Caribbean islands: main resorts. The best resorts in Cuba. Rating of resorts in Cuba. Resorts of Cuba on the Caribbean Sea

December 9th, 2016 , 02:13 pm

So, an overview post on the Caribbean islands and shocking figures for the final budget!
Route: St. Petersburg - Helsinki - Boston - New York - Chicago - Puerto Rico - US Virgin Islands - St. Maarten and Sint Maarten - Curacao - Trinidad - St. Vincent - Barbados - Miami - Haiti - Dominican Republic - Cologne - Milan - Tallinn - St. Petersburg

Even a geography expert like me, until recently, gave in to the Caribbean, there are so many islands there, and each has its own country. So, let's systematize.
There are 30 countries in the Caribbean:

Of these, 13 are independent states: Cuba, Jamaica, Bahamas, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados
The rest are various kinds of colonies and possessions of four countries.
US possessions: Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands
Dutch possessions: Sint Maarten, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao
French possessions: Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy, Guadeloupe, Martinique
British possessions: Turks and Caicos, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Montserrat

Geographically, the following groups can be distinguished:
1. Greater Antilles: Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic), Puerto Rico
2. Bahamas + Turks and Caicos
3. ABC Islands off the coast South America: Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao
4. Lesser Antilles. In the English tradition they are further divided into Leeward (north of Dominica) and Windward (south of Dominica). In Russian and Spanish tradition, all these islands are called Leeward, and Windward are the ABC islands.

Also culturally and ethnographically, some territories on the mainland can be classified as the Caribbean region - everything that was not a colony of Spain. These are Belize, part of the coast of Nicaragua and Honduras (also a colony of England), Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. The ethnography here is as follows: in the Spanish colonies on the mainland the population is descendants of Indians or mestizos (a mixture of Indians and Spaniards), and in the English, Dutch and French colonies the population is descendants of slaves from Africa or migrants from other colonies (from India to Guyana, for example).

With a Russian passport:
1. All 13 independent states are visa-free
2. You can enter the US territory with a US visa (there are no border controls when flying from the mainland)
3. You can enter the Netherlands with any valid Schengen multiple visa
4. You can enter the possessions of France ONLY with a Schengen visa issued by the French Embassy, ​​or with a special visa for these islands, which is also issued at the French Embassy. The exception is French Saint-Martin, where you can enter from the Dutch part of the island; there are no border controls there.
5. The English possessions have different policies. Turks and Caicos are visa-free. Montserrat - visa can be obtained via the Internet. Anguilla, Caymans - you can enter if you have a UK visa. British Virgin Islands - you need to obtain a special visa from the UK Embassy.
If you have a passport that does not require visas in Europe, then everything in the Caribbean is also visa-free.
The length of stay is usually 30 days.
Generally speaking, a return ticket is required everywhere, although I was often not asked for it even at check-in at the airport. Only in Saint Martin I was interrogated with passion, I even had to show cash.

All small islands accept US dollars as payment. Local currencies are usually pegged to the same US dollar.
East Caribbean dollars are used on many islands in the Lesser Antilles. 1 American to 2.8 Caribbean.
Barbadian dollars = 1 to 2.
Trinidadian dollars = 1 to 7.
Netherlands Antillean florins on Sint Maarten and Curacao = 1 to 1.75.
Euro on the French islands (including French Saint Martin).
Haitian gourdes = 1 to 66.
Dominican pesos = 1 to 46.

How to get there
Without a US visa it is very problematic. If you have a visa, Norwegian flights from Oslo, Copenhagen, London to many US cities start from $100 one way, including Florida to Orlando and Miami/Fort Lauderdale. I flew from Helsinki to Boston with a transfer in London for $180, and also visited Boston and Chicago.
There are direct flights from Russia to Cuba, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. They are expensive, at least $500 one way (both my flights across the Atlantic were cheaper in total). There are options with cheap package tours to Cuba.
From Europe there are flights to many islands, usually to their former or current colonies: from Amsterdam to the Dutch, from Paris to the French, but they are extremely expensive. I found a cheap option from the Dominican Republic to Germany (Cologne) from $200.

