If my head is spinning. Frequent dizziness. What medicines relieve dizziness

Dizziness is not always a pathological condition that can manifest itself in any person, regardless of age, occupation, gender. Sometimes it is diagnosed even in children. It is useful for every person to know what to do if their head is spinning. In this case, he can control his health, try to cope with the pathological condition as quickly as possible or prevent its occurrence using medications and folk remedies.

It cannot be considered a separate disease. However, it can be a symptom of a serious health problem. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out those. In some cases, you don't have to worry. For example, there are physiological causes of dizziness:

  1. Postponed stress that provokes release a large number adrenaline. It causes vasospasm, oxygen is poorly supplied to the brain. This is what causes dizziness.
  2. A trip in transport or riding on a carousel. Here the reason is not enough good functionality of the vestibular apparatus. Unpleasant sensations pass as soon as the factor provoking them disappears. In order for this situation not to happen again, it is better to train the vestibular apparatus.
  3. Prolonged adherence to a diet in which the level of glucose in the blood decreases.

The otolaryngologist, Dr. medical center in Tel Aviv Vladimir Tsilker:

However, there are reasons why you need to contact a therapist or neurologist. For example, a symptom such as dizziness can cause the following diseases:

  • Damage to the vestibular apparatus due to inflammation of the ear. Here, the ENT doctor must provide assistance to the patient. The patient has such symptoms of the disease as cold sweat, nausea and even vomiting.
  • A brain tumor. It is characterized by the gradual development of symptoms. In addition to dizziness, there may be pain syndrome and hearing loss on one side.

  • . In this case, dizziness lasts long enough, and the attack itself appears suddenly. A feature of the disease is that a person perceives a whisper well, but does not hear ordinary speech.
  • Rupture of the ear membrane due to trauma.
  • Migraine.

  • Trauma to the skull, accompanied by.
  • Stroke. A person is not only dizzy, but speech and coordination of movements are also disturbed.

If the patient has an incorrectly established cause of dizziness, then the treatment will be incorrect. Of course, you will have to forget about the positive effect, but you can additionally harm the patient.

First aid for dizziness

If a person suddenly feels dizzy, and this condition is accompanied by other symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. Moreover, you will need the help of not only a therapist, but also other specialists. For example, you should consult with a neurologist, cardiologist, ENT. These specialists will help eliminate the root cause of dizziness.

First aid involves the following actions:

  1. It is best to first lie down on the bed, and put a cold wet towel on your forehead. At the same time, a person should tell relatives that he is ill.
  2. It is important to fix your eyes on some fixed object - this will help to quickly eliminate the sensation of rotation of objects.
  3. First aid can be provided with a cup of strong coffee. Only the drink should be cold.

Often dizziness provokes fainting. Therefore, you should know how to provide first aid if necessary.

  1. If a person has it, then at home it can be dealt with with the help of mint infusion. Drink it after lunch and dinner every day.
  2. If dizziness is accompanied by other symptoms, especially neurological ones, you should immediately call an ambulance. It is better not to take medications before the doctors arrive, so as not to “lubricate” the clinical picture.
  1. It is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room.
  2. Tight clothing should be removed.

Very often, dizziness, in combination with other symptoms, may indicate manifestations of a stroke. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize it and call an ambulance in time.

  1. If the patient has dentures in his mouth, then they must be removed.
  2. Breathe should be full chest.
  3. You need to drink a glass of water.
  4. If unpleasant symptoms appeared due to a decrease in blood glucose levels, then it is better to eat something sweet.

Medical treatment for dizziness

A person tries to remove almost any ailment with the help of pills. However, in most cases, the patient does not even know what kind of medicine he needs. Drinking any pills just to get relief is not worth it, as this can only aggravate the situation. Medical treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the cause that caused the pathology, the patient may need such drugs:

  • Means for lowering blood pressure.
  • Specific drugs with which you can reduce the intensity of dizziness: "Betagestin".

In the pharmacy you will find the drug "Betaserk" with the active substance betahistine. The cost will be 635 rubles for 30 tablets

  • Medicines containing iron to help treat anemia.
  • Vasodilator drugs: "Trental". You will have to drink such pills if the patient has osteochondrosis of the cervical region, as well as problems with cerebral circulation.

In some cases, the patient may be prescribed injections for treatment. A single dose should not be more than 2 ml. If the head is spinning very strongly and often, then you can not treat yourself.

