How to cure pyelonephritis at home. Treatment of pyelonephritis at home. Traditional treatment of chronic form

In this article we will talk about treating pyelonephritis at home. If an exacerbation is accompanied by a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, or high fever and pain suggest a violation of the outflow of urine or a suppurative process, which may require surgical intervention, or the level of toxins in the blood increases, or nausea and vomiting do not allow treatment with pills, then it is better not to refuse hospitalization. In other cases, you can be treated at home.

What phases are distinguished during pyelonephritis?

  1. Active course: pain in the lower back or abdomen, fever, increased blood pressure, frequent urination, slight swelling, leukocytes and bacteria in the urine in large quantities, signs inflammatory process in blood tests.
  2. Latent inflammation: no complaints, blood test is normal, however, the number of leukocytes in the urine test is increased. There may be no bacteriuria.
  3. Remission: there are no complaints or abnormalities in blood and urine tests.

What regimen should be followed when treating pyelonephritis?

  • In the phase of remission or latent inflammation, it is enough to avoid hypothermia; damp cold is especially dangerous: kayaking on a mountain river or fighting with a crop in the autumn rain may well result in a hospital bed.
    It is very good if you can take a lying position for half an hour in the middle of the day. And situations where emptying the bladder occurs too rarely are completely unacceptable. It is optimal to go to the toilet every 3-4 hours.
  • The phase of active inflammation, especially in the first few days, involves not just home, but bed, “duvet” mode. You can read, watch TV or play games computer games– the main thing is that the conditions are met: warmth and horizontal position.

What diet is needed for exacerbation of pyelonephritis?

  • . You need to drink at least one and a half liters a day, and the best drink is cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks, rosehip decoction, but tea, compote, fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water are also great.
  • For hypertension, limit salt and all products with a high content of salt - sausages, marinades, canned food, smoked meats.
  • Alcohol, coffee, spices, radishes, horseradish, garlic, mushrooms and legumes should be excluded from the diet during an exacerbation.
  • During the season, melons and melons will complement the treatment: watermelons, pumpkins and melons.

What drug treatment is used for pyelonephritis?

The main thing in the treatment of pyelonephritis is taking antibiotics. These are serious drugs that must be prescribed by a doctor.

Antibiotics. In case of exacerbation, one cannot do without them, but it is optimal if they are prescribed by a doctor, even better if at the same time he explains how to collect and where to donate urine for sowing on microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

As a rule, the causative agents of pyelonephritis are representatives of the obligate intestinal flora (E.coli, Klebsiella, Proteus), so dysbiosis during treatment is almost inevitable. Therefore, the more carefully an antibiotic is chosen, the faster bacteriuria can be dealt with, and the higher the likelihood that exacerbations will be avoided. Typically, the drug is prescribed empirically for 5–7 days and then changed based on culture results. The duration of the course depends on the results of the examination over time: after normalization of urine tests, treatment is continued for another week, so antibacterial drugs I can be prescribed for 2 or 3–4 weeks.

Shortening the course of treatment or irregularly taking tablets will lead to a protracted course or relapse, and sensitivity to the antibiotic next time will most likely be reduced. Therefore, pyelonephritis at home requires consciousness and discipline from the patient.

Most often in outpatient practice, protected penicillins (Augmentin), 2nd generation cephalosporins (Ceftibuten, Cefuroxime), fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin) and nitrofurans (Furadonin, Furamag), as well as Palin, Biseptol and Nitroxoline are used - but there is some sensitivity to them has decreased in recent years.

Herbal medicine in the treatment of pyelonephritis

Of course, if you have allergies, especially hay fever, you will have to refuse such treatment. But in general, this is a pleasant and useful addition - in addition to the antiseptic effect, many herbs can reduce spasms urinary tract(oats, orthosiphon), reduce bleeding (nettle, rosehip), reduce swelling (horsetail, bearberry) and ease dyspepsia, which often accompanies taking antibiotics (chamomile, plantain, strawberry leaf).
Exist medications based on herbs (Canephron, Fitolysin), ready-made preparations are sold in the pharmacy, and those who are not lazy can easily stock up on herbs in the summer and then drink preventive herbal teas - especially in the chilly late autumn and during the spring thaw.

