Feeding a puppy for 1 month. What should be included in feeding an East European Shepherd puppy. Feeding with natural products

Mistakes in feeding dogs

The dog is a carnivore, the more meat the better Any predator spends a colossal amount of energy to get its meat. The predator does not feed every day, but eats the prey entirely (skin, entrails, small bones). And the tenderloin itself runs after your pet in the hands of a “caring” owner! Hence, an excess of protein in the body - and disease. We buy the best meat - fillet, tenderloin! The gastrointestinal tract of animals is designed to digest rough meat, with veins and fascia. From it predators extract material for their bones and tendons. Eating tender meat causes weakness gastrointestinal tract generally. We give you nuts, raisins, sweet peppers - so you have vitamins! Dogs are carnivores and do not digest plant foods well, including the vitamins contained in them. Don't fill your dog's stomach with nuts - he's not a monkey. Plant foods are good for animals prone to obesity. We cook porridge from 5 grains to make it tastier! The most easily digestible carbohydrates come from rice, buckwheat (in our country), and rolled oats. Millet, pearl barley, and oatmeal are difficult for a dog’s intestines. IN Lately They also use corn grits (it is actively used abroad). Cereals: rice, buckwheat, rolled oats. Remember: your pet is a predator. Cereals should only be a small part diet (and you can safely refuse them). If you feed your dog this inexpensive “dish” regularly, there may be a risk to its health. These include obesity, allergies and much more. Everything is good in moderation: healthy cereals in large quantities can become a dangerous product. If your dog has an upset stomach after feeding any type of cereal, then you should either avoid such porridge altogether, or add other types of cereal to it to neutralize the negative effect. Actually, cereals (porridge and other flour products) should not be present in a dog’s diet. Porridges and products made from flour or with the addition of flour contain easily digestible carbohydrates, which can cause disruption of the intestinal microflora in all dogs, which are known to be carnivores, as well as a decrease in resistance. The state of the animal’s health directly depends on the state of the intestine, which is a key organ not only in digestion, but also in providing the defense system (resistance and immunity of the body). Thus, the presence of dysbiosis in the intestines, which is facilitated by dietary disturbances, can lead to the development of mass pathological processes, including increases the tendency to allergies, disruption of work internal organs, the emergence of a number of chronic inflammatory diseases and obesity, often associated with each other. We give meat and offal raw - it’s healthier! And this is really healthier, but there is one point - they must be fresh and safe, and these products are prone to rapid spoilage and infection multiplies faster in them. Therefore, such products should be purchased in trusted places where there is veterinary and sanitary control. If you are not so sure, then be sure to cook the offal. Meat (do not trim!) can be given raw, and in doubtful cases, for safety, it is better to also boil or boil for several minutes, or at least scald with boiling water. We wanted the best, but it turned out... We often feed our dogs food from the table, believing that it is great for our four-legged friend. But this is a deep misconception. Salt, sugar, salami and other unhealthy foods can cause not only intestinal problems, but even coma or death. You can safely give your puppy tubular bones if you want to get rid of your pet as quickly as possible. We run a little and eat a lot How much should you eat healthy dog? An individual norm is selected for each dog. It is important to remember that the daily feeding rate is directly related to physical activity pet. If the dog runs a lot, then there should be more food. He rests almost all the time - reduce the amount of food. Main indicator proper nutrition- a moderately well-fed dog in good physical shape. Remember that an adult dog is fed morning and evening, and a bowl of drinking water should always be nearby, especially if the pet eats dry food. Incorrect weight gain The main mistake in feeding dogs, which is allowed by owners, is overfeeding. Even if the recommended components are maintained, their volume more than normal, then this is as harmful as feeding your dog inappropriate foods. Many owners think that their dog is too thin, and they begin to overfeed it. But, as a result, obesity begins to develop from excess food. It's easy to check. If the dog's croup can be easily felt in the place where the croup begins, then everything is fine. Otherwise we can talk about excess fat with a four-legged friend. Obesity is your best friend cardiovascular diseases. It is better to consult a dog trainer or veterinarian before overfeeding your pet.

Should be adhered to simple rule, which works in most cases - if after eating food a dog or cat leaves any amount of it in the bowl, this means that the animal is already overfed. The bowl should not be constantly filled, as is often the case. Only an animal with a moderate feeding instinct will not overeat in conditions of unlimited access to food.

You can never have too many mineral supplements Minerals are necessary for both puppies and adults. Calcium, phytin, mineral supplements and other useful components help the puppies’ bones to form correctly. However, do not forget that each breed has its own supplement rate. Excess useful substances will lead to brittle bones in puppies. As a result, the baby will often suffer from broken paws. If you give your pet high-quality food, then there is no need to offer him additional supplements. An overdose of nutrients can only worsen general state your pet's body. There is no need to conduct experiments on dogs. It is always best to consult a veterinarian or dog trainer before giving a vitamin supplement. Learn to understand your dog's desires and draw the right conclusions from its behavior. Then there will be no problems with nutrition. Feeding harmful products There are many dangerous foods that your dog shouldn't even know exist. First of all, these are sweets, spices and salt. Pork and lamb are especially dangerous for dogs. Raw legumes and cereals are also prohibited. Instead of milk, it is better to give kefir or cottage cheese.
  • Bread products - rarely, and in dried form
  • Pasta- very rarely!
  • Vegetable oil, preferably unrefined
  • Cheese is a product adored by dogs. But it contains a lot of fat and salt, which animal kidneys cannot cope with. Cheese is not food, but a rare treat for animals

