The best vitamins to improve memory. Vitamins for memory, brain and concentration. Vitamins for brain activity - a safe and effective way to activate thinking

The human brain is a complex organic computer, the operating principles of which science still does not fully understand. But, like mechanical computers, sometimes it fails a person: problems with memorization and concentration begin.

The nervous system begins to fail, working with the head becomes more and more difficult.

Both adults and children can face this. This may be due to a lack of certain substances, causing malfunctions in the body, which can lead to the development of dangerous diseases. Improving your situation and restoring your previous activity is quite possible by taking brain vitamins. But which of the extensive list of known substances of this kind are needed in this case?

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency expressed in memory loss, disorientation in space, hallucinations and tingling in the arms and legs. Some patients diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease suffer from its deficiency. Measuring the level of B12 in the blood is actually not the best way to determine the deficiency of this element in the human body. A blood test for methylmalonic acid and protein breakdown are the most accurate markers.

B vitamins play a huge role in metabolism in the human body. They ensure normal functioning of the nervous system and energy metabolism. IMPORTANT: They are best taken in combination, since many of them enhance the others.

B1 - thiamine. Promotes the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also normalizes the functioning of neurons, thus directly influencing mood improvement, causing improvement in memory and cognitive abilities.

B2 - riboflavin. Enhances the effect of pyrodoxine and folic acid, participates in the formation of niacin, improves sleep quality, and has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the nervous system.

B3 () - niacin, nicotinic acid. Its deficiency causes insomnia, weakness, and pellagra. It is also involved in regulating the amount of glucose in the blood.

REFERENCE: Pellagra is a serious disease accompanied by damage to body tissues and causing mild dementia.

B5 - pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate. Promotes the absorption of other vitamins, takes part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

B6 - pyrodoxine. Stabilizes nervous activity, normalizes niacin synthesis, alleviates neuritis of the extremities and reduces nighttime muscle spasms.

B7 - biotin. Regulates blood sugar levels, improves the functioning of other group B elements.

B9 (M) - folic acid. Affects the excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, helps alleviate stress, improving mood. Its deficiency can lead to memory impairment, hair loss and other unpleasant consequences.

B12 - cyanocobalamin. Improves the ability to think, remember, concentrate, removes irritability, and is responsible for the health of the nervous system. Its deficiency can cause nerve cell death and other neurological disorders.

Ascorbic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant and participates in the creation of neurotransmitters. Its deficiency leads to the appearance of a well-known disease - scurvy.

REFERENCE: Antioxidants block oxidation.

Calciferol. Accelerates the functioning of the “gray matter” and prevents the development of central nervous system diseases. With its deficiency, vision decreases and insomnia begins.

Tocopherol. Improves thinking abilities, prevents the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin P - bioflavonoids. Scientists designate this for a whole group of different substances. They are found in the peel of citrus fruits and give them their yellow or orange color. In the human body, they help strengthen the walls of capillaries.

There are several ways to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body. One of them is to take special complexes. Another is to create a balanced diet.

The best vitamin complexes to improve brain activity and memory

The advantages of taking vitamins for memory are that when using them, an improvement in attention and concentration abilities is achieved, which will help both schoolchildren and students, and sometimes it won’t hurt for kids to take special children’s formulations that will smooth out and perhaps even accelerate their development mind.

And adults, too, sometimes should start taking these kinds of drugs, since they can reduce stress levels, improve recovery, speed up brain function, and increase memory abilities.

In addition, the course does not last so long - the desired effect is achieved in about one month. Which complex should you choose?

CAREFULLY: Most drugs of this kind have their own contraindications, and they must be dosed strictly according to the instructions - an excess of some substances included in them in the body can cause unpleasant consequences. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

For adults

  • "Vitrum Memory" has a beneficial effect on the ability to think and remember, but is strictly contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. The composition contains vitamins B, C and zinc.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is available in several varieties. So, tablets from Doppelhertz also contain B1, B2, B6 separately, and Evalar adds glycine to its tablets.
  • "Active Lecithin" from Doppelherz, among other things, includes vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, E.
  • Multi Tabs produces products for both adults and children.
  • “Multi Tabs Active”, “Intensive” are intended for men whose activities are associated with stress and physical activity. They improve recovery and are rich in antioxidants.
  • "Multi Tabs Peretanal Omega-3" is suitable for pregnant women.

For children

  • “Multi Tabs” for children and teenagers are divided according to the age of the child for whom they are intended: up to one year, up to 4 years, up to 11 years, up to 17 years. For little ones, the vitamin complex is available in the form of syrup.
  • “AlfaVit” “Our Baby”, “Kindergarten” and “Schoolboy” cover different periods of childhood. These vitamin complexes included vitamins A, D3, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, PP, C and various minerals. The first is available in the form of a water-soluble powder and is divided into 3 sachets to ensure maximum absorption all substances. The second one already comes in the form of chewable tablets with fruit flavor.
  • “Pikovit” includes A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, PP, C and DZ and can be either in the form of syrup or in the form of chewable tablets or lozenges. The release form depends on the selected age period.

For schoolchildren and students

  • "Multi Tabs" for teenagers are chewable tablets with different flavors.
  • "Multi Tabs B-complex" can be taken from 12 years of age.
  • “Classic” is available to everyone from 11 years old.
  • "AlfaVit" "Teenager" is also available in the form of tablets, which contain the same set of vitamins.

