Color vision anomaly. Deuteranopia is a congenital partial color blindness in which there is no perception of the color green. Causes, Symptoms, Treatment. Complete color blindness

01.09.2014 | Viewed by: 6,822 people.

- an abnormality of color vision occurring due to the absence of M-cones. With deuteranopia, green, red, and yellow shades merge into a single color. According to research, in those patients who develop deuteranopia, there is a failure and fusion of the mechanisms of perception of the above colors.

Deuteranopia refers to dichromasia - the peculiarity of perceiving images with only two types of cones. Other types of dichromasia are protanopia and tritanopia.

In general, patients with deuteranopia do not distinguish certain colors of the spectrum in the same way as protanopes, but they do not have darkening of the image.

With protanopia, dark shades - purple, violet, burgundy, blue - are similar and practically do not differ from each other. The picture below shows the colors of the rainbow to visualize how people with dichromasia see them.

Pathology refers to diseases that lead to color blindness. It occurs in 1% of men and is often called color blindness.

This term is used in honor of J. Dalton, a man who was diagnosed with the disease after his death (after 1.5 centuries). This event occurred in 1995 during the study of DNA from Dalton's eye, preserved in laboratory conditions.

Color vision anomalies

Ophthalmologists include minor problems and disturbances in determining colors and shades as anomalies. All of them are genetically transmitted according to the autosomal recessive type of inheritance, that is, based on linkage to the X chromosome.

All patients with color vision anomalies are considered trichromats. This means that for such people, as with normal vision, healthy person, to determine the visible spectrum, 3 colors are required.

But people with slight deviations in color perception understand the color gamut somewhat worse than trichromats with good vision.

If you use a special test to compare colors, but they use red and green in different proportions. If testing is performed using an anomaloscope device, then the data reflects the following fact.

With protanomaly, more red is seen, and with deuteranomaly, more green is seen. Sometimes with tritanomaly, the color perception of yellow and blue shades changes pathologically.


Existing types of dichromatopsia are also transmitted genetically through a connection with the X chromosome. The pathology boils down to the fact that the patient can describe all shades only with the help of 2 primary colors. By analogy with deuteranopes and protanopes, in such patients the activity of the green-red channel is abnormally altered.

For example, with protanopia there is no difference between the colors black and red, and descriptions of red are often confused in comparison with brown, gray, and less often with green. Patients see some portion of the color spectrum as achromatic.

With protanopia, this part is from 480 to 495 nm, with deuteranopia - from 495 to 500 nm. Tritanopia develops much less frequently. Such patients do not distinguish between blue and yellow shades.

At the same time, the entire end of the blue-violet spectrum is visualized by them as gray-black. The achromatic spectrum for such people is from 565 to 575 nm.

Complete color blindness

0.01% of the population is diagnosed with a complete lack of perception of the color spectrum. Such people are called monochromats. They distinguish only black and white colors, respectively, they see all objects as gray with different color intensities.

They have impaired adaptation to color changes in the case of photopic illumination. Since the visual organs of patients are instantly blinded, in bright light they also cannot see the shape of objects, which ultimately leads to severe photophobia.

Such people wear glasses with sun lenses in any light during the day. In their retina, ophthalmologists, as a rule, do not detect a single defect.

Disorders of the rod apparatus

In the case of development of defects of the rod apparatus in patients, the function of adaptation to twilight lighting decreases. This phenomenon is called nyctalopia, and it develops against the background of vitamin A deficiency. It is this vitamin that is the basis for the production of retinal.

Diagnosis of color vision disorders

Any anomalies in color vision are transmitted as a trait for which the X chromosome is responsible. In this regard, men are more susceptible to developing pathologies.

Thus, the prevalence of protanomaly among males is about 0.9%, deuteranopia - 1-1.5%, deuteranomaly - 3.5-4.5% (in women - no more than 0.3%), protanopia - 1% (for women - about 0.5%).

Anomalies such as tritanomaly and tritanopia are extremely rare.


Complete absence of color perception, in the first case due to the absence of cones in the retina, in the second, due to the presence of only one type of cones.


Impaired color perception by retinal elements. It can be congenital, like color blindness, or acquired


A hereditary, less commonly acquired feature, expressed in the inability to distinguish one or more colors.

The etymological origin of the word comes from the name of mathematician and physicist John Dalton, who suffered from this disorder. Distinguish different degrees diseases, the ability to see colors or problems distinguishing between shades of red and green, which can be problematic in everyday life.

This hereditary disease, associated with the X chromosome, so women suffer from it less often. The degrees of the disease are classified according to color perception and degree of perception

In humans, color-sensitive receptors are located in the central part of the retina - nerve cells which are called cones. Each of three types cones have their own type of color-sensitive pigment of protein origin. One type of pigment is sensitive to red, another to green, and another to blue.
People with normal color vision have all three pigments (red, green and blue) in the cones in the required quantities. They are called trichromats.

Monochrome colorblindness

there is only one of the three cone pigments and decreased vision in one color.