What to do with dizziness at home?

To eliminate attacks of vertigo, you can use not only pills, but also folk remedies that are considered safer. But it is better not to use them on your own. Before starting herbal treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor, undergo a thorough examination, for example, an MRI of the brain. This will help to exclude serious pathologies that folk remedies do not always cope with.

You can get answers to the most frequently asked questions about MRI from Ilya Efimovich Shpunt, a radiologist at the MIBS Yaroslavl:

If herbal treatment was allowed, then the following recipes will help to cope with dizziness:

  • Melissa decoction. Such a remedy additionally calms the nervous system. You can drink a decoction instead of tea, just steam a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of water.
  • It is also useful to eat a tablespoon of seaweed before meals.
  • Nettle decoction. A tablespoon of raw materials should be steamed with half a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist 4 hours, after which the broth is filtered and mixed with 100 ml of apple juice. It is better to drink this remedy before meals.
  • Aromatherapy is a great help to a person suffering from frequent dizziness. Thyme, sage and rosemary oils are used for treatment.
  • Celery juice. This remedy is used for treatment very often. With it, you can increase the pressure. To prepare the drug, it is enough to use a juicer and a washed plant. Juice should be drunk daily.

  • Ginger. This remedy is used in powder form. The root helps to restore cerebral circulation.
  • Ginkgo biloba. Using this remedy can help improve blood flow in the inner ear. You can buy it in the form of dried sheets or tablets.
  • White mistletoe tea. This plant is very effective for. To prepare the product, you need to pour several branches of the plant with boiling water. You need to drink tea when an attack begins.
  • A decoction of clover. The presented tool is prepared very simply. It is enough just to pour 200 ml of boiling water into 1 teaspoon of raw materials. Next, the mixture is put on a small fire for 5 minutes. Now you can strain the liquid and drink it in a tablespoon up to 5 times a day.
  • Parsley infusion. This remedy is also good for the treatment of dizziness. A tablespoon of seeds must be poured with a glass of cool water. The product should be infused for about 8 hours. After this, the infusion must be filtered. It is required to drink 200 ml of funds for 4 sets.

At home, treatment can be carried out with a massage of the forehead and temples, as well as in the direction from the top of the head to the top of the ear. The session usually lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Gymnastics to eliminate dizziness

Regular exercise can help you get rid of discomfort that are repeated frequently. Such treatment will make it possible to restore normal blood circulation, muscle tone, and good health.

The following exercises may help:

  1. The head should be slowly tilted forward and lowered as low as possible. Next, it must be lifted, and slowly and carefully.
  2. It is required to carry out alternate tilts to the left and also to the right.
  3. Now you can try to write a figure eight with your head from left to right, as well as from bottom to top.

Naturally, this pathological condition cannot be taken lightly. Exercise alone will not be able to cope with a serious disease.

What to do if you feel dizzy: preventive measures

If and often, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. However, it is better to prevent the manifestation of such a pathological condition. For this, the following preventive measures are required:

  1. Eat properly and nutritiously. The diet should include nuts, hard cheese, fish, and other foods that contain phosphorus.
  2. Helps prevent disease cold and hot shower, as well as pouring cold water. It is important not to rush and lower the temperature of the water gradually.
  3. It is important to drink enough water, as dehydration can change blood pressure.

The benefits of water for our body are not so obvious to many, so we do not pay due attention to fluid intake.

  1. If the patient has a tendency to severe dizziness, then he should try not to move abruptly or quickly. It is advisable to have a stable support during an attack, as this can help not to fall.
  2. It is advisable to get more rest, as well as protect yourself from viral or infectious diseases. Treatment of any pathologies should begin as soon as the first symptoms appear.
  3. Women with such a problem are better to give up high heels.

A visual diagram of how a harmless love of high heels affects health

These measures will help to avoid recurrence of dizziness. You can also use these tips:

  • In hot weather, it is better to use a cap and goggles.
  • It's best to carry a small bottle of water with you at all times, as well as a bar of chocolate or a few candies.

Dizziness is not a disease, but a symptom. If you often feel dizzy, it is better to play it safe and be examined.

Constant dizziness is a symptom of many pathological conditions. To determine the specific cause, you need to contact a specialist. Why do you feel dizzy every day and want to sleep, what diagnostic methods will be needed for this condition? Ways to treat it.

