Sobolev's life. Life of Nikolai Sobolev outside of YouTube. Kolyan was on his way to success

Sobolev is the most charming video blogger, suffering from narcissism and having the not very pleasant nickname “hypozhor”. You can hate him, consider him a hypocrite and a captain of obviousness. This does not prevent him from collecting millions of views and having the same number of subscribers. Who is Nikolai Sobolev really? How much does he earn? How did you achieve popularity?

Childhood years

The biography of Nikolai Sobolev began on July 18, 1993 in St. Petersburg. In an interview, he repeatedly said that his family was wealthy and never experienced material problems. By his own admission, he could not work anywhere at all and live comfortably on his parents’ income. This is not surprising, because his mother is a musician at the Mariinsky Theater, and his father is a businessman who owns a chain of souvenir stores. Nikolai graduated from gymnasium No. 56, where he intensively studied economics and linguistics. His knowledge can be judged by the episodes “YouTubers Answer School Questions,” where he confidently took first place among video bloggers.

At the age of five, little Kolya began practicing martial arts. Having been injured in adolescence, he left training for a while, but at the age of 16 he resumed training and achieved good results. After graduating from school, Nikolai entered the Moscow Polytechnic University, where he studied at the Faculty of Economics and Management. He got good hearing and an excellent voice from his mother. He could have become a singer or fitness trainer, but fate decreed otherwise. In the biography of Nikolai Sobolev there is even a note about performances in cabaret.


Few people know, but Nikolai created his first YouTube channel back in 2010. But at that time he was a teenager and did not understand quality content. Idea to do new project came to him already in my student years, after meeting with

Together they come up with the concept of their channel and give it the sonorous name Rakamakafo. The goal of the project is social experiments and pranks. In the first six months they shoot quite interesting videos and gain the first hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Spectators watch with interest as the guys set up various situations and draw people passing by into them. They staged kidnapping, begging, rape and many other cases. Nikolai Sobolev’s girlfriend, Yana, actively took part in the filming.


The guys first became widely known after a social experiment that was filmed in Russia and America. The guys pretended to feel bad and looked at the reaction of passers-by. It turned out that the Russians were reluctant to help a suffering person, while the Americans almost all rushed to help. This caused a great resonance, and the video ended up in the “Let Them Talk” program. There the guys were accused of staging and decided that this simply could not happen in the cultural capital. But a few months later, Malakhov himself became convinced that it could have happened when a girl was cut with a knife and trampled underfoot by a man in front of passers-by.

"YouTube Life"

In the wake of his first popularity in 2015, Nikolai created his own channel. In it, he details the lives of the most popular people. The heroes of his videos were Ivangay and Maryana Ro, Sasha Spielberg, Dmitry Larin, and other bloggers. The audience liked the content, and Nikolay quickly gathered a decent audience on his channel. However, his presentation of the material and many negative assessments of his colleagues led to a conflict with the critic and innovator Larin. Dmitry did not start a war with Sobolev, as with Khovansky, but simply recorded a video about his new enemy called “Kolya Hater.” The song became an instant hit. Nikolai made a response music video, but it did not arouse much interest among the public. Despite the fact that Larin’s video was negative, it also brought an impressive number of subscribers to the opponent himself.

“The Path to Success” by Nikolai Sobolev

In December 2016, the video blogger will present his book. This is a kind of guide to creating and promoting your channel on YouTube. The entire path from filming videos to editing and presentation is described in detail for beginning bloggers. “The Path to Success” by Nikolai Sobolev did not become a bestseller, but ahead was 2017, which clearly explained to both the author and readers how to actually achieve success.

"Haipozhor Kolka"

In March 2017, Nikolai was invited to the “Let Them Talk” program as an expert. The topic is quite delicate - a minor girl was raped by two guys, as a result, one of them received 8 years in prison, and the second escaped punishment. At one time, Nikolai and Guram filmed people’s reactions to violent acts against girls. Therefore, the program organizers believed that he would be able to give an objective assessment real event. This was the finest hour of video blogger Nikolai Sobolev. He spoke rather harshly towards the victim Diana Shurygina, and then covered this situation in detail on his channel. His appearance on television increased the number of his subscribers by 2.5 times.

