Ways to help you fall asleep quickly in just five minutes. How to quickly fall asleep during the day - simple methods Using medications

22.11.2018 at 15:53 ​​· oksioksi · 6 230

10 best ways to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills

According to doctors, in Lately people began to use sleeping pills more often. But you should not thoughtlessly use this invention if there is no medical indications and serious reasons. They are not as harmless as they seem at first glance. The pills can cause serious damage to the body. In addition, in most cases they are addictive. American psychiatrist Kripke says that one sleeping pill is comparable in its effect on the body to a pack of cigarettes. But you can improve your sleep without resorting to drastic measures. If sleep problems are systematic, you will have to visit a doctor or change your lifestyle; few people are ready for this. You can also use the following tips to normalize your sleep.

10. Get ready for bed properly

Most sleep problems arise because people do not consider it necessary to somehow prepare for it. At least half an hour before going to bed, you need to turn off the TV and put away your phone and tablet. Before going to bed, you should get rid of thoughts, and not add new “food for thought” to yourself. Be sure to ventilate the room; stuffiness is a common cause of poor sleep. You can read a good book, but not a detective story with an exciting plot, otherwise you won’t fall asleep until you finish reading it. It’s best to turn on some nice, relaxing music. It will help you forget about troubles, you can quickly fall asleep.

9. White noise

White noise is a great alternative to music. Use any sound effects. Again, a number of conditions must be met. The noise should not be loud and uniform. You just need to focus on it, try not to think about anything else. If you have small children, you probably know about this technique. Maybe you have even tried it without success. Try it for yourself, a child often cannot fall asleep not because of the thoughts that visit him, unlike an adult. If you manage to relax, you won’t even notice how you fall asleep. It is not necessary to listen to white noise; it could be the sounds of flowing water or the noise of fans.

8. Color sequence method

This method is similar to meditation with elements of self-hypnosis. If you can't sleep because you're worried about tomorrow, try this method. Close your eyes and promise yourself that you will fall asleep as soon as you see all the colors of the rainbow. First imagine the color red. It can be any object, concentrate your attention only on it. Next, move on to orange and yellow. When it's blue's turn, tell yourself that when you see the last color, you'll fall asleep. Present it exactly the same way as the previous ones. As soon as you create an imaginary purple picture, the dream will come to you.

7. GRU method

If anyone doesn’t know, the GRU is the main intelligence agency. But let's not go into details. This technique is used serious men, when they need to fall asleep in the shortest possible time. After all, special forces soldiers do not have a lot of extra time, and in order to do their job efficiently, they must rest well. This method is quite simple. You need to lie on your back and relax. Then you should roll your pupils up. This is the normal position of the eyes during sleep. This way, you can trick your brain into sending certain signals to your body. Soon you will be able to fall asleep.

6. Folk remedies

Most The best way fall asleep quickly - work well. This method is time-tested. When a person gets tired, he literally falls off his feet. But if this method doesn't suit you, there are many others. A very tasty remedy for insomnia is honey water. Place a teaspoon of honey in warm boiled water and drink it 15 minutes before bed. You can replace water with boiled milk. Herbal infusions and decoctions are good for helping you fall asleep. Mint, lavender, valerian, chamomile. These herbs are harmless, but will help you calm down, relax and get ready for sleep. If you don't like herbal infusions, put dried herbs in bags. Place them at the head of the bed. You can also use essential oils.

5. Reverse blink method

This technique is calming. At first glance it may seem strange, try it, you will not regret it. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and start blinking. Blink every 10 to 15 seconds. But try not to pay attention to the wallpaper, curtains, ceiling. Concentrate on the process of blinking, open and close your eyes. Despite some of the absurdity of the advice, this method is very effective. Shouldn't be rejected unconventional methods falling asleep without trying them.

4. Visualization

Many people say visualization is a great way to do it. You just need to imagine a dynamic picture. You will say that you imagine something every evening. But vivid fantasies of your ex crying and begging you to come back, or your boss giving you a bonus in the amount of your salary, will not do. You can imagine a pendulum that swings from side to side. Or the surface of a river or lake into which a stone was thrown. The main thing is that the paintings do not arouse interest. Your brain will get bored and you will fall asleep.

3. Take a walk outside before bed

The benefits of walking are enormous. It has a good effect on the body. This gentle cardio exercise will help you not only bring your figure back to normal, but also improve your health. emotional background. A leisurely walk before bed will relax you and help you rethink the information you received during the day. According to statistics, people who regularly walk before bed have an easier time about life. They are calmer and more balanced. Of course, some conditions must be met. You should finish all your work, prepare your bed, and only then go outside. You shouldn’t take a player with you, rather listen to the sounds of nature. It’s good if there is a park near your house, if not, choose small streets, do not walk along busy and noisy streets.

2. Relaxing bath

A bath will replace not only sleeping pills, but also sedatives. It will relieve tension and help unload the brain. You will forget about all the problems and troubles that happened to you during the day. If you do a lot of physical work, warm water will help relieve muscle tension. But this method cannot be used more than 3 times a week. If you take a hot bath every day, your skin will dry out and become more sensitive. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. To make taking a bath doubly pleasant and beneficial, use various additives. This could be sea salt, herbal infusions, bubble bath. You can use essential oil. Just make sure first that the product you choose has a calming effect. Some supplements, on the contrary, lift your spirits and tone you up.

1. Massage

A massage will relieve you of pain and help you relax after a hard day at work. If you know a massage therapist who will agree to give you a massage before bed, you are very lucky. Most likely, there are only a few such people. In this case, self-massage can help out. There are a lot of techniques, choose the one that suits you and get started. Remember that the massage should not last longer than 8 minutes. Still, if you do not live alone, ask family members to help you. You will be able to calm down, relax and fall asleep quickly.

What else to see:

Many people suffer from sleep disorders of different ages. If a person does not fall asleep for a long time, often wakes up and cannot plunge into the arms of Morpheus again, feels unrested and exhausted in the morning, and this is repeated day after day, then the symptoms speak for themselves. Diagnosis: insomnia or insomnia. And we need to start fighting it right now.

Insomnia and its types

The statistics are disappointing. What can you do to fall asleep quickly? More than a quarter of the world's population asks this question. Insomnia occurs most often in adults. However, there are cases of violations in children. The problem may be isolated ( short-term insomnia), repeat periodically ( intermittent) or even develop into constant(lasting more than a month). Any of these types of insomnia requires careful attention to your own health, review and adjustment of your entire lifestyle. It is necessary to eliminate the cause, not the effect.