So remember that can't be given to a dog, especially for a puppy:

  • Raw pork, lard, pig ears
  • River fish (raw)
  • Fish with bones
  • Tubular bones
  • Peas and other legumes
  • Wheat
  • Barley groats
  • Pearl barley
  • Boiled and fried potatoes
Feeding from the table How many owners love to treat their beloved pet with a chicken leg from the table or a pickled cucumber. They think that nothing bad will happen. But this is a deeply erroneous opinion. First, your dog becomes a beggar. She always sits at the table and waits for something tasty. Secondly, the pet may try foods that are contraindicated for it. Remember that feeding food from the table does not meet your dog's needs. Salty, fatty, smoked, peppered, sweet, fried foods can cause various diseases. We feed often and a lot Undoubtedly, puppies eat often. But this does not mean that every 20-30 minutes they need to add a new portion of food or pour more milk. From two to four months, it is enough to feed the puppy 4 times a day. Adult pets can receive food 2 times a day. If the dog refuses to eat, then perhaps it has given itself a fasting day. You only need to be wary when your pet becomes weak, its fur loses its shine, and its eyes become dull. Every day new food It’s not for nothing that babies are transferred from one dry formula to another for several weeks. Dogs are not much different from small children. A sudden change in food can lead to illness and metabolic disorders. Consult a dog handler on how best to make the transition to another food and what food to choose. Vegetables and fruits Very important for digestion. However, it should be remembered that they are poorly digestible in dogs, but play an important role as sources of fiber that form feces, stimulating intestinal motility and maintaining normal microflora of the large intestine. For better digestibility, they are finely chopped and even ground. Can be boiled or boiled. You can add carrots, beets (in small quantities), zucchini, cucumber, pumpkin, cauliflower(white cabbage is not advisable or only if well tolerated), bell peppers and tomatoes (limited). Potatoes It is better not to introduce it into a dog’s diet - in addition to the danger of poisoning with solanine contained in some tubers, potatoes interfere with the absorption of B vitamins (although some diets include its use). It is permissible to eat an apple as a fruit. Sometimes dogs feast on vegetables as a separate dish, but often dogs have a negative attitude towards vegetables and therefore it is better to add them to the porridge along with meat. Vegetables should make up approximately ¼ of the diet. However, you need to know moderation in everything - it is important to achieve daily, well-formed stools and at the same time, to prevent increased gas formation (flatulence) or loose stools if they are used excessively.

The East European Shepherd is one of the best working dog breeds, suitable for home care, but also capable of serving in law enforcement agencies. This breed can be an excellent guide for a blind person. IN colloquial speech East European Shepherds are often called German Shepherds. However, this is not true. The two breeds do have common roots, but the East European Shepherd is a separate breed.

History of the breed

The East European Shepherd, the history of the breed which began in the 20s of the twentieth century, was bred in our country. At this time, breeding work began to develop a new breed of dogs in the Red Star army kennel.

The basis was taken from a shepherd breed - the German Shepherd.

In those years, the country needed service dogs for use in the army, police, for guarding camps where convicts were kept, and national economic facilities. The breeding scientists were faced with the task of improving the quality German Shepherd. It was necessary to breed a new breed, more hardy, capable of serving in any climatic conditions. However, breeding work was carried out slowly due to insufficient funding and a small number of German shepherds.

In 1945, trophy German Shepherd dogs arrived in the country, and selection work to develop a new breed was resumed. The resulting new breed differed in quality from its ancestor from Germany. It was a more resilient, larger and heavier dog, with a restrained and balanced character.

Cynologists called the new breed the East European Shepherd. The number of individuals increased from year to year. In 1964, a breed standard was established, and in 1976 it was adopted new standard with additions. However, at that time, the East European Shepherd was considered a variety of the German Shepherd.

In everyday life, this breed was still called the German Shepherd.

The dog has become popular both for keeping at home and for use for business purposes.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, the popularity of the East European Shepherd decreased. Many dog ​​breeders began to crossbreed their pets with their German relatives. However, the puppies were born with all the characteristics of the domestic breed, and crossing only improved their performance qualities.

In 1993, international canine organizations recognized the German Shepherd as a separate breed. However, the Eastern European breed never received international recognition. Such dogs were not accepted into clubs and were deprived of the opportunity to participate in exhibitions. The number of dogs was declining. But thanks to the efforts of domestic dog breeders, the breed was preserved. Active work was carried out on breeding East European Shepherds. Today, this is one of the popular dog breeds.

Her excellent service qualities are appreciated by dog ​​breeders.

Currently, the breed is recognized by the International Canine Union and the International Union of Kennel Clubs. The breed is not recognized by the International Canine Federation.

Appearance of the dog

This is a strong, massive dog with a muscular, elongated body. Height at the withers for males is 66–76 cm, for females - 62–72 cm. The weight of males is 35–60 kg, the weight of females is 30–50 kg. Females are less muscular than males, but do not look fragile.

East European Shepherd puppies grow rapidly.

