Zinc ointment for acne. Zinc acne ointment: reviews. For oily skin

Pimples on the face not only spoil appearance, but also mood, lower self-esteem. Therefore, in the struggle for ideal skin, women are ready to pay a lot of money, not to mention the time and effort spent. But sometimes the simplest and cheapest means help solve the problem. One of them is zinc ointment.

Zinc-based ointments are familiar to all young mothers. These products perfectly remove diaper rash, irritation and prickly heat on the delicate skin of newborns. Zinc ointment has an equally active effect on acne.

This primitive remedy copes with a variety of skin problems. Zinc promotes wound healing, relieves inflammation, kills bacteria, increases collagen production, fights seborrhea and dandruff, and normalizes the water-fat balance of the skin.

How does zinc ointment affect the skin:

  • reduces secretion sebaceous glands;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • promotes rapid maturation and removal of subcutaneous acne;
  • dries and treats already mature acne;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • soothes irritated and damaged epidermis.

Zinc ointment consists of 90% Vaseline. 10% is zinc oxide. Despite its oily texture, the product is suitable for owners of all skin types.

What acne does it help against?

Zinc ointment is used in the most different cases. It will cure ulcers, eczema, diaper rash, irritation, and prickly heat. Allergies to this drug are rare. In the case of subcutaneous acne, you need to be careful - sometimes zinc ointment does not draw out pus, but, on the contrary, promotes the growth of a closed comedon.

How to use for acne on face

If you suffer from acne on your face and want to be cured with zinc ointment, follow a few simple rules:

  • apply the product to cleansed skin; you can first make a clay mask or use a scrub;
  • if you are treating one pimple, there is no need to smear the entire face, apply the product pointwise using a cotton swab;
  • do not use zinc ointment as a base for makeup; apply makeup only after you have washed off the product;
  • It is best to use the ointment at night, and in the morning wash your face and apply makeup as usual;
  • if you are at home, then you can treat acne 3-4 times a day;
  • the product is not absorbed, so be careful with clothing;
  • If you apply the ointment at night, then before going to bed, blot the treated area with a napkin so as not to stain the pillow.

How to use for back acne

Acne often appears on the back, especially in those who suffer from increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. In this case, zinc ointment should be applied after a shower or bath to steamed skin. Treat in the same way as on the face, pointwise. You can't get dressed. First, rashes treated with ointment must breathe for the remedy to work. Secondly, you will simply stain your clothes, and it is very difficult to remove greasy stains.

You should use the product with caution if you have oily skin. Apply the ointment in a thin layer, removing excess with a napkin. You cannot use cosmetics on top, otherwise the pores will become clogged and acne will break out with renewed vigor. This will not be due to the fact that the medicine is not suitable for you, but bacteria are actively multiplying on contaminated skin and inflammatory elements arise.

If you have dry epidermis, age-related wrinkles, or suffer from dull skin color, then you can periodically apply a thin layer of zinc ointment to your entire face. A course of such treatment will restore elasticity to the epidermis and fresh look.

Contraindications and precautions


  • acute purulent processes, boils, hidradenitis;
  • individual intolerance to drugs containing zinc;
  • areas of skin near mucous membranes.

If you are being treated with zinc ointment, do not use any other external preparations to eliminate skin problems.

Conjunctivitis and inflammation on the eyelids and lips cannot be treated with zinc ointment.

Not only zinc ointment helps to get rid of acne and rejuvenate the skin pure form. Masks and compresses that contain this product are even more effective.

Nourishing face mask:

  1. Mix boron petroleum jelly, corn oil and zinc ointment in equal parts.
  2. Apply the mask to skin that has been thoroughly cleansed and dry.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove with a napkin, then rinse with baby soap and rinse with chamomile infusion.

Mask for dry skin:

  1. Take spermaceti cream, which is the sediment after cooling animal fat, zinc ointment and vegetable oil in equal quantities.
  2. Stir the mixture well and apply to clean skin.
  3. Keep the mask on your face for about an hour.
  4. Remove the mixture with a napkin.