Symptoms of insomnia

Insomnia is usually accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • lack of sleep at night;
  • frequent awakenings;
  • short sleep;
  • early awakening;
  • lack of dreams;
  • a night's rest does not relieve the fatigue and stress of the past day;
  • During the day I am haunted by constant thoughts about how to fall asleep faster.

Reasons for violations

Health depends on a person’s lifestyle, his emotional state, social status, stress resistance, and heredity. Sometimes other factors also have an influence. Insomnia occurs for a number of reasons. Among them, a distinction is made between external and internal.

External factors

  • Unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Uncomfortable bed.
  • Foreign (usually unpleasant) odors.
  • Stuffy, unventilated room.
  • Bright light.
  • Wrong daily routine.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Low room temperature.

Internal factors

  • Stress at work.
  • Difficult emotional situation at home.
  • A disease that causes pain.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Feeling of fear, anxiety.
  • Problems with the intestines and urethra.
  • Depression.

Falling asleep without pills

In search of an answer to the question of what to do to fall asleep quickly, many are ready to start taking sleeping pills and sedatives. The quick effect, the availability of the product, the minimum effort of will - all this attracts people. At the same time, they forget (or do not know) that this method of solving the problem gives only a temporary effect. The main danger is that you can get used to sleeping pills, like a drug. Without the medicine it is no longer possible to fall asleep. No self-respecting physician would advise for a long time take such drugs. Temporary calm and stress reduction will not cure insomnia.

results medical research showed that long-term use of sleeping pills can cause cancerous tumor and also lead to premature death. There are medications that have side effects. Although Israeli doctors, for example, claim that medications new generation are harmless. But you shouldn't abuse it. And even more so, you should not start taking sedative and antiphobic drugs on your own.

The best ways to fall asleep quickly

Everyone chooses for themselves whether to count sheep before going to bed or take an evening walk, or maybe even become a vegetarian. There are a lot of ways. So, if you are faced with the question “how to fall asleep faster,” you should pay attention to some of them.

1. Dreams. Before going to bed, think only about good things, dream, turn on your imagination.

2. Sex. Pay more attention to your intimate life. Having sex, especially with a loved one, promotes relaxation and healthy sleep.

3. Noise background. Turn on calm, quiet, well-known music, immerse yourself in yourself.

4. Summarizing. Before going to bed, review your day. Mentally take note of what you managed to do and determine your priorities for tomorrow. But don't focus on the problems. Also, your task is not to think about how to quickly fall asleep at night, but to put an end to today and get satisfaction from the tasks completed.

5. Warm drink. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk, preferably with honey. It is undesirable to drink coffee or tea in the evening, which tone the body. But herbal infusions will be useful in the fight against insomnia.

6. Night rest place. If you have problems sleeping, then you should not fall asleep outside the bedroom walls. Create a small cozy world in your room, don’t eat food there, don’t receive guests, don’t play sports. This is your place to sleep. Choose thick curtains and keep the lights dim. It is better to allocate a place for the computer and TV in the living room. Ideally, you need to turn off your phone and take your favorite laptop to the next room.

7. Arithmetic. In the question “how to fall asleep faster”, a simple count from 1 until your brain gets bored will help. But don't solve examples, as this will, on the contrary, force you to concentrate.

8. Sleeping area. Your bed should be moderately soft, warm (but not hot) and smelling good. Avoid intrusive odors that can cause headaches.

9. Relaxation. Many people find it helpful to relax before bed by taking a non-hot bath using sea salt.

10. Minimum alcohol. Avoid alcohol before bed. Vodka, beer and other alcoholic drinks dehydrate the body and interfere with proper rest.

11. Food. Don't overeat in the evening, thinking about how to fall asleep faster. A dinner that contains spicy, salty or sweet foods is especially undesirable. But don't go hungry either. In pursuit of a figure, you can develop a sleep disorder.

12. Sport. All physical exercise do it in the first half of the day, otherwise you will end up with a long tossing and turning from side to side. It's best to take a slow walk before bed to get some fresh air.

13. Body position. Choose the right sleeping position. Make yourself more comfortable, then in the morning there will be no feeling of aches throughout your body and weakness.

14. Mode. Develop a daily routine for yourself and stick to it as much as possible. Then the body itself will tell you when it’s time to go to bed and when it’s time to wake up.

15. Daytime sleep. Rest in the afternoon is beneficial, but only if it does not last more than 2 hours. Then you won't have to worry about falling asleep very quickly at night. In general, our body only needs 15 minutes during the day to gain strength.

What do sleep disorders lead to?

From a medical point of view, disorders have a detrimental effect on the entire body. In this case, the consequences of short-term disorders and chronic insomnia are distinguished. If insomnia has recently begun to bother you, then this will affect the deterioration of memory and attention. Bruises under the eyes, rapid aging of the skin - such changes occur during appearance person. There is a danger of overeating, as you will feel hungrier after lack of sleep. The immune system becomes weak, and the risk of catching a cold increases. Insomnia also affects the emotional state: aggression and unreasonable outbursts of irritability appear. You are doing some work - How. It is not possible to fall asleep faster at night, and in this case the disorder may enter a new phase.

If sleep disturbance has already become normal, then this is fraught with even more serious consequences. The risk of stroke and development increases several times diabetes mellitus. Poor sleep, which affects the entire body, can cause malignant tumors and heart disease. Most people suffering from insomnia do not know how to fall asleep quickly without pills. Their life loses color, their emotions become gray and lifeless. Traditional methods for chronic insomnia they no longer work; a person needs the help of a doctor and a psychologist.

For a healthy lifestyle

The most best prevention disorders of all kinds lies in proper nutrition, adherence to daily routine and sleep hygiene, maintaining healthy image life. Also important is the general psychological condition. The less we get upset, nervous, and angry over trifles, the less susceptible we are to depression, which interferes with a full life.

Flocks of sheep jumping over fences turned out to be powerless in the fight against insomnia? A troupe of one hundred dancing mammoths and crocodiles shaking tambourines didn’t change the situation? The clock hand is gradually approaching two, and the hope of getting enough sleep has died without a chance of resurrection? The situation is critical, but there is a solution, and it doesn’t have to be a sleeping pill.

