How do the human bronchi work? Bronchial tree. How does the bronchial tree work? The bronchi have an anatomical structure

Sholokhova Olga Nikolaevna

Reading time: 3 minutes


Human lungs and bronchi: where they are located, what they consist of and what functions they perform

Studying the structure of the human body is a difficult but interesting activity, because studying your own body helps you to know yourself, others and understand them.

A person cannot help but breathe. After a few seconds, his breathing repeats, then after a few more, again, again, and so on for the rest of his life. The respiratory organs are important for human life. Everyone needs to know where the bronchi and lungs are located in order to understand their feelings during the period of illness of the respiratory system.

Lungs: anatomical features

The structure of the lungs is quite simple; for each person they are approximately the same normally, only the size and shape may differ. If a person has an elongated chest, the lungs will also be elongated and vice versa.

This organ of the respiratory system is vital, as it is responsible for providing the entire body with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. The lungs are a paired organ, but they are not symmetrical. Every person has one lung larger than the other. The right one is different large size and 3 lobes, while the left one has only 2 lobes and is smaller in size. This is due to the location of the heart on the left side chest.

Where are the lungs located?

The location of the lungs is in the middle of the chest, they fit tightly to the heart muscle. In shape they resemble a truncated cone pointing upward. They are located next to the collarbones at the top, protruding slightly beyond them. The base of the paired organ lies on the diaphragm, which separates the chest and abdominal cavity. You can learn better about where exactly a person’s lungs are located by looking at photographs of them.

Structural elements of the lungs

There are only 3 in this body important element, without which the body will not be able to perform its functions.

  • Bronchi.
  • Bronchioles.
  • Alveoli.

To know where the bronchi are located in the body, you need to understand that they are an integral part of the lungs, therefore the bronchial tree is located in the same place as the lungs, in the middle of this organ.


The structure of the bronchi allows us to talk about them as a tree with branches. They look like an overgrown tree with small branches at the end of the crown. They continue the trachea, dividing into two main tubes, in diameter these are the widest passages of the bronchial tree for air.

When the bronchi branch, where are the small air passages located? Gradually, as they enter the lungs, the bronchi divide into 5 branches. The right section of the organ is divided into 3 branches, the left into 2. This corresponds to the lobes of the lungs. Then more branches occur, during which a decrease in the diameter of the bronchi occurs, the bronchi are divided into segmental ones, and then even smaller. This can be seen in the photo with the bronchi. There are 18 such segments in total, 8 on the left side and 10 on the right.

The walls of the bronchial tree consist of closed rings at its base. Inside, the walls of the human bronchi are covered with mucous membrane. When infection penetrates into the bronchi, the mucous membrane thickens and narrows in diameter. Such an inflammatory process can reach the human lungs.


These air passages are formed at the ends of branched bronchi. The smallest bronchi, located separately in the lobes of the lung tissue, have a diameter of only 1 mm. Bronchioles are:

  • end;
  • respiratory.

This division depends on where the branch with the bronchioles is located in relation to the edges of the tree. At the ends of the bronchioles there is also their continuation - the acini.

The acini may also look like branches, but these branches are already independent and have alveoli on them - the smallest elements of the bronchial tree.


These elements are considered microscopic pulmonary vesicles, which directly perform the main function of the lungs - gas exchange. There are a lot of them in the lung tissue, so they cover a large area for the delivery of oxygen to a person.

The alveoli in the lungs and bronchi have very thin walls. When a person simply breathes, oxygen penetrates through these walls into the blood vessels. In the blood stream it is found by red blood cells, and with red blood cells it travels to all organs.

People don’t even think about the fact that if these alveoli were a little smaller, there would not be enough oxygen for the functioning of all organs. Due to their tiny size (0.3 mm in diameter), the alveoli cover an area of ​​80 square meters. Many people don’t even have housing with such space, but their lungs can accommodate it.

The membranes of the lungs

Each lung is carefully protected from the effects of pathological factors. From the outside they are protected by the pleura - this is a special two-layer membrane. It lies between the lung tissue and the chest. In the middle between these two layers a cavity is formed, which is filled with a special liquid. Such pleural sacs protect the lungs from inflammation and other pathological factors. If they become inflamed on their own, the disease is called pleurisy.

Volume of the main organ of the respiratory system

Located in the middle of the human body, near the heart, the lungs perform a series of important functions. We already know that they supply oxygen to all organs and tissues. IN to the fullest this happens simultaneously, but this organ also has the ability to store oxygen due to the alveoli located in it.

The lung capacity is 5000 ml - this is what they are designed for. When a person inhales, he does not use the full volume of his lungs. Typically, 400-500 ml are required for inhalation and exhalation. If a person wants to take a deep breath, he uses approximately 2000 ml of air. After such inhalation and exhalation, a reserve of volume remains, which is called functional residual capacity. It is thanks to it that the required level of oxygen is constantly maintained in the alveoli.

Blood supply

Two types of blood circulate in the lungs: venous and arterial. This respiratory organ is very closely surrounded by blood vessels of different sizes. The most basic is the pulmonary artery, which then gradually divides into small vessels. At the end of the branching, capillaries are formed that entwine the alveoli. Very close contact and allows for gas exchange in the lungs. Arterial blood nourishes not only the lungs, but also the bronchi.

This main respiratory organ contains not only blood vessels, but also lymphatic vessels. In addition to the various branches in this organ, there are also branches nerve cells. They are very closely interconnected with blood vessels and bronchi. Nerves can create vascular-bronchial bundles in the bronchi and lungs. Because of this close relationship, doctors sometimes diagnose bronchospasm or pneumonia due to stress or another malfunction of the nervous system.

Additional functions of the respiratory organ

In addition to the well-known function of exchanging carbon dioxide for oxygen, the lungs also have additional functions due to their structure and structure.

Formation of the respiratory organ

The lungs are formed in the thorax of the embryo as early as 3 weeks of pregnancy. Already from the 4th week, bronchopulmonary buds gradually begin to form, from which 2 different organs. Closer to the 5th month, bronchioles and alveoli form. By the time of birth, the lungs and bronchi are already formed and have the required number of segments.

After birth, these organs continue to grow, and only by the age of 25 does the process of the appearance of new alveoli end. This is due to the constant need for oxygen for a growing organism.

Breathing is one of the main functions that ensure human life. Without water, life will last several days, without food - up to several weeks. If there is no breathing for more than 5 minutes, brain damage from oxygen starvation are irreversible, and with further lack of air access, death occurs. That is why it is necessary to know the structure of the respiratory organs, the functions of the human bronchi, take care of their health and promptly seek help for any ailments.

What do the bronchi look like?

The respiratory system consists of several sections and organs. The mouth, nose, and nasopharynx are involved in saturating the body with oxygen—this is called the upper Airways. Next are the lower respiratory tract, which includes the larynx, trachea, bronchial tree and the lungs themselves.

