What is the most ancient city in Rus'. The most ancient Russian city

The question about “The most ancient city in Russia” has long been controversial for scientists and historians. The fact is that they single out several settlements at once as the most ancient city in Russia.

Among them is Old Novgorod



Derbent is located in Dagestan and it was built many years before our era, and accordingly long before the foundation of the Kievan Rus and the Russian Empire in general.

Now Derbent is part of the Russian Federation and on this basis a colossal number of scientists attribute it to the status of “The most ancient city in Russia”. Critics of this theory, no less eminent scientists and historians, point out that this city cannot be considered the most ancient city in Russia, even because it existed when there was no reminder about Russia or Rus'. In addition, this region is significantly different from ancient Rus' and, in general, from the culture of the Russian people, so it is difficult to classify it as a Russian city. Whether this is true or not is up to each individual to decide. All that remains is to say that a true patriot of his country should know at least a little about the history of his homeland.

Adding fuel to the fire, I would like to note that the dispute over the status of the most ancient city in Russia also includes

If Ancient Novgorod was founded in 859, then Murom celebrated its formation in 862,

but this date cannot be considered 100% true, since the only source of its mention is the Tale of Bygone Years.

Research is being carried out in this city, based on the results of which it is already known that even before 862 there were settlements of Finno-Ugric people, who called this city by its current name (Murom). The Finno-Ugric people themselves appeared in these parts back in the 5th century AD, so the city may well lay claim to the title of the oldest in Russia, since it this moment maybe already about 1500 years old

It is also worth mentioning one of the oldest cities in Russia, which is called

Bryansk .

Officially it is believed that it was founded in 985. Over the years of its formation, the city has undergone minor changes in the name, since it was originally called Debryansk. The first mention of the city is in the Ipatiev Chronicle, which dates back to 1146.

As we can see, the issue of the most ancient city in Russia remains controversial to this day. It is extremely difficult to find the true truth, but knowing the facts about the cities of your country is necessary and interesting.


is one of the first cities of Rus'. In the dated part of the Tale of Bygone Years it is first mentioned in 862 as the center of the Krivichi tribal union.

According to the Ustyuzhensky (Arkhangelogorodsky) vault, it is recorded under the year 863, when Askold and Dir, on a campaign from Novgorod to Constantinople, bypassed the city, since the city was heavily fortified and crowded. In 882, the city was captured and annexed to the Old Russian state by Prince Oleg, who handed it over to Prince Igor, from whose youth power in the city was exercised by governors and squads, and general administration was carried out from Kyiv.

Staraya Russa is an ancient provincial town in the Novgorod region. His exact age is not known, since Karamzin had a hand in history, causing confusion in many events of ancient Rus'.

Veliky Novgorod appears on the paper five-ruble banknote, and Staraya Russa on the iron ten-ruble coin.

So judge who is older.

The city of Staraya Russa is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years, the fundamental book of the history of Rus'. The city stands on museum values. The area of ​​the ancient settlement is 200 hectares, and excavations were carried out carelessly on one thousandth of this territory. Staraya Russa is an ideal springboard for someone who wants to make a historical discovery.

Temple Miracle-working icon Starorusskaya Mother of God

Velikiy Novgorodconsidered the most ancient.

At least that’s what almost every city resident thinks. The chronological date is considered to be 859. The grandiose city, washed by the waters of the Volkhov River, became the progenitor of Christianity in Rus', the Kremlin and numerous architectural monuments remember the rulers early period of our state. This version is also supported by the fact that Novgorod has always been a Russian city and there is a starting age calculation (not something vague, such and such a century...).

Another version, which also has the right to exist, is the one on which most historians insist.

Staraya Ladoga- the most ancient city in Russia. Now Staraya Ladoga has the status of a city and the first mentions of it have come to us since the middle of the 8th century. There are tombstones that date back to 753 . Not long ago, when visiting Staraya Ladoga, V.V. Putin decided to conduct additional research in the surroundings of the city in order to nominate it for the title of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014, and this will serve as an impetus for studying its history

In Staraya Ladoga, a church has been preserved in which, according to legends, the descendants of Rurik were baptized.

The debate on this matter will not cease yet for a long time until irrefutable evidence is found:

Belozersk (Vologda region) - 862

It came from the name of Lake Beloename of the city Belozersk.

The first mention of the city dates back to 862 in the Tale of Bygone Years under the name Beloozero. This date is also the founding date of present-day Belozersk.Initially, the city was located on the northern shore of White Lake; in the 20th century it was moved to the southern shore, where it stood until 1352.