The weight of a month-old cub is 3–5 kg, and its height is 22–25 cm. Every month, the puppy grows by approximately 2–3 cm and gains 5 kg in weight, reaching the dimensions of an adult animal by the age of one year:

  1. The head is powerful and long, wedge-shaped. The length of the head is about 40% of the height at the withers. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is noticeable, but not very pronounced. The earlobes and lips are black. The ears are triangular and erect. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark in color.
  2. Teeth. Scissor bite. Number of teeth - 42.
  3. Torso. The neck is strong and powerful, with pronounced muscles. The back is straight. The chest is wide, the stomach is tucked. The tail is straight, hanging below the hock joint.
  4. Limbs. The front legs are angled and the hind legs are straight. The hock joints are clearly visible. The paws are round in shape. Extra (dewclaw) fingers must be removed. The dog moves at a trot, pushing off with its hind legs.
  5. The coat is hard, of medium length with a thick undercoat. The fur on the thighs and forearms is longer than on the rest of the body.
  6. Color. The breed standard allows for a dark mask against a light gray or pale yellow coat. A dark color on the back, going down to the sides and hips (scoop color), is also acceptable. This coat color is the most common. Less desirable, but acceptable, is the color in the form of zones of gray and red color. The description of the breed also allows for the completely black color of the East European Shepherd, but this coat color is very rare.

Possible exterior defects

There are deviations in appearance and character that prevent the dog from performing official functions. The breed standard considers such shortcomings as defects:

  • fragile physique, underdeveloped muscles;
  • weak tendons;
  • lack of teeth;
  • light eye color;
  • long wool;
  • crooked paws;
  • weak ears;
  • curled tail in the form of a ring or corkscrew;
  • poor coordination of movements;
  • timid behavior;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • scoop-type color with brown or bright red spots.

There are disqualifying faults for which the East European Shepherd is not allowed to be exhibited. Such a dog is excluded from further breeding. The following are considered disqualifying defects:

  • undescended testicles into the scrotum (cryptorchidism) in males;
  • malocclusion;
  • incorrect coat color;
  • light earlobes;
  • short tail;
  • cowardly or aggressive behavior.

Differences between the East European Shepherd and the German

Until now, many people who are far from cynology confuse these breeds. However, the East European Shepherd has significant differences. These breeds have much in common, but the long-term work of breeders has made the Eastern European dog different from its German ancestor.

The Eastern Shepherd is larger and more powerful.

Unlike the German Shepherd, it has a straight back and a wider chest. The East European Shepherd has a more varied coat color. Both breeds of dogs move at a trot, but the movements of the East European Shepherd are more expansive. She moves by pushing off with her hind legs.

Breeds also have different personalities. The German Shepherd is more playful, energetic and lively, while the Eastern Shepherd is a serious, sedate and balanced dog. “European” is a universal dog that is suitable for both business purposes and home keeping. The German Shepherd is more of a human companion; its service qualities are less pronounced.

Character of the East European Shepherd

The character of the East European Shepherd is calm and balanced. In a normal situation, the dog does not show aggression. But its guarding and guarding qualities are highly developed; when threatened, the dog rushes to the defense of its owner or home with a swift jump. This is an excellent bodyguard with an instant reaction to danger. The characteristics of the breed indicate the dog’s high intelligence and good trainability:

  1. We can say about the breed that it is obedient, does not seek to dominate and obeys its owner well. A shepherd dog rarely shows disobedience. With education and training East European Shepherd Even a novice dog lover can handle it.
  2. If a shepherd dog has lived surrounded by kittens since childhood, then it will not be aggressive towards cats. Sometimes the dog even takes smaller animals under protection and care. But this is only if the puppy grows up with them from an early age.
  3. The East European Shepherd is a friendly dog. But this quality manifests itself only to the owner and family members. This breed treats strangers with distrust. In order for a dog to react adequately to strangers, it must be trained from childhood.
  4. The East European Shepherd gets along well with children. It can be started in a house where there is a small child.
  5. As children, puppies of this breed are very playful. As adult dogs, they may still show interest in their childhood toys. Therefore, they should not be thrown away, even when the dog has grown up, otherwise it may begin to chew upholstered furniture and bite various objects.
  6. The characteristics of the breed consider excessive timidity or aggressiveness of a dog to be a fault. Such qualities must be eliminated by training.

All the wonderful qualities of this breed (flexibility, balance, devotion to the owner, high abilities to training) are the result of long work by breeders. However, these qualities must be reinforced by training, otherwise the dog’s character will not correspond to the breed standard.

Dog care

Ideally, the East European Shepherd should be kept in a country house. The dog should not be put on a chain - this can ruin his character. It is better if the dog lives free-range. She will make an excellent guard for the home. Don't be afraid that your pet will run away; this loyal dog is not prone to running away from home.

The breed is also suitable for keeping in a city apartment.

You just need to remember that it is large dog, and the room for its maintenance should be spacious enough. If the dog lives in an apartment, then it will need to be walked twice a day for 40–60 minutes.