Causes of dizziness

Constant dizziness can be a symptom of various pathologies. There are two types of this condition:

  • when a person feels the rotation of his body in space;
  • when you feel the rotation of objects around.

Among the causes of constant dizziness, pathologies of the following organs and systems can be distinguished:

  • vessels of the brain;
  • peripheral vessels;
  • vestibular apparatus;
  • vegetative nervous system.

The causes of frequent dizziness lie in some diseases:

  • Meniere's disease;
  • inflammation of the vestibular nerve;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hypotension;
  • anemia chronic course;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • cerebral ischemia;
  • intoxication with certain drugs;
  • tumors of some parts of the brain;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Why dizziness develops in various pathologies

The mechanism of development of dizziness is different for each pathology. Differs and clinical picture. How do the causes and symptoms of being weak and dizzy all day correlate? From which there can even be slight dizziness for almost a whole day with various pathologies:

  1. Meniere's disease is a pathology of the vestibular apparatus. It consists in stretching the walls of the vestibular sac due to an increase in the volume of endolymph, a special fluid responsible for balance. At the same time, dizziness is systemic in nature - that is, the rotation of one's own body is felt. Attacks of dizziness can occur with different frequency - from several times a day to once a month. The attack usually lasts a few minutes, stops on its own. Accompanied by ear congestion and noise in the head. Also, a person may complain that he is staggering, an unsteady gait.
  2. Inflammation of the vestibular nerve, or neuronitis. Occurs after acute infections. There are attacks of severe dizziness, which pass on their own.
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a disease manifested by many symptoms, including dizziness. It is observed constantly, changing its intensity from barely noticeable to very strong. It is associated with a violation of the activity of the autonomic nervous system. A combination of symptoms such as dizziness and weakness is characteristic.
  4. With reduced pressure, dizziness is associated with insufficient blood supply to the brain and the development of hypoxia. It is observed periodically, increases with a change in body position, standing up, bending over.
  5. The same mechanism of hypoxia is noted in atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. The narrowing of their lumen leads to insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain - dizziness develops.
  6. In chronic anemia - iron deficiency, B12 deficiency - insufficient oxygen saturation of the blood occurs. Accordingly, brain cells also suffer from hypoxia. Therefore, a person with anemia constantly has dizziness.
  7. Dizziness after an injury occurs almost immediately. It may stop after treatment, or may remain in the future, periodically occurring for several years.
  8. Cerebral ischemia, which occurs for various reasons, is manifested by periodic dizziness and impaired vision, hearing, and consciousness.
  9. Some drugs have a toxic effect on the vestibular apparatus. These include aminoglycosides. With prolonged use of them, constant dizziness develops, which progresses rapidly. It is accompanied by imbalances. Toxic damage to the vestibular apparatus is usually irreversible.
  10. Tumor processes in certain areas of the brain can only manifest themselves as dizziness for a long time. It is observed constantly and does not change its intensity during movements, at rest and during physical activity.
  11. Cervical osteochondrosis leads to compression of the vertebrobasilar vessels. In this case, there is a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain, which leads to the appearance of dizziness, which is aggravated by turning the neck.

The reasons for the fact that quite often and intensely the head is spinning can be different and with a variety of mechanisms of occurrence.

Diagnostic methods

If you have a symptom such as constant dizziness, you should seek medical attention. medical care. Diagnostic search is based on the following points:

  • questioning the patient about his complaints, the dynamics of the development of the disease;
  • direct examination of the patient;
  • laboratory and instrumental methods research.

By taking an anamnesis, you can determine when dizziness first appeared, what preceded it, what was the dynamics of this symptom. Based on such data, it is already possible to assume what caused this condition. The next step is a physical examination of the patient. The doctor uses specific techniques to identify a particular pathology. If necessary, this may be the appointment of a consultation with other specialists. The main specialists who can identify the cause of dizziness:

  • neurologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

To make a diagnosis, you will still need to conduct some laboratory and instrumental methods of research. All general blood and urine tests are prescribed as standard, biochemical analysis blood. These studies allow you to identify the presence of anemia, the consequences of an infection, any inflammatory process in organism. Based on these data, a subsequent diagnostic search is carried out.

