Tatiana's Day: history and traditions of Russian students' day. When is Tatyana's day in Russia When is Tatyana's day in

Tatyana's Day (Student's Day) 2020 is celebrated on January 25 (January 12, old style). In the church calendar, this is the date of honoring the memory of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome, who in the 18th century became the patroness of students.

Student's Day 2020. On January 25, students of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions celebrate their professional holiday - Student's Day. This date falls during the end of the fall semester, the end of the session and the beginning of the winter holidays. On this day, students are awarded additional scholarships and certificates of honor.

Tatyana's Day 2020. January 25 parishioners Orthodox Church They pray to Saint Tatiana of Rome. On this day it is customary to congratulate women who bear the name Tatyana.

history of the holiday

The holiday received the name “Tatiana’s Day” in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome, who lived in Rome in the 3rd century. She was born into a rich, noble Christian family. After reaching adulthood, Tatiana took a vow of chastity and became a deaconess. She dedicated her life to serving the church, helping sick and needy people. Saint Tatiana was persecuted by the pagans. Emperor Alexander Severus sentenced her and her father to death, which was carried out on January 12, 226. Tatiana was elevated to the rank of holy martyrs.

IN Russian Empire Tatyana's Day was originally celebrated as the day of the founding of Moscow University (MSU). On January 12 (25), 1755, Empress Elizabeth issued a decree establishing Moscow State University. In 1791, the house church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana was founded in the university building. January 25 became Student's Day, and Saint Tatiana became the patroness of high school students.

On January 25, 2005, the President of Russia signed the Decree “On the Day of Russian Students.” The document officially approved the professional holiday of Russian students.

Student traditions

Students celebrate Tatiana's Day on a special scale. They visit churches, light a candle to the patron saint Tatiana and ask for help with exams and tests. Universities host festive concerts on this day, at which diligent students are awarded certificates of honor. University students gather in groups, have parties, go to nightclubs and bars.

A well-known student tradition on Tatiana's Day is calling balloons. On the night of January 25, they go out onto the balcony or look out the window and shout three times: “Shara, come!” in front of an open grade book. Students believe that such a ritual helps them pass all exams successfully.

To attract good luck during the session, university students perform another ritual with their grade book. At noon on January 25, they draw a small house on the last page. It must have a door and a window. The main elements are the chimney pipe and the smoke emanating from it. The house should be drawn with one continuous, twisted line. It is believed that if you can draw it continuously, then passing the session will be easy and successful.

Folk traditions

On this holiday, there is a tradition to congratulate all Tatiana on Angel's Day.

Believers visit churches where solemn services are held. Girls who are trying to arrange their personal life, pray to the patron saint Tatiana.

On January 25, girls try to lure guys. To do this, they lay a small path on the threshold of the house. It is believed that if on this day a beloved young man wipes his feet on her, he will be a frequent guest.

Tatyana's Day - good time for making wishes. To do this, you need to go out into a sunny meadow and think about your cherished dreams. Sincere wishes made on this day come true.

What not to do on Tatiana's day

On Tatiana's Day, it is forbidden to quarrel with family members and loved ones. It is not right to refuse help to the needy and the sick. You cannot be in an uncleaned house.

Signs and beliefs

  • If January 25 snowing, then the summer will be rainy.
  • If the weather is clear and frosty on Tatyana’s day, then you should expect a good harvest.
  • Girls born on January 25th become good housewives and wives.
  • If there is an exam on the day following Student Day, then you cannot read notes the day before.
  • If on this day the housewife bakes bread with a smooth crust, without cracks, then the coming year will be successful and calm.

January 25th is Tatyana's Day (Student's Day). On this holiday, everyone congratulates Tatyana on Angel’s Day, visits churches, performs rituals to attract suitors, and makes wishes. Also on January 25, students of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions receive congratulations. On their professional holiday, students perform rituals to attract good luck in exams.

After the long winter holidays, when, it would seem, all the main holidays - New Year, Christmas, Old New Year are already behind us, another January holiday is coming. In our article we will talk about Tatyana's Day or Student's Day - about its origin, events planned in honor of the holiday in 2017, interesting facts.

