Sodium chloride dropper from which 6 percent. Sodium chloride. Instructions for use. N - Regional lymph nodes

Sodium chloride is a well-known saline solution, which is most often used for injection into a vein. by drip. It is a universal solvent, so it can be used in conjunction with most injectable drugs.

Sodium chloride - description and action

Sodium chloride- a colorless, odorless drug, presented in the form of a solution for intravenous, intramuscular, and external use. It is also used for breeding various drugs, washing the nose and eyes, performing inhalations. Usually, an isotonic solution (0.9 percent) is taken for these purposes, but in some cases the use of a hypertonic solution (stronger) is indicated.

The medicine is available in ampoules, as well as in bottles of 50-500 ml, the price for 250 ml of solution is about 60 rubles.

The drug has a rehydrating, detoxifying effect. He replenishes sodium deficiency, which occurs in various conditions associated with dehydration, poisoning, etc.

Saline solution is often dripped together with calcium and potassium preparations if it is necessary to eliminate the lack of essential minerals.

Sodium is important for:

  • transmission of nerve impulses;
  • performing electrophysiological reactions in the heart;
  • implementation metabolic processes in the kidneys;
  • maintaining the required volume of blood and cellular fluid.

Hypertonic solution sodium chloride is required by the body less frequently, but is also often used in medicine. It helps to adjust the pressure of plasma and intercellular fluid in various pathological conditions.

Indications for use

Sodium chloride droppers are prescribed for treatment acute conditions, or for diluting various drugs for acute and chronic diseases.

Examples of using the medicine in conjunction with other drugs are as follows:

  • with Diphenhydramine(Diphenhydramine) - for urticaria, anaphylactic shock, and other allergic reactions;
  • with Drotaverine- for renal colic;
  • with Pyridoxine- for muscle pain, diseases of the nervous system;
  • with Lincomycin- for pneumonia, abscesses, sepsis.

An isotonic solution is prescribed to adults and children with a lack of sodium in the body. This occurs more often with acute or chronic dehydration (for example, intestinal infections, poisoning with diarrhea and vomiting).

Also, the indications for use of the solution are as follows:

  • acidosis;
  • overdose of hormonal agents, antibiotics and other drugs;
  • acute heart failure;
  • hypokalemia;
  • maintaining the required volume of fluid during operations and after bleeding;
  • burn disease.

During pregnancy, the drug is administered for severe toxicosis, for severe edema, as a detoxification method, for sharp drop pressure during childbirth, after caesarean section.

Also, saline solution is often dripped in case of alcohol, drug intoxication, or in case of overdose of drugs for potency and weight loss (for example, Yohimbine).

A hypertonic solution (2-3%) copes well with pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, and is recommended for severe electrolyte imbalances and to stop increased urination. Wounds are washed with a stronger solution (10%) and enemas are given to cleanse the intestines.

Instructions for use

The dosage of the drug and the drugs that are diluted with it is determined only by the doctor. This is done based on age, weight, and existing disease. The drip is performed in a medical facility, or, if indicated, at home (only under the supervision of a healthcare professional). If you need to administer saline in courses, you need regular monitoring of electrolyte levels.

Typically the dosage per day is as follows:

To dilute the drug, 50-200 ml of saline solution is usually used. The rate of intravenous drip administration is determined by the instructions for the drug. Sodium chloride is heated before use. up to 37-38 degrees. The course of therapy is determined by the underlying disease.

In case of alcohol dependence, detoxication with the help of droppers is carried out within 3-4 days.

IN folk medicine the drug is used for facial peeling with (calcium hydrochloride). The tablets should be diluted with saline solution (1:2) and applied to a cleansed face. After drying, massage your face and rinse off the pellets with water. If your skin is problematic, you can additionally add one capsule to the peeling.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug should not be used for high-grade hypertension, peripheral edema of unknown origin, or chronic heart failure. Therapy is carried out with great caution in the presence of severe kidney diseases, especially in cases of impaired filtration function.

Side effects that more often occur with an overdose may include:

If you greatly exceed therapeutic dose saline solution, fever, thirst, weakness, severe pain in a stomach. Treatment is symptomatic, aimed at stopping the manifestations.