An extended blood test is prescribed, with the help of which it is already possible to detect various markers of oncopathology. Doctors of different specialties conduct their specific examinations:

  • neurological tests;
  • tests for diagnosing the condition of the vestibular apparatus;
  • examination of the fundus and measurement of intraocular pressure.

To visualize the cranial cavity and the vestibular apparatus, computed and magnetic resonance imaging are used.

Carrying out therapeutic measures

After determining the cause of the frequent dizziness, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. It consists of several aspects:

  • daily routine and a complete diet;
  • non-drug methods of treatment;
  • drug therapy;
  • surgery.

First of all, the patient is advised to normalize his daily routine. If the cause of dizziness is vegetative dystonia, low blood pressure, then labor activity should be distributed. This can be done in such a way that each completed task alternates with periods of rest. In the minutes of a break, you should do at least the simplest physical exercises with a constant supply of fresh air. This helps to normalize blood circulation and saturate the brain with oxygen.

The diet should also be properly redistributed. The predominant products should be meat and fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals. You should limit the use of strong tea and coffee. Constantly dizzy in girls who are on strict diets. This indicates a lack of glucose in the brain cells. It would be more correct not to limit yourself in food, to eat what you suddenly really wanted, but to follow the principles of a healthy diet.

Non-pharmacological methods include the following:

  • adequate physical activity;
  • exercises physiotherapy exercises;
  • swimming, water aerobics;
  • walks in the open air;
  • neck massage,
  • electrophoresis with eufillin;
  • acupuncture;
  • diadynamic currents, etc.

All these techniques are carried out in courses in combination with drug therapy. From medications several pharmacological groups are prescribed:

  • agents that improve microcirculation in the labyrinth of the vestibular apparatus - Betahistine;
  • nootropics - Cavinton;
  • anti-atherosclerotic drugs - Rosuvastatin;
  • iron preparations - Ferrum Lek;
  • means for normalizing low blood pressure - tincture of ginseng and eleutherococcus (not used by people with arterial hypertension, as it has the property to increase pressure indicators).

Betahistine refers to pharmaceutical drugs that act on the vestibular apparatus itself, it eliminates systemic dizziness as a symptom. All other groups of drugs act pathogenetically and etiotropically, that is, they correct the disease that caused the development of dizziness. They should be taken for a long time.

With inefficiency drug treatment or, if necessary, eliminate the consequences of a cranial injury, brain tumor, surgical treatment is required. Usually it involves the removal of a pathologically altered part of the brain or the restoration of the structure of the vestibular apparatus by surgery.

Today we will talk about:

Dizziness is a phenomenon that occurs periodically in many people.

Dizziness of the head sometimes manifests itself in certain situations under the influence of a number of factors. However, this symptom can also indicate very serious diseases.

How does dizziness manifest?

Dizziness sometimes appears along with other symptoms. Very often, a person suffering from this phenomenon experiences dizziness and pressure, weakness and dizziness. Sometimes the patient complains that his eyes are getting dark and his head is spinning. This may cause vomiting and nausea, excessive sweating. Attacks of dizziness, depending on the cause of this phenomenon, can last for several minutes or many hours in a row. At the same time, a person feels insecure in space. It seems to him that the surrounding objects are rotating, or there is a feeling that the body is rotating in relation to the objects that are around. There may be a feeling that the soil is leaving under the feet, the balance is lost.

It is important to take into account the fact that the patient himself may call other sensations dizzy. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an accurate diagnosis and determine the nature of the patient's complaints.

Very often, dizziness is considered a condition when a person gets dark in the eyes with a sharp movement or in the process of getting up. In medicine, this symptom is called orthostatic collapse.

The so-called true dizziness called vertigo. In this state, the patient feels the rotation of the entire world around him, or feels his own rotation in relation to space. This feeling is very similar to the signs that a person has after a long ride on a carousel. This symptom, especially frequently repeated, indicates a serious malfunction in the human body.

The coordination of the human body in space is determined by the vestibular apparatus. In determining coordination, reflexes of the skin and muscles, eyes are taken, and the main control of all actions is determined by the human brain. Throughout the body there are receptor systems that control the position of the body. That is why severe dizziness and nausea are very often combined. In some diseases, along with dizziness, diarrhea, chills, weakness, fever, stomach ache. Dizziness, nausea and pressure are often combined.

