List of products for blood group 3 negative. How to eat and what foods to eat on a diet for the third negative blood group? What can you eat

The diet for blood type 3 is positive, what is suitable for carriers of this blood type, what foods can be eaten, what foods cannot be eaten, and what doctors think about this.

Hello, dear readers and subscribers, Svetlana Morozova is with you. I continue the topic of nutrition. Today we will look at group 3. What nutrition is historically suitable for carriers of this blood type - read further in the article.

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Universal eater and creator

When did blood type 3 appear? When people adapted to agriculture, cattle breeding and continued to develop new lands. “Nomads” is what Peter D’adamo, the founder of blood type diets, calls the owners of this group.

New territories, new infections, new climate - people learned to adapt to everything. Accordingly, the body acquired properties suitable for group 3:

  • Powerful;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Active brain;
  • Well developed muscles;
  • Excellent digestion and stable intestines.

And therefore, the food system of the “nomads” was also formed in a special way. New types of vegetables and fruits, beans, grains, fish from various reservoirs, meat of wild and domestic animals, almost all the gifts of farming and livestock breeding - the body assimilates everything and directs it in the right direction.

And, as he claims scientific approach, now this is still relevant. It would be useful for everyone individual program nutrition, selected not only for the state of health and general rules, but also according to the blood group and its genetic memory of products.

The Rh factor does not play a role here. Negative blood unless it may affect the ability to conceive and bear a child, but this no longer depends on the blood type.

Dietary approach

The third group is characterized by versatility. Holders of such blood can equally successfully engage in both physical and mental work. This also applies to nutrition - anything is possible.

For all blood groups, foods are divided into three types: beneficial, neutral and harmful. Despite the omnivorous nature of group 3, there is also a division here, albeit not so pronounced. Let's take a closer look.

Which products are the most useful both for weight loss and generally for maintaining health:

  • Meat: lamb, rabbit;
  • Sea fish (mackerel, cod, salmon, flounder);
  • Eggs;
  • Cereals: oatmeal, rice;
  • Legumes;
  • with a low fat content;
  • Green vegetables, fruits and berries: greens, cabbage, spinach, peppers, apples, pears, cucumbers, plums, gooseberries;
  • Vegetable oils.

Neutral Products that are added to the diet for variety and balance:

  • Beef, veal;
  • Seafood;
  • River fish;
  • Milk;
  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Olive;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Vegetables: onions, garlic, radishes, turnips, radishes, beets, carrots;
  • Fruits, berries: citrus fruits, kiwi, melon, blueberries, currants, grapes, apricots.

And here are harmful foods that slow down metabolism, disrupt digestion and accumulate excess weight:

  • Buckwheat, millet;
  • Meat: pork, poultry (chicken, goose, duck);
  • Meat by-products, lard;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Corn;
  • Peanut;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Persimmon;
  • Coconuts;
  • Grenades;
  • Alcohol.

Such foods should be excluded completely.

Diet for blood type 3 positive: example of nutrition

What might be an approximate menu for those losing weight in the third group:

  • Breakfast: porridge with milk, or meat with vegetable salad, or omelet;
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese, or fruit, or vegetable salad, or egg;
  • Lunch: soup with vegetable or meat broth, for the second fish or meat with vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit, or cottage cheese, or vegetable, or cheesecakes, or casserole, or egg;
  • Dinner: vegetable casserole, or stewed vegetables, or stew, fish or piece of meat;
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir or yogurt without additives.

As usual, all drinks are sugar-free and it is advisable to use a minimum of salt. Or without it at all.

Refusal of rich pastries, sweets and tasty harmful foods is a matter of course. And, of course, we don’t fry anything, everything is just boiled, baked, steamed.

Diet for blood type 3 is positive: a little about gender differences

The food chart for women is slightly different from what is allowed for men.

For example, women should focus on legumes - they contain plant analogues of female sex hormones. Men take vegetable ones from mushrooms and cereals. This is especially important with a sports diet.

If your work is more related to mental work, then men can sometimes feed their brains with sweets. For women, it is better to choose a sweet fruit, it will be a more effective nourishment.

Blood type 3 positive diet: is it really beneficial?

Doctors have the same opinion about such diets. This is not a panacea, but only additional recommendations for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. What does “correct” mean: varied and balanced, with “live” products. If you need to lose weight, then your diet should be at a slight calorie deficit.

But no diet will help you if you exercise little, abuse alcohol, fatty, fried, and fast food. Being slim is for healthy people. If you want to lose weight, take care of your health. Find a sport you like, relax, get good sleep, eat right and definitely without hunger. That is, no strict and unbalanced mono-diets that promise weight loss of more than 1.5 kg per week.