Bichromatic color blindness

is a serious deficiency in which there is absence or dysfunction of one of the three major color mechanisms or cones. It can be of three types:


Lack of receptors that identify long wavelengths and perceive red color. Red appears dark beige and green resembles red.


This is the most common type of dichromatic color blindness and consists of the absence of receptors that detect the length of the medium wavelengths corresponding to green. Color perception is similar to protanopia, but red colors do not appear as dark.


Lack of receptors that identify the corresponding short wavelength of blue color. Problems distinguishing between blue and green; difficulty distinguishing yellow and seeing red as darker.

In the case when the activity of one of the pigments is simply reduced, they speak of abnormal trichromacy - depending on the color, the sensation of which is weakened, such conditions are called protanomaly, deuteranomaly and tritanomaly, respectively.
Those who suffer from this disease have three types of cones, but with functional defects. Thus they confuse the colors. This is the most common group among color blindness and the effects are similar to dichromatic color blindness, but weaker.

There are three types of dichromatic color blindness:


Decreased perception of receptors that identify long wavelengths responsible for the color red. The effect of color perception is similar to protanopia, but milder.


This is the most common type of tricolor color blindness and consists of changes in the receptors that detect the medium wavelengths corresponding to the color green. The perceptual effects are similar to protanomaly, but the color red is not as dark. The effect of color perception is similar to deuteranopia, but milder.


Decreased perception of receptors that identify short wavelengths of blue light. Difficulty in perceiving blue and green, yellow is similar to red. The color perception effect is similar to trinanopia, but milder.


Acquired deficiency can occur in both men and women. Most often it appears in only one eye. The most common are those that correspond to altered perception blue color and is observed in the elderly or children.

This may be due to infectious diseases (syphilis) or non-infectious diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma and degeneration macular spot, and excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.


The nature of color perception is determined on special polychromatic Rabkin tables, with images (usually numbers) consisting of many colored circles and dots of the same brightness, but slightly different in color.

Farnsworth test, consisting of colored disks of up to 100 different shades, numbered on the back. The patient must sort them by color.

There is also an anomaloscope - a device using spectral colors that were obtained by decomposing prisms and white. This is a very accurate device that helps detect deficits and levels of color vision impairment.

There are currently many attempts to improve color perception, especially in dyschromats, but they do not produce the same level of perception as in tricromats. Monocular red filters were initially used, but lack of aesthetics and limited effectiveness led to a decline in their use. Later, the use began contact lenses X-Chroma™ and Chromogen™, but neither of them achieved the desired result.
It appears that the information revolution is beginning to provide support programs for color display that may be a solution to color vision disorders in the future.

Anomalies are usually called certain minor disturbances in color perception. They are inherited as a recessive trait linked to the X chromosome. Individuals with a color anomaly are all trichromats, i.e. they, like people with normal color vision, for full description visible color three primary colors must be used. However, anomalies are less able to distinguish some colors than normal-sighted trichromats, and they use different proportions of red and green in color-matching tests. Testing with an anomaloscope shows that with protanomaly there is more red in the color mixture than normal, and with deuteranomaly there is more green in the mixture than necessary. In rare cases of tritanomaly, the yellow-blue channel is disrupted.


Various forms of dichromatopsia are also inherited as X-linked recessive traits. Dichromats can describe all the colors they see using only two pure colors. Both protanopes and deuteranopes have impaired functioning of the red-green channel. Protanopes confuse red with black, dark gray, brown, and in some cases, like deuteranopes, with green. A certain part of the spectrum seems achromatic to them. For protanope this region is between 480 and 495 nm, for deuteranope it is between 495 and 500 nm. Rarely found tritanopes are confused yellow and blue. The blue-violet end of the spectrum seems achromatic to them - like a transition from gray to black. The spectral region between 565 and 575 nm of tritanopes is also perceived as achromatic.

Complete color blindness

Less than 0.01% of all people are completely color blind. These monochromats see the world like a black and white film, i.e. only shades of gray are distinguished. Such monochromats usually show impaired light adaptation at photopic lighting levels. Because the eyes of monochromats are easily blinded, they have difficulty distinguishing shapes in daylight, which causes photophobia. That's why they wear dark ones Sunglasses even in normal daylight. In the retina of monochromats, histological examination usually does not find any abnormalities. It is believed that their cones contain rhodopsin instead of visual pigment.

Disorders of the rod apparatus

People with abnormalities of the rod apparatus perceive color normally, but their ability to adapt to darkness is significantly reduced. The cause of such “night blindness”, or nyctalopia, may be an insufficient content of vitamin A1 in the food consumed, which is the starting substance for the synthesis of retinal.

Diagnosis of color vision disorders

Since color vision disorders are inherited as an X-linked trait, they are much more common in men than in women. The incidence of protanomaly in men is approximately 0.9%, protanopia 1.1%, deuteranomaly 3-4% and deuteranopia 1.5%. Tritanomaly and tritanopia are extremely rare. In women, deuteranomaly occurs with a frequency of 0.3%, and protanomaly - 0.5%.


