

A game is played with participants on "Attention".

(The presenter holds flags in his hands, raising them one by one. Participants perform movements according to the text).

Green flag - stomp,

Yellow - clap

Red - hurray shout!

III ROUND – “NATURE is our common home”

Poem by L. Deineko

There's a huge house on earth,

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

The cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of our native Earth

This house is called.

1 competition – “Blitz survey”

In one minute you need to answer as many questions as possible larger number questions. The beginning and end of the competition is announced by the jury's sound signal - /bell/.

Questions for the “Why” team

1. When does a squirrel store nuts? (autumn)

2. What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer climes? (migratory)

3. Crucian carp, catfish, pike, perch? (fish)

4. What do you name a baby horse? (foal)

5. When do raspberries ripen in the garden? (in summer)

6. What is the name of the ants' house? (anthill)

7. How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

8. What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)

9. When in the sun White snow sparkles? (winter)

10. What is the one word for the animals that live in the forest? (wild)

11. Is a dog a wild or domestic animal? (homemade)

12. Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)

13. When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)

14. What does a butterfly eat? (nectar)

15. Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain)

16. What color is the book in which endangered species of plants and animals are recorded? (red) 17. Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo). 18. When does a butterfly fly over a field? (in summer)

Questions for the “Kyuboznayki” team

1. When does grandfather dig potatoes? (in autumn) 2. What word is used to call the birds that spend the winter with us? (wintering)

3. On what tree do acorns grow? (on an oak tree) 4. Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)

5. What do you name a baby cow? (calf)

6. When does the icicle drip and melt? (spring)

7. Which animal has a red coat? (from a squirrel, fox)

8. How many legs does a beetle have? (six)

9. Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)

10. Who carries their house on their back? (snail)

11. Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)

12. Is a lion a wild or domestic animal? (wild)

13. Which insect has red wings with black dots? (at the ladybug)

14. When do strawberries ripen? (in summer)

15. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill) 16. What do they mainly eat? migratory birds? (insects). 17. Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (insects). 18. What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse).

2 competition – “Development” /game “Why”/. (Oak and butterfly)

Arrange pictures depicting the growth and development of a duckling, an apple in sequence, what happened first, what happened next. Explain what will happen if the sequence is broken.

3rd competition "Erudite"

/Questions are asked in turn to each team/

1. Question: Why is there day and night?


“Everyone knows that it’s light during the day and dark at night. Day occurs on that part of the globe that is turned towards the Sun and illuminated by its rays.

This can be proven by experience:

(lamp light, globe - rotation of the “Earth” around its axis).

The other half of the globe at this time is turned away from the Sun and is in the shadow. It's night there. The globe rotates all the time, like a top, but not so fast. That’s why day and night follow each other.”

Presenter (teacher):

This is the correct answer.

2. Question: “Why don’t polar bears eat penguins? »

Answer: “Bears cannot hunt penguins, since these animals live far from each other. Bears live in the Arctic, and penguins live in Antarctica. The main enemies of penguins are whales, killer whales and leopard seals.


I ask experts to prove their answer with a map.

(The child shows the North Pole and the Arctic on the map, places a polar bear magnet figurine there, then shows the South Pole and Antarctica and attaches a penguin magnet figurine).

3. Question:

“What has no form.

But it pricks, molds,

Goes up.

This can get you burned, but

It is impossible to live without this! »


Please give the correct answer.


"This is water. Water has no form. It takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured. When it's cold, water freezes and turns into ice. A shard of ice can prick you and even cut you. In winter, snow falls - it's frozen water. The snow sticks well. In summer, when it is hot, the water evaporates, rises and falls down as rain. Water can be boiled on the stove for tea or soup. But you have to be careful, boiling water can burn you! Everyone needs water: people, animals, and plants. It is impossible to live without water!

4. Question: “What is in the box? We listen carefully: it contains something that can sleep for a long time, sleep until warmth, light, and water appear.

