Size of fibroids 6 weeks in centimeters. Small uterine fibroids and treatment at different weeks. Dimensions for uterine fibroid surgery in millimeters

Last update articles 07.12.2019

Middle-aged women often face a disease such as uterine fibroids. It is a benign tumor that occurs due to an excess female hormone estrogen. At timely diagnosis and complex therapy, a myomatous node can be cured without surgery. If the size of the fibroid can be described as large, the tumor puts pressure on surrounding organs and tissues. It means that conservative methods treatments will be ineffective, and the woman will have to undergo surgery.

The danger of fibroids is that the tumor for a long time may develop asymptomatically. And only when bleeding begins, pain begins or discomfort is felt, the woman decides to seek treatment. medical care.

The neoplasm is diagnosed using a special mirror on a gynecological chair or with ultrasound diagnostics. Lack of treatment and medical supervision can lead to the degeneration of the node into a malignant formation and an increase in the number of tumors.

It is extremely important for women to understand at what size uterine fibroids surgery is performed, and in which cases one can limit oneself to hormone therapy and folk remedies.

When the node grows, this leads to the fact that the volume of the organ also increases, as during the development of an embryo. That is why the size of the uterus during fibroids is determined, as during pregnancy, in weeks and centimeters (millimeters). For example, a fibroid at 6-7 weeks is 2.5 cm.

Based on the size of the tumor, it can be divided into three categories or groups. There are uterine fibroids:

  • Small. The size of the uterus corresponds to 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, and its diameter does not exceed 2 cm. Such a node is usually diagnosed by chance, since it is not capable of causing pain or other signs of illness. Uterine fibroids for 7 weeks do not require surgical removal; it will be more effective to simply treat it. The doctor will prescribe a course of hormone therapy, and using a photo from an ultrasound, he will draw up a table (development chart), and will also monitor the size and nature of the tumor.
  • Average. This category includes fibroids 9-10, as well as 12 weeks. Such a node has pronounced symptoms and signs, the woman suffers from heavy menstruation and pain syndrome. Women often wonder, how many centimeters is a fibroid at 12 weeks? The size of fibroids at 12 weeks corresponds to 7 cm.
  • Big one. Myoma 14-16 weeks is characterized as large. You should understand how dangerous a large tumor can be. In this case, drug treatment is powerless; surgery is required. Myoma 20 weeks is a giant tumor that requires urgent removal.

Small or medium uterine fibroids 7-8 weeks rarely cause serious complications after effective therapy hormonal drugs. Neoplasms of 10-13 weeks, even with proper treatment, will cast doubt on the patient’s fertility. There are cases when surgery is required for patients with small nodes.

Even if the tumor is measured not in centimeters, but in mm, urgent surgical intervention may be required. The doctor makes this decision if nodes 8-15 mm have legs. Tumors with this structure tend to twist and cause severe pain. Uterine fibroids of 3 cm should be excised if the tumor is located in a dangerous or hard-to-reach place. If such a serous node reaches a size of 5-6 cm, it will be extremely difficult to remove it without damaging the organ.

Indications for surgery

A woman, having heard that she has been diagnosed with uterine fibroids for 8 weeks, always tries to find out all the options and methods of treatment. Unfortunately, it is sometimes impossible to do without surgery.

Doctors have identified several indications when a tumor is definitely removed:

  • Uterine fibroids 12 weeks (60 mm in diameter). Such a node threatens the health and life of the patient. Sometimes not one tumor is found, but several medium-sized nodes. When diagnosing multiple uterine fibroids 6 cm, excision of the tumor is mandatory and urgent.
  • Pregnancy planning. Myoma at 9 weeks often causes infertility or early pregnancy failure. If you want to conceive, you must first remove the node, even if it is only 4 cm. Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy can stimulate the growth of the tumor. If uterine fibroids are detected 5 weeks after conception, the doctor will recommend terminating or continuing the pregnancy according to indications.

  • Risk of degeneration. If fibroids of 7 weeks have increased to 11 weeks in a few months, this may indicate the presence of atypical cells. To prevent the node from developing into cancer, it must be removed without fail.
  • Pain syndrome and dysfunction of the pelvic organs. Subserous uterine fibroids of middle or large size can put pressure on the bladder or intestines, which causes constipation, urinary incontinence, etc. Constant pain and other negative manifestations of the tumor, such as heavy bleeding, are a direct indication for surgery.