Deuteranope (red-green deficiency):

Protanope (another form of red-green deficiency):

Tritanope (blue-yellow deficiency, very rare form):

Keep in mind that these are the LIMITING options shown (well, if there is no sensitivity at all for these colors)

This is such a complicated thing, it turns out.
Want to test yourself?

There are Ishihara tables for testing, selected from random circles so that dichromats (two-color vision) and trichromats (three-color, full) and non...chromats (or whatever they call them, in general complete color blindness) see different numbers/pictures on these test tables.

So I dug up tables from Russian books, look:

Figure 1. All normal trichromats, abnormal trichromats and dichromats distinguish the numbers 9 and 6 equally correctly in the table (96). The table is intended primarily for demonstration of the method and for reference purposes.

Figure 2. All normal trichromats, abnormal trichromats and dichromats distinguish two figures equally correctly in the table: a triangle and a circle. Like the first table, it is intended primarily for demonstration of the method and for reference purposes.

Figure 3. Normal trichromats distinguish the number 9 in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 5.

Figure 4. Normal trichromats are distinguished by a triangle in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes see a circle.

Figure 5. Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by numbers 1 and 3 (13). Protanopes and deuteranopes read this number as 6.

Figure 6. Normal trichromats distinguish two figures in the table: a circle and a triangle. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish between these figures.

Figure 7. Normal trichromats and protanopes distinguish two numbers in the table - 9 and 6. Deuteranopes distinguish only the number 6.

Figure 8. Normal trichromats distinguish the number 5 in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish this number with difficulty, or do not distinguish it at all.

Figure 9. Normal trichromats and deuteranopes recognize the number 9 in the table. Protanopes read it as 6 or 8.

Figure 10. Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by numbers 1, 3 and 6 (136). Protanopes and deuteranopes read two numbers instead: 66, 68 or 69.

Figure 11. Normal trichromats distinguish between a circle and a triangle in the table. Protanopes distinguish a triangle in the table, and deuteranopes distinguish a circle, or a circle and a triangle.

Figure 12. Normal trichromats and deuteranopes are distinguished in the table by numbers 1 and 2 (12). Protanopes do not distinguish these numbers.

Figure 13. Normal trichromats read circle and triangle in a table. Protanopes distinguish only a circle, and deuteranopes - a triangle.

Figure 14. Normal trichromats distinguish the numbers 3 and 0 (30) in the upper part of the table, but do not distinguish anything in the lower part. Protanopes read the numbers 1 and 0 (10) at the top of the table, and the hidden number 6 at the bottom. Deuteranopes read the number 1 at the top of the table, and the hidden number 6 at the bottom.

Figure 15. Normal trichromats distinguish two figures at the top of the table: a circle on the left and a triangle on the right. Protanopes distinguish two triangles at the top of the table and a square at the bottom, and deuteranopes distinguish a triangle at the top left and a square at the bottom.

Figure 16. Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by numbers 9 and 6 (96). Protanopes distinguish only one number 9 in it, deuteranopes - only number 6.

Figure 17. Normal trichromats distinguish two shapes: a triangle and a circle. Protanopes distinguish a triangle in the table, and deuteranopes - a circle.

Figure 18. Normal trichromats perceive the horizontal rows of eight squares each in the table (color rows 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th ) as monochrome; vertical rows are perceived by them as multi-colored. Dichromats perceive vertical rows as monochromatic, and protanopes perceive vertical color rows - 3rd, 5th and 7th - as monochromatic, and deuteranopes perceive vertical color rows - 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6- th and 8th. Colored squares located horizontally are perceived by protanopes and deuteranopes as multi-colored.

Figure 19. Normal trichromats are distinguished in the table by numbers 9 and 5 (95). Protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish only the number 5.

Figure 20. Normal trichromats distinguish between a circle and a triangle in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish between these figures.

Figure 21 missing

Figure 22. Normal trichromats distinguish two numbers in the table - 66. Protanopes and deuteranopes correctly distinguish only one of these numbers.

Figure 23. Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 36 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish these numbers.

Figure 24. Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 14 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish these numbers.

Figure 25. Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 9 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish this number.

Figure 26. Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes distinguish the number 4 in the table. Persons with severe acquired pathology of color vision do not distinguish this number.

Figure 27. Normal trichromats distinguish the number 13 in the table. Protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish this number.

By the way, color calibration on your monitor can play an important role, so the classic result will only be obtained by an ophthalmologist, with calibrated paper tables (or maybe on a monitor that costs a thousand dollars, which is calibrated). And these results are for everyone to know and who are interested. Approximate, in general.

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In this guide we will tell you how to defeat the Chronomatic Anomaly and the trash in front of it at all difficulty levels. Chronomatic Anomaly is the second boss. Defeating her is required to achieve And we have running water.

Before proceeding to the Chronomatic Anomaly, players must kill Scorpyron, who is walking around the Nightwell at the base of the Nighthold.