Specialists, determining why dizziness and nausea, consider central and peripheral dizziness. With central vertigo, this condition occurs due to diseases of the brain. Peripheral vertigo is the result of damage to the vestibular or nerve of the peripheral parts of the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. Either way, the condition can be very dangerous to human health. Therefore, if during the day or in the morning you feel dizzy and feel sick, a person should immediately consult a doctor.

Especially dangerous state for the body is constant dizziness. If you are almost constantly dizzy for several days or a week, then you should not ignore such a symptom in any case. After all, an independent search for an answer to the question of why the head is constantly spinning and shaking can eventually provoke serious complications.

Why dizziness occurs

Dizziness in men

The causes of dizziness in men, just like the causes of dizziness in women, can be related to many factors. If the symptoms of dizziness appear only from time to time, under certain circumstances, then in this case there may be no talk of diseases. For example, in women, mild dizziness is sometimes noted before menstruation. Those who periodically smoke note that dizziness appears directly when they smoke.

However, persistent severe dizziness and its accompanying symptoms, such as tinnitus, already indicate the onset of serious neurological and mental illnesses. Exactly the reasons why the head is very often dizzy can be found out only after a thorough diagnosis.

Headache and dizziness can disturb a patient who develops inflammation of the inner ear. At the same time, a person not only feels dizzy and has a headache, but hearing is also reduced, discharge from the ear appears. In connection with this reason, frequent dizziness and headaches are observed in adolescents and children, since the inflammatory process is most often associated with hypothermia.

Dizziness can be a symptom of vestibular neuritis. AT this case auditory function remains normal. Neuritis begins suddenly. A person feels severe dizziness, he may experience vomiting, sometimes dizziness appears after sleep when getting up.

Dizziness when getting up abruptly from bed often manifests itself due to other reasons. It happens that in the morning you feel dizzy for only a few seconds, but sometimes this condition drags on for a long time. This phenomenon is accompanied by the release of cold sweat, pressure surges, fainting. The answer to the question "Why is my head spinning when I get up?" is not simple, since this sign can indicate more than a dozen diseases. Of course, if such a phenomenon is rare, and if a person, for example, is dizzy with a hangover in the morning, then there is no need to worry.

But if the attacks are repeated constantly, then this may indicate hypotension, osteochondrosis, or some other diseases. Therefore, to find out why the head is spinning in the morning, you should find out from specialists.

If a person notes a unilateral hearing disorder, and at the same time his head begins to spin, then in this case it is imperative to carry out all the studies and exclude the development of a brain tumor. With such dizziness, gradually increasing headaches are observed. Dizziness may become more severe when a person assumes a certain body position, such as feeling dizzy while lying on their back.

Dizziness is noted with transient disorder blood flow in the brain. This symptom is accompanied by double vision, weakness in the limbs, and sensitivity disorders. At the same time, persistent dizziness does not go away for several days.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the work of the nervous system and the process of blood circulation are disrupted. As a result, one of the symptoms of this condition is dizziness. More detailed information about why you feel dizzy with VVD is given by a detailed examination.

Dizziness in women

Invariably connected cervical osteochondrosis and dizziness. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine leads to the fact that blood circulation is disturbed in the patient's brain. In people with a curved spine or with cervical osteochondrosis, the vertebral artery is compressed, as a result of which cervical dizziness develops. It helps to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon. complex treatment- massage, special exercises. Sometimes squeezing vertebral artery leads to the fact that the patient experiences a very strong dizziness in the morning.

It is important to understand that a sharp severe dizziness with normal pressure sometimes it is a sign of rather serious illnesses - inflammation of the brain tissue, stroke, etc. Therefore, if a person has a sudden and severe dizziness several times in a row for no apparent reason, the answer to the question “what to do” is unambiguous: you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication for those who are constantly very dizzy should not be practiced in any case.

However, it should not be assumed that any dizziness invariably indicates serious illnesses. Sometimes the causes of mild dizziness are completely understandable and quite natural. For example, a woman may experience mild dizziness all the time during pregnancy. The head may be spinning for someone who observes for a long time strict diet, adheres to the post. This is especially true when walking physical activity. Sometimes spontaneous attacks of dizziness associated with a sharp rise from bed develop in the morning in older people.

If the head begins to spin when the position of the body changes, then very often we are talking about the fact that benign positional paroxysmal vertigo is manifested. In transport, the head may be spinning due to motion sickness.

