What are obsolete words examples. Outdated Russian words and their meaning. Monetary units. Archaisms. Father-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law

outdated words

words that have fallen out of active use, but are preserved in the passive dictionary and are mostly understandable to native speakers (for example, in modern Russian “arshin”, “bonna”, “vran”, icon”). In total outdated words form a system of obsolete vocabulary in the language, the structure of which is determined by the varying degrees of its obsolescence, for various reasons archaization and nature of use. According to the degree of obsolescence, the following are distinguished: a) words whose meaning is incomprehensible to speakers of a modern language without appropriate lexicographical references (Russian “loki” ‘puddle’, “skora” ‘skin’, cf. “furrier”); b) words that are understandable to native speakers, but are part of a passive vocabulary and are used for certain, primarily stylistic, purposes. Many obsolete words are preserved in stable combinations (“nothing is visible”, “not a voice, not a sigh”). By origin, obsolete words, for example for the modern Russian language, can be native Russian (“ony”, “flare”, “alarm”), Old Slavonic (“vran”, “raven”, “broadcast”, “lobzat”) and borrowed from other languages ("infantry" 'infantry').

Depending on the reasons for archaization, obsolete words are divided into 2 categories: historicisms and archaisms. Historicisms are words that have fallen out of use due to the disappearance of the concepts they denote (for example, in Russian the names of ancient clothing: “armyak”, “kamzol”, “caftan”). Historicisms have no synonyms. Archaisms are words that name existing realities, but for some reason have been forced out of active use by synonymous lexical units. There are 2 types of archaisms.

Lexical archaisms, including: a) lexical archaisms themselves - words that are completely outdated as certain sound complexes (“neck”, “giving”, “right hand”); b) lexical and word-formative archaisms that differ from the synonymous word of the modern language only by a word-formation element, most often a suffix (“friendship”, “friendship”, “fisherman” “fisherman”); c) lexical-phonetic archaisms that differ from modern variants in only a few sounds (“klob” ‘club’, “piit” ‘poet’).

Semantic archaisms - obsolete meaning words existing in the active dictionary (for example, the meaning of ‘spectacle’ in the word “shame”, cf. the modern meaning of ‘dishonor’).

Obsolete words differ in the nature of their use. Historicisms are used both as neutral words - if necessary, to name the realities they denote (for example, in historical works), and as a stylistic device. Archaisms are used only for certain stylistic purposes: in historical novels, stories, to recreate the real historical situation and speech of the characters (for example, in A. N. Tolstoy’s novel “Peter I”: “Gentlemen Swedes, isn’t this world better than Shlisselburg, Nyenshantz and Yuryev embarrassing battles? "); in journalism and artistic speech- to create a highly solemn style (for example: “The sixteenth year is coming in the crown of thorns of revolutions” - V.V. Mayakovsky); to characterize negative phenomena, as a means of creating a comic - irony, satire, sarcasm (for example: “The average person is curious, he would like to know everything about drink” - Mayakovsky; “In general, in Taganrog it is fashionable to run around with actors. Many are missing their wives and daughters” - A. P. Chekhov).

Outdated words can come back into active use, acquiring a stylistic connotation of loftiness or a connotation of playfulness, irony (for example, the modern use of the words “command”, “spew out”, “recline”, “libation”, “youth”). In addition, some historicisms may acquire new life, being applied to new realities as their designations. The word retains its original appearance, but acquires a new meaning (for example, the modern use of the words “ensign”, “Cossack” in the meaning of ‘the cut of a woman’s dress’).

Grigorieva A.D., On the main vocabulary fund and vocabulary of the Russian language, M., 1953; Shansky N.M., Outdated words in the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language, “Russian language at school”, 1954, No. 3; Akhmanova O. S., Essays on general and Russian lexicology, M., 1957; Ozhegov S.I., The main features of the development of the Russian language in the Soviet era, in his book: Lexicology. Culture of Speech, M., 1974; Shmelev D.N., Modern Russian language. Lexika, M., 1977.