This breed of dog is unpretentious, keeping and caring for it is not difficult:

  1. The coat needs to be combed 2 times a week. In summer and autumn the dog sheds. During such periods, brushing should be done daily. Shedding lasts 2 weeks and is intense, and a lot of hair falls out. It is necessary to comb the fur with a metal comb, and during the molting period - with a special slicker brush.
  2. You need to wash your dog no more than 2 times a year using shampoo. Shampoos with protein are beneficial for this breed.
  3. If the dog does not grind its claws down on its own, they need to be trimmed with a special nail clipper.
  4. Ears need to be cleaned of wax once every 2 weeks. All East European Shepherd puppies are born with drooping ears. At 2–3 months the ears stand up. If this does not happen, you should take the puppy to the vet. Ears may not rise due to damage to the cartilage or due to a lack of microelements in the diet. Then the tips of the ears are glued to each other with a plaster above the head. Ears usually droop when teeth change, but by the age of one year, all East European Shepherds have straight ears. The puppy should not be stroked on the head - this can damage the ear cartilage.
  5. Periodically you need to clean your teeth of tartar.
  6. If discharge appears from the eyes, it should be removed with cotton wool soaked in water.
  7. It is necessary to periodically treat the fur against fleas, this is especially necessary in May, June and October.
  8. Deworm your pet.

The puppy must be taught all hygiene procedures from early childhood. It's better to do this in the form of a game. Then the adult dog will not be afraid of these procedures.

It is necessary to train the East European Shepherd, as this breed is intended for service. Without training, a dog can become uncontrollable and aggressive, losing all valuable service qualities. It must be remembered that this is a large and strong breed. Keeping an adult dog on a leash is not always possible even for a physically strong person. Therefore, it is important to start training puppies from an early age.

Raising an East European Shepherd puppy is a responsible undertaking. It is necessary that all family members adhere to the same views. A clear rule must be established about what is allowed and what is prohibited for a small pet. There must be consistency in all actions during training. You need to praise or scold the puppy immediately after he performs this or that action, and not after a while, otherwise the puppy will not understand what the praise or blame is for.

When training, you should not yell at or hit your pet.

East European Shepherds respond better to rewards than to punishment. It is important to establish rapport with the dog from the very beginning. This breed usually tries to please its owner. Shepherd training rules:

  1. It is necessary to encourage the pet to communicate with the outside world and with other puppies, but at the same time it must always and everywhere listen to the owner’s commands. This breed is distrustful of strangers; puppies can bark at passers-by. It is necessary to wean them from such actions from childhood.
  2. Training must be carried out regularly and daily. It is better to work with the puppy in game form and devote 15 minutes to this every day. Longer training is useless, since small puppies are not yet able to concentrate for a long time.
  3. During training, puppies need to be rewarded with their favorite treat - this is how they develop a reflex to follow the command.
  4. From 3 months, the puppy needs to be taught obedience during walks. There is a lot of extraneous noise on the street; against this background, the pet must learn to hear and follow the owner’s commands.
  5. At 4 months, you can start teaching your puppy to overcome barriers, search for hidden things by smell, and perform the fetch command.
  6. From the age of 5 months, you can develop security and service qualities in a puppy: teach you to guard certain things, detain an intruder. It is not difficult to teach a dog to be a good guard; service qualities are inherent in this breed at the genetic level.
  7. At the age of six months, the puppy can begin learning to walk on the boom. This breed is not afraid of heights, and it is not difficult for it to follow such commands.
  8. The East European Shepherd needs to exercise its hind legs, otherwise it will have a weak push with its hind legs when running. It is useful to attach different weights to the harness - this not only trains the hind legs, but also strengthens the back. Such training is carried out only with adult dogs; for puppies it will be excessive physical activity.

We can say that training an East European Shepherd is not particularly difficult, since this breed is smart, obedient and remembers commands well.

How to feed an East European Shepherd?

When an East European Shepherd puppy appears in the house, you need to ask the breeders about the feeding regime and diet. At first, you should not suddenly change your diet. In the future, the composition of the diet depends on what the puppy will eat.

If the baby is fed with prepared food, then it already contains everything necessary substances and elements. In this case, you just need to choose high-quality, high-class food. But if the pet eats natural food, then you need to organize feeding the puppy so that he receives with food everything he needs for full growth. Special attention You need to pay proper attention to proper nutrition before the age of 1 year, because the height, weight and quality of the dog’s coat depends on this. The following rules should be followed:

  1. The puppy should be fed 25-30 minutes after the walk. After eating, he should remain at rest for about 2 hours. You cannot play with the puppy or train him immediately after feeding.
  2. Puppies aged 2–3 months are fed 4–5 times a day. Half of the diet should be dairy products (cottage cheese and milk). It is imperative to give your puppy meat; it should make up 1/5 of the diet. You can give your baby thick vegetable soups, cereal dishes, eggs. Vitamin supplements must be present in food.
  3. Puppies aged 3–4 months are fed 4 times a day. In the diet, the amount of meat food is gradually increased and dairy food is reduced. Once a week you can give fish instead of meat. Meat can be replaced with offal (liver, tripe) 2–3 times a week. In this case, the portion of food should be doubled. By-products must be boiled before use.
  4. At the age of 4–5 months, feeding is carried out 3–4 times a day. Dairy products and meat are given in equal proportions. You can add raw and boiled vegetables to your diet: zucchini, tomatoes, beets, pumpkin, cucumbers, carrots. Beets and pumpkin must be boiled first, and carrots should be given raw. Carrots are grated and vegetable oil is added for better absorption of nutrients. In winter, crushed cloves of garlic can be given - this is a good remedy for the prevention of worms, and in spring, young nettle leaves, scalded with boiling water, can be added to food. Puppies should not be given cabbage: it causes increased gas formation in the intestines.
  5. At the age of 5–6 months, the feeding regimen remains the same. The share of meat products in the diet is gradually increasing. On a day, the puppy should eat about 600 g of meat, 300 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of cereals and 300 g of vegetables. If the animal does not have diarrhea, then you can add 1 glass of milk to the diet. You can give a boiled egg 3-4 times a week.
  6. At 6–8 months, puppies are fed 2–3 times a day. The composition of the diet remains almost the same, only the amount of meat increases to 800 g.
  7. At 8-12 years old, the puppy is gradually transferred to the feeding regime of an adult dog. Food is given 2 times a day. The composition of the diet should be as follows: 900 g of meat, 300 g of cottage cheese, 100–300 g of cereal porridge, 300 g of vegetables. You can give a chicken or quail egg 3-4 times a week.