The Chronomatic Anomaly will be available on Normal and Heroic difficulty on January 17th, and on January 24th in Mythic and Raid Finder difficulty.

1. Loot and rewards

In different modes you can get the same items at different levels - 855 (Raid Finder), 870 (Normal), 885 (Heroic), 900 (Mythic). In addition, items can be upgraded (battle hardened, titan hardened).


  • Rag armor: Chaos-Torn Mantle, Robes of Stray Energy
  • Leather armor: Knockout Treads, Time Displaced Gloves
  • Chain mail: Cowl of Lost Opportunities, Pauldrons of Twisted Memory
  • Plate armor: Timeforged Legplates, Gauntlets of Shattered Ages
  • Necklaces: Mighty pendant with a time stone
  • Accessories: Out of tune metronome, King's dagger hilt


  • Ice: A frozen drop from the Night Well
  • Light: Flickering spark of time
  • Dark: Edge of Eternity

Details about class set bonuses and loot from other bosses can be found in the Nighthold Loot Guide.

2. Remarkable trash

Thresh in the Nightwell and on the approach to it consists of three types of elementals: Chaosoid, Lightning and Pulsaron.

Chaosoids have low health and can be killed quickly to avoid Void Compression and Void Release.

  • Chaosoids periodically teleport to random places, and not necessarily to players.
  • They then cast Void Compression, pulling nearby targets towards them.
  • Void Compression deals no damage, but can be a nuisance when combined with the Fulminant add's mechanics does not deal damage, but interacts with Lightning Carrier abilities.
  • Chaosoids empower themselves with Void Unleash and deal periodic damage to all players within 100m.
  • The Void Release cannot be dispelled and persists until the Chaosoid dies.
  • While under the effect of Void Release, Chaosoids do not cast Void Compression.
  • Immediately after Chaosoid uses Void Release, players should kill it quickly to prevent damage.

Lightning carriers have a large supply of health. They gain energy with Scatter and then spend it with Blaze.

  • About once every 6 seconds. The Lightning Striker casts Knockdown on the active tank, dealing moderate damage.
  • After this, the Scatter deals heavy damage, which is divided among all players within a 20m radius of the hit tank, including the tank itself.
  • For each target hit, the Lightning Striker receives Charge, which gives him 3 units. energy.
  • When Lightning reaches 100 units. energy, he reads Sparkling.
  • The sparkle deals damage to all players within a 100m radius.
  • The amount of damage reduced depends on the distance between the player and the Lightning Bearer.
  • While casting Blaze, Lightning Strikers can move.

To defeat Lightning:

  • Get closer to him to reduce the damage from Spread.
  • When the Lightning Striker reaches 100 units. energy, the tank must move it 20m away from the raid to prepare for the Flash.
  • Immediately after the Blaze, the tank should bring the Lightning Carrier back so that the damage from the next Scatter is not fatal to him.
  • In normal mode, Lightning uses two Scatter and one Blaze per cycle.
  • Before Flashing, the tank must use a protective cooldown.
  • Healers should also use cooldowns to reduce the damage from Smash/Flash.

If you are fighting two Lightning Carriers at the same time, each of them should have their own tank. This approach minimizes the likelihood of one of the tanks dying from Knockdown. Keep Lightning Bearers nearby to share the damage from Knockdown. If one of the tanks takes the Lightning Carrier away while he is casting a spell, the fighters must switch to an adjacent target.

Other difficulty modes

In different difficulty modes, Lightning Carriers receive different quantities energy from Charge:

  • Raid search: 1 unit. energy for each goal
  • Normal mode: 3 units. energy for each goal
  • Heroic mode: 5 units. energy for each goal
  • Mythic: 10 units. energy for each goal

On Heroic Mythic difficulty, the number of targets hit by Scatter should be limited to ensure that Blaze doesn't happen too often. This can be achieved by preventing Lightning from gaining 100 HP. energy in one Scatter. Thus, in Heroic difficulty, Shatter should affect a maximum of 19 players, and in Mythic difficulty, it should affect a maximum of 9 players.

Pulsarons have a large amount of health and simple mechanics that are easy to get around. Pulsarons do not need a tank, because... they have no threat tables and simply follow a given route.

  • Pulsarons use a Shield, which reflects damage directed from a certain direction.
  • As the Pulsaron moves, the direction of the Shield may change. Fighters must be aware of this and change their position to continue to deal damage.
  • About once every 12 seconds. Pulsaron reads the Beam (in the direction of view).
  • Within 5 sec. it emits a pale blue stream of energy that determines the direction of the Beam.
  • After that, he emits the Beam itself and deals heavy damage to all players in a straight line.
  • All raid members should not fall into the Beam.

Of all the monsters facing the Chronomatic Anomaly, Pulsarons have the lowest priority for fighters.

If you are fighting monsters of all three types, it is necessary to kill Chaosoids first so that Void Compression does not coincide with Scatter/Brilliance. Then you should switch to Lightning Carriers and finally Pulsarons. During this time, healers can freely use healing cooldowns.