The bronchi and the bronchial tree are one and the same. This organ received this name due to its appearance and structure. Smaller and smaller “branches” extend from the central trunks; the ends of the branches approach the alveoli. With the help of bronchoscopy, you can view the bronchi from the inside. The picture of the mucous membrane shows that they are gray in color, and the cartilaginous rings are also clearly visible.

The division of the bronchi, left and right, is explained by the fact that their structure clearly corresponds to the size of the lung. The right one is wider, in accordance with the lung, it has about 7 cartilaginous rings. It is located almost vertically, continuing the trachea. The left bronchus is narrower. It contains 9-12 rings of cartilage tissue.

Where are the bronchi located?

The bronchial tree cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is hidden in the chest. The left and right bronchi begin at the point where the trachea branches into two trunks. This is the 5-6 thoracic vertebra, if we talk about the approximate level. Next, the “branches” of the bronchial tree penetrate and branch, forming a whole tree.

The bronchi themselves conduct air to the alveoli, each to its own lung. Human anatomy suggests asymmetry; accordingly, the left and right bronchi are also of different sizes.

The bronchial tree has a branched structure. It consists of several departments:

  • Bronchi of the first order. This is the largest part of the organ and has the most rigid structure. The length of the right one is 2-3 cm, the left one is about 5 cm.
  • Zonal extrapulmonary - depart from the bronchi of the first order. There are 11 of them on the right, 10 on the left.
  • Intrapulmonary subsegmental areas. They are noticeably narrower than the bronchi of the first order, their diameter is 2-5 mm.
  • The lobar bronchi are thin tubes, about 1 mm in diameter.
  • Respiratory broncheoles are the endings of the “branches” of the bronchial tree.

The branching ends at the broncheoli, because they are connected directly to the alveoli, the final components of the pulmonary parenchyma. Through them, the blood in the capillaries is saturated with oxygen and begins to move throughout the body.

The tissue itself that makes up the bronchial tree consists of several layers. Structural features - the closer to the alveoli, the softer the walls of the bronchial tree.

  1. Mucous membrane - lines the bronchial tree from the inside. On the surface there is ciliated epithelium. Its structure is not uniform; different cells are present in the mucosa: goblet cells secrete mucus, neuroendocrine cells secrete serotonin, and basal and intermediate cells restore the mucosa.
  2. Fibromuscular - acts as a kind of framework for the lungs. It is formed by cartilaginous rings connected by fibrous tissue.
  3. Adventitia - the outer membrane of the bronchi, consists of loose connective tissue.

The bronchial arteries are separated from the thoracic aorta; they provide nutrition to the bronchial tree. In addition, the structure of the human bronchi includes a network of lymph nodes and nerves.

Functions of the bronchi

The importance of the bronchi cannot be overestimated. At first glance, the only thing they do is carry oxygen to the alveoli from the trachea. But the functions of the bronchi are much broader:

  1. The air passing through the bronchial tree is automatically cleansed of bacteria and tiny dust particles. The cilia of the mucous membrane trap everything unnecessary.
  2. The bronchi are able to cleanse the air of some toxic impurities.
  3. When dust enters the bronchial system or mucus forms, the cartilaginous framework begins to contract, and the cilia remove harmful substances from the lungs by coughing.
  4. The lymph nodes of the bronchial tree are of no small importance in the human immune system.
  5. Thanks to the bronchi, warm air that has reached the required level of humidity enters the alveoli.

Thanks to all these functions, the body receives pure oxygen, vital for the functioning of all systems and organs.

Diseases that affect the bronchi

Diseases of the bronchi are necessarily accompanied by narrowing of the lumen, increased secretion of mucus and difficulty breathing.

Asthma is a disease that involves difficulty breathing caused by a reduction in the lumen of the bronchial tube. Usually attacks are provoked by some kind of irritant.

Most common reasons occurrence of asthma:

  • Congenital high risk of allergies.
  • Bad ecology.
  • Constant inhalation of dust.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Disturbances in the endocrine apparatus of the body.
  • Eating chemical fertilizers along with fruits and vegetables.

Sometimes a predisposition to asthmatic reactions is inherited. A sick person suffers from frequent attacks of suffocation, which causes painful cough, transparent mucus appears, actively secreted during an attack. Some people note that repeated sneezing sometimes occurs before asthma attacks.

First aid for a patient is the use of an aerosol prescribed by a doctor. This measure will help restore normal breathing or at least make it easier until the ambulance arrives.

Asthma is a serious disease that requires mandatory consultation with a doctor who will conduct an examination, prescribe tests and, based on their results, prescribe treatment. Seizures that are not stopped can lead to complete closure of the lumen of the bronchi and suffocation.


Bronchitis affects the bronchial mucosa. It becomes inflamed, the lumen of the bronchiole narrows, and a lot of mucus is released. The patient is tormented by a suffocating cough, which is dry at first, then becomes moist, less harsh, and sputum comes out. There are 2 stages:

  1. Acute – bronchitis is accompanied by high fever, most often caused by viruses and bacteria. An increase in temperature is observed. This condition lasts for several days. With proper treatment acute form passes with virtually no consequences.
  2. Chronic – caused not only by viruses, but also by smoking, an allergic reaction, and working in harmful conditions. Usually high temperature is not observed, but this type of bronchitis causes irreversible consequences. Other organs suffer.

It is very important to treat promptly acute stage Chronic bronchitis is difficult to treat, relapses occur quite often, putting a strain on a person’s heart.

Measures to prevent bronchial diseases

People of any age, especially children, are susceptible to bronchial diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of their health in advance so that you do not have to purchase and take medications, risking suffering from side effects:

  1. Immunoprophylaxis is the most important component of bronchitis prevention. Organism with strong immunity is able to cope with bacteria that have entered the bronchi and remove them with mucus, while a weakened person will not be able to fight the infection. These measures include the correct daily routine, timely rest, and the absence of constant overload.
  2. Decline harmful effects on the lungs - people with hazardous working conditions should wear appropriate respirators and masks, smokers should reduce or eliminate tobacco consumption.
  3. During the epidemic season, you should not visit entertainment events, shopping centers, or other places with large crowds. If necessary, you need to wear protective medical masks, constantly changing them to fresh ones.

The health of the bronchial tree is the key to proper breathing. Oxygen is vital to the body, so it is important to take care of the respiratory system. If you suspect a disease or worsening breathing, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The structure of the bronchial tree is the trachea and the bronchial trunks extending from it. The totality of these branches constitutes the structure of the tree. The structure is identical in all people and has no striking differences. Bronchi are tubular branches of the main trachea that have the ability to conduct air and connect it with the respiratory parenchyma of the lung.

The structure of the main bronchi

The first branch of the trachea is the two main bronchi, which extend from it almost at a right angle, and each of them is directed towards the left or right lung, respectively. The bronchial system is asymmetrical and has slight differences in structure different sides. For example, the main left bronchus is slightly narrower in diameter than the right one and has a greater extent.