Malakhov invited Nikolai to the second issue, dedicated to Diana. They made a real show out of a dramatic situation. Everyone who touched Shurygina’s case got their piece of the pie, but Sobolev immediately grabbed most of it. Accusations of “hypocrisy” and hypocrisy rained down on him from his colleagues. He didn’t have to work on the channel for years to gain at least 500 thousand subscribers. Sobolev gained so much in a few days. He himself did not deny that he became popular thanks to his participation in the program, but did not consider this to be the merit of the high-profile case. He expressed his opinion, and the public supported him in this with their likes.

In what century was Pushkin born?

This was the name of the “Let Them Talk” issue, where the already very famous Nikolai Yuryevich Sobolev was again invited. This time, he and Guram created a stir when they surveyed students on the city streets. The youth did not know the answer to even the most basic school questions. But not everyone agreed that such a problem exists. One of the heroines expressed her outrage on social networks, saying that everything was edited, and she answered almost all the questions. Malakhov immediately joined the game. The new showdown raised Nikolai to unattainable heights - now the whole country knew him. Truly, 2017 started out fabulously for him and promised many more interesting twists and turns. In addition to fame, he brought him another joy - a girl named Polina. A beauty with a model appearance completely captured the heart of a charming video blogger. Many have noticed that new girl Nikolai Sobolev is very similar to Yana, with whom he broke up six months ago.


This is the name Nikolai's channel now bears. On at the moment the Rakamakafo project has been frozen, although subscribers believe that Guram and Sobolev will make many more interesting videos. The channel still has 2.5 million subscribers. Nikolay himself continues to write his column and talks about the latest interesting news related to YouTube. He had several unpleasant conflicts, but he came out of them with dignity. He does not hesitate to ask for forgiveness from those whom he has hurt or offended. So, in one of his releases, he recklessly labeled Ivangai as a drug addict, but then denied this information.

Inexplicable, but true

In the summer of 2017, a new channel appeared on YouTube, created by the famous TV presenter Sergei Druzhko. It instantly attracted a huge audience and became a hit this summer. In one of the episodes, the presenter threw Sobolev’s book into the trash. The guy didn’t think long and immediately recorded a music video for Druzhko. The clip turned out much better than the previous one and received a lot of views. But it didn't sound like an offensive and angry song. The reason lay on the surface - Druzhko was an old friend of Nikolai’s family. Even his colleagues noted the video blogger’s good vocal abilities.

Many people are interested in how much Nikolai Sobolev earns. In one of his videos, he shared information about the income of his colleagues. However, he didn’t say a word about himself, which caused a lot of negativity in the comments of haters. But in an interview with Dudu, Sobolev mentioned that his monthly income is calculated as a figure with six zeros. He has expensive car, which he bought just recently. Before that, he owned a Mazda, which Larin noted in his diss and glorified the car no less than its owner.

"Hype Camp"

Another wave of popularity was brought by a show about aspiring video bloggers. Several famous personalities, such as Katya Klap, YanGo, Lizzka, Danya Komkov, Annie May, held a casting, during which they criticized children and teenagers very harshly. Nikolay couldn’t pass by and made a video about it. A real persecution of those whom he singled out in his release began on the Internet. Thus, Lizzka, who recently gained her million subscribers, became one of the most hated people. It didn't take long for the dislikes to arrive - all of the girl's videos received just a ton of negative comments. She even had to film an appeal to Nikolai Yuryevich Sobolev in order to stop the wave of outflow of people from the channel.

It was even worse for Dana Komkov. He simply “drowned” in a sea of ​​contempt not only from subscribers, but also from his colleagues. For some time he tried to pretend cool guy, but he was also broken by the deplorable situation with unsubscribes and dislikes. He also made a video in which he asked everyone for forgiveness, including Sobolev. It seems that Nikolai really knows how to manage the careers of his colleagues to some extent.

Sobolev Nikolai biography

Real name— Nikolai Yurievich Sobolev

Hometown- Saint Petersburg

Activity— Blogger

Who is Nikolai Sobolev

Nikolay Sobolev is a Russian video blogger, blogger, singer, better known as the creator of such projects as Rakamakafo, Ready Steady Go and, of course, as the author of his solo channel on YouTube “Sobolev”, on which he covers famous events that concern the public.

Nikolai Sobolev before he became famous

Nikolai’s passion for creativity began from an early age; at school he attended various acting and creative clubs. But sports also had a place in Kolya’s life; he is the champion of St. Petersburg in taekwondo. Also in high school, he was heavily involved in bodybuilding and weighed about 120 kilograms.

After school, Nikolai decides to enter the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, which he subsequently graduates with a master's degree.