The goal of treatment during an exacerbation is to achieve complete clinical and laboratory remission. Sometimes even 6 weeks of antibiotic treatment does not give the desired result. In these cases, a scheme is practiced when for six months every month for 10 days an antibacterial drug is prescribed (each time a different one, but taking into account the sensitivity spectrum), and the rest of the time - diuretic herbs.

Timely treated teeth, proper clothing to prevent hypothermia, good intimate hygiene, normal drinking regime - all this is the prevention of exacerbations of chronic pyelonephritis. And if an exacerbation could not be avoided, then treatment can and should be done at home - but subject to constant laboratory monitoring, because with pyelonephritis, good health is not always a sign of complete recovery.

Which doctor to contact

In case of exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, treatment can be prescribed by a nephrologist, therapist, or in children - a pediatrician. You can also contact a urologist. The patient must undergo a urine test to determine the sensitivity of the microflora to antibiotics. In addition, at home you should monitor the amount of urine excreted, monitor blood pressure, temperature and pulse.

Pyelonephritis is a common urological pathology of an infectious-inflammatory nature. The disease is characterized by damage to the tubules and pelvicalyceal system kidneys. What happens next is pathological change the main renal tissue is parenchyma. In women, the disease is diagnosed 6 times more often than in men.

Kidney inflammation can be acute or chronic. For any form of pathology, you should consult a general practitioner and then a nephrologist. Children who experience discomfort should be examined by a pediatrician.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home is carried out only after examination by a specialist. In case of kidney inflammation, hospitalization may be required, but if the doctor has not directed you to the hospital, you can create suitable conditions at home. Proper drinking regime, therapeutic diet, medications, comfort and warmth are the main components of a favorable outcome of the disease.

Bed rest

A person who is diagnosed acute pyelonephritis, must remain in bed for 2 or 3 weeks. Many people, feeling the slightest relief, get out of bed. This cannot be done. Sick kidneys love warmth, so the bed is the best place for the stay of the sick person. A person does not have to lie down; he can read or play computer games while sitting. The main condition is to keep the kidneys warm.

In addition, the patient's feet should be kept warm. Their hypothermia leads to increased urination. The room where the sick person is located should be as close as possible to the restroom. It is ideal if the patient uses a bedpan.

Ventilation of the room should be carried out during the absence of a person. If this is not possible, open the window, tightly covering the sick person with a blanket and putting socks on his feet.

Proper diet

Diagnosed kidney inflammation requires adherence to a certain diet. The daily diet should consist of foods that do not irritate the kidneys. Excluded from the menu:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • spices;
  • preserved products;
  • black coffee;
  • spicy dishes;
  • meat and fish soups.

The diet of a person suffering from pyelonephritis should be high in calories. Recommended to eat:

  • kefir and yoghurts;
  • fruits (mainly watermelons, melons, grapes);
  • vegetables (especially pumpkin);
  • boiled fish and meat;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.

The course of chronic pyelonephritis may be accompanied by symptoms iron deficiency anemia. In this case, it is advisable to include fruits and berries rich in iron and cobalt in the diet: pomegranates, strawberries, strawberries and apples.

When pyelonephritis is accompanied by hypertension, the patient is prescribed a low-salt diet. Salt is a substance that can retain excess fluid in the body. Its daily use should be limited to 8 grams per day. It is not recommended for a sick person to add salt to food. The best decision- give to the patient daily norm salt on his hands so he can season the dishes to his liking.