Depending on the reasons why a particular word is classified as obsolete, historicisms and archaisms are distinguished.


- these are words that have fallen out of use because the objects and phenomena that they denoted have disappeared from life.
Historicisms do not have synonyms, since this is the only designation of a disappeared concept and the object or phenomenon behind it.
Historicisms represent quite diverse thematic groups of words:
1) Names of ancient clothing: zipun, camisole, caftan, kokoshnik, zhupan, shushun, etc.;
2) Names of monetary units: altyn, penny, polushka, hryvnia, etc.;
3) Titles: boyar, nobleman, tsar, count, prince, duke, etc.;
4) Names of officials: policeman, governor, clerk, constable, etc.;
5) Names of weapons: arquebus, sixfin, unicorn (cannon), etc.;
6) Administrative names: volost, district, district, etc.
For polysemantic words, one of the meanings can become historic. For example, the word people has the following meanings:
1) Plural noun person;
2) Other persons who are strangers to anyone;
3) Persons used in any business, personnel;
4) Servant, worker in a manor house.
The word people in the first three meanings is included in the active dictionary. The fourth meaning of this word is outdated, so we have semantic historicism, forming the lexeme human in the meaning of “the room in which the servants live.”


- these are words denoting concepts, objects, phenomena that currently exist; for various (primarily extra-linguistic) reasons, archaisms were forced out of active use by other words.
Consequently, archaisms have synonyms in modern Russian, for example: sail (n.) - sail, Psyche (n.) - soul; Overseas (adj.) - foreign; Koi (pronoun) - which; This (pronoun) - this; Poeliku (union) - because, etc.
Depending on whether the entire word, the meaning of the word, the phonetic design of the word, or a separate word-forming morpheme becomes obsolete, archaisms are divided into several groups:
1) Actually lexical archaisms are words that have completely fallen out of use and become passive lexicon: lzya - it is possible; thief - thief; aki—how; piit - poet; young woman - teenager, etc.
2) Lexico-semantic archaisms are words for which one or more meanings are outdated:
Belly - “life” (not to fight on the stomach, but to fight to death); Idol - “statue”;
Scoundrels - “unfit for military service”; Haven - “port, pier”, etc.
3) Lexico-phonetic archaisms are words that, as a result, historical development The sound design (sound shell) has changed, but the meaning of the word has been completely preserved:
Mirror - mirror;
Iroism - heroism;
Eighteen - eighteen;
Passport - passport;
Calm - style (poetic), etc.
A special group consists of accentological archaisms - that is, words whose emphasis has changed (from the Latin Accentum - emphasis, emphasis):
The muses of the "ka-mu" language;
Suffi "ks - su" affix; Philoso "f ~ philo "sof, etc.
4) Lexico-word-formative archaisms are words in which individual morphemes or word-formation patterns are outdated:
Dol - valley; Friendship - friendship; Shepherd - shepherd; Fisherman - fisherman; Phantasm - fantasy, etc.
The archaization of words is not related to their origin. The following types of fishing may become obsolete:
1) Original Russian words: laby, izgoy, lzya, endova, etc.;
2) Old Slavonicisms: hunger, edin, zelo, cold, child, etc.
3) Borrowed words: satisfaction - satisfaction (about a duel); Sikurs - help; Fortetia (fortress), etc.

The role of obsolete words in the Russian language is varied. Historicisms in special scientific literature are used to most accurately describe the era. In works of fiction on historical themes, historicisms and archaisms help to recreate the flavor of the era, and are also a means of speech characterization of characters.
Examples of such use of outdated vocabulary can be the novels “Razin Stepan” by A.P. Chapygina, “Peter I” A.H. Tolstoy, “Emelyan Pugachev” by V.Ya. Shishkova, “Ivan the Terrible” by V.I. Kostyleva and others.
In the text of any of these works of art you can find Various types archaisms:
I learned this: according to information from Taty Fomka, thieves were caught outside the Nikitsky Gate (Chapygin).
Archaisms can be used to create a solemn style, which is especially characteristic of poetry of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Examples include the works of A.N. Radishcheva, G.R. Derzhavina, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkina and others.
Archaisms can also be used to create comic and satirical effects: Finally, look at your own person - and there, first of all, you will meet the head, and then you will not leave the belly and other parts without a sign (S. Shch.)