Healthy foods

Still, there is no magic pill that will suddenly give you strength and ability to remember. The human body is a complex structure in which everything is interconnected, therefore the correct diet will certainly affect cognitive abilities.

Grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables are rich in a wide variety of essential micronutrients, including many different minerals. Milk is also good for bones, eyesight and the brain, but fish contains phosphorus, the “element of thought,” as it was called in one children’s work of fiction.

The table below includes some healthy foods that are worth including in your diet.

The product's name Vitamins contained
Apple A, B, C, E, K
Citrus C and P
Berries A, almost the entire B-group, C, E, K, P
Dairy A, B, C, D, E, H
Potatoes, tomato A, C, D, E, K
Chicken A, B, C, E
Banana A, B, C, E
Beef B, E
Pork B, E
Fish A, B, C, D, E
Oatmeal Almost the entire group B, E
Peas A,B.E.H
Mushrooms A, B, C, E
Walnut B, C, E
Hazelnut B, C, E

Vitamins for the mind, of course, can help both a child and an adult increase their abilities to perceive and process information, but these substances will give a truly strong effect if combine them with memory training.

Memory is a complex and mysterious mechanism. Thanks to her, humanity has the right to a future. Memory is capable of storing all memories of events that have occurred. It is thanks to such a phenomenon that a person masters experience. In the everyday life of any subject, memory is constantly at work. People suffering from amnesia are unable to perceive life's lessons. Every day they have to start all over again, making old mistakes again and again. By taking vitamins for memory, adults and children can improve the functioning of such a complex mechanism.

Main components

Such a brain function, in the case of its optimal operation, consists of three components: initial capabilities, statistical state and training. If memory vitamins are included in the diet in sufficient quantities, it is much easier for adults to cope with many tasks.

  • Initial capabilities are the inclinations given to the human brain by nature. It is worth noting that each of us possesses them to one degree or another.
  • The statistical state of memory is another component that determines the potential of a given brain capability. According to experts, the possibilities of our “gray matter” are almost limitless. The total number of neurons in the brain is 14 billion (even though the number of connections between them is simply incalculable). The condition of such an organ is determined by many factors. Its functioning is affected by magnetic storms, the physical and emotional state of a person, occupation, etc.
  • Memory training. This phrase is usually understood as regular efforts of a psychophysiological type that improve brain function. Systematic loads can significantly increase a person’s indicated ability. However, do not forget that there are effective vitamins for improving memory. In combination with training, they allow you to achieve high results.

Memory work during sleep and wakefulness

During rest, processes take place in the brain in which the most important neurotransmitter (the component that establishes the transmission of nerve messages between neurons) GABA takes part. In case of lack of sleep, the chemical activity of the specified organ is significantly reduced. In addition, the human brain is initially tuned to the natural rhythm of alternating sleep and wakefulness, and therefore it is at night that all restoration processes take place in it. Constant lack of sleep has a detrimental effect on brain function. In such cases, sometimes even memory vitamins do not help. Adults should clearly understand that adequate sleep is the key to optimal brain functioning.

Physical activity can also have a beneficial effect on gray matter function. An active lifestyle, systematic jogging and walks in the fresh air - all this will benefit the above-mentioned organ.


What vitamins are needed to improve memory? This is a question many people ask from time to time. Surprisingly, proper nutrition can optimize brain activity. You should know that monotonous foods can often lead to degenerative processes in the brain. Unfortunately, such a result is not immediately apparent. After all, the deficiency of nutrients in the body manifests itself gradually and is cumulative. That is why a reasonable diet should include a varied and regular intake of healthy foods containing vitamins and minerals to improve memory, attention and intelligence. Let’s look at what these components are in more detail:

  • Carbohydrates. The human brain makes up only 2% of the total weight of the entire body. However, the amount of energy it consumes often reaches 20%. As you know, carbohydrates have always been considered the main source of energy. The highest concentration of such substances is found in whole cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, honey, etc. In case of insufficient intake of the specified substances into the body, brain retardation may develop. Those who practice protein diets should listen carefully to such a statement.
  • Squirrels. No one will deny the importance of these elements for the body. They are the main building material for neurotransmitters and nerve cells that maintain memory in proper condition. Proteins transport and obtain energy. If there is a shortage of them, the person’s physical condition will begin to deteriorate, and depression and fatigue will be felt. In order to prevent the described situation and create an optimal environment for the brain, you should regularly eat meat (at least three times a week). The most valuable thing here is beef. Milk, fish, eggs and cottage cheese also have significant benefits.

  • Fats. Together with the above components, they also allow the body to stock up on energy. It is worth noting here that components of plant origin are more beneficial than their “brothers” of animal origin (with the exception of the specified substances must account for at least 15% in the diet).

Foods that improve memory

The best option for proper nutrition is a variety of food consumed, containing the above-described components and vitamins for the mind. Food for memory should be filled with the maximum amount of useful substances, as well as their compounds. It should be noted that they are found in almost any product.

  • Banana is an excellent source of easily digestible carbohydrates. It contains amino acids such as methionine, carotene, tryptophan, as well as vitamins C, PP, B2 and B1.
  • Eggs are the optimal product for. Quail eggs should be considered the most useful. They contain vitamins PP, B2, B1 and A. The set of amino acids includes cysteine, lysine, glutamic acid, methionine and tryptophan.
  • Sprouted cereals. Such products contain potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and zinc. Cereals also contain calcium, selenium, iron and copper. The set of vitamins here is absolutely amazing in its diversity: biotin, F, E, B9, B6, B5, B3, B2, B1.
  • Honey is a storehouse of carbohydrates. It contains 22 of the 24 essential microelements found in human blood. This product can easily replace sugar.
  • Fatty fish - salmon, trout, salmon and herring. It is high in Omega-3 (an essential type of fat).