Before the fight with the Chronomatic Anomaly, you must kill all the monsters at the Night Well. Remember that the Chronomatic Anomaly is walking around the room, and move the monsters to the sides. On the first pack, which is at the base of the stairs leading to the Nightwell, you can use Bloodlust / Heroism / Time Warp.

3. Chronomatic Anomaly Abilities

This section contains tips and tactics to defeat the Chronomatic Anomaly in normal mode. Features of the Raid Finder mode, as well as Heroic and Mythic mode, including new advanced combat mechanics, are discussed in the following sections.

When fighting the Chronomatic Anomaly, players must quickly kill priority targets, as well as groups of smaller targets that spawn approximately once per minute. In addition, the raid will have to move a lot, as well as often use abilities to interrupt spells and control.

Time flow

Fading Time Particles and Time Particle Fragments

From time to time, a Fading Piece of Time will appear from the Night Well. Particles are the main priority for fighters, i.e. you need to switch to them as quickly as possible.

  • The fading particles of time are motionless. If you divide the area around the well into quarters, relative to the boss, particles will appear in the previous quarter (in a clockwise direction).
  • The location where particles appear is indicated by white clouds. Look for these clouds and get closer to them.
  • Fading Time Motes are applied to the target with highest level threats Chronomat and inflicts moderate Arcane damage on her.
  • They also use Nightwell Warp frequently and deal moderate damage to all players.
    • During Speed: normal Distortion of the Nightwell occurs once every 5-7 sec.
    • During Speed: low Nightwell distortion occurs every 10-11 sec.
    • During Speed: high Nightwell distortion occurs every 1.5 sec.
  • Each successful Nightwell Distortion increases the power of the next distortion by 20%, the effect is cumulative.
  • Players must interrupt the Nightwell's Warp to avoid fatal damage.
  • Fragments also cast Chronomat on the highest threat target and attempt to cast Nightwell Warp.
  • Nightwell Distortion from particles deals less damage and is increased by 5% per charge, however due to large quantity particles, it poses no less a threat.
  • Use AoE stun spells to prevent particles from casting Distortion.
  • Kill them as quickly as possible.

Overwhelming Power and Temporal Slam

One minute into the first four phases and then in random order, the Chronomatic Anomaly turns to the Nightwell and begins casting Overwhelming Power.

  • On a successful cast, Overwhelming Power begins to deal damage to the entire raid. The effect triggers once every 5 seconds. and gradually intensifies.
  • Each proc of Overwhelming Power increases the damage of the next proc by 15%.
  • Overwhelming Power casts infinitely and eventually kills the entire raid.
  • The overwhelming power cannot be interrupted by conventional means; to do this, you must use a Temporal Rift.

In some phases, particles appear late, and Overwhelming Power manages to deal heavy damage to the raid. In this case, healers should use healing cooldowns while waiting for Temporal Strike.

  • The bomb can be applied to everyone except tanks.
  • At first, the Time Bomb does no damage.
  • When dispelled, it deals damage to the entire raid.
  • The Time Bomb deals less damage to those further away from it.
  • During Speed: A regular Time Bomb explodes after 20 seconds. after appearance.
  • During Speed: low The time bomb explodes after 60-90 seconds.
  • During Speed: high The time bomb explodes in just 4-8 seconds.

Players with the bomb should run out of the raid in about 8 seconds. before the explosion. In the Speed: High phase, you should run out immediately. Before exploding, the Time Bomb begins to pulsate, reminding the player to run as far as possible.

Temporal explosion

  • During the Speed ​​phase: normal:
    • The time delay is used once every 20-30 seconds, 2-3 times per phase.
    • The effect applies to 4 targets.
    • Targets require moderate healing.
    • The effect lasts 20 seconds.
  • During the Speed ​​phase: low:
    • The time delay is used once every 43 seconds, 2 times per phase.
    • The effect is applied to all players, with the exception of one tank.
    • Targets require a small amount of healing.
    • The effect lasts 25 seconds.
  • During the Speed: high phase:
    • The time delay is used once every 13 seconds, approximately 4 times per phase.
    • The effect applies to 2 targets.
    • Targets require massive amounts of healing.
    • The effect lasts 15 seconds.
  • To deal with Time Dwell during the Speed: Low phase, healers can use weak cooldowns.
  • The rest of the time they should use targeted healing spells.

Chronometric particles

Once every 5-6 seconds. Chronomatic Anomaly applies Chronometric Particles to the current target. This mechanic requires changing tanks.

  • Chronometric particles stack and deal more and more damage.
  • At 10 charges of Chronometric Particles, Chronometric Overload is triggered.
  • Chronometric Overload deals heavy damage to the entire raid and instantly kills the target (tank).
  • Tanks should change with 9 or less charges (depending on the battle phase).

The duration and speed of the Chronometric Particles depends on the Passage of Time.