It doesn’t matter what faith you are, what social status you have,
sexual orientation and food preferences,
You will definitely need a dictionary of outdated words.

Abiye - immediately, since, when.

Aki - as, since, like, as if, as if.

Even - if, although, when.

Barber - barber, hairdresser.

To be vigilant is to take care; be on guard, vigilant.

Fluency is speed.

Take care - be careful.

Incessantly - unconditionally, undoubtedly, incessantly.

Shameless - shameless.

Blagoy - kind, good.

Bo - for, because.

Blockhead - statue, idol, block of wood.

Will - if, if, when, if.

Shafts are waves.

Suddenly - again, again.

Guilt is a reason, a reason.

Vlasno - exactly, actually.

Wave is wool.

In vain - in vain.

In vain - in vain, in vain.

I will take it out - always, at all times, incessantly.

Greater - greater, higher.

Gehenna is hell.

Grief is upward.

Actors are actors.

Dennitsa - morning dawn.

Right hand, right hand, right hand.

Ten - ten times.

Divyy - wild.

Today - now, now, today.

To suffice is to be sufficient.

Dominates - follows, should, must, decently.

Dondezhe - until then.

When - when.

Hedgehog - which.

Eliko - how much.

Epancha - cloak, blanket.

Eating is food.

Nature is nature.

Lives - it happens.

Belly - life, property.

They live - they happen.

Jealous - envious.

The gap is a shame.

Legal - illegal.

Here - here.

Zelo - very.

Green - huge, strong, great.

Zenitsa - eye, pupil.

Evil deeds are atrocities.

Hydra - hydra.

Also - what, who, which.

Inde - somewhere, somewhere else, ever.

Art is experience.

Executor - preacher.

Execution is punishment, retribution.

The Cartagineans are the inhabitants of Carthage.

Which one, which one, which one - which one, which one, which one.

Koliko - how much, how.

Kolo - wheel, circle.

Concha - true, certainly, of course, very much.

Inert - slow, unhurried, motionless.

Krasik is handsome.

Red - beautiful, wonderful, decorated.

Cres<т>tsy - crossroads.

Kruzhalo is a tavern, a drinking house.

A lazy person is a lazy person, a couch potato.

Deprivation - excess.

Lovitva - hunting.

Loskiy - smooth, shiny.

Lzya - it’s possible.

To flatter - to deceive, to seduce.

Metaphrase is an arrangement, an allegory.

Multi-species - diverse.

Wet - It's possible.

Mraz - frost.

Me - me.

Nan - at him.

The boss is the founder, the initiator.

No - no.

Below - and not, not at all, also not.

To coerce - to force.

Obesity - gluttony, gluttony.

Abundance - wealth, treasures.

The image is resentment, insult, dissatisfaction.

Ov, ova, ovo - this, this, this; that, that, that.

Right hand - right.

One-person - the same, unchangeable, the same.

This one is the one.

Cool - trouble, resentment, insult, shame, annoyance.

From here - from here.

From now on.

To get rid of - to suffer, to lose, to lose.

Weaning - removal.

Oshyu is on the left.

Sinus - bay.

Packy - again, again.

More than that.

Percy - chest.

Fingers - fingers.

Finger - ashes, dust.

Flesh is the body.

Habit is a habit.

A disgrace is a spectacle, a performance.

Full is enough.

Polk - stage.

More gently - because.

Breed - origin (noble).

After - after.

Pottage - flattery, servility.

Right - fair, true.

Charm is deception, temptation, deceit.

To abhor - to prohibit.

The butt is an example.

Attribute - dedicate.

Providence - destiny, care, thought.

Contrary - opposite, on the contrary.

Coolness - pleasure, pleasure.

Five - five times.

To please is to care.

To blush is to blush, to be ashamed.

