Arbidol (tablets, capsules) - instructions, application features, real possibilities. Comparison with analogues Anaferon and Kagocel. Arbidol allergy What composition does the medicine have?

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This instructions for use of Arbidol will be useful for those who intend to purchase the drug and want to know more about it medicinal properties, as well as for those who have already purchased it, but cannot find the instruction insert to study it before starting use. 1

What effect does the drug have on the body?

Arbidol is a drug that has antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Its effect is based on the fact of synchronous activation of several mechanisms at once. It prevents the virus from connecting to the cell membrane, promotes the formation of the hormone interferon, and the activation of 2 types of defense: cellular and humoral.

In addition to the fact that taking the drug provides an antiviral and immunostimulating effect, it minimizes the manifestations of the disease; reduces the level of complications that may arise, for example, pneumonia or bronchitis, if we are talking about a virus; increases the remission period if we are talking about frequent exacerbations of chronic infections of a bacterial nature.

When used prophylactically, the risk of infection is minimized. If the disease has already developed, thanks to Arbidol it occurs in a milder form and promotes rapid recovery.

If we are talking about the treatment of infections of a viral nature, early administration of the drug (in the first two days) will be effective.

What is the composition of the medicine?

The active ingredient of Arbidol is umifenovir - 50 and 100 mg.

The composition also contains auxiliary elements that provide stability to the release form, including cellulose, potato starch, povidone, titanium dioxide and others.

In what form is the medicine produced?

There are two forms of release of Arbidol: capsule And tablet:

  1. The tablets are round, they are covered with a film shell, which has a shade from pure white to creamy. This release form is distinguished by the presence of bulges on both sides. The color at the fracture site ranges from pure white to yellowish-greenish.
  2. Arbidol capsules in minimal dosage yellow color, their number is 3. In the maximum dosage, the number of which is 1, the capsules have White color and a yellow cap. In this form of release, the powder is mixed with granules; their color can vary from snow-white to white with a tint of greenish or yellowish.

When should you take the medicine?

There are a number of indications for the use of Arbidol. It should be taken for preventive purposes and for the treatment of certain painful conditions that occur in children and adults, namely with:

  1. secondary immunodeficiency states;
  2. SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome;
  3. acute respiratory infectious diseases;
  4. influenza type A/B;
  5. to avoid postoperative complications that are infectious in nature, and to normalize immunity;
  6. For complex therapy chronic form of bronchitis, pneumonia and repeated outbreaks of herpes infection;
  7. to eliminate acute intestinal infections of rotavirus etiology in children over 3 years of age.

Does Arbidol have any contraindications?

Arbidol should not be taken:

  1. children who have not yet reached the age of three;
  2. people with extreme sensitivity to the active substance.

A side effect of Arbidol is the occurrence of allergies and accompanying symptoms.

Arbidol can be prescribed in parallel with other medications, since negative interaction results have not previously been observed.

No studies have been conducted on taking the drug during pregnancy and lactation, and therefore there is no reliable information about the safety of the drug during this period.

How to take the product correctly?

The dosage of Arbidol depends on what age category belongs to the patient:

  1. children who belong to the age group after 12 years are prescribed dosages corresponding to adult dosages, and they amount to 200 mg at a time;
  2. age group 6 – 12 years – 100 mg of the drug is prescribed. This can be a capsule with a maximum content or two 50 mg each;
  3. children younger age(3-6 years old) you need to give 1 capsule of the minimum dosage, that is, the medication norm for this age group is 50 mg.

Reception for purposes prevention:

  1. during forced interaction with a person with the flu, Arbidol is taken for two weeks, 200 mg every day by adults; children 6 – 12 years old – dose 100 mg, the youngest age group(3-6) – 50 mg;
  2. if we are talking about taking Arbidol during a flu epidemic, you need to take 100 mg per day, taking a break for three days, the course duration is three weeks;
  3. to prevent the recurrence of herpes and bronchitis, the drug is taken twice a week, an adult single dosage is 200 mg, for a group of children 6 - 12 years old - a dose of 100 mg, for junior group– 50 mg.
  1. for acute intestinal infections which are rotavirus in nature - children over 12 years of age take 200 mg four times a day, duration of administration is 5 days, children younger school age– 100 mg also 4 times a day, duration of administration is at least 5 days, for the youngest, while maintaining the duration of administration, the dosage is reduced to 50 mg;
  2. when influenza virus type A/B enters the body - 200 mg four times a day for 72 hours, for children the dosage should be reduced according to the recommendations given above;
  3. If, as a result of ARVI, a complication has arisen and pneumonia has developed, and immunity has also decreased, patients are recommended to drink 200 mg three times a day, duration – 5 days, after which 200 mg once every 7 days for 4 weeks.
  4. if we are talking about the treatment of SARS, the dose of the drug for children over 12 years of age and adults is 200 mg, taken twice a day, the therapeutic course is 9-10 days.

