Baziron ac cream or gel which is better. How does Baziron AS help with acne - instructions for use and reviews. Why Baziron is effective for acne

The price of Baziron AS and cheap analogues will certainly interest many buyers.

This tool is the most widely used, although many people consider it the result of an extensive advertising campaign.

Now buyers are constantly talking about it, which is emphasized by the beneficial effect.

A little about Baziron AS

At Baziron AS analogues in composition are often found in catalogs. Only buyers refuse them, preferring this drug. It acts on acne, eliminating it in a short time.

Moreover, it is produced exclusively in the form of a gel, but the concentration active substance different.

The reason for this decision is the need to accurately calculate the intensity of exposure.

It is impossible to say with confidence that such a tube is irreplaceable. There is a cream much more useful, and its price is several times lower. People are in no hurry to give up the remedy, unaware of some of the subtleties.


The price of Baziron in pharmacies is high, and pharmacists often do not indicate the main contraindications.

You can't do that, because they can cause serious harm to the body person when mishandled.

What are the main points to be noted?

  • age up to 12 years;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance.

Now there is an ointment that will suit more consumers. Contraindications must be remembered if you do not want to arbitrary choice and calculation of procedures led to unpleasant situations.

The manufacturer indicates a side effect in advance, but almost everyone forgets about it.

Side effects

Thinking about how much Baziron AS costs in pharmacies, first needs to be clarified side effects . They turn out to be a serious problem that can scare a person. What is this about?

  • skin irritation;
  • local redness;
  • allergic dermatitis.

The instructions clearly indicate each item, so do not immediately agree to the offer of the seller.

Having decided on the procedures, you should first apply a small amount of the product, and then fully treat your own acne.

The cost of Baziron AS

On Baziron AS, the cost is set to average. She is 600 rubles, but may vary depending on the pharmacy network.

Few people can afford such high expenses, so they should seriously think about analogues.

Similar drugs regularly appear on the market. Acne treatment has gradually turned into a simple task supported by large manufacturers. And they also succeed significantly reduce the price, making treatment affordable.

Analogues Baziron AS

Baziron's analogues are cheaper, so you should be interested in them. Their impact is no worse, but in individual cases even much better.

Because of what, some doctors advise not to dwell on the advertised remedy, it is more useful to compare several options. What drugs are often used in practice?

The list of options offered in pharmacies is endless. Only the exact match of the components is difficult to find.

When looking for an analogue, you should look at the active substance, because it is the main component.

If the gel is great, enough to find the original version saving money.

Each tube should not be considered in detail. The public should be interested Russian analogue, which became opening for buyers. We are talking about benzoyl peroxide, which is commercially available.

Its cost is several times higher, and efficiency is exactly the same.

secret is a chemical compound.

The Russian manufacturer calls the medicine just for him, and benzoyl peroxide, in turn is the active substance Baziron AS.

Such a paradox has to be faced at every step, which proves that one does not need to agree to any offer.

Baziron AS is a popular and common remedy for acne, but not always a person should pay such a lot of money.

It is more profitable to find a Russian-made drug in its pure form.

Its price is insignificant, and the result is a complete disposal of black dots.

"Baziron AS" (100 g) contains:

  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Poloxamer
  • Purified water
  • silicon dioxide
  • Glycerol.

Medicinal properties

"Baziron AS" is an antibiotic a wide range action, which has a strong antimicrobial and keratolytic effect.

In addition, the gel has such an effect on the affected skin:

  • Has an anti-seborrheic effect
  • Suppresses microbes and bacteria that contribute to the development of acne and blackheads on the skin
  • It normalizes the process of nourishing the skin with oxygen.

The gel also helps to reduce the production of fat by the glands. This, in turn, prevents the formation of acne, since they most often occur on oily skin.

In addition, this antibiotic dissolves existing blackheads and prevents the formation of new ones. He destroys harmful microorganisms found on human skin.

Indications for use

"Baziron AS" can be used to treat acne, acne and first degree burns. It can also be applied to different types dermatitis.

The average price is from 670 to 850 rubles.

Release form

"Baziron AS" is available in the form of a white gel in tubes of 2 and 5%. The antibiotic has a slight specific smell. 1 tube contains 40 g of the drug.

Mode of application

Apply the cream "Baziron AS" only externally. Taking it orally or in any other way would be wrong and dangerous to health.

It is better to use the gel twice a day (morning and evening).