The structure of the walls of the main air-conducting trunks is the same as that of the main trachea, and they consist of a number of cartilaginous rings that are connected to each other by a system of ligaments. The only one distinctive feature is that in the bronchi all rings are always closed and have no mobility. In quantitative terms, the difference between the versatile trunks is determined by the fact that the right one has a length of 6-8 rings, and the left - up to 12. Inside, all bronchi are covered

Bronchial tree

The main bronchi begin to branch at their termination. Branching occurs into 16-18 smaller tubular leads. Such a system, due to its appearance, was called the “bronchial tree”. The anatomy and structure of the new branches differ little from the previous sections. They have smaller dimensions and a smaller diameter of air passages. This branching is called lobar. It is followed by segmental bronchi, with branching into the lower, middle and upper lobar bronchi. And then they are divided into systems of apical, posterior, and anterior segmental tracts.

Thus, the bronchial tree branches more and more, reaching the 15th order of division. The smallest bronchi are lobular. Their diameter is only 1 mm. These bronchi are also divided into terminal bronchioles, ending in respiratory bronchi. At their ends there are alveoli and alveolar ducts. bronchioles are a collection of alveolar ducts and alveoli that fit tightly together and form the lung parenchyma.

In general, the wall of the bronchi consists of three membranes. These are: mucosa, muscular-cartilaginous, adventitial. In turn, the mucosa is densely lined and has a multirow structure, covered with cilia, secretes secretions, has its own neuroendocrine cells capable of forming and secreting biogenic amines, as well as cells involved in the processes of mucosal regeneration.

Physiological functions

The main and most important is the conduction of air masses into the respiratory lung parenchyma and in the opposite direction. The bronchial tree is also a security system for the parts of the respiratory system and protects them from dust, various microorganisms, and harmful gases. Regulation of the volume and speed of air flow passing through the bronchial system is carried out by changing the difference between the pressure of the air itself in the alveoli and in the surrounding air. This effect is achieved through the work of the respiratory muscles.

On inhalation, the diameter of the lumen of the bronchi changes towards expansion, which is achieved by regulating the tone of smooth muscles, and on exhalation it decreases significantly. Emerging disturbances in the regulation of smooth muscle tone are both causes and consequences of many diseases associated with the respiratory system, such as asthma and bronchitis.

Dust particles entering the air, as well as microorganisms, are eliminated by the movement of mucous secretions thanks to a system of cilia in the direction of the trachea to the upper respiratory organs. Mucus containing foreign impurities is removed by coughing.


The branching of the bronchial system does not occur chaotically, but follows a strictly established order. Hierarchy of the bronchi:

  • The main ones.
  • Zonal - second order.
  • Segmental and subsegmental are the 3rd, 4th, 5th orders.
  • Small - 6-15 orders.
  • Terminal.

This hierarchy fully corresponds to the division of lung tissue. Thus, lobar bronchi correspond to the lobes of the lung, and segmental bronchi correspond to segments, etc.

Blood supply

Blood supply to the bronchi is carried out through the arterial bronchial lobes of the thoracic aorta, as well as through the esophageal arteries. Deoxygenated blood drained by the azygos and semi-gypsy veins.

Where are the human bronchi located?

The chest contains numerous organs and vessels. Formed by the costomuscular structure. It is designed to protect the most vital important systems located inside it. Answering the question: “Where are the bronchi?”, it is necessary to consider the location of the lungs, the blood vessels connecting to them, lymphatic vessels and nerve endings.

The dimensions of the human lungs are such that they occupy the entire anterior surface of the chest. located in the center of this system, are located under the anterior spine, located in the central part between the ribs. All bronchial leads are located under the costal mesh of the anterior sternum. The bronchial tree (its location diagram) associatively corresponds to the structure of the chest. Thus, the length of the trachea corresponds to the location of the central spinal column of the chest. And its branches are located under the ribs, which can also be visually identified as the branching of the central column.

Bronchial examination

Methods for studying the respiratory system include:

  • Questioning the patient.
  • Auscultation.
  • X-ray examination.
  • and bronchi.

Research methods, their purpose

When interviewing the patient, possible factors that can affect the state of the respiratory system are identified, such as smoking and hazardous working conditions. During the examination, the doctor pays attention to the color of the patient’s skin, the frequency of breaths, their intensity, the presence of cough, shortness of breath, and sounds unusual for normal breathing. Palpation of the chest is also carried out, which can clarify its shape, volume, the presence of subcutaneous emphysema, the nature of vocal tremor and frequency of sounds. Deviation from the norm of any of these indicators indicates the presence of a disease that is reflected in such changes.

It is performed using an endoscope and is performed to detect changes in respiratory sounds, the presence of wheezing, whistling and other sounds uncharacteristic of normal breathing. Using this method, by ear, the doctor can determine the nature of the disease, the presence of swelling of the mucous membranes, and sputum.

X-ray plays one of the most important roles in the study of diseases of the bronchial tree. A survey X-ray of the human chest allows one to distinguish the nature of the pathological processes occurring in the respiratory system. The structure of the bronchial tree is clearly visible and can be analyzed to identify pathological changes. The picture shows changes occurring in the structure of the lungs, their expansions, lumens of the bronchi, thickening of the walls, and the presence of tumor formations.

MRI of the lungs and bronchi is performed in anteroposterior and transverse projections. This makes it possible to examine and study the condition of the trachea and bronchi in their layer-by-layer image, as well as in cross-section.

Treatment methods

TO modern methods Treatments include both surgical and non-surgical treatment of diseases. This:

  1. Therapeutic bronchoscopy. It is aimed at removing bronchial contents and is performed in the treatment room, under the influence of local or general anesthesia. First of all, the trachea and bronchi are examined to establish the nature and area of ​​damage from the effects of inflammatory changes. Then rinsing is carried out with indifferent or antiseptic solutions, and medicinal substances are administered.
  2. Sanitation of the bronchial tree. This method is the most effective known and includes a number of procedures aimed at clearing the bronchial tract of excess mucus and eliminating inflammatory processes. For this, the following can be used: chest massage, use of expectorants, installation of special drainage up to several times a day, inhalation.

Providing the body with oxygen, and therefore ensuring the body’s ability to live, is achieved through the coordinated work of the respiratory system and blood supply. The relationship of these systems, as well as the speed of processes, determine the body’s ability to control and carry out various processes occurring in it. In case of change or violation physiological processes breathing has a negative impact on the condition of the entire organism as a whole.

Human anatomy is both an interesting and complex field of science that you need to know everything about.

general information

The bronchi are a paired organ that is a natural extension of the trachea. At the level of the fourth (in males) and fifth (in females) vertebrae, the tracheal region divides, forming two tubes. Each of them is directed to the lungs. After being introduced into the pulmonary region, they are divided again: into three and two branches, respectively, the right and left parts.