Method of using Arbidol to prevent the development of complications during rehabilitation after surgery: take 200 mg two days before the intervention, twice after it: on the second and fifth days.

Are there any special features in storing the product?

Arbidol should be stored in a dark, dry place, away from children, at temperatures up to +25. Capsules have more long term storage than tablets. They can be stored for 3 years, while tablets only last 2.

Taking medications after the expiration date is prohibited.

Who produces the drug and should be held responsible in case of claims?

The manufacturer of Arbidol is Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC, when it comes to the production of capsules. Production facilities are located in Kursk. The manufacturer of the tablet form is Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimpharm OJSC, production is established in Tomsk.

Are there any analogues for Arbidol?

Known medicines, which contain identical active substance, in other words, analogues of Arbidol:

  1. arpeflu, which is similar to Arbidol in release form, composition and dosage, is produced by Lekpharm;
  2. arpetolide – film-coated tablets, manufactured by Lekpharm;
  3. ORVITOL NP - a drug in capsules from the Dutch manufacturer H. Ten Herkel and others.

Arbidol: effect on the virus

Excipients: modified starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium salt of stearic acid, polyvinylpyrrolidone, opadry-2, lactose.

Prevention and treatment of acute viral infections respiratory tract(influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, Infectious mononucleosis, adenovirus, herpes, etc.);

Prevention and treatment of acute viral infections gastrointestinal tract(enetrovirus, rotavirus, etc.);

Treatment of infectious pathology in secondary immunodeficiency conditions;

An integrated approach to the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases, as well as often recurrent herpetic infections.

1. Arbidol hydrochloride blocks the hemagglutinin protein of the viral envelope, which is responsible for the settling of the virus on cell wall and for the penetration of the virus into the cell. Thus, Arbidol prevents the multiplication of the virus in the epithelial cells of the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract.

2. Arbidol hydrochloride in the first phase of action stimulates the production of endogenous interferon, which contributes to the stimulation of T-cell and phagocytic immunity. This mechanism determines the immunomodulatory effect of Arbidol.

The combination of these two mechanisms of action leads to an easier course of viral and bacterial infections(the severity of intoxication syndrome decreases) and reduces the likelihood of complications.

Arbidol is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and already 90 minutes after taking a 100 mg tablet/capsule, the concentration of the drug in the blood reaches its maximum values. Has a short period of distribution to organs and tissues.

Partially processed in the liver (39%), partially excreted unchanged (40%) with bile, and 21% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys. Within 24 hours after administration, 90% of the dose taken is eliminated.

The drug is low toxic, the average lethal dose is at least 4 g/kg body weight

WITH therapeutic purpose adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed Arbidol 200 mg four times a day before meals, at regular intervals. For children aged 6-12 years, the drug is prescribed 100 mg four times a day, for children aged three to six years - 50 mg according to the same regimen. This course of treatment lasts five days, after which the drug intake is reduced to once a day while maintaining the age-specific single dose, and the course of treatment continues for another 28 days.

For preventive purposes, Arbidol is prescribed once a day, before meals: people over 12 years old - 200 mg, from 6 to 12 years old - 100 mg, from 3 to 6 years old - 50 mg. If the drug is used for prophylaxis in direct contact with a person suffering from ARVI, then taking the drug according to this regimen should be daily and last one and a half to two weeks. If the drug is used for prophylactic purposes during an epidemiologically dangerous period, then Arbidol can be used 2 times a week for three weeks in compliance with the above doses.

The use of Arbidol is limited and requires medical supervision in patients with hepatic and renal failure, chronic diseases cardiovascular system, lactose intolerance.