With light rubbing, you need to apply the gel to the affected skin (it must be clean and dry). There is no need to use a bandage, as this product is quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks.

The effect of the application (against blackheads or acne) will be noticeable after a four-week course of treatment. For a more permanent improvement, it is better to use this cream for up to three months in a row.

A second course of treatment should be discussed with the attending physician.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, you should not use the drug "Baziron AS", since there is no accurate information about the safety of the effect of the active substance of this agent on the development and condition of the fetus. For the same reason, if it becomes necessary to treat this cream during lactation, it is better to stop breastfeeding.


This cream has the following contraindications:

  • Age up to 12 years
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Individual intolerance to the active substance of the antibiotic.

Also in the presence of purulent open wounds better not to use gel.

Precautionary measures

It is important that the gel does not get into the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, as this can cause burning and pain in a person. In case of accidental contact with the drug "Baziron AS" on the mucous membranes, it is necessary to rinse them well with warm water.

Do not simultaneously use the drug with topical drying drugs, which include alcohol.

After application of the drug, direct contact with the skin should be avoided. sun rays as it may cause burns.

Interaction with other drugs

Currently, there is no exact information on the interaction of the drug "Baziron AS" with other drugs. To ensure the safety of the patient during therapy, it would be more correct not to prescribe any additional drugs to him.

Side effects

An antibiotic can cause these side effects:

  • Skin peeling and burning sensation
  • Dry skin
  • Allergy or redness at the site of application
  • Dermatitis.


In case of accidental overdose, the gel may cause burning and itching in the patient at the site of application. Also, the patient may experience an allergy in the form of redness and a rash on the skin.

Treatment is carried out depending on the observed symptoms.

Terms and conditions of storage

This antibiotic should be stored at temperature regime up to 25 degrees Celsius. Keep out of the reach of children.

Expiration date: 36 months from the date of manufacture indicated on the package. Do not use the cream after the expiration date.


Gel "Baziron AS" has such medicinal analogues, which can be used as its substitutes:

Pierre Fabre, France
Price from 478 to 560 rubles.

Main action: antimicrobial, antiseptic. Ingredients: benzoyl peroxide - 10 g.


  • Benzoyl peroxide (10 g) is effective for treating acne
  • Allowed during pregnancy


  • Long course of treatment - 2-3 weeks
  • After applying the gel, a person may experience an allergy (itching, peeling).

Astellas Pharma, The Netherlands
Price from 585 to 650 rubles.

"Zinerit" has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The composition includes erythromycin (active substance). Release form: powder for solution preparation (40 g).


  • "Zinerite" is effective for the treatment of acne and acne
  • The course of treatment can be repeated several times a year
  • Released without a prescription.


  • "Zinerite" can cause burning at the site of application
  • Not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, India
Price from 365 to 800 rubles.

Main action: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. "Klenzit" is available in the form of a gel for external use in a tube of 40 g, which includes adapalene.


  • Effective tool - accelerates recovery processes
  • Light gel texture


  • Klenzit is contraindicated in pregnancy and children
  • The positive effect of the treatment lasts only 4-8 weeks

Sintez OAO, Russia, etc.
Price from 54 to 95 rubles.

Broad spectrum antibiotic. It has an antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.


  • Has several forms
  • low cost


  • May cause digestive side effects
  • Contraindicated in kidney disease and pregnancy.

There are a number of analogues of Baziron AS, both cheap and more expensive:

  • One of the most best substitutes French Eclaran is considered to be 5 and 10%. It effectively cleanses the affected skin from acne and acne, but it costs about 4 thousand rubles.
  • Desquam also belongs to the foreign analogue, which is able to have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the number of comedones, suppressing the production of sebum. Desquam helps to get rid of acne and at the same time does not dry out the skin.
  • The drug Ugresol is produced in the form of a lotion. The result of its impact is noticeable after 2-4 months of admission. One of its disadvantages can be considered very dry and irritated skin after treatment. Such an analogue costs about 140-170 rubles.
  • Proderm cream produced in the USA is applied pointwise from 1 to 3 times a day. Used only for its intended purpose. The drug is undesirable for pregnant women. Proderm should not be used by children under 12 years of age. Such an analogue costs about 120-140 rubles.
  • Synthomycin ointment. Its advantages include fast treatment and low price - about 50 rubles, to the minuses - the ointment can cause a violation of the water-fat balance skin. After its application, it will be necessary to restore the skin for a long time.
  • Ordinary triclosan soap will help to quickly but temporarily solve the problem.
  • An effective medicine is Baneocin (powder or ointment), which costs about 150 rubles. However, the drug is not suitable for everyone. Before use, you need to consult a specialist.
  • Means containing two antibiotics and able to effectively cope with problematic skin: Erythromycin, Levomycetin and Synthomycin - are cheap analogues and cost about 50 rubles.
  • It does not dry the skin and contains alcohol - Retasol, which can be found in a pharmacy at a price of 350 rubles.
  • Curiosin will help get rid of spots and traces of acne. The price of the drug varies from 400 to 600 rubles.
  • Clearasil Ultra is not very popular among acne products, although it has a low price.
  • Uroderm - cheap analogue, costs about 110 rubles, is prescribed by doctors for mild rashes. The composition contains drugs of hormonal origin.
  • Metrogil is able to cope with problems such as seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, acne. The drug is based on the action of metronidazole and costs about 20 rubles per pack.
  • Differin will help get rid of acne, redness, inflammation and scarring after acne. You can buy it for about 700 rubles.
  • Roaccutane is approved for use only after a doctor's examination and prescription. It is used only in severe cases, when the skin has purulent inflammation. You can not buy it in all pharmacies, and the price is from 3 to 6 thousand.

Problematic skin causes a lot of inconvenience to its owner. Acne covering the face forces teenagers to mask the manifestations of acne under a thick layer of cosmetics. In the process of growing up, the problem is not always solved by itself: every fifth adult periodically suffers from skin rashes.

Acne is not only an aesthetic problem. Dissatisfied with their appearance, people become withdrawn and irritable. Baziron AS fights with external manifestations acne and helps regain self-confidence.

Baziron AS - description, composition, release form

AC stands for "acrylate copolymer", an auxiliary ingredient that gives the product a uniform texture. Baziron AS is dosage form in the form of a white gel.


  1. Active ingredient: benzoyl peroxide.
  2. Auxiliary components:
    • methacrylate copolymer;
    • poloxamer 182;
    • carbopol 940;
    • glycerol;
    • disodium salt EDTA;
    • docusate sodium;
    • propylene glycol;
    • silicon dioxide in colloidal form;
    • sodium hydroxide;
  3. purified water.

Release form: gel with concentration active ingredient 2.5%; 5%;10%. Packed in polyethylene tubes with a volume of 40.0 g.

Pharmacological properties

The therapeutic effect of the gel is explained by the complex effect of the main substance and auxiliary ingredients.

Benzoyl peroxide inactivates propionic bacteria (Propionibacteria acnes), which causes acne, and epidermal staphylococci (Staphylococci epidermides).

The mechanism of the bactericidal action of the substance:

  1. In the sebaceous duct, benzoyl peroxide is metabolized to benzoate.
  2. As a result of the reaction, oxygen is released.
  3. Staphylococci and propionic bacteria die under the action of the gas.
  4. After two weeks of daily application of the gel, the anaerobic bacterial flora in the skin follicles completely loses its activity.

With antimicrobial properties medicine has a healing effect on the skin:

  • increases cellular oxygenation, that is, provides oxygen to the mitochondria;
  • reduces secretory function sebaceous glands, preventing clogging of the follicle;
  • absorbs excess sebum;
  • evens out the relief;
  • eliminates papules (rash);
  • stops the inflammatory process;
  • reduces the frequency of weeping purulent formations(pustule);
  • relieves redness;
  • softens dry areas;
  • accelerates cell renewal due to exfoliating action, reducing the likelihood of comedo formation;
  • does not cause resistance, so the effect does not decrease with prolonged use.

Methacrylate copolymer:

  • provides deep penetration of benzoate into the sebaceous ducts;
  • cleanses skin pores;
  • suppresses the secretion of sebum.

Poloxamer 182:

  • cleanses the sebaceous ducts;
  • soothes inflamed areas.


  • attracts moisture;
  • prevents dryness.


  • has the properties of a sorbent;
  • draws purulent contents from pustules (purulent acne).

Indications for use

The use of Baziron AS is not limited to aesthetic problems.


  • acne on the face, back, chest;
  • comedo formation;
  • skin infections with pus;
  • wound healing;
  • trophic ulcers in the shins;
  • increased blood supply in varicose veins.

Instructions for use

The gel is applied in a thin layer to the problem area (face, back, chest) 2 times a day after cleansing. A pronounced effect is achieved after a month of daily use.