If you do not limit your salt intake, your blood pressure will rise and your kidneys will become increasingly irritated. Of course, all this does not lead to a speedy recovery, but only delays it

Very often, patients find it difficult to tolerate dietary restrictions. It is difficult for a person to renounce many years of gastronomic habits, but this measure is not just recommended, but mandatory. A properly selected diet can speed up the healing process at home, while non-compliance with dietary rules accelerates the development of renal failure due to pyelonephritis. It is necessary to explain to the sick person why the diet has changed and what will happen if you do not follow medical recommendations. A sick person must receive a lot of calories, vitamins and microelements, so you need to try to make it daily diet as varied and tasty as possible.

How much water should a patient drink?

Patients with normal arterial pressure and unimpeded outflow of urine, they must switch to an increased drinking regimen. It is recommended to increase daily consumption of distilled (still) water to 2000 ml. This measure will prevent excessive concentration of urine. In addition, increasing the volume of fluid consumed helps flush the urinary tract.

Except clean water, the patient is recommended to drink fortified fruit drinks, for example, from cranberries

This drink contains a special substance that, once in the body, is converted by the liver into hippuric acid. This substance has the effect of suppressing the activity of pathogens in the urinary tract, which facilitates treatment at home.

Drug therapy

For kidney inflammation, the attending physician should prescribe several drugs with different spectrums of action. In order to eliminate pyelonephritis with all associated symptoms, the following medications are needed:

  • To destroy the infectious pathogen, the specialist selects antibiotic therapy that is suitable for the patient. The antibacterial drug must have a broad spectrum of action and be excreted in the urine (a high concentration of the drug is created in the kidneys). The duration of the therapeutic course and dosage regimen are selected individually (by a specialist). Well-proven drugs from the group of cephalosporins - cefazolin and ceftriaxone, the drug gentomycin from the macrolide group, furadonin, negram and 5-HOK.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their use is aimed at eliminating the source of inflammation. Such drugs reduce body temperature, minimize discomfort, facilitate the transport of antibiotics to the site of infection (for example, nimesil or paracetamol).
  • To tone the kidneys and disperse the blood, a course of diuretics is prescribed. Usually it does not last longer than a few days.
  • Inflammation and swelling often interfere with normal blood flow to the kidney. The consequence of this is insufficient oxygen supply to some kidney parts. Therefore, a sick person may be prescribed medications that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Deterioration of urine outflow contributes to the development of pyelonephritis. To expand the tubules in the kidneys and ureter, antispasmodics (for example, papaverine and no-shpu) are prescribed.

To strengthen the defenses of an organism weakened by disease, it is recommended to drink immunomodulators, as well as complexes of vitamins and microelements

You should not treat pyelonephritis with medications, relying on advertising or the advice of friends. correct dosage Only a specialist can prescribe it, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the age of the patient.

Kidney inflammation in a child

Acute pyelonephritis developing in a child is accompanied by a number of painful symptoms. General intoxication of the body is noted:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • muscle pain;
  • increased sweating;
  • headache.

During urination, the child experiences sharp pain, so the process may be accompanied by crying. With chronic pyelonephritis in children, urine acquires a cloudy consistency and becomes intensely yellow.

If you notice the above symptoms of an inflammatory process in the kidneys in a child, you should immediately contact a medical facility and do not try to carry out independent therapy at home.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many sick people do not have time to stay in a hospital, so patients often try to cure pyelonephritis at home. In addition to the main therapeutic course selected by the doctor, herbal remedies also contribute to recovery.

  1. From dried herbs (sold in pharmacies) you can prepare a healing infusion. You need to take bearberry leaves, birch buds, licorice root, kidney tea, flaxseeds and marsh calamus. 3 teaspoons of herbal mixture should be poured into ½ liter cold water, put on low heat and bring to a boil (then boil for 5 minutes). The resulting decoction is filtered and drunk cooled 30 minutes before meals. The infusion is consumed 3 times a day, one glass each, for 60 days. For the next 90 days, use a less saturated decoction (2 teaspoons of herbs pour ½ liter of liquid).
  2. 10 g dried medicinal verbena leaves, 10 g violet tricolor herb, 10 g walnut, 30 g of rose hips and 20 g of burdock root are mixed in a separate container. 2-3 spoons herbal collection pour ½ liter of boiling water and then leave to infuse for 120 minutes. Strain the infusion and drink half a glass, adding a little honey, about 5 times a day.