Reviews about “Arbidol for children”:

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Arbidol for children - review of an antiviral agent

Children who have contracted a viral infection are often prescribed Arbidol. The attitude of mothers towards this drug is ambiguous. Some start giving it to children at the first symptoms of a cold, while others are afraid to use it, confusing it with an antibiotic. Both are wrong, because taking medications for no reason is harmful to health. And if you refuse treatment for direct indications, the recovery process will be delayed, and the risk of complications will increase. Let's figure out in what cases Arbidol will help the child's body cope with the disease.

Arbidol is an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug.

When is the drug indicated?

Arbidol is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of:

  • influenza types A and B;
  • respiratory syndrome in acute and severe cases;
  • bronchitis in chronic form, pneumonia, recurrent herpes;
  • complications of an infectious nature in the postoperative period;
  • intestinal infection caused by rotavirus;

The medicine is prescribed for infections of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • secondary states of immunodeficiency (the drug normalizes the immune status).

Most often, pediatricians recommend Arbidol to children with acute respiratory infections, ARVI and influenza. Main symptom- rapid increase in body temperature up to several degrees. The sooner treatment begins, the more effective it will be. Doctors also advise healthy children attending school and preschool institutions to take the drug during periods of mass infection with viral infections.

Effect of the drug

Arbidol has an antiviral effect. The drug promotes the synthesis of natural interferon, a protein that is produced in response to damage to the body by viruses. It neutralizes hostile microorganisms, developing immunity to infection in cells of healthy (uninfected) tissues.

Human blood contains macrophages. This is the name given to special protective cells that absorb and digest foreign bodies. Arbidol increases their activity and helps them cope with viruses faster.

The antiviral effect is also due to the fact that the medicine prevents viruses from sticking to healthy tissues. Typically, harmful cells attach to healthy ones using a sticky fatty membrane. But under the influence of medicine cell membranes become immune to the sticky secretion and remain unaffected.

  • the number of relapses decreases viral diseases;
  • immunological parameters return to normal;
  • symptoms of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza become less pronounced;

Arbidol prevents viruses from multiplying.

  • intoxication of the affected organism decreases;
  • the duration of the febrile stage and the overall duration of the disease is reduced.

Harmful effects on children's body When used in a correctly calculated dosage, it was not detected.

Composition and release form

Arbidol is available in three forms:

  1. Capsules of 50 and 100 mg of the active ingredient (download instructions here). There are 10, 20, 30 or 40 pieces in a cardboard pack.

Capsules can be given to children over 6 years of age.

  1. 50 mg coated tablets (link to instructions for use). 10 or 30 pieces are placed in a package.
  2. Powder for preparing a suspension at a dosage of 25 mg in 5 ml (read instructions).

Any of these forms of Arbidol can be given to a child when he reaches two years of age. But capsules and tablets must be swallowed without chewing, so it is better for children to prepare a suspension from powder. Dosing the medicine in this form is also more convenient, because the tablets will have to be broken in half, and dividing the contents of the capsule into 2 or 4 equal parts is even more difficult.

5 ml of suspension prepared from powder contains 25 mg of umifenovir hydrochloride, the main active ingredient. The composition also includes excipients:

  • sucrose;
  • maltodextrin;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • table salt;
  • Aerosil;
  • pregelatinized starch;
  • sodium salt of benzoic acid;
  • sweetener - sucralose;
  • flavorings (“banana” and “cherry”).

The suspension has a sweetish taste and a pleasant fruity aroma.

Children's Arbidol in the form of powder for the preparation of a suspension is sold at 37 g in 125 ml dark glass bottles. There is a mark at the 100 ml level - this is the level to which you will need to add water before use. The drug is placed in a cardboard package with instructions for use and a measuring spoon.

Manufacturers and cost

Approximate prices for Arbidol in Russian pharmacies:

  • Tablets 50 mg (10-30 pieces) - rubles.
  • Capsules 50 mg (10-40 pieces) - rubles.
  • Capsules 100 mg (10-40 pieces) - rubles.
  • Powder (suspension) 25 mg/5 ml (37 g) - rubles.

Pharmstandard is the only pharmaceutical company that produces Arbidol.

How to treat?