East European Shepherds should not be fed pork or lamb. You should not give them bones - this can injure their stomach. The animal should always have access to clean water.

Health of the East European Shepherd and choosing a puppy

Owners are often interested in the question of how long they live eastern shepherd dogs. Dogs of this breed cannot be classified as long-livers: their life expectancy is about 12–13 years. Unfortunately, from the German Shepherd they inherited a predisposition to certain hereditary diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • pyoderma;
  • gastric volvulus;
  • cataract;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • short stature due to lack of hormones.

To avoid gastric volvulus, you need to monitor your dog's diet. The dog should not be allowed to make sudden movements or jumps after eating. One of the symptoms of gastric volvulus is bloating, in which case the dog needs immediate attention. surgery, since this condition threatens the life of the animal.

Joint diseases in East European Shepherds are hereditary, however, the development of dysplasia can contribute to excess weight puppy and excessive physical activity, so the pet should not be fed.

During training, you need to avoid excessive stress on the bones, since puppy joints are still weak.

Dogs suffering from hormonal dwarfism are rejected from breeding. This disease is difficult to detect in small puppies. It often happens that both parents have normal growth, but the puppy later shows all the signs of growth hormone deficiency. This means that the puppy's parents were carriers of the defective gene. Further breeding of this line is considered inappropriate.

To avoid purchasing a pet from genetic diseases, you need to know how to choose the right puppy.

Choosing a puppy

How to choose an East European Shepherd puppy? You need to pay attention to a few points:

  1. Breeders do not always report possible hereditary diseases puppy. Therefore, if you choose a pet, you need to pay attention to the puppy’s pedigree and the health of its parents. The puppy must be examined before sale.
  2. Breeders must keep the puppy in constant contact with people, otherwise he may become wild and shy. When meeting its future owner, the puppy should not bite or act too shy. Normally, puppies are playful and friendly.
  3. The price of an East European Shepherd puppy is 20,000 – 45,000 rubles.


We can conclude that the East European Shepherd is an unpretentious, balanced and obedient dog with good security and watchdog qualities. She is easy to train and maintain. This dog can be a good companion for both a novice dog lover and an experienced pet owner.

Good afternoon Please tell me, are potatoes, bread, beets suitable for feeding a 2 month old puppy? What are the differences between the diets of VEO and Germans? I scoured the Internet and they recommend cottage cheese, porridge, and meat. Is it possible to boil potatoes, carrots, cabbage without adding a large number of buckwheat, rolled oats?. Poltavka and yachka cereals – are they suitable for a puppy? When does the VEO puppy begin to understand commands? Thanks in advance.


The East European Shepherd (VEO) belongs to the category of service dogs and is characterized by its large size. Males with a height of 75 cm at the withers can weigh up to 60 kilograms, females - up to 55 kg with a height of 73 cm. Indicators are achieved due to rapid growth muscle mass with proper nutrition.

A correctly formulated diet will allow you to achieve indicators corresponding to the breed. Let us remember that the East European Shepherd was bred by Soviet dog handlers from the German breed; the breeds are similar, some differences are noticeable in behavior and character. The main differences between VEO and the German Shepherd:

  • growth and size are larger;
  • the chest is wider;
  • the back has no obvious slope;
  • the color is predominantly light with tan marks;
  • calmer character;
  • service quality is better.

As for proper nutrition, the differences are only quantitative, but not in the composition and principle of feeding.

Let’s figure out what a balanced diet is for a pet right away in order to prevent health problems or obesity in the dog. early age. The puppy is growing quickly, rapidly gaining weight, and developing muscle definition. The amount of nutrients should be appropriate, without excess. The main thing to remember is that the change in the diet of babies occurs gradually - from the usual puppy diet to the constant diet of an adult dog.

Nutritional features of an East European Shepherd puppy

The dog's diet is moderately varied, abundance is excluded. The diet is composed to ensure that there are enough necessary elements. The quantity is determined according to special tables compiled for each breed. The tables accurately determine the required volume of a single serving, taking into account age. A detailed conversation will focus on the quality and composition of food.

It is important to understand the principles and needs of a growing organism, to understand what is desirable to achieve from a puppy of this breed, and what is best avoided. During the dog's growth period, the diet contains the necessary amount of protein to increase muscle mass, fiber to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, carbohydrates to replenish energy, vitamins, minerals (under the supervision of a veterinarian to normalize mineral metabolism) for full development and immunity.