From 1238, the city became the center of the Belozersk Principality and from 1389 it became the Principality of Moscow. The city was devastated by epidemics in 1352 and was revived again, flourished in the 20th century and fell into decline at the end of the 20th century.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the development of the city was facilitated by the Belozersky bypass canal (construction of the Mariinsky water system). The canal transports timber industry materials to St. Petersburg Belozersk. With the opening of the Volga-Baltic waterway, Belozersk established connections with other industrial cities.
The current coat of arms of the city was approved on October 12, 2001 and is: “In a wavy shield crossed with azure and silver at the top there is a widened cross above a silver crescent, at the bottom there are two crosswise silver sterlets with scarlet fins, thinly bordered with azure.” The previous coat of arms was approved under Soviet rule in 1972.

The former and current coat of arms of Belozersk

Architecture of Belozersk - along the embankment of the Belozersk canal, a complex of one-story buildings built in 1846. Its five buildings are located symmetrically
* The Kremlin and the Transfiguration Cathedral - a ring of earthen ramparts surrounded on all sides by a moat. The earthen rampart and ditch amaze with their scale. A three-span stone bridge leads across the moat to the Kremlin territory. In the center of the Kremlin stands the five-domed Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral.
* Church of the All-Merciful Savior (1716-1723) - the five-domed church is one of the first stone churches in the city.
* Church of Elijah the Prophet (1690-1696) - a wooden three-tiered single-domed church in the western part of the city
* Church of the Assumption (1553) is the oldest building in Belozersk. This five-domed temple together with the Church of the Epiphany make up an architectural complex. At the moment these churches are active.
* Belozersky Art and History Museum - the museum is divided into 8 parts, for example
- "Russian Izba Museum"
- "Museum of Regional History"
- "Museum of Nature"
* A monument created for the 1112th anniversary of the city (note the date) a boat, symbolizing that the history of the city is closely connected with waterways.

Rostov (Yaroslavl region) - 862

Smolensk - 862

The history of Russia is almost intangible. Despite the many facts and reliable sources, fully study everything important dates almost impossible. However, the history covers many interesting events, cultural heritage and architectural heritage due to various cities. We suggest you consider the oldest cities in Russia. In this list you will see settlements that existed before the advent of our era. Many of these cities ceased to exist. Others received new names.

TOP 10 Oldest cities in Russia


Currently, the city's population is 532 thousand people. The name appeared at the beginning of the 11th century in connection with the name of the principality, which was located on the right bank of the Oka River. Nowadays, this city attracts many tourists due to its cultural heritage, history and land. Ancient territory The Russian Federation contains the St. John the Theologian monasteries. There is the Trinity Monastery and, in fact, the Ryazan Monastery. In addition there are many museums and a nature reserve.

The population of this, one of the oldest cities in Russia, is 603 thousand people. The history of the city dates back to 1010. In the past, the city of Yaroslavl was called “the city of a hundred churches” translated from Latin. At the moment, the settlement includes 30 churches. But this does not reduce its cultural and historical value. To this day, this place has preserved many interesting cathedrals and amazing architecture. In 1516, the Transfiguration Cathedral was built here, which still attracts tourists to this day.

The population of this wonderful city is 1.2 million people. This is based locality was in 1005. It stands on the border of the Volga region. We are talking about a unique cultural property and heritage of Russia. Actually, for this reason the city is included in the UNESCO heritage list. One of the main assets is the Kazan Kremlin, which was built of white brick. At the same time, the main asset of the Republic of Tatarstan to this day is the Kul Sharif mosque.

Another oldest city in the Russian Federation is Vladimir, which consists of over 362 thousand people. We are talking about a city-museum, a ring city of the Russian Federation. In this place you can find a huge number of different monuments and shops. For these reasons, this place is loved by tourists from different countries peace. This city also made it into the top 10 due to the presence of old houses. Some buildings are more than three hundred years old. The property includes the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, the Assumption Church and much more.

Currently, the population of this settlement reaches 110 thousand people. Legends and various epics are composed about this place to this day. In addition, this city is even mentioned in the story “Seasons”. It is from this work that we can learn about the former greatness of the city. In ancient times, tribes of Finno-Ugric origin lived here. The first ruler of the city is Prince Vladimir. Later the throne went to his son.