What date

Tatyana's Day or Student's Day is celebrated every year The 25th of January. 2017 will be no exception - January 25 falls on a Wednesday, a weekday. But this is not a reason not to celebrate, especially for such cheerful people as students.

Events for Student Day 2017

Tatyana's day has two parts - traditional and informal. The first is represented by the presentation of certificates of merit and certificates to particularly distinguished students, a festive concert that they are preparing, and speeches by teachers. The second is student festivities, which usually take place in the evening either at the university or outside it. We think that 2017 will not change the long-standing tradition.

Official events and mass celebrations are usually not held on Tatiana’s Day. True, students will always find how and where to have fun. You can sit in a cafe, go to the cinema or to a disco.

What to do on Student's Day 2017

Student Day in most universities falls during the winter session. And the winter session, as you know, is a busy time - exams, tests... there is no time for noisy holidays. But students would not be the most desperate people if they could not find time for both study and celebration. Usually on this day, parties are held within the walls of the alma mater, smoothly moving to cafes and clubs.

And Tatyana’s Day is also a wonderful occasion for current and former students to meet, remember funny episodes of institute life, and have dinner together in some pleasant establishment.

In 2017, Tatyana's day falls on Wednesday - the middle of the week, weekdays. But the evening is definitely yours. And it can be used to the fullest - for example, go in a large crowd to one of the Moscow skating rinks or to the park for a snowball fight. It will be great!

It is unlikely that students will want to celebrate such a significant day “within four walls.” Still, winter has so many charms of its own – take snow and icy mountains, for example! You can spend January 25 in Sokolniki or Ostankino parks, skiing from the tall mountains. By the way, Sokolniki has an excellent trampoline center, so don’t say that you don’t know where to go to warm up by jumping! And in Victory Park until the end of January there is an open-air exhibition of ice figures - go here for a bright impression.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about theatrical performances; fortunately, January is generous with them, and there is plenty to choose from. On January 25, “Hamlet” is played at the Ermolova Theater, “The Master and Margarita” is played at the Theater in the South-West, and jazz is played at the House of Music. And in the cinema on this day you can form your own opinion about the musical film “La La Land”, which collected so many prestigious awards, and about the mercilessly criticized “Viking”.

For a long time - until the 18th century - Tatiana's Day was an exclusively religious holiday dedicated to the Great Martyr Tatiana of Rome, who died for the Christian faith.

Only in 1755 Tatyana’s day began to be associated not only with religion, but also with science. On January 25, Empress Elizabeth I signed a decree establishing the first higher education institution in Russia. educational institution- the current Moscow State University. By the way, the chapel of St. Tatiana was built at the university (translated from Greek, this name means “founder”).

IN Soviet time Student's Day sank into oblivion and was celebrated very intimately, but returned in a big way after the collapse of the USSR - in 1995. The Chapel of St. Tatiana at Moscow State University was reopened to visitors.

In the old days, on Tatyana’s day, when it was only a religious holiday, the oldest woman of the family baked a loaf of bread at sunrise. Lush bread was served for breakfast and symbolized coming soon spring and warmth, farewell to cold and cold.

January is the coldest month of the year, but it is generous with noisy and cheerful holidays. One of them is Tatyana’s Day or Student’s Day, which we told you about today. This is another great opportunity for the younger generation to have a great evening, and for the older generation to remember their wonderful student years and meet their classmates. Stay tuned for updates to our article - as the holiday approaches, we will publish the latest information. Have a fun winter everyone!

Student life is a golden time, a time when all worries were limited to passing the session and exams. Years after graduation, we remember with pleasure our fun student days. And of course, in our memories there are always stories about Tatyana’s Day - the Day of Russian Students. When is Tatiana's Day in 2018 and what traditions accompany this holiday - in our article.

Tatyana's Day is a holiday that came into our modern life from the Orthodox church calendar. Since 2005, the Day of the Martyr Tatiana has been celebrated as the Day of Russian Students - a holiday for all students in our country.

Unlike most church holidays, Tatiana's Day does not depend on the date of Easter and has a single, clearly fixed date in the calendar. Every year, the holiday of all students is celebrated on the same day - January 25.