Transport between islands
The main transport in the Caribbean is airplanes. There are a lot of flights, you can fly out every day. Prices are much higher than in the same island Indonesia. On average, we can assume that each flight to the Lesser Antilles will cost around $100. There are almost no flights from other countries, or they are very expensive, to Cuba, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Cayman, you need to fly through Miami.
The main airlines are LIAT (based in Antigua and Barbados, flies throughout the Lesser Antilles) and Insel Air (based in Curacao, there are also flights to Brazil, Colombia, Guyana).
It is believed that Caribbean airlines are often late, but I had almost no problems. Only the flight from Saint Martin to Curacao was delayed by two hours.

Water transport is poorly developed and expensive. I will list the ferries that you can actually use.
1. From Saint Martin to Anguilla (many times a day), Saint Barthelemy (several times a day, you can go there and back in a day), Saba (once a day, only overnight)
2. Between the islands of Saint Lucia, Martinique, Dominica, Guadeloupe - Express des Iles. Flights are frequent.
3. Between the US and British Virgin Islands - many times a day
4. From Miami to the Bahamas - several times a day, you can do it in one day
Within countries, ferry services are usually better: there are regular services between Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, etc.

You can travel on a cruise ship. If you are alone, then it will be more expensive than an airplane, even taking into account the fact that you do not need to pay for food and housing, but you can overeat and generally live in grand style. On a cruise you will only have one day of daylight per island, but this is usually enough for small islands. No one will prohibit you from using public transport. Cruises are aimed at retirees, not holidaymakers more countries, so it’s difficult to visit many countries at once on one cruise - they rarely last more than 7-8 days, there are days at sea, they can go to different islands of one country (Bahamas, Virgin Islands). Since most cruises depart from Miami and Puerto Rico, it is more difficult to travel around the Lesser Antilles on a cruise. Prices start at $200 per day per cabin, and according to the good American tradition, you will receive a “mandatory tip” of $15-20 per person every day. What kind of perversions it has reached - tipping is already mandatory. You can estimate that visiting each island on a cruise for two will cost at least 300-400 dollars (including tips, days at sea, and the return trip, for which you also have to pay).

Transport on the islands
Especially for tourists, there are taxis near the cruise ship terminal at unimaginably exorbitant prices. Designed for suckers, of which there are a little less than all Americans, who never count money.
Public transport is available on all decently populated islands. Absent mainly from the British colonies because they have very few populations. A trip to the small islands costs from $0.3 to $2. On large islands such as Cuba and Hispaniola there are intercity buses.

For specific islands where I was:
Puerto Rico. In the city of San Juan there are buses for $0.75. The system is at most inconvenient: payment is only in cash, they do not give change, you can ONLY pay with coins. The frequency of flights is much less than stated on the website; the bus may suddenly change the route or not arrive. Between cities there are only collective taxis at outrageous prices. The worst island in terms of transport.
US Virgin Islands. There is one circular minibus route on St. Thomas. Travel costs from $1 to $2 depending on distance. It takes about 15 minutes to walk from the airport to the highway with buses.
Saint Martin and Sint Maarten. Buses run on several routes, including at night, very often between the Dutch and French parts of the island. Travel from $1 to $2.
Curacao. There are two bus stations in the capital, for the eastern and western directions. Large buses go to the ends of the island once an hour, minibuses more often. By bus the fare costs 2.20 florins, by minibus 3.
Trinidad. Buses from Port of Spain throughout the island. Minimum 2 Trinidadian dollars (2/7 US). To the airport - 4.
St. Vincent. Routes clockwise and counterclockwise. From 1 Caribbean dollar (1/3 American). 25 km to Barrualle = 4 dollars = $1.3
Barbados. There are frequent minibuses along the populated southern coast. Price $1 = 2 Barbados
Haiti, Port-au-Prince. Tap taps around the city from 10 gourdes ($0.15). To the border with the Dominican Republic - 75 gourdes for 45 kilometers ($1.15).
Dominican Republic Intercity buses cost approximately 1.5 pesos per kilometer. Around the city from 12-13 pesos by minibus, 20 by metro.