The next five in the Top 10 oldest cities in Russia is Suzdal. Currently, the population reaches only 10 thousand people. It should be noted that in different sources The date of the city's founding is interpreted differently. Some inscriptions date back to 1024, others say the city was founded in 987. It is known for sure that the city appeared as a result of the merger of two settlements. Today the city is considered part of the Golden Ring of the Russian Federation.

The population of the city is 330 thousand people. This settlement was first mentioned in 946. The city is discussed in the story “Seasons”. It is believed that the settlement appeared thanks to the Krivichi tribe. And it all started like this. Prince Oleg acquired Smolensk and annexed it to Ancient Rus'. Later he made his son Igor the ruler of this city. He immediately could not cope with the management of the territory, which is why control over the city was carried out from Kyiv. The main attractions include the Boris and Gleb Monastery and the Church of the Theologian.

The number is 221 thousand people. We are talking about one of the ancient cities Russian Federation, which is rightfully considered unique. This is due to the presence of a huge number of architectural objects. There are many monuments and amazing structures that are over 300 years old. For tourists, it should be said that this place has St. Sophia Cathedral. We are talking about the heritage of an entire nation. In addition, the city is considered religious, because the center of the country includes many churches. At the same time, all buildings attract with exquisite design.

Ancient cities of Russia that lived long life and existing today, make it possible to trace the history of our country, the stages of its formation and development. Having gone through the trials of centuries, they managed to survive and preserve unique historical monuments architecture and culture. The preserved earthen ramparts, fortress walls, ancient cathedrals and monasteries testify to the former power of ancient Rus' and the talent of the artisans. Traveling through these cities leaves indelible and incomparable impressions. In the north-west of the country is " silver ring Russia", including the great ancient Russian cities of Veliky Novgorod and Pskov. Thousands of kilometers are traveled by tourists in order to see the Kizhi Pogost and the Valaam Monastery in Karelia, the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery in the Vologda region and the pearl of the White Sea - the Solovetsky Islands. Tourist centers of the Volga region are based on the confluence of the Volga and Oka, Nizhny Novgorod, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan - Kazan, the hero city of Volgograd and the ancient Volga cities of Samara and Saratov.

The date of the city's establishment is usually considered to be the first mention of it in the chronicle. But archaeological excavations often push it further back into the depths of centuries. The longer a city exists, the more trials it faces. Many of them started their history “from scratch” more than once. But not all cities managed to recover. And all that remains of them is a mention in the chronicle and the remains of ancient fortifications. For example, traces of disappeared cities are preserved in the area west of Moscow.

The most ancient Russian cities are the five cities of the historical core of Russia: which had the same significance in Ancient Rus' as Kiev -, which connected the largest Russian cities of Novgorod and Kiev -, the capitals of large principalities - and, as well as Belozersk, where, according to legend, one “sat” from the Rurikovich brothers - Sineus. But the most ancient city on the territory of the Russian Federation is Derbent, founded in 438.

If we distribute all the existing cities of Russia by the time of formation, it turns out that 56 cities arose before the Mongol-Tatar yoke, and 111 cities appeared in the process of overcoming the political fragmentation of Rus' during the formation of a centralized state.

Kremlins and fortresses, cathedrals and monasteries, palaces and estates, factory buildings from the industrial heyday create a unique historical atmosphere of ancient cities. Some historic cities acquire their individuality through the predominance of one architectural style. But for all their diversity and uniqueness, they also have common features. Firstly, most ancient Russian cities were built at the spit - at the confluence of the river with its tributaries. Secondly, in the middle zone, cities were built mainly on the high bank of the river. Their layout was subject to the terrain. Temples were built on the highest places. And the core of the city - the fortress - occupied a hard-to-reach place, protected by ravines and steep river banks. The streets of ancient cities are characterized by curvature, which has certain artistic merits. Thirdly, embankments in a Russian city located on a river, as a rule, played the role of a facade, the face of the city, one might say, its calling card. Ancient Russian city planners skillfully used the features of the landscape and created beautiful cities that were in harmony with the surrounding nature.

Great importance for ancient cities in Rus' there were monasteries. They were not only places of religious worship, but also cultural and educational centers. As well as a place of stay in different periods stories of noble and royal persons. So, for example, in , which is located not far from Kostroma, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov lived for some time. It was here that he received the news of his election to the throne. Since then, the Romanov family began to honor this monastery as their family shrine. During the turbulent time of enemy raids and princely civil strife, the monasteries protected the city residents. Often settlements that arose around monasteries became cities. The cities of Cherepovets, Pechory, Pokrov, Valdai, and Kirzhach developed around the monasteries. laid the foundation for Sergiev Posad. became the ovary of the city of Istra. The city of Kirillov was formed around it.