Guess what's in the box? »


Answer: “We think there are plant seeds in the box, one seed. In winter, the whole earth is covered with snow, it is cold. And the seeds can sleep for a long time, covered with a blanket of snow. But spring will come, the sun will warm up, streams will run and the seeds will wake up and come to life. Plant seeds will begin to germinate, because they will have warmth, light, and water.”

5. Question: “Are the inhabitants of a natural area (parrot, hamster, fish) considered living beings? By what signs can they be considered alive? »

6. Question: “Are houseplants, which are in our natural corner to living beings? By what signs can they be considered alive? »

7. Question: “How do plants differ from animals? »

8. Question: “How are plants similar to animals? »

Competition 4 – PUZZLES


Host: This ends our game. You did a very good job and showed good knowledge. And now, I ask you to approach the ladder of success and evaluate your work.

Thank you! Everyone who took part in the game receives a diploma as a participant in the intellectual game. And who won - the Order of “Umnikov”. And, of course, a sweet prize.

Ecological brain ring in kindergarten

(carried out on site kindergarten)
Target: Raise children in game form environmentally literate people.
Tasks: To develop intellectual abilities in the field of ecology, creativity and environmental culture of preschool children. Foster feelings of collectivism. Develop children's speech and cognitive activity.
Equipment: Benches, emblems, sun and cloud caps, pictures of insects and birds, 2 trash bags, a wonderful bag with barrels, a tape recorder, audio recordings, cocktail straws, flower preparations, vases.
Progress of the game:
Organizing time.
(Calm music sounds, children take their seats, the presenter reads a poem)
There is a huge house on earth
Under the roof is blue.
The sun lives in it,
rain and thunder,
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
Spring ringing of the stream,
You live in that bright house YOU
And all your friends.
Wherever the roads lead
You will always be in it.
NATURE of native land
This house is called.
Leading: Hello guys!
We welcome you to the educational and entertaining game “Ecological Brain Ring”. The name of the game Brain Ring comes from the English. brain - brain. As you know, any game has rules, and brain-ring is no exception. Listen to the rules of the game.
Rules of the game:
1. 2 teams take part in the game.
2. Team captains present the name, motto, emblem.
3. The game consists of 5 rounds, which contain general issues on ecology.
4. The correctness of the answers is assessed by the jury
5. For the correct answer, the team receives points, they are awarded according to the system:
Full correct answer -5 points
Incomplete answer - 3 points
Incorrect answer - 0 points, the right to answer goes to the team that raised the sign after it.
The team that scores the most points within the allotted period of time becomes the winner of the brain ring and takes 1st place.
Today there are members of the jury present here, they are the ones who will determine the winners of the game.
Jury presentation:
The jury will evaluate the answers of team members, record the results of the game in score sheets and monitor compliance with the rules of the game.