Based on the rule, the puppy’s diet is compiled. If the base is a broth made from boiled meat, cartilage, tendons, then cereals and vegetables are added. Meat – beef, veal, horse meat, lean lamb. Pork should not be given. A couple of times a week, meat is replaced with sea fish. Poultry is added to the pet's diet occasionally, but bird bones, due to their structural features, injure the animal, so they are removed in advance.

Other variations in meat variety complement the basic diet. Moreover, it is worth choosing pieces that contain ligaments, tendons, and cartilage tissue - during the puppy’s growth period, they form a necessary part of the diet, dogs love them at any age. Directly muscle, i.e. meat should also be present. The required amount of meat is calculated according to the nutrition tables of a dog of a given breed.

Nutrition composition

Meat for a dog is the predominant, but not the only element of the diet. To saturate the body with glucose and fiber, the puppy needs vegetables and cereals. Cereals are taken from among those available, preferably “coarse”, capable of nourishing the body and cleansing the intestines. This:

  • barley;
  • oatmeal;
  • millet;
  • buckwheat

Rice, rolled oats, poltavka, chives are added to the diet. Pearl barley is not included in the diet. Until the dog is two months old, the cereal is crushed. Hercules is fed not boiled, but with kefir, after soaking the flakes for half an hour.

It is useful to cook vegetable soups for your puppy with the addition of meat or sour cream. Cabbage, beets, onions, and carrots will do. It is better to feed carrots raw, grated, and seasoned with sour cream or butter. Potatoes and bread are not recommended, they will do more harm!

It is advisable to add greens to the puppy’s diet - parsley, dill, and other herbs. Scalded nettle or crushed nettle is a good addition to your diet.

The diet includes eggs and dairy products. Please note: milk is absorbed by the dog’s body until a certain age. Then the ability is lost and becomes the cause of digestive disorders.

Fermented milk products are useful at any age; cottage cheese, for example, should be present in the diet regularly.

Do you want to please your pet? Please note: spicy, salty, smoked, fried, sweet foods are prohibited. A healthy state will bring him much more joy. Dogs often enjoy eating fruits and berries. It is better to give foods one at a time, evening feeding - with meat, a feeling of fullness will allow him to sleep more peacefully.

When to start training

Commands begin to be taught to a puppy at two months of age, starting with the simplest. It will be possible to fully train the animal after vaccinations. After vaccinations you should incubation period when the dog should not be allowed outside. At the end of it, they go out into the open space and load the puppy with movement, games and training.

When there is no experience in raising a puppy, it is better to give the pet to the hands of dog handlers. When it is not the result that is important, but the process or the time spent communicating with the dog, attend consultations with a canine specialist.

East European Shepherd - service breed large sizes, bred from the German Shepherd. VEOs are larger, healthier, and not prone to allergies and eating disorders. The only problem that can be encountered with inept feeding is intestinal volvulus.

What to choose: dry food or natural

IN daily diet East European Shepherds must include the following substances:

  • proteins;
  • lipids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamins;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • water.

To provide your dog with all these nutrients, you can choose one of two food options: “natural” or professional food.

Fans traditional method believe that without natural meat healthy dog don't grow. Proponents of dry formulas argue that ready-made mixtures have a more balanced composition.

With proper product quality good results can be achieved with both power options. But natural food requires more trouble. When choosing a “natural” girl, follow these rules:

  1. Buy high quality products.
  2. Cook for your pet separately, do not feed scraps from the owner’s table.
  3. Food volume plant origin should not exceed a third of the total diet.
  4. Place the main emphasis on quality meat, offal, fish, eggs, cottage cheese.
  5. Suitable cereals include buckwheat, oats, and rice.
  6. Since large breeds have a slow metabolism, the amount of fat should not exceed 10%.
  7. Include vegetables and fruits in your menu.
  8. To avoid bloat, give food often, but in small portions. It is advisable for the puppy to rest after feeding and not make sudden movements.

The advantage of this type of food is that the owner can see what his dog is eating. The downside is that natural products do not provide all the dog’s needs. East European Shepherds are a hardy breed. But with a meager diet, the lifespan and quality of life are noticeably reduced. Therefore, feed your pet with vitamin and mineral supplements.

If possible, it is better to buy high-quality dry food for VEO. It has the following advantages:

  • balanced composition;
  • the recipe takes into account the needs of large breeds;
  • high quality raw materials are used;
  • everything is already included essential vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, chondroprotectors;
  • There is no need to take additional therapeutic and preventive complexes.

It should be noted that shepherd dogs benefit from holistic and super premium food. Low-quality formulas are dominated by grains and bone meal, which will only worsen your health.

Daily diet from birth to one year

As the puppy grows, it goes through several stages of development. Lasts up to two months breast-feeding. Already in the third or fourth week, complementary foods are gradually introduced. These can be pieces of beef meat, if in the future you plan to switch your baby to natural food, or soaked in milk good food for puppies.

Gradually, new products are introduced into the diet. From two to six months the stage of active growth continues. At this time, the puppy is often fed in relatively large portions. The food already resembles the menu of an adult dog.

By 3-4 months, a shepherd puppy stops digesting lactose. Milk can cause diarrhea, flatulence, and other disorders. It is better to replace it with cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk. For full development, formation nervous system Puppies are given fish oil.

At six months, the period of active growth ends, the volume of portions stabilizes, and the number of meals is reduced.