Step 1: Calm

When you toss and turn from right side to left to no avail, you begin to get angry. The smell of the pillow is irritating, the pajamas seem terribly uncomfortable, it makes you feel hot, and then suddenly it becomes cold. Tension is growing, and the chances of quickly going to the country of Morpheus are decreasing. Stop! Inhale, exhale slowly, and stop scolding your own capricious body. Anger helps with insomnia, but not with strong and healthy rest, so it's time to relax.

Dream about pleasant things: a beautiful woman or man (whoever you like), imagine yourself on the seashore, or the top of Everest. In detail, plunging headlong into fantasy. The brain will gradually stop replaying the conversation with the boss five years ago, which ended in dismissal, and switch to bright pictures. The long-awaited dream will come unnoticed.

Step 2: Fresh Air

If you can’t turn on your imagination, then you need to go to the kitchen. And before going for a walk, open the window in the bedroom, at least for 5–10 minutes, even if it’s frosty and snowy outside. Thanks to ventilation, the room is saturated with oxygen, the temperature in the room drops slightly, and a warm blanket becomes closer to your beloved wife. When a person gets a little cold, and then finds himself in comfortable conditions, the body immediately wants to rest, and drowsiness appears. You just need to close your eyes and go to the land of pink crocodiles.

Step 3: Empty Stomach

Men rarely suffer from insomnia caused by hunger. This problem often plagues women who are losing weight. While the room is being ventilated, it is worth preparing a small cup of mint or chamomile tea. It is better to add not sugar, but a spoonful of honey. Make a sandwich or a healthy salad.

Overeating is a bad idea. It’s hard to fall asleep on a full stomach, but even an empty one constantly reminds you of itself with rumbling and unpleasant sensations. A well-fed person is satisfied. The body gets what it required, and the brain decides that it’s time to rest and digest the food.

Some people prefer milk with honey, kefir with cinnamon or cottage cheese. The main thing is not to get carried away with sausage and fried chicken, otherwise a blurry figure will become the cause of insomnia.

Important: You should not drink more than 150 ml of liquid before bed, otherwise you will have to constantly visit the toilet, which is not conducive to normal rest.

Step 4: The Right Environment

Curtains should be drawn tightly to keep the room dark. People who cannot sleep due to childhood fears should buy a night light. The light should be soft and dim; you can buy light bulbs in green or blue shades. Red, which causes unpleasant associations and has an irritating effect on the nervous system, is prohibited.

If TV programs help you fall asleep faster, why not leave your device on? Just remember that there is a timer, otherwise the noise of morning shows will cause you to wake up prematurely. And it’s better to choose boring debates or channels that sell all sorts of nonsense, otherwise you will definitely want to watch an interesting action movie or soap drama to the end.

People who are only annoyed by noise should stock up on earplugs, or turn on special sounds on their phone or player. For example, the singing of birds or the sound of rain on glass.

Step 5: Reading for Insomnia

Literary bestsellers with a twisting plot help pass the time, but can never replace sleeping pills. Good books capture, excite, and make you toss and turn in bed for a long time, and reflect on the further development of the plot. Detectives and science fiction should stay outside the bedroom. It is useful for a person suffering from insomnia to keep a volume of “Congresses of the CPSU” or something like that on the nightstand. Boring reading, which makes you want to yawn in the first lines, and in the middle of the page your eyes stick together, as if smeared with glue, saves you better than sleeping pills.

You can use audiobooks: download them to your player, lie down comfortably, and fall asleep to the monotonous muttering in your headphones.

Step 6: Let off some steam

A good cure for insomnia is sex. Active movements help get rid of excess energy, stretch muscles, and increase the level of hormones responsible for a good mood. If the only visitor to the bed is a cat, you can relieve tension through masturbation. Stimulation of erogenous points simultaneously excites and relaxes, and after a violent ending, the body will definitely want to rest and fall asleep as quickly as possible.

Important: Before going to bed, it is not recommended to engage in sports, which, on the contrary, excite the nervous system and cause insomnia.

Step 7: Red Herring

The brain became active and decided to remind you of a bad first date or a spectacular fall in the middle of the street? Are persistent thoughts about world injustice or a recipe for raisin buns creeping into your head? Was your attempt to immerse yourself in pleasant visions in vain? You can try the repetition technique.

  1. Remember your favorite song, or the one that is stuck in your head.
  2. You can use a phrase like: “I’m so tired. My body fills with heaviness, my arms and legs become weak. You need to sleep to get a good rest.”
  3. Drive away the rest intrusive thoughts, and replay the verse of the song in your head. Don't be distracted by extraneous things.
  4. In just 10–25 minutes, the brain will get tired of the monotony and decide that it’s time to switch off.

Step 8: Pets

A cat can replace a sleeping pill, but only if it:

  • does not meow in the middle of the night, demanding to be let out of the bedroom;
  • does not organize horse races with loud stomping and knocking over everything that comes under the paw;
  • sleeps at the side or at the feet, without trying to cover the butt on the chest or face of the owner;
  • does not release its claws out of pleasure, or to rub against the hand of someone who is falling asleep;
  • does not purr louder than a plane taking off;
  • does not like to sit next to him and look at the owner with a strange and mysterious look.

Otherwise, the place of the four-legged pet is in the kitchen or bathroom, away from the bedroom, so that it does not distract with its antics or presence from a pleasant and useful activity.

Step 9: Fetal Position

It is worth making sure that the pillow and mattress are comfortable, the blanket is warm, and the pajamas do not restrict movement and do not pinch anything. The body should be in the most comfortable position, even if it looks strange from the outside. You can spread your arms, or tuck your knees to your chin, roll over onto your stomach, or pretend to be a birch tree. It's worth trying the following trick:

  1. Take an uncomfortable position, for example, lie on your right side, and stretch out. Don't move until your muscles start to ache.
  2. Roll over onto your back, spreading your limbs. Tighten your body so that it resembles a tense spring, wait 30–60 seconds.

3) Relax. Imagine how the tips of your toes are filled with a pleasant warmth that rises to your knees, stomach, and fills your head. Your hands lose sensitivity, and only a feeling of calm and blissful fatigue remains.