Herbal medicine is appropriate after antibiotic therapy, when the cause of the pathology has been eliminated. Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at maintaining the body and preventing re-exacerbation of the disease.

Herbal teas help relieve inflammation and strengthen the body's defenses. Despite healing properties many plants, their use should not be started without consulting a doctor

Preventive measures

To prevent cured pyelonephritis from returning again, it is necessary to follow preventive recommendations:

  • drink only purified water;
  • avoid hypothermia of the body (in particular the legs);
  • do not ignore the urge to urinate;
  • eliminate infectious foci in the body in a timely manner. Kidney inflammation can result from untreated caries, tonsillitis or skin disease.


If you feel symptoms of pyelonephritis, the main of which is severe pain localized in the upper back, you should immediately consult a doctor. A timely diagnosis and well-chosen therapy will speed up recovery and avoid complications.

Pyelonephritis is not a death sentence, but unpleasant disease, which can be dealt with at home if everything is done correctly. Competent treatment pyelonephritis at home will help you forget about this problem forever.

Features of the disease

Pyelonephritis is a fairly common disease caused by an inflammatory process in the kidneys. An infection that enters the body through the blood can affect the kidney parenchyma, calyx and pelvis. If the disease that has arisen is not treated in a timely manner, there is a high probability of developing a more complex disease - nephrosclerosis.

Development especially severe forms diseases can lead to disastrous results, even fatal outcome. With each new exacerbation of the disease, the condition of the kidney tissue worsens and scarring occurs. It is very important to recognize the disease in time and begin treatment so that chronic pyelonephritis does not develop.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of pyelonephritis directly depend on what type of pathology you have encountered.

Acute pyelonephritis characterized by:

  • acute pain in the lumbar region;
  • elevated temperature;
  • changed color of urine;
  • in some cases, nausea and vomiting may occur;

Chronic pyelonephritis doesn't have that bright severe symptoms. They appear only in moments. Among the signs of the disease chronic form it is worth noting:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headache and general weakness.
If the symptoms described above occur, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist.

Diagnosis of pyelonephritis

It is very important to correctly diagnose the pathology, because the symptoms that appear cannot always show the full picture.

  1. First of all, the doctor prescribes general analysis blood and urine. From them you can see whether the number of leukocytes has increased and whether protein has appeared.
  2. To complete the picture, radiography and excretory urography are performed. Thanks to these studies, it will be possible to determine whether the size of the kidneys has changed and how affected they are.
  3. To present the picture of the course of the disease in more detail, CT, angiography, and cystography can be used.

If acute pyelonephritis develops, the patient should be immediately hospitalized, where he will be provided with the necessary first aid and treatment will be prescribed. The patient is prescribed a course of up to 6 weeks. As a result of previous pyelonephritis, you can earn renal failure.

Collateral successful treatment is a diagnosis carried out in a timely and accurate manner.

Treatment of pyelonephritis with folk remedies

Many patients find it difficult to treat their disease in a hospital, so they look for alternative ways. In this case, folk methods will come to the rescue. Treatment with folk remedies is allowed when Taken measures are aimed at preventing exacerbation if chronic pyelonephritis occurs. Such methods, in combination with basic therapy, lead to a speedy recovery.

Below are some of the most effective recipes:

  • A drink made from flax seeds can not only relieve inflammation of the kidneys, but also cleanse them. Flax seeds in the amount of one tablespoon are steamed with a glass of boiling water. The resulting composition is further boiled over high heat for about 3 minutes. After this, let the drink infuse, an hour will be enough. The resulting drug is taken for two days, 0.5 cups twice a day.
  • Treatment of kidney pyelonephritis with folk remedies will be more effective if you use the herbaceous plant knotweed, commonly known as knotweed. Preparing the solution is very simple. Well-washed leaves of the plant are twisted in a meat grinder. Add water to the resulting mass and bring to a puree-like consistency. Leave for a few minutes to allow the solution to infuse, then squeeze out the liquid. The composition is taken before meals, 0.5 cups.