Uterine fibroids at 9 weeks deserve special attention, as well as tumors of a different size if the tumor develops in a woman during menopause.

During menopause, estrogen is released in a smaller volume, so doctors often decide that surgery is not necessary, preferring a wait-and-see approach.

What to do if observation indicates tumor growth?

If the patient is not of childbearing age, the uterus is removed along with the node.

Abdominal surgery

Subserous uterine fibroids 9-10 weeks in most cases require surgical removal, less often excision is required for smaller nodes. Traditional way The operation involves removing the tumor through an incision in the abdominal wall.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the procedure, and after its completion the patient must remain in the hospital for several days under the supervision of medical personnel.

With uterine nodes abdominal surgery can be carried out in one of four classical ways, namely:

  • Myomectomy or laparoscopy. IN abdominal wall small incisions are made. An optical device, a laparoscope, is inserted into them. Indications for surgery using this method are the small size of the nodes and an increase in the volume of the uterus for no more than eight weeks. Rehabilitation after the procedure proceeds quickly and is rarely accompanied by complications. The woman retains her reproductive function.
  • Laparotomy. It is used if the uterus has reached the size of 12-15 weeks and is pressing on nearby organs. After the tumor is removed, sutures are placed on the abdominal wall. It is recommended to stay in the hospital after surgery for 5-7 days. The total rehabilitation period is about two months.
  • Hysteroresectoscopy. The hysteroscope tube is inserted into the uterus through the vagina. Using special equipment, you can remove nodes measuring about 3 cm in the most gentle way possible. This method has the most positive reviews among women who underwent the procedure.
  • Hysterectomy. This is the most radical method, which involves removing the nodes along with the uterus. It is used extremely rarely if the tumor is gigantic in size, is growing rapidly or is prone to degeneration.

In the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and restorative drugs. A course of hormones may be prescribed to stabilize the endocrine system.

A woman who has had a 12-week tumor removed needs to take care of herself, be attentive to her well-being, and immediately seek medical help if alarming symptoms appear.

The size of uterine fibroids for surgery is not always of paramount importance. Each case is individual and requires a thoughtful approach.

Alternative methods for removing fibroids

Myomas are not always operated on. Medicine has made great strides forward, which means that today women who consult a doctor in a timely manner have access to reliable methods. An effective solution will become laser excision of the node.

This is the least traumatic method, characterized by many advantages, such as:

  • absence of scars;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • preservation of reproductive function.

The laser is successfully applied to six to seven week old tumors. The procedure is carried out in modern clinics and medical centers. The price of the service varies significantly.

If there is money to spend laser removal There are no fibroids, you can apply for a state quota.

The second reliable way to get rid of a tumor in the fifth week is UAE. Uterine artery embolization It is characterized by high effectiveness and the absence of relapse after the procedure. A catheter is inserted into the woman's femoral artery, through which a special solution will be infused into the arteries feeding the tumor. It has a clogging effect, the node stops receiving nutrients and gradually dies off.

The use of UAE is allowed when the size of fibroids is 9 weeks. The larger the tumor has reached, the more unexpected consequences may arise after UAE has been performed. There have been cases where, after arterial embolization, a woman experienced a lack of menstruation—amenorrhea.

Myoma is a benign tumor, but if it is large, the complications can be very serious. The abdomen increases, as during pregnancy, the shape of the uterus is disrupted, and the volume of the cavity is reduced. The cervical canal may be blocked. Violated physiological processes, occurring in the reproductive system. Getting worse general state woman's health. When choosing a treatment method, various factors are taken into account, and the most reliable and gentle method is selected. Assessing the size of the fibroids is important, since there must be good reasons for the operation.


Types of fibroids

The neoplasm originates in muscle tissue uterus gradually increases in size due to abnormal cell division. Unlike a malignant tumor, fibroids do not spread to other organs; they grow much more slowly. At first, the cells develop abnormally only in the muscle tissue, and then the tumor spreads beyond its boundaries. Depending on the direction in which it grows, the following types of fibroids are distinguished:

  1. Submucosal - it is formed deep in the muscular layer (myometrium), grows towards the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, which is why it is called “submucosal”.
  2. Subserous (subperitoneal) originates in the outer muscular layer, grows towards the serous membrane separating the uterus from abdominal cavity. Knots can have a wide base or a thin stem.
  3. Interstitial (intramuscular) - develops in the middle of the muscle layer, without going beyond its limits.