Mask for skin suffering from oily shine, enlarged and contaminated pores:

  1. Mix 2 tsp. clay, 0.5 tsp. zinc ointment and 3 k. essential oil tea tree.
  2. Stir with warm boiled water until the consistency is adequate for application.
  3. After half an hour, rinse with water.

This video describes an effective and simple recipe for acne. This mask consists of birch tar and three ointments that can be bought at any pharmacy - zinc, salicylic and sulfur:

We treat the problem not only from the outside

Zinc has an active anti-inflammatory effect not only if it is part of ointments, masks and compresses. If you are treating acne with zinc ointment, add foods and medications rich in vitamins and microelements to your diet:

  • the drug “Zincteral”, the active substance in which is zinc sulfate;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • bran bread, beef and veal liver, nuts, fish and yolk (these products are leaders in zinc content);
  • fresh fruits and vegetables.

Many people wonder - does zinc ointment really help with acne? After all, every person is familiar with the problem of acne or acne first-hand, but this problem is quite acute among the younger generation. The causes of rashes are vast! Sometimes it’s pointless to spend not only a lot of money on expensive drugs, but also time to eliminate them. But you forget old drugs that will delight you with their ease of use, price range, and most importantly, their effect. Zinc ointment easily fights various inflammatory processes while drying them out and improves the skin after eliminating pimples.

Beneficial properties of zinc ointment for acne

The main condition is that you need to use zinc cream regularly - only in this case it reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, relieves redness and irritation of the skin, and stimulates recovery.

Zinc ointment is great for treating “immature” acne, and use during this period will be more effective. Therefore, pimples and blackheads should not be neglected and the product should be applied to them as soon as they appear. In this case, the effect of using the drug will be much more effective!

How much does zinc ointment cost?

You can buy the medicine for acne at the pharmacy, and the price will pleasantly surprise you - about 30 rubles. This is a big plus - there is no need to sit in line to see a specialist to get a prescription!

Instructions for use

The procedure for treating acne is quite simple and is not much different from using other products. Before applying the cream, you need to carefully prepare - you need to clean not only the skin of your face, but also your hands - thanks to this you can avoid various infections.

  • First of all, you need to thoroughly treat the skin of your hands. To do this, they need to be washed with soap and then wiped with any antiseptic.
  • Do not forget that before each procedure, your facial skin must be thoroughly cleansed. To do this, remove makeup and any impurities with a cleanser. oily skin. And only after this, you can use the ointment.
  • Zinc ointment is applied exclusively to acne or pimples in a thin layer, but if there are small rashes, then they are smeared with pinpoint strokes.
  • Use a regular match or a cotton swab. They can be reused, but it is better to use a new one before each use - this will minimize infection on the skin.
  • The ointment is not absorbed and therefore may stain your hair or bed sheets. Therefore, after 1.5-2 hours, the remaining cream must be removed with a cotton pad or paper napkin. Zinc acne ointment, like other creams, can in rare cases cause allergies, so before using it on the face, it is imperative to test the product on a small area of ​​skin. And if within 2 hours there is no allergic reaction, then you can apply the cream to the affected areas.

How to increase the effectiveness of procedures?

To obtain good effect from treatment, apply ointment to acne 2 times a day. And during the treatment period it is advisable to adhere to proper nutrition, and include zinc-containing foods as much as possible - nuts, legumes, eggs. In this case healing effect It will come much faster!

When using zinc ointment for acne on the face, you should completely abandon other medications, otherwise it may provoke various reactions or reduce useful action cream to a minimum.

Advantages of zinc ointment over other acne remedies

  • Affordable price compared to other similar means.
  • Economical consumption due to dense consistency. Many people are accustomed to the light, melting structure of creams and therefore at first it may be unusual to use the drug.
  • After the inflammation has healed, the appearance of a scar at the site is minimized. The product not only effectively relieves inflammation, but also promotes skin regeneration.
  • It will help “eliminate” existing scars or pits. Thanks to its high regenerating abilities, it removes aesthetically unsightly defects from already healed pimples.
  • Doesn't clog pores and reduces skin oiliness.