To prepare Arbidol suspension from powder:

  • From 2 to 6 years - 2 measuring spoons (10 ml/50 mg).
  • From 6 to 12 - 4 scoops (20 ml/100 mg). If the child can swallow the tablets whole, you can give 2 pieces of 50 mg each. Suitable capsules are 100 mg (1) and 50 mg (2 pieces).
  • From 12 and older - 8 scoops (40 ml/200 mg). It is convenient to replace with capsules (2 x 100 or 4 x 50 mg) or tablets (4 x 50 mg).

During epidemic surges, the drug should be given 2 times a week.

To prevent influenza, give the medicine to children in a single dosage according to age, twice a week for 1.5 months. If a child communicates with a sick person, then for prevention it is necessary to drink Arbidol in the recommended dose once a day for 1.5-2 weeks. In case of symptoms of ARVI and influenza - every 6 hours for 5 days.

Its official name is heavy spicy respiratory syndrome(TORSO).

Prevention of atypical pneumonia:

  • Under 6 years of age - contraindicated.
  • 6-12 years - 20 ml (4 scoops) once a day for 2 weeks.
  • From 12 years - 40 ml (8 scoops) once a day for 2 weeks.

For the treatment of confirmed SARS in children over 12 years of age, Arbidol is indicated in an amount of 200 mg (40 ml suspension, or 4 scoops). Take 1-1.5 weeks twice a day. Can be replaced with capsules or tablets.

Side properties and contraindications

Arbidol has only 2 contraindications:

  • children under 2 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Allergic manifestations are the only possible ones side effects. Occurs in isolated cases in the form of skin rash and itching when hypersensitivity to the composition.

Possible allergic reaction body - rash or itching.

Arbidol: helps or not? - reviews from moms

Opinions regarding this medicine are divided. Some parents believe that Arbidol is very effective in fighting influenza and other viral infections. Others are sure that this is just another marketing ploy. Who is right?

Let's look at the reviews first.

Oksana from Ufa left a comment:

“My daughter is 3 years old. With the first symptoms of ARVI, we went to the pediatrician. Arbidol was prescribed. I immediately decided not to give it, because I think it’s wrong to poison a child with chemicals. However, within three days there was no improvement, and I still had to buy this medicine. My daughter has been taking it for three days now, but I don’t see any effect. There is no trust in the drug."

And this is Ekaterina’s review from Belgorod:

“There is a flu outbreak in the family. Only me and my 5-year-old son remained healthy. The doctor recommended Arbidol for prevention. We took the medicine exactly as prescribed for 10 days. This helped us not get sick."

If you have contact with a sick person, it is better to take antiviral agent.

Veronica from Stary Oskol writes:

“I gave my 4-year-old daughter Arbidol from the first day of acute respiratory infections on the doctor’s recommendation. The very next day the condition improved. The disease progressed in mild form, and recovery occurred 2 days earlier than usual. There were no complications. I think this is due to the antiviral drug.”

From the reviews it is clear that in some cases Arbidol did not help, while in others the effect was obvious. Doctors explain this by saying that the medicine has a positive effect only at the first signs of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, when tissue cells are not yet affected, but are just beginning to resist infection. If at this time they receive powerful support in the form of an antiviral drug, the body either remains healthy or suffers a mild form of the disease.

Analogues of the drug

Arbidol has analogues for the active component:

  • Arpetol (Belarus);
  • Arpeflu (Belarus);
  • Arpetolide (Belarus);
  • Immusstat (Ukraine).

The effectiveness of these drugs has not been proven, so they cannot be found in Russia. But there are several drugs with other active ingredients, but similar action. Here's a quick overview of them:

  • Anaferon (purified interferon gamma antibodies). Form - tablets. The product is approved for use for children from 1 month. Price - about 220 rubles per pack of 20 tablets.
  • Viferon ( human interferon+ vitamins). Form - ointment (140), suppositories () and gel (120 rubles). Can be used even for newborns.

Arbidol's analogue is Viferon.

  • Remantadine (rimantadine hydrochloride). Form - tablets and capsules (rubles). Contraindicated for children under 7 years of age.
  • Immunal (echinacea). Form - solution and tablets for oral administration (price about 260 rubles). Can be given to babies from 1 year.

Arbidol is a good antiviral agent that works if used correctly. The drug helps the body become immune to viruses when in contact with sick people or enhances defensive reactions on initial stage infectious disease. Therefore, this medicine should be given to the child either for prevention or when the first signs of a cold appear. If you start treatment on the second or third day of illness or later, there will be no effect.