Sobolev YouTube

In 2014, Sobolev came up with the idea of ​​creating a channel on YouTube, together with his friend Guram Narmania, on which they would shoot videos with practical jokes and pranks. And they call him Rakamakafo / Rakamakafo. Since the guys made videos on sensitive social topics, the videos gained great popularity, and the channel gained subscribers accordingly. So in the first year, the Rakamakafo channel gained 1,000,000 subscribers and its creators were included in the “TOP 50” of the most popular people in St. Petersburg.

An interesting fact: the first video on the rakamakafo channel, where Kolya and Guram invited passers-by to have group sex with them, took fifteen days to film, due to embarrassment and inexperience.

Life YouTube and SOBOLEV

In 2016, Nikolai Sobolev became the host of the channel “ Life YouTube“, where he covered the latest interesting events in the life of YouTubers. Soon, on November 8, 2016, Nikolay changes the name of the channel to “ SOBOLEV” and begins to cover news, not only from the YouTube environment, but also from the whole world, touching on such tough topics as “Khabarovsk Flayers”, criminal cases brought against various bloggers, etc.

Ready Steady Go

In 2016, Nikolay Sobolev, together with Ilya Strekalovsky and Alexander Murataev, launched the channel Ready Steady Go, which at some point becomes the fastest growing in the world in terms of subscriber growth. The guys use it to make reviews of cars and everything connected with them.

Book by Nikolai Sobolev “YouTube: The Path to Success”

In August 2016, Nikolai released a book "YouTube: The Path to Success" in which he describes the basics of creating, developing and promoting your channel on YouTube.

Sobolev and Shurygina

In 2017, Nikolai Sobolev was invited to the program “Let Them Talk - In the Height of the Party,” where the rape of Diana Shurygina was discussed, the veracity of which the whole country doubts. The appearance on this program brings Kolya more than 250,000 subscribers to the channel and in total he gains 1,000,000 on the channel.

Personal life of Nikolai Sobolev

Nikolai is a very serious young man and is not a supporter of casual relationships with girls. At the moment, he had about two serious relationships, one of which continues to this day. First serious relationship were with Yana Khanikeryan and they lasted 3 and a half years.

Parting with Yana Khanikerian

Nikolai did not advertise his separation from Yana anywhere, but subscribers somehow found out about it and at the moment Kolya’s personal messages are flooded with the question: “Why did you break up with Yana?” He comments on it like this: “Yes, indeed, after 3.5 years of relationship, we broke up, I don’t know whether unfortunately or fortunately it happened, but we’re just not together. »

Sobolev's new girlfriend

At the moment, Nikolai Sobolev is dating a very pretty girl, Polina Chistyakova, and as Nikolai himself says: “This is the girl with whom I want to live my whole life.”

Interesting fact: Kolya and Polina met thanks to one of the “Rakamakafo” pranks. Kolya and Guram made a video on the topic: “how many people recognize them on the street”, periodically people came up to them to take pictures and one of these people was Polina, Kolya, of course, noticed this beautiful girl, but no more, since at that time he was in a relationship with Yana. And now, after 9 months, Nikolai breaks up with Yana, falls into a stupor and remembers such a girl from the video as Polina. A week and a half later, Kolya writes to her on VK, makes an appointment, word for word, and a year later they are already living together. Ex-girlfriend Yana is also already in a new relationship.

At the moment, Nikolay Sobolev is one of the most popular bloggers in the Russian segment of YouTube. He shoots videos for several channels with enviable frequency, and he also has an official Instagram account.

Nikolai Sobolev in just two months became one of the most discussed bloggers in the country, and all because he spoke honestly about that scandalous one. Then, in February, we recall, Diana accused 21-year-old Sergei Semenov of rape, although the testimony of witnesses spoke of the guy’s innocence, and Diana herself was confused about what she said to Andrei Malakhov on the air of the program “Let Them Talk.” Kolya recorded several revealing videos and even took part in the filming of the show, where he expressed everything he thought about Diana to her face. The number of Sobolev’s subscribers jumped sharply to three million. But he appeared on YouTube much earlier. First, as part of the Rakamakafo team (with their friend Guram, the guys performed social experiments and pranks - pranking people on the streets), and then solo. Kolya told PEOPLETALK how he became a blogger and what plans he has for television.