When assessing the degree of danger of a tumor and choosing a treatment method, specialists take into account its location. In most cases, myomatous nodes are located in the body of the uterus (corporal type), but sometimes they are also in the cervix (cervical fibroids).

The tumor can be single or multiple, in the form of several nodes. For a specialist choosing a treatment method, great importance have the size of uterine fibroids.

How are sizes determined?

The growing tumor stretches the uterus, which leads to a gradual increase in the abdomen (similar to its growth during pregnancy). The size of the fibroids is estimated based on the week of pregnancy the size of the abdomen corresponds to.

The exact size of the tumor in centimeters can be determined using ultrasound. Even fibroids smaller than 1 cm in size are detected using this method. Ultrasound is performed either through the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity or through the vagina. This allows you to identify and measure fibroids of any location and size.

In difficult cases, when a small tumor is located, for example, between ligaments, the hysterography method is used (x-ray of the cavity with the introduction of contrast liquid). To examine fibroids and assess their size, hysteroscopy (examination using an endoscope inserted into the uterine cavity through the vagina) is also used. diagnostic laparoscopy(an optical device is inserted into the uterine cavity through a puncture on the anterior wall of the peritoneum) and MRI.

All myomatous nodes, depending on their size, are divided into three categories:

Sometimes uterine fibroids reach a size at which the belly appears as at 37 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to size, the tumor growth rate is also taken into account. A tumor is considered to grow quickly if its size increases by 2-2.5 cm (or 5-6 weeks) per year. In this way, the growth of small and medium fibroids is assessed. If they are small and grow slowly, then conservative treatment is possible. For sizes larger than 8 cm (or 15 weeks), the nodes are removed.

In addition to the size of the tumor and the speed of development, when prescribing treatment, the severity of symptoms, the woman’s age, and her intention to have children are taken into account.

The danger of large fibroids

There are uncomplicated and complicated forms of the disease. Possible complications are:

  • necrosis of the myomatous node - an acute painful condition in which torsion of the leg occurs, disruption of the blood supply to the fibroid;
  • formation of cystic cavities (threat of purulent inflammatory processes);
  • compression of blood vessels and nearby organs;
  • malignant degeneration(to sarcoma).

Myoma can reach a diameter of 25 cm. A large tumor located outside, on the anterior wall of the uterus, compresses the bladder, which leads to difficulty urinating or, conversely, can cause urinary incontinence. In addition, the appearance of fistulas connecting the uterine cavities and Bladder.

If a large fibroid is located on back surface uterus, bowel movements become difficult and constipation occurs.

A large node can compress the inferior vena cava, making it difficult for blood to move from the lower body to the heart. In this case, the woman experiences shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat even at rest. In the presence of many medium and large nodes (myomatosis), constant uterine bleeding occurs that is not associated with menstruation. This leads to anemia.

Video: Complications with large nodes. When and how is surgical removal performed?

When is surgical treatment used?

Surgery for uterine fibroids is mandatory in cases where there is rapid growth - up to 2 cm (4 weeks) in diameter over the course of a year, and also if the tumor has a stalk and there is a danger of twisting it.

An absolute indication for surgical removal fibroids is the appearance of uterine bleeding and severe anemia in a woman. This is possible due to impaired muscle elasticity with the development of large myomatous nodes in it and deterioration of contractility.

Myoma must be removed surgically if it is the cause of infertility or miscarriages. The operation is also prescribed if a woman experiences severe pain in the abdomen, rectum, or bladder, as they are compressed and blood circulation is disrupted.

Video: Treatment of fibroids using hysterectomy and uterine artery embolization

What types of surgery are there?

When choosing a method for performing an operation, the size of uterine fibroids and its location are of primary importance. In each specific case, the doctor makes a decision on the method of tumor removal, the possibility of preserving organs and menstrual function.


This is an operation in which only the tumor is removed, the uterus is preserved. Most often, this method is used to treat women under 40 who would like to maintain the ability to give birth to a child.

Tumor removal is carried out in various ways.