Some cons

  • If you apply too much, or acne on your face a large number of, then there is a feeling of a greasy film.
  • It doesn't have a very pleasant aroma.
  • Zinc ointment against acne is quite effective, but given that it is not absorbed, after each use it is necessary to blot the acne with a cotton pad. Otherwise you will stain your bed linen!


The ointment will help only if the appearance of rashes is not associated with hormonal imbalance or serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other serious problems in the body. Although in this case, no remedy for acne on the face will help. Therefore, if you begin to suffer from inflammatory rashes on your face or butt, you first need to consult a specialist to determine the cause of the acne. And only then begin to treat them. In most cases, acne occurs due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or hormonal imbalance, and when they are normalized, all problems will go away in the shortest possible time!

Zinc ointment also helps against acne on the butt. Considering the safe composition, many specialists have been using this drug for decades to treat various diaper rashes and heat rashes in children (even infants) - all these troubles will go away in babies literally in a matter of days! And if you have prescribed it for a child, there is no need to worry - no hormonal substances it does not contain! But in any case, it is never recommended to independently prescribe the drug to children (and especially to infants) - consultation with a professional specialist is required to determine the cause of the rash!

Restrictions when using zinc ointment

  • Zinc ointment helps against acne only if the application of decorative cosmetics is completely avoided during treatment - the skin needs to breathe. When applying makeup, zinc acne ointment is absolutely not suitable as a base. For working girls, this is extremely problematic, and therefore treatment in this case is limited to them only at night and on weekends. Of course there will be an effect, but you will have to wait a long time for it. Therefore, in this case, in order not to think “whether treatment will help”, you should give up decorative cosmetics for a week.
  • It is strictly forbidden to apply ointment to minor skin lesions or acute inflammatory processes.
  • Is it possible for pregnant and nursing mothers to apply zinc ointment to acne? It is possible, but after consultation with a competent specialist.

Many people wonder if zinc ointment will help with acne? Unfortunately, not all people get 100% results from treatment; some get partial results. And therefore, before the first use of acne ointment, as well as after the end of the treatment period, it is necessary to take photographs and then compare. If no visible result is found within one week, then in this case you need to stop using the cream and consult a cosmetologist.

In any case, this remedy has proven itself for many decades with the best side to combat rashes. And despite the huge selection of medicinal creams and lotions, the cream is still in active demand.

Zinc ointment also helps against wrinkles! Watch the video and improve your skin!

One of the most common skin problems are pimples and acne. Small and large rashes not only spoil the appearance, but also turn out to be a constant source of infection in the body. It is extremely difficult to apply cosmetics to skin with acne; they leave scars and pigmented marks. It is not surprising that all people want to get rid of such “decoration” by any means. A proven, reliable, inexpensive and practically harmless remedy will help them with this - zinc acne ointment.

This ointment has been known for a very long time, it is sold in any pharmacy and has low price. This is a product for external use, consisting of a petroleum jelly base and zinc oxide. It must be remembered that this is a medicinal product, not a cosmetic cream; Vaseline is practically not absorbed into the skin, and can also “clog” pores if used incorrectly.

For very inflamed skin and numerous pimples, thick and rough oily skin, it is better to use Lassara paste. It is a mixture of zinc oxide and salicylic acid with an ointment base. Salicylic-zinc paste effectively dries and relieves inflammation; according to numerous reviews, this remedy even copes with purulent acne, which merges into one wound and is very unpleasant subcutaneous acne. The main thing is that when treating with zinc preparations, do not “pick” the inflamed skin and use the products purposefully, regularly, in courses.