  • Those who are faced with an unpleasant illness can try using hop cones. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 2 large spoons of the raw material with boiling water, in an amount of 0.5 liters. The composition should infuse for 2 hours. Take the drink up to four times a day before meals.
  • For those who discovered alarming symptoms this disease and along with drug treatment actively uses folk remedies, you should definitely try medicinal herbs - very effective method. You can easily prepare this infusion yourself. The necessary components are freely available in any pharmacy. You will need: kidney tea, calamus and bearberry leaves, flax seeds, licorice root and birch buds. A collection of these herbs in the amount of 3 small spoons is poured with 0.5 liters of water and boiled for no more than 5 minutes. Cool the resulting drug, strain and drink one glass 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Continue for 2 months.
  • During development kidney diseases Sea buckthorn berries help a lot.

Treatment with folk remedies can be used only after a preliminary discussion of this issue with a doctor.

Diet is an important component of treatment

The first and most important component of treatment for kidney pyelonephritis is diet. If all the symptoms of an acute inflammatory process are present, then the doctor prescribes a strict diet.

  • The most important thing is to drink as much fluid as possible. This means not only water, but also tea, juices, etc.;
  • Eliminate salt and foods high in salt from the diet;
  • Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Food should be boiled, steamed;
  • Exclusion of salty, fried, rich, fatty and baked foods, as well as sauces, spices and seasonings;
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks;
  • Remove from your diet foods that have elevated level acidity;
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol, spices, coffee;
  • During the melon season, the use of pumpkins, watermelons, and melons will help in treatment.

Careful adherence to the diet in combination with the main treatment can lead to the expected result.

Prevention of pyelonephritis

Very often, kidney pyelonephritis can be avoided if you follow some simple rules. In particular:

  • Try to drink more non-calorie liquid;
  • Empty in a timely manner and do not tolerate if bladder filled;
  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Try to promptly eliminate any source of infection in the body (caries, sore throat, inflammation of the skin, etc.), if you do not treat such manifestations, they can provoke inflammation of the kidneys.

It is not difficult to cure kidney pyelonephritis if you strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. You will be able to cope with the problem much faster if you include treatment with folk remedies, the help of which is difficult to overestimate.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home is a complex and lengthy process. Before taking any action, you should consult your doctor. He will select appropriate medications and recommend traditional medicine recipes.

Treatment of the disease

Pyelonephritis - inflammation infectious etiology, which affects the kidneys. Its development is possible not only in the kidney, but also in its pelvic part. The final stage of the disease is characterized by damage to the blood vessels and glomeruli of the kidneys.

Therapy against pyelonephritis is prescribed by a nephrologist. Treatment must be comprehensive. It includes the following elements:

  • antibacterial effect;
  • correction of the underlying disease that caused the urinary obstruction;
  • carrying out detoxification;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • herbal treatment;

Drug treatment of pyelonephritis

If pyelonephritis is caused by an infection, then the main method is antibacterial therapy. It lasts from 5 days to 2 weeks. Prescribed only for acute forms of the disease. Substances are administered parenterally and through injections. Medicines with a wide spectrum of action are prescribed. Typically, drugs from the groups of cephalosporins, aminoglycosides and semisynthetic penicillins are used.

Comprehensive treatment includes not only antibacterial therapy. Other drugs that improve blood circulation, carry out detoxification, and also have anti-inflammatory properties are also prescribed.

To remove toxic compounds from the patient’s body, Sorbilact and Reosorbilact are prescribed intravenously.

You can use products from the group of enterosorbents. For example, Lactulose and Activated Carbon are suitable.

To relieve the patient from spasms, expand the lumens of the kidney tubules and increase the intensity of urine excretion, No-shpa or Papaverine is prescribed. Be sure to use drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Nimesulide, Paracetamol or Nimesil are suitable.