The presented arrangement corresponds parts of the lung, repeating his drawing. It should be noted that:

  • the location where a person’s lungs are located has a direct impact on their shape;
  • if a person’s chest is narrow and long, then the epithelium and lungs will take the indicated shape;
  • The presented organs of the human type are characterized by a short and wide appearance with a conjugate shape of the chest, which determines the functions of the bronchi.

Structure of the bronchial region

All bronchial lobes are divided into fragments of the bronchopulmonary type. They are segments of an organ that are isolated from similar neighboring areas. In each of the presented areas there is a segmental bronchus. There are 18 similar segments: 10 on the right and 8 on the left, as confirmed by the drawing.

The structure of each of the presented segments has several lobules, or areas within which the division of the lobular bronchus occurs, which are located on top.

Pulmonologists claim that a person has at least 1600 lobules: 800 each on the right and left sides.

The similarity in the placement of the bronchial and pulmonary regions does not end there. The former, like the epithelium, branch further, forming bronchioles of the secondary and tertiary order. They give rise to alveolar-type ducts, which divide 1 to 4 times and end in alveolar sacs. The alveoli open into their lumen, which is why human anatomy is logical. It is this that predetermines the functional significance of the organ represented.

Functional Features

The function of the bronchi is multifaceted - it is the conduction of air masses through the respiratory system during inhalation and exhalation, protective and drainage functions. Due to the last two, foreign bodies that got inside with air masses come out of the respiratory system on their own. Thus, human anatomy removes harmful microorganisms.

The epithelium of the bronchial region includes goblet-type cells that contain mucus. Foreign bodies and objects stick to it, and the ciliated part of the epithelium sets the mucus in motion and helps remove the object out. The presented process provokes a cough in a person, which does not always manifest itself with bronchitis. Functional meaning bronchi may involve other actions:

  • heating of incoming air masses, which are regulated by muscle fibers, directing and strengthening the epithelium;
  • moisturizing air masses, which occurs due to the secretion secreted by the mucous membrane;
  • preventing drying of the pulmonary area, due to which the human anatomy develops 100% correctly.

How to keep your bronchi healthy

The structure of the bronchi must remain complete, without defects or foreign complications. This will help maintain ideal bronchial health. For this purpose they use medicines(bronchodilators, mucolytics and expectorants), resort to a special diet and management healthy image life. The latter excludes the use of alcoholic beverages and nicotine addiction.

Shown high physical activity, that is, daily walking, hardening, exercise.

All this will strengthen the body, which cannot be achieved without constant effort.

Another condition for the health of the bronchi is the implementation of breathing exercises and visits to sanatoriums. They strengthen the immune system, optimize the functioning of the pulmonary system, which has a positive effect on the structure of the bronchi and, accordingly, the respiratory process. In this case, the epithelium and respiratory pattern will not be subject to complications in terms of general condition.

Additional Information

Failure to comply with medical recommendations and leading an unhealthy lifestyle provoke the formation of bronchial diseases. The most common are bronchitis, which is caused by inflammation of the bronchial walls. Pathology is formed under the influence of viruses and bacteria, some of which are needed by the body in minimal quantities.

Another complication is bronchial asthma, which is characterized by attacks of asphyxia that form in a clear cycle. Allergenic effects, air pollution, and all kinds of infections can become a catalyst for this. Other negative processes include:

  • bronchial tuberculosis, accompanied by a forced cough with the removal of a significant proportion of sputum and aggravated breathing;
  • candidiasis, which forms when the protective functions of the body are weakened, when the epithelium is weakened, forming an unclear pattern;
  • an oncological disease in which the human anatomy changes and the pathology is accompanied persistent cough with the release of light pink sputum and swelling.

Thus, in order for the bronchi to remain absolutely healthy, you need to know everything about their location, division into certain parts and the nuances of maintaining health. This will allow you to maintain maximum activity, improve the health of your bronchi and lungs, giving you the opportunity to live life to the fullest.

How to examine the bronchi

Pathological bronchial breathing

Citrus fruits help strengthen the immune system, but they are not always allowed to be consumed if you have lung diseases. Consult your healthcare provider for clarification.

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Bronchi. general characteristics

The bronchi are part of the pathways that conduct air. Representing tubular branches of the trachea, they connect it with the respiratory tissue of the lung (parenchyma).

At the level of the 5-6 thoracic vertebrae, the trachea is divided into two main bronchi: right and left, each of which enters its corresponding lung. In the lungs, the bronchi branch, forming a bronchial tree with a colossal cross-sectional area: about cm2.

The sizes of the bronchi differ from each other. So, the right one is shorter and wider than the left one, its length is from 2 to 3 cm, the length of the left bronchus is 4-6 cm. Also, the sizes of the bronchi differ by gender: in women they are shorter than in men.

The upper surface of the right bronchus is in contact with the tracheobronchial lymph nodes and the azygos vein, back surface– with the vagus nerve itself, its branches, as well as with the esophagus, thoracic duct and the posterior right bronchial artery. The lower and anterior surfaces - with the lymph node and pulmonary artery respectively.

The upper surface of the left bronchus is adjacent to the aortic arch, the posterior surface is adjacent to the descending aorta and branches vagus nerve, anterior - to the bronchial artery, lower - to the lymph nodes.

Structure of the bronchi

The structure of the bronchi differs depending on their order. As the diameter of the bronchus decreases, their shell becomes softer, losing cartilage. However, there is also common features. There are three membranes that form the bronchial walls:

  • Mucous. Covered with ciliated epithelium, located in several rows. In addition, several types of cells were found in its composition, each of which performs its own functions. Goblet forms a mucous secretion, neuroendocrine secretes serotonin, intermediate and basal ones take part in the restoration of the mucous membrane;
  • Fibromuscular cartilage. Its structure is based on open hyaline cartilaginous rings, fastened together by a layer of fibrous tissue;
  • Adventitial. Shell formed connective tissue, having a loose and unformed structure.

Functions of the bronchi

The main function of the bronchi is to transport oxygen from the trachea to the alveoli of the lungs. Another function of the bronchi, due to the presence of cilia and the ability to form mucus, is protective. In addition, they are responsible for the formation of the cough reflex, which helps eliminate dust particles and other foreign bodies.

Finally, the air, passing through a long network of bronchi, is moistened and warmed to the required temperature.

From here it is clear that treatment of bronchi in diseases is one of the main tasks.