Laparotomy- This is the removal of fibroids located deep in the muscle tissue or under the outer lining of the uterus by making an incision in the abdomen above the pubis. The tumor is removed. The risk of infection and complications is minimal. This method is especially effective when there are many nodes and there is an increased likelihood of damage to large vessels. Prevent bleeding during surgery open method much easier. In addition, removal of myomatous nodes can be carried out quickly.

Laparoscopy– removal of fibroids through 3 small holes in the abdomen using optical instruments. It is first introduced into the uterus carbon dioxide to create conditions for more free manipulation of tools and to avoid cuts. The image is displayed on the screen, which allows you to control the process.

The advantage of the method is that the wound heals quickly, the operation is low-traumatic, and there is no stitch left after it. It is carried out under general anesthesia. The disadvantage is that there is still a minimal chance of internal cuts, so the woman is under medical supervision for 3-4 days. Sometimes, if the myomatous node is located on the back or side outer surface uterus, it is removed through a puncture in back wall vagina.

Addition: If necessary, this method can remove large myomatous nodes in pregnant women. In this case, the fetus is not injured, pregnancy proceeds normally.

Hysteroscopic myomectomy. A method that is used to remove fibroids in the cavity itself. It is carried out using an optical instrument (resectoscope) through the vagina. The method is not used if the woman has inflammatory diseases genitals or cervical defects.


Removal of the uterus completely or with preservation of the cervix. This operation is performed in the most severe cases, when there are many large nodes, the fibroid occupies the entire cavity, there is heavy bleeding. At the same time, the hemoglobin level is critically low, and there is a high probability of the tumor degenerating into sarcoma. Most often, such operations are performed on women after 45 years of age.

The uterus is removed in several ways: through an incision in the lower abdomen, through punctures in the abdominal wall (laparoscopic method), through the vagina. After the operation, a woman cannot have periods. But if the ovaries are not removed, other symptoms of menopause may be absent. The possibility of sexual activity after surgery remains.

Video: Methods for removing fibroids while preserving the uterus

Minimally invasive methods of treating fibroids

When treating fibroids using these methods, no incisions or punctures are required.

Embolization of the uterine arteries. The method is that through the inguinal artery, using a catheter, “plugs” made of plastic or gelatin are brought to the vessels of the fibroids, which block the flow of blood. Due to lack of nutrition, the tumor gradually decreases. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

FUS ablation(focused ultrasound). Removal of fibroid nodes is carried out using a directed ultrasonic flow, which causes heating and evaporation of nodes located in the muscle. The process is controlled using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner. In this case, no anesthesia is required; the functions of the uterus are completely preserved. The method is effective even in the presence of large nodes.

Video: Vaporization of fibroids using FUS ablation

Possibility of pregnancy with fibroids

Large fibroids (more than 15 weeks) cause infertility if they block the tubes or cervix, creating obstacles to the movement of sperm. If there are nodes no larger than 3 cm in diameter (that is, less than 8 weeks), pregnancy is possible. If the nodes do not increase, then their existence does not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. Complications arise when a tumor grows in the uterine cavity, filling it, complicating the development of the fetus. Often this ends in miscarriage.

Sometimes, if the fetus is already large enough and begins to experience a lack of nutrition due to the pressure of fibroids on the vessels, a caesarean section is performed and subsequent removal of the uterus. A caesarean section also has to be done if the fibroid occurs in the cervix or covers it.

Uterine fibroids are one of the most common gynecological pathologies, and such a diagnosis will not surprise anyone. According to statistics, the disease is detected in 35% of women over the age of 35. In modern gynecology, practitioners more often have to deal with formations of small and medium sizes.

Large fibroids are somewhat less common due to the developed diagnostic system and the timely completion of regular medical examinations by women. medical examinations. It has been noticed that huge nodes are detected mainly after 40 years in patients who long time refused treatment.

The largest fibroid in the world, according to medical literature, weighed 63 kilograms, and until now this sad record has not been broken. This fact makes it clear: a uterine tumor can grow almost endlessly, reaching gigantic size. There is no need to wait until the weight of the fibroids is equal to the weight of an adult. Timely therapy allows you to avoid such developments and prevent the rapid growth of the myomatous node.

Which fibroid is considered large?