Analogues and other information

Analogues include sodium chloride from different manufacturers, as well as combined formulations, for example, saline solution and sodium acetate.

Before administering the drug by drip, it is important to make sure that there are no foreign inclusions in the solution and that the packaging is not damaged.

The medicine should be administered with strict adherence to antiseptic rules. Drugs that are insoluble in it - those that form crystals and precipitate complexes - should not be used together with the medicine.

Sodium chloride is a drug that has long been used in medicine. This saline solution is administered intravenously in the form of droppers and intramuscularly, used for inhalation, etc.

In medicine, sodium chloride is used:

  • For intravenous infusion as a sodium solution in the form of a dropper.
  • For diluting drugs for injection.
  • For disinfecting cuts and wounds.
  • For rinsing the nose.

Why droppers with sodium chloride are prescribed and for what conditions it is prescribed is described in detail below.

What it is?

  • There are many chemical bioactive compounds dissolved in human blood.
  • The concentration of chlorides in the blood plays a big role in the coordinated work of all internal systems.
  • Chlorides regulate the hydrobalance of plasma and body fluids, normalize acid-base metabolism.
  • When the body gets sick, the first thing it reacts to is dehydration.

With extensive dehydration, chlorine and potassium ions are washed out of the body. A decrease in their concentration causes blood thickening, spasms, convulsions of smooth muscles, as well as disruption of the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

In this case, a drip with saline sodium chloride solution is usually prescribed.

What does the dropper consist of?

The composition of the saline solution is sodium chloride - a plasma-substituting substance, which is prepared from sodium salts HCl (commonly known as table salt).

Sodium chloride (NaCl) crystals white, quickly soluble in water.

Chlorine in pure form poisonous, but is known as an effective disinfectant of various liquids. Chlorine combined with sodium is present in the blood plasma.

The substance enters the body with water and food.

Naturally, the use of sodium chloride in everyday life is limited primarily to cooking.

Therefore, if you drink sodium chloride solution, nothing will happen. There is no need to worry even if the child drank the solution due to the negligence of adults.

Properties of sodium chloride

Sodium chloride saline solution has a rehydrating effect - that is, restoring water balance.

0.9% sodium chloride has the same osmotic pressure as human blood, so it can be quickly excreted.

External use helps remove pus from the wound and eliminate pathological m microflora.

The use of saline solution through intravenous drips increases urine output and replenishes the lack of chlorine and sodium.

Types of saline solution

Saline solution sodium chloride for droppers is currently available in 2 types, differing in the degree of concentration.

Photos (clickable):

Isotonic physiological Nacl 0.9% solution Brown from a German manufacturer is prescribed for:

  • Restoration of intracellular plasma lost as a result of prolonged dyspepsia.
  • Replenishment of intercellular fluid lost as a result of dehydration.
  • Replenishment of ions during intoxication and intestinal obstruction.
  • As an external remedy.
  • For diluting concentrated drugs.

Hypertonic 3, 5 and 10% sodium chloride solution is used:

  • As an external antiseptic.
  • For diluting enema solutions.
  • Intravenous to replenish fluid during diuresis.
  • Infusion to relieve cerebral edema or to increase low pressure(particularly with internal bleeding).
  • As an anti-edematous agent in ophthalmology.

Sodium chloride solution is sold in ampoules for dissolving drugs for injection and in bottles with a capacity of up to 1 liter for external and enema use, intravenous infusion.

Oral tablets and nasal spray bottles are also produced.

Release form, composition and packaging

Solution for injection 0.9% - 100 ml, sodium chloride 900 mg

  • 1 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.
  • 2 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.
  • 5 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.
  • 10 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.

What is sodium chloride prescribed for?

Saline sodium chloride solution is perhaps the most universal remedy.

Droppers with sodium chloride are placed in any complex therapy.

The drug is dripped intravenously for:

  • Rapid replenishment of blood volume.
  • Urgent restoration of the activity of internal organs in a state of shock.
  • Saturation of organs with vital ions.
  • Stopping the processes of intoxication and relieving symptoms of poisoning.

In these conditions, urgent use of sodium chloride in droppers is most often prescribed:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • In the presence of extensive burns.
  • With cholera.
  • When the body is dehydrated.