The most important vitamins for the mind and memory

B vitamins are especially important for optimal brain function. Research has confirmed their effectiveness. These memory vitamins for adults help improve attention and thinking. In addition, the listed substances have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Having the ability to act as antioxidants, such vitamins can create a protective environment for the brain during times of excessive stress. They provide cells with oxygen molecules, preventing the aging process of the above-mentioned organ. With a lack of these beneficial components, a person may feel weakness, drowsiness, nervousness, weakened memory, loss of appetite, etc. Let's look at memory vitamins for adults. The list of products in which they are found will allow you to determine the optimal diet.

List of vitamins for memory and mind

Have you ever thought about how many nutrients your body gets from the most common foods? Let's look at what vitamins a person can get from their diet.

  • Thiamine (B1) . This element is able to create the proper environment for the development of memory and cognitive processes in the brain. In case of thiamine deficiency, the human body begins to synthesize uric acid in excess, which affects brain function. Given that cooking can destroy this compound, some fruits and vegetables should be eaten fresh. B1 is also found in foods such as fish, eggs, nuts, meat, oatmeal, peas and buckwheat.
  • Riboflavin (B2) . The main task of such an element is to accelerate mental processes. This vitamin is indispensable in case of active physical and mental work, because it provides the body with energy. The following foods are rich in riboflavin: cabbage, peas, almonds, turnips, green beans, brewer's yeast, tomatoes, etc.
  • Nicotinic acid (B3) . This vitamin can improve memory because it produces energy in nerve cells. The following foods are rich in it: nuts, milk, chicken, yolk, green vegetables, buckwheat, fish.
  • Calcium pantothenate (B5). This vitamin is a stimulator of long-term memory. It promotes the transmission of nerve impulses from neuron to neuron. In addition, the memory vitamins in question can produce enzymes that resist the negative effects of nicotine and alcohol. Adults will get them from foods: peas, liver, eggs, caviar, hazelnuts. Buckwheat, dairy products, and cabbage are also rich in calcium pantothenate.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) . The main task of pyridoxine is to increase intellectual abilities. You can increase the content of this enzyme by eating potatoes, eggs, cabbage, nuts, and bananas.
  • Folic acid (B9). This vitamin can have a beneficial effect on memory and speed of thinking. It is under its influence that inhibition and excitation of the central nervous system occurs. They are rich in dairy products, nuts, cheese, apricots, pumpkin, legumes, and red meat.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12). This vitamin determines the daily activity of the human body, responsible for the transition from sleep to wakefulness and vice versa. You can find B12 in the following foods: cheese, poultry, herring, beef, kelp, etc.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from mental or physical stress. Sources of vitamin C: spinach, citrus fruits, currants, peppers, cabbage, apples, apricots, tomatoes.
  • Calciferol (E). Its main task is to remove toxins from the body, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and maintain brain activity. This vitamin is found in foods such as nuts, vegetable oil, seeds, legumes, oatmeal, eggs, liver, etc.

Minerals that have a positive effect

When wondering what vitamins are needed to improve memory, it is important to understand that the body needs not only this component. Minerals also have a big influence. As previously noted, proper nutrition can optimize brain function.

  • Iodine . Improves memory and regulates metabolic processes. High concentrations of this element are observed in iodized salt, seafood and kelp.
  • Selenium . Stabilizes the functioning of brain cells, improves mood, and provides a boost of energy. Contained in buckwheat, seafood, meat, oatmeal and corn.
  • What vitamins are there for adults? No less useful than those listed above is zinc. It is directly involved in the formation of human brain cells and increases attention. It is rich in red meat, brewer's yeast, and seafood.
  • Iron. Promotes the transfer of oxygen to brain cells, improves memory, and increases attention. Iron is found in beans, meat, buckwheat, apples, corn, and persimmons.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Helps increase intelligence and improve brain activity. Contained in fatty fish, vegetable oil, nuts, flax seeds.

Fortified preparations for memory development

Unfortunately, in most cases, modern people are not able to constantly control their diet. The question arises about where to get memory vitamins for adults. The names of the drugs described below are well known to many. These complexes are able to provide the body with essential minerals and vitamins.

Below we list which drugs improve memory. However, please note that the information provided below is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult your doctor.

So, complexes containing vitamins for memory for adults (the list is far from complete, since the choice of a suitable drug is up to the specialist):

  • « Vitrum Memory" This remedy improves intellectual activity, optimizes blood circulation in the brain, increases concentration of memory and attention.
  • « Active Lecithin» . The above complex can improve the memory function of the brain in adults. Used to strengthen nerves and increase intelligence. It contains lecithin and B vitamins.
  • « Memory Forte" This is the most effective and safe drug. Used during periods of high intellectual stress, when attention and memory deteriorate, to prevent age-related changes. The complex has no contraindications.

Children's drugs

As you know, vitamin deficiency can cause various abnormalities in a child’s health. First of all, children suffer due to deterioration of brain function. Signs of this are the following sensations: increased fatigue, poor assimilation of information, insufficient concentration.

Experts recommend that parents give their babies some vitamins for memory. Improved memory in children after taking the complexes described below was noticed by most mothers. The main thing is to remember that they should be used only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Let's get to the main point. Here are the drugs that improve children's memory:

  • « Pikovit" A drug called Pikovit Omega-3 is recommended for preschool children. It is produced in the form of syrup. The product contains healthy Omega-3 fats, as well as a complex of 10 vitamins.