On numerous forums on the Internet you can find posts in the style of “I’ve been living with a large fibroid for many years, I don’t know what to do.” When seeing such messages, women involuntarily ask themselves: what kind of fibroid should be considered large and are there clear criteria for this condition (for example,)? Gynecologists adhere to the generally accepted classification, according to which a large fibroid is considered to be a node measuring 6 cm (60 mm) or more.

A tumor larger than 6 centimeters in size is considered large (the photo shows a fibroid more than 15 cm in diameter removed along with the uterus).

The size of the uterus corresponds to a 12-week pregnancy. But there are some important points to note here:

  • In the medical literature, you can find a reference to the fact that a large fibroid is a node with a diameter of 5-6 cm. In this situation, it is not entirely clear which category to classify a tumor measuring 5 or 5.5 cm as - medium or large nodes? If you analyze the medical histories of patients, you can see that fibroids of such borderline sizes are classified as both large and medium tumors. Practicing doctors in this situation advise looking not only at the size of the tumor, but also at the size of the uterus, and if it exceeds 12 weeks, classify the tumor as large;

A photo of a large fibroid can be seen below:

  • In this case, the size of the dominant node is of leading importance - they are guided by it when drawing up a treatment protocol;
  • Among large formations, giant fibroids deserve special attention. Which tumor is considered such is a debatable question. It is customary to classify as giant nodes 10-12 cm in diameter. Such formations are difficult to conservative therapy, and their removal within healthy tissue requires the special skill of a surgeon. Often, with giant uterine tumors, the only method to solve the problem is.

A photo of a giant fibroid is presented below:

On a note

Uterine leiomyoma according to ICD-10 has code D25, regardless of the size of the node.

It is important to understand that theoretically a benign tumor can reach any size if its growth is not limited in any way.

Distinctive features of large myomatous nodes

It is important to know

If a woman is planning a pregnancy, treatment for large fibroids should not be delayed.

Successful conception of a child does not mean that the pregnancy will proceed without complications. With large fibroids, placental insufficiency and concomitant fetal growth retardation are often recorded. Pregnancy due to a large tumor may end ahead of schedule, and rarely do any women manage to carry their baby to at least 36-37 weeks.

Childbirth with myomatous nodes measuring 6 cm or more is often complicated by anomalies labor activity and bleeding. According to reviews of women who gave birth with large fibroids, it becomes clear: the percentage caesarean section in this case very high.

With large fibroids, a woman practically cannot give birth on her own. In this case, as a rule, a caesarean section is used.

  • Fitness and sports activities. Intense exercise that increases blood flow to the pelvic organs is not recommended. Abdominal and pelvic muscle training is prohibited;
  • Yoga. You can exercise, but exclude asanas that affect the abdominal muscles;
  • Visiting the sauna and bathhouse. Although the effect of heat on the growth of myomatous node has not been proven, gynecologists do not recommend getting carried away with such procedures;
  • Taking medications. You should not take medications that can affect the growth of fibroids.

In a relationship intimate hygiene There are no special prohibitions. A woman can use panty liners, absorbent pads, and tampons (such as Tampax). The last option is not very convenient, since it does not always allow to the fullest assess the volume of discharge during bleeding. ban on sex life no, provided the woman is in good health.

The prognosis for large myomatous nodes depends on the timeliness of diagnosis. The sooner a tumor is identified and treatment is started, the easier it will be to stop its growth and prevent the development of complications.

Treatment methods for large fibroids

Case study: removal of a giant uterine fibroid

Uterine fibroids are a benign neoplasm in the area of ​​the uterine body or cervix, which is quite common in women. of different ages. Such tumors are usually not dangerous to life and health, but sometimes they grow to large sizes, put pressure on surrounding organs, and there is a possibility of their degeneration into a malignant tumor. They prefer to operate on fibroids in most cases; it is worth learning more about the size of uterine fibroids in millimeters for surgery, what types of surgical intervention are there.

Myoma is one of the most common gynecological pathologies along with various types cyst. The neoplasm is benign, it is usually dense, consists of fibrous tissue and muscle fibers, symptoms of this disease usually quite weakly expressed. Often the disease is detected exclusively during a preventive examination by a gynecologist. According to the latest data, fibroids are detected in 80% of women. However, the tumor manifests itself clinically in only 35% of women.