During pregnancy

Sodium chloride is used to treat severe pathologies in pregnant women.

The saline solution is absolutely harmless to both the woman’s body and the developing fetus.

Typically, sodium chlorine is needed during therapy for pregnant women; it is needed for dilution medicines for a single infusion up to 400 ml.

If it is necessary to restore blood levels, the amount of saline is increased to 1400 ml.

Sodium chloride is also used for pregnant women:

  • In case of severe toxicosis, the saline solution is additionally saturated with vitamins.
  • With gestosis.
  • During detoxification.
  • In the process of complicated childbirth occurring at low blood pressure.
  • During cesarean section for women suffering from hypotension.
  • To saturate organs with chlorides and vitamins.

The use of saline solution after childbirth during lactation is allowed.

Sodium chloride solution also has contraindications during pregnancy. It should not be used by a pregnant woman:

  • With excessive hyperhydration.
  • With heart failure.
  • During treatment with corticosteroids.
  • With pathologies of intracellular fluid circulation.
  • With a diagnosed lack of potassium with a simultaneous excess of sodium and chlorine in the body.

For alcohol intoxication

At severe poisoning with ethyl alcohol, a person requires qualified medical care, which includes therapeutic measures, as well as droppers with saline sodium chloride solution.

It is the droppers that relieve the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

Other drugs - like tablets or suspensions - are usually ineffective, because due to frequent vomiting they are difficult to accept.

And the medicine, poured into a vein through a dropper, enters the blood instantly and immediately begins to work.

NaCl combines well with many medications.

A saline solution of sodium chloride can be used to dilute several necessary medications at the same time: vitamins, sedatives, glucose, etc.

When diluting, it is imperative to check compatibility visually, paying attention to whether a precipitate has appeared during the mixing process or whether the color has changed.

Therapy for severe alcohol intoxication is carried out as follows:

  1. The doctor examines the patient, assessing the severity of his condition.
  2. Blood pressure and pulse are measured and an ECG is performed.
  3. The doctor prescribes medications that must be added to the saline solution for administration.
  4. Droppers are used for 3-4 days.

How is saline solution administered?

Isotonic sodium chloride solution can be administered intravenously and subcutaneously.

For intravenous administration the dropper warms up to 36-38 degrees.

The volume that should be administered depends on the amount of fluid lost by the body. The person’s weight and age must be taken into account:

  • Average daily dose– 500 ml, which must be administered at a rate of 540 ml/hour. In case of severe intoxication, the volume of administered medication per day can reach 3000 ml.
  • A volume of 500 ml in emergency cases can be administered at a rate of 70 drops per minute.

Sodium chloride is used in compliance with the principles of sterility.

To prevent air from entering the drip system, the system is first filled with solution.

You cannot stack containers one after the other, as air may get in from the first package.

Medications can be added during an infusion or by injection into the specific area of ​​the package intended for this procedure.

During the administration of sodium chloride, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s well-being; it is necessary to monitor his biological and clinical indicators, spend time assessing plasma electrolytes.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by patients, but with its excessive infusion the following may develop: side effects:

  • Acidosis.
  • Hypokalemia.
  • Overhydration.

Sodium chloride analogues

Manufacturers may market sodium chloride solution under different names.

The following analogues of saline solution can be found on sale:

  • Aqua-rinosol - spray.
  • Aqua-master - spray for irrigation.
  • Nazol - spray.
  • Bufus for injections.
  • Rizosin to moisturize the nasal mucosa.
  • Salin to moisturize the nasal passages.

Other isotonic preparations are also produced that have a more physiological composition than saline.

List of solutions for droppers,containing sodium chloride in the composition:

  • Ringer.
  • Ringer-Locke.
  • Krebs-Ringer.
  • Ringer-Tirode.
  • Disol, Trisol, Acesol, Chlosol.
  • Sterofundin isotonic.

Sodium chloride, or sodium chloride (NaCl) is a chemical compound used in everyday life as table salt or sea salt. In medicine sodium salt of hydrochloric acid used for the manufacture of drugs for external or parenteral administration (bypassing gastric tract) applications that are effective in many diseases and persistent disorders physiological norms human health. One of the pathologies that responds well to treatment with multifunctional drugs based on sodium chloride is hemorrhoids.