Decide - say, utter.

A freedman is a freedman.

In other words, that is.

Dignified - worthy, decent, appropriate.

The caretakers are spectators.

One hundred times.

Path is a road, a path.

Bitch is dead.

Stoolchak - stoolchak, toilet seat.

Obstinate - obstinate.

Stud is a shame.

Also - then, later.

Tee - for you.

Current - flow.

To hurry is to be timid, fearful.

Three times, three times - three times.

Thorough - generous, diligent, caring.

Ubo - because, since, therefore.

Oud - sexual organ (male)

Convenient - capable.

Charter - order, custom.

Phrasis is a phrase, expression.

Praiseworthy - worthy of praise.

Frail - weak, frail.

Chernets is a monk.

Chin - order.

Loins - hips, lower back, waist.

Reader - reader.

Honorable - respected, revered.

Alienated - alienated.

Shipok, spike - rose, pink.

Edition - publication.

Ephesians are the inhabitants of Ephesus.

South - what, which.

Even - what, which.

Language - people, tribe.

Vocabulary is the totality of all the words we use. A separate group in the lexicon can be considered old words. There are many of them in the Russian language, and they belong to different historical eras.

What are old words

Since language is an integral part of the history of a people, the words that are used in this language are of historical value. Ancient words and their meaning can tell a lot about what events took place in the life of the people in a particular era and which of them had great importance. Ancient, or outdated, words are not actively used in our time, but are present in the vocabulary of the people, recorded in dictionaries and reference books. They can often be found in works of art.

For example, in the poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin we read the following passage:

"In the crowd of mighty sons,

With friends, in the high grid

Vladimir the sun feasted,

He gave away his youngest daughter

For the brave prince Ruslan."

There is the word “gridnitsa” here. Nowadays it is not used, but in the era of Prince Vladimir it meant a large room in which the prince, together with his warriors, held celebrations and feasts.


There are different types of ancient words and their designations. According to scientists, they are divided into two large groups.

Historicisms are words that are now not actively used for the reason that the concepts they denote have fallen out of use. For example, “caftan”, “chain mail”, armor”, etc. Archaisms are words that denote concepts familiar to us in other words. For example, mouth - lips, cheeks - cheeks, neck - neck.

In modern speech, as a rule, they are not used. which are incomprehensible to many and are not typical for our everyday speech. But they do not disappear completely from use. Writers use historicisms and archaisms to truthfully tell about the past of the people; with the help of these words they convey the flavor of the era. Historicisms can truthfully tell us about what once happened in other eras in our homeland.


Unlike historicisms, archaisms denote those phenomena that we encounter in modern life. This Clever words, and their meanings do not differ from the meanings of words familiar to us, they just sound differently. There are different archaisms. There are those that differ from ordinary words only in some features in spelling and pronunciation. For example, hail and city, gold and gold, young - young. These are phonetic archaisms. In the 19th century there were many such words. This is klob (club), stora (curtain).

There is a group of archaisms with obsolete suffixes, for example, muzeum (museum), assistance (assistance), rybar (fisherman). Most often we come across lexical archaisms, for example, oko - eye, right hand - right hand, shuitsa - left hand.

Like historicisms, archaisms are used to create a special world in fiction. Thus, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin often used archaic vocabulary to add pathos to his works. This is clearly evident in the example of the poem “The Prophet”.

Words from Ancient Rus'

Ancient Rus' gave a lot modern culture. But then there was a special lexical environment, some words from which were preserved and some are no longer used at all in A. Old obsolete Russian words from that era give us an idea of ​​the origin

For example, old curse words. Some of them very accurately reflect the negative qualities of a person. Pustobrekh is a chatterbox, Ryuma is a crybaby, the thick-haired forehead is a fool, and shabby is a disheveled person.