Persistent remission is observed after 3 months of therapy. Front repeated course medical consultation is recommended.

Usage restrictions:

  1. When applying, you should avoid contact with mucous membranes. In case of accidental contact with the eyes, mucous membranes of the lips or nose, rinsing with running water is sufficient.
  2. It is not recommended to combine Baziron AS therapy with the use of alcohol-containing cosmetics causing increased dryness.
  3. During treatment should refrain from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Otherwise, peeling and irritation of the skin is likely.

How to avoid dryness:

  1. Use the gel with the lowest concentration of the active ingredient.
  2. Apply the product only on the inflamed elements, but not on the entire face.
  3. Discontinue use if there is a marked reduction in the number of pimples.
  4. After the gel is completely absorbed (half an hour after application), use a moisturizer over the product.
  5. Do not sunbathe until the end of the course of treatment.


The tool does not have a systemic effect, as it is applied externally. It has a limited number of contraindications:

  • age up to 12 years;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

Use the gel with caution during pregnancy and lactation, which is explained by the lack of data on the safety of the drug among this category of patients.

Side effects

Sensitive skin responds to the use of Baziron AS with the following reactions:

  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • increased dryness;
  • burns;
  • congestion causing burning;
  • contact allergic dermatitis.

How to reduce negative reactions:

  1. When symptoms of hypersensitivity are detected the frequency of application of the gel should be reduced to once a day.
  2. Dilution with water reduces the concentration of the active substance, reducing side effects.
  3. Do not apply with multiple wounds and damage to the skin.
  4. To prevent complications therapy with Baziron AS begins with the lowest concentration of the active substance (2.5%). In the absence of adverse reactions, the dose is gradually increased.
  5. Consultation with a doctor is necessary, if adverse reactions noted for a long time.

Treatment regimens depending on skin type

The application method of acne treatment involves a short-term application of the gel, followed by removal. The method reduces the risk of complications in patients with hypersensitive skin.

special instructions

  1. The tool whitens hair and eyebrows, reducing pigmentation. Apply the gel on the forehead and temples with caution.
  2. When using on the back, you should wait until the gel is completely absorbed and dried, because the product leaves stains on clothes, discoloring the fabric.

Interaction with other drugs

There are no data on a decrease or increase in the activity of systemic drugs when used simultaneously with Baziron AS.

Benzoyl peroxide tends to increase or decrease the therapeutic effect of external acne treatments:

  • Local antibiotics(azelaic acid, clindamycin, erythromycin): negative effect.

Reduced efficiency antibacterial agents against the background of therapy with Baziron AS is explained by the long-term use of benzoyl peroxide. Against this background, propionic bacteria and staphylococci acquire resistance to antibacterial substances.

  • Metrogyl gel for external use: synergism. Here .

Since baziron and metrogil act on different strains of bacteria, the agents enhance each other's actions.

  • Retinoids(differin, klenzite): increased side effects.

The preparations complement each other's actions, providing a powerful exfoliating effect. As a result, an undesirable reaction occurs - increased dryness. Read about it here.

For the treatment of mild to moderate acne, the French-made acne preparation Baziron has positively proven itself.

The product is produced by the pharmaceutical company Laboratoires GALDERMA.

And although it appeared on the cosmetology market relatively recently, it has already managed to win positive reviews from dermatologists and their patients.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Let's figure out what remarkable properties Baziron has, does it really help with acne on the face and body, and also how to use it correctly.


The active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide or Dibenzoyl peroxide.

  • It is a highly flammable and flammable substance used to create special effects during filming and is also effective in treating acne.
  • As auxiliary ingredients, the composition includes glycerin, acrylate copolymer, propylene glycol, disodium edetate, carbomer, distilled water and others.

Release form

The pharmacy sells Baziron gel, despite the fact that many mistakenly call the drug a cream or ointment.

There are forms with different concentrations of the active substance:

  • 2.5% - 25 mg / 1 g;
  • 5% - 50 mg / 1 g;
  • 10% - 100 mg / 1 g.

Auxiliary components provide a light texture of the gel, its uniform application, distribution and absorption.

How it works

The effectiveness of benzoyl peroxide is due to the following properties:

  • the ability to relieve inflammation;
  • destroy pathogenic microflora;
  • increase oxygen delivery to tissue cells;
  • reduce the production of sebum;
  • dissolve comedones;
  • prevent clogging of pores;
  • prevent skin aging and wilting;
  • moisturize and nourish.