Active ingredient: sodium chloride.

Excipient: non-chemically active and non-toxic pharmachologic effect water for injections.

Release form

IN medical practice NaCl is used in the form:

  • powder (standard weight - 100 g);
  • tablets (0.9 g active substance in 1 tablet);
  • ready-made sterile medicinal solutions for droppers (0.9%, 10%);
  • liquids for external (local) use (salt content 2%).

A nasal moisturizing aerosol is also produced from sodium chloride (standard volume - 10 ml).

Saline solution

Physiological or artificially prepared isotonic solution is 0.9% water solution NaCl (salt content - 9 mg per 1 ml of water) with an osmotic pressure equal to the osmotic pressure created by the intracellular fluid and blood plasma.

Osmotic (hydrostatic) pressure is the force that provokes the movement of solvent ions through the semi-permeable cell membrane from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated one.

Description medicinal substance: transparent, colorless, odorless liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Release form:

  • ampoules of 2 ml, 5, 10, 20 ml;
  • glass bottles of 100, 200 ml, 400, 1000 ml with a sealed rubber stopper and an aluminum cap;
  • plastic dropper bottles of 100, 200, 400, 500, 1000, 3000 ml with an airtight seal.

Containers with medicine are packed in cardboard boxes along with a description of the medicine and instructions for use.

Hypertonic solution

Hypertonic solution is a highly concentrated aqueous solution of NaCl (salt content 1-10%) with an osmotic pressure higher than the osmotic pressure of plasma.

10% solution (10 g active component per 100 ml) are produced packaged in 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 400 and 500 ml in sterile hermetically sealed glass or plastic bottles.

Pharmacological action of sodium chloride

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

When the drug enters the body, it immediately begins to act. Isotonic molecules NaCl solution saturate the vascular system, sodium ions freely pass through the cell membranes (membranes) in different directions, without disturbing the balance in the pressure of the cellular and intercellular fluid. Quickly normalize the water-salt balance and eliminate blood vessels first into the interstitial fluid, then into the urine. The half-life is 60 minutes.

The injected hypertonic solutions replenish the resulting various pathologies lack of sodium and chlorine ions, increase diuresis (the body's production of the physiologically required volume of urine), excrete excess liquid for edema, stimulate intestinal motility.

When used externally, concentrated solutions exhibit antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Promotes cleansing infected wounds from contamination, separation of purulent contents.

What is sodium chloride used for?

The detoxifying and rehydrating properties of sodium chloride allow the substance to be used in complex schemes treatment of a number of diseases and pathological conditions.

Saline solution NaCl 09 is prescribed in cases where the presence of sodium and chlorine ions in the blood is slightly reduced. A lack of fluid in the body can occur due to dehydration when:

  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • excessive loss of extracellular fluid and its insufficient supply during physical activity;
  • intoxications.

Blood thickening is recorded in diseases such as:

  • hypochloremia (decreased chlorine levels in the blood);
  • hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • cholera;
  • nutritional dyspepsia (impaired absorption of beneficial elements in the gastrointestinal tract).

Hypertonic solution NaCl 10 (3%, 4%, 10%) is used for:

  • compensation of blood loss due to internal bleeding;
  • inhalations;
  • cleansing the eyes for conjunctivitis, inflammation of the cornea;
  • restoration of salt balance in thermal and chemical burns;
  • sanitation open wounds, bedsores, phlegmon, abscesses;
  • moisturizing dressing material.

2-5% of the liquid is used for therapeutic gastric lavage in case of stagnation of gastric contents, poisoning with silver nitrate, alcohol, household chemicals, as well as other toxic and noxious substances.

Purpose of nasal spray:

For hemorrhoids

Concentrated saline solution has a beneficial effect on hemorrhoids. NaCl relieves inflammation, activates the regeneration process in tissues, improves blood circulation in the anus and rectum, and promotes the resorption of blood clots and lumps.

Salt has an antimicrobial effect and prevents secondary infections from bleeding or weeping hemorrhoids. Sulfates (salts of sulfuric acid), phosphates, carbonates and hydroxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals included in sea ​​salt, form a kind of “health cocktail” with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing effects.