I was born in St. Petersburg and lived there all my life. My mother is a pianist at the Mariinsky Theater. And dad graduated from the Makarov School and was at sea for five years, then worked in a bank, and then became an entrepreneur - he has been involved in the souvenir business for 15 years. As a child, I did not have a clear goal in life: like everyone else, I said that I wanted to become a president, and then an astronaut. At the age of seven I started singing and then I wanted to become a professional artist. True, I had dubious idols: at that time I was still young, plus I listened to classical music and opera. At school I sang at all the concerts, and in the 10th and 11th grades I played in the theater. Then, in one of the productions, the owner of a local club noticed me. She said: “Let's give you a recital?” I performed, sang 20 compositions, and through friends, a cabaret director contacted me and invited me to perform on an ongoing basis - so I worked for a year and a half.

Shirt, Aeronautica Militare, suit, TOMMY HILFIGER

In general, I had different hobbies. I went in for sports and was the champion of St. Petersburg in karate. Then I studied speed typing for three years and also did vocals. And then he entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University at the Faculty of Economics and Management. There I met Guram. He once sent me a foreign prank and suggested: “Let’s do something like that.” This is how the Rakamakafo project was born, and we became the most popular pranksters in Russia.

At Rakamakafo, we set up social experiments: we tested how people would react to certain situations. We imitated the sounds of rape in a car, tried to steal a child in front of adults, asked a teenager to shoot cigarettes from passers-by.

The filming of the project was not complete without scandals. Once, for example, we sat in the bullpen all night. Then we did an experiment: we allegedly kidnapped a person from a bus stop. We were immediately captured and thrown into a cell, and at four o’clock in the morning they moved a prostitute in with us...

Shirt, Aeronautica Militare, suit, TOMMY HILFIGER, trench coat, Marciano

We did a very cool experiment, “A Man Feels Bad.” Filmed in two countries - America and Russia. As a result, it turned out that in Russia no one wanted to help strangers on the street, but in the USA people came to help very often. After we released the video, there was general hysteria: television called it anti-propaganda for Russia. Although this was a call to be more responsive.

Of course, this prank was repeated in every city in the country. It collected five million views in three days! I saw it everywhere, it was reposted by Alexey Navalny, Pavel Pyatnitsky and even.

After some time, we filmed almost all possible pranks and became emotionally exhausted. Then I realized that I needed a more convenient, faster format, where I could make several issues a week, integrate advertising there and really make money. Now I'm doing reviews different situations, I’m expressing my opinion: since childhood, I loved to organize everything into shelves, to structure it.

Shirt, belt, Massimo Dutti, jacket, ELEVENTY, jeans, Guess

After I reviewed the program “Let Them Talk” about Diana Shurygina, my audience increased. But this is just a coincidence. People found out about my channel, they liked what I said and how I said it. This episode received 16 million views on YouTube.

I was interested in discussing this and expressing my point of view. For some reason, when such stories happen, everyone accuses me of some kind of hypocrisy. Yes, what does this have to do with it? You are interested in expressing your thoughts about this in the comments, but I am interested in the channel. Each blogger is a hype eater in his own way, because he strives to gain views.

Shirt, ELEVENTY, sweatshirt, Uniqlo, jacket, Zara, trousers, Massimo Dutti, boots, TOMMY HILFIGER (GORE-TEX)

Last year I wrote a book "The Path to Success": this practical guide, in which I laid out point by point what needs to be done in order for the video to be well made and reach the top. If I'm good at this topic, why can't I help people? It is important how much you are involved in this topic. The book turned out to be very successful; it was bought in five editions. The sixth additional edition is currently underway. The publisher even asked me to write another book, but it is still in the works.

I simply said my name at the beginning of each video and spontaneously put the emphasis on the first syllable. It came as a surprise to me that people started making parodies of this “Nikolai Sobolev”. Well, I decided to exaggerate it. My content contains a lot of self-irony, but, unfortunately, the YouTube audience is not astute enough to understand such jokes. I have the image of a narcissistic person, but in reality I treat myself adequately and critically. I'm just confident. But people really think that I’ve gone overboard. ( Laughs.)

I want to prove to everyone who didn't believe in me how wrong they were. I am gradually developing myself, I want to collaborate with television, make music on YouTube professional level. But again, I don't have enough days in the week. If only there were not 24 hours in a day, but 38... Everything will be sure! I take a very long time to sway, but then everything turns out well, I do it consciously.

We thank the YOKO restaurant for their help in organizing the shooting!