The meaning of ancient Russian words sometimes differed from the meanings of the same root words in modern language. We all know the words “jump” and “jump”; they mean rapid movement in space. The Old Russian word “sig” meant the smallest unit of time. One moment contained 160 whitefish. The largest measurement value was considered “far distance”, which was equal to 1.4

Ancient words and their meanings are discussed by scientists. The names of coins that were used in Ancient Rus'. For coins that appeared in the eighth and ninth centuries in Rus' and were brought from Russia, the names “kuna”, “nogata” and “rezana” were used. Then the first Russian coins appeared - zlatniks and silver coins.

Outdated words from the 12th and 13th centuries

The pre-Mongol period in Rus', 12-13 centuries, is characterized by the development of architecture, which was then called architecture. Accordingly, a layer of vocabulary related to the construction and construction of buildings appeared then. Some of the words that appeared then remained in the modern language, but the meaning of ancient Russian words has changed over all this time.

The basis of life in Rus' in the 12th century was the fortress, which then had the name “Detinets”. A little later, in the 14th century, the term “Kremlin” appeared, which then also meant the city. The word "kremlin" can be an example of how old, outdated Russian words change. If now there is only one Kremlin, the residence of the head of state, then there were many Kremlins.

In the 11th and 12th centuries in Rus', cities and fortresses were built from wood. But they could not resist the onslaught of the Mongol-Tatars. The Mongols, when they came to conquer the lands, simply swept away the wooden fortresses. Novgorod and Pskov survived. The word “Kremlin” appears for the first time in the Tver chronicle of 1317. Its synonym is the ancient word “kremnik”. Then kremlins were built in Moscow, Tula and Kolomna.

The social and aesthetic role of archaisms in classical fiction

Ancient words, the discussion of which is often found in scientific articles, were often used by Russian writers in order to make the speech of their work of art more expressive. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his article described the process of creating “Boris Godunov”: “I tried to guess the language of that time.”

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov also used ancient words in his works, and their meaning exactly corresponded to the realities of the time from which they were taken. Most of the ancient words appear in his work “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich.” This is, for example, “you know”, “oh you goy are you”, Ali.” Also, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky writes works in which there are many ancient words. These are “Dmitry the Pretender”, “Voevoda”, “Kozma Zakharyich Minin-Sukhoruk”.

The role of words from past eras in modern literature

Archaisms remained popular in the literature of the 20th century. Let us remember the famous work of Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”. Here, ancient words and their meaning have a special, humorous connotation.

For example, in the description of Ostap Bender’s visit to the village of Vasyuki, the phrase “The one-eyed man did not take his only eye off the grandmaster’s shoes” appears. Archaisms with Church Slavonic overtones are also used in another episode: “Father Fedor became hungry. He wanted wealth."

when using historicisms and archaisms

Historicisms and archaisms can significantly decorate fiction, but their inept use causes laughter. Ancient words, the discussion of which often becomes very lively, as a rule, cannot be used in everyday speech. If you start asking a passerby: “Why is your neck open in winter?”, then he will not understand you (meaning your neck).

In newspaper speech, there is also inappropriate use of historicisms and archaisms. For example: “The school director welcomed young teachers who came to practice.” The word "welcomed" is synonymous with the word "welcomed". Sometimes schoolchildren insert archaisms into their essays and thereby make the sentences not very clear and even absurd. For example: “Olya came running in tears and told Tatyana Ivanovna about her offense.” Therefore, if you want to use ancient words, their meaning, interpretation, meaning must be absolutely clear to you.

Outdated words in fantasy and science fiction

Everyone knows that genres such as fantasy and science fiction have gained enormous popularity in our time. It turns out that ancient words are widely used in works of the fantasy genre, and their meaning is not always clear to the modern reader.

The reader can understand such concepts as “banner” and “finger”. But sometimes there are more Difficult words, such as “komon” and “nasad”. It must be said that publishing houses do not always approve of the excessive use of archaisms. But there are works in which the authors successfully use historicisms and archaisms. These are works from the “Slavic fantasy” series. For example, the novels of Maria Stepanova “Valkyrie”, Tatyana Korostyshevskaya “Mother of the Four Winds”, Maria Semenova “Wolfhound”, Denis Novozhilov “ Far Far Away kingdom. War for the throne."