If insomnia has become a frequent visitor

  1. Go to the gym every day, or run, or go to the pool. The main thing is that by the end of the day you have only one desire: to quickly find yourself in bed.
  2. Follow the daily ritual. For example, a warm bath with essential oils, a glass of milk, pajamas, and under the blanket. Repeated activities will signal to the brain that it is time to rest.
  3. Be sure to follow the regime, and even if you really want to spend an extra half hour in in social networks, do not give in to temptation. Do you need to be in bed by 11? This means no “a little later” or “nothing will happen.”
  4. Walking is useful, during which the brain receives oxygen.
  5. You cannot take folders with reports, unfinished graphs, etc. to bed. The bedroom is a place for relaxation, not for work.
  6. Write down obsessive ideas and thoughts in a notebook or a special notebook to clear your head of them.
  7. If all else fails, it’s time to check with a doctor, because insomnia often signals serious problems with health.

Learning to fall asleep quickly without magic pills can be difficult. They recommend not giving up, following a routine, preparing the room, and not being nervous. And then insomnia will subside, so have a soft pillow and have a good rest.

Video: how to fall asleep quickly

It's no secret that healthy and sound sleep is the key to feeling great and Have a good mood. However, not every person manages to get enough sleep. This is especially true for residents of modern megacities, where every second person faces such a problem as.

How to fall asleep quickly and what methods of falling asleep quickly exist? What to do if you can't sleep? Why does a person suffer from insomnia and how to overcome it? We will try to answer these and other important questions in this material.

How to fall asleep quickly if you can't sleep

Each of us, at least once in our lives, wondered what to do to force ourselves to fall asleep when necessary, and not when the body turns off by itself from fatigue. In fact, not everyone can fall asleep easily. To understand what to do to fall asleep quickly, you need to have at least a minimal understanding of sleep and its stages.

Then, the problem called “I can’t sleep” can be avoided. So, sleep is nothing more than a physiological state that is inherent not only to humans, but also to other mammals, fish, birds and even insects. When we sleep, our reactions to what is happening around us slow down.

Normal physiological sleep differs from similar states, for example, fainting, lethargic sleep, , period hibernation or suspended animation in animals because it:

  • repeats every day, i.e. 24 hours (sleeping at night is considered normal);
  • characterized by the presence of a period of falling asleep or;
  • has several stages.

When falling asleep activity brain decreases and also decreases heart rate . A person yawns, the sensitive sensory systems also decrease, and secretory activity slows down, which is why our eyes stick together.

During the night we go through the following stages of sleep:

  • slow sleep occurs immediately after a person falls asleep. During this period, muscle activity decreases, and we feel pleasant relaxation. Due to the slowdown of all vital processes, a person falls asleep and falls asleep soundly. There are three main stages in the slow-wave sleep phase: the immediate stage of falling asleep or dozing, which lasts no more than 10 minutes, the stage of light sleep, in which auditory sensitivity is still preserved and the person is easy to wake up, for example, loud sound, as well as the stage of slow sleep, i.e. prolonged deep and sound sleep with dreams;
  • REM sleep lasts a maximum of 15 minutes. Although it is a separate period of sleep, researchers often refer to REM sleep as another stage of slow-wave sleep. It is in these last minutes before waking up that our brain “wakes up”, i.e. completely restores its activity and removes the human body from the land of dreams and dreams. So, acting like psychological protection, during the transition from the world of the subconscious to reality. During REM sleep, blood flow in the brain and heart rate increase, the production of adrenal hormones increases, pressure surges and changes in respiratory rhythm may be observed.

The dream fulfills a series essential functions in the human body. Firstly, it provides complete rest. After all, there is nothing better than sleeping after a hard day of work, no matter whether you were engaged in mental or physical work. Sleep restores strength and energizes you for a new day.

During sleep, our brain processes information received during the day, evaluates and experiences events that happened to a person. Good sleep is important for the immune system. Sleep disturbances have a painful impact on a person’s health; constant lack of sleep, coupled with nervousness, causes irreparable harm and weakens one’s health.

Scientists believe that sleep is a natural mechanism for the body to adapt to changes in light levels. Historically, most people sleep at night, however, there is also a daytime nap, the so-called siesta. In hot southern countries, it is customary to get up at dawn and rest in the afternoon, when the sun is at its zenith and doing anything outside is simply impossible due to the sweltering heat.

The duration of sleep depends on many factors, for example, the person’s age, his lifestyle and the degree of fatigue. Young children sleep the most, and older people tend to get up with the roosters. It is believed that healthy sleep should last at least 8 hours, and the minimum for normal well-being is 6 hours. If sleep duration is reduced to 5 hours or less, then there is a risk of developing insomnia .

I can’t sleep, what should I do?

Why can't I sleep? We all asked ourselves this question when we couldn’t fall asleep for a long time, tossing and turning in bed. So, if I want to sleep and cannot sleep, then the reason for this may be:

  • disturbances in wakefulness and sleep. This condition is often characteristic of newborn children who get enough sleep during the day and then do not want to sleep at night. Then they say that the baby confused day with night. The same thing can happen to adults, for example, if a person works in shifts or often flies by plane to other cities and countries, and his body experiences stress from changing time zones. In addition, we often simply do not want to go to bed on time on the weekend (“weekend insomnia”), which leads to a shift in schedule and lack of sleep on Monday;
  • uncomfortable place to sleep, as well as unsuitable bedding. Many people waste their money on bedding, a comfortable orthopedic mattress and a suitable bed, believing that this does not play an important role in the sleep process, they say, if you want to sleep, then you will fall asleep on the bare ground. Of course, there is a grain of truth in this statement, but not everything is so simple. The quality of sleep, as well as its duration, plays a decisive role in a person’s well-being. It’s one thing to sleep, tossing and turning on an uncomfortable bed for 12 hours, and another to actually relax on a comfortable mattress, with a comfortable pillow and bed linen in a well-ventilated area;
  • bad habits that cause damage to the entire body as a whole and have Negative influence on the period of falling asleep, as well as the duration and quality of sleep. For example, smoking before bed interferes with relaxation because nicotine constricts blood vessels;
  • diseases and sleep pathologies. Many diseases in which a person suffers from pain interfere with normal sleep. Typically the peak pain occurs in the evening or at night, which prevents falling asleep.

The main sleep disorders include:

  • insomnia (insomnia ) is a condition in which a person cannot sleep or sleeps little and of poor quality;
  • (pathological drowsiness ) is the opposite of insomnia, in which a person, on the contrary, wants to sleep all the time;
  • (snore ) is a breathing disorder during sleep;
  • sleep paralysis is a condition in which a person’s muscles are paralyzed before falling asleep;
  • parasomnia, those. a condition that is caused by nervous overstrain or stress, in which a person can walk in his sleep, suffer sleepwalking , or suffer from constant nightmares.