  • During the Speed ​​phase: normal, the Chronometric Particles effect lasts 20 seconds. and fires once every 2 seconds.
  • During the Speed ​​phase: low, the effect of Chronometric Particles lasts 60 seconds. and fires once every 6 seconds.
  • During the Speed ​​phase: high, the effect of Chronometric Particles lasts 10 seconds. and fires once every second.

4. Tactics for Chronomatic Anomaly

Since combat is almost entirely scripted, players have little control over its course.

  • The Speed: Normal, Speed: Low and Speed: High phases alternate each other, affecting the speed of cooldown recovery, movement, attack and spell casting.
  • Tanks must constantly change without gaining 10 charges

No, we won’t come, Lena’s head hurts again. You'll somehow be there without us... Happy New Year!

Oh, Ro-o-omochka, Roma-a-ashechka, how about that? Well, come one-and-in if she can’t,” Lyuska, the wife of Volodka’s friend, begged for vowels.

He marked it as “she.” The wives of Lena's friends did not like her. She was very different from them, with their endless empty chatter and whispering. Silent, not interested in gossip... And Romka’s friends, if you asked them, would say one thing about her: “Well, nothing like that.” What can we say about a person who is constantly silent and has his head somewhere in the clouds? And she’s not particularly beautiful... And she wears glasses... Well, if Romashka likes it...

And he was madly in love with her. It happens like this: like a common person, unremarkable in appearance, but will cover you with love - and that’s all! No one else is needed! And it’s interesting: you like, say, curvy blondes or skinny brunettes, and you pay attention only to them. And suddenly she! She's completely different! Not your type! Not the kind you like! And her face, and her hair color, and her figure are not what you like! And women with glasses have never attracted you, but here... Once - and you fell in love! But how!

She became the meaning of his life. In the evening I flew to meet her at the library where she worked. I bought flowers and her favorite peaches. Spent all weekends at home. He caressed her, kissed her, looked into her eyes for a long time...

What color were they? He couldn't tell. From birth he had color anomaly. He couldn't distinguish shades. Blue, light blue, turquoise, gray, green - he saw everything the same and pestered Lena to tell her which ones she really had. She laughed and answered differently each time. Still, he found out that they were gray, and from then on he considered gray eyes the most beautiful.

He dreamed of a daughter, a gray-eyed princess, but there was trouble. Lena suffered from a serious kidney disease, and doctors forbade her to give birth. Well, Romka agreed to stay without children, as long as he was with Lena. But she felt guilty. That’s why she refused to register the marriage - she didn’t want to tie his hands. I knew that someday I would have to let my beloved go to someone else who could give him a child.

Roman shuddered from the sudden ringing of the phone. He quickly grabbed the phone.

Romakha, what are you doing there? Well, come quickly to us! - Volodka, it seems, has already gained a decent amount of weight.

Yes, Lena is sick...

Damn, she's always sick with you! Let him be sick,” here Volodka felt that he had said something wrong, “ahem... I mean, let him lie down and come to his senses, but why should you stay alone?

Romka himself couldn’t bear to celebrate the best holiday of the year alone. It's always the wrong time! But he immediately pulled himself together: it was not her fault. The migraine began suddenly, and his beloved lay motionless for two days, quietly moaning in pain. The doctors were powerless, the medications did not help. On such days, Romka was tormented as if he himself was sick - he was worried, he did not eat. He felt sorry for Lena and treated her like a fragile snowdrop. But today New Year... well, nothing, he’ll watch TV, have a drink, have a snack, fortunately, Lena managed to prepare salads and fried chicken.

Volodka did not lag behind: Roma heard Lyuska telling him something nearby.
At this moment, Lena's weak voice was heard. Romka hung up and went to the bed.

What, honey, what are you saying?

Roma, go, you will sit alone! Take salads, I made them for everyone.

How are you?

It's okay, I'll sleep...

Okay, honey, if anything happens, call me right away, I’ll come running, I’ll be right there.

He put the salads in plastic containers, grabbed a bottle of cognac, and called Volodka so that they wouldn’t start without him. The friend responded with a joyful cackle: Romka has always been the life of the party.

He didn’t know that after his call, four pairs of eyes looked at each other triumphantly, that someone’s hands straightened the master’s bed and laid a thick terry towel over the sheets...

Volodka's house greeted Romka with music, delicious smells and bursts of laughter. His friends greeted him cheerfully: after meeting Lena, he rarely visited their once inseparable company. He was seated at the table between the owner and a pretty plump girl. It turned out that this was Lyuska’s younger sister Sonechka. Roma remembered that he had already seen her a long time ago, but then he was with Lena, and fat Sonechka did not attract his attention.

Romka began to look after Sonechka, putting a snack on her plate, and her mother, Volodka’s mother-in-law, smiled tenderly at him across the table. Volodka, without wasting any time, kept adding more and more alcohol to Romka. And, of course, I didn’t forget about myself either.