Approximate daily feeding rate for an East European Shepherd puppy:

Eating natural food

At first, the puppy should be fed the same food that he ate in the kennel. Any change in diet causes eating disorders in dogs. For a puppy, such stress is especially dangerous. Later, when he gets used to the environment, he can be gradually transferred to natural food.

During active growth, the puppy's diet should consist of half animal protein. This is necessary for gaining muscle mass. For proteins, give preference:

  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • lean sea fish;
  • offal.

Choose meat with cartilage and tendons. Additionally, add cottage cheese and thick fermented baked milk to your diet. Boiled egg and fish are given twice a week.

Proteins are not the only need of a growing body. To replenish energy reserves, you need glucose. And for proper intestinal function - fiber.

All this is contained in vegetables and cereals. Wheat and barley are not included in the diet. Until the age of two months, cereals must be ground.

Add greens and raw carrots to your diet. For better absorption, it can be seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Remember water. Dehydration can be fatal. Therefore, wash the bowls and change the water once a day. It should always be clean and fresh.

Newborn puppies

Until the age of one month, puppies receive everything they need from mother's milk. If for some reason the bitch has difficulties with lactation, you can give the babies thick cow's milk.

1 month

At this age, the VEO puppy needs to be fed 7 times a day. In addition to mother's milk, you can give cottage cheese, other dairy products. Feed your pet lean beef every day. It is better to do this before bedtime so that the baby sleeps better. A piece weighing 150-200 grams needs to be finely chopped. Gradually introduce greens, carrots, recommended cereals, and a boiled egg into your diet. Add a little vegetable oil to meat or fish at the rate of one teaspoon per day.

Give the food warm. Feed the puppies on a schedule, teach them to follow a routine. Do not leave food for a long time; wash the bowl immediately after feeding. Remember the characteristics of the breed, do not allow volvulus. After eating, let the puppy rest for an hour and a half.

To prevent spinal curvature and dysplasia hip joints in the future, place the bowl on a stand. As the puppies grow, gradually lift the bowl up so they don't have to lean over it.

2–3 months

The frequency of feedings is reduced to six. At this age, puppies are gradually weaned. The diet does not change significantly. Half daily norm makes up cottage cheese and milk. 20% comes from meat or fish, the same amount from cereals. 10% should be plant fiber: vegetables, herbs, fruits. Don't forget about vegetable oil, fish oil.

From two months onwards, babies are given special mineral bones or bones from beef veins. At this time, the puppy begins to be trained. In a playful way, with the help of encouragement delicious food undergoes training in simple commands.

At three months, shepherds' teeth change and their ears stand up. The body experiences an increased need for minerals. If there are not enough of them in the food, the puppy chews the plaster and the ground. To prevent this from happening, feed it with mineral supplements.

To avoid future musculoskeletal problems, make sure your pet does not gain excess weight.

4–5 months

The number of feedings is reduced to 5–4. The diet remains the same, portions increase slightly. The table above shows average values, but you need to feed the puppy individually, observing its needs. If the puppy is fat and the ribs cannot be felt, the portions should be reduced. Active dogs need more food.

If after feeding VEO licks the bowl, increase the dosage.

The diet does not change significantly, only a variety of vegetables appears. The puppy is given:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • beets;
  • greenery;
  • carrot.

It is better to boil pumpkin and beets. Carrots and greens are given raw.

6–12 months

The frequency of feedings is reduced to three. The volume, depending on individual needs, ranges from 500 to 800 grams. The diet remains the same.

At 8 months, VEO needs not only feeding and care, but also training. It is at this age that serious learning begins.

Dry feeding

Choose high quality formulas. When purchasing, please read the following information:

  • brand;
  • content of proteins, fat, fiber;
  • composition (grains should be in second or third place);
  • purpose of feed.

Check the structure. In high-quality wet mixtures, pieces of meat, vegetables, and whole grains are visible. If there are a lot of veins in canned food, connective tissue, which means that most of the recipe is by-products.

To judge the quality of dry granules, look at the residue at the bottom of the bag. A large number of crumbs and small particles indicates low quality feed.

When to start feeding

If you decide to feed your baby VEO with industrial feeds, feeding can begin at 2 months. During the first weeks, the granules are soaked in warm milk or water.

Basic Rules

To ensure your puppy grows up healthy, follow these recommendations:

  1. Choose high quality food for large breed puppies.
  2. Follow the dosage. It is given in the instructions on back side packaging.
  3. Do not mix ready-made food and natural food.
  4. The basis of the diet should be dry granules. 25% of the menu may be wet canned goods of the same brand.
  5. Feed your babies on a schedule.
  6. Set the bowl of food out for 20-25 minutes.
  7. Change the water at least once a day.


Depending on the age of the pet, the number of meals and the amount of food vary. The table shows the frequency of feedings and daily norms in grams.

Popular brands

Popular super-premium brands include Hills, Eukanuba, and Royal Canin. The brands Orijen, Akana, and Grandorf are popular among holistic practitioners.

These manufacturers are sensitive to the quality of their products. Proteins take first place in recipes. This is natural meat, ocean fish. The developers use healthy grains: rice, oats. There are completely grain-free lines. The composition is supplemented with vegetables, fruits, and medicinal herbs.