The so-called psychogenic dizziness is characteristic of people subject to emotions. In this case, the causes and symptoms are not associated with a violation of the vestibular apparatus. Such attacks appear at stressful moments, in crowded places, etc. At the same time, the symptoms are similar to the manifestation of hysteria: there is a sharp dizziness and cold sweat, sudden attacks of suffocation, a sensation of sore throat.

Dizziness is a familiar symptom for those who suffer from migraines. Sometimes a person notes that he suddenly felt dizzy, even during the aura period before the onset of an attack of the disease. This can occur both during sudden movements and at rest. Directly during a migraine, the process of blood flow in the brain is disrupted. As a result, with a sharp turn of the head, a migraine can also be aggravated by dizziness.

Sudden short-term dizziness is a symptom that can be observed in people who have experienced a spinal or head injury. In this case, the patient may be overcome by sudden attacks of dizziness, in which sometimes there is even a loss of balance.

Dizziness in some cases is a side effect of taking a number of medications, in particular antibiotics, sedatives. In this case, you need to either reduce the dose of the drug, or replace it with another one.

Short-term sudden dizzinessSevere dizziness during pregnancy periodically experienced by many women. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel dizzy in transport, in a hot room or for no reason. In combination with weakness, drowsiness and other symptoms, dizziness can also be perceived as an indirect sign of pregnancy. A woman should not worry about infrequently recurring mild dizziness. The fact is that during pregnancy, both the heart and the vessels of the future mother significantly increase the load. The uterus and fetus require especially large blood flow in the third trimester of pregnancy. Often a woman begins to experience dizziness immediately before childbirth, at about 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Another factor that determines the fact that a woman is dizzy during pregnancy is a decrease in blood pressure. When carrying a baby, blood pressure decreases under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the production of which in the body of a pregnant woman increases. Precisely in view of reduced pressure, both early and later dates pregnancy, as well as in the second trimester. But constant dizziness during pregnancy requires the attention of a doctor, as this may be a sign of hypoglycemia or anemia.

How to get rid of dizziness

People who suffer from persistent dizziness should not attempt to treat the condition on their own. Specialists - a neurologist or an otoneurologist - should be told about the features of such manifestations. In some cases, consultation with a therapist, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist is required.

If a person develops dizziness acutely, with weakness in the body, speech impairment, sensitivity disorder, it is important to immediately call the doctors. Before the arrival of specialists, you need to measure blood pressure. It is very important to ensure that it is not drastically reduced. Therefore, it is better not to take drugs without the supervision of a specialist.

Considering the fact that the head can spin with enough serious illnesses, dizziness treatment folk remedies better not to practice. First of all, an examination is carried out and diseases are excluded.

If a person has benign positional vertigo, he is recommended to perform special exercises to reduce such manifestations. This type of dizziness, especially in the elderly, requires a particularly careful attitude to one's own health. A person should try to avoid those positions in which dizziness appears. Caution should also be exercised by those people who are undergoing rehabilitation after a stroke and from time to time also feel dizzy.

If a patient is diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis, then the answer to the question of how to treat dizziness in osteochondrosis is unambiguous: it is necessary to carry out complex therapy for the underlying disease. You should not be puzzled by how to treat this manifestation with folk remedies, since the effect of such actions is unlikely to live up to expectations. What to do if you feel dizzy, the doctor will tell the patient with osteochondrosis after an individual examination and examination. Cervical vertigo improves after a course of treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs medicines, physiotherapy methods. Definitely, you should not ask about which pills for dizziness with osteochondrosis should be taken directly at the pharmacy. What pills to drink, how to do massage and special exercises, only a specialist should explain.

If periodic dizziness occurs after a stroke, a consultation with the attending physician is mandatory. He will recommend methods that will alleviate the patient's condition. An independent search for naming pills for dizziness is fraught with serious consequences. A patient after a stroke should be protected from stress, maintain a good, healthy mood in him.

Quite often, elderly people complain of dizziness. In this case, it is also necessary, first of all, to establish the cause of such a phenomenon, and only after that to determine which drugs for dizziness in the elderly will be effective in a particular case. The list of medicines is determined by the doctor, and medicines should be taken strictly according to his prescription. However, in some cases the best medicine- it is caution and compliance with certain safety rules. For example, older people need, if necessary, to pick up good points, hearing aid. For stability, walk with a cane.