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Arbidol - Russian antiviral medicinal product with many years of successful experience in “working” in the field of protecting our health from viral infections, including many forms of the influenza virus and other pathogens of acute respiratory infections.

Developed by a group of famous Russian scientists, Arbidol is today produced by a number of pharmaceutical enterprises in Russia.

The scope of application of the drug is extremely wide due to its high efficiency and the absence of significant side effects. Arbidol is actively used for the treatment of influenza and other forms of respiratory viral infections (ARVI), and is used in therapy intestinal diseases viral etiology, gives a good therapeutic effect for viral pneumonia.

Operating principle

The drug works based on its ability to bind to a protein of the virus called hemagglutinin. It is thanks to hemagglutinin that viruses “attach” to the surface of the “attacked” cells of the human body and penetrate inside, where they begin active reproduction, integrating into the life processes of the cell and destroying it.

As a result of their penetration into the nasal mucosa, characteristic manifestations of a cold occur: swelling, runny nose, cough, as well as symptoms of general intoxication: temperature, headache, weakness.

Arbidol reacts with hemagglutinin and blocks it, as a result of which the virus becomes inactive. Viruses of the same type (for example, influenza viruses) are divided into different types, differing in the structure of hemagglutinin. Several varieties of this protein have an affinity for Arbidol, which provides the spectrum of activity of the drug.

Composition and indications for use

Arbidol should be taken correctly early stages colds, when viral activity is high, and the body has not yet had time to “turn on” its protective immune mechanisms. Such mechanisms include increased production of interferon in virus-affected cells.

Endogenous human interferon, like the active substance of the drug Arbidol, which is a derivative of the ethyl ester of a carboxylic acid, prevents the agglutination (deposition) of the virus protein on the walls of cells not yet affected by infection.

However, before interferon begins to be produced in sufficient quantities, the cold must make itself felt, and the virus must infect a large number of cells. The use of Arbidol makes it possible to compensate for the lack of interferon at the onset of the disease, thereby reducing the duration and severity of ARVI.

Besides active substance The composition includes a number of auxiliary ones: potato starch, talc, methylcellulose, sugar, beeswax, etc. The composition of formative substances varies depending on dosage form drug.

  • Arbidol is indicated for colds: a therapeutic effect for acute respiratory infections is observed when prescribed in the first 2 days of the disease;
  • The drug may be included in the composition complex treatment a fairly rare and very serious complication of ARVI - viral pneumonia;
  • Prescribed for the treatment of viral diseases characterized by damage to the gastrointestinal tract ( rotavirus infection and etc.).

The effectiveness of using the drug for the prevention of influenza and other forms of acute respiratory infections has been questioned by many experts.

>>Recommended: if you are interested effective methods getting rid of chronic runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and persistent colds, then be sure to check out this site page after reading this article. Information based on personal experience author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now let's return to the article.<<


An absolute contraindication for the use of Arbidol is individual intolerance to the active substance or any of the auxiliary components.

Like most drugs that are active at the cellular level, Arbidol is not recommended for use in children under 2 years of age.

Thomas release

The dosage and dosage form are determined by the age of the patient. In this regard, the pharmaceutical industry produces children's and adult versions of the drug. Arbidol for children is produced in tablets, for adults - in capsules.

How to take Arbidol

The minimum single dose is 50 mg (1 tablet). In this dosage, the medicine is prescribed to children from 2 to 6 years old 4 times a day.

For children from 6 to 12 years old, the single dose is doubled, the frequency of administration is maintained.

For adolescents over 12 years of age and adults, Arbidol can be prescribed in capsules, in which the active substance content is twice as high as in tablets - 100 mg. Capsules are taken 4 times a day; single dose – 2 capsules (200 mg) per dose.

Important: the time intervals between doses should be equal, the course of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

If capsules are not available for sale, older children and adults can buy tablets and take them in accordance with the dosage indicated above: the pharmacological activity of the drug in any form is the same.

How to drink

Arbidol is taken orally a few minutes before meals. The drug must be taken at regular intervals, strictly by the hour and only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Should I take a double dose if the previous dose was missed?

No way. Taking Arbidol in a doubled dose, despite the low toxicity of the drug, can cause undesirable reactions from the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, liver or kidneys. Especially if there are chronic diseases of these organs.