To normalize microbiocenosis (which is very important if it has become long-term), drugs from the groups of prebiotics and probiotics are prescribed. Products with antifungal properties are also used. To improve blood circulation in the kidneys, drugs with anticoagulant properties and venotonics are prescribed. For example, Troxevasin, Dipyridamole, Heparin are suitable. From time to time, the doctor prescribes very strong diuretics (for example, Furosemide is used).

As a complement to drug therapy, a specialist sometimes also prescribes herbal-based drugs, which also have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and sometimes (if necessary) hemostatic properties. Wide range medicinal properties Rowan berries, strawberry leaves, lingonberries, horsetail, plantain, bearberry, and corn silk are found. By the way, these herbs in the form of collections will enhance each other’s effects.

One of the most popular drugs is Canephron. It has the ability to suppress inflammatory processes and bacterial activity, and enhances the effect of drugs from the group of antibiotics. It has diuretic properties, improves blood circulation and eliminates vascular spasms in the kidneys.


Folk remedies can be used as an addition to the main treatment. Before using such remedies, you need to clarify which methods are most suitable in a particular situation (many of them also have contraindications and side effects which need to be taken into account). You can use the following options.

One of the most popular and well-proven is a composition based on bird knotweed. This plant is also called bird buckwheat, knotweed, and grass-ant. Preparing the solution is very simple. It is necessary to collect the leaves, wash them well and grind them using a meat grinder, then add water until pureed. After a few minutes, you need to squeeze the juice out of the infused product. You should drink the resulting composition 0.5 tbsp. before meals.

Treatment using propolis oil is also considered very effective. It's not much more difficult to prepare. It is necessary to peel and grind 10 g of propolis into powder, after freezing the product. 100 g melted (at a temperature of no more than +80 ° C) butter mix with powdered propolis. Then place in an airtight container. Heat the composition to +80 °C for 20 minutes. The resulting medicine is taken 1 tsp. three times a day 1 hour before meals, and then washed down with water.

The disease is also treated with the help of various medicinal herbs.

You can prepare an infusion from herbs that are easily purchased in pharmacies, for example, licorice root, birch buds, calamus and bearberry leaves, and flax seeds.

All components must be mixed thoroughly. Then 3 tbsp. l. collection should be filled with 500 ml of water. After this, boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Now all that remains is to wait until the solution cools and filter it. You need to drink the medicine three times a day, 1 tbsp. 0.5 hour before the meal. Therapy generally lasts about 2–3 months. Subsequently, you need to prepare a solution of a weaker consistency: for the same 500 ml of water, only 2 tbsp. l. composition. Take the medicine again for 3 months.

Oats are actively used in the treatment of the disease. You need to boil 200 g of the product in 1 liter of milk, you can also cook it in water. Moreover, it is necessary to cook until the volume is reduced by half. The liquid should be drunk 1/4 tbsp. three times a day.

Elecampane root is also suitable. It needs to be crushed and honey added - 1 tbsp. roots 0.5 liters of honey. Use the composition 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed.

The mumiyo solution perfectly relieves the inflammatory process during the period of its occurrence. To prepare, you need to dissolve 1 g of natural mumiyo in 1 liter of water and drink twice a day.

Daily routine and nutrition

During the period of remission, as well as during latent inflammatory processes, hypothermia should not be allowed. Damp cold is considered especially dangerous, so it is better not to be exposed to rain during the period of illness. If possible, during the day you should take a lying position for at least half an hour. It is important to go to the toilet to empty your bladder every 4 hours.

If the inflammation is active, then you need to not just stay at home all the time, but constantly lie in bed and cover yourself with blankets.

Mental work, watching TV, etc. are allowed, but the main thing is to comply with 2 simple rules during treatment of an exacerbation: constantly lie down and warm the body.