In general, try not to go on diets. The Internet is now full of various bright headlines like: “How to lose 10 kg in a week.” Protein diets, carbohydrate diets, based on saliva, based on cereals... This will not add health, and therefore, a beautiful figure, even less so.

I wish you good health. And everything else will follow.

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The concept of American naturopath Peter D'Adamo about the dependence of proper nutrition on blood type has been extremely popular all over the world for a quarter of a century, despite the rather skeptical attitude of official medicine.

According to D’Adamo, this dependence has been formed at the genetic level since ancient times and is associated with the lifestyle of primitive people.

Thus, he calls carriers of the 1st blood group “hunters”, the 2nd – “farmers”, and the 3rd – “nomads”, since this period of human evolution was characterized by active migration. Currently, 20% of the Earth's population, that is, every fifth inhabitant, belongs to this blood group.

What is the difference between representatives of the third negative blood group?

Compared to “hunters” and “farmers,” the nomads’ menu is much richer - it includes both plant and animal foods.

“Nomads” are characterized by good adaptability to change environment, stable immunity, strong nervous system. However, among them there is a tendency to diabetes mellitus– serious disease of the endocrine system.

A common problem for a large part of the population is losing weight. It did not bypass carriers of the 3rd blood group.

Fortunately, they tolerate the diet quite easily, because they have access to wide range products, and how to make correct menu The table will help you choose recommended food products.

Nutrition for all blood types

What should it be correct nutrition according to the 3rd negative blood group

A balanced, nutritious diet is the key to maintaining good health. for many years subject to adequate physical activity. Preference should be given to products that speed up metabolism, and those that slow it down should be limited or eliminated altogether.

The best option would be split meals in small portions with an interval of 3-3.5 hours. It is better to give priority in the diet to green vegetables (lettuce, cucumbers, etc.) and fermented milk products. In general, the diet looks like this:

  • Meat: beef, and preferably veal, beef liver, lamb, rabbit, with the exception of pork, chicken and turkey.
  • Eggs.
  • Lean fish: cod, tuna, flounder, sardines.
  • Fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, radishes, radishes, pumpkins, tomatoes, olives, corn.
  • Green in large quantities.
  • Fruits, with the exception of pomegranate, avocado and persimmon, and dried fruits.
  • Cereals, with the exception of semolina and buckwheat.
  • Legumes, with the exception of lentils.
  • Vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds.
  • Drinks: green tea, coffee, cocoa, herbal teas, juices (cranberry, pineapple, orange, grape, with the exception of tomato and pomegranate); sauerkraut brine.

Please note that there are no seafood on the list - they are harmful for blood group 3, so you will have to do without shrimp, shellfish and crabs.

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The average daily calorie content is from 950 Kcal.

As doctors note, drawing up an individual diet taking into account blood type can significantly improve health and prevent various diseases. In addition, knowing the principles of nutrition based on your blood type helps you choose foods that will help you lose or gain weight. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the diet intended for people with a third blood group, of whom, according to statistics, there are about 20% on our planet.

Diet requirements for the third blood group

Those with the third blood group are called nomads. According to historical data, such blood was formed as a result of migration processes and the domestication of domestic animals by humans. People with blood of the 3rd group flowing in their veins are characterized by the following features:
- stable nervous system;
- good immunity;
- developed digestive tract system;
- a tendency to combine physical and mental labor;
- susceptibility to fewer diseases than representatives of other blood groups.

Before creating a balanced diet, people with blood type 3 need to learn about foods that can lead to weight gain or weight loss. Based on this knowledge, you can calculate your diet based on your goals and desires.

So, foods that add weight:
- corn (it can slow down metabolism and the body's production of insulin);
- peanuts (contributes to hypoglycemia - a decrease in the amount of glucose in the lymph below the permissible norm);
- lentils (reduces the level of absorption of nutrients by the body);
- buckwheat (worsens metabolic and digestive processes, and also helps to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood);
- sesame seeds (can also cause hypoglycemia and slow metabolism);
- wheat (provokes a decrease in insulin production and helps to more actively deposit fat).

But These foods can help you lose weight and maintaining your slimness:
- lean meat and fish, eggs (help speed up metabolism and minimize the development of muscle dystrophy);
- green vegetables (activate metabolism and help the intestines function properly);
- dairy products, low-fat and low-fat (supply the body with vital calcium and speed up metabolism);
- licorice root (normalizes blood glucose levels).

Let's now look at each product category in more detail. This will help you create the highest quality and healthy menu.