How to fall asleep very quickly

So, how to fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep, and you need to get up early tomorrow. There are several basic methods or techniques for falling asleep quickly that will help you fall asleep soundly in a short time. However, the main principle of all these methods is to maintain a sleep schedule. In addition, it is also important whether a person adheres to the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle or not.

Often, patients who ask a doctor about how to quickly fall asleep if they don’t feel sleepy expect the doctor to prescribe them magic sleeping pills.

However, not every person is suitable for medicinal options for solving sleep problems. Besides, good specialist will not rush to prescribe medications until he has determined the cause of the ailment and collected a complete medical history of the patient.

Sleeping pills are a broad group of medications that are used both to regulate sleep and to provide anesthesia during surgical intervention. Archaeologists believe that natural sleeping pills, such as plants such as Belladonna or Belladonna, were used by people two thousand years ago.

Egyptian manuscripts indicate that doctors prescribed opium to their patients as a remedy for insomnia . Alcohol as a sleeping pill and simplest method anesthesia, the American Indians used about a thousand years ago.

The first medical anesthesia was invented in Germany at the turn of the 19th century. True, it included toxic and narcotic compounds ( opium , datura herb , mandrake root , aconite , hashish and others), which, although they put the patient into sleep, at the same time had a negative and sometimes fatal effect on his body.

In our time sleeping pills and drugs approved for use in anesthesiology have moved to a qualitatively new level. They are much safer for humans (if used wisely, they do not cause physiological or psychological addiction, and are practically free of side effects). In addition, their composition is no longer toxic or poisonous.

However, the principle of the effect of such drugs on the body remains the same. Sleeping pills reduce the level of excitability of the nervous system, thus ensuring sound sleep. It is worth noting that drugs based on barbituric acid ( Pentothal , , , Amobarbital ), which for decades were the most popular sleeping pills, are now being widely replaced by new generation drugs, for example, derivatives cyclopyrrolones or .

The latter, in turn, is considered a cutting-edge discovery modern medicine.Melatonin - this is nothing more than, which is produced by the human body to regulate circadian rhythms. In simple words it is this connection that is responsible for our internal clock, which tells us when to sleep and when to stay awake.

The main problem of modern humanity is the level of illumination in our megacities. With the discovery of electricity, daylight hours became significantly longer. After all, now even at night you can turn on the light and it will be almost the same as during the day. Due to a radical change in the rhythm of human life, the level of production melatonin is reduced, which inevitably leads to sleep problems.

That's why doctors recommend taking medications based on melatonin to stimulate the process of falling asleep. This is especially true for people who work shifts or fly frequently. Both of them experience a malfunction of their “internal clock,” which melatonin helps adjust. On top of all this hormone Researchers also attribute antioxidant, antitumor, anti-stress, and immunostimulating properties.

Despite their many benefits, sleeping pills are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, drugs in this group help a person to improve sleep, but on the other hand, they can have a detrimental effect on health and be addictive. Therefore, you should always remember the danger of developing dependence on sleeping pills, which will only add to a person’s problems.

In response to the action of hormones, the human body begins to work in a different “emergency” mode, preparing for active actions. Therefore, we feel out of place, nervous and anxious. Stress hormones cause the heart to beat faster, which affects blood pressure levels, respiratory system and, of course, for sleep.

Fear and uncertainty interfere with sleep, and in addition to stress, a person gets another problem - insomnia . Therefore, it is important to know how to overcome stress so that it does not affect other areas of a person’s life. Experts advise solving all your problems before evening and not “bringing” them home, where an atmosphere of calm and safety should reign.

Often people provoke themselves insomnia , very much wanting to fall asleep before some important event or trip, thus irritating your nervous system and provoking stress. It is believed that in such cases you should not force yourself and escalate the situation even more. It's better to get out of bed and do something useful or distracting, such as get some fresh air or walk your pet.

“I wake up at night and can’t sleep soundly” - many doctors have heard this phrase from their patients. And each of us, at least once in our lives, has wondered how to quickly fall asleep at night if you can’t. You can wake up from a sharp sound, a touch, a nightmare, or an insect bite. It happens that we wake up for no reason in the middle of the night and then, trying to fall asleep faster, we get nervous and angry.

In fact, this is another example of a stressful situation that can only be resolved in one way - by calming down. Of course, if your doctor has prescribed sleeping pills for you, then you can resort to their help, but there are other safer, albeit not so fast-acting, options.

To begin with, it is better to seek help from specialists, especially if you cannot sleep at night without constantly waking up after a certain period of time. Such disturbing dream or its complete absence may signal various malfunctions in the normal functioning of the human body. A somnologist will help answer the question of why the patient cannot fall asleep at night and what to do in such a situation.

In addition to sleeping pills, sleep problems are solved , herbal sedatives or anti-anxiety medicines. The above medications cause drowsiness and calm, thus helping a person to relax and immerse themselves in the “kingdom of Morpheus”.

The most common drugs used to solve sleep problems are:

  • - This combination drug, which includes medicinal herbs And hormone guaifenzine . It helps improve the functioning of the nervous system and cure insomnia;
  • - this sedative facilitates and significantly speeds up the process of falling asleep;
  • , tincture – these are plant-based drops that help you calm down and fall asleep;
  • – this drug contains magnesium (the lack of which in the body aggravates sleep problems), as well as vitamins Group B ;
  • is a drug that contains the same name hormone , produced by the human body and responsible for the functioning of the “internal clock”.

In addition to drug treatment, sleep problems can be corrected using procedures such as acupuncture, hypnosis, meditation, homeopathy, electrosonotherapy (pulsed current) and others.

How to fall asleep in 5 minutes

How to quickly fall asleep in 5 minutes? And in general, is there any universal method that will allow anyone to fall into a sound sleep in a matter of minutes? According to Dr. Andrew Weil, who studies the effects of stress on the human body and ways to deal with it, he was able to find the answer to the question of how to fall asleep in 5 minutes.

The whole point is that the main reason that healthy man can't sleep normally chronic fatigue and tension. When we go to bed, we think about what happened during the day, experience some events, analyze them, or worry about what we will experience tomorrow. As a result, we “wind up” ourselves, which leads to the production of “stress hormones”, and sleep does not come.