Leading: So, we have two teams participating. I ask the captains to introduce their teams.
Team No. 1. “Greens”;
Our motto: “Let's take care of the planet, there is no other like it in the world!” Nature has friends, it’s us, you and me!”
Team No. 2. "Pathfinders";
Our motto:
“We, pathfinders, are native experts and lovers of nature.
We protect the forest and its inhabitants,
And we ask each of you,
At any time of the year, whenever
Enter the forest with a kind heart,
Take care of everything that is in it!”
Let's greet each other with Applause! The acquaintance has taken place, and now it’s time to start playing. We wish everyone success in the competition. May the best man win!
Leading: First round. “Insect Country.” (Children solve riddles and show a picture with the correct answer)
Guys, solve the riddles...
Riddles for the Green Team
1. It flutters, dances, and waves its patterned fan over the flower. (butterfly)
2.From branch to path, from grass to blade of grass
A spring jumps, a green back. (grasshopper)
3.The buzzer sits on a flower to enjoy the nectar.
He is as furry as a spruce. Looks like a bee... (bumblebee)
4 Because of him they beat themselves, because of him they beat you.
His nose is long and his voice is ringing. (mosquito)
5. Walks over us upside down, dines with us - he tastes everything.
If you start driving, it will start buzzing. (fly)
Leading: Well done, the “Green” team, you solved all the riddles. And now riddles for the Pathfinders team
1. She sits on a flower, not tired of working in the morning.
She gave wax and honey to people, restless... (bee)
2. Who in the forest, without axes, builds a hut without corners. (ant)
3. I weave the lace thinly, you won’t notice it on the fly.
Anyone caught in my net will remain hanging in it. (spider)
4. A blue airplane landed on a white dandelion. (dragonfly)
5. She eats aphids from the branches and helps us in the garden,
Having settled deftly on a leaf, this is... (ladybug)
Leading: Well done boys! All the riddles were solved. While the jury is evaluating the first competition, you and I will play the game “Sunshine and Rain.” Listen to the rules of the game: now you will turn into insects, when the sun shines, you will dance and have fun in the clearing. As soon as it starts to rain, you will need to take your places in your houses.
Leading: Second round. “Forest Troubles” (questions are asked to teams in turn, using a wonderful bag and barrels from lotto)
1. What trees do you know?
2. What animals sleep in winter?
3. Who carries his home?
4. Who gnaws nuts and dries russula?
5. Which animal has a snout nose?
6. Reeds grow by the river, and a baby lives in the reeds. He has green skin
and with a green face?
7. Walks around in a red fur coat, plays cunning and bares his teeth?
8. Which animal has a bush on its head?
Leading: Well done team, they guessed all my tricky questions. People often litter nature, leaving garbage in the forest or on the river. Yes, and on our site, someone littered. Let's get things in order. Let's play the game "Who will collect the most garbage" while the jury deliberates.
The game “Who can collect the garbage the fastest” is being played.
Leading: Third round: “Captains Competition.”
Go as far as possible, without stopping, for each step of the name (animals, birds, fish, trees, flowers, etc.).
The captain who goes farthest wins.
A soundtrack of bird voices sounds.
Leading: Fourth round. "Bird Bazaar"
Guys, how much do you know about birds?
Children: Yes!
Leading: We'll check it now. (questions are asked to teams in turn)
1. What is the name of the bird's house?
2. What are the names of the bird’s “hands”?
3. What are bird children called?
4. Bird's "mouth"?
5. When do people hang out birdhouses?
6. What do birds eat?
The game “Guess the Bird” is played (children must guess the name of the bird in the picture)
Leading: Fifth round. "Rules of friends of nature."
– Remember the rules of friends of nature? (Name the rules one by one).
Well done boys. I hope when you relax in nature, you will remember how to behave so as not to harm nature.
Leading: Our game is over, well done! You showed good knowledge about the nature of your native land. And now, while the jury is summing up the final results, I invite you to take part in making flowers to decorate the kindergarten.
Jury: Guys, we see that you have become true friends of nature. Our game ended with a score... We congratulate you and appoint you as the main ecologists on the planet. (Young Ecologist medals are awarded). Environmentalists are friends of nature. These are those who protect, protect and preserve nature.
A living thread connected everyone forever: the leaf, the snail, the Earth and the person.
They live in the world like one family. The earth cannot do without an ant.
Water without fish, forest without animals, and man without all nature.
And you hold on to this thread so that this life of nature does not end!

Team awards. Circle of honor.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 22 "Luzhok" Zhdanovka village

Krasnokutsky district, Saratov region

"Brain Ring"

for preschool teachers

Topic: “Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education”

Compiled by: senior teacher

Derkacheva Yu.V.


Target: identify the level of familiarization of teachers with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.


  1. To clarify and systematize teachers’ knowledge of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
  2. Contribute to the development of pedagogical horizons on this topic.

Organizing time:

When entering the hall, educators are invited to take circles, according to the same principle as the signs on the tables, thus creating 2 subgroups of educators.