The outstanding achievements of medieval town planning are the Kremlins, within which the most significant structures of the city were erected. preserved and decorate Moscow, Veliky Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Rostov the Great, Tula, Zaraysk, Tobolsk, Kazan, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod. Russian architecture made a huge contribution to the glorification of Russia. Few cities in the world can boast of architectural structures that are unique in nature. There are a huge number of them in Russian cities. Temples, cathedrals, monasteries - each with its own history, its own unique beauty.

The ten most ancient cities of Russia: what a wealth it is!

When all this is collected in one place, you begin to understand especially clearly what treasures were left to us from previous generations, what beauty...

The question of which city in Russia can be called the most ancient still remains open. There are various hypotheses, various studies are being conducted, but there is no comprehensive data.

According to some sources: a list of the ten oldest cities in Russia:

0. Derbent— A medium-sized city that is part of the Republic of Dagestan. Founding date: end of the 4th millennium BC. e.
1. Veliky Novgorod Small in population regional center.

Date of foundation - 859

2. Murom =
Year of foundation - 862

— A medium-sized city. Included in Vladimir region.

3. Rostov the Great - contemporary with the city of Murom, a small town included in the Yaroslavl region.

In 1995, the Rostov Kremlin Museum-Reserve was included in the list of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia.

4. Belozersk(The first name is Beloozero).

The same age as Rostov the Great. A small city. Year of foundation - 862
5. Smolensk

Big City, regional center of the Smolensk region. Date of foundation - 863

6. Pskov - A small regional center. Year of foundation - 859


7. Uglich - It was first mentioned in the chronicle in 1148, but some local sources also report other information: 937, 947, 952 and other years.

8. Trubchevsk— A small city in terms of population. Year of foundation - 975.

9. Bryansk- regional center. The city was founded 985

10. Vladimir— Regional center. Date of foundation (one version) - 990

10/11/12 Suzdal

— A small town that is part of the Vladimir region. Founding date: 999 or 1024.
10/11/12 Kazan —Regional center, capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Date of foundation - 1005

11/12/13 Yaroslavl— Large regional center. Date of foundation - 1010

There is an opinion that the most ancient city in Russia is Derbent. It existed when Ancient Rus' did not yet exist, and its approximate age is 5000 years. However, the composition Russian state this city began to be included only in 1813. Now Derbent belongs to the Republic of Dagestan as part of the North Caucasus Federal District.

However, the oldest originally Russian can rightfully be considered a city in Russia

Velikiy Novgorod . This city was founded in 859 and is the origin of the Christian faith. On the left bank of the Volkhov River in Novgorod there is one of the most beautiful Kremlins in Russia


The top ten oldest cities in Russia include two cities that are part of the Vladimir region. According to some sources Suzdal was founded in 999 year and also claims to be among the ten most ancient Russian cities.

Moore It is considered the third oldest city in Rus', along with Rostov the Great and Belozersk. The first written mention of it comes from The Tale of Bygone Years. From the chronicle it becomes clear that Murom received its name from the ancient Finno-Ugric tribe "Muroma", which once lived in the Oka basin. The first prince of Murom was Gleb. Back in 988, he received Murom as an inheritance from the hands of his father, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Muromsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery is one of the oldest in Russia.

Vladimir - one of the most beautiful cities in Russia, located on the banks of the Klyazma River.

According to recent studies by local historians, according to information from a number of chronicle sources Vladimir-on-Klyazma was founded by Vladimir Svyatoslavich Monomakh in 990. The oldest inhabitants of this region were Finno-Ugric tribes (VI-VII centuries), some of which were subsequently assimilated by the Slavs.

Another ancient city - Suzdal first mentioned in the chronicle when talking about the uprising of the Magi in 1024. According to other studies, Suzdal was first mentioned in written sources under the year 999.

It is believed that the city arose on the site of ancient agricultural, trade and craft settlements, which, there is every reason to believe, appeared here no later than the 9th century. Now Suzdal is a city-reserve, which is part of Golden ring Russia. By abundance architectural monuments and the integrity of his appearance, he knows no equal.

If we talk not only about cities, then we can recall another ancient settlement - the village of Staraya Ladoga, which was a city until 1703.

In 2003, the 1250th anniversary of Staraya Ladoga was celebrated, during which the village was positioned as “the ancient capital of Northern Rus'.”