In general, if there are serious health problems, the question of how to take the drug, and whether to drink it in principle, should be decided by the attending physician, taking into account the diagnosis and the state of your body at the time of the cold.

Can I take it during pregnancy?

The instructions for Arbidol recommend that pregnant women use this drug with great caution and only for clinical indications.

In the fight against viral infections in children, modern antiviral medications are used, which include a drug called Arbidol produced by the Russian company Pharmstandard-Leksredstva. How does this medicine act on a child’s body and how to give it to a child correctly?

Release form

Arbidol is produced in three forms:

  1. Powder to which water is added to form a suspension for oral administration. This form is most convenient for children, as it is easy to swallow and dose using the measuring spoon included with the bottle. The powder is characterized by a white color and a fruity odor. It is 37 grams placed in a dark glass bottle with a volume of 125 ml. The bottle has a mark located at the 100 ml level to help you properly dilute the powder with water. The finished suspension has a fruity aroma and a white-cream or white-yellow color.
  2. Film-coated tablets. They are round, convex on both sides, white or white-cream in color, and if you break the tablet, you will see the white contents, which can have a cream or greenish-yellow tint. The tablets are sealed in blisters or polymer jars from 10 to 40 pieces in one package.
  3. Capsules. They are less often prescribed to children because these hard gelatin capsules are larger in size than the tablet form. The color of the capsules differs depending on the dosage: yellow ones contain 50 mg of the active ingredient, and white ones with a yellow cap contain 100 mg. Inside there is a granular and powdery substance that is white with a yellow-green or cream tint. One package contains from 5 to 40 capsules.

Separately, we note the medicine Arbidol Maximum. Under this name, the manufacturer offers capsules with an increased dosage of the active compound. They have a white cap, and the contents are the same as Arbidol capsules. One pack of this medicine includes 10 or 20 capsules.


The main component of any form of Arbidol, due to which the medication has the ability to influence viruses, is represented by umifenovir in the form of hydrochloride monohydrate. The finished suspension contains 25 mg of this compound per 5 milliliters of medication, and tablets, like capsules, contain either 50 mg or 100 mg of this substance each. Arbidol Maximum contains umifenovir in an amount of 200 mg per 1 capsule.

The powder additionally contains sucrose, maltodextrin, sucralose (these substances give the suspension a sweet taste), starch, silicon dioxide, benzoate and sodium chloride. For a pleasant smell, this form contains cherry and banana flavors.

Additional substances of the tablets are povidone K30, potato starch, MCC, croscarmellose sodium and calcium stearate, and the shell is made of hypromellose, macrogol 4000, polysorbate 80 and titanium dioxide. The internal contents of the capsules are similar to the composition of the tablets, but the croscarmellose powder is replaced by colloidal silicon dioxide. Titanium dioxide and gelatin are used for the capsule shell, and dyes are added for color.

Operating principle

The umifenovir contained in Arbidol has an antiviral effect, which consists in preventing the adhesion of viruses to mucosal cells. It is this effect that helps to quickly get rid of such symptoms of illness as a sore throat, runny nose or cough, and also helps to quickly eliminate general weakness, fever with chills, headaches and other signs of intoxication.

And in this issue, Dr. Komarovsky will tell us all about viral infections, how infection occurs and how to fight germs.

Since viruses cannot contact the cells of the human body, they soon die. This effect also determines the preventive effect of the drug. Once on the mucous membrane, the virus cannot gain a foothold in the respiratory tract and remains in the body for a limited amount of time without causing illness. If the drug is taken at the initial stage of ARVI, it helps alleviate the course of the disease and prevent complications.

The medicine is effective against influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, adenoviruses and parainfluenza pathogens. In addition to its antiviral effects, Arbidol also has the following effects:

  • Immunostimulating. It is associated with the activating effect of the drug on macrophages, which improves the processes of phagocytosis, as well as on lymphocytes, as a result of which the number of natural killer and T-helper cells increases. In addition, umifenovir stimulates the synthesis of interferon, due to which the immune protective reaction to the virus will be stronger.
  • Detoxification. This effect is manifested by a decrease in signs of intoxication, since the drug prevents viral particles from damaging healthy cells in the mucous membrane. As a result, the inflammatory process is not supported, and the level of breakdown products in the blood from already damaged cells gradually decreases.