What regulatory documents became the starting point for changes in our system?

  • Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation"(dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ);
  • Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations (PEO) (SanPiN No. 26 of 05.15.2013
  • The procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities according to basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education No. 1014 of August 30, 2013;
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (dated 10/17/2013 No. 1155)

All these documents require high professionalism from preschool teachers.

A modern educator needs to learn to respond adequately to ongoing changes in education, to be able to work in a team of like-minded people - all participants in the educational process, to work competently and efficiently with children and parents in modern conditions, independently select the content of education and adapt it to age group their children, checking with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

And now I offer you a warm-up that will defuse the situation and serve as a pretext for a more serious conversation. Closing your eyes, choose a door for yourself: (red, blue, black, green, orange), while noting:

What shape is it?

Open or closed?

Do you want to enter it or not?

What is it made of?

What's behind this door?


The red door is childhood.

The blue door is the future.

Black door - sex.

Green door - family, friends.

Orange door - work, study.

And now you have to complete tasks that will help reveal your knowledge about the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.To do this, we will split into two teams. When you entered the hall, you took circles of a certain color. Now I will put colored tablets on the tables and ask you to change seats so that the color of the tablet matches the color of the circle. And so, we got two teams. There is a bell on the table, whoever is ready to answer must ring it. Points are awarded for the correct answer.


WARM UP. "Brain attack"

  1. What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation? (Dmitry Viktorovich Livanov)
  2. What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Saratov Region? (Epifanova Marina Anatolyevna)


1.What are the educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education?

  • Social-communicative;
  • Cognitive;
  • Speech;
  • Artistic and aesthetic;
  • Physical;

2. Name the correct ratio of the mandatory part of the Program and the Part formed by the participants in the process:

(60% and 40%)

3.What educational area does the development of communication and interaction of a child with adults and peers relate to?

(socio-communicative development)

4.What educational area does acquaintance with book culture and children’s literature belong to?

(speech development)

5. What educational field does the perception of music belong to? fiction, folklore?

Artistic and aesthetic development;

6.The specific content of the educational areas specified in the Standard depends on...

Age and individual characteristics children.

7. What is the DO Standard aimed at?

Target guidelines for preschool education.

8.What is the leading activity in preschool childhood?

A game

9.What type of children’s activity begins the development of work skills in children?

self-care and basic household work

10.Name the stages of preschool childhood

infant, early, preschool

11. What requirements does the Federal State Educational Standard determine?

Requirements for the structure of OOP DO

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of OOP DO

Requirements for the results of mastering OOP DO

12. Who is a family in the preschool education system according to standards?

Participant in the educational process and partner.

ROUND 3. One representative from the team (young teacher)

1. Decipher the abbreviation FSES DO

2. Decipher the abbreviation OOP DO

3. Decipher the abbreviation RPPS

4. Define the concept of “standard”(norm, standard, sample, requirements)

ROUND 4. (task in envelope)

1. Subject of regulation Federal Law“On education in the Russian Federation” is:

a) realization of the right to education;

b) social relations arising in the field of education in connection with the implementation of the right to education, ensuring state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and creating conditions for the realization of the right to education.

2. Education is:

a) a single, purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purpose of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development person, satisfying his educational needs and interests;

b) activities aimed at personal development, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of sociocultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state;

c) a purposeful process of organizing the activities of students to master knowledge, abilities, skills and competence, gain operational experience, develop abilities, gain experience in applying knowledge in Everyday life and the formation of students’ motivation to receive education throughout their lives.

3. Participants in educational relations are:

a) totality public relations to realize the right of citizens to education, the purpose of which is to master the content by students educational programs(educational relations), and social relations that are associated with educational relations and the purpose of which is to create conditions for the realization of citizens’ rights to education;

b) students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students, teaching staff and their representatives, organizations carrying out educational activities;

c) participants in educational relations and federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, employers and their associations;

4. What right in the Russian Federation is guaranteed to every person, according to the Law on Education in the Russian Federation:

a) the right to a family;

b) the right to education;

c) the right to a name.