Russian Students Day

The history of Tatyana's Day as a single holiday for students goes back more than one century. It all started in 1755, when on January 12 (January 25 according to the new style) Empress Elizabeth I signed a decree on the creation of a new educational institution, which later became the largest in the country - Moscow University.

In 1791, a small church was founded in the wing of the university building, which received the name of the martyr Tatiana. From that moment on, the saint became the patroness of all students of higher educational institutions in Russia. This is how the tradition of celebrating Student’s Day on the feast of the martyr Tatiana arose, which existed until October revolution.

During the years of Soviet power, the student holiday became forgotten - and remained in oblivion until the beginning of the 21st century. In 2005, by presidential decree, Tatyana’s Day was again returned to the status of the main holiday of students - the Day of Russian Students.

Religious holiday

In the Christian calendar, the Day of the Martyr Tatiana appeared at the beginning of the 5th century - the decision to canonize Deaconess Tatiana, who accepted martyrdom for faith and convictions, was accepted long before the division of the church into Orthodox and Catholic. Tatiana (Tatiana) was the daughter of a wealthy dignitary who lived in Rome at the turn of the 2nd-3rd centuries. Raised in Christian traditions, the girl decided to completely devote herself to serving the Lord, and in connection with this she took a vow of chastity and assumed the duties of a clergyman - a deaconess. A few years after her ordination, she became famous as a protector and helper of all the suffering and needy, and her fame spread not only throughout Rome, but also far beyond its borders. For her beliefs, she and her father were persecuted by the pagans, and in 226 the girl suffered martyrdom at the hands of the priests of Zeus.

Folk signs

The day of the holy martyr Tatiana was celebrated and how folk holiday. Of course, over the centuries of its existence it has acquired its own signs and customs.

Perhaps the main sign is worth noting the complete ban on quarrels and disputes with family members - especially with elders. Violation of this tradition threatened troubles for the entire family until the next winter.

It was also impossible to refuse requests for help or ignore beggars asking for alms. First of all, if the request came from the sick and needy. This is due to the fact that Saint Tatiana, according to legend, patronized the needy, and refusal meant a direct violation of the precepts of the martyr.

Since the holiday was still partly “women’s”, by this day it was necessary to clean the hut and, if possible, the yard and stable. Putting things in order on St. Tatiana’s Day is the same as sitting in an uncleaned place, dirty house it was impossible. Therefore, girls born on the eve of the holiday were supposed to become good housewives and exemplary wives.

The peasantry had their own signs of Tatyana's day. Thus, the snowfall that began on the holiday promised a rainy summer, and severe frost, on the contrary, was supposed to result in a rich harvest of bread. The bread baked on this day gave a forecast for the entire coming year: an even, smooth, evenly baked crust guaranteed a calm, successful year without quarrels and hardships. And vice versa: if the crust of a loaf cracked in the oven, burned, or immediately began to burst and crumble, it means that a difficult, difficult year was ahead, full of family quarrels and troubles.

The favorite date of all students and women, to whom their parents gave the name Tatyana, is coming soon. On January 25, we celebrate Tatiana's Day - a church holiday honoring the Roman martyr Tatiana, who gave her life for her faith in Christ.

During the persecution of Christians under Emperor Alexander Severus (reigned from 222 to 235), Tatiana was captured and brought to the temple of Apollo, where they tried to force her to bow to the statue of this pagan god. According to legend, Tatiana offered a prayer to Jesus Christ, and the resulting earthquake destroyed the statue of Apollo and collapsed part of the temple, under which many people died. The life of Tatiana tells about this with many artistic details: “The devil, who lived in the idol, fled from that place with a loud cry and sobbing, and everyone heard his cry and saw a shadow sweeping through the air.”

Back in 1755, Empress Elizabeth put her imperial signature on January 25 under the decree on the founding of the very first Moscow University. 36 years later, in 1791, a student house church of St. Tatiana was opened in a small outbuilding of the educational institution. A combination of random circumstances led to the fact that January 25 first became the University's Founding Day, and a little later - celebrated on a grand scale as Student's Day.