If you closely follow YouTube trends, then you have definitely heard about Nikolai Sobolev. In this post we will talk in detail about Sobolev and his channels on YouTube. You will also find out who he was before he became famous, and we will also talk about the content that this popular YouTuber produces. Nikolai lives in the northern capital. He turned 24 in June. Very little is known about the blogger’s family, but we can say with some confidence that the family is not in poverty. Already from childhood, Kolya had a craving for music, he grew up as a creative person. He was actively involved in sports. There was a time when he just wouldn't get out gym, which now, of course, you can’t tell from him. In his youth, he even won the St. Petersburg karate championship, but over time, as he himself says, he abandoned this martial art. Now Nikolai’s time is occupied by his projects on YouTube. He also quite successfully reads various trainings and writes books on making money on channels. He knows exactly how to attract tons of money. This statement could be refuted, but all of Nikolai’s channels are quite successful - they have millions of subscribers. For example, Sobolev’s official channel currently has more than 3.6 million subscribers (see picture below).

If you want to see for yourself what the blogger films and posts online, go to YouTube and enter in the search: “Sobolev” or immediately go to the following address: “”. On his channel, Sobolev reviews the most discussed news and events. He also tries to periodically appear on television. He was a guest on such popular shows as “Comedy Club” and “Evening Urgant”, as discussed in our previous publication. If you click on the link: “Video” on the blogger’s personal channel, then sort the results by popularity, you will see that Sobolev’s stories receive millions of views. This suggests that he has a great sense of the audience, its preferences, interests and experiences. We already talked in a previous post about his ability to stay in the frame, joke when necessary, and sometimes choose a serious intonation. Of course, subscribers feel and see all this.

Of course, there are YouTubers who are trying to capitalize on Nikolai's popularity. This is why you can find fake Sobolev channels on Youtube and other platforms (see example below). To recognize such channels, just look at the number of subscribers, which does not exceed a couple of tens of thousands of people. Speaking of subscribers, we at SocPRka will quickly and efficiently increase the number of your fans on YouTube. Follow this link: “” and you will learn about everything.

As mentioned above, not a single resonant event goes unnoticed by Nikolai. But he began his journey in video blogging not with news, but with the “Rakamakafo” channel, on which he and Guram Narmania staged various social experiments. We will talk about this in detail below.

But before that, it’s worth mentioning another YouTube channel of Nikolai Sobolev, which is called: “Ready Steady Go”. More precisely, Sobolev is one of the founders of this project (see bottom picture). On the channel, the presenters talk, show and analyze in detail the fastest and expensive cars peace. If you are a fan of automotive topics and love everything connected with it, then we advise you to watch this channel.

Now it's time to talk about the “Rakamakafo” channel mentioned above. This is a kind of prank channel where sensitive social topics are raised, people’s actions are talked about, how important it is to start changing life for the better, to show compassion and not to be indifferent to other people and their problems. The presenters say on their channel that changes for the better must begin first of all with yourself. It should be noted that many users and even subscribers of the channel do not really believe everything that happens in the videos of Nikolai and Guram. They often accuse the guys that their videos are staged, but nevertheless, the channel has its own audience, and this, for a moment, is more than 3 million people. Follow the link: “” and decide for yourself whether you like this channel or whether it is not worthy of your attention.

Nowadays, videos very rarely appear on the channel, which has given rise to many different rumors: from a quarrel between bloggers to a complete one, but just yesterday the guys denied these rumors and told their subscribers how things are going with “Rakamakafo”. Video link: “”.

Nikolai Sobolev was brought up in an intelligent, creative family. The future blogger’s father was involved in the real estate business, and his mother is an employee of the Mariinsky Theater. In early childhood, Sobolev attended a taekwondo section, where he achieved high results. In 2000, the boy entered St. Petersburg Lyceum No. 30, and eight years later he transferred to Gymnasium No. 56. In parallel with his studies, the guy attended karate-do classes.

Purposeful and athletic

During one of the training sessions, Nikolai was injured, as a result of which he was forced to leave the sport. Now the young man spent his free time at the computer. But soon, not accustomed to sitting in one place, Sobolev began to visit the gym and began to lead healthy image life.

Growing up, the future YouTube star began experimenting with his own image and style. This led to the emergence of an army of fans who did not give passage to the fit, handsome guy. Having received his matriculation certificate, Nikolai easily entered the Peter the Great Polytechnic University. In 2015, Sobolev received a diploma as a manager-economist.