Bronchial diseases

Some of the most common bronchial diseases are described below:

  • Chronic bronchitis is a disease in which inflammation of the bronchi and the appearance of sclerotic changes in them are observed. It is characterized by a cough (constant or periodic) with sputum production. Its duration is at least 3 months within one year, and its duration is at least 2 years. There is a high probability of exacerbations and remissions. Auscultation of the lungs allows one to determine hard vesicular breathing, accompanied by wheezing in the bronchi;
  • Bronchiectasis is an expansion that causes inflammation of the bronchi, degeneration or sclerosis of their walls. Often based on this phenomenon bronchiectasis occurs, which is characterized by inflammation of the bronchi and the occurrence of a purulent process in their lower part. One of the main symptoms of bronchiectasis is a cough, accompanied by the release of copious amounts of sputum containing pus. In some cases, hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage are observed. Auscultation allows you to determine weakened vesicular breathing, accompanied by dry and moist rales in the bronchi. Most often, the disease occurs in childhood or adolescence;
  • With bronchial asthma, heavy breathing is observed, accompanied by suffocation, hypersecretion and bronchospasm. The disease is chronic and is caused either by heredity or by previous infectious diseases of the respiratory system (including bronchitis). Attacks of suffocation, which are the main manifestations of the disease, most often bother the patient at night. Tightness in the chest area is also often observed, sharp pains in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. Adequately selected treatment of the bronchi for this disease can reduce the frequency of attacks;
  • Bronchospastic syndrome (also known as bronchospasm) is characterized by spasm of bronchial smooth muscle, causing shortness of breath. Most often it is sudden and often turns into a state of suffocation. The situation is aggravated by the release of secretions from the bronchi, which impairs their patency, making it even more difficult to inhale. As a rule, bronchospasm is a condition accompanying certain diseases: bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema.

Methods for studying the bronchi

The existence of a whole set of procedures that help assess the correct structure of the bronchi and their condition in diseases allows one to select the most adequate treatment for the bronchi in a given case.

One of the main and proven methods is a survey, in which complaints of cough, its features, the presence of shortness of breath, hemoptysis and other symptoms are noted. It is also necessary to note the presence of factors that negatively affect the condition of the bronchi: smoking, working in conditions of increased air pollution, etc. Special attention should be addressed appearance patient: skin color, chest shape and other specific symptoms.

Auscultation is a method that allows you to determine the presence of changes in breathing, including wheezing in the bronchi (dry, wet, medium-bubbly, etc.), breathing hardness, and others.

With help x-ray examination It is possible to identify the presence of expansions of the roots of the lungs, as well as disturbances in the pulmonary pattern, which is characteristic of chronic bronchitis. A characteristic feature bronchiectasis is the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi and thickening of their walls. Bronchial tumors are characterized by local darkening of the lung.

Spirography – functional method studies of the condition of the bronchi, allowing to assess the type of violation of their ventilation. Effective for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. It is based on the principle of measuring the vital capacity of the lungs, forced expiratory volume and other indicators.

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The most rare disease- Kuru disease. Only members of the For tribe in New Guinea suffer from it. The patient dies of laughter. The disease is believed to be caused by eating human brains.

Smiling just twice a day can lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

More than $500 million a year is spent on allergy medications in the United States alone. Do you still believe that a way to finally defeat allergies will be found?

Four pieces of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you don’t want to gain weight, it’s better not to eat more than two slices a day.

You are more likely to break your neck if you fall off a donkey than if you fall off a horse. Just don't try to refute this statement.

According to many scientists, vitamin complexes practically useless for humans.

When we sneeze, our body stops working completely. Even the heart stops.

Many drugs were initially marketed as medicines. Heroin, for example, was originally brought to market as a drug for children's cough. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as an anesthesia and as a means of increasing endurance.

It was previously believed that yawning enriches the body with oxygen. However, this opinion has been refuted. Scientists have proven that yawning cools the brain and improves its performance.

Tooth decay is the most common infectious disease in the world, which even the flu cannot compete with.

Research shows that women who drink several glasses of beer or wine per week have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. For example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove tumors.

Besides people, only one living creature on planet Earth suffers from prostatitis - dogs. These are truly our most faithful friends.

In the UK there is a law according to which a surgeon can refuse to perform an operation on a patient if he smokes or is overweight. A person must give up bad habits, and then perhaps he will not need surgery.

Human blood “runs” through the vessels under enormous pressure and, if their integrity is violated, it can shoot at a distance of up to 10 meters.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the area prostate gland. This is one of the common diseases genitourinary system in men. How.

Bronchitis: causes, symptoms and treatment, photos

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways in the lungs. The main tubes through which air passes into the lungs are called bronchi, and the smaller tubes branching off from them are called bronchioles.

When these tubes become inflamed, it causes the airways to become narrowed, compressed, and blocked, leading to the symptoms of bronchitis. Bronchitis can be acute (lasting less than 6 weeks) or chronic (recurring many times over more than two years).

Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is a disease that begins suddenly and goes away on its own after a few weeks. Symptoms of acute bronchitis include a dry cough and coughing up mucus (phlegm). It is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract. Although the symptoms can be bothersome, acute bronchitis in otherwise healthy people is rarely severe.

Chronical bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is a recurrent disease in which there is a chronic inflammatory process, swelling and narrowing of the airways. It is defined as a cough producing sputum for at least a 3-month period of time, for two consecutive years. Chronic bronchitis usually results from damage to the lungs from chronic medical conditions or smoking.

Smokers and bronchitis

Smoking is one of the main irritants of the lungs; it causes damage at the cellular level. This damage to lung tissue, especially the cilia (cells in the lining of the lungs that help clear them of debris and mucus), causes the lungs to be more susceptible to acute bronchitis. Smokers end up causing so much damage to their lungs that they develop chronic bronchitis or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

What causes acute bronchitis?

Acute bronchitis is caused in 90% of cases by a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. The other 10% of cases are caused by bacterial infections.

What causes chronic bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis is caused by repeated inflammation of the lung tissue. People at high risk of developing chronic bronchitis are those who are exposed to lung irritants due to professional activity(for example, miners, builders, mechanics, etc.) and smokers. High levels Air pollution can also contribute to the development of chronic bronchitis.

What are the symptoms of bronchitis?

Symptoms of bronchitis may include:

When should you see a doctor if you have bronchitis?

If you suspect you have bronchitis, you should consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Dyspnea
  • Chest pain
  • High fever
  • Coughing up blood
  • Laryngeal edema
  • Wheezing
  • Symptoms that worsen in severity or last longer than 2 weeks

How to treat bronchitis at home?

If bronchitis symptoms are not severe, home remedies include:

  • Use large quantity liquids
  • To give up smoking
  • Taking over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen, if advised by your doctor
  • Enough rest

How is bronchitis diagnosed?

Bronchitis is usually diagnosed by a doctor after taking a medical history and performing a physical examination. Usually no additional research methods are needed.

In more severe cases of bronchitis or chronic bronchitis, x-rays of the organs may be needed chest cavity. Blood tests or pulmonary function tests (spirography).

How is acute bronchitis treated?

Treatment for bronchitis usually involves using home remedies such as drinking plenty of fluids, quitting smoking, resting, and taking over-the-counter fever medications.

Cough medications are rarely helpful and may be harmful in some young children.

Antibacterials are rarely prescribed because most cases of bronchitis are caused by viruses that do not respond to antibiotics.

If bronchitis symptoms are severe, the doctor may prescribe medications to the patient, including:

  • Inhaled bronchodilators
  • Corticosteroids
  • Expectorants

How is chronic bronchitis treated?