Clinically, the effect of umifenovir on the child’s body leads to:

  • Reducing the risk of contracting ARVI or influenza during the epidemic season.
  • Easier progression of viral respiratory tract infections.
  • Reducing the risk of complications of infections.
  • Reducing the frequency of exacerbations of chronic pathologies such as herpes or bronchitis.
  • Reducing the risk of infectious viral complications in the postoperative period.
  • Accelerate recovery from rotavirus.


Arbidol is prescribed to children:

  • For viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, including parainfluenza and influenza. It is recommended to give the drug at the first symptoms, for example, at a temperature of 38 degrees, since an earlier start of administration allows you to achieve a more pronounced effect.
  • For rotavirus enteritis, as a drug for complex therapy.
  • With SARS syndrome caused by coronaviruses (also called SARS).
  • To prevent infection with viruses against which umifenovir is active.
  • For the treatment of chronic herpes, chronic bronchitis or pneumonia. For such pathologies, the drug is prescribed in addition to the main therapy.
  • To prevent infectious complications in patients undergoing surgery.
  • For secondary immunodeficiencies.

At what age is it allowed to take it?

Children under 2 years of age should not be given any form of the drug, since Arbidol in liquid form is approved only for the treatment of children over 2 years of age, and solid forms of the drug are prescribed only from 3 years of age. The annotation notes that the suspension is used in children two years old and older for influenza, ARVI or rotavirus. If such a medication is prescribed for SARS, then the limit for treatment will be the age of 12 years, and for prophylactic use - the age of 6 years.

Tablets or capsules are given to a three-year-old child and older, if the child is able to swallow them without much difficulty. If it is difficult for a child to swallow such a solid medicine, the doctor prescribes a suspension. Since the dosage in the Arbidol Maximum medication is increased, such capsules can be given to children only from 12 years of age.


The use of any version of Arbidol is not recommended if intolerance to umifenovir is detected. You should not give medications if you are hypersensitive to their other components.

Due to the presence of sucrose and maltodextrin in the suspension, this form is not used for malabsorption (glucose-galactose), isomaltase deficiency or sucrose deficiency. It should also be used with caution in diabetes mellitus. For adults, the medicine is not prescribed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Side effects

Some children develop allergies when taking Arbidol. This adverse reaction is extremely rarely represented by anaphylaxis and often occurs in the form of skin itching or urticaria. It is also possible to develop a skin rash or Quincke's edema.

Instructions for use

Suspension, capsules or tablets should be taken before meals. To prepare a liquid medicine, pour a little pre-boiled and cooled to room temperature water (about 30 ml) into a bottle of powder. After shaking, add more water inside the bottle so that the total volume of the medicine is 100 ml (check the label). Shaking of the drug is required before each dose, since the suspension separates during storage.


2-3 years

For children of this age, the medicine is given exclusively in the form of a suspension. Since a single dose is 50 mg of umifenovir, the child should be given 10 ml of the drug per dose.

3-6 years

At this age, Arbidol can be given in both liquid and solid form. The dosage of the medication per dose for children under six years of age is 50 mg of the active ingredient, which corresponds to:

  • 10 ml suspension
  • 1 tablet containing 50 mg of active compound
  • 1 capsule containing 50 mg umifenovir

6-12 years

A single dose for this age group is 100 mg of umifenovir. A child can get them from:

  • 20 ml suspension
  • 1 tablet with 100 mg of active ingredient or 2 tablets with 50 mg of umifenovir
  • 1 capsule with 100 mg of umifenovir or 2 capsules of 50 mg of active ingredient

Over 12 years old

At this age, 200 mg of umifenovir is given per dose, which corresponds to:

  • 8 scoops of suspension (40 ml)
  • 4 tablets or capsules of 50 mg of active ingredient each
  • 2 tablets or capsules of 100 mg of active compound
  • 1 capsule Arbidol Maximum

As you can see, for children over 12 years of age, capsules with a higher dosage of the active ingredient are preferable.