The most expensive housing is in the British and American colonies. In America, everything is clear - everything there and on the mainland is extremely expensive, although the islands sometimes break records: in the US Virgin Islands, a bed in a hostel costs $50. British ones are expensive because they do not focus on tourism, but are offshore: 40% of offshore companies in the world are registered in the British Virgin Islands.
Housing is also very expensive on independent small islands: St. Kitts, Barbados, Antigua - here everywhere the cheapest room without air conditioning costs from $50, there are no hostels. You can find something on airbnb for $40. The cheapest of the independent islands is Dominica. The high prices can be explained by the fact that all these hotels are made exclusively for tourists, mainly American ones, who have infinite amounts of money. Local residents, who do not live very richly, simply do not need hotels, because you can get to any point on the island in one or two hours.
In Cuba and the Dominican Republic, hotels are cheap, almost like in Asia - you can find rooms for $10.
On the French and Dutch islands, prices are comparable to the metropolises - for $30 it’s easy to find through airbnb, for $20 you need to look.
I rented a yacht in Saint Martin for $30:

Here prices are more proportional to the standard of living. For example, in Puerto Rico, in fast foods like Burger King, prices correspond to the cheapest US states such as Louisiana. In the poor Dominican Republic you can have lunch for 2-3 dollars (quite decent food - a couple of pieces of chicken a la KFC and fried banana slices for a snack instead of potatoes), in Haiti it’s even cheaper, but you won’t like the quality. In Trinidad it’s about the same: after two weeks in the USA and on expensive islands, I got out of the habit of the fact that you can buy something for 5 dollars, but it turned out that in Trinidad the exchanged five is quite enough for any fast food.

What to see
The Caribbean has a good climate, at least in November - it's not hot. In Thailand and Malaysia, the weather ranges from scorching heat during the "season" in December to unbearable heat in April, and in the Caribbean you don't even really need air conditioning. November is considered the last month of the hurricane season, weather forecasts traditionally promised heavy rain every day from morning to evening on each island, but in reality I only got caught in heavy rain once in the Dominican Republic, a couple of other times there were short and light rains.

There are no legendary natural beauties in the Caribbean; Indonesia is much better suited for these purposes: better transport accessibility, much cheaper, there are easily accessible active volcanoes. The islands are different: some are picturesque mountainous (Saint Vincent, Dominica, Saint Martin), others are flatter (Barbados, Trinidad, Antigua, Anguilla).
It’s not worth going to the Caribbean for the beach from Europe - the flight to Southeast Asia is the same, it costs less, everything is much cheaper locally, the beaches are no worse. It is very expensive to fly from the USA to Asia, so the only alternatives are Mexico and perhaps Brazil (if you can find a cheap plane ticket).
The largest island is Cuba and the most interesting, but it’s too early to go there: we need to wait a couple of years until the currency regime is lifted, sanctions are lifted and the Americans establish at least minimal infrastructure there.
There are interesting cities built by Europeans during the colonization of America on some islands: San Juan (Puerto Rico), Willemstad (Curacao), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), and at a stretch, Bridgetown in Barbados (for some reason included in the UNESCO list) . On all the islands where they go cruise ships, there will definitely be one street for tourists with souvenir shops. For some reason, in addition to souvenirs, they sell a lot of jewelry there. Apparently, cruisers are so relaxed that they can be sold even something as expensive as diamonds at double the price.

From November 7 to November 30, I spent about $2100 (I did not take into account the subsequent days in Europe when I vacationed in Tallinn and went on a cruise, because that’s another story), of which $1300 cost all air tickets and $800 (about $35 per day ) I spent on the spot. More than half of them are for housing. The cheapest was $10 a day and was great - an airbnb in Curacao. The most expensive one cost $54 in Barbados and was not worth the money. I spent $67 on a taxi, essentially two trips: to the Puerto Rico airport after missing the bus, and to Haiti. In total, 15-20 kilometers. All intercity transport cost less - $47, this is for a bus trip more than 1000 kilometers long from Boston to Chicago and travel through the entire island of Hispaniola. Local transport cost another $37 - metro in Chicago and Miami, bus travel to different islands. Taxi is evil.