  • « VitaMishki». An excellent tool for improving the functioning of children's brains. The product is based on natural juices. “VitaMishki” can not only optimize brain activity, but also improve the child’s immunity. The drug does not contain preservatives or dyes.
  • « Junior Bee Weiss" This vitamin and mineral preparation is intended specifically to support the physical and mental development of the growing body. The complex contains iodine, selenium and many vitamins. Prescribed for children under 6 years of age. The drug has no contraindications.


If you are concerned about memory problems, the first thing you should do is improve your diet. Remember, the diet must contain all the necessary vitamins for memory. Adults and children who decide to take special complexes should definitely discuss this issue with their doctor.

The need of a child's body for vitamins is great. The need for them arises from the first day of life and increases as the child develops. Intake of vitamins in sufficient quantities helps strengthen bone tissue, form good memory, protect against diseases and increase intelligence. A deficiency can lead to physical and mental disabilities for the little person.

A child’s intelligence and learning abilities largely depend on adequate intake of vitamins in the body.

Vitamins received on time have a beneficial effect on the child’s mind. Brain activity increases, leading to a clear and positive difference between these children and their peers. Children who receive them regularly are noted to:

  • high intellectual development;
  • rapid assimilation of educational materials;
  • easy problem solving;
  • strong concentration.

Characteristics of elements

For clarity, we will compile two lists with the characteristics of useful elements. The first one will introduce you to vitamins. The second is formulated for essential minerals and substances needed by the brain. Explanations for each of the points will help parents decide both on the diet and on understanding what their child is missing. Study them carefully to choose the right vitamin complex for your offspring.

List of vitamins

  • B1 (thiamine). Stimulates cognitive activity, improves memory, optimizes brain function. Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, peas). Nuts, wholemeal bread, pork. Poor sleep, irritation, frequent crying, fatigue, decreased appetite, deterioration of attention and memory.

Vitamin B1 can be easily found in popular foods
  • B6 (pyridoxine). Promotes the formation of neurotransmitters that normalize emotions and focus. Chicken, fish, whole grains, beans, nuts. Skin rash, depression, confusion.
  • Vitamin E. A natural antioxidant that can bind free radicals that are dangerous to brain neurons. Vegetable oil, nuts, seeds, whole grains. Muscle weakness, motor uncoordination.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin). Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves memory. All types of meat, eggs, fish, milk and milk products. Rapid fatigue and nervousness, weakened cognitive abilities.

List of minerals

  • Selenium (Se). It has immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, participates in the protection of brain cells, improves their functioning. Cereals, meats, grains and seafood. Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, decreased immunity, frequent colds and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Zinc (Zn). It has immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, participates in the protection of brain cells, improves their functioning. Cereals, meats, grains and seafood. Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, decreased immunity, frequent colds and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Iodine (I). Develops intelligence, improves brain functioning. Seafood and seaweed. Decreased concentration, disorders of the thyroid gland, delays in intellectual growth.

Iodine is essential for proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Iron (Fe). Saturates the brain with oxygen, increases hemoglobin levels. Green vegetables, beef liver, dried fruits, apples, egg yolk. Physical weakness, mental weakness.

Sources of vitamins of natural origin

A certain amount of vitamins enters the body of children from familiar foods. The task of parents is to properly balance the diet of their child. We discussed some elements in the previous block, others should be discussed separately:

  1. Vitamin D is supplied to our body by vegetable oils (preferably corn or sunflower), chicken, pork and beef, whole grains, nuts and fish.
  2. Vitamin E, vital for proper brain function, can be obtained from sesame, soybean, sunflower oil, liver, egg yolk and oatmeal.
  3. Vitamin P reduces the risk of hemorrhage and certain diseases; it is obtained from berries, apples, citrus fruits, sweet peppers and grapes. Buckwheat is a good supplier of vitamins.

Sweet peppers are a real storehouse of vitamins; they also contain the rather rare vitamin P

How to create a vitamin menu correctly?

Armed with information about the products necessary for a developing mind, create a menu for the week at once: this will make it easier for you to plan a variety of dishes for every day. Remember that breakfast should be hearty, lunch should be complete, and dinner should be light. Use our tips:

  • Schedule food packages by day and purchase them for the week. Sea fish is given instead of meat at the rate of 2-3 times in 7 days.
  • Use seafood to prepare salads, side dishes, and sandwiches.
  • We also make a list of snacks for 7 days. Distribute their intake in turns. For example: Monday - seafood salad, Tuesday - nuts, Wednesday - sandwiches with caviar or fish, Thursday - nuts, Friday - seafood salad, Saturday - nuts, Sunday - sandwiches.
  • It is advisable to give nuts to your child up to 5 times a week, so add them to salads and cereals along with a snack.
  • A diet of foods that enhance memory is established for 3-4 weeks. This time is enough for your child’s body to accumulate the full amount of nutrients. Their beneficial effect on the brain will last for several months.

Reinforce nutritional assistance with a daily routine and activities with your treasure. Make sure your son or daughter goes to bed on time so that their sleep is strong and healthy. Direct your child's leisure time to memory training.

Give him a variety of educational games, which you can learn about from our other materials. Teach your offspring to read books (we recommend reading:). The receipt of information that requires memorization expands the brain's memory reserves.

Adequate sleep necessarily includes falling asleep at the same acceptable time

In what cases is it necessary to take vitamins?