Based on this, the scientist concludes that there is nothing better than breathing exercises or meditation before bed. These techniques will help you calm down and get into a positive mood. To fall asleep quickly, Dr. Weil suggests using a breathing technique called « 4-7-8 trick » , which is successfully used by monks and yogis in their daily practice.

So, following this technique, you need to act in the following sequence:

  • First, you should inhale deeply through your nose for 4 seconds, trying to relax;
  • then hold your breath for about 7 seconds;
  • and then exhale for 8 seconds.

Another breathing technique that helps you fall asleep involves the following scheme of actions:

  • you need to inhale slowly for 5 seconds;
  • then take a 5 second break;
  • and finally exhale for 5 seconds.

Counted breathing also helps you become drowsy and fall asleep quickly. This method involves counting inhalations and exhalations. You need to breathe through your mouth and count like this: inhale one, exhale two, inhale three, exhale four, and so on until ten. Then the cycle repeats again. When performing this technique, experts advise concentrating on breathing and, as it were, passing through your own lungs with the air.

Practicing psychologists advise their patients to exercise such as Carousel to calm and relax. Take a horizontal position, lie down comfortably and relax. Lower and upper limbs do not press against your body. Start with a calm, normal inhalation and imagine that a stream of warm air is passing through your right ear, hold your breath.

Breathing exercises or meditation are helpful for insomnia

Next, as you exhale, the warm air follows through the shoulder of your right arm, and then the hand. Finally, pause. Then inhale and again imagine that the air is passing through your right ear. Hold your breath. You exhale air and “send” it to the thigh of your lower leg and to your foot. You pause.

Again, “inhale” through your right ear and hold your breath, and then, as you exhale, “send” air to the thigh and foot of your left leg, pause. Inhale, sending a stream of air over your right shoulder, and hold your breath. As you exhale, the air flow should “pass” the shoulder and hand of the left hand. You pause and then take a deep breath one last time. Hold your breath, and as you exhale, let the air pass through left ear.

The second circle or cycle should begin with a sigh through the left ear, followed by a pause. Exhale through your left shoulder, arm and hand. Next, take a deep breath and pause, and exhale through the thigh and foot of the left leg. After a pause, inhale and hold your breath, and exhale through the thigh and foot of your right leg.

After a pause, inhale through your left ear, hold your breath and exhale through your right hand. You pause and again draw in lungs full of air, hold your breath and complete the cycle by exhaling through your right ear.

As a result, in one cycle you take 5 inhalations and the same number of exhalations. During this time, you should relax and fully concentrate on the flow of air that passes through your body. The main thing to remember is that it is when you exhale that the body relaxes the most. Therefore, in any breathing practice, the exhalation phase occupies a decisive place.

“Special Services” technique that takes into account the physiological aspects of sleep. According to this method, you need to sit comfortably in bed, relax and close your eyes, rolling them up under your eyelids. During sleep eyeballs that's exactly how they are located, so this method helps you fall asleep quickly.

Using "Reverse blink" technique a person must take a comfortable position, close his eyelids and, at certain intervals, open and then close his eyes. This is blinking in reverse. As a result, brain activity decreases, the body relaxes, and the person falls asleep.

In addition to the above techniques, you can use such auxiliary means as:

  • herbal tea or warm milk with honey;
  • dill infusion;
  • self-massage of the forehead in the area between the eyebrows, massaging ears, as well as the inside of the wrists;
  • relaxing exercises, for example, “Beach” auto-training, when a person imagines that he is lying on the warm sea coast and hears the soothing sound of the sea, or « Ball » when you need to imagine a big ball swinging on the waves.

Listed below are several universal recommendations that will help improve sleep:

  • Plan your day. Compliance with the regime helps the body get used to a certain rhythm of life. Researchers have found that the human body is knocked out of its usual rhythm in just a couple of days. Therefore, it can be really difficult to recover from several sleepless nights and go to bed on time. It is believed that for normal well-being, an adult should sleep at least eight hours a day. True, the body of each of us is unique, so some people need more rest, while for others, sleeping for six hours will be enough to stay alert.
  • Day sleep is coming not only benefits children, but also helps adults refresh and gain strength in the middle of the day. True, it is important to observe moderation here. Because after sleeping for a couple of hours during the day, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep easily in the evening. Therefore, some experts do not recommend that people who have problems falling asleep rest during the day; the best way out accumulate fatigue until evening. Another thing is shift workers, for whom napping during the day is considered the norm, because... they work at night and rest during the day.
  • When changing time zones, it can be very difficult to fall asleep, because not only a person’s daily routine is disrupted, but also his usual time of wakefulness and sleep changes. When you fly to the west, the first day in a new place after your morning arrival is longer, so in order to sleep well, you just need to wait until the evening. With flights to the east, things are more complicated, so you can resort to help melatonin , which will help adjust a person’s internal clock.
  • Physical activity is good for the body, but it should end at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, an overly excited body will not be able to fall asleep. Sports such as aerobics, running, skiing, Nordic walking, elliptical, swimming and cycling help improve sleep.
  • Not only the daily routine, but also proper nutrition play an important role in the process of establishing sleep. The last meal should be at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. In addition, you should carefully choose the dishes to cook for dinner. You should avoid heavy and slowly digestible foods. It is better to give preference to protein products, for example, fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, and some fruits.
  • Caffeine is the enemy of sound sleep, especially if you like to consume drinks or foods containing this compound in the afternoon. Also, you should not overindulge in chocolate in the evening, this way you will save your figure and be able to fall asleep quickly.
  • Of particular importance for falling asleep easily is the activity or physical activity that a person engages in immediately 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is believed that to avoid sleep problems, you should avoid watching TV, using a computer, phones or other gadgets before falling asleep. In addition, you should not produce complex calculations or decide logic problems before bedtime. All of the above actions do not promote relaxation and calm, but rather excite the nervous system, preventing you from falling asleep peacefully. In the evening, it is recommended to read in bed or take a relaxing bath, and it is better to leave vigorous activity for the morning.

How to fall asleep with insomnia

Answer the question about how to fall asleep if insomnia torments a person, you can only figure out what kind of condition it is, how it arises and whether you can cope with it yourself. So, insomnia or – This is one of the most common sleep disturbances or disorders in which a person sleeps poorly and cannot fall asleep much or at all.