All in all, it's not terribly expensive to go to the Caribbean. In 2013, I spent $1,500 on a trip to the US for just 10 days without a single domestic flight or long-distance travel.

Dominican Republic resorts have long been known among Russian tourists excellent scenery and service, but usually they prefer the Atlantic coast. Punta Cana is rightfully considered the most popular of them, but this is far from the only place worthy of attention. Best resorts The Dominican Republic in the Caribbean is worth highlighting primarily for married couples and lovers of varied recreation, fortunately now tour operators provide tours to these areas.

The most iconic places for tourists on this coast can be considered

  1. La Romana. This large resort town is the most famous on the Caribbean coast of the Dominican Republic. The choice of hotels is certainly not as great as in Punta Cana, but their atmosphere is completely different from other hotel complexes. In addition, it will be extremely difficult to sit in one place, because in La Romana there is always something to see and where to go.
  2. Santo Domingo- the busiest city in the republic. This place is just paradise for lovers beach holiday, besides, there are a lot of interesting historical relics in it, which you can inspect endlessly. Casinos, nightclubs, shops scattered on every corner also cannot be ignored. In Santo Domingo there is always something to do and where to go for new experiences.
  3. Boca Chica– a small resort town near Santo Domingo. While relaxing here, you can “kill two birds with one stone” at the same time: enjoy the absolute tranquility under the palm trees on the amazingly beautiful coast, and also immerse yourself in the crazy world of fun in Santo Domingo, located nearby.
  4. Barahona– a picturesque resort for true connoisseurs of untouched nature. It's not just the pristine beaches for which the region is famous. Rivers turning into beautiful waterfalls and virgin forests are worth venturing deeper into the southwest of the country and immersing yourself in this splendor. Excellent scenery more than compensates for the lack of fashionable hotels that can be found in La Romana or Punta Cana, and this region also has many attractions, so no one will be bored.

The best resorts of the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean Sea are interesting in their own way, and the tranquility and comfort of the lagoons are perfect for families with children. These coasts and the nearby cities of the country have their own unique charm, which can only be felt when you come here.

Where to find cheap tours?

It’s better to look for profitable tours through a service that compares prices from more than 120 tour operators and allows you to find the cheapest offers. We do this ourselves and are extremely happy :)

You can get detailed information about tours and special offers for holidays on the Caribbean coast of Panama at the office of the Na Otdykh company by phone in Moscow: (495) 228-78-57 (multi-channel), (499) 973-09-58, (499) 978-61-36, (499) 972-07-21.

Tours to - this is a journey into the world of magnificent exotic nature, relaxation on wonderful snow-white beaches, diversity local flora and fauna, excellent diving, rafting, ecotourism and much more.

Unlike many Caribbean countries, Panama is not prone to hurricanes or major earthquakes. The pleasant climate, luxurious beaches, warm clear coastal waters, and the historical heritage of the pre-Columbian and colonial eras attract tourists and vacationers from America and Europe.

A beach holiday in Panama is also attractive because of the opportunity to visit two coasts without spending a lot of time moving - Caribbean sea and Pacific.
For a relaxing pastime, the Caribbean resorts of Panama are more suitable, while the Pacific coast, with its waves, is more of a haven for surfers and water sports fans.

The Caribbean coast, the Bocas del Toro archipelago, is recognized as an ideal place for diving and snorkeling in Panama. The main diving centers are located on the island of Colon and in the area of ​​the National Marine Park. The offshore reefs are impressive with their stunning coral walls and gardens, underwater tunnels and cave grottoes. You can see sunken ships near the San Blas archipelago and in the Portobelo Nature Reserve. Many artifacts lie at the bottom of the sea from the time of pirate attacks.

