Achievements. The most famous psychologists in the world

Galina Ivantsova
Essay “Why I chose the profession of a child psychologist”

ESSAY “Why I am a child psychologist”

« It seems to us that real work is working on something external... but working on one’s soul is so, a fantasy, and yet any other work other than working on one’s soul, mastering good habits, all other work is nonsense.”

L. N. Tolstoy

Why did I choose this profession?

There are two options for choosing the profession of a psychologist: the first is the opportunity to solve your problems, the second is the opportunity to manage other people. I believe that I became a psychologist by fate, since neither the first nor the second option suited me. I chose this profession because I had a desire to show children and adults how beautiful the world is, that there is a place in it for love and kindness, friendship and dreams; that smiling is great! And if I manage to support children in difficult situations, help them express themselves - I will be happy.

What do you think is mine? highest achievement in working with children?

Preventive work with parents is one of the important areas of activity of a preschool psychologist. V. Satir believes: “A child cannot initially be bad. A child learns everything by communicating with people, primarily with his parents.” Emotional, personal and social readiness of the child for school life also depends on the well-being of the psycho-emotional climate in the family, which is why the “Step to School” family club has been operating in kindergarten for several years. During the year, classes were held with the families of the students under the “School of Loving Parents” program, which were aimed at harmonizing parent-child relationships. As an interactive form of working with parents, we chose to organize psychology days on the topic: “Family... how much there is in this word.”, holding a psychological event “Summer Wishes”, thus trying to attract the attention of adults to the problems, internal experiences and needs of children. All this helps us make communication with parents productive, and the lives of children less problematic and happier, which is the highest achievement in our work.

My basic principles of working with children?

I structure my work with children taking into account the following principles: safety (creating an atmosphere of goodwill, acceptance of each child, age appropriateness (all tasks take into account the capabilities of children of a given age, activity principle (tasks for the development of mental functions are achieved through the use of activities characteristic of a given age: play, productive, communication, visibility (active use of the subject environment, differentiated approach (accounting individual characteristics child, confidentiality (addressing information about the child to parents, teachers, educators; inadmissibility of medical diagnoses).

We live in a time when it is necessary to change the attitude towards ourselves as a professional: from the conservative “life is calmer this way” to the positive “I can do this too.” I participate in the competition to prove myself, to increase my professional status and self-esteem, so that later I can say: “I can do this,” “I did it.” I agree with the thought of Chico Javier: “After you manage to overcome difficulties, return your memory not to how hard it was for you, but to the joy that you passed this test with honor... Until the end of your life, keep the good and kind that was born from difficulties. They will test your strength and give you confidence in the face of new obstacles.”

Like, in my opinion, preschool educational institution can solve the problem of shortage of kindergartens in the region?

I think that today the most in an accessible way a partial solution to this problem is the discovery additional groups in kindergarten (for example, by abandoning the premises of a winter garden, museum, etc.). The problem of shortage of preschool institutions can also be solved by opening short-term groups for children preschool age(such groups exist in our kindergarten).

How do I imagine the ideal kindergarten of the future?

Kindergarten of the future is a “Small Country”, in which children’s eyes shine and all words are spoken with love. Miracles and discoveries await children at every step. Here everything is subordinated to the preservation of physical and mental health child: equipped Gym, sauna, swimming pool, sensory room, etc. These are various educational technologies. The entire subject-spatial environment contributes to effective development children's abilities, revealing children's talent. The teacher fills the children's lives with interesting activities, problems, ideas, and includes each child in meaningful activities that contribute to the realization of children's interests and life activity.

My approach to working with children.

The activity of an educational psychologist is like a mosaic, where an image is made up of pieces that must be selected according to color, shape, and size. The psychologist is called upon to appreciate the uniqueness of the child, to observe, identify and support the main lines of his development.

In his practical work I often encounter the manifestation of psycho-emotional disorders in preschool children (aggression, anxiety, uncertainty, etc.) Emotions, on the one hand, are an “indicator of the child’s condition”, on the other hand, they most significantly influence his cognitive processes and behavior, determining the focus of attention, features of perception of the surrounding world, and the logic of judgments. It is problems of an emotional nature that in most cases are the reason for contacting a psychologist and the cause of many conflict situations in kindergarten. However, in my opinion, preschool children cannot sufficiently manage their feelings and emotions.