It is impossible to provide the required amount of nutrients through diet alone, so your baby should take ready-made medications. It is impossible to say unequivocally that all children need nutrition for their brains. It is not difficult to identify a child’s need for brain nutrition. Please note the following reasons:

  • numerous whims, persistent reluctance to eat healthy but unloved food;
  • poor nutrition, in which the baby does not receive enough vitamins.

If these reasons exist in a child’s life, then he is advised to take medications. Today, a lot of vitamin complexes have been developed, which are especially important for children 6-8 years old to take. Entering school and subsequently studying there puts an increased load on children’s brains. It is obvious that those of them who experienced difficulties with attention and memory before school will face serious problems at school. The transition from primary school to secondary school (by the age of 10) is also important, where the volume of information increases, and, therefore, vitamin preparations are useful in supporting brain functions.

The school curriculum places quite high demands on the child, so taking vitamins will be very important

What vitamin complexes can you buy?

Parents, before going to the pharmacy, should take into account that vitamin complexes for adults are not suitable for small bodies. Pharmacists have launched the production of special medications for young consumers. Let's note the most popular and useful of them: Pikovit, Multi-Tabs, VitaMishki, AlfaVit and Junior Bee Weiss. These drugs cannot completely replace other sources of important elements, so it is necessary to provide a complete diet for the little person.

What are the benefits of vitamin complexes?

Taking vitamins helps improve memory, increases the body's defenses, and reduces the incidence of diseases. Intelligence increases, the skeletal system develops properly, and the condition of the skin improves. If a small body lacks vitamins, physical and mental growth is impaired. It is important to start taking vitamins in advance, without waiting until the increased load on the brain begins.

When producing vitamin complexes, not all manufacturers conscientiously study the specific needs of a child’s body by age. Some people prescribe a daily dosage without taking into account age, and the combination of components is not followed. Recommendations from your pediatrician can help you avoid making the wrong choice. Consult your doctor, show him your child, tell him about your problems - a specialist will select the most beneficial drug for you.

A pediatrician can select the optimal vitamin complex for a child.

What complexes are suitable for schoolchildren?

When choosing medications, look for those that contain a natural composition without artificial sweeteners or colorings. Carefully study the dosage of the product. Here is a list of the most popular and well-functioning complexes for schoolchildren:

  • Pikovit. For children aged 6-8 years, the Pikovit Omega-3 complex is suitable. The drug facilitates adaptation to academic loads and helps to quickly get used to school activities. For older schoolchildren 9-12 years old, the Pikovit-Forte vitamin complex is recommended, which stimulates mental activity and strengthens memory (we recommend reading:).
  • VitaMishki are equally useful for both children and teenagers. Helps improve memory, stimulate brain function, strengthen the immune system, and increase physical strength.
  • AlfaVit is indicated for use from school age. The complex is able to increase mental performance, helps to tolerate psychological and emotional stress, and enhances concentration.

The described complexes do not contain artificial additives, are well tolerated by the child’s body, and have no side effects. They work effectively to improve brain function and the general condition of the body. The only contraindication to their use is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Be sure to watch out for overdoses.

VitaMishki are perfect for children of any age

How to take vitamins correctly?

Children really like vitamins, which can lead to an overdose. Let us dwell in more detail on the features of taking the most important of them and the consequences of an overdose:

  • The amount of vitamin B1 decreases due to the use of antibiotics or antacids. In an effort to restore normality, you can overdose on the vitamin, which will lead to allergies. Excessive doses will negatively affect liver function. The correct dose is easily absorbed and combines well with other vitamins.
  • Too much vitamin B6 will result in increased fatigue, pain in the limbs, and general physical weakness. The vitamin should be taken together with calcium, vitamin B3 and copper (see also:).
  • An increased dose of vitamin E reduces the rate of blood clotting, leads to gastrointestinal disorders, and causes headaches. The vitamin should not be taken together with vitamin K, as bleeding may occur. It is useful to combine its intake with vitamin C.
  • A slight excess of B12 has no effect; the body copes well with excess vitamin. An excessive dose causes a feeling of tightness and numbness in the limbs. It is recommended to take it with other B vitamins (B12, B5 and B9).

How to take minerals and other elements?

Caution in dosage is also required when taking minerals and other beneficial elements.

When offering a vitamin complex to your child, follow a reasonable dosage. Vitamins, despite all their usefulness and importance, should not be eaten in handfuls. Make your choice of drug together with your pediatrician, and without listening to enough “convincing” presentations from the manufacturer.

Please note the following:

  • Selenium in high dosages leads to intoxication, gastric disorders, disturbances in the central nervous system, fatigue and irritability. Symptoms of an overdose include bad breath, skin rashes, brittle nails and hair. Recommended to be combined with vitamin C.
  • Excess zinc provokes copper deficiency, leads to disruptions in the immune system, causes vomiting and nausea. Combined use with magnesium in the optimally correct dose is indicated.
  • Iodine is of great benefit to the young body, but excess of the norm is manifested by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Possible decreased heart rate and confusion. Constant intake of iodine in excess of the norm provokes the formation of goiter, thyroiditis and thyrotoxicosis.
  • Iron levels are often low in children, but an overdose of iron does not lead to anything good. Excess iron affects gastrointestinal disorders, disrupts heart function, and leads to problems in the liver and kidneys. The correct dose is determined by the doctor based on individual contraindications. Taken in combination with vitamins C and B6.