Diving is good all year round, but best period March-May and August-November are considered, at this time visibility in the water is optimal.

The coastal water temperature does not drop below +27..+28 degrees all year round, and at depth it stays around +24. Visibility ranges from 15 to 30 meters. And although fishing tours are organized on all coasts of Panama, the most impressive fishing awaits tourists on the Bocas Del Toro islands.

A holiday on the Caribbean Sea in Panama also means getting to know the unusual culture of Indian tribes who still live according to the customs of their ancestors.

The hotel base is represented by hotels, wooden houses, boarding houses, hotels on the water, and the private sector.

The most popular Panamanian resorts in the Caribbean

Bocas Del Toro

The archipelago is located in the northeastern part of Panama.

It includes nine large islands, fifty-two small ones, and many tiny, almost reefs. This is one of Panama's popular tourist regions with shady palm forests, miles of sandy beaches, vibrant corals and clear, clear water.

It is also famous for the fact that the filming of the show “The Last Hero” took place here. different countries peace. There are both untouched natural spaces and quite modern resorts here. Regardless of the time of year, lovers of sea fishing and diving constantly come here. The largest island is Colon, the city of the same name is the capital of the archipelago.

The best beaches are Bluff Beach, Bocas del Drago, Punch Beach (Colon Island), Red Frog Beach and Playas Larga on Bastimientos Island.

Excellent diving spots include Punta Juan, Coral Key, Hospital Point and the Garden area near Cayo Nancy.

It has some of the best reefs on earth, with lobsters, rays, different types crabs and a huge variety of tropical fish. IN national park Bastimientos, which unites several southern islands, is home to endangered sea turtles.

Hotels are mainly represented by houses standing directly on the water on stilts.


Besides the fact that Colon is famous Caribbean resort Panama is also the second duty-free zone in the Western Hemisphere after Hong Kong. Therefore, those who like to “shop” between sunbathing, snorkeling or diving should visit here.

The city of Colon is the second largest city in the country, as well as its main port and transport and economic center. It is located at the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal; it takes about an hour to get here from the capital by car. The city attracts history buffs with a large number of preserved ancient buildings.

Isla Grande

Translated, the name Isla Grande means Big Island. There are many coral reefs here, so the places are ideal for diving, surfing, and snorkeling. The island is also popular among the local population, for whom palm trees and white sandy beaches Isla Grande has become an escape from the bustle of the city. It’s convenient to get here - just a couple of hours by car from Panama City or five minutes by water taxi.

On the island you can visit a typical Caribbean village, visit restaurants and bars, and visit street markets.

A New Year's holiday in Panama would be a great idea - after all, the locals celebrate this holiday very brightly, noisily and cheerfully. And in the literal sense: bells are ringing, cars are honking, the chimneys of ships are honking, and people are trying to shout as loudly as possible, clap their hands, stomp their feet, in general, make as much noise as possible.

This is done in order to celebrate the holiday cheerfully and at the same time drive away evil spirits, “not letting” them into next year. Christmas is celebrated no less colorfully - with burning garlands, fireworks, cheerful festivities, and a traditional feast.


A small town located 50 km east of Colon, one of the oldest cities in the country, founded by Columbus himself. It is located next to the remains of three large forts. Among the attractions, the Battery of Santiago, the Church of San Felipe, Fort Santiago de la Gloria, Fort Battery of San Fernando, Fort Battery of San Geronimo, etc. are well preserved. Old forts stretch along the coast from San Lorenzo to Portobelo.

In addition to these places, the excellent beaches of the Maria Chiquita tour center, the equally beautiful shores of Playas Langosta, and the colorful and original village of Nombre de Dios are worthy of attention.

San Blas

The islands of this archipelago are located along the Caribbean coast of the country from the Gulf of San Blas to the Colombian borders.

The archipelago is home to the Guna Yala Indian tribe, whose settlements are united into an autonomous province. The archipelago consists of 378 islands, but only 49 of them have populations.