I begin my work on preventing and overcoming negative emotional manifestations in children with diagnostics. Based on the data obtained, I form a group of children in need of psychological and pedagogical support. The next stage in my work is the implementation of personality-oriented correctional and developmental programs, including both individual and group forms of work. Group preventive work with children is carried out in the program mode. However, a child may need help at any time; for this purpose, I organize work with a preschooler in the emotional release room.

One of the conditions that enhances the corrective and preventive effect is a well-organized subject-spatial environment in the psychologist’s office, rich in stimuli for natural stress relief (sand, water, wire, visual aids). Thus, any psychotraumatic or conflict situation I can lose with a child in the sandbox. Classes held in the sandbox allow me to make the process of education and learning natural, bringing children the joy of discovery and pleasure. Firstly, the child’s desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently increases significantly. Secondly, tactile sensitivity develops powerfully in the sandbox. Thirdly, in games with sand, all cognitive processes develop more harmoniously and intensively (perception, attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech and motor skills. Fourthly, object-based play activity is improved, which further contributes to the development role-playing game and child's communication skills. Fifthly, sand, like water, is capable of “grounding” negative energy. Not immediately, but gradually the “sandy experience” of living through different events becomes life experience the child himself, which he will begin to actively use in real life.

Another way of responding to children's problems that I effectively use in practice is doll therapy. Dolls can be different: finger puppets, foam dolls, etc. It is the doll that is an important attribute of childhood. The process of making a doll is therapeutic in nature. And, as practice shows, joint creativity between adults and children is the most justified in this regard.

Games and exercises, the purpose of which is the manifestation, experience and acting out of aggression, help me to effectively organize work to reduce aggression in children of senior preschool age. One of the most favorite materials of aggressive children is wire, which reflects their state: rigidity, compressed spring, danger. By bending and unbending the wire, children change themselves.

How do I see the results of my activities? This is a child who wants to learn everything new and interesting; confident in himself and his capabilities; with adequate self-esteem; knows how to worry about others. To this it is worth adding from Landreth: I will touch inner world child with kindness, affection and tenderness, while trying to protect children from themselves.

We continue to talk about the method of achieving the goal.
Let me remind you that to write a series of articles “Achieving the goal method ZH-V-V-N-D-R“I was inspired by a book written by Sergei Komarov and it is called “If this happens, it depends on me”

The next link in our chain of achieving a goal is the Internal state.

What it is?
You have made a choice to achieve your desire. Do you remember what you were like at that moment? How did you make your choice: analyzing, being confident in achieving the goal...

You know the situation when you say to yourself once again: “That’s it! I’m losing 3kg this week!” or “I’ll finally find a job within two weeks!”

Nothing happens at the appointed time. There is no result at all, or there is, but it can only be considered positive if you look at it through a magnifying glass.

But you have set a goal for yourself. And that's already good. Oddly enough, in most cases, people don’t set any goals at all. This makes their life easier, of course, but somehow poor and boring...

I don’t know why, but I want in this difficult and harsh world to have as many creatively gifted individuals as possible and as few as possible incapable to the fullest Unleash your potential, unhappy and embittered losers.

It was this desire that prompted me to take up the pen and write a book dedicated to the reasons leading to the transformation ordinary person into a unique creative individuality. How well I managed to do it is up to you to decide - Dear Reader.

I hope that...

Today we will talk about actions towards achieving a goal.

From the previous two articles about achieving a goal, you learned about the stages that a person goes through before taking action.

Finally, we get to action! But now you know what's behind them. Your actions will be correct in any case if:

1. They are an extension of your desire.
2. You have chosen and configured the correct internal state

3. You stick to your intention.

Now you know more than 99% of people who...

I present to your attention another result of behavior modeling successful people, meet: goal specification. Nine points, and each is quite significant. The first five constitute the criteria for a well-formulated result.

Four more turn goal statement into a viable NLP technique.

To easily achieve your goal, make sure that:

The goal is stated in the affirmative. The general direction is a positive orientation. You must talk about what you want. The wording doesn't...

On the path to fulfilling your desires, realizing your plans, you will more than once encounter obstacles, but do not let them scare you. Never betray yourself and your dreams, persistently pursue your goal. And you will always achieve what you want.

If you do not spontaneously, but purposefully use the abilities of your mind and the capabilities of your subconscious, then you will be able to get everything you want. And from all this it follows that a person creates his own destiny. Because our life...

It happened the night before my first 10K cross country race. I was very worried because it was the first race of this kind in my life, the track was difficult, and I had never run cross-country in my life; All my training took place on the stadium track.