Among the meat products for people with the third blood group, lamb, lamb, venison, and rabbit are considered the most useful. You can eat, but in limited quantities, turkey, various livers, veal, beef, pheasant fillet. You should completely exclude meat chicken, duck, heart, pork, geese, partridge and quail from your diet.

As for fish, sardine, pike, halibut, hake, salmon, flounder, sea ​​bass, sturgeon You can also eat catfish, croaker, herring, scallop, shark, yellow perch and silver perch. It is recommended to refuse crayfish, lobsters, pike, crabs, rock bass, beluga, mussels, octopus, shrimp and turtle meat.

Speaking about dairy products, we note that the most acceptable consumption is cheese made from homemade goat or sheep milk, homemade cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, goat and cow milk with minimum percentage fat content Neutral dairy products include butter, whole milk, whey, food casein, cream cheese, soy cheese and the same milk, various hard cheeses and buttermilk. But processed cheese, blue and American cheese, various glazed cheeses, and fatty ice cream are harmful to the body.

Regarding fats and oils, it is recommended to supply dishes mainly olive oil(of course, moderation is important). From time to time, cod liver oil and flaxseed oil can be added to the diet. It is advisable to refuse sunflower, peanut, sesame, cottonseed and corn oils.

Among the seeds and various nuts, there are no particularly useful products at all. Those that can be allowed occasionally include American nuts, sweet chestnuts, almonds, walnuts and pecans. It is recommended to exclude sesame seeds, paste made from it, peanuts and the same paste, sunflower seeds, sesame halva, poppy seeds and pine nuts.

From bakery products are popular rice cakes, millet bread and the same bread. Gluten-based bread, rye meal bread, soy bread, oat bran muffins and spelled bread are considered neutral products. No need to say rye and wheat bread.

Of the cereals and cereals, it is especially useful to eat rice, oats, and millet. It’s better to avoid agaric, barley, rye, corn, and buckwheat.

Recommended legumes include dark beans, lima beans, vegetable beans, and red soybeans. You can occasionally eat white beans. green peas, copper beans, green beans, fava beans, broad beans and shelled beans. Avoid lentils, black beans, black beans, peas, radiant beans, black beans and spotted beans.

Especially healthy vegetables and are considered greens cauliflower, sweet potatoes, beets, green and yellow bell peppers, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage. It is also recommended to introduce into your diet a sufficient amount of parsnips, broccoli, carrots, beet leaves, hot capsicum, young mustard. It is worth eating white peas, zucchini, spinach, fennel, mushrooms, dill, green onions, turnips, asparagus, ginger, chicory, all types of onions, potatoes, lettuce leaves, kohlrabi, Japanese radish in slightly smaller quantities. Nutritionists advise avoiding pepo pumpkin, olives, corn, regular radish, Jerusalem artichoke, artichokes and soybeans.

Recommended berries and fruits are bananas, cranberries, grapes, plums, papaya, pineapple. Apricots, elderberries, oranges, tangerines, peaches, blackberries, strawberries, currants, kiwi, figs, strawberries, raisins, grapefruit, nectarines, mangoes, lemons and melon are recognized as neutral. Coconut, carom, prickly pear, pomegranates, rhubarb, and persimmon are undesirable.

If you want to add herbs and spices to your food, it is recommended to choose ginger, parsley, horseradish, curry, and cayenne pepper. You should avoid allspice, barley malt, tapioca, edible gelatin, corn starch, white pepper and corn syrup. It is advisable to exclude ketchup from sauces and, of course, frankly high-calorie and fatty additives of this type.

The most useful liquids for people with the third blood group are green tea, juices from papaya, cranberries, pineapples, cabbage, grapes (preferably freshly squeezed). You can drink, but not often, black tea, apricot juice, regular and decaffeinated coffee, various citrus juices, water with lemon juice. As for alcohol, it is better to opt for wine or drink a little beer. It is not recommended to drink tomato juice, various types of soda, seltzer water and liquids containing strong alcohol.

The most useful supplements, on the basis of which you can, for example, prepare teas, are rose hips, sage, licorice root and ginger. You can drink drinks and eat dishes with the addition of echinacea, curly sorrel, hydrastis, dandelion, St. John's wort, verbena, chamomile, smooth elm, strawberry leaves, valerian, thyme. The ban applies to hops, aloe, gentian, shepherd's purse, hay, corn silk, coltsfoot, fenugreek, red clover, and linden.

If there are no contraindications, it would not be a bad idea to engage in some kind of sport. For those with the third blood type, it is most appropriate to exercise the body with yoga, swimming, tennis, exercise on an exercise bike or riding a regular bicycle, running, and you just need to walk more.