Chronic bronchitis can be treated with:

  • Inhaled bronchodilators
  • Inhaled or oral corticosteroids
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Annual flu shots
  • Vaccination against pneumococcus

Because chronic bronchitis makes the lungs more susceptible to bacterial infections, doctors may prescribe antibiotics to treat these secondary infections.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis and COPD

Treatment for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is similar to that for chronic bronchitis: inhaled bronchodilators, inhaled or oral corticosteroids, oxygen therapy, annual flu vaccination, pneumococcal vaccination.

The most important thing people with COPD can do is quit smoking.

How to reduce the risk of developing bronchitis?

The most important thing a person can do to reduce their risk of developing bronchitis is not to smoke and avoid secondhand smoke.

In addition, to reduce the risk of developing bronchitis, you should:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet
  • Wash your hands often
  • Reduce occupational exposure to lung irritants
  • Avoid other people who may have symptoms infectious diseases upper respiratory tract

What are “bronchi” and where are they located?

The word "bronchi" comes from the Greek "bronchos", which literally translates as "breathing tubes". This organ occupies one of the leading roles in the human respiratory system, because through it oxygen-rich air enters the lungs and waste air exits. Without the bronchi, full metabolism would be impossible.

Where are they located?

The human bronchi are a paired organ that is a continuation of the trachea. At approximately the level of the 4th (male) and 5th (female) vertebrae, the trachea divides, forming two tubes directed into the lungs. After entering the lung, they are divided again: the right one into three branches, and the left into two, which corresponds to the lobes of the lung.

The shape and size of the main branches are not the same: the right one is shorter and wider, and the left one is slightly longer, but narrower, which is clearly visible in the photo.

After this, the bronchi divide even more, forming a bronchial tree in which the hierarchy is strictly observed. It consists of:

  • Zonal, or lobar bronchi, which are the largest in size;
  • Segmental and subsegmental (medium size);
  • Small shares;
  • Bronchioles - (the smallest microscopic tubes that pass into the alveoli).

The area of ​​the entire human bronchial tree is colossal, and its cross-section is about cm. cube

What are the bronchi needed for?

The bronchi resemble a kind of tubular ventilation system that ensures full human life. This body is responsible for the following functions:

  • The movement of air through the respiratory system during inhalation and exhalation. The neuromuscular bronchial apparatus, which regulates the lumen in the bronchus, is responsible for the uniformity of air supply;
  • Protective and drainage functions, thanks to which small foreign bodies trapped inside with air or pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the respiratory system. The bronchial epithelium contains goblet cells that secrete mucus, to which foreign bodies stick, and the cilia of the epithelium set this mucus in motion and bring the object out. This process causes a cough reflex in a person, which may not always occur during bronchitis;
  • Heating of incoming air, which is regulated with the help of muscle fibers of the bronchus, making the lumen narrower or wider. For example, at sub-zero temperatures, the lumen narrows, the air moves through it more slowly, which ensures its normal heating;
  • Humidification of the air occurs due to the secretion secreted by the mucous membrane. This prevents drying out of the lungs.

How to keep your bronchi healthy?

The healthy state of the bronchi ensures the full functioning of a person. If there are problems with them, breathing problems occur, which is incompatible with vigorous activity.

To prevent this, you need to follow some rules:

  • Give up bad habits, especially smoking, which provokes the development of bronchitis, asthma and cancer.
  • Eat healthy. In order for the bronchi to be in excellent condition, it is advisable to consume foods rich in the following vitamins and minerals:
    • C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is destructive to microbes);
    • A (increases the body's resistance);
    • E (improves metabolism in the respiratory system);
    • Calcium (inhibits inflammatory processes);

    You should not overuse coffee, tea, spices, or meat broths, as they provoke the synthesis of histamine, which significantly increases the amount of mucus secreted. Excessive salt consumption worsens bronchial passage.

    • Carry out simple exercises regularly breathing exercises, which helps strengthen the bronchi:
      • While walking, inhale for two steps and exhale for three steps;
      • Place your hands with your palms parallel to each other at chest level. Inhale, and as you exhale, you need to close your palms and press firmly;
      • Inhale and exhale slowly by raising your arms up, placing them behind your head and spreading them out to the sides;
      • Inhale - raise the dumbbells to your shoulders, exhale - lower them;
      • Breathe regularly using your abdominal muscles.
    • More often found on fresh air and visit the sea coast once a year.
    • For preventive purposes, drink an infusion of coltsfoot, which strengthens the body.

    What can happen to the bronchi?

    • Bronchitis, which is caused by inflammation of the walls of the bronchi. It can occur due to exposure to viruses, bacteria, allergens, and smoking. Bronchitis can occur in acute or chronic form;
    • Bronchial asthma, characterized by attacks of breathlessness that occur with a certain frequency. Provoke occurrences bronchial asthma Maybe allergic reaction, polluted air, consumption of foods grown with large amounts of chemicals, various infections;
    • Bronchial tuberculosis, which is accompanied by severe cough with the discharge of large quantities of sputum and difficulty breathing. This disease develops after infections enter the body;
    • Bronchial candidiasis, which develops with weakened protective functions of the body. When inflamed by candida, purulent cavities are formed, which provoke severe pain in the chest, bronchospasm, the appearance of a small amount of blood in the sputum;
    • Cancer, most of which is caused by smoking. The disease is accompanied by an incessant cough, in which the sputum is colored light pink, hyperthermia, weakness, loss of body weight, and the appearance of swelling.

    Prevent the appearance of these serious illnesses, you can take care of your health. It includes balanced diet, rejection of bad habits, timely treatment correctly selected drugs.

    All information provided on this site is for reference only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor. An active link is required when quoting.

    Bronchial tree: structure, anatomy. Functions of the bronchi

    The bronchial tree is the main system on which breathing is built healthy person. It is known that there are respiratory tracts that supply oxygen to humans. They are naturally structured in such a way that some semblance of a tree is formed. When talking about the anatomy of the bronchial tree, it is imperative to analyze all the functions assigned to it: air purification, humidification. The correct functioning of the bronchial tree provides the alveoli with an influx of easily digestible air masses. The structure of the bronchial tree is an example of nature's minimalism with maximum efficiency: an optimal structure, ergonomic, but coping with all its tasks.

    Features of the structure

    Different sections of the bronchial tree are known. In particular, there are eyelashes. Their task is to protect the alveoli of the lungs from small particles and dust polluting the air masses. With the effective and coordinated work of all departments, the bronchial tree becomes a protector of the human body from a wide range of infections.

    The functions of the bronchi include the sedimentation of microscopic life forms that have leaked through the tonsils and mucous membranes. At the same time, the structure of the bronchi in children and the older generation is somewhat different. In particular, the length is noticeably longer in adults. The younger the child, the shorter the bronchial tree, which provokes various diseases: asthma, bronchitis.