The review was prepared based on Internet materials by the site

Series of messages "RATINGS of Russian cities":
Part 1 - Grozny is recognized as the richest city in Russia
Part 2 - Russian cities with the lowest crime rates
Part 3 - RATINGS: the best attractions of Russia / results for 2014
Part 4 - The ten most ancient cities of Russia: what a wealth it is!

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Our country is powerful and great. Thousands of years ago, the territory of the modern state was inhabited by tribes that organized permanent settlements. There is still debate about which is the oldest city in Russia. We will help you figure it out.

How to determine age?

It is difficult to determine the specific year of founding of Russian cities. Historians agreed that it is best to focus on the first mentions of settlements in ancient chronicles and written references.

Throughout history, almost all Russian sources were burned due to vicissitudes - disputes over land during the ancient millennia, during the reign of Macedon, the destructive raids of the Tatar yoke, or during the inculcation of the Christian faith.

All the invaders mercilessly destroyed cultural values ​​and written sources of ancient times, so very few of them remained. Now, when determining the age of a particular city, scientists are guided by foreign chronicles. But the information they contain is not always reliable.

In the article we indicate the generally known dates of the founding of modern cities. But this does not prevent us from thinking that in their place tens and hundreds of years before there were human settlements.


After the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula into Russian Federation The championship in age rightfully began to belong to the city of Kerch. On its territory, even in ancient times, there were several settlement-polises, the main one of which was Panticapaeum. Ancient Greek colonists in the 6th century. BC e. of them they created a military confederation with the aim of confronting the local warlike tribes - the Scythians.

After excavations in the vicinity of the village of Mayak, it became known that the territory of modern Kerch in the 17th-15th centuries BC. e. was already inhabited.

During its heyday, the city occupied a total area of ​​100 hectares. The upper fortified part of the settlement was located on the mountain, which today is called Mithridates. In the center of the acropolis there was a majestic temple dedicated to Apollo, the patron saint of Panticapaeum. Its construction was completed at the end of the 6th century. BC e. And later, ancient architects built another temple, but in honor of Dionysus and Aphrodite.

Confirmation of the antiquity of the city can be seen with your own eyes by visiting the ruins of Panticapaeum, seeing the entrance to the royal mound, or taking an excursion to the historical museum. It should be noted that many historical finds and treasures of antiquity are now part of the collections of the Berlin Museum, the Louvre, the Hermitage, and the Moscow Museum. A.S. Pushkin and the British Museum.

Today Kerch is a developed city with a population of about 148 thousand people. It is located on the shore of the Kerch Peninsula. And it is over 2600 years old!


On the territory of the Republic of Dagestan there is one of the oldest cities in Russia - Derbent. Mentions of it date back to the 4th century. BC e. Once upon a time there was a village called the Caspian Gate, which was mentioned in his writings by a geographer from Ancient Greece Hecataeus of Miletus.

Derbent became more developed only in 438 AD. e., when a Persian fortress was founded here with a citadel on a hill and two rows of stone walls. Thus, a narrow passage (3 km) between the Caspian Sea and Caucasus mountains was closed, blocking the path of the conquerors and protecting the townspeople from the invasions of the Huns, Khazars and Scythians. The favorable location made it possible to control all routes from “Anterior Asia” to Eastern Europe.

The rich history of Derbent has given rise to outstanding landmarks on its territory:

  • Naryn-Kala Citadel - approximately 438 AD. e.;
  • Juma Mosque – VIII century. n. e.;
  • Derbent fortress with stone walls up to 20 m high and up to 3 m wide.

Today the city features many museum exhibitions dedicated to antiquity. Also most of Derbent is an open-air museum - here you can see excavations of ancient buildings.

By order of the President, in 2014, citizens celebrated the 2000th anniversary of the city.

Velikiy Novgorod

The three oldest cities in the country include the original Russian Veliky Novgorod. Its formation dates back to 859 AD. e.

Rurikovich, the founder, was called here ancient Russian state and the founder of the Rurik dynasty in Rus'. Therefore, many historians believe that it was in these places that the birth of Russian statehood took place.

In the Middle Ages, the city was part of Kievan Rus as the center of the Novgorod land. In 1136, Novgorod became the first independent city, separating from Rus'.

During the Tatar yoke, the townspeople paid tribute to the Horde. Therefore, Novgorod was not subjected to destructive attacks and preserved ancient architectural monuments.

Among the main and most outstanding are:

  • Saint Sophia Cathedral;
  • Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Anthony Monastery;
  • St. George's Cathedral;
  • Ruins of the Rurik settlement;
  • John's Church on Opoki;
  • Znamensky Cathedral;
  • Novgorod Kremlin.