Speaking about the timing of the diet, we note that there are no specific time periods for its adherence. The basic rules must always be true, because they do not contradict the principles of proper nutrition. If you wish, allow yourself small retreats from time to time. But remember that everything should be in moderation. Be sure to listen to your body and do everything to ensure that nutrition affects it in a beneficial way.

Diet menu

An example of a diet for the third blood group for 3 days

Day 1
Breakfast: a portion of boiled rice accompanied by apple slices; herbal tea based on St. John's wort.
Snack: banana.
Lunch: a bowl of cream soup made from carrots, mushrooms and potatoes; salad made from a boiled chicken egg, a small amount of sardines, hard cheese, lightly seasoned with olive oil or low-fat sour cream.
Afternoon snack: cucumber and carrot salad.
Dinner: slice boiled beef with stewed eggplants and sweet peppers.

Day 2
Breakfast: cooked with water or low-fat milk oatmeal with pieces of dried fruit; a cup of green tea.
Snack: a couple of plums.
Lunch: cream soup based on broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower; any fruit.
Afternoon snack: about 50 g of dried apricots.
Dinner: stewed hare and a few tablespoons of rice with vegetables.

Day 3
Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese mixed with apple; a glass of berry juice.
Snack: banana.
Lunch: portion mushroom soup with fried vegetables; salad of beef slices, cucumber, Chinese cabbage and cilantro.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: baked lean fish fillet with boiled green beans.

Diet contraindications

Anyone with a third blood group can adhere to the diet described above, unless other special nutrition is indicated for them. And even then, with a competent approach and mandatory consultation with a qualified doctor, it will be possible to eat according to the rules of the method with some modifications in any case.

Advantages of a diet for the third blood group

  1. You can eat nourishingly and variedly.
  2. A large assortment of permitted products allows you to plan a menu based on your taste preferences.
  3. The food offered is available. There is no need to turn to outlandish culinary ingredients and give up your usual food.
  4. Along with improving your well-being and strengthening your health, you can, by adjusting your menu, both lose and gain weight. The diet is universal.

Disadvantages of the diet for the third blood group

  • Despite the fact that you can eat a lot, there are certain prohibitions. If you want the diet to be effective, you need to give up some foods or significantly minimize them in your menu.
  • For those with a sweet tooth and lovers of high-calorie baked goods, the introduction of new rules may not be easy.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the fact that for the technique to be effective, it must be followed for as long as possible.

Repeated diet

If you feel well, you can follow a diet for the third blood group whenever you wish.


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Our planet is inhabited by only 20% of people with blood group 3. These people are “nomads”, as this group appeared in the process of evolution at the time of population migration and the domestication of domestic animals.

Their health will probably be the envy of all representatives of other blood groups. Their body easily adapts to environmental changes; for them there is not a single diet that would cause any complications with the digestive system - it is very well developed for them.

People with blood type 3 rarely get sick infectious diseases, their immune system also works perfectly. In addition, their nervous system is balanced, so they are not prone to nervous breakdowns or depression, which also has a positive effect on health.

In addition, they cannot sit still, they simply need to constantly move, which is why most of them choose work that requires constant movement.

But, despite their excellent health, these people still have their weaknesses - their body is prone to developing autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, and their active lifestyle leads to the formation of chronic fatigue, which mainly manifests itself in such people after 35 years.

Moreover, people with blood type 3 have their own weaknesses - fried meat and chocolate, which contribute to gaining extra pounds, despite physical activity. Because of this, they are often forced to resort to various diets to keep themselves in shape. But, as a rule, almost all diets are based on limiting the consumption of foods, especially fried and sweet ones, which is not an easy test for people with blood type 3.

The diet for blood group 3 was developed by nutritionists based on the characteristics of the body and the character of such people. In their opinion, people with blood group 3 are recommended to eat a lot of meat and fish, vegetables and fruits. These people also have their own food needs, they cannot be limited to one or a few products, they need a variety of tastes, so the most suitable diet for them it is mixed.

However, it has its limitations in the use of certain products. Despite high level digestibility of foods, they will still have to give up some types of meat and fish, cereals and legumes. We'll talk more about them a little later.

Features of the diet for blood group 3

The blood group 3 diet is suitable for both positive and negative Rh factors. It includes eating only healthy and digestible foods, while completely eliminating the consumption of fats and sugar, in principle, like any other diet.

Preference is given to dairy and fermented milk products, especially home-made ones. It is recommended to increase the consumption of boiled eggs to 6 eggs per day.

Pork - this product is not prohibited for consumption by people with blood group 3, but only by those who suffer from anorexia (and there are a lot of such people with blood group 3). Those who, on the contrary, want to lose a couple of extra pounds, should completely exclude this product from their diet.