With each glass, Romka liked Sonechka more and more. Pretty face, plump, appetizing. When he led her to dance, it felt like her body was burning through the thin silk of her dress. My head was spinning from the intoxicating aroma of her perfume. She took Romka into another room and greedily pressed her lips into his mouth.

Romka didn’t even think of resisting. He felt only a frantic desire to take possession of her. His hands squeezed his strong chest, his lips roamed his neck, his heart beat loudly. He took off his clothes. Sonechka undressed herself. The two of them collapsed on the bed...

What he didn’t expect was that Sonechka would turn out to be a virgin. Several attempts were unsuccessful. Sonechka screamed in pain, but did not let go of Romka, stroking her back with her palms. Finally, it worked. He moved carefully and, although there was a fog in his head, he tried not to miss the right moment. Sonechka hugged him to her and covered him with quick kisses. He didn't remember how he fell asleep.

I woke up to Sonechka kissing, slightly biting, his neck and shoulders. He shook her off and stood up. Embarrassedly, he found his underpants among the clothes on the floor and hastily pulled them on. Voices and the clinking of dishes were heard from the living room. Sonechka looked puzzled.

Honey, what are you doing? - She again reached out to him.

Listen, uh... Sonya,” he frowned at her and immediately looked away from her luxurious bare chest, “forgive me, please, I was drunk, I didn’t know what I was doing...

It’s okay, Romochka, I love you...

Sonya, I’m married, actually...

She is not your wife! You are not scheduled! - Sonechka demonstrated full awareness of the issues of Romkina’s personal life.

Wife. I just need her. Forgive me, please, I don’t know how to make amends... You get dressed...

He went out into the corridor. The cats were scratching my soul. Volodka appeared from the room.

Ah, Roma! Happy New Year with a new happiness! Where is Sonya? Did you leave her alone?

Wow, it turned out bad... I don’t know what to do...

Don’t worry, let’s go have a drink and talk,” he pushed his friend into the room where Lyuska and her mother were sitting at the table. The rest of the guests had apparently already left.

Romka, not knowing where to go, sat down and drank a glass of cognac in one gulp.

The color rushed to his face.

Sorry, I don’t know how it happened... I don’t know... - He himself was disgusted with his words.

Don't exaggerate, she'll only be eighteen in a month. So, so,” she hammered the words into Romkin’s head like a hammer, “Or.” We. Let's play. Wedding. Or. Let's serve. Statement. About rape. Underage. We are all witnesses. It's clear?

Romka understood. From somewhere inside, a frightening feeling of inevitable misfortune arose... He patted his pockets: he really wanted to smoke. Volodka jumped up and took him to the landing. There, smoking a cigarette, he tried to calm Romka, who at times moaned through his teeth in despair.

Romash, what are you doing? Everything will be normal. Cool girl! Your wife will do what you need, she will give birth to children for you...

You... How could you? - Romka’s hands were shaking, and the extinguished cigarette could not be lit.

What about me? I'm nothing! These women are such a people, once they get something into their head, they won’t back down. Your mother-in-law and Lyuska have had their eye on you for a long time: you are kind, they say, polite, you have a house... You are among us, like an angel! - Volodka laughed and coughed from the smoke that got into his throat.

But I have Lena! I love her!

Oh, what about your Lena? Why do you need someone who can’t give birth? Every person needs an heir. Or an heiress. My back-biters are now with my parents, so you know how much I miss them? Well, you will live another five, well, ten years. And what? Are you going to have children when you're forty? And look, what a girl! Wai-wai! Peaches! And you and I will become brothers!

What if I refuse?

Volodka became serious.

Then they will write a statement, be calm. And they will force me to sign. And you yourself understand what the threat is... Don’t worry! Everything will be fine! You will also say thank you for improving your life!

He walked towards the north wind, and the tears that rolled down his cheeks froze into transparent drops, and his wet eyelashes became covered with an icy crust.

Lena met him in the hallway. The attack passed, she looked fresh and happy.

Happy New Year, Romik! - she hugged him, and he felt the familiar smell of her hair. - I have a surprise for you!

Wait, honey,” he gently pushed her aside, “I have to tell you something...

He spoke nervously and haltingly, and Lena, wrapped in a shawl, turned into a stone statue. When the story was over, both were silent for a long time.

Dear, what should I do? - he buried himself in her knees, - if I don’t fulfill their condition, they’ll put me in jail! For a long time…

Yes... I understand... Well, do as they want, - Lena stroked his head, holding back so as not to burst into tears.

But I can't do this! What about you? They... They said she should move here in three days.

Okay, I'll pack my things and leave... Don't be upset... Do you like her?

Well... she’s nothing... But why do I need her? Sun! I love you! Helen! It won't last long, believe me! I know they were attracted to the apartment. I won’t sleep with her, I won’t talk to her, and a little later I’ll get a divorce. And we will be together again! You just need to wait a few months. Do you believe me?

I believe,” she smiled sadly.

Let’s hurry up, get a ticket for two, we’re already late,” Sonechka ran ahead in high heels through a slurry of melting snow - the winter this year turned out to be unusually warm.