The risk of insomnia increases with shift work or frequent flights with time zone changes.

In addition, this malaise can also occur due to constant overwork, in stressful situations, with certain diseases, as well as in overly noisy and well-lit rooms used for sleeping.

If a patient exhibits the following symptoms, the doctor will most likely diagnose him: insomnia or chronic lack of sleep :

  • constant difficulty falling asleep;
  • poor quality of sleep, when a person constantly wakes up and then cannot fall asleep for a long time or has nightmares;
  • sleep disturbances are observed at least three times a week for a month;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state associated with constant lack of sleep;
  • increased restlessness and excitability.

Causes of insomnia can be:

  • unfavorable conditions for sleep (uncomfortable bed, pillow, mattress, synthetic bedding, poorly ventilated room, noise, psychological discomfort);
  • disruption to a person’s usual daily routine due to shift work or flight;
  • taking certain medications ( antidepressants, nootropics, corticosteroids, antipsychotics ) or psychotropic drugs ;
  • neuralgic And somatic disorders (hypoglycemia, esophageal reflux, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, infectious diseases, accompanied by a feverish state, diseases of the heart system, pain syndrome, itching because of skin diseases, mental disorders, depressive states);
  • elderly age.

Insomnia is a serious ailment that not only causes a lot of inconvenience to a person, but also provokes the development of a number of serious diseases, for example, disorders in metabolism, and others. That is why you should immediately consult a doctor at the first symptoms of insomnia.

How to overcome insomnia and learn to fall asleep easily? On initial stage a somnologist (a doctor who deals with sleep problems) conducts full examination the patient and determines the causes of the ailment. This is an extremely important part in treatment insomnia . Since it is based on the cause of this condition that the doctor chooses the appropriate treatment.

Insomnia can and should be fought without medications, because sleeping pills only help eliminate the manifestations of the malaise, and do not eliminate its cause. By taking the magic pill, you will, of course, fall asleep, but this will not make your insomnia go away. On top of that, as we mentioned above, sleeping pills can be addictive and have a number of contraindications and severe side effects.

To help you fall asleep if you have insomnia:

  • Psychological counseling, i.e. sessions with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, where a specialist will deal with insomnia caused by stress or an unstable psycho-emotional state of the patient, caused, for example, by trauma or life events experienced. The psychotherapist teaches his patients various relaxation techniques that help them tune into a positive mood and fall asleep.
  • Correction circadian rhythm(sleep-wake cycle) of a person using phototherapy (exposure to light) , chronotherapy, as well as taking drugs containing melatonin .
  • Therapy for neurological, mental or somatic diseases, the symptoms of which (for example, pain, itching, depression) can cause insomnia .
  • Discontinuing medications that cause insomnia or replacing them with other medications.
  • Sleep hygiene instruction. Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe that it is not necessary to buy a good bed, mattress or bedding to get enough sleep. In addition, for strong and healthy sleep It is necessary to ventilate the bedroom, do not clutter it with old and dusty things, and also periodically do wet cleaning. The clothes in which a person sleeps also matters. You should be comfortable, i.e. not cold, not hot, pajamas should not be small or large, and it is even better to choose natural fabrics that will not cause unpleasant itching or burning sensations.

During treatment insomnia Doctors recommend that their patients keep a sleep diary, which helps identify the causes of illness. Various things help you fall asleep breathing techniques, which we also discussed above. People suffering from insomnia would do well to learn the basics of meditation and become familiar with other relaxation methods. All this will help you calm down, relax and fall asleep.

  • Experts recommend going to bed and waking up at the same time, i.e. adhere to a sleep-wake schedule, then the body itself will get tired by a certain time, and you can easily fall asleep.
  • Active lifestyle and physical exercise They help you relax, and therefore fall asleep on time, the main thing is not to overdo it and not to get overexcited just before bedtime.
  • Adjust your daily menu so that in the afternoon you do not consume drinks containing caffeine , as well as foods that are difficult to digest.
  • It’s better, of course, to give up bad habits forever or at least a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • Going to bed only to sleep.
  • Avoid daytime naps, because... After sleeping in the afternoon, you may not want to go to bed in the evening.
  • If possible, avoid strong emotional shocks and experiences in the afternoon, even joyful ones. For example, some people like to watch a horror movie before going to bed, and then they can’t fall asleep because all sorts of things come into their heads. bad thoughts. Absolutely the same can be said about unbridled fun before bedtime, especially for children who, having “gotten crazy” in active games, cannot fall asleep or do not sleep well all night.
  • Before going to bed, you should not use any gadgets (watch TV, sit at a computer, tablet or phone) or engage in mental activity. All this excites rather than calms the brain. It’s better to read a book or sit comfortably on a chair and listen to relaxing music.
  • Somnologists say that an individual evening ritual will help prepare the body for sleep. This could be a traditional glass of hot milk before bed or a relaxing bath. In general, everything that calms you down and puts you in a positive mood is not prohibited.
  • The atmosphere in the bedroom, as well as its provision of comfortable bedding, is of paramount importance. Agree, it is much more pleasant to fall asleep in a comfortable bed and in a well-ventilated room. In addition, the lighting in the bedroom, as well as the noise level in the room, should be minimal.
  • Experts recommend going to bed only when you feel tired and sleepy. If you can’t fall asleep within half an hour, then it’s better not to suffer or get irritated about it. Get up and do something, so you will be distracted, tired and want to sleep.
  • Basic relaxation methods (relaxation auto-training, visualization of calm images and pleasant moments) help to cope with insomnia , breathing techniques), as well as yoga and meditation.
  • Cognitive psychotherapy helps improve sleep in patients who, due to panic fear“can’t sleep” fall into hysterics and suffer from...
  • In addition, the “limited sleep” method is effective, when instead of the standard eight hours, a person sleeps no more than five. At first it will be difficult due to the fact that the body must accept the new rules of the game. During the first week, a person will be more tired during the day and feel drowsiness and loss of strength. However, over time, his body will rebuild itself, and insomnia will subside.

Undoubtedly, drug treatmentinsomnia gives stable results. Hypnotics or sleeping pills of the new generation have proven themselves well. True, experts are in no hurry to prescribe them to their patients. The thing is that therapy aimed at eliminating the cause of insomnia, and not at alleviating its consequences, is considered more effective.