Treatment for dizziness

What drugs to take for acute attacks of dizziness should be determined by the emergency doctor. The introduction of a combination of diazepam, torecan, cerucal, atropine sulfate is practiced. As a means to prolonged use used drugs for dizziness, belonging to different chemical groups. These are antidepressants vascular preparations, diuretics, antihistamines, vasodilators, etc. In very rare cases, surgical treatment of dizziness is practiced. For example, in severe positional vertigo, a frontal ampullary nerve can be transected.

During pregnancy, a woman should be very careful about her own condition. No need to make very sudden movements, stay for a long time in stuffy rooms. A pregnant woman should get out of bed gradually and slowly. You need to eat in small portions, but always regularly, as hunger can also provoke an attack of dizziness. In addition, it is very important to walk in the fresh air every day for as long as possible, if possible, to conduct non-intense workouts for pregnant women. With anemia, it is necessary to increase the level of hemoglobin, adhering to the advice of a doctor.

Normally, a person's sense of balance is provided by the vestibular apparatus, located in the inner ear in the cavity temporal bone and shaped like a labyrinth. The functions of this paired organ are reduced to processing information about the position of the body in this moment time and its position relative to surrounding objects. Information from the receptors of the labyrinth instantly enters the brain and cerebellum, which give electrical signals to the muscles that support the body in a particular position and give the body the necessary position.

Circulatory disorders of the brain and inner ear, inflammatory diseases ENT - organs, injuries and other processes can cause changes in the interconnected work of the organ of vision, the vestibular apparatus, the brain and skeletal muscles. This can lead to loss of balance and comfortable movement in space due to dizziness (vertigo).

According to statistics, only 30% of patients go to the doctor because of dizziness, half of them suffer from frequent and prolonged bouts of imbalance.

What causes dizziness?

Vertigo can be caused by both fairly harmless causes, and serious diseases that require a doctor's consultation.

Factors that can cause dizziness:

  1. long rotation on a carousel or on a swing - often found in children due to a sharp interruption of impulses from the inner ear to the brain. A child who runs in circles for a long time may also feel dizzy. Associated with the functional immaturity of the vestibular apparatus in children before the onset of adolescence;
  2. kinetosis- motion sickness in a car, train, when traveling by water transport. More often occurs in children under 13 - 14 years old, among the adult population - in 7 - 10%;
  3. Decreased blood flow to the brain due to low blood pressure during severe stress, emotional and mental overstrain, during the period of hormonal changes in adolescence, in persons with;
  4. A rush of adrenaline in the blood with a pain reaction, severe fright, quarrel, strong positive emotions can cause dizziness;
  5. physical exhaustion, constant lack of sleep, malnutrition (debilitating diets, starvation, vegetarianism);
  6. Pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimester. Moderate short-term dizziness during pregnancy is absolutely normal, since a change in the level of certain hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman leads to a slight. In the later stages, the blood supply to the enlarged uterus and the growing fetus is carried out to a greater extent than the upper body, so less blood flows through the vessels of the brain. In addition, large vessels in the abdominal cavity are clamped by the uterus - the inferior vena cava, the aorta;
  7. Sudden change in head position or the whole body, for example, when dizzy when getting up from a sitting position - occurs, that is, a temporary decrease due to blood flow to the muscles lower extremities under the influence of gravity;
  8. Being at a height can cause an attack of dizziness due to the inability to focus on near and far objects;
  9. Side effect or overdose of certain medications- diphenhydramine, tavegil, amikacin, gentamicin, painkillers, cardiac drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants, etc. Almost any medicinal product has dizziness in the list of side effects;
  10. Smoking causes, including cerebral vessels, and the use of alcohol and narcotic substances has a direct effect on the areas of the brain responsible for coordination and a sense of balance.

Diseases associated with dizziness

Depending on whether a pathological process has occurred in the inner ear or not, systemic (true, vestibular) and non-systemic (non-vestibular) vertigo are distinguished.

Systemic dizziness is characterized by a clear sensation of rotation of objects around the body or rotation of the body itself in space and occurs when the vestibular apparatus or the nerve nuclei of the brain responsible for coordination and balance are affected. It occurs in 25% of all cases of symptoms described by the patient as a condition in which the head is spinning. In the rest - signs of non-systemic dizziness.