As for diet, the most important rule is the use large quantity liquids. You need to drink at least 2 liters per day. It is best to choose a decoction based on rose hips or a fruit drink made from lingonberries and cranberries. Juices from fruits and vegetables are suitable as drinks, especially if they are fresh. You are allowed to drink compote, some herbal infusions, and tea. Mineral water is also allowed, but if it is unavailable, regular water will do.

You definitely need to reduce your salt intake, avoid it completely, or reduce the amount of foods you consume that contain it. For example, this applies to smoked meats, canned food, marinades, and sausages. All spices, garlic, horseradish, and radishes should be removed from the diet. Legumes and mushrooms, coffee, and alcoholic beverages are prohibited. They should be excluded from the diet during the period of exacerbation. But in season, melons, pumpkins and watermelons are very useful.

There are many ways to treat pyelonephritis. This disease is characterized by the development of inflammation in the parenchyma and pyelocaliceal region of the kidney.

Treatment should be carried out as early as possible so that the disease does not become chronic. Be sure to go to the hospital at the first symptoms.

Only then can you seek help folk remedies and begin home therapy.

Treatment must be comprehensive. It is imperative to take the medications prescribed by the doctor, while following your diet and daily routine. Only then will it be possible to achieve the desired result.

Pyelonephritis is a severe infection, which can be caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. Determination of a specific pathogen and selection antibacterial therapy is the main method of treating this pathology. The cause of the development of the disease is often a violation of the passage of urine, nephrolithiasis and other abnormalities in the functioning of the urinary system.

In this regard, treatment of pyelonephritis must also necessarily include measures to eliminate the etiological factor to prevent future relapses of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Applicable therapeutic methods are selected taking into account the severity of the disease, the nature of the course, the presence of complications, as well as the characteristics of the patient’s health condition. In acute forms of pyelonephritis or exacerbations of the chronic form, treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of specialists.

Treatment of acute pyelonephritis

Acute pyelonephritis is a serous or purulent inflammation with predominant damage to the renal interstitial tissue. In most cases, the disease develops in only one kidney. Acute course the disease is characterized sudden appearance severe symptoms such as chills, fever, heat, weakness, etc. To avoid consequences, treatment of pyelonephritis should begin immediately and include a set of measures, including taking antibiotics and other drugs, following a diet and bed rest. If necessary, surgical intervention is also used to eliminate the cause of the disease.

Drug therapy

How to treat pyelonephritis and what medications to take? Treatment of acute pyelonephritis is recommended in a hospital setting. In the first days, strict bed rest and warmth are indicated. The selection of drug therapy is carried out taking into account the data of bacteriological urine culture, the presence or absence of obstruction urinary tract, functional state kidneys and the severity of inflammation. If the patient has a disturbance in the normal outflow of urine, then first of all measures are taken to restore it.

The main drugs used to treat pyelonephritis are antibiotics. A course of antibacterial therapy to completely destroy pathogenic microorganisms and prevent relapses or transition of the disease to a chronic form is recommended for at least 6 weeks. In the first days, patients are usually prescribed injections. dosage forms, and then transferred to tablets. Given that urine bacterial cultures may take several days to complete, an antibiotic is initially selected empirically. wide range, and then, taking into account the results obtained, replace the drug if necessary. For pyelonephritis, depending on the specific pathogen, the following groups of antibacterial agents are used:

  • penicillins;
  • sulfonamides;
  • cephalosporins;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • pipemidic acid derivatives;
  • nalidixic acid derivatives;
  • nitrofuans.

Antibacterial drugs are widely used to treat acute pyelonephritis.

The main requirements for antibiotics for the treatment of pyelonephritis are:

  • high bactericidal activity;
  • minimal nephrotoxicity;
  • maximum degree of elimination in urine.

The criterion for the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy is the reduction of symptoms, intoxication, improvement of kidney function and general condition patient 2-3 days after the start of treatment. At the end of taking antibiotics, a repeat general and bacteriological urine test is performed to monitor the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. Can also additionally be used instrumental methods studies to assess the condition of the urinary system: excretory urography, ultrasound, cytoscopy, etc.