5. What regulatory documents laid down the basic principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education?

a) The concept of preschool education;

b) National educational initiative “Our New School”;

c) Constitution of the Russian Federation;

d) Priority national project “Education”;

e) Convention on the Rights of the Child;

f) Charter of a preschool educational organization.

6. At what age can preschool education begin in educational organizations:

a) when children reach the age of two months;

b) from the age of three;

c) at the request of parents (legal representatives).

7. Amplification is: (Section I., paragraph 1.4)

A) Enrichment of the child’s development, maximum realization of his age-related capabilities;

B) All-round acceleration of mental and physical development child;

C) Slowdown, lag in the mental and physical development of the child.

8. Corrective work and/or inclusive education should be aimed at:(section II., clause 2.11.2)

A) Raising a child;

C) Ensuring the correction of developmental disorders of various categories of children with disabilities health, providing them with qualified assistance in mastering the Program;

D) Development of the Program by children with disabilities, their diversified development, taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation.

9. Highlight the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program that the Standard includes?

a) psychological and pedagogical conditions

b) personnel conditions

c) educational and material conditions

d) material and technical conditions

e) medical and social conditions

f) financial conditions

g) developing subject-spatial environment

h) information and methodological conditions.

Warm-up (Kosheleva E.V.)

ROUND 5 “Crossword”

(execution time 5 minutes)

1. One of the requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment?


2. One of the types of children's activities


3. What is a standard in one word?


4. What type of activity does labor education begin with at an early age?


5. Stages of childhood according to Federal State Educational Standards (one of the ages)?


6. Who closely interacts with the teaching staff and are partners according to the Federal State Educational Standard?


ROUND 6 "Pedagogical puzzles"

Teachers are given the task of composing a phrase, previously cut into individual words, phrases (the phrase is cut one, two, three words at a time). The task completion time is 3 minutes.

  1. According to SanPiN 2013, the maximum duration of continuous wakefulness for children 3 - 7 years old is 5.5-6 hours, up to 3 years - in accordance with medical recommendations.
  2. According to SanPiN 2013, the total duration daily sleep for children preschool age 12 - 12.5 hours, of which 2 - 2.5 hours are allocated for daytime sleep.
  3. The standard was developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation and taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  4. Real federal state educational standard preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education.

ROUND 7. "Auction of Pedagogical Ideas"

Teams are asked to write in 1 minute and then name as many new words, phrases, concepts that you encountered when getting acquainted with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education document.

(Federal State Educational Standard, standard, targets, subject-spatial developmental environment, transformable and multifunctional environment, support for children's initiative, individualization of education, optimization of work with a group of children.)

Exercise "Source"

All participants are asked to sit comfortably, relax, and close their eyes. To the soundtrack “Water” (a collection of melodies for relaxation), the presenter calmly and clearly pronounces the text:

“Imagine that you are walking along a path in the forest, enjoying the singing of birds.

Through the birdsong, your ears are attracted to the sound of flowing water.

You follow this sound and come out to a source gushing out of a granite rock.

You see how it is pure water sparkles in the rays of the sun, you hear its splashing in the surrounding silence.

You get the feeling of this special place, where everything is much cleaner and clearer than usual.

Start drinking water, feeling how its beneficial energy penetrates you, enlightening your senses.

Now stand under the source and let the water flow over you.

Imagine that it is able to flow through every cell of yours.

Imagine also that it flows through the countless shades of your feelings and emotions, that it flows through your intellect.

Feel that the water is washing away from you all the psychological debris that inevitably accumulates day after day of disappointment, grief, worry, all kinds of thoughts.