This antimicrobial drug also acts as a prophylactic.

Photo: the drug can be used as a prophylactic

It disrupts the ability of bacteria, in particular, to reproduce.

And, therefore, does not allow the infection to spread to healthy areas of the skin.

Microorganisms cannot develop resistance (resistance) to Baziron, so it is not addictive and is suitable for long-term therapy.

  • The gel slows down the aging process in tissues, softens the epidermis, moisturizes, makes the skin smooth and velvety. Unlike preparations with acids, it does not have such a powerful drying effect, therefore it is equally safe for treating acne in people with oily or combination skin, as well as with dry and sensitive skin.
  • Due to the elimination of excess fat, protection is provided against the formation of plugs in the ducts of the glands - comedones. This explains the fact that not new acne.
  • Baziron reduces the concentration of fatty acids in tissues, changes the composition of sebum, reduces the growth rate of squamous epithelial cells and soothes inflamed sebaceous glands. This protects against the formation of subcutaneous rashes for a long time.
  • The gel is prescribed for processing trophic ulcers due to the ability to improve the access of oxygen to the deep layers of the skin. The top layer of the epidermis eventually dies and flakes off. But in people suffering from rashes, horny scales remain on the surface, clogging the openings of the pores. Baziron destroys this film, at the same time destroying bacteria, due to which the excretory ducts are cleared, and sebum comes out unhindered.


  • Among the minuses, the most unpleasant is the ability of the gel to dry the skin and cause peeling. Therefore, people who have naturally dry skin are advised to apply a moisturizer.
  • Another disadvantage is the high price. However, the drug is used very economically. One tube is enough for almost a month.

How to use Baziron AC for acne

The gel has a minimum of contraindications, therefore it is prescribed for the treatment of acne in.

A teenager with mild or medium degree severity, it is ideal as a primary treatment.

Photo: the tool effectively treats acne in a teenager

And in more serious forms of the disease, it is better to use it as part of complex therapy.

  • Before applying the product, the skin must be cleaned and thoroughly dried. Do not use soap for washing, it is better to replace it with a water-soluble gel or foam. In order not to spread bacteria, experts advise wiping your face with disposable paper tissues rather than a towel.
  • Squeeze out a strip of Baziron 1–1.5 cm long, gently spread over the surface of the integument, lightly rubbing in circular massage movements. It is advisable to lubricate the affected areas twice a day - in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed.

The course of treatment is long - at least 3 months, since the effect of the drug does not appear immediately, but gradually.

But it has been noticed that if Baziron is used for acne for a month, the skin will become much cleaner, which is confirmed by reviews of about 30% of patients.

The manual contains special instructions.

  1. It is necessary to avoid getting the gel on the mucous membranes, and especially in the eyes. If this happens, then the affected areas should be washed with plenty of running water.
  2. It is not advised to use Baziron simultaneously with other exfoliating and drying agents (, azelaic acid,).
  3. Therapy is recommended to start with a gel with a minimum concentration of the active substance (2.5%). In the second month of treatment, you can use the remedy 5%, in the third - 10%.
  4. Treated areas must not be exposed to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.
  5. If immediately after application there was a feeling severe itching, burning, redness and other signs of irritation, then stop using immediately.


Baziron is contraindicated:

  • children under 12;
  • during the period and breastfeeding;
  • with hypersensitivity to the components.

Side effect

Like any drug, the gel can cause side effects:

Photo: redness and dryness of the skin at the site of exposure to the drug

  • irritation;
  • dryness and peeling;
  • itching and burning;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • rash in the form of bubbles.


IN Lately appeared quite a lot from acne.

But to figure out for yourself what is more suitable for specific person, pretty hard. There are more than a dozen analogues of Baziron, the most popular of which are Oxygel, Ugresol, Oxy, Clean & Clear, PCA Skin, AULA S CHOICE and others.

Many are interested in what is better Baziron, or Skinoren, which are also effective against acne.

Each of them contains completely different substances.

For example, Zinerit contains erythromycin and zinc.

  • fights most of the known bacteria, the presence of which negatively affects the condition of the integument.
  • And zinc dries out acne that has already formed, stimulating them as soon as possible.

Skinoren contains azelaic acid, which reduces the production of fatty acids - one of the main causes of rashes.

It inhibits the growth of abnormal melanocytes, therefore it relieves well.