Remember - even the safest vitamin supplement can cause harm if taken thoughtlessly.

The ability to think clearly and remember information well is not only given to a person by nature. Regular mental training, self-education and professional development play a big role in this. Factors such as exposure to stressful situations, poor health, poor nutrition and insufficient intake of nutrients have a negative impact on a person’s mental abilities. You can significantly enhance brain functioning by taking special vitamins in a timely manner.

Like other organs, the human brain undergoes age-related changes over the years. For a long time, brain tissue is exposed to various destructive factors. But as compensation, the regeneration process is constantly going on. At a young age, the rate of restoration of damaged cells is much higher. In middle-aged and old people, the rate of regeneration slows down significantly. The reason for this is poor metabolism and insufficient supply of vitamins to the brain. As a result, a person’s ability to perceive and remember new facts decreases, and his concentration of attention decreases. A person develops forgetfulness and finds it difficult to remember past events.

The effect of vitamins on the human brain is manifested in the following:

  • Improve the elasticity and strength of vascular walls, stimulate blood flow and supply of nutrients to brain cells;
  • Stimulate redox reactions, help metabolic processes and saturate the body with energy;
  • Protects brain cells from the destructive effects of free radicals.

To ensure brain activity at the proper level, it is necessary to constantly replenish the supply of useful components that affect the functioning of the brain. The desired effect can be achieved by reviewing your diet and taking additional medications containing healthy nutrients.

Vitamins needed by the brain

The best quality memory is given to information that enters the human brain in early childhood. At the same time, in adulthood, a person is forced to make some efforts to remember new information or acquire useful skills.

At the same time, the intake of an additional portion of certain substances into the body can significantly improve a person’s brain activity:

Thiamine or vitamin B1 is responsible for the normal process of assimilation of carbohydrates in the body, allowing the accumulation of energy expended during the functioning of the brain and the renewal of its cells. A lack of this vitamin provokes various digestive disorders, which negatively affects the absorption of other essential nutrients. Thiamine is not able to accumulate in the body on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to take various vitamin complexes to compensate for its deficiency.

Vitamin B2 or otherwise riboflavin can be absorbed in the body exclusively with food. Therefore, it is recommended to drink preparations containing it during or immediately after meals. This substance is responsible for visual acuity and correct color perception, which is directly related to mental abilities.

Nicotinic acid or vitamin B3 is an antioxidant. Without the participation of this element, the synthesis of enzymes that are responsible for lipid metabolic processes and digestion is impossible. Nicotinic acid has a dilating effect on blood vessels, so it is often used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and restoration of blood supply to the brain. A lack of this nutrient develops headaches, confusion and apathy.

Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is directly involved in the production of a substance responsible for sending signals to the brain nerve centers. Its deficiency provokes the development of sclerosis, the appearance of initial symptoms of aging and disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of hormones responsible for high-quality memory and a stable nervous system. The need for this substance increases significantly if a person is subjected to emotional pressure or experiences significant overload.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid is synthesized in small doses by the digestive organs. It is needed for the reproduction of new brain cells.

Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12 is obtained from animal foods. It is needed for quality blood circulation and lipid metabolism. Due to its ability to reduce cholesterol concentrations, this vitamin prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Without it entering the body, the human brain is not able to fully retain mental abilities.

Ascorbic acid is known for its antioxidant effects. It is taken to prevent the destructive effect on brain cells and delay aging changes. Together with other vitamins, vitamin C is used to treat age-related brain diseases. It stimulates brain activity, trains memory and attention.

Vitamin calciferol is needed for the high-quality absorption of elements such as phosphorus and calcium contained in brain tissue. Without it, normal functioning of the brain in old age is impossible.

Vitamin K is necessary for the strength of the walls of blood vessels and normal blood clotting. When there is a lack of it, blockage of blood vessels often occurs, blood circulation in the vascular network is disrupted, senile dementia develops and memory weakens.

Vitamin E is distinguished by its antioxidant properties; it can slow down the destruction of brain cells and prevent clogging of blood vessels.

Other substances that support brain function

In addition to vitamins, for strong memory and good brain function, the tissues of the nervous system need certain mineral compounds:

  • Iodine is responsible for high-quality metabolism, it is responsible for the high-quality activity of the thyroid gland, takes part in the synthesis of hormones that activate the function of brain cells;
  • Selenium is an excellent antioxidant, responsible for growth and regeneration processes in brain tissue;
  • Zinc is directly a component of brain cells;
  • Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin cells, which carries oxygen to the brain.

Another important substance needed for the quality functioning of brain tissue is omega-3 acid. This organic fatty acid is a participant in metabolic reactions occurring in the human body.

List of the best vitamin preparations for stimulating brain activity and strengthening memory

Vitrum Memory

The product belongs to the group of herbal preparations and is produced in the form of small brown tablets. It stimulates blood flow and oxygen supply to the peripheral nervous system and brain tissue. Thanks to its action, the brain is better supplied with glucose. It leads to normal microcirculation and metabolic reactions in brain tissue.

The drug is allowed to be taken as an auxiliary treatment in cases of decreased quality of brain function, reduced visual and hearing acuity, weakened memory and decreased concentration, as well as to eliminate delays in speech development.

Vitrum Memory tablets


  • entirely plant matter;
  • improves the supply of glucose and oxygen to the brain;
  • activates the function of brain tissue;
  • eliminates memory, speech and attention disorders.


  • There may be side effects in the form of skin rashes.

The average cost of the complex is 460 rubles.