Important: If symptoms of acute kidney inflammation appear, the patient must provide urine for bacteriological research. Identifying pathogenic microorganisms and determining their sensitivity to antibiotics will allow you to choose the right treatment.

If the cause of the development of pyelonephritis is some kind of kidney disease or other organs of the urinary system, then the underlying disease must also be treated.


Proper nutrition during acute pyelonephritis helps the body cope with the infection and reduces the load on the kidneys. In addition, it is recommended drinking plenty of fluids. Cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks or rosehip decoction, which have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, will be especially useful. Freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juices are a valuable source of additional vitamins needed by the body during illness. Allowed to drink mineral water, compotes, green and herbal teas.

To reduce intoxication in acute pyelonephritis, drinking plenty of fluids is indicated

In acute form of pyelonephritis, you must adhere to following rules power supply:

  • completely eliminate marinades, canned food, spices, and smoked foods;
  • limit the consumption of baked goods and sweets;
  • exclude alcohol, carbonated water, strong black tea and coffee;
  • do not eat fried, fatty, spicy and peppery foods containing pepper, horseradish, garlic;
  • exclude difficult-to-digest foods (mushrooms, legumes, etc.);
  • increase the amount of foods that have a diuretic effect (melons, watermelons, apples, zucchini, etc.).

The basis of the diet should initially be fruits and vegetables; after acute inflammation has been relieved, boiled lean meat and dairy products can be introduced.

Advice: If kidney inflammation is accompanied by increased blood pressure, it is recommended to significantly limit or completely eliminate salt intake.


Surgical treatment of pyelonephritis is carried out in case of severe purulent kidney damage, which is characterized by the formation of carbuncles and apostemes, in case of ineffectiveness of antibacterial therapy and other conservative methods. The purpose of surgical intervention is to stop further progression of the inflammatory process, to prevent its spread to healthy kidney, removing obstacles to the normal outflow of urine in case of obstruction. In this case, the organ is decapsulated, drained, and the ulcers are opened. If the organ is completely damaged (purulent-destructive stage), surgery is performed to remove the kidney.

Treatment of chronic pyelonephritis

In approximately 20% of patients, acute pyelonephritis becomes chronic, the course of which is characterized by alternating periods of remission and exacerbations. In case of exacerbation, the same therapeutic methods are used as for acute inflammation kidneys. During the period of remission, treatment of chronic pyelonephritis is carried out at home under dispensary observation. At this time, it is necessary to follow a diet, drink decoctions of medicinal herbs and, if possible, undergo recovery in a specialized sanatorium. Once every three months, such patients must visit a doctor, undergo examination and tests.

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • adhere to the correct drinking regime;
  • take measures to prevent colds and infectious diseases;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • follow a diet;
  • empty your bladder regularly (every 3-4 hours);
  • take prophylactic short courses of antibacterial drugs (in consultation with your doctor);
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene.

In patients with chronic pyelonephritis, hypothermia is fraught with exacerbation of the disease

Advice: If symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Traditional methods of treatment

For pyelonephritis, treatment with folk remedies can be used as an additional method of therapy both during exacerbations and during remission. For this purpose, they are used separately or as part of fees. medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic and diuretic effects in the form of decoctions or infusions. Combined use of folk and traditional methods treatment of pyelonephritis helps speed up the patient’s recovery during exacerbation of the disease. Among those used in medicinal purposes For kidney inflammation, folk remedies are most effective:

  • juice from knotweed leaves;
  • propolis oil;
  • a decoction of a mixture of bearberry leaves, calamus flaxseed, kidney tea, licorice root, birch buds;
  • oat decoction with milk or water;
  • infusion of lingonberry leaves, blue cornflower flowers, birch leaves;
  • a decoction of aspen bark, bearberry, and Siberian elderberry leaves.

Folk remedies for pyelonephritis are used as part of complex treatment