Romka could barely keep up with her with his daughter in his arms.

Somehow, five years passed unnoticed after the wedding. Romka first set out to harass Sonechka with his inaccessibility: don’t communicate with her, don’t have sex, leave the house more often. But it didn't work out.

She greeted him every day after work with such joy, cooked so deliciously, took such care of him that he did not want to respond with black ingratitude. And in bed she was lively and tireless. She freed him from all household chores that Lena could not do due to poor health. He now had only two things to do: earn money and love his wife. And it cannot be said that he did not like the new carefree life.

At first he tried to meet with Lena, but she disappeared. Her phone was silent, and other people lived in her apartment with her parents. He was never able to find her. Of course, it was possible to ask her colleagues at the library where she immediately quit. You could talk to your neighbors - maybe someone knows something. Finally, try searching on the Internet. But something always got in the way.

Gradually her image began to fade in his memory. When remembering a former beloved, only a feeling of some kind of warmth appeared, as if touching a window sill heated by the sun. He remembered her less and less...

A year after the wedding, a daughter was born. Romka was beside himself with happiness. He wanted to name the girl Lena, but did not dare. But he argued with his relatives until he was hoarse, demanding that the name Nellie be chosen. He argued that the name was rare, beautiful, unusual. He even hesitantly slammed his fist on the table, which scared everyone immensely. No one had ever seen the calm, cheerful, good-natured Romashka like this. He won: the daughter was named Nellie.

This was their secret. When Lena was little, she confused the syllables and said “Nela” instead of “Lena.” Therefore, her grandfather often called her Nelechka, even when she became an adult. And for Romka this name was a reminder of love, which ended so suddenly and painfully.

When at the age of four they began to enroll the girl in kindergarten and go through medical examination, it was discovered that she had a color vision anomaly, which was passed on from her father. And now they were rushing to see a specialist at the Pediatric Ophthalmology Center.

Running up to the office, Sonechka pulled off her daughter’s jacket and hat, took off her coat and thrust the clothes into Romka’s hands. The nurse's voice invited the following. Sonechka went into the office with Nellie, saying something to her husband. Something like “Wait for us here.”

But Roman didn’t hear. He looked with all his eyes at the previous visitors who left the doctor. It was Nina Grigorievna, Lena’s mother. He recognized her immediately, although over the years she had changed a lot: she had aged, turned grey, and seemed to have become shorter.

Nina Grigorievna led the little boy by the hand. Romka's heart skipped a beat. It was as if he was looking at a photograph of himself as a child: the eyes, nose, lips, even the hair that curled at the ends were his! Without looking, he threw a pile of clothes onto a chair and rushed towards the woman with the child. Nina Grigorievna also recognized him.

“Hello, Roma,” she answered the greeting dryly.

And he squatted down in front of the boy, who looked at him with curiosity.

Hello! What is your name? - He extended his hand to the child.

Laman! - the boy smiled trustingly and shook it with his small palm.

Romka wanted to grab him, hug him tightly, kiss the top of his brown head... But he was afraid to scare the baby. Without letting go of his hand, he said in a trembling voice:

And I'm Roman. And how old are you?

Here! - he pulled the pen out of the man’s hand and showed an open palm with one bent finger, - four and another half! When will I go to school?

It’s too early for you to go to school, until you learn to pronounce “r”, you won’t go,” the grandmother spoke to her grandson sternly and tiredly.

They found some kind of anomaly, it doesn’t distinguish colors, here’s more news,” she turned to Romka, “what should we do about it now?”

Where's your mom? - For some reason, Romka suddenly began to choke, - your mother’s name is Lena, isn’t it?

The boy looked questioningly at his grandmother.

Lena died. She died during childbirth,” Nina Grigorievna said calmly, casually, “Come on, Roma, get dressed.”

She dressed the child, dressed herself, and Romka still stood as if stunned, unable to move, as if the terrible news had crushed him under a gravestone.

Now they were already walking along the corridor to the exit... He rushed after them to find out the address, but at that time Sonechka and her daughter came out of the office. The wife chattered about the doctor’s recommendations, and Romka was thinking whether to say it or not. I didn't dare. It will cause another scandal. Later, when he finds out everything.

All the way back he was silent and thoughtful. Tomorrow he will come here alone and find out his son’s address from the doctor. At least from which clinic he was referred. And there he will find it.

He will visit him, buy toys, give money to Nina Grigorievna... He will take him and his daughter to the zoo, play with them on the playground... And then... Then, probably, we should take the boy into our family altogether, the grandmother is already elderly, it’s difficult for her bring up.

Sonya, of course, will be against it. But he will insist, he is a man. This is his son! He should be with him! He painted rosy pictures of their common future in his mind, but deep down he felt, no, he knew for sure that none of this would happen. He won't look for his son. He will always put it off until later. Important matters and minor problems will always interfere with him, and gradually a boy so similar to him will also become just a distant, warm memory...