After visiting an Indian village, you can buy “molas” as a souvenir - very beautiful fabric appliqués made by hand by the women of the tribe. On Ikodub Island you can go snorkeling, try local cuisine and famous rum, sunbathe and swim while admiring the life of the coral reef.

The road to the Indian port of Karti will take about 2.5 hours. From there, canoes leave for the various San Blas Islands.

Entry into the territory of the Guna Yala Autonomy (translated as “land of the Indians”) is permitted only in off-road vehicles, in small groups accompanied by an Indian.

There are no hotels here in the generally accepted sense of the word, so if this is not a one-day tour, then the newly-made Robinsons will have to spend the night in a real Indian hut, with amenities on the street.


- Boxing Arena

Ancient railway station

Neo-Gothic Cathedral

Old New Washington Hotel (1850)

Fort San Lorenzo

The wonderful Costa Arriba

Isla Grande resort island

If you want to spend a vacation in paradise, then you should go to the resorts of the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean Sea. No matter where you choose - La Romana, Puerto Plata, Punta Cana or any other - you will be greeted by palm-lined beaches, gorgeous underwater tropical gardens, smiling dark-skinned locals and gentle breezes. The main wealth of Dominican resorts is the warm sea and sandy beaches. The best hotels in the world operating on the All Inclusive principle are located here. The average annual air temperature varies between +28 and +31 degrees. Travelers will forever remember the enchanting tropical forests, coral reefs and stunning waterfalls.

General characteristics of the resorts

The resorts of the Dominican Republic are in extraordinary demand among tourists today, since when organized on highest level comfort and constant sunny weather offer complete relaxation. The most popular type of recreation is luxury. Incredibly beautiful, one might even say fabulous, play an important role in it. Tourist vacations here are combined with national Caribbean events, fiery carnivals and expressive dances.

If we briefly describe the resorts of the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean Sea, you will get the impression that they are a real paradise, located in a stunning tropical forest. Holidays at any of the resorts will take place in the shade of coconut trees. The beach recreation areas filled with golden and crystal white sand impress with their well-groomed appearance and inviting warmth; they will give you a complete feeling of relaxation and absolute safety.

One of the most popular resorts

One of the most popular Dominican resorts is Punta Cana. It is located on the Caribbean Sea, or more precisely, on one of its shores, and its snow-white beaches stretch for 30 kilometers. It arose in the early 80s of the last century on a deserted sea coast. The resort includes several large tourist complexes. They are intended for family vacation or for a couples' vacation. Only in the spring can you meet only students here who come to have fun among the youth crowd.

The Punta Cana resort is known all over the world. And this is not surprising, because the best hotels on the coast are located here, historical and cultural attractions are concentrated, and only here there is a lot of interesting and educational things. At this resort, even those travelers who place the highest demands on their holiday will satisfy their needs. In Punta Cana, guests are surrounded by peacocks, rare species flowers, mangroves and flamingos. Things that are unusual for Europeans will seem quite natural here.

Quiet and relaxing resort

La Romana (Dominican Republic) is a wonderful resort, which is the capital of the province of the same name. It was founded at the very beginning of the 16th century. On the coast of the modern resort there is a huge hotel complex, included in the list of the most respectable places in the world. This chic tourist center is the main attraction of La Romana.

The resort of La Romana (Dominican Republic) has dozens of luxurious cottages and hundreds of luxurious villas. This place is recommended for visiting by young married couples who prefer a calm, quiet vacation on the seashore. Athletes, both professional and beginners, can have a wonderful time here. For them there are several sports complexes. In La Romana you can go underwater fishing and the most popular sports are horse riding and tennis, and you can do them right in the La Romana resort.

Resort on the island of Haiti

The wonderful resort of Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic) is located on the island. It has more than ten hotels, including two-star and five-star establishments. The hotels offer guests a lot of entertainment for every taste: there is a club right on the beach, everyone will be taught diving and snorkeling, and you can also take part in sports games and competitions. In you have the opportunity to enjoy endless white beaches and the warm Dominican sun.