Active day

This multivitamin preparation was developed exclusively for the male population. It is recommended for men to use it daily to eliminate the effects of stress and relieve nervous tension. The components of the drug include plant extracts, including ginseng, green tea, ginger, echinacea, cayenne pepper and others. With its help, you can significantly improve the energy supply of brain cells.

Man’s formula Active day capsules


  • completely herbal remedy;
  • contains extracts of valuable medicinal plants;
  • reduces the effects of stress;
  • improves the supply of nutrients to brain tissue.


  • intended for men only.

The average price of the drug is 550 rubles.

Forever Ginkgo Plus

This drug is a biologically active food supplement. It allows you to stimulate the functioning of the brain, awakens mental abilities, concentrates attention and strengthens memory. With regular use of the product, a person’s irritability decreases and overexcitation is relieved. The person calms down and becomes more balanced. Course use helps delay the onset of symptoms of aging.

The ingredients of this product include ground fruits of Schisandra chinensis and rhizomes of Polygonum multiflorum, as well as reishi mushrooms. These plant components are especially necessary for high-quality mental work. The dietary supplement is sold in the form of tablets.

Forever Ginkgo Plus


  • herbal preparation consisting of extracts of rare medicinal plants;
  • has a visible positive effect;
  • stimulates memory and attention;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system.


  • high price.

The average cost of the product is 1350 rubles.

Memofem was developed specifically taking into account the characteristics of the body in women. Its components include natural ingredients. It is an integral part of a healing line called “Woman’s Happiness”, which affects the female body in various directions and makes life better in different directions. This product contains active additives choline bitartrate and lecithin, which normalize the activity of the nervous system, stimulate resistance to stressful situations, and stabilize mood. To reduce irritation and relieve fatigue, it contains extracts from gotu kola and eleutherococcus. They stimulate immune defense and normalize the supply of oxygen to brain cells.


  • herbal remedy;
  • contains extracts from rare medicinal plants;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the body.


  • not found.

The average cost of vitamins is 550 rubles.

Vitamins for the brain Griffonia

This complex not only activates brain activity, but also leads to normal indicators of the overall state of the nervous system. The active components of this product include an extract from the tropical griffonia plant, as well as B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the functioning and health of brain tissue. Regular use of the drug allows you to develop memory and stimulate active brain activity in general, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves nighttime sleep gives efficiency. With this remedy you can eliminate depression, tidy up the nervous system and strengthen memory.

Vitamins for the brain Griffonia


  • contains plant extracts;
  • normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • activates brain functioning;
  • improves sleep;
  • activates performance.


  • not found.

The average price of the complex is 690 rubles.

Vitamins Phosphatide complex

This drug is recommended to be taken to bring metabolic reactions in brain tissue at the cellular level to normal levels. When taken regularly, the assimilation of information improves, mental development proceeds more successfully, and the function of the nervous system is normalized. The product helps strengthen long-term and short-term memory, concentrates attention and improves the severity of reactions.

Phosphatide complex


  • normalizes brain function;
  • improves the quality of the learning process;
  • trains memory;
  • concentrates attention.


  • high price.

The average cost of vitamins is 900 rubles.

List of vitamins that develop mental abilities in children

Alphabet Schoolboy

Preparations in this group contain the most complete list of vitamins and essential minerals required for the quality development of a child, as well as for stimulating his mental abilities. The vitamin complex was developed taking into account all recommendations for combined and separate consumption of beneficial nutrients. Therefore, the package contains tablets of three different colors, which must be taken at different times of the day. This allows you to significantly increase the effectiveness of using the drug. Vitamins have a beneficial effect on the immune system, develop mental abilities and memory of the child.

Vitamins Alphabet Schoolboy


  • improved absorption of nutrients;
  • development of mental abilities and memory;
  • improvement of immune defense.


  • need to be taken at different times of the day;
  • uneconomical expense.

The average price is 310 rubles.

Pikovit Forte 7+

The complex is produced in the form of tablets and is created for school-age children. The composition contains 11 vitamins that are most necessary at a young age. A particularly significant portion of it contains vitamins belonging to group B. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. This drug is recommended to be given in case of significant stress, with loss of appetite, to improve the body's resistance to infectious diseases. The advantage of this complex of useful substances is the possibility of its use in diabetes mellitus.

Pikovit Forte tablets


  • convenient form of administration;
  • improves brain activity;
  • develops immunity;
  • can be taken for diabetes.


  • not found.

The average cost of the drug is 200 rubles.

Vitrum Junior

The product is produced and sold in the form of chewable tablets. Its components include the largest number of useful components, minerals and vitamins. It is recommended to use this vitamin complex at school age, when the load on the nervous system increases significantly and the most effective development of the nervous system and brain function is required. When taken regularly, the vitamin preparation develops memory and stimulates attention.

Vitrum Junior chewable tablets


  • It is enough to take 1 tablet per day;
  • activates memory and attention;
  • contains a complete list of essential vitamins and minerals.


  • not found.

The average cost is 450 rubles.

The list of means useful for activating the functioning of the brain and normalizing the nervous system is quite wide. Therefore, in any pharmacy you can purchase a vitamin complex that is beneficial for a child or an adult.

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Memory is a property of the human brain. But it can worsen for several reasons: stress, illness or poor nutrition. To have good memory throughout your life, you need to take vitamins that improve memory.