That night I dreamed that I was running over hills and using techniques that I had only read about to overcome them. I remember realizing that I was dreaming and noting to myself that this would give me the opportunity to learn how to run...

Here are a few recommendations that my friends and I have tested in practice. At the beginning, I suggest you realize the following. We need to stop waiting for a state of expanded consciousness. Expectation takes away from what is expected! You need to constantly be aware of your consciousness being expanded at all times, even when it is stupidly thinking about some trifle.

At this moment, you need to remember your expanded, Full Consciousness and perceive the World in this state. You need to accept the state of consciousness that exists, it is completely for now...

A resume is a business card, the “face” of an applicant for any position. It should familiarize the employer with the professional skills and qualities of the specialist in as much detail as possible, not cause misunderstandings or additional questions, and also stand out favorably against the background of other resumes.

Resume for a psychologist's job: sample

There are no strict requirements for writing a resume, but still, excessive creativity is also out of place. You can add the following sample resume for a psychologist with points that seem necessary to you. The main thing is that they have direct relation to the vacancy.

So, the key points:

  • Fill out the header of the sheet: Full name, date of birth, marital status, contact details: address, mobile phone, Email. Don't forget about high-quality business photos.
  • Clearly state your goal: obtaining a position as a corporate psychologist, school psychologist, rescue service specialist, crisis center employee, etc. The resume of a psychologist, a sample of which is presented in the article, should not contain vague wording.
  • Tell the employer about your work experience. Keep the list in order from most recent to oldest. Indicate the time period of your employment, its full location (if you worked in another city), and your position. Any psychologist resume sample will include clearly and thoroughly defined job responsibilities.
  • The next point is education. At the very beginning of the list, mention higher education, then, if available, secondary, at the end - additional, as well as courses and trainings. Do not forget to also indicate the time period of receiving your education, the name of the institution, faculty, specialty, as well as the names of all courses.
  • Indicate the professional skills that make you stand out, as well as additional information that speaks in your favor: proficiency English language, a number of office programs. Be sure to mention yours here scientific activity and related achievements.
  • Personal qualities. List all your human qualities that will be useful in your future position.

A psychologist's resume, a sample of which will help you compile it, will also be supplemented with cover letters and letters of recommendation. For some employers, their availability is a decisive factor.

Your main “trick” is invaluable experience. Therefore, try to familiarize the employer with it in as much detail as possible and at the same time concisely. A psychologist's resume sample should take these points into account:

  • When listing responsibilities at your previous job, focus on those that are close to your future. For example, for a psychologist-educator: developing and conducting training courses on combating children’s fears, drawing up psychological portraits children, classes on adaptation of younger schoolchildren, development and implementation psychological tests to identify domestic violence, etc.
  • But for a corporate psychologist, a list of completely different responsibilities will be useful: structured interviews with applicants, developing and conducting tests to determine the psychological climate of the team, developing programs to counteract staff turnover, psychological support for new employees.

Both practice and theory

When listing professional skills, note your close familiarity with the theory:

Psychologist's resume: sample without work experience

To ensure that an employer pays attention to your resume, be sure to consider these points:

  • Set the real amount of remuneration for a novice specialist.
  • Do not leave the “Work experience” column blank: describe in detail all your responsibilities performed during educational and practical training at the university. It would be a good idea to include a letter of recommendation from your supervisor.
  • Stay in touch - in rare cases, the recruiter will call the novice specialist back.
  • Don’t forget about the photo - it should be attractive and give the impression of a serious, responsible person.
  • A sample resume for a psychologist shows that the document must include the column “Professional skills.” Enter here subjects, practices, key points of your research at the university, but only those that are relevant to the vacancy.
  • The “Personal Qualities” section is very important for you. Fill it with attractive but factual information: self-control, sensitivity, responsiveness, attentiveness, balance, etc.
  • If your resume is short, don't overload it. unnecessary information- it won't add weight.

A psychologist's resume sample is just a rough outline. Create your own original, unique version, not forgetting about general recommendations, because it is precisely such resumes that “catch” the employer.

Today everyone (or almost everyone) knows how to become successful.

Here, for example, is visualization - imagine a picture of a dream come true. Or use the wonderful motto “Believe in yourself - and you will succeed!”, tell yourself in the mirror in the morning how wonderful and attractive you are. And you will be happy.
There are also many success trainings and books on this topic...

Why go to a consultation with a psychologist?
And do they even provide advice on achieving goals?

Everyone knows that psychology comes from the Greek “science of the soul” (psyche - “soul”, logos - “teaching”). The subject of psychology is the human psyche. A specialist who studies psychology and human behavior, so to speak, “looks into a person’s soul,” is a psychologist.