In order to bring your weight back to normal, you need to eat only those foods that benefit the body of people with blood type 3, minimize the consumption of neutral ones and completely eliminate those foods that are poorly digested and excreted. large number toxins into the body. We will talk about them in more detail now.

You can find out whether you can really lose weight with a blood type diet from the following video:

Healthy foods for people with blood group 3

The diet for the third blood group includes the consumption of the following foods:

  • meat: lamb, venison, lamb and rabbit meat;
  • seafood: sardine, flounder, salmon, monkfish, mackerel, sea bass, cod, pike and black caviar;
  • dairy and fermented milk products: goat milk, kefir, yoghurts, homemade cheese and cottage cheese, goat and sheep cheese;
  • oils: olive;
  • bakery products made from rice and wheat flour;
  • cereals and cereals: millet, rice, oats and spelled;
  • legumes: dark beans, green beans, red soybeans and lima beans;
  • vegetables: eggplant, beets, cauliflower, yams, Brussels sprouts, yellow and green peppers;
  • fruits and berries: bananas, grapes, cranberries, plums, papaya and pineapple;
  • spices: horseradish, curry, ginger, parsley and cayenne pepper;
  • drinks: green tea, juices from grapes, cranberries and cabbage, as well as pineapple and papaya;
  • herbal teas with the addition of rose hips, ginger, licorice, sage and ginseng.

These products are not only useful for people with blood type 3, but also help. By eating them constantly, you can forget about them forever. overweight and fat hanging from the sides.

These products should be kept to a minimum, as they are completely useless for the body. They do not harm him, but they do not do any good either. Their use is possible, but it is better to replace them with healthy products.

  • meat: turkey, veal, pheasant, buffalo, beef and liver;
  • seafood: scallop, herring, croaker, squid, tuna, silver snapper, rainbow trout, yellow perch and striped catfish;
  • dairy and fermented milk products: butter, soy milk and cheese, hard cheeses, whole milk and whey;
  • oils and fats: linseed oil and cod liver oil;
  • seeds and nuts: almonds, walnuts and pecans;
  • baked goods made from rye meal and oat bran, as well as soy and spelled bread;
  • legumes: white beans, green peas, fava beans, copper and red beans, broad beans and shelled beans;
  • vegetables: spinach, Japanese radish, fennel, zucchini, white peas, rutabaga, ginger, all types of onions and leafy vegetables;
  • fruits and berries: mangoes, pears, melons, currants, kiwis, cherries, blueberries, tangerines, mangoes, blueberries, figs, raisins, grapefruit and apricots;
  • drinks: black tea, juices from apricots, citruses and vegetables, white and red wine, coffee and beer;
  • herbal teas with the addition of elderberry, dandelion, St. John's wort, birch bud, thyme, chamomile and mulberries.

Harmful foods for blood group 3

When adhering to a diet for blood group 3, these foods must be completely excluded. Not only do they negatively affect your health, but they also contribute to the accumulation of fat cells and the deposition of toxins. These products include:

  • meat: chicken, pork, duck, goose, quail and partridge;
  • seafood: sea pike, sea turtle, eel, crayfish, lobster, crab, smoked salmon, mussels, shrimp and other shellfish;
  • dairy and fermented milk products: ice cream, blue and processed cheese;
  • oils: vegetable, sesame, cottonseed, peanut and corn;
  • seeds and nuts: pine nuts, poppy seeds, nuts and nut butters, sunflower seeds;
  • bakery products made from wheat and rye flour with the addition of yeast;
  • cereals and cereals: corn, rye, barley, buckwheat, wheat and agaric;
  • legumes: lentils, snap peas, radiant beans, corner beans, cow peas, black beans and spotted beans;
  • vegetables: pepo pumpkin, soybean, artichoke, radish, olives, Jerusalem artichoke and tomatoes;
  • fruits and berries: persimmons, pomegranates, coconut, rhubarb and carom;
  • spices: barley malt, ground black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, almond extract and allspice;
  • sauces: ketchup;
  • drinks: tomato juices, carbonated drinks and drinks with the addition of distilled alcohol;
  • herbal teas with the addition of hops, aloe, gentian and red clover.

You can learn more about the blood type diet from the following video:

By following all the rules of the diet for blood group 3, you can forget about excess fat once and for all.

The main thing is not to forget about physical exercise, the implementation of which is necessary not only during the process of losing weight, but also after it. This will have a very good effect on your health.

Contents [Show]

The diet for blood type 3 negative will allow people in this category to lose extra pounds without harm to health and extra effort above yourself. This diet was developed taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of a person with the third blood group - it is not strict, but rather advisory in nature.