After all, taking sleeping pills, a person actually sleeps better, but does not get rid of the ailment. Therefore, you should resort to all kinds of medications only when all other methods do not bring long-awaited relief.

Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

Experience: Work in a general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital medical care, Liozny Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Worked as a pharmaceutical representative for a year at the Rubicon company.

Presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of microflora”, 2 works took prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works (categories 1 and 3).

Insomnia is a problem that worries many people nowadays. A common situation is when a person, at least once in his life, tossed and turned for hours at night, but was still unable to fall asleep. In this article we will look at the most common recommendations on how to quickly fall asleep for adults and children. Please note that not every one is right for you or will start working right away. It will take time and practice.
The most important thing is not to ignore this issue, since deep, long sleep is the key to good health. And vice versa. If you cannot fall asleep quickly or at all, serious illnesses may begin to develop.

On average, a person needs to sleep 7-8 hours.

How to fall asleep quickly if you can't sleep? Perhaps the problem is that one of the following types of comfort is not provided:

  1. Extraneous noise - in large cities with high level noise is saved by earplugs (small ear plugs).
  2. Light sources - our body has hormones that are responsible for falling asleep and they are activated only when darkness falls. Based on this, it is very important to turn off artificial light sources and tightly curtain the windows (especially if the windows “look out” onto the roadway or store).
  3. Room temperature - due to physiological characteristics(receptors built into the brain), it is most convenient for a person to fall asleep at the optimal (not too high or too low) temperature. In a sleeping area, a temperature of 19-20°C is considered comfortable. Although in this matter everything is individual. Some people tolerate heat more easily, while others tolerate cold. But in any case, falling asleep in a cold bedroom, wrapped up from head to toe, is not the most pleasant experience.
  4. Bed - most often it depends on the bed how much a person’s body relaxes during sleep. The cause of insomnia can be an uneven, too hard/soft mattress, a heavy blanket or an uncomfortable pillow. For example, doctors recommend that people with a weak spine sleep on a special orthopedic mattress. This will speed up the process of falling asleep and increase the benefits of sleep.
  5. Worries - thoughts about work, problems, debts, worries about family and children, health. At this moment, the brain is actively working and it will be very difficult to fall asleep.

How to fall asleep quickly if you can't sleep? We describe the “White Noise” method. Those who have tried it on themselves say that they manage to fall asleep in just a minute, without much effort. As the name suggests, this requires proper use of sound effects. They should be smooth, uniform, and not too loud. Some may concentrate on the hum of a fan or cars passing outside the window, while others will need soothing sounds of nature (birds singing, the sound of a waterfall) to relax.

How can a child, teenager, or adult fall asleep quickly?

Child up to 10-12 years oldTeenagerAdult
  1. Put away mobile devices and turn off your computer. According to the British publication The Independent, the light emitted by screens destabilizes the levels of hormones responsible for metabolism (for example, melatonin).
  2. Give a book with a simple, uncomplicated plot to read, or read it yourself.
  3. Prepare the bed. For example, install a firmer mattress to support a growing body.
  4. Follow the regime. Go to bed and wake up at approximately the same time.
  1. Wear comfortable clothing that matches the room temperature.
  2. Prepare a warm bath with essential oil (if you are not allergic).
  3. Try to go to bed before 22:00
  4. Watch your diet. Two extremes should be avoided: overeating and hunger. At this age they are common causes of poor sleep.
  1. Take a shower before bed. Water will wash away the dust of the day and help you get rid of negative thoughts and calm down.
  2. Don't eat at night. It is enough to drink tea with mint, valerian or chamomile 2-3 hours before. An alternative to tea is warm milk with honey.
  3. Go to the evening Gym(useful for those who do mental work).

How to quickly fall asleep in 1 minute: two proven methods

The first was borrowed from special forces soldiers, who need sleep like air, but sometimes have very little time left for it. To do this, they lie down and roll their eyes up. This behavior signals the brain that it is time to rest. As a result, 1-2 minutes and the person falls asleep.

The second method is familiar to many from childhood - counting sheep. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies, which have revealed that both hemispheres of the brain are involved in this process. One is responsible for mathematical calculations, and the second is for visualizing the image of soft and fluffy sheep. As a result, after 3-5 minutes the child or adult begins to doze off and falls into deep sleep.

It’s not a fact that you will succeed the first time. But the main thing is not to despair, understand the principle of both methods and be persistent. The result will come with time.

How to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills?

What to do if you can’t sleep without taking medications? First of all, it is important to realize that sleeping pills can cause serious harm to the body (sleep is not natural, but synthetic). For example, according to some doctors, a sleeping pill is comparable in harmfulness to a pack of cigarettes. Especially when it comes to long-term use of the drug and increasing the dosage.

  • Any sleeping pill can be taken for 1-2 weeks. Otherwise, addiction develops.
  • These medications always have side effects.
  • Quitting sleeping pills increases insomnia by 2-3 times.

You can fall asleep quickly without medications through relaxation. Physiotherapists recommend:

  • relax your neck and facial muscles, lower your shoulders and lower jaw;
  • look “walk” along the left and right hand, feel their relaxation;
  • pass a feeling of relaxation through the entire body (stomach, legs, thighs, chest and even fingers);
  • repeat these manipulations for 3-5 minutes until you feel like you are spreading in space.

Traditional methods (herbs, decoctions) that help you fall asleep

  1. Pillow with herbs. You can fill it with rose petals, pine needles, mint leaves, fern, hazel and oregano.
  2. Warm bath for 10 minutes with mint, pine needles, calendula, lemon balm infusion and oregano.
  3. Spoon of honey + glass warm water. A proven way to fall asleep quickly. You can improve this recipe by replacing the water with warm milk with honey and cinnamon. This drink warms, relaxes and helps you fall asleep even with strong emotional arousal. In general, warm milk has a strong calming effect and is recommended for those who suffer from insomnia.
  4. Lavender oil. Universal remedy, which can be applied different ways. Some people simply apply it to their temples to relieve tension. Others make a hot foot bath with this oil, which relieves fatigue (contraindicated for those who suffer from varicose veins). Another option is to take a piece of sugar, drop lavender on it and dissolve it under your tongue before going to bed.
  5. Walnut + honey + lemon juice - a composition that improves immunity and helps you fall asleep faster.

Alcohol! It's better not to use it. Although it helps you fall asleep, such sleep is most often shallow and short. Plus, this method has side effects: weakness, headache The next morning.