Methods of using sodium chloride

Isotonic and hypertonic solutions are used for:

  • infusions;
  • inhalations;
  • rinsing;
  • rinsing;
  • rectal administration;
  • external processing.

Infusion is the slow introduction (infusion) of a medicinal fluid into the vascular bed.

Types of infusion:

  • intra-arterial;
  • intravenous.

To quickly achieve a therapeutic effect, the medicine is administered intravenously (using infusion pumps). This allows you to achieve the required concentration of the drug in the blood in the shortest possible time.

Slow infusion is carried out by drip (using droppers). This technique allows you to adjust the volume of the drug supplied and has a gentle effect on the veins and arteries.

Small volumes isotonic solution NaCl is allowed to be administered subcutaneously.

IN complex treatment for hemorrhoids, NaCl is also used for local application to the affected area and rectal administration. The most effective are sitz baths, lotions, enemas with saline solution.

Treatment rules:

  1. Sitz baths. Prepare a solution at room temperature, pour into a convenient container (plastic basin). Sit in the water and take a bath for 15-20 minutes (in case of exacerbation of the disease - no more than 10 minutes). Repeat the procedure daily before going to bed. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
  2. Lotions. Soak a sterile napkin or a piece of medical bandage with a concentrated saline solution (4 tablespoons of salt per 2 cups of water) and apply to hemorrhoids. Leave for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day for a week.
  3. Cleansing enemas. Prepare 1 liter of standard solution, heated to +32...58°C. Using an Esmarch mug or syringe, inject the liquid into the rectum and hold for 2-5 minutes. Empty your bowels. Do not use for anal bleeding.

How to breed

Preparation of medicinal solutions at home is carried out by mixing salt crystals with water that has been boiled, distilled, or water for injection specially prepared under aseptic conditions (can be purchased at a pharmacy).

Recipe for preparing a standard solution: 1 tbsp. dissolve salts in 1 liter of water. Use as directed within 24 hours. Since the resulting liquid is not sterile, it cannot be ingested or used to clean open wounds. It is necessary to avoid contact of the substance with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

To dilute liquid medications that are administered by infusion, use from 50 to 250 ml of NaCl solution per dose of the drug.

Medicinal substances for inhalation are mixed with saline in a 1:1 ratio.


The use of the drug is prohibited in the following cases:

  • cerebral and pulmonary edema;
  • increased content of sodium or chlorine ions in the body;
  • anemia;
  • lack of potassium in the body;
  • functional disorders of the kidneys (oliguria, anuria);
  • acute heart failure;
  • disturbances of physiological osmotic pressure;
  • incompatibility of the main medicine and solvent.

Subcutaneous and intramuscular injection hypertonic solutions.

Side effects

Side effects:

  • hyperkalemia (excess potassium in the blood);
  • overhydration (excess fluid in the body);
  • acidosis (increased acidity)

Subcutaneous and intramuscular administration of hypertonic solutions leads to the development of tissue necrosis (death).


Overdose is unlikely. In rare cases, the following symptoms may occur:

  • headache and muscle pain;
  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling;
  • insomnia;
  • general weakness.

In case of development negative reactions you should stop taking the drug.

special instructions

Before dissolving liquid medications, make sure that dilution in saline is possible.

With long-term infusion of large doses of NaCl and simultaneous use with corticosteroids or corticotropin, it is necessary to monitor the content of electrolytes (Na+, Cl-, K+) in the blood plasma and urine.

Does not affect the control of vehicles and other mechanisms.

During pregnancy and lactation

Use allowed saline solution during pregnancy and lactation. The use of hypertonic fluids is possible in a hospital setting for pathological conditions, life-threatening mother and fetus (preeclampsia, toxicosis with uncontrollable vomiting).

Use in childhood

Due to the immaturity of the urinary system, the administration of NaCl to children requires monitoring the child’s condition during treatment, as well as micro- and hydrobiological indicators.

The dosage of the medicine depends on the age and body weight of the child.


Sodium chloride is compatible with other pharmaceuticals.


  • Norepinephrine Agetan (Noradrenaline Aguettant);
  • Filgrastim;
  • Polymyxin B (Polymyxinum B).