After the October Revolution, Tatyana's day was rarely remembered. Only after the opening of the temple in honor of the martyr Tatiana at Moscow University in 1995, this holiday came to life again. Since 2005, January 25 has been celebrated in Russia as “Russian Students’ Day”

Holiday traditions

On this day, candles are lit for academic success. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana for difficult teaching and enlightenment; They pray to Saint Sava for various ailments; icon Mother of God“Mammals” pray for help during childbirth, for feeding with milk, for lack of mother's milk, as well as about infant health. It was believed that the lists from the Akathist icon protected the house from fire.

The weather in spring and summer was judged by frost. On this day, women twisted balls of yarn as tightly and large as possible so that the heads of cabbage would be tight and large.

On this day, they baked a bread loaf in the shape of the sun, inviting the luminary to return to people as soon as possible. The whole family ate such loaves so that everyone could get a “piece of sunshine.”

In addition, the girls in the village dressed up early in the morning and went to the river, where they beat out and washed rugs. According to tradition, the boys helped them carry the rugs back. Then the rugs were hung on the fences so that everyone could see the beauty and cleanliness of the rugs, and the girl would be judged by them.

Also in the old days, for this day, girls made small brooms from rags and feathers. It was believed that if such a broom was discreetly placed in a woman’s kut in the house of a desired guy, then the guy would definitely marry her, and their living together will have a long and happy life.

Mothers knew these tricks very well and carefully chose the bride who would be able to “hide” the broom.

According to legends, a woman born on this day will be a good housewife: “Tatiana bakes a loaf of bread, beats rugs along the river, and leads a round dance.”

The holiday was widely celebrated among students both in ancient times and in our time. On January 25, students organize a noisy and cheerful celebration. By the way, for a long time on this day, even extremely drunk students were not touched by the police officers. And if they approached, they saluted and inquired: “Does Mr. Student need help?”

Signs for Tatiana's Day

  • When the sun has set, don’t eat a loaf of bread, otherwise you’ll start another day.
  • Early sun - early birds.
  • The sun will shine on Tatiana early - for the early arrival of the birds.
  • Tatyana bakes a loaf, beats rugs on the river, and leads a round dance.
  • Our Tatyana is drunk from the water.
  • If it is frosty and clear on Tatyana, there will be a good harvest; warmth and snowstorm - to crop failure.

It has long been a tradition in our tradition that we love to gather with family and friends to celebrate something. After all New Year's holidays Tatyana's Day and the Day of Russian Students are knocking on the door - cool congratulations look at the material that was published earlier. In this article we will look at the dates in Ukraine and Russia.

Tatyana's Day, or Russian Students' Day, which is often confused with International Students' Day, is a holiday in the folk calendar Eastern Slavs and a memorable date in Russia. This date was set in memory of the martyr Tatiana of Rome. In 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree establishing Moscow University.

After this event, the holiday on January 25, Tatyana’s Day in Russia and Ukraine also began to be considered a symbol of the birth of the university, and a little later, Student’s Day. Let us remind you that in Ukraine the official Student's Day is celebrated on November 17, which is also considered International Student's Day. But Ukrainian students seem to love to party so much that they are happy to spend a year.

When wondering when and when Tatiana Day is celebrated in 2017, focus more on the Slavic tradition of celebration, where the memory of the early Christian martyr, who was tortured for her faith under Emperor Alexander in the 3rd century, is honored. Now Saint Tatiana is the intercessor and patroness of all Tatianas.

READ ALSO - Tatyana and Students Day: history and traditions

Officially, January 25, 2017, that's it. Churches hold services in honor of the martyr Tatiana, light candles for academic success in honor of the celebration of Student's Day, which also falls on January 25, 2017. This day is a great opportunity to show your passion.

We know other names of holidays on January 25, 2017 in Slavic tradition: Babi Kut, Solnysh, Tatyana, Tatyana Kreschenskaya. On Tatyana's day, January 25, the girls tried to lure suitors with the help of tricks. To do this, they spread a special rug at the door of the house. Whoever wipes his feet on this rug on holiday will be a frequent guest in the girl’s house.