    Protecting yourself from troubles

    Doctors have developed methods to prevent inflammation in the respiratory system. Classic version– reorganization. It is performed conservatively or radically. The first option involves therapy with antibacterial medications. To increase effectiveness, medications are prescribed that can make sputum more liquid.

    But radical therapy is an intervention using a bronchoscope. The device is inserted through the nose into the bronchi. Through special channels, medications are released directly onto the mucous membranes inside. To protect the respiratory system from diseases, mucolytics and antibiotics are used.

    Bronchi: term and features

    Bronchi are branches of the windpipe. An alternative name for the organ is the bronchial tree. The system contains a trachea, which is divided into two elements. The division in female representatives is at the level of the 5th vertebra of the chest, and in the stronger sex it is a level higher - at the 4th vertebra.

    After division, the main bronchi are formed, which are also known as left, right. The structure of the bronchi is such that at the point of division they go at an angle close to 90 degrees. The next part of the system is the lungs, into which the bronchi enter.

    Right and left: two brothers

    The bronchi on the right are slightly wider than on the left, although the structure and structure of the bronchi are generally similar. The difference in size is due to the fact that the lung on the right is also larger than on the left. However, the differences between the “almost twins” are not exhausted: the bronchus on the left relative to the right is almost 2 times longer. The features of the bronchial tree are as follows: on the right, the bronchus consists of 6 rings of cartilage, sometimes eight, but on the left there are usually at least 9, but sometimes the number reaches 12.

    The bronchi on the right, in comparison with the left, are more vertical, that is, they actually simply continue the trachea. On the left, under the bronchi, the arcuate aorta passes. To ensure the normal performance of the functions of the bronchi, nature provides for the presence of a mucous membrane. It is identical to the one that covers the trachea, in fact, it continues it.

    The structure of the respiratory system

    Where are the bronchi located? The system is located in the human sternum. The beginning is at the level of 4-9 vertebrae. Much depends on gender and individual characteristics of the body. In addition to the main bronchi, lobar bronchi also branch off from the tree; these are first-order organs. The second order is composed of zonal bronchi, and from the third to the fifth - subsegmental, segmental. The next step is the small bronchi, occupying levels up to the 15th. The smallest and farthest from the main bronchi are terminal bronchioles. After them, the following organs of the respiratory system are already starting - respiratory, which are responsible for the exchange of gases.

    The structure of the bronchi is not uniform throughout the entire length of the tree, but some general properties are observed throughout the entire surface of the system. Thanks to the bronchi, air flows from the trachea to the lungs, where it fills the alveoli. The processed air masses are sent back the same way. The bronchopulmonary segments are also indispensable in the process of cleaning inhaled volumes. All impurities deposited in the bronchial tree are expelled through it. To get rid of foreign elements and microbes found in the respiratory tract, cilia are used. They can perform oscillatory movements, due to which the secretion of the bronchi moves into the trachea.

    We examine: is everything normal?

    When studying the walls of the bronchi and other elements of the system, performing bronchoscopy, be sure to pay attention to the colors. Normally, the mucous membrane is gray in color. The cartilage rings are clearly visible. During the study, be sure to check the angle of tracheal divergence, that is, the place where the bronchi originate. Normally, the angle is similar to a ridge protruding above the bronchi. It runs along the midline. During breathing, the system fluctuates somewhat. This happens freely, without tension, pain or heaviness.

    Medicine: where and why

    Doctors responsible for the bronchi know exactly where the bronchi are located. respiratory system. If an individual feels that he may have problems with the bronchi, he needs to visit one of the following specialists:

    • therapist (he will tell you which doctor will help better than others);
    • pulmonologist (treats most respiratory tract diseases);
    • oncologist (relevant only in the most severe case - diagnosing malignant neoplasms).

    Diseases affecting the bronchial tree:

    Bronchi: how does it work?

    It is no secret that a person needs lungs to breathe. Their component parts are called shares. Air enters here through the bronchi and bronchioles. At the end of the bronchiole there is an acinus, actually a collection of bundles of alveoli. That is, the bronchi are a direct participant in the breathing process. It is here that the air warms up or cools down to a temperature that is comfortable for the human body.

    Human anatomy was not formed by chance. For example, the division of the bronchi ensures an effective supply of air to all parts of the lungs, even the most distant ones.

    Under protection

    The human chest is the place where the most important organs are concentrated. Since damage to them can cause death, nature has provided an additional protective barrier - ribs and a muscle corset. Inside it there are numerous organs, including the lungs and bronchi, connected to each other. At the same time, the lungs are large, and almost the entire surface area of ​​the sternum is allocated for them.

    The bronchi and trachea are located almost in the center. They are parallel to the front of the spine. The trachea is located just below the front of the spine. The location of the bronchi is under the ribs.

    Bronchial walls

    The bronchi contain rings of cartilage. From a scientific point of view, this is called the term “fibrous-muscular-cartilaginous tissue.” Each subsequent branch is smaller. At first these are regular rings, but gradually they become half rings, and the bronchioles do without them. Thanks to the cartilaginous support in the form of rings, the bronchi are held in place by a rigid structure, and the tree protects its shape, and with it its functionality.

    Another important component of the respiratory system is a corset of muscles. When muscles contract, the size of organs changes. This is usually caused by cold air. Compression of organs provokes a decrease in the speed of air passage through the respiratory system. Over a longer period of time, air masses have more opportunities to warm up. With active movements, the clearance becomes larger, which prevents shortness of breath.

    Respiratory tissues

    The bronchial wall consists of large number layers. Following the two described is the epithelial level. Its anatomical structure is quite complex. Different cells are observed here:

    • Cilia that can clear air masses of unnecessary elements, push dust out of the respiratory system and move mucus into the trachea.
    • Goblet-shaped, producing mucus designed to protect the mucous membrane from negative external influences. When dust ends up on the tissues, secretion is activated, a cough reflex is formed, and the cilia begin to move, pushing the dirt out. Mucus produced by organ tissues makes the air more humid.
    • Basal, capable of restoring internal layers when damaged.
    • Serous, forming a secretion that allows you to clean the lungs.
    • Clara, producing phospholipids.
    • Kulchitsky, bearing hormonal function(included in the neuroendocrine system).
    • The outer ones are actually connective tissue. It is responsible for contact with the environment around the respiratory system.

    Throughout the entire volume of the bronchi there is a huge number of arteries supplying blood to the organs. In addition, there is The lymph nodes receiving lymph through lung tissue. This determines the range of functions of the bronchi: not only transportation of air masses, but also cleaning.

    Bronchi: the focus of medical attention

    If a person is admitted to the hospital with suspected bronchial disease, diagnosis always begins with an interview. During the survey, the doctor identifies complaints and determines the factors that affected the patient’s respiratory organs. So, it is immediately obvious where problems with the respiratory system come from if someone who smokes a lot, is often in dusty rooms, or works in chemical production comes to the hospital.