An anti-acne face cream containing zinc does the following:

  • Disinfects the skin.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Dries out rashes.
  • Eliminates suppuration.
  • Affects sebum production, reducing skin oiliness.
  • Promotes regeneration injured areas skin.
  • Makes skin tight and smooth.
  • It has the property of lightening the skin, which can be used to even out post-acne marks.

Zinc is one of the very important microelements for the beauty and health of the skin. If there is a lack of zinc in the body, wounds and injuries heal more slowly, the skin becomes rough, greasy and porous, and it can peel off and easily become covered with acne. For various disorders protective function skin, a doctor can prescribe zinc not only externally, but also for oral administration in the form of dietary supplements. A drug such as Zincteral can only be used as prescribed by a doctor; it has some contraindications and, if taken for a long time, can cause a deficiency of another important trace element - copper. Zinc and copper are not friends with each other, but the body needs both. Do not prescribe medications such as Zincteral yourself; consult a specialist to avoid health problems.

Correct use of acne ointment

Zinc or salicylic-zinc ointment is a medicinal product that can only be applied to acne-affected areas. You should not abuse such drugs in order to avoid various consequences, sometimes very unpleasant. Apply the paste locally, to areas of rashes and inflammation; if there are individual acne lesions, this can be done in a targeted manner. The layer should be thick enough. Leave the paste to act for a period of half an hour to several hours. If the acne is very intense and the suppuration is deep and extensive, the ointment can be applied at night.

At the end of the action, the layer of product is wiped off with a dry cloth, the remains are thoroughly washed off with a cleansing gel suitable for the skin type, or wiped with a swab with hydrogen peroxide. By for obvious reasons You cannot use zinc paste on your face under cosmetics - this is not a cosmetic product, such ointments are practically not absorbed, have a greasy, spreading consistency and can clog pores.

During treatment with zinc products, you should avoid using heavy and fatty cosmetics, as they can increase skin oiliness and contribute to the inflammatory process. It is better to replace them with light mineral powders - they are inert and themselves have a slight tendency to dry out the skin.

Other medications containing zinc may be used as prescribed by your doctor, such as modern drug Cynovitis. It is available in the form of gel, cream and spray. It is very convenient to use not only against acne on the face, but also on the back and chest. Cynovit is suitable for people with thin, dry skin, as it contains such nutrients like lanolin, olive oil, jojoba and shea. With this drug you don’t have to worry about seriously drying out the skin to the point of dehydration, as with regular zinc paste. Although Cynovit has recently appeared on the market, it has already received rave reviews from people who have undergone treatment with this remedy.

Contraindications to the use of products with zinc

Zinc ointment should not be used in the following cases:

  • On areas of the skin with increased hair growth, for example on the head.
  • In areas with weeping inflammation.

Consequences of improper use of zinc

Products containing zinc can take the form of ointments or pastes, depending on how much zinc oxide is added to the base. The paste can only be used to cover individual pimples or areas where they have accumulated, as it dries out the skin greatly. The ointment can be applied to larger areas of the skin, but it should not be overused either. Vaseline does not allow the skin to breathe and easily clogs pores, which, combined with insufficient or improper hygiene, can increase acne rather than reduce it.

In addition, prolonged and uncontrolled application of zinc ointment to the entire face leads to severe lightening of the skin, which takes on an unhealthy, slightly bluish tint. For targeted or local dosed use zinc paste no harm to health is observed, pimples dry out quickly, inflammation decreases, and the skin quickly takes on a healthy and fresh look. As a bonus, the oiliness and porosity of the skin are reduced, and minor traces of age spots and post-acne are lightened.

Attention! The information on the site cannot be used as a basis for making a diagnosis or starting self-medication! No website can replace a visit to a doctor. Do not self-medicate based on information on the Internet, it is dangerous!

Zinc ointment for acne is used if other remedies do not help.

This remedy was known many years ago, but was undeservedly forgotten. The drug was used to treat eczema, dermatitis, diaper rash and even cuts.

This is exactly the case when very cheap remedy helps get rid of rashes, acne, spots better than expensive medications.