Diet for blood group 3 negative

The diet offers tables of foods that promote and prevent weight gain, provides recommendations regarding a suitable diet and healthy image life. Let's look at this nutrition plan in more detail: its features, basic principles, foods that are healthy and harmful for weight loss.


The emergence of the third blood group is associated with nomadic peoples who inhabited primarily Asia. Physiological and psychological characteristics representatives of this group correspond to the lifestyle of nomads, manifesting themselves in good immunity, emotional flexibility, adaptability and sufficient strong system digestion. Such an organism effectively resists most diseases, but it is often undermined by diabetes and chronic fatigue. In addition, people with the third blood group (both positive and negative) are distinguished by a strong nervous system, balance and endurance, which allows them to cope well with diets and successfully correct their own body. On at the moment representatives of the third group make up approximately a fifth of the world's population.

“Nomads” are most often active - they do not have to be forced into sports and an active lifestyle. However, overwork can negatively affect their health and even disrupt their metabolism, and since representatives of the third group often like to enjoy confectionery delights and French fries, the resulting problems with metabolism lead to considerable overweight(especially in women). The good news is that any “nomad” is quite capable of losing weight with the help of a wisely selected diet.

Basic principles

The diet for the third blood group with negative Rh is based on mixed diet which includes meat, fish, grains, vegetables, and fruits. (All this is necessary for the full functioning of the “nomad”, however different products have unequal usefulness for his figure).

  1. You need to eat in moderate doses, but be sure to get enough. Starvation diets for people with a third negative blood group are strictly prohibited. The number of meals depends on your lifestyle and internal comfort (it can be three meals a day, or six).
  2. The best option for a “nomad” is to develop your own diet and follow it for the rest of your life. The diet should not be rigid at all, but applicable to the individual needs of the body. Based on the tables of permitted and prohibited foods, when creating a menu, you need to take into account your own characteristics and, if necessary, adjust the diet “to suit you.”
  3. Universal principles include minimal consumption of sweets and fatty foods due to a predisposition to diabetes. You should also be very careful with fried and smoked foods.

What can you eat

As already mentioned, meat is included in the table of permitted products, but not all its varieties. As for the healthiest ones, these are rabbit meat and lamb (in addition, people in this category are recommended to eat liver dishes).

Fish in this diet is no less important than meat (with the exception of only a few types), salmon are especially useful, as well as sardines, cod, mackerel, and tuna. You can eat almost all vegetables (with rare exceptions), including legumes and soy. Particularly useful different varieties cabbage, eggplant and sweet pepper.

Fermented milk products are shown to have a low fat content. Of the cereal grains, you should prefer rice, oatmeal and millet. Among the most useful fruits are bananas, pineapples, ripe plums, and grapes. You can safely use greens (dill and parsley), as well as ginger and horseradish. The most healthy drinks- these are herbal teas (with the addition of ginseng or sage), ginger tea, pineapple and grape juices.

In the table of products that cannot be called beneficial for health and weight loss, poultry (duck, chicken, game), beef and pork should be noted. According to doctors, due to the interaction of these substances with red blood cells of the third blood group, diseases may occur immune system and heart complications. Harmful lectins, which are contained in the meat of these types, not only clog the blood, but are also deposited in fats. Sometimes, in order to lose weight, a person with the third group only needs to give up the above foods.

The table of harmful foods also includes some grains that can slow down metabolism and negatively affect the liver. Such grains include corn, wheat, buckwheat, and lentils. Peanuts and sesame also have similar negative properties. Among vegetable crops, tomatoes (especially raw), radish, Jerusalem artichoke and pumpkin are not suitable for people in this category. It is worth refraining from regular consumption of persimmons, as well as pomegranates. You should not overuse nuts, olives, hot and allspice.

Diet according to blood type 3 negative menu for the week

diet 3 blood group negative

Additional Tips

  1. For carriers of the third blood group, sports are very useful, since activity is second nature to them. However, the right approach to choosing a sports direction is necessary. The best option will become active, but not overloaded fitness (aerobics, moderately energetic dancing, dynamic yoga, etc.).
  2. It is very useful to exclude all alcoholic drinks from your diet in order to lose weight. However, when developing a long-term diet, in holiday menu You can include small portions of dry wine and beer.
  3. You should definitely give up such universally harmful products for weight loss as mayonnaise sauces and carbonated lemonades.
  4. It is better to use olive oil for dressing salads and preparing other dishes.
  5. Prefer green vegetables and fruits (when ripe): they are most beneficial for weight loss.
  6. In general, seafood is quite acceptable for people with blood type 3, but crabs and crayfish should be excluded from the list of healthy foods.
  7. In moderate doses will be beneficial chicken eggs, however, goose and duck should be discarded. Eggs should be consumed boiled, preferably soft-boiled.
  8. We must not forget about water: losing weight with a mixed diet requires at least 1.5 liters clean water daily.