Every person who wants to learn and develop always strives to learn something new and useful for themselves. Vocabulary is considered especially important, which has not only long ago become an indicator of erudition, but can also help in the most unexpected life situation. In this article you can learn about that and historicisms. and the context may also be useful for those who are especially curious to familiarize themselves with.


Historicisms include the names of objects that were used by our ancestors, and today are found only in museums. For example, the word “pishchal”, which denotes an ancient type of weapon used in Rus' several centuries ago. The word “axe,” which denoted one of the types of military equipment, also belongs to historicism. It was something similar to a modern ax, but with two blades.

How did historicisms appear?

The main reason that historicisms appeared in the language over time was the change in the habitual life of our ancestors, customs, and the development of science and culture. So, for example, disappeared types of clothing - armyak, caftan, camisole - were no longer used, and this led to the disappearance of their names from the language. Now such concepts can only be found in historical descriptions. There are many words that have fallen out of use and are now categorized as “historicisms.” An example of this is the concepts that in one way or another related to serfdom in Russia. Among them are quitrent, corvee, and taxes.


This category includes words that denote things and concepts that still exist, but with changed names. For example, our ancestors said “this” instead of the modern “this”, and “very” sounded like “zelo”. Historicisms, which are found in many literary works, are not always completely replaced by other words; they can only be partially changed. For example, phonetically or morphologically.

How did archaisms appear?

This type of obsolete words appeared due to the fact that over time, any vocabulary undergoes changes, evolves and assimilates with other languages. Thus, some words are replaced by others, but with the same meaning. This is that part of the vocabulary that has outlived its usefulness, but does not completely disappear from the language. These words are preserved in literature, documents, and so on. To create them, they are absolutely necessary so that you can recreate the flavor of the era being described.

Phonetic archaisms

This type includes modern words and concepts that differ from obsolete ones by just a few sounds, sometimes just one. For example, phonetic archaisms include a word such as “piit”, which over time evolved into “poet”, and “fire” turned into “fire”.

Morphological archaisms

This category includes words that are outdated in their structure. These include the noun "ferocity" which evolved into "fierceness", the adjective "nervous" which evolved into "nervous", the verb "collapse" which now sounds like "collapse", and many others.

Semantic archaisms

Archaisms and historicisms, examples of words found everywhere, often lose their true meaning over time. For example, the modern "disgrace" used to mean nothing more than "spectacle", and the ancient "common" meant something that was done in one day (for example, "the ordinary way"), and not at all "ordinary".

Modern usage

Sometimes these words, which have fallen out of use, change so much that they begin to be used in a new meaning. This can be said about both archaisms and historicisms. An example of this is the word "dynasty". They stopped using it some time ago, but now it is back in use. If previously it could only be combined with words such as “royal” and “monarchical,” now the scope of its use has expanded significantly. Nowadays you can also hear about a dynasty of lumberjacks or miners, which imply that this profession is inherited from father to son. Sometimes outdated words can be found in an ironic context.

Set expressions

Obsolete words continue to fully function in the language as a part of Thus, some historicisms have been preserved. Example: the word “baklushi” is still used in the language as part of the phrase “beat baklushi,” which means “to mess around.” The same can be said about the stable expression “to sharpen your lasses,” that is, “to chat incessantly.”

Degeneration VS Renaissance

It also happens that words that linguists had already boldly classified as historicisms began to be used again due to the fact that the concepts that they denoted began to be used again. This can also happen if something new has been created that is in some way similar to or related to an outdated concept. Now such words hardly resemble historicisms. Example: charity evening, midshipman.


It should be noted that although all the above-mentioned obsolete words are, rather, a passive layer of vocabulary, they do not cease to play an important role in it. When reading the works of such eminent writers as Tolstoy, Dostoevsky or Mayakovsky, you can very often come across historicisms and archaisms, and in order to accurately understand the idea that the author wanted to convey, you must be aware of their meaning. Therefore, if you come across an unfamiliar word, it is best to consult a reputable dictionary.