The main component in the product that is responsible for treatment acne and acne - zinc. This microelement renews epidermal cells and maintains its health.

Zinc is also essential for the entire body. With its help, metabolism and enzymes are activated. This process is important, since enzyme reactions control any processes occurring in the body every second.

Enzymes are found in every cell of the human body. Among the enzymes whose metabolism is responsible for zinc, we can note those responsible for smell and vision.

The trace element is often included in anti-acne medications.

Among the important characteristics of the composition it is worth noting the following:

  • the product has antibacterial properties;
  • zinc has an effect on the sebaceous glands, pores are not clogged, sebum is produced in a normal volume;
  • the drug helps dry out acne and wounds;
  • the product has regenerative properties. After treating the wound, acne and ulcers heal much faster. After healing, clean skin remains. No scars, cicatrices, or spots are formed;
  • after treating the rash with ointment, the elasticity of the epidermis improves, since the product contains petroleum jelly;
  • the inflammatory processes that occur on the skin gradually decrease, and after a while completely subside.

Salicylic-zinc ointment helps against acne, acne, blemishes, and is safe for patients. It can be used to remove rashes even for nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Doctors often prescribe this remedy to relieve dermatitis or eczema from cuts and burns.

The composition instructions have some contraindications.

If the patient is sensitive to any components of the ointment, it is recommended to choose another treatment.

To find out about the presence or absence of an allergy to the components of the anti-acne drug, you need to smear the body in the elbow area.

After 20 - 25 minutes, the treated area must be inspected for the presence of allergic rash: if the skin is clean, then the product can be applied to the epidermis.

Allergy to ointment occurs extremely rarely in patients. For this reason, doctors often recommend its use.

How to apply the ointment?

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to prepare the skin for the procedure. Hands must be disinfected with any means - soap, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol-containing liquids.

In this case, infection or bacteria are excluded.

The next stage is cleansing the epidermis. Any manipulations on the skin should be carried out only after complete cleansing. Makeup should be removed, the epithelium should be cleaned of dust and dirt.

To cleanse, you need to choose a product suitable for a specific skin type.

Salicylic-zinc ointment is applied to places where there are accumulations of subcutaneous inflammation and spots. The layer when applied should be very thin.

If only a few pimples appear on the skin, then they need to be treated point by point - for this you can use a match. It is recommended to apply the product several times a day.

It is worth remembering that the ointment is not absorbed. After pimples, wounds or cuts are treated with it, you need to lightly blot the epidermis with a napkin - this way the ointment will not cause a feeling of discomfort during treatment. The instructions contain details on application to the skin.

During the course of treatment, you should not use cosmetics or apply makeup to your face. The pores must always be open for the composition to work most effectively.

Not all patients can refuse cosmetics due to professional activity. In this case, salicylic-zinc ointment can be used on weekends.

The treatment will also work, but it will need to wait a little longer. If the patient can do without cosmetics, then the acne should be smeared with the product every day.

When treating rashes and blemishes with anti-acne ointment, you should try to protect the mucous membranes. If the drug gets into your eyes, be sure to rinse them with clean water.

Reviews from patients indicate that treating acne with ointment will be effective if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

How to apply ointment correctly?

For treatment to be effective, the ointment should be applied correctly:

  • Salicylic-zinc ointment is applied only to skin that has been previously cleansed of cosmetics and dirt. Cream or toner should also not be applied to the face before the procedure;
  • the components of the product may react with cosmetic properties, so you should not use the ointment as a base for makeup;
  • You shouldn’t apply pimples frequently, maximum amount applying the drug - 5-6 times;
  • anti-acne ointment does not dry out the skin, so it can be applied not only directly to the pimple, but also in a thin layer on the epidermis.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, pores are cleaned, and inflammatory processes are reduced.

  1. zinc ointment for acne only helps if you use it every day;
  2. you need not only to use a remedy against acne, but also to eat right and take vitamin supplements;
  3. During treatment with zinc ointment, it is not recommended to use other remedies against acne, blackheads and blemishes. Otherwise, the reaction may be unpredictable.