Previously, it was believed that this disease occurs exclusively in older women, however Lately Doctors often diagnose pathology in young women. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the diagnostic capabilities of medicine are improving over time, now the disease is detected much earlier, it is possible to track the slightest changes and differences from the normal state in the organs of the reproductive system.

Fibroids can increase or decrease in size under the influence of various factors; this process can proceed rather slowly. IN medical practice cases have been recorded when the tumor reached 18–20 centimeters in diameter and compressed the pelvic and abdominal organs.

At the very beginning of the development of pathology, a neoplasm can usually be gotten rid of with the help of medications; they are required if the tumor is small and just beginning to develop. Larger fibroids have to be removed surgically, are used various methods depending on the size and location of the tumor.

Multiple fibroids are also quite common; the tissues that form the tumor are distributed unevenly and form several separate tumors. Before starting treatment and operations, it is important to find out the exact number of tumors and their location. If you leave any fibroid, it may continue to grow, and you will not be able to completely get rid of the disease.

Also, in the early stages, removal and any intervention may not always be required. The approach to treating this tumor is usually individual; it is impossible to deduce any overall plan treatment that would suit each patient with this disease. Depending on the indication, it may only be necessary to observe the nature of tumor development without intervention until certain stages.

In general, fibroids are not dangerous diagnosis. However, without observation and the necessary surgical intervention, proper treatment, it develops uncontrollably, and you may miss the moment when complications begin to develop.

Important! To identify fibroids early stage, to all women reproductive age It is recommended to visit a gynecologist once a year with ultrasound examination to notice changes in time.

In general, fibroids are considered a fairly “safe” tumor; they extremely rarely lead to cancer, provokes other disorders in the organs of the reproductive system. However, it is worth noting that it is still worth monitoring the dynamics of changes in this disease and applying appropriate treatment, if necessary.

First of all, fibroids, especially large ones, cause many unpleasant symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, complicated menstruation, bleeding can be more heavy and prolonged. There is also always the possibility of compression of neighboring organs, for example, kidneys, urinary tract with formations of hydronephrosis (enlarged kidney) and hydroureter (enlarged ureter). The larger the tumor, the higher the likelihood of such complications.

Uterine fibroids are especially dangerous during pregnancy. During pregnancy, small tumors tend to shrink, but a large tumor can begin to grow faster under the influence of changes in a woman’s hormonal levels; large tumors greatly increase the likelihood of miscarriage and other complications during pregnancy. Therefore, before carrying a child, it is always advised to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and make sure that there are no pathologies that could affect the health of the expectant mother and child.

Important! Also, the very fact of the appearance of a tumor can indicate various disorders in the functioning of the body, for example, problems with a woman’s hormonal levels.

Can fibroids resolve?

This neoplasm should not be confused with a functional cyst, which can easily disappear on its own. Myoma does not resolve on its own, however, small tumors can go away under the influence of drug treatment; usually drug therapy is suitable for small uterine fibroids of no more than eight millimeters in diameter.

For treatment without surgery they are used various drugs, depending on the disorders that accompany the development of the neoplasm, it may be necessary hormonal drugs, hemostatic drugs. You may also need to take various vitamins and eat a healthy diet.

First of all, it is worth noting that there are many types of surgical intervention; its choice depends on the size of the fibroids; usually specialists determine it in weeks, comparing it with the size of the uterus during pregnancy. In general, all neoplasms can be divided into several groups, the classification by size is as follows:

  1. Small. Size - up to 2 centimeters (20 millimeters), usually about four weeks.
  2. Average. Size – from 2 to 6 centimeters (up to 60 millimeters), period – 10 – 11 weeks.
  3. Big. Size from 6 centimeters (from 60 millimeters), period - from 11 weeks and above.

Dangerous sizes are considered large, in which the tumor can be six centimeters or more, especially from 15 weeks. On at this stage in most cases, removal is indicated, especially if the likelihood of complications is high.