When treated with sodium chloride drugs, the effect of inhibitors of blood pressure regulation may be reduced.

Compatibility with alcohol: infusion of NaCl solution weakens the toxic effects of ethanol on the body.


The following drugs have a similar effect:

  • Gluxil;
  • Physiodose solution for local application;
  • NaCl solution Isotone;
  • Cytocline solution for infusion;
  • Sanorin Aqua Sea water;
  • Marimer nasal spray;
  • Salin;
  • Aquazolin drops.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Medicines should be stored out of the reach of children. Powder, tablets - in a dry place, in cardboard boxes or hermetically sealed containers.

It is possible to freeze liquid medications provided that the integrity of the packaging is maintained.

Best before date:

  • powder and tablets - without restrictions;
  • 0.9% solution in ampoules - 5 years;
  • 0.9% solution in bottles - 12 months;
  • 10% solution in bottles - 2 years.

Instructions for medical use medicine

NATRium Chloride 0.9%


Sodium Chloride 0.9%

Minternational nonproprietary name

Dosage form

Solution for infusion 100ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml


1000 ml of solution contains

akyouVnew substance:

sodium chloride 9.00 g

Vexcipient: water for injections

Theoretical osmolarity 308 mOsm/l Acidity (titration to pH 7.4)< 0.3 ммоль/л pH 4.5 - 7.0


Transparent, colorless aqueous solution.

FApharmacotherapeutic group

Plasma replacement and perfusion solutions. Solutions affecting water-salt balance. Electrolytes.

ATX code В05ВВ01

FArmacological properties Pharmacokinetics RAdistribution

180 mmol (corresponding to 1.5 - 2.5 mmol/kg body weight).


The kidneys are the main regulator of sodium and water balance. Together with the mechanisms of hormonal control (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, antidiuretic hormone), as well as with the hypothetical natriuretic hormone, they are responsible, mainly

Thus, for maintaining the volume of extracellular space in a constant state, as well as for regulating its water composition.

Chloride is replaced by bicarbonate in the vascular system and is thus involved in the process of regulating the acid-base balance.

F ar m A co dynamics

Mmechanism of action

Sodium is the main cation in the extracellular space, and together with

It regulates the acid-base state of the body with various anions. Sodium and potassium are the main mediators of bioelectric processes in the body.

Therapeutic effect

Normalizes water-salt balance and eliminates fluid deficiency in the human body, which develops during dehydration or through the accumulation of extracellular fluid in areas of extensive burns and injuries, during operations on organs abdominal cavity, peritonitis.

Improves tissue perfusion, increases the efficiency of blood transfusion measures in case of large blood losses and severe forms shock.

It also has a detoxification effect as a result of a short-term increase in fluid volume, a decrease in the concentration of toxic products in the blood, and activation of diuresis.

Quickly withdrawn from vascular system. The drug is contained in the vascular bed for a short time, after which it passes into the interstitial and intracellular sector. Very quickly, salt and liquid begin to be excreted by the kidneys, increasing diuresis.

Sodium Chloride solution 0.9% has the same osmolarity as plasma. The introduction of this solution leads, first of all, to replenishment

interstitial space, which makes up 2/3 of the total

extracellular space. Only 1/3 of the injected volume remains in the intravascular space. Therefore, the hemodynamic effect of the solution has only a short-term effect.

Indications for use

− replacement of fluid and electrolytes in hypochloremic alkalosis

− hypochloremia

− short-term replacement of intravascular volume

− hypotonic or isotonic dehydration

− for dissolving and diluting medications

- externally, for washing wounds and moistening dressings.

SpOpersonal use and dose

Sodium Chloride 0.9% is used for intravenous administration.

If the drug is administered by rapid infusion under pressure, then all air must be removed from the plastic bottle and infusion system before administration.

Use the solution only if it is transparent and the bottle is not damaged. The solution is for single use only. The remaining contents of the drug must be disposed of


The dose is set depending on the loss of fluid and electrolytes by the body, on average 1 l/day. In case of large fluid losses and severe intoxication, it is possible to administer up to 3 l/day

The rate of administration is 540 ml/h (180 drops/min), if necessary, the rate of administration is increased.