Systemic vertigo characteristic of diseases such as:

Non-systemic dizziness characterized by various symptoms described by the patient as a feeling of dizziness, nausea, unsteadiness of gait, pre-fainting with flashing flies before the eyes and can occur with such diseases:

  1. Neurological diseases-, (), infectious (meningoencephalitis), tumor processes of the brain,;
  2. Psychogenic illnesses– neurosis associated with constant stress, depression, anxiety disorder personality;
  3. Diseases of the middle and inner ear- otitis, barotrauma (may occur in divers, divers with a sharp dive to a great depth), acoustic neuroma;
  4. Diseases of the visual apparatus- diabetic retinopathy (retinal pathology), cataract, glaucoma;
  5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the associated violation of blood flow through the vessels of the neck and head, for example, with a cervical or the consequences of a spinal injury in cervical region, the carotid arteries that bring blood and oxygen to the cranial cavity suffer;
  6. - acute (stroke) and chronic ();
  7. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels-, aorta and carotid arteries, and;
  8. Early and late consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  9. Pathological conditions that occur during pregnancy and not only -, decrease, lack or absence of vitamins in the body.

If you have ruled out all factors provoking dizziness, and unpleasant symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor to conduct an examination for a disease that could cause such a condition.

Video: doctor about systemic and non-systemic dizziness

In what diseases can dizziness be combined with other symptoms?

Dizziness and hearing loss most often found in diseases of the inner ear or damage to areas of the brain in the region of the vestibular nuclei or cerebellum. In addition to sensations of rotation of the body in space or surrounding objects around the patient, there may also be pain in the ear on the affected side, leakage of fluid or pus from the ear canal, tinnitus, distorted sound perception by the ear on the affected side. Sometimes dizziness and hearing loss can be observed during treatment with ototoxic antibiotics - amikacin, gentamicin, streptomycin, etc.

Dizziness and nausea they almost always meet together, also the patient at such moments is disturbed by a general feeling of weakness, fatigue, lightheadedness, he has a “lump” in his throat, sweating, a feeling of lack of air. Such attacks are characteristic of any condition or disease that caused dizziness. Often the patient complains that he is sick, dizzy when getting up or when lying down, in a state of hangover.

Dizziness and vomiting. If severe dizziness, and even more true, is combined with severe nausea, repeated vomiting, headache in the back of the head or in the temporal region, you should immediately measure blood pressure and consult a doctor. Such conditions may occur during a hypertensive crisis or sharp decline pressure. Persistent daily vomiting, especially in the morning on an empty stomach, together with frequent dizziness may indicate a tumor process in the brain. With a tumor, one should think about the malignancy of the process if the patient notes frequent dizziness, prolonged and rapidly progressing attacks of true vertigo.

Dizziness with osteochondrosis can be not only in the elderly, but also in young people. The latter fact is due to the fact that young people, students, office workers most labor day are carried out at the computer, in almost the same position, and this cannot but affect the functions of the cervical vertebrae. Pathological processes in them lead to muscle spasm and to, which worsens the blood supply to the brain.

dizziness in a modern person (especially in young people) often occurs under the influence of problems with the spine

In older people, in addition, the carotid arteries are often affected and cannot provide a full flow of blood to the head. Dizziness with osteochondrosis occurs more often in the morning, with a sharp rise, turning the head or changing the body in bed. It can be combined with headaches, sleep disturbance, impaired attention, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, frequent mood swings. These are symptoms of poor blood flow in the brain.

Weakness and dizziness with normal blood pressure may indicate chronic fatigue, psychogenic illness, Meniere's disease. Also, these symptoms occur with a decrease in blood glucose levels in people with, with anemia, starvation, vitamin deficiency in food. During pregnancy, this condition is often observed in an absolutely healthy woman.

Dizziness and neurological symptoms. Loss of sensation in the extremities, asymmetry of the face, inability to maintain a sitting or standing position, speech disturbances combined with severe dizziness and or even loss of consciousness may indicate an impending or already developing acute stroke.

Dizziness and incoordination found in tumors of the cerebellum. In addition to the fact that the patient is dizzy, there is an instability of gait, tilts to the side when moving or sitting, an unnatural position of the head, headache occipital localization, movement eyeballs to the side (nystagmus), visual and speech disorders.

Currently answering questions: A. Olesya Valerievna, candidate of medical sciences, lecturer at a medical university

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