Types of operations

Depending on the size of the fibroid in weeks or millimeters, it is best to select the type of intervention. There are several types of operations; it is also worth paying attention to other characteristics of fibroids: whether multiple nodes are present, its location, the presence of complications, for example, torsion of the tumor stalk. Depending on all factors and size, the following types of interventions are usually used:

  1. Organ-preserving operations. With such interventions, only myomatous nodes are removed. The operation can be performed laparoscopically - the most gentle method. With this operation, only a few punctures are made, the recovery period does not take much time, several nodes can be removed in one operation multiple fibroids. The second method is transcervical (access through the cervix).
  2. The radical method of removing fibroids is hysterectomy, complete removal uterus along with tumor. This technique is indicated in the later stages of the disease, with large tumors, if any accompanying pathologies, for example, endometriosis. Before resorting to this method, it is first worth considering other types of interventions. Most this method suitable for treating women during menopause; the uterus is removed if several nodes are present for more than fifteen weeks.

Contraindications to different types surgical intervention Hardly ever, modern techniques allow the operation to be performed as safely and without complications. After removal of fibroids, you need to be observed by a gynecologist for some time, since there is a possibility of new nodes developing.

Sizes for surgery during pregnancy

It happens that fibroids have to be removed during pregnancy. This is done in extreme cases; removal of such a tumor depends not on size, but on the danger to the fetus. If the tumor greatly interferes with normal pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage in the expectant mother increases, the fibroid must be removed.

In addition, pregnant women with such tumors are usually delivered by cesarean section, since fibroids also affect the course of labor - untimely discharge of water, abnormalities of contractile activity, etc. During a caesarean section, after removing the baby, it is sometimes necessary to remove fibroid nodes, and even the entire uterus.

In general, during pregnancy, large tumors begin to grow faster due to the influence of hormones, pregnancy in in this case should proceed under the constant supervision of the attending physician. The presence of large fibroids and malnutrition of the child are indications for myomectomy.

Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that appears in the reproductive organ. Susceptible to disease age – women 20-70 years old. This disease occurs due to hormonal imbalance. On initial stage the disease has no symptoms; only when pain and bleeding occur does a woman decide to undergo examination. The size of uterine fibroids in weeks is diagnosed using ultrasound. Treatment depends on its size.

Dimensions benign tumor determined by weeks and centimeters. This completely coincides with the obstetric period (fetal growth during pregnancy). Therefore, the size of fibroids is usually calculated by week.

  • A small tumor (about 2 cm) lasts no more than 4-6 weeks. Reasons for surgery only if the fibroid stalk is twisted. May be removed due to excessive bleeding, leading to anemia. Also if a woman has been diagnosed with infertility;
  • Average (from 4 to 6 cm) period is 10-11 weeks. If the nodes do not grow actively and are not bright severe symptoms, then the operation can not be performed. Formations that are located on the outside of the uterus can disrupt the functioning of the organs located closest to it. With average fibroids, infertility or miscarriage may occur;
  • Myoma exceeding 6 cm in diameter is considered large; its duration is equal to 12-16 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. Such fibroids can only be removed surgically and drug treatment, to eliminate neoplasms.

Size of uterine fibroids in weeks and centimeters

At an early stage, fibroids are 4 weeks old. It has no symptoms and does not bother the woman. The main thing is to determine this disease up to 7 weeks. It will bring much less problems than later detection.

When it increases to 5 cm and a period of about 10 weeks of obstetric pregnancy, the first symptoms begin to appear.

  • Menstruation with pain that does not respond to painkillers.
  • Upon reaching 12 weeks, the cervix enlarges, causing bloating.
  • If the diagnosis is pedunculated fibroid, then there will be a sharp pain in the abdomen.
  • With large fibroids, its enlargement leads to compression of neighboring organs, which interferes with normal urination and defecation. Pain begins in the lower back and near the rectum.

Fibroids, the size of which is more than 12 weeks, entail the formation of adhesions in the tissues of the body and nearby organs.

When a patient complains, an ultrasound examination is performed and appropriate tests are taken. Ultrasound is the most accurate detection of this disease, as well as the timing of its onset. Thanks to the examination, it is possible to accurately determine whether a tumor is benign or not. The possibility of a benign tumor becoming malignant depends on the timing of its detection. Every woman needs to make it a rule that she undergoes ultrasound regularly.