All these attractions are available for inspection by tourists - you can see with your own eyes what architecture was like during the times of Kievan Rus and before it.

Today Novgorod is a city of regional significance and at the same time a city of military glory. Its population is about 222 thousand inhabitants.

Smolensk is the same age as Veliky Novgorod; the first mentions of it are found in the chronicle and date back to 862 AD. e. Even then it was a populous settlement and the center of the Krivichi tribal union. Therefore, it is not surprising that during the campaigns of conquest in 863, Askold and Dir decided to bypass it. It can be assumed that he is much older.

Smolensk has a very advantageous location - “on the way from the Varangians to the Greeks.” It is believed that during trade travels many travelers visited the city. Thanks to this, he developed very rapidly.

Even today, important trade routes from the capital to the Baltic states, Belarus and European countries pass through Smolensk. Its population is about 330 thousand people.


The first mention of Murom is found in the Tale of Bygone Years in 862 AD. e. It was from this source that historians were able to establish the origin of the city’s name. It was named after the ancient Murom tribes who lived in these places on the banks of the Oka River.

Gleb became the first Old Russian prince of the city, when Prince Vladimir gave it to him under control.

The oldest monastery in Russia is located in Murom. This is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery - very a nice place with a rich history.


In 862, mention also appeared of another Russian city - Rostov the Great. At the beginning of the 10th century. the city became the center of the Rostov-Suzdal land.

Since 1777 it became a city, but in 2006 it received the status of an urban settlement due to a decrease in the number of inhabitants. Now about 31 thousand people live here.

In the center of Rostov on the shore of the island. Nero is the Rostov Kremlin, which in 1995 was included in the list of the most valuable cultural heritage sites in Russia. The residence of the Metropolitan of the Rostov diocese was once located here.


A small regional center, according to some historians, was founded in 859. But 903 is considered officially accepted - the year it was mentioned in the Laurentian Chronicle and in the Chronicle of Bygone Years. It was from here that Princess Olga, the wife of Prince Igor, was from.

Pskov is located on the banks of the Velikaya River, where it merges with the Pskova River. It is one of the most important tourist centers in the northwestern part of the country. Many travelers come to see famous landmarks:

  • Pogankin chambers;
  • Trinity Cathedral;
  • Mirozhsky Monastery;
  • Pskov Fortress;
  • There are many ancient churches that are included in the list of cultural heritage of the country.

Today 203 thousand people live here. The city has lost a little of its power, but still attracts tourists who want to look at examples of ancient architecture.


The ten oldest cities in our country include Uglich, which gained its fame thanks to the death of the son of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Dmitry Uglichsky. In written sources, historians have found memories of this settlement dating back to 937.

Every year, thousands of tourists visit Uglich to see the main attractions - the Uglich Kremlin, the Holy Resurrection, Epiphany and Alekseevsky monasteries, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist. Travelers are also attracted by the ensemble of the shopping area and the Mekhov-Voronin House. It’s not for nothing that Uglich is included in the list of the main cities of the “Golden Ring” of Russia.


Another city from the “Golden Ring” - Suzdal - was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor for special services in the development of tourism in Russia and the preservation of cultural monuments. It is believed that it was founded in 999.

The list of the main attractions of the city includes the ensemble of Torgovaya Square with all the buildings, monastery complexes, Posad monuments and, of course, the Suzdal Kremlin.

In total, there are about 50 temples and churches in Suzdal. Therefore, the townspeople proudly claim that from anywhere in the city one can see the gilded domes of some architectural shrine.


Kazan is considered one of the largest centers in the country, therefore it has a registered brand “The Third Capital of Russia”. According to ratings of various Internet portals, the tourism industry is actively developing in Kazan - More and more Russians come here to see the most interesting sights:

  • Kazan Kremlin, included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites;
  • Peter and Paul Cathedral;
  • Palace of Landowners;
  • Spasskaya Tower;
  • Tower Syuyumbike;
  • Kul-Sharif - the main mosque of the Republic;
  • Epiphany Cathedral.

The city is located practically on the border between Asia and Europe. And with all its diversity, it successfully embodies the unity of different cultures.

During antiquity, the most ancient Russian city- Kerch. But later, under Kievan Rus, the oldest cities on the territory of former Russia were founded. It seems that until the 900s. This century our ancestors had practically no settlements. It can be argued that in the future archaeologists will still discover the most important evidence that will help determine a more advanced age of our cities.