Gradually you feel how the purity of this source becomes your purity,

and his energy is your energy.

Finally, imagine that you are this source in which everything is possible, and whose life is constantly renewed.”

At the end of the exercise, participants are asked to gradually open their eyes. It is recommended to use this exercise while taking a shower.

Start recovering now, don’t put it off until later


Take care of your mental health, colleagues.

Do not bring the level of mental stress to critical levels.

Do not forget that not only your wards, but also you yourself need help, care and attention to protect and preserve your psychological health.

1. Learn to reset as soon as possible negative emotions, and not displace them into psychosomatics. How this can be done in a kindergarten setting:

Sing loudly;

Stand up quickly and walk around;

Write or draw something quickly and sharply on a board or piece of paper;

Draw on a piece of paper, crumple it and throw it away.

2. If you have sleep disorders, try to read poetry rather than prose at night. According to scientific research, poetry and prose differ in energy, poetry is closer to rhythm human body and have a calming effect.

3. Every evening, be sure to get into the shower and, while talking through the events of the past day, “wash” them off, since water has long been a powerful energy conductor.


Several Yet interesting questions according to the Federal State Educational Standard for DOs not included in the brain ring.

Is pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) carried out during the implementation of the program? If so, by whom and for what purpose?

(Can be carried out by a teacher to individualize education (including supporting a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics and creating individual routes), as well as to optimize work with a group of children).

Extract from the Federal State Educational Standard:

3.2.3. The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively to solve the following educational problems:

  • 1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics);
  • 2) optimization of work with a group of children.

If necessary, psychological diagnostics of children's development is used (identification and study of individual psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (educational psychologists, psychologists).

A child’s participation in psychological diagnostics is permitted only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives).

The results of psychological diagnostics can be used to solve problems of psychological support and conduct qualified correction of children's development.

When solving what management tasks can targets not serve as a direct basis?

Certification of teaching staff;

Assessment of the quality of education;

Assessment of the level of development of children;

Assessment of municipal implementation

(state) assignments through their inclusion in the quality indicators of the assignment;

Distribution of the incentive payroll fund for preschool employees.

What are the specifics of preschool childhood?

Flexibility, plasticity of the child’s development, a high range of options for his development, his spontaneity and involuntary behavior.

Who is a family in the preschool education system according to standards?

Participant in the educational process and partner

Brain-ring for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Parents and educators - two banks of the same river”

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten “Bell”, r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region
The brain-ring was held as part of a seminar by the Russian Educational Institution for preschool teachers on the topic “Creating a unified educational space “Kindergarten – Family” through the formation of an active position of parents in raising children.” This event is practically significant for senior educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions

Target: promotion professional competence teachers in the field of organizing interaction with parents of students.
*clarify and systematize teachers’ knowledge on the issue of interaction with parents;
* to intensify the pedagogical thinking of educators, as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity;
*intensify the activities of teachers to generalize, disseminate and implement practical work experience of colleagues from other preschool educational institutions;
*support teachers’ interest in further study of this topic.

Opening speech by the presenter (senior teacher):
“Preschool childhood” is a unique period in a person’s life when health is formed and personality develops. At the same time, this is a period during which the child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents, teachers. Therefore, inadequate care, social and emotional problems that arise at this age lead to serious consequences in the future.
Among the main tasks facing the kindergarten is “interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.” To ensure favorable living conditions and upbringing of a child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close connections and interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Therefore, an active course is needed to create a unified space for the development of the child, both in preschool educational institutions and in the family. In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in Art. No. 18 " Preschool education” the following is said: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in early childhood. To educate preschool children, protect and strengthen their physical and mental health, development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children - a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.”
And each of us must remember that a preschooler is not a baton that the family passes into the hands of preschool teachers. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions.
An important condition for interaction with parents is the establishment of trusting business contact, cooperation between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of the parents and teacher is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school. And this is precisely what confronts the teaching staff with the need to look for an ally, a like-minded person in raising a child in the family.
Preschool teachers should be the initiators of establishing this cooperation, since they are professionally prepared for educational work, and therefore, they understand that its success depends on consistency in raising children.
And in conclusion, I would like to say the following. We use the combination of “working with parents” every day, which we are, in principle, accustomed to. 20 - 15 years ago, there was nothing wrong with this. A modern young parent is very different from the parents of the 80s and 90s... Now the age limit for parents is shifted towards an early age. Our young mothers are young, democratic, capricious, with high self-esteem. And teachers need to approach this wisely and subtly. Therefore, the combination of “working with parents” is incorrect, since it too strongly reflects our professional snobbery and attitude towards parents as objects of influence. Not every parent will accept such an attitude towards themselves and allow them to “work” with them. Therefore, the word “interaction” is more accurate. And I advise you to pay attention to this.