The concept of American naturopath Peter D'Adamo about the dependence of proper nutrition on blood type has been extremely popular all over the world for a quarter of a century, despite the rather skeptical attitude of official medicine.

According to D’Adamo, this dependence has been formed at the genetic level since ancient times and is associated with the lifestyle of primitive people.

Thus, he calls carriers of the 1st blood group “hunters”, the 2nd – “farmers”, and the 3rd – “nomads”, since this period of human evolution was characterized by active migration. Currently, 20% of the Earth's population, that is, every fifth inhabitant, belongs to this blood group.

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What is the difference between representatives of the third negative blood group?

Compared to “hunters” and “farmers,” the nomads’ menu is much richer - it includes both plant and animal foods.

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“Nomads” are characterized by good adaptability to environmental changes, stable immunity, and a strong nervous system. However, among them there is a tendency to diabetes mellitus, a serious disease of the endocrine system.

A common problem for a large part of the population is losing weight. It did not bypass carriers of the 3rd blood group.

Fortunately, the diet is quite easy for them, because a wide range of products is available to them, and the table will help you to create the right menu and choose recommended food products.

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Nutrition for all blood types

What should it be correct nutrition according to the 3rd negative blood group

A balanced, nutritious diet is the key to maintaining health for many years, subject to adequate physical activity. Preference should be given to products that speed up metabolism, and those that slow it down should be limited or eliminated altogether.

The best option would be split meals in small portions with an interval of 3-3.5 hours. It is better to give priority in the diet to green vegetables (lettuce, cucumbers, etc.) and fermented milk products. In general, the diet looks like this:

  • Meat: beef, and preferably veal, beef liver, lamb, rabbit, with the exception of pork, chicken and turkey.
  • Eggs.
  • Lean fish: cod, tuna, flounder, sardines.
  • Fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, radishes, radishes, pumpkins, tomatoes, olives, corn.
  • Green in large quantities.
  • Fruits, with the exception of pomegranate, avocado and persimmon, and dried fruits.
  • Cereals, with the exception of semolina and buckwheat.
  • Legumes, with the exception of lentils.
  • Vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds.
  • Drinks: green tea, coffee, cocoa, herbal teas, juices (cranberry, pineapple, orange, grape, except tomato and pomegranate); sauerkraut brine.

Please note that there are no seafood on the list - they are harmful for blood group 3, so you will have to do without shrimp, shellfish and crabs.

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Mayonnaise, ketchup and carbonated drinks are excluded from the diet regardless of blood type. The presence of brine in the list of drinks may seem strange, but it perfectly stimulates metabolism and has a pleasant taste.

With the help of such a varied, balanced diet, you can provide the body with all the vitamins and microelements it needs without gaining weight. This is also facilitated by split meals in small portions.

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Depending on the blood type, the human body is predisposed to certain foods, the consumption of which improves digestion and immunity. When following a blood type diet, the 3rd negative food table for women includes the most healthy foods, neutral and prohibited. By following a diet, you can improve your health and prevent the development of diseases to which representatives of the 3rd blood group are most prone.

Characteristics of people with third negative blood group

Nomads are a figurative name for people with the third blood group (photo:

The third blood group began to form during the Great Migration. During migration from one territory to another, people domesticated animals. Thus a new power source emerged. Evolution digestive system was determined by the consumption of meat and dairy products. Representatives of the third blood group are figuratively called “nomads.”

People with blood type 3 are characterized by flexibility, stable immunity, balance and patience. They easily adapt to changes and have a strong nervous system.

Among weaknesses Representatives of the 3rd blood group can be distinguished:

  • tendency to develop diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • predisposition to colds and viral diseases;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • vulnerability to depression and stress;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Table of products for representatives of the 3rd blood group

Representatives of the 3rd blood group are predisposed to eating protein foods (photo:

The diet for the 3rd negative blood group (B(III)Rh-) should include meat, fish and low-fat dairy products. Vegetables and fruits will also be beneficial. You need to eat regularly, often, in small portions.