Unexpected popularity

While still a student, Sobolev, together with a classmate, decided to create an unusual project for Russia called “Rakamakafo”. The guys organized funny and social pranks (pranks) similar to American shows. They took the name from the lyrics of the popular song “Freestyler” by the group “Boofunk MCs” - “Rock the microphone”. Almost all listeners reproduced this line as “RakaMakaFo.”

In the first episodes, the guys pranked ordinary passers-by and acquaintances according to a previously prepared script. But a year later they updated the format of the Rakamakafo project, conducting social experiments. In 2014, the channel already had hundreds of thousands of subscribers and millions of views, which increased the earnings of students. The money received was invested in upgrading equipment and new locations.

In their final year, Nikolai and his friend Guram became local stars, recognized by passers-by. Despite high ratings and popularity, the Rakamakafo team soon ceased to exist. Each of the participants organized an original project.

Sobolev became the host of the trend channel “Life YouTube”. A year later, the creators of the show decided to rename the channel in honor of the host’s surname, considering this an expedient rebranding.

The updated Sobolev project examined current events taking place both within the country and far beyond its borders.

The most viewed episodes were: “Coverage of the group of death on social networks”, “Battle of eccentric rappers Oxxxymiron and Dizastera”, “War between the owner of Tinkoff Bank and bloggers”, “Sexual violence of Diana Shurygina”, “Fight between boxers Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather."

Thanks to the highly social topics that Sobolev raised in his online show, his popularity grew every day. Soon Nikolai began to be invited to equally famous television projects. Among them: “Let them talk to Andrei Malakhov”, “Evening Urgant”, “Comedy Club”, as well as Yuri Dud’s Internet project “vDud”.

Nikolai did not refuse to participate in filming on the channels of his fellow bloggers. Sobolev can be seen in the releases of Eldar Dzharakhov, Danila Poperechny, Alexey Stolyarov and Erik Davidich, Ruslan Usachev. Downside The St. Petersburg blogger's medals of success were conflicts with scandalous stand-up comedians and bloggers Yuri Khovansky and Dmitry Larin, as well as Latvian video blogger Lee Kei.

In March 2017, Sobolev, in company with the country's top bloggers, took part in a meeting with the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Medinsky, where the problems of the younger generation and ways to popularize culture and art were discussed.

Started in August of the same year Nikolay's new project, which was published weekly in social network Vkontakte called “Sobolev bombs”. The entertainment talk show was produced by the WildJam agency, and Yandex.Taxi was the sponsor. The project became an analogue of the Taxi program, which aired for several years on the TNT channel.

Interesting notes:

In July 2018, Sobolev posted an unexpected video on his channel about the transformation of Gorky Park. To this his colleagues reacted sharply; the video was considered propaganda for the policies of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

A few months earlier, Nikolai blasted the following bloggers to smithereens for similar work: Yuri Khovansky, Kuzma Gridin, Yulia Oneshko, Lizzki, Daniil Komkov. Sobolev accused them of openly political advertising of the elections and hypocrisy. Now the St. Petersburg blogger himself had to justify himself, attributing his act to rashness.

Soon, more than one video appeared on the network under the loud title “Sobolev sold out.” The result is being included in the list of “100 most subscribed channels in the world for 2018.” Over the course of a month, more than 13,000 people unsubscribed from Nikolai’s channel; he took second place among Russian unsuccessful bloggers.

Having lost first place to his competitor and enemy Sergei Druzhko, who surpassed Sobolev’s result, he lost about 30,000 subscribers in a month.

Also in 2018, Nikolai Sobolev became the hero of the show “Prozharka” on TNT4. The essence of the program is ridicule by comedians famous person, the host of the show is comedian and Nikolai’s namesake Ilya Sobolev. Issues dedicated to Olga Buzova, Ruslan Bely and AK47 were also published.

In addition to his blogging activities, Kolya Sobolev is also known as the author of the book “YouTube”. The path to success. How to get loads of likes and tons of money."

Personal is taboo

Personal life popular blogger - a secret behind seven locks. Sobolev for several years. The girl is three years younger than Nikolai, and in 2018 she graduated from the Northwestern University of Management. She has a striking model appearance. Some fans of Sobolev compare her with the Hollywood actress and mother of many children, Angelina Jolie.

Judging by the happy photos that Sobolev posts on his Instagram profile, the couple is happy. In his spare time, Nikolai likes to relax in bed while reading an interesting book. Preference is given to world classics: Theodore Dreiser, Mario Puzo. The blogger is also not averse to watching films starring Russell Crowe and films by talented directors Frank Darabont and Martin Scorsese.