Today, dear colleagues, I invite you to play with me business game, which has the specific name brain ring.
Form of implementation: two teams (working creative groups - by institution)
Brain-ring(English brain - brain) - a television version of the game, invented by the Odessa intellectual games club "Erudite". An analogue of our famous game “What, where, when?” That is, the brain ring is a “brain attack”, a battle, a battle, a competition, a game. And its goal is to define and identify the knowledge of a group of people on a certain topic.
So I want to reveal your knowledge on the topic “Interaction between family and preschool educational institution.”
Since you and I have been dealing with the problem of cooperation with parents for many years, we can all be called erudites in this area. And the game will help us remember and clarify existing knowledge, place emphasis, and identify issues that require additional study.
We need to split into 2 teams.
Brain ring consists of 7 rounds.
At the end of the brain ring, the results are summed up and the winners are announced.
And now I will introduce you to the rules of our Brain Ring.
Rounds usually open with a question for both teams; the team that rings the bell the fastest has the right to answer first. If a team answers before ringing the bell or answers incorrectly, the other team can answer and receive a point for the correct answer. The team with the most points wins.
The Brain Ring is evaluated by a competent jury: ...
So, let's start our Brain Ring.
First, you need to come up with a name for your commands (1 minute is allotted to complete).

ROUND 1(Gong sounds) "Pedagogical Dictionary"
Choose a definition for this concept:
(don't forget about the bell and the right of first response) Slides.
Questionnaire- technical means of specific social research, compilation, distribution, study of questionnaires.
Interaction- interpenetration, communication, exchange of thoughts, feelings, ideas.
Parenting is an international term that refers to helping parents in fulfilling the functions of educators of their own children and parental functions; necessary to optimize the process of raising a child, for the health of society itself.
Communication - a method of mutual relations specific to subjects, a way of being of a person in relationships with other people.
Pedagogical reflection- the ability to analyze one’s own educational activities, critically evaluate them, find the reasons for one’s pedagogical mistakes, the ineffectiveness of the methods used; to select methods of influence on the child that are adequate to his characteristics in a particular situation.
Family- historically specific system relationships between spouses, parents and children. Family members are related by marriage or family relations, commonality of life, mutual moral responsibility.
Content- the defining aspect of the whole, the totality of parts of an object.
Method - a way to achieve a goal, a certain ordered activity.
Form- external expression of any content.

ROUND 2(Gong sounds) "Teacher's Crossword"(execution time 5 minutes)
1. One of the techniques for activating parents (Game)
2. The most interesting form of communication with parents (Competition)
4. What does the “RIVER” symbolize between the two banks (Children)
5) A questionnaire to obtain any information (Questionnaire)
6) Traditional form of holding a parent meeting. (Lecture)
7) The main method of studying families of pupils. (Observation)
8) Non-traditional form of holding a parent meeting (Auction)

ROUND 3 “Pig in a poke”
I “pull” a card with a question from the bag and read it out. If the team is ready to answer, it rings the bell. The jury evaluates the correctness of the answer.