Some patients do not experience a positive effect from the use of salicylic-zinc ointment.

It is worth carefully monitoring the condition of the epidermis. If after a week the rash has not gone away, then you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe a new anti-acne remedy.

Zinc ointment is an effective remedy for rashes

Acne on the face is an unpleasant phenomenon that every person has experienced at least once. Salicylic-zinc ointment is inexpensive, but quite effective means against rash.

But it's not enough to put it on your face medicinal drug. It is imperative to use other measures to eliminate acne and to general strengthening the whole body.

The doctor will definitely give the patient a referral for tests to find out why the inflammatory process on the skin began.

Diet is very important when treating acne with zinc ointment. Experts recommend not to eat foods that reduce the effect of the medication.

These include products in which great content copper, soy protein. Green vegetables, eggs, beans, and nuts can be included in the menu, because they contain a large amount of zinc, which is very beneficial for the body.

For the ointment to have an effective effect on the rash, you need to regularly apply it to the pimples.

After treatment, clear skin will remain for a long time.

It is worth remembering that acne will not go away if the internal causes that caused its appearance have not been eliminated.

Zinc ointment for acne on the face belongs to the category of inexpensive, but quite effective drugs, judging by user comments, if acne has a mild degree of development. Despite the fact that zinc oxide does not include acne on its list of indications, some user reviews call the drug nothing less than “effective.”

Zinc ointment is one of the forms of the drug in which the main active substance is zinc oxide. In 100 gr. substances white contains 10 g. zinc oxide and 90 gr. Vaseline. Due to the absence of hormonal substances and antibiotics in the composition, the product is considered safe and if it is used, an overdose is not possible. Zinc ointment for acne can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Actions provided

Zinc ointment helps against acne, according to users, due to the range of actions it has on the skin:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • dries;
  • has a disinfecting effect;
  • reduces pus secretion and irritation.

The antiseptic property of the oxide is not strong enough to suppress the development of bacteria that cause acne, which is why the instructions do not include such a disease in the list of indications.

When the substance is applied to an open abscess, it covers it with a film (has an astringent effect) and protects the wound from the penetration of microbes - this action is the anti-inflammatory property of the medication.

Zinc oxide is a powder substance with adsorbent properties, so it is able to absorb toxins produced during the life of bacteria and thus have a drying effect.

The Vaseline in the composition is responsible for ensuring that the resulting film remains on the wound for a long time.

Methods of application

Before using zinc ointment for acne, problem areas of the skin should be prepared by treating them antiseptic, such as , which has also found its use against acne. Another tip (according to reviews) is to wash with tar soap before applying the product.

Zinc ointment, instructions for use for acne:

  1. The product is applied to the entire affected surface in a thin layer or spotwise for a small amount of acne.
  2. You should not distribute the drug with massaging movements, since in the presence of pustular rashes, you can aggravate the situation and contribute to the spread inflammatory process into the deeper layers of the dermis and into adjacent healthy areas, i.e. both vertically and horizontally.
  3. The medicine should be used at least 2-3 times a day, the maximum allowed is 6 times a day.
  4. The holding time is half an hour. Then you should blot the treated areas with a cotton pad and rinse off the residue with warm water.

Some users leave the oxide on overnight due to the inability to apply it during the day. Another tip from reviews - to quickly wash off the greasy substance in the morning, you should lubricate your face first vegetable oil and then wash your face using your usual foam or gel.

Zinc ointment for acne on the face, which is used using the methods described above, will help cope with the manifestations of acne in the form of slight redness and inflammation. It will dry out the opened abscess and disinfect it, but the product does not eliminate the main causes of acne. It is more effective for single acne that occurs from time to time.


The drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Therefore, before using zinc ointment for acne, you should test for an allergic reaction. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the substance to the inner surface of the elbow and wait a quarter of an hour. If there is no redness, you can use the oxide for its intended purpose.