For pediatric patients, the dose should be set depending on the individual needs of the child’s body for water and electrolytes, as well as depending on the age, body weight and clinical condition of the patient.

For children with acute dehydration, up to 30 ml/kg is administered.

With large losses of extracellular fluid, i.e. If hypovolemic shock is threatened or present, higher doses and increased rates of administration may be prescribed, for example by pressurized infusion.

When administering a solution of Sodium Chloride 0.9%, it is necessary to take into account the total daily fluid intake. With long-term administration of large doses of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, it is necessary to monitor the content of electrolytes in plasma and urine.


The amount of solution needed to wash wounds or to moisten dressings is determined for each case individually, depending on the severity of the wound.

Side effects

When inserted large quantity of the drug may occur:



Chloride acidosis



Headache, dizziness

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

Tachycardia, arterial hypertension

Twitching and hypertonicity

Pain and irritation at the injection site


Hypernatremia, hyperchloremia, hypokalemia, acidosis

Extracellular hyperhydration, extracellular dehydration

Circulatory disorders that can cause pulmonary and cerebral edema

Cerebral edema, pulmonary edema

Acute left ventricular failure

Use of corticosteroids in large doses

Eye rinsing during ophthalmological operations

Drug interactions

Compatible with colloid and hemodynamic blood substitutes (mutually enhancing the effect).

When used with corticosteroids, hypernatremia is potentiated. When mixing with other drugs, it is necessary to visually monitor compatibility (however, invisible and therapeutic incompatibility is possible).

special instructions

Sodium Chloride 0.9% should be used with caution in patients with:

− hypokalemia

− hypernatremia

− hyperchloremia

- disorders for which limited sodium intake is prescribed, such as heart failure, general edema, pulmonary edema, hypertension, eclampsia, severe renal failure.

Clinical monitoring should include monitoring of serum ionogram, water and acid-base balance.

High infusion rates should be avoided during hypertonic hydration as this may result in increased plasma osmolarity and increased plasma sodium concentrations.

Pregnancy and lactation

Data on the use of Sodium Chloride 0.9% during pregnancy are limited. Animal studies have not shown direct

or indirect harmful effects Sodium Chloride 0.9% relative to

reproductive toxicity.

Since the concentrations of sodium and chloride are similar to those found in the human body, there is no harmful effect of Sodium Chloride 0.9% during pregnancy and lactation period Not

is expected when using the drug according to the instructions for use.

Therefore, this drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women as prescribed.

However, caution should be exercised in cases of eclampsia.

ABOUTfeatures of the drug’s influence on the ability to drive vehicles or potentially dangerous mechanisms

Sodium Chloride 0.9% does not affect the ability to drive vehicle and work with machinery.

Shelf life after dilution or mixing with other drugs

From a microbiological point of view, the product must be used immediately after mixing. If this does not happen, the time and storage conditions of the diluted solution are entirely the responsibility of the user and are usually no more than 24 hours at a temperature of 2°C to 8°C.


Symptoms: overdose can lead to hypernatremia,

hyperchloremia, excess water, hyperosmolarity of blood serum and metabolic acidosis.

Ltreatment: immediately stop the infusion, administer diuretics with

constant monitoring of serum electrolyte levels, correction of electrolyte and acid-base imbalances.

FOrelease frame and packaging

100 ml, 500 ml or 1000 ml of the drug are placed in polyethylene

10 or 20 bottles along with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages ​​are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25° C.

Keep out of the reach of children!

WITHrock storage

Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

On prescription


Registration Certificate Holder

B.Braun Melsungen AG, Germany

Address of the organization receiving complaints from consumers regarding the quality of products (goods) in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

LLP "B. Brown Medical Kazakhstan"

Almaty, st. Abaya 151/115

Phone: +7 727 334 02 17

Human blood consists of various chemical compounds. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. And not the last place in the blood composition is sodium chloride. When its concentration is high, the correct hydrobalance of the liquid is maintained. Therefore, if the water balance is disturbed, doctors prescribe a sodium chloride drip, which normalizes the concentration of chlorine and calcium.

The drug is unique. It allows you to return to normal life people after serious poisonings. The medicine is approved at any age and has virtually no contraindications, even for pregnant women.