1. From which regulatory document is this phrase taken:
“Parents are the child’s first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in infancy.” (RF Law on Education)

2. Select the most complete answer: Family education is...
– more or less conscious efforts to raise a child;
– a controlled system of relationships and interactions between parents and children, aimed at achieving the desired results;
– raising children in a family environment;
– a means of family education;
– a form of general educational training for parents.

3. Name a method not related to the methods of studying families of pupils:
– observation;
– conversation;
– survey;
– interviews with parents;
- laboratory experiment.

4. Methods of activating parents include:
– teacher’s report;
– questions and examples;
– ignoring the child;
- diagnostics;
- control;
- a game.

5. What applies to non-traditional forms of communication between teachers and parents?
– meetings;
– conferences;
– competitions;
– information stands;
– conversations.

6. What applies to traditional forms of communication between teachers and parents?

- helpline;
- talk show;
– competitions;
– quizzes;
– consultations.

7. Traditional forms work (remove unnecessary)
– individual;
– subgroup;
– collective;
– visual and informational.

8. Does not apply to cognitive forms of communication...
– pedagogical briefings;
– meetings;
– consultations;
– oral journals;
– folklore holidays;
– brain rings

ROUND 4 “You for me, I for you”
Teams ask each other problematic pedagogical situations “parent - teacher” (prepared in advance, lying on their table).
The completeness and correctness of the answers is assessed. If the team asking the question completes their answers, they are awarded additional points.

Situation 1.
The mother of five-year-old Kolya came to the kindergarten with a complaint against the teacher. She believes that the teacher should not force the child to clean up his toys; there is a nanny for this. The child should develop, not clean.
Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

Situation 2.
Evening. Parents came for Vlad and Nastya. The children began to clean up their toys. Vlad’s mother stands, looks and rejoices, and Nastya’s mother shouts: “Get dressed quickly, I have no time!” “Mom, but you have to clean up after yourself,” says Nastya. “You will clean the house, but now I’m in a hurry.” Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

(Here, the teacher’s demands are canceled by the mother herself, so the work should be carried out not with the child, but with his parents. Then the effect of such educational influence will be noticeable).

Situation 3.
The teacher turns to Dima’s mother with a story about what the children learned new in class and offered to consolidate the learned material at home. In response, the mother sharply replies that she has no time to study with the child at home, that this is the responsibility of the teacher - he “gets money for this.” Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

Situation 4.
When picking up a child from kindergarten in the evening, parents are indignant that his clothes are very dirty and accuse the teacher of not looking after the children well. Suggest a response to this situation that is most correct from a pedagogical point of view. Explain your choice.

Situation 5.
Zulfiya is an active, lively girl who has difficulty adapting to the group. The teacher advises the mother to seek help from a pediatric neurologist. The girl’s mother took the advice with hostility and accused the teacher that she did not like her daughter because she was from a non-Russian family, saying that she would go to complain to the head.
In the following days, Zulfiya was not brought to kindergarten. Later it turned out that the girl was finally taken to a doctor, who prescribed her treatment. A month later, the girl began attending the group again, but the relationship between the teacher and her mother never improved. What was wrong with the teacher’s action?

Psychologist's comment: If the parent received such information from a kindergarten doctor or a teacher-psychologist, the reaction would be different, and there would be no conflict with the teacher. Do not take the “fire upon yourself”, seek the help of specialists. It is important to remember the boundaries of your competence!

Situation 6.
Sveta was often brought to kindergarten at 10.30, the time when all classes came to an end, and all that was left was a walk and communication with the children. Often they weren’t brought at all. Preparatory, speech therapy group. Her grandmother picked her up early after afternoon tea.
The teacher began to say that such visits would not bring any benefit to the child. Mom complained to the head teacher that the teacher was teaching them. Result: the girl was taken from kindergarten and enrolled in preparatory group at school. What was wrong with the teacher’s action?