After examination and further diagnosis, the doctor makes a decision on the operability of the tumor. For this, the following indicators are available:

  • Uterine fibroids measure 6 cm and last for more than 12 weeks. This tumor size is life-threatening for the patient. Myoma nodes that are more than 12 weeks old must be urgently removed.
  • Consistently intense pain. This feature is typical for medium and large fibroids. The myomatous node leads to compression of nearby organs and also puts pressure on the rectum. Defecation is impaired, which can lead to intestinal inflammation and intoxication of the body.
  • Bleeding began. Basically, it is caused by fibroids for a period of 15 weeks or more.
  • Pregnancy planning. If a woman cannot become pregnant or bear a child, medium-sized fibroids are often the cause. Hormonal levels change during pregnancy, which leads to tumor growth and poses a threat to the baby.

If uterine fibroids are more than 12 weeks old and are located on the back wall of the uterus, this can cause premature birth. May happen oxygen starvation fetus

  • There is a risk of benign fibroids developing into malignant ones. This opportunity arises when rapid growth fibroids.

Small or medium fibroids can be treated without surgery, provided there are no complications. If the tumor is benign and even a few millimeters in size, you still should not relax and start treating it, because it may be located in a harmful area.

Tumor growth

To treat fibroids, it is important how quickly they grow. If over the course of a year the uterus has enlarged to 5 weeks or more, then this tumor is progressing. Its growth is affected by hormonal imbalance in the body. There are also the following reasons for the rapid development of this disease:

  • a woman has not given birth until she is 30 years old
  • gynecological pathologies
  • sufficient number of abortions
  • taking hormonal drugs
  • long-term influence of ultraviolet radiation on the body.

Sometimes uterine fibroids grow to enormous sizes, the weight can be about 5 kg and 40 cm in diameter. This resembles late pregnancy.

The effect of fibroid size on pregnancy

With small or medium-sized fibroids, pregnancy can proceed normally. If the tumor is large, then pregnancy, as well as bearing a child, is not possible. Conception does not even occur due to the fact that the nodes block the fallopian tubes.

If a woman finds out during pregnancy that she has a large fibroid, complications may arise during childbirth. It could be bleeding or infection. internal organs, as well as unforeseen situations.

The most serious are fibroids located in the vagina. It causes infertility, as well as spontaneous miscarriages. If pregnancy occurs due to a benign tumor, then the patient is constantly under the supervision of doctors to prevent miscarriage. If the growth of the fibroid node increases rapidly, then the pregnancy must be terminated.

In some pregnant women, myomatous nodes stop growing altogether, in 10% it decreases, and only in 20% can it begin to grow at a progressive rate.

Removal of fibroids

An ultrasound examination revealed that the nodes were enlarging; the doctor prescribed full examination patient. Then the operation is performed. There are the following types of surgical intervention: laparoscopy, laparotomy, strip surgery, hysteroscopy, hysterectomy.

Removal of fibroids 8 weeks. If the tumor begins to grow and has grown from a small to a medium stage and corresponds to a period of 8-9 weeks, it is recommended to undergo surgery. The type of operation used here is laparoscopy. This is the removal of fibroids through incisions made in the abdomen. After such an operation, there are no scars. Postoperative period lasts about two weeks.

For hard-to-reach and large nodes, hysteroscopy is done - making incisions through the vagina.

Removal of fibroids 10 weeks. You cannot delay removal. The operation is performed through an incision in the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. This rather serious operation to remove a benign tumor is called laparotomy. After it, a long rehabilitation is required.

Removal of fibroids 12 weeks. When a tumor of this size is diagnosed, surgery is performed immediately. As a last resort, hysterectomy is used - complete removal of the uterus. This operation carried out if no treatment is no longer effective. The rehabilitation period is about 2 months.

At difficult case, as well as common foci of the disease, strip surgery is performed.

Complete removal of the uterus for fibroids

The entire reproductive organ can be removed: if the size of the tumor has reached unacceptable levels, also if removal of the nodes is not possible. The main indicators for this are:

  • late detected formation of nodes,
  • uterine prolapse,
  • prolonged blood loss,
  • suspicion of a malignant tumor,
  • increasing anemia.

Rehabilitation after removal

To quickly return to your normal lifestyle, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eliminate stress on the stomach, but try to move more;
  • avoid constipation;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • Eliminate stress, which often leads to hormonal changes.

To plan a pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.

Take medications to restore the functioning of the uterus. Also, if you have any unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor.

Every woman should regularly visit her gynecologist and monitor her reproductive system.