Vitamins for the brain

What vitamins are needed for proper brain function? The most important vitamins for memory and brain are B vitamins. But without vitamins C, D, E and P, the activity of the central nervous system is also impossible. Let's consider the effect of these substances on brain function.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Thiamine is a substance that affects the cognitive function of the brain. Provided that thiamine enters the body in sufficient quantities, memory properties improve. With its deficiency, uric acid accumulates, which weakens the activity of the central nervous system.

For thiamine deficiency:

  • Memory deteriorates;
  • Coordination is impaired;
  • Fatigue sets in quickly;
  • Depression appears;
  • Worried about insomnia;
  • Irritability develops.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Riboflavin serves the brain to speed up the reactions occurring in it. The vitamin promotes rapid memory, which is necessary during increased mental stress.

Symptoms of riboflavin hypovitaminosis:

  • Lethargy;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Weakness;
  • Headache.

Vitamin B3 (vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid)

Nicotinic acid helps produce energy, which is necessary for the functioning of nerve cells in the brain. Vitamin B3 is necessary to improve memory.

With a lack of nicotinic acid:

  • Memory properties deteriorate;
  • The ability to concentrate deteriorates;
  • Fatigue develops.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

Vitamin B5 is a participant in the transmission of nerve impulses that occurs between neurons. The work of the brain and the entire human nervous system as a whole is based on their transmission. Pantothenic acid is essential for the development of long-term memory. It protects brain cells from the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine.

Vitamin B5 deficiency is determined by:

  • Deterioration of long-term memory;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Depression;
  • Fatigue.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 acts similarly to pantothenic acid, increasing a person’s intellectual abilities and protecting nerve cells from the effects of nicotine and alcohol.

With a lack of vitamin B6, the following are observed:

  • Poor sleep;
  • anxiety;
  • Lethargy;
  • Irritability;
  • Depression.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Folic acid is responsible for excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, which affects the speed of thinking and the stability of memory processes.

For folic acid deficiency:

  • Memory deteriorates;
  • Insomnia appears;
  • A person gets tired quickly;
  • Anxiety develops;
  • The person loses interest in everything.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamins)

Vitamin B12 switches the body from wakefulness to sleep mode and vice versa. Cyanocobalamins are responsible for transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory.

A lack of vitamin B12 is determined by the following symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Memory loss;
  • Dizziness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Irritability;
  • Deteriorated thinking.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble antioxidant that is necessary to protect the brain from physical and mental stress. Without vitamin C, B vitamins, which play a much more important role in regulating the functioning of the entire human nervous system, lose stability.

With a lack of vitamin C in relation to the nervous system, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • Fatigue;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Fast fatiguability.

Vitamin D (calciferol)

Calciferol protects the brain from the formation of cancerous tumors in its tissues. Vitamin D is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. With sufficient consumption, blood vessels and capillaries become elastic, which is important for good blood microcirculation in the brain. A lack of vitamin D increases the risk of stroke.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to:

  • Insomnia;
  • Weakened vision;
  • Loss of appetite.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

This is a powerful antioxidant that protects nerve cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. Like vitamin D, tocopherol helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of stroke and providing good nutrition to the brain.

Alzheimer's disease is controlled by adequate intake of vitamin E. Its symptoms are:

  • Inability to perceive information;
  • Irritability;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Mood swings;
  • Aggressiveness.

Vitamin P (bioflavonoids)

Vitamin P is necessary to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain, it reduces their permeability and increases firmness and elasticity. Bioflavonoids prevent minor cerebral hemorrhages.

With a lack of this vitamin, the following are possible:

  • Bleeding from the gums;
  • Nosebleeds;
  • Formation of bruises when lightly pressing the skin.

How to improve brain function and memory?

Vitamins and minerals are needed to improve brain activity and memory. You can get them in sufficient quantities naturally only if your diet is balanced. It should contain seafood, cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cheeses, meat and offal, and herbs every day. But can a modern person afford such food? Daily work makes it impossible to have a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. Therefore, there is a need to obtain vitamins and minerals in another way.

To improve brain function and memory, special vitamin and mineral complexes have been developed. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

GinkgoVIT Aviton

This drug contains 12 vitamins, 18 minerals and amino acids necessary to normalize the functions of the nervous system. But such a rich composition has a big drawback: the drug has many contraindications. Among them:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Children's age (up to 10 years);
  • Cerebrovascular accident (acute phase);
  • Hemophilia;

The course of prophylaxis is 1-2 months of taking the drug. Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals. Children from 11 to 14 years old - 1 tablet 2 times a day, and children from 10 to 11 years old - 1 tablet per day. To continue taking vitamins, you must consult your doctor.


This complex contains significantly fewer vitamins, but it does include essential amino acids and Omega-3 fatty acids, which protect the brain from overload. Among the contraindications are only childhood and individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Directions for use: 1 capsule per day for adults and children over 15 years old. The course of treatment or prevention is 1 month.


This complex of vitamins and minerals helps improve cerebral circulation, which is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system. The drug increases both physical and mental performance, preventing rapid fatigue. But REVIEN vitamins have quite a few contraindications. Among them:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Insomnia;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Children under 14 years of age;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Pikovit for children

This is an excellent vitamin and mineral complex for children. While taking the drug, there is an improvement in the processes of perceiving and remembering information. Pikovit is produced in the form of lozenges and syrup. For preschool children, it is necessary to take 4-5 lozenges or 10-15 milliliters of the drug. The lozenges should melt in your mouth. Syrup is added to food and drinks.

For school-age children, 5-7 lozenges per day or 15-20 milliliters of syrup are prescribed. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components included in the vitamin-mineral complex.