A zinc-based preparation is 90% petroleum jelly, so when using zinc ointment for acne, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will cover the skin with a thick, airtight film. This white, greasy layer is extremely difficult to wash off with water.

The drug is also resistant to gels and facial washes. In this case, you can use it, which will not only wash away the product, but also produce an additional therapeutic effect.

A significant disadvantage of this dosage form– this is a ban on the use of cosmetics during treatment. Women and girls often cannot refuse foundation. IN in this case This is out of the question. You can only use the medication while at home.

Before using a zinc-based product, you should decide on your skin type. The drug is not suitable for those with dry epidermis, as it dries out the skin greatly.

Opinion against

Zinc ointment for acne, the use of which in dermatology is disputed, is not used as a monotherapy. This is explained by its low activity against bacteria that have penetrated the ducts of the sebaceous glands and caused acne and inflammation. Nevertheless, zinc is included in suspensions, mash and pastes, where, along with other active substances shows the best results.

To understand whether Zinc ointment helps with acne, you should remember the reasons for their appearance, namely:

  • excessive sebum secretion;
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening and proliferation of cells in the inner layer of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles);
  • acne bacteria;
  • inflammation.

For acne to appear, all 4 factors must work. Sebum mixes with dead cells and forms a viscous mass that clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands like a plug. Such an environment becomes very attractive for acne bacteria, which rush into these areas and, as a result of the body’s reaction to their vital activity, inflammation occurs - acne appears.

Hair follicles, where the ducts of the sebaceous glands exit, lie at an average depth of 2-4 mm. Zinc oxide is insoluble in water, which means it cannot break down into ions that can penetrate deep into the skin, enter the area of ​​inflammation and somehow affect hypersecretion and hyperkeratosis. This can only be done by zinc compounds based on hyaluronate, acetate dihydrate and sulfate, which are soluble in various solvents. These compounds are included in such drugs as Curiosin, Klin AK and Zinerit, which have proven themselves quite well against acne.

If acne affects large areas of skin, they should all be covered. medicine. In this case, zinc ointment for acne can have a completely opposite action. Zinc dries, but the sebaceous glands perceive excessive dryness as a danger to the skin and begin to produce even more secretion to moisturize it, which provokes a worsening of the situation.

The product also does not have a detrimental effect on bacteria - one of the main links in the appearance of acne. It creates unfavorable living conditions for them on the surface of the skin, but cannot affect the living conditions in the formed comedones (plugs).

Post-acne therapy

No matter how effective the treatment is, acne always leaves traces. These may be pigmented spots or scarring of the skin. Good results from acne marks are demonstrated by two components in combination - this salicylic acid and zinc oxide in paste form. This combination drug, in which zinc oxide dries, and salicylic acid acts as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory component and keratolytic. Acid with a keratolytic effect softens the epidermis, causing it to peel.

Along with the horny scales, microorganisms are also partially removed from the surface of the skin. Therefore, the combination remedy is more useful for acne spots than for treating acne directly.

Zinc acne ointment: reviews

Judging by the reviews, Zinc anti-acne ointment attracts many users for the following reasons:

  • no risk;
  • cheapness;
  • ease of application.

And based on what is described in the instructions pharmacological actions Users have no doubt whether it is possible to smear pimples with zinc ointment. Doctors believe that too many benefits and indications are attributed to this drug. Both zinc and salicylic zinc ointment for acne are not the drugs of choice in the treatment of acne, but can only be used as a secondary remedy.


As soon as a pimple appears, the first thing I do is cotton swab I apply zinc ointment to it and leave it overnight. In the morning he is no longer there. But for my son, he’s 15, it doesn’t help at all. He has a lot of acne, and we treat it with Zenerite.


I tried it on acne spots. There is no special result. They seem to have brightened, but are still noticeable.


Why treat acne with a medicine that is not intended for this. There are many effective drugs, and by the way, based on zinc, which are much more effective. They really cost more.