There are not as many people in the resort of Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic) as in other resorts in the republic. Here you can always find an incredibly beautiful but secluded place for a relaxing holiday. The small Puerto Plata warmly welcomes all its guests - it is designed in such a way that everyone who arrives here can feel calm and comfortable. There is lush greenery and an unrivaled beach, and magnificent nature surrounds both on land and in the underwater world.

Favorite resort of Dominicans

Juan Dolio is a Dominican Republic resort located in the southeastern part of the island. It is loved by many travelers, but it has earned special recognition among local residents. Those who like delights come here underwater world: near the shores of this particular resort there is a magical coral reef that you can explore for days on end. Juan Dolio has more than ten upscale hotels, chic restaurants, clubs, discos and casinos.

It is almost impossible to imagine the Dominican Republic without the Juan Dolio resort. The beautiful town, which is located near the capital, is crowded interesting places, it is characterized by luxurious nature and interesting history. There are many museums, small churches and chapels that you can visit at any time. Resort life here proceeds slowly, but this only benefits everyone here.

The most vibrant resort in the Dominican Republic

Many Dominican Republic resorts on the Caribbean Sea resemble a real fairy tale. One of these places was the Boca Chica resort, located in a lagoon protected by reefs. The resort is located in the suburbs of the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo. Boca Chica was founded by wealthy industrialist Juan Visini in the first half of the last century. And the resort development of this place dates back to the 50s of the twentieth century. This happened after dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo ordered the construction of the modern Hamaca Hotel, which today is called Hamaca Coral By Hilton.

Modern Boca Chica is the busiest resort on the southeast coast. Life here flows to the rhythm of the merengue, the sounds of which spread from the numerous restaurants located on the beach. You can try tropical drinks and dishes there different cuisines peace. The most popular in Boca Chica are fish delicacies, especially those that are grilled. The main advantage of the resort is the natural five-hundred-meter coral barrier.

Resort capital of the Dominican Republic

The best resorts were founded during the Middle Ages. For example, the now popular Santo Domingo was founded back in 1496 by Bartolomeo Columbus, the brother of that same Christopher Columbus. He named the city New Isabella, but then the resort was renamed Santo Domingo, which Spanish translated as Holy Sunday.

The Osama River flows into Santo Domingo, dividing it into two parts. The western region is the cultural and business center of the city, and the eastern region is the historical one. The most interesting regions for travelers will be the colonial zone and Gazcue. In the center of the western part of Santo Domingo is the “commercial” heart of the capital. The best shops and restaurants in the city are concentrated here.

Port city of Barahona

We described all the popular resorts of the Dominican Republic above. But there is one more, on the Caribbean Sea, which is not very popular with tourists, but is no less wonderful - this is the port city of Barahona. It is hidden in a bay surrounded by mountain ranges. The pride of Barahona is the picturesque lakes scattered throughout the territory settlement. The resort offers tourists a wide variety of excursions.

Travelers can visit Las Caritasma, an archaeological site located in the northern part of Lake Enriquillo. They live in this pond pink flamingos, iguanas and crocodiles. Magnetic Hills is the most remarkable place in the Barahona resort. And if you have a passion for reptiles, you can visit Cabritos Island.

Holidays on the peninsula

The amazing country of the Dominican Republic. Which resort to choose for your vacation is a question that sometimes confuses many travelers. There is another place in the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean Sea that fascinates with its beauty. This is the Samana Peninsula.

In the 18th century, King Ferdinand VI of Spain ordered the founding of the city of Santa Barbara de Samana. Every year in February, a carnival is held here, which opens with the “ambula” dance. It is attended exclusively by male representatives, dressed in multi-colored masks.

The Cordillera mountain range crosses the peninsula from east to west. The ridge has become a natural feature between the island and the Samana conservation area. Samana Bay is a true tropical paradise. It has small islands. The bay is 11 kilometers wide, and its length reaches as much as 54 kilometers.