    The next step is to examine the patient. The color of the skin of someone seeking help can tell a lot. They check for shortness of breath, cough, and examine the chest to see if it is deformed. One of the signs of a disease of the respiratory system is a pathological form.

    Chest: signs of disease

    The following types of pathological deformations of the chest are distinguished:

    • Paralytic, observed in those who often suffer from pulmonary diseases, pleura. In this case, the cell loses its symmetry, and the spaces between the ribs become larger.
    • Emphysematous, appearing, as the name suggests, with emphysema. The shape of the patient's chest resembles a barrel; due to coughing, the upper zone greatly increases.
    • Rachitic, characteristic of those who have been ill in childhood rickets. It resembles a bird's keel, protruding forward as the sternum protrudes.
    • “Shoemaker”, when the xiphoid process, the sternum, seems to be in the depths of the cage. Usually pathology from birth.
    • Scaphoid, when the sternum seems to be in depth. Usually caused by syringomyelia.
    • “Round back”, characteristic of those suffering from inflammatory processes in the bone tissue. Often affects the performance of the lungs and heart.

    Studying the lung system

    To check how severe the disturbances in lung function are, the doctor feels the patient’s chest, checking to see if there are any new growths under the skin that are not typical for this area. Voice tremors are also studied - whether it weakens or becomes stronger.

    Another method of assessing the condition is listening. To do this, an endoscope is used when the doctor listens to how air masses move in the respiratory system. Assess for the presence of unusual noises and wheezing. Some of them are not typical healthy body, allow you to immediately diagnose the disease, others simply show that something is wrong.

    X-rays are the most effective. Such research allows you to get the maximum useful information about the state of the bronchial tree as a whole. If there are pathologies in the cells of organs, the easiest way to identify them is by x-ray. Abnormal narrowings, expansions, thickenings characteristic of certain parts of the tree are reflected here. If there is a tumor or fluid in the lungs, it is the x-ray that most clearly shows the problem.

    Features and Research

    Perhaps the most in a modern way studies of the respiratory system can be called computed tomography. Of course, such a procedure is usually expensive, so it is not available to everyone - in comparison, for example, with a regular x-ray. But the information obtained during such diagnostics is the most complete and accurate.

    Computed tomography has a number of features, due to which other systems for dividing the bronchi into parts were introduced specifically for it. Thus, the bronchial tree is divided into two parts: small and large bronchi. The technique is based on the following idea: small and large bronchi differ in functionality and structural features.

    It is quite difficult to determine the border: where the small bronchi end and the large ones begin. Pulmonology, surgery, physiology, morphology, as well as specialists specializing in the bronchi, have their own theories on this matter. Consequently, doctors in different areas interpret and use the terms “large” and “small” differently in relation to the bronchi.

    What to look for?

    The division of bronchi into two categories is based on the difference in size. So, there is the following position: large ones - those that are at least 2 mm in diameter, that is, they can be studied using a bronchoscope. The walls of this type of bronchi contain cartilage, with the main wall being equipped with hyaline cartilage. Usually the rings do not close.

    The smaller the diameter, the more the cartilage changes. At first they are just plates, then the nature of the cartilage changes, and then this “skeleton” disappears altogether. However, it is known that elastic cartilage is found in bronchi whose diameter is less than a millimeter. This leads to the problem of classifying bronchi into small and large.

    In tomography, the image of large bronchi is determined by the plane in which the image was taken. For example, in diameter it is only a ring filled with air and bounded by a thin wall. But if you study the respiratory system longitudinally, then you can see a pair of parallel straight lines, between which is an air layer. Usually, longitudinal images are taken of the middle, upper lobes, 2-6 segments, and transverse images are needed for the lower lobe, the basal pyramid.

Translated from Greek, the word “bronchi” means respiratory tubes - part of the respiratory tract through which oxygen-rich air enters the lungs from environment. On the way back, the exhaust air is removed from the body with carbon dioxide and a minimal oxygen content.

The vital functions of the body are maintained through gas exchange, in which oxygen from the air enters the blood and carbon dioxide is removed from it. The task of the bronchi is not only to conduct air, but to change its composition, including temperature and humidity. Thanks to the bronchi, larynx, nasal cavity and trachea, the air entering the body is cooled or heated to body temperature, cleaned of microorganisms, dust, and moistened. As a result, clean air enters the lungs without causing any negative effects.

Constantly talking about bronchitis on the site, we should consider a little the topic of what the bronchi are in general. It is in them that bronchitis develops, which many people get sick in winter time. To understand how to be treated effectively, you should know the structure of your body.

The respiratory organ is located in the area of ​​the 4th vertebra in men and 5th in women and is a continuation of the trachea. It is a paired tubular organ that penetrates the lungs and there divides into branches:

  • Right - on three.
  • Left - two.

They, in turn, are also divided into smaller vessels, forming the bronchial tree:

  • Share, or zonal.
  • Segmental and subsegmental.
  • Small shares.
  • Bronchioles passing into alveoli.


What function do the bronchi perform? They remain the last stage of air entering the lungs, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide must take place.

  1. Conducting air. The organ is responsible for the unhindered passage of air to the lungs and also removes it back.
  2. Protective function. The organ is responsible for the final purification of the air. All microorganisms, particles and dust are removed from the air. This is accomplished by goblet cells that secrete mucus. Foreign substances from the air stick to it, and then they are removed thanks to the cilia. The person usually coughs.
  3. Heating. The organ is responsible for warming the air, which should not be cold.
  4. Hydration. To eliminate situations of drying out the lungs, air is humidified.

How to stay healthy?

The website repeatedly discusses the symptoms and causes of bronchitis. To avoid suffering from nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and others discomfort, it is necessary to maintain the health of your bronchi. Here you need to follow a set of measures:

  • Stop smoking. The incoming air constantly irritates the walls of the organ, making them more vulnerable.
  • Complete nutrition. Here it is necessary to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. They improve vascular tone, provide energy for protective functions, improve metabolism, increase resistance, etc.
  • Breathing exercises. It is necessary to perform breathing exercises to strengthen the muscles and improve the drainage of the respiratory tract. Change inhalation and exhalation through your nose or mouth.
  • Walks. You should not just walk in the fresh air, but also visit the forest, the sea coast and other environmentally friendly places.
  • Drink an infusion of coltsfoot.


  • . This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the walls of blood vessels. The disease is provoked by the penetration of bacteria, viruses, allergens and toxins.
  • . This is an allergic reaction of the walls of blood vessels to various substances, which penetrate along with the air. Often caused individual characteristics body.
  • . Causes difficulty breathing, which is provoked by infectious invasion.
  • Candidiasis. Penetration of fungi into the organ causes a purulent process that clogs the airways. The patient coughs up blood.
  • . There are many reasons for its occurrence. The person loses weight, constantly coughs, and feels weak.

If you do not want to experience such symptoms that deprive a person of energy and joy of life, then you should take care of your health. Bronchitis is a common disease, so its prevention should be addressed with the onset of the first cold weather.