Reception scheme

Taking into account the disease and purpose of use, Arbidol is prescribed as follows:

  • To prevent infection with ARVI or influenza in the midst of an epidemic - twice a day for three weeks.
  • To protect a child who has been in contact with a patient with ARVI or influenza - once a day for 10-14 days.
  • For uncomplicated ARVI or uncomplicated influenza - for 5 days four times a day (with an interval of 6 hours).
  • For influenza or ARVI, if complications arise in the form of pneumonia or bronchitis - first four times, and after five days of treatment they switch to once a week for 4 weeks.
  • For rotavirus infection - four times a day for a course of 5 days.
  • To prevent the development of SARS - once a day for 12-14 days.
  • For the treatment of SARS in children over 12 years of age - for 8-10 days, 2 doses per day.
  • To prevent viral complications after surgical treatment - once a day for two days before surgery, and then on the second and fifth days after the intervention.
  • For chronic bronchitis or herpes (for example, for herpetic sore throat), the drug is prescribed in a course of 5-7 days four times, and then given for 4 weeks only twice a week.

If you miss the next dose, you need to take the drug as soon as it is discovered, and then take the medication according to the usual regimen.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

The annotation for the medicine indicates that there have been no cases of overdose or incompatibility of Arbidol with other medications when using this medicine.

Terms of sale

All Arbidol drugs are over-the-counter medications and are freely sold in pharmacies. On average, one bottle of powder costs about 300 rubles, and the price of one pack of 10 tablets of 50 mg of the active ingredient is 150 rubles.

Storage and shelf life

Capsules, tablets and powder undiluted with water should be made at home at temperatures up to +250C in a place where the drug cannot be reached by a small child. The shelf life of unopened powder, Arbidol Maximum capsules and coated tablets is 2 years, and Arbidol capsules - 3 years. After preparing the suspension, the medication should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 10 days. At the same time, freezing the drug is unacceptable.

We invite you to watch the next equally interesting episode of Dr. Komarovsky about antiviral medicines for children.

Arbidol is a fairly safe drug, and therefore can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. A study of the safety of arbidol was carried out on five species of animals (mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs). In addition, clinical trials of arbidol were conducted on people suffering from viral infections.

How does arbidol work?

The main effect of arbidol is antiviral; it prevents the penetration of viruses into the cells of the body. But, in addition, arbidol stimulates the production of a special antiviral protein - interferon - by virus-infected cells. , which protects healthy cells from infection. A healthy person has little interferon in the blood, but when a viral infection enters the body, its amount increases sharply.

Arbidol helps the body cope with bacterial infection, as it stimulates cellular (the number of phagocytes - cells that capture and digest infectious agents) and humoral (the formation of antibodies) increases. to various infectious agents) immunity. Arbidol is especially often used in the treatment of chronic, indolent bacterial infections.

Results of laboratory and clinical tests

Laboratory tests of arbidol carried out on a wide variety of mammal species have established that it is a safe, low-toxic drug that does not have a negative effect on the animal’s body. Thus, the use of arbidol for six months did not lead to any changes in the animals’ bodies.

It was found that arbidol does not cause changes in blood, biochemical parameters (that is, metabolism) and tissues in mammals, and does not have allergenic activity. It also does not cause malignant tumors, congenital deformities of the offspring and negative effects on the central nervous system.

The study of oncogenic activity was carried out on animals in more than ten stages and lasted more than two years. As a result, it was found that taking arbidol orally and intraperitoneally does not increase the risk of developing malignant tumors. Moreover, it was found that arbidol is capable of extending life expectancy for a fairly long period.

Laboratory tests have been confirmed by clinical trials on almost 15 thousand patients with viral diseases. More than 20 years have passed since arbidol was approved for use, and so far there have not been a single case of serious side effects associated with its use. Therefore, arbidol is widely used both for the treatment and prevention of viral infections among the general population.

The exception is pregnant women and nursing mothers, whose administration of arbidol is not contraindicated, but is not recommended unless there are vital indications. In animal studies, arbidol did not have a negative effect on fetal development and pregnancy, but clinical trials were not conducted on these patient populations and therefore, even despite the convincing results of laboratory studies, no one can reliably say that arbidol does not have a negative effect on pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Sometimes arbidol is still prescribed during pregnancy. This is done when the expected benefit to the mother’s body is higher than the potential risk of using this drug to the fetus. If there is a need to prescribe arbidol to a woman who is breastfeeding, it is recommended to transfer the child to artificial feeding for the duration of treatment.

It was also found that arbidol does not affect concentration and coordination of movements, therefore it can be prescribed to people engaged in potentially hazardous activities, for example, vehicle drivers.