So how can a psychologist help?

First and very important, a psychologist helps a person open up and speak out. Sometimes a person has no one or no one to “pour out his soul.” Or he simply does not want to share his worries and sorrows. And one meeting with a psychologist is enough to simply tell him your story and free yourself from the oppressive heaviness.

A psychologist can help a person free himself from psychological pressures that have been going on since childhood. Directs a person to right choice solving sometimes complex, seemingly insoluble problems in relationships between family and close people. Helps you get rid of obsessive thoughts anxiety states. Teaches you to make decisions quickly but thoughtfully. With a psychologist, a person can increase his confidence status, acquire adequate self-esteem. Many people discover their creative potential with the help of a psychologist. The help of psychologists is invaluable for people in the most sorrowful moments of life when they lose close relatives. A psychologist knows how to listen and hear, empathize and support.

Unfortunately, people still have little sufficient knowledge about the actual role of psychologists in a prosperous, quality life. That with the help of a psychologist it is possible to restore and save almost already destroyed marriages. Give back the fathers to the children and the fathers to the children. With the participation of a psychologist, an understanding comes that you can not only live peacefully with your mother-in-law, but even love her! And your daughter-in-law is also someone’s daughter, and you need to accept her for who she is, only because your son accepted and loved her! That mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law are also full members of the family, they must also be taken into account and respected.

You can learn from a psychologist that every person should have his own border of freedom. He will teach that your border of freedom ends where the border of another person’s freedom begins.

A psychologist can tell you a lot of things that are useful and necessary for a person’s life. DO NOT hesitate to contact a psychologist, not only when it is difficult and difficult for you and a lump in your throat does not allow you to say a word, when tears blur your eyes, when there is no understanding and you want to destroy everything around you, but also when you are happy! Yes Yes! When you're happy! When families find a new happy turn in life together. When good luck and promotion at work!

Remember that a psychologist is also a person, and out of joy for you and your successes, we psychologists “grow our wings” and grow our professional experience. And we are again and always ready to meet you halfway! We are ready to listen, hear, understand and support you!

Modern man It’s hard to imagine life without goals. Everywhere you hear only how to make your desired goals come true. Aimless existence is frowned upon. The main motto of life successful person- set a goal and go towards it. All a person has to do is want it, and he can achieve anything.

Every person has desires, knows or has heard that he needs to imagine what he wants in as much detail as possible, and it will definitely come into his life.

However, in reality it is not always possible to achieve the desired goals. You can tirelessly pursue your goal, overcoming difficulties, but never get results and end up disappointed.

It happens that even the most purposeful give up, not understanding why their goal is so difficult to achieve. The goal is set, the plan to achieve the goal is thought out, actions are taken, but there is no result.

On at this stage The following points need to be analyzed:

  • How does my goal make me feel?
  • Am I happy to achieve my goal?
  • Am I trying to meet someone else's expectations by achieving a goal or do I want to achieve it myself?
  • How detailed am I about the outcome of achieving the goal?

It happens that unconscious fears living inside us stop the achievement of goals, since many doubts are often hidden at the stage of choosing goals. What if my decision is wrong, and my desires are not what they should be? My goals run counter to the lives of the people around me; they don’t approve of me.

How to accept correct solution? How to choose a goal?

It happens that there are many goals, and then it is even more difficult to decide on which one to direct your energy and focus your attention on.

In this case, a way to categorize goals by importance and urgency can help. To do this, you can use the Eisenhower square.

So you have decided what you want to achieve, chosen a goal and written down the tasks. But you still don't do anything.

Perhaps here we need to turn again to goal setting.

  • How does it make you feel?
  • Do you think it is right or wrong?
  • Does it go against what others think?

Let's consider the question of feelings. Decisions are made based on two feelings: fear and love. Look at your goal from the perspective of achieving it or even if you have already achieved it. What are your top feelings right now?

Understanding what is happening to you now is the key to understanding the path to achieving your goals.

The question of whether the goal is correct or incorrect is also important. Here you need to pay attention to who from your environment has the right to evaluate your goals as right or wrong. Think about who you gave this right to. After all, only you personally can determine the correctness or incorrectness of your goals.

Perhaps you think that the goal you have set is not approved by those around you, most likely by close people who do not support you. If you encounter rejection along the way of your goal, do not give up. Believe me, this is not a reason to give up your dream. Look around. You will see how many people are ready to support you.