Uses of sodium chloride

To understand why a sodium chloride dropper is used, it is necessary to find out the effect of the components included in the saline solution on the human body. Chlorine is a good disinfectant, but it cannot be used in its pure form, as it is poisonous. Combining with sodium, a substance is obtained whose properties are similar to natural inclusions of intracellular plasma. The product is useful and helps with many ailments.

When chlorine and calcium ions begin to be washed out of cells, dehydration occurs. If there is a lack of chloride inclusions, the following problems begin:

  • The blood becomes thicker.
  • The central nervous system begins to malfunction.
  • Muscle tissues suffer from spasms.
  • Cardiovascular activity decreases.

A sodium chloride solution can get rid of these problems. This drug is a plasma-substituting substance. When administered, the water balance is restored. The liquid tastes salty. It is also called solution table salt. Sodium salts are used in the manufacture of medicine.

To administer the drug under the skin and intramuscular injections, it is produced in ampoules with a volume of up to 20 ml. The composition of 1 ml of medicine includes 900 mg of the main substance and 100 mg of solution for injection. To dissolve other medications in the medicine and administer it intravenously, 0.9% liquid is poured into bottles with a volume of up to 1000 ml. The drug is sold in all pharmacies. No prescription is required to purchase it.

Prescribing IVs with saline solution

Droppers with saline solution are prescribed as complex therapy if it is necessary to quickly increase blood volume, eliminate symptoms of poisoning, restore the functioning of internal organs, and saturate the body with ions. In case of severe poisoning, when the concentration of toxins is too high, saline solution is irreplaceable. It can be used to treat pregnant women. Since the composition of the solution is identical to the natural elements of human blood, sodium chloride has no effect on the fetus.

The solution is indispensable in the treatment of poisoning from strong drinks. It quickly saturates the blood and allows doctors to immediately begin treatment.

Use of IVs during pregnancy

Many pregnant women have a question after a doctor prescribes treatment: what is a sodium chloride dropper for? Intravenous infusion of medication for pregnant women is prescribed in the following cases:

  • in case of severe poisoning;
  • if necessary, relieve swelling;
  • during childbirth, when the mother’s blood pressure drops significantly;
  • during caesarean section if a woman has arterial hypotension.

The volume of medication prescribed to a pregnant woman should not exceed 400 milliliters. An increase in the dose is possible if it is urgently necessary to compensate for the lack of blood. Then up to 1400 milliliters of solution is injected.

Treatment of pregnant women with sodium chloride is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Heart failure is present.
  • The water content in the body is excessive.
  • A woman is taking corticosteroids.
  • Fluid circulation processes within cells are disrupted.
  • The potassium content in the body is not enough, and chloride and sodium are more than normal.

Only a doctor can prescribe saline solution to pregnant women. Only he determines its feasibility and correctly sets the dose. Sodium chloride solution is allowed during lactation. Its use is acceptable at any age, so droppers are prescribed to infants.

A dropper of saline solution after drinking alcohol

After drinking a large amount of alcohol, the body is severely poisoned. A person’s condition in this case can be different and depends on many factors. If you feel slightly unwell, you can stop drinking too much alcohol on your own. But sometimes you feel so bad that you have to seek help. medical care. In this case, doctors must immediately prescribe a drip with saline solution.

Intravenous administration of sodium chloride solution is the most effective and in a fast way eliminate symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Using medications in another form, for example, in tablets or mixtures, in case of alcohol poisoning will not bring the desired result.

During a hangover, the patient most often suffers from nausea and vomiting. And even if you manage to drink the medicine, it will take a long time to be absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. When administered intravenously, the solution immediately enters the bloodstream. Therefore, the effectiveness of other medical measures increases.

The composition of the solution is unique. You can add any medical supplies. This could be glucose or vitamins. The doctor examines the patient, measures his vital signs, and decides on the substances that need to be added to the saline solution.

Treatment lasts up to 3–4 days. The number of droppers and their volume is determined by the physician depending on the person’s condition. After recovery, the health worker prescribes preventive treatment so that everything internal organs back to normal operation, and disappeared Negative consequences from a large amount of alcohol taken.