List of products for people with blood type 3:

Products that have a positive effect on the body Products that negatively affect the body Products with neutral influence
Lamb, rabbit, eggs Goose, duck and chicken meat, bacon, broiler chickens, pork, heart, ham Beef, veal, turkey meat, lard, liver
Salmon, perch, flounder, cod, river pike, mackerel, pickled herring, hake, trout Smoked salmon, caviar, eel, crustaceans, seaweed Herring (salted and fresh), carp, tuna, catfish, river perch
Yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, cheese, skim and goat milk Ice cream Whey, cream, casein, whole milk, cow's milk cheese, processed cheese
Olive oil Sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, margarine Butter, linseed oil
Poppy seeds Peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds Walnuts and almonds
Millet, rice, oat flour, wheat bread, oatmeal cookies and cereals Buckwheat, pearl barley, barley and corn grits, rye flour, wheat, barley, wholemeal bread, grain and rye bread Semolina, pasta, rye gingerbread, crackers, durum wheat flour
Cabbage, carrots, leaf beets, peppers, sweet potatoes Potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, radish, rhubarb, radish Onions, cucumbers, beets, champignons, celery, lettuce, asparagus, zucchini
Pineapple, banana, lingonberry, cherry plum, grapes, plum, apples, coconut, cranberry Pomegranate, persimmon, avocado, olives, barberry Orange, grapefruit, pear, watermelon, cherry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, currant, cherry, peach, blueberry
Herbal tea (rose hips, ginseng, raspberries, licorice root) Linden and coltsfoot tea Herbal tea from hawthorn, mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme, strawberry leaves, valerian
Green tea Coca-Cola, lemonade, alcohol tinctures, cognac, vodka Black coffee, red and white wine, beer

Nutritionist advice. The disadvantages of the diet for blood type 3 are:

  • exclusion of certain staple foods;
  • doubtfulness and controversy, lack of scientific validity;
  • variability of results, which complicates the final analysis.

Speaking about the Rh factor, it is worth noting that scientists doubt its decisive influence on the choice of certain food products. To claim that the benefits of a diet are determined by blood type alone means recommending the same diet to everyone, regardless of place of residence, age and gender.

The use of blood type diets gives a short-term weight loss effect. A poor diet without certain vitamins, minerals and microelements, errors in nutrition are factors that worsen nutrition and reduce the caloric content of the diet. Such diets can provoke various diseases.

How to lose weight for representatives of the 3rd blood group

The blood type diet will help maintain normal weight (photo:

To lose weight you need to limit your sugar intake and fatty foods. Proper nutrition combined with physical activity. For people with the third blood group, swimming, yoga and tennis are suitable. You can ride a bike, jog, or do race walking more often. It is not recommended to use loads that lead to excessive fatigue.

Blood group diet 3rd negative with sample menu:

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
First Oatmeal porridge, boiled egg, low-fat cheese Fruits 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g baked beef, beet salad Cottage cheese with herbs (100 g) 200 g stewed liver, vegetable salad with olive oil
Second Syrniki, licorice root tea Fruit salad 250 ml vegetable soup, 150 g steamed fish, 100 g vegetable salad poached egg sandwich 200 g boiled beef, 100 g fresh cabbage salad
Third Porridge with banana, coffee Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g baked lamb, 100 g fresh cucumber salad Fruits or berries (100 g) Baked fish (200 g), grilled vegetables, green tea
Fourth Omelette with vegetables, banana, green tea Chamomile tea, trout sandwich 250 ml vegetable soup, 100 g porridge with steamed fish Fresh carrot-apple juice, low-fat cottage cheese Fresh cabbage salad (100 g), 100 g boiled meat
Fifth Orange with cottage cheese and honey, green tea with a spoon of honey Fruit salad 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g baked fish, 100 boiled beets Boiled egg, whole grain bread, 1/2 tomato 200 g boiled fish, fresh cabbage and cucumber salad
Sixth One hard-boiled egg, oatmeal, low-fat white cheese, green tea A glass of fresh cranberry juice, cottage cheese with honey 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g boiled fish, herbal tea Orange Boiled lean beef (200g), grilled vegetables (150g), tea
Seventh day Frittata with vegetables, apple, coffee Cottage cheese with herbs and bread 250 ml vegetable soup, 200 g stewed liver, 200 ml fermented baked milk Fruit salad 200 g baked fish, 30 g cheese, fresh vegetable salad, green tea

Eating according to blood type helps speed up metabolism and improves functioning internal organs and systems, and also cleanses the body. Following a diet provides the body with the necessary nutrients and helps maintain normal weight. For weight loss balanced diet combined with physical activity. The diet of people with the third blood group includes meat, fish, low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Features of the diet for people with the third blood group are described in the video below.

The birthplace of the blood type 3 gene is considered to be the foothills of the Himalayas (the territory of modern Pakistan and India). The evolution of the digestive system was predetermined by the use of dairy products for food and livestock farming. Usually people with this blood type are called “nomads” - after all, this group appeared as a result of the adaptation of distant ancestors to changing environmental conditions and the migration of entire peoples.

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