Dry formulas

The American company Eukanuba and the French manufacturer Royal Canin offer separate foods for East European Shepherds. Choose food for large breed puppies from other manufacturers:

  • Hills Canin Grove;
  • Eukanuba Pappy;
  • Royal Canin Junior;
  • Akana Pappy Large Breed;
  • Pronature No. 28;
  • Grandorf for puppies with lamb or chicken.

Wet food

Canned formulas are used as a delicacy to add variety to the diet.

You should not feed your puppy only wet food, otherwise he will begin to refuse dry kibble.

The following brands of canned food are suitable for growing VEOs:

  • Bozita;
  • Almo Nature;
  • Monge;
  • Belcando;
  • Barking Heads.

What foods are contraindicated

In addition to foods that are not suitable for all dogs, an East European Shepherd puppy should not be given meat or offal, cut into large pieces. Do not feed large amounts of cereal. All this can lead to volvulus, bloating, and worsen the functioning of the pancreas.

The following foods are also contraindicated for puppies:

  • salted, smoked, peppered;
  • sweets, confectionery;
  • salo;
  • fat meat;
  • raw liver;
  • River fish;
  • bones;
  • fresh bread;
  • potato;
  • grape.

Chronic overeating can lead to poor health consequences. If your puppy has regular watery eyes, ear discharge, rashes or diarrhea, then you have prepared the wrong diet.

Acceptable delicacies

Shepherd dogs eat fresh berries and fruits with pleasure. An older puppy can be given nuts if he likes them.

Vitamin supplements

When naturally fed, a VEO puppy needs additional vitamins. The following complexes will help you develop fully:

  • Irish Cal is a calcium supplement from Beaphar;
  • Vi-Min Bosch – a combination of vitamins, minerals, microelements for puppies;
  • 8 in 1 Polydex Polivit Calcium;
  • 8 in 1 Brevers – vitamins with brewer’s yeast;
  • 8 in 1 Polydex Gelabon plus;
  • 8 in 1 Glucosamine.

If the puppy eats high-quality dry food, additional feeding is not needed.

According to the breed description, the East European Shepherd, or VEO, is a service dog with a large size and an obedient character. Its reputation remains unshakable even with a large number of other breed lines of “servants”. The basis of breeding was the German Shepherd, but other breeds were also used in selection. In Soviet times, VEO was one of the most recognizable dogs, everyone had a respectful attitude towards her.

History of the origin of the East European Shepherd

With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks in the 20s of the last century, there was an urgent need for service dogs. German shepherds were not universal, as they could not work throughout the entire territory of the USSR. In Siberia, Karelia and Kamchatka, animals froze to death or had to be warmed up every 4 hours. In 1924, the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery was created, which was engaged in breeding the domestic VEO breed. The task of Soviet dog handlers was to obtain a universal dog with the following characteristics:

  • large;
  • controlled;
  • hardy;
  • which could work in any climate.

A large number of German Shepherds were included in the selection, but Central Asian, Laika and other breeds were added to them. The founder of the line was the dog Abrek, who starred in the film Gaichi in 1938. The primary standard was formed in 1964. It was approved by the Canine Council of the Ministry Agriculture THE USSR. IN modern times The breed remains popular in the former Soviet Union, but the number of purebreds is steadily falling.

FCI breed recognition

If we talk about world opinion, the Eastern European breed is still not recognized by the FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale. Its experts remain loyal to the German line. Only the following cynological organizations recognized the breed:

  • UCI – International Union of Kennel Clubs;
  • MKC – International Kennel Union.

What does an East European Shepherd look like?

Externally, the East European Shepherd is similar to the German one. Ordinary people practically cannot distinguish them from each other. The breed belongs to the medium-large category. Males at the withers reach 66-76 cm, and females - 62-72 cm. Weight depends on the health of the dog, its gender and age. The body weight of males can be in the range of 35-60 kg, and that of females - 30-50 kg. Some representatives of the breed may weigh significantly more due to a tendency towards obesity.

How is it different from German?

Although outwardly these two beautiful breeds They have many similar features, but there are still differences between them. Representatives of the Eastern European line have larger sizes, fewer color options, thicker coats, a different back line and type of movement. VEO also differs in its mental properties. The German Shepherd's temperament is fiery, while the Eastern European's is reasonable and calm. Other characteristic differences:

  1. Wool. The German has a more elegant covering coat. It is longer, especially on the hind limbs.
  2. Addition. The Eastern European has less pronounced limb angles, a higher neck projection, a short tail and a steeper pastern.
  3. Movements. The creeping trot of the German Shepherd is not typical of the Eastern European.
  4. Wool color. A German Shepherd's paws can be any red shade, and a pronounced one. Eastern European - the owner of light fawn, gray or almost white fell.

VEO standard

Before buying a pet, you should study the breed standard in order to purchase a purebred representative. This is especially true for those who plan to participate in exhibitions and competitions. It is recommended to contact a kennel club, because German Shepherd puppies are very similar to Eastern European ones. The standard describes the following characteristics of the breed:

  1. The head is large, has the shape of a regular wedge, and is proportional in overall dimensions. The frontal part is wide, rounded, smoothly blending into the muzzle. The cheekbones are muscular and rounded. When viewed from the side, the bridge of the nose is parallel to the extended line of the forehead.
  2. The lips are dry and thick, fitting tightly to the muzzle and not drooping.
  3. The teeth are straight, white, and tightly set. According to the standard, only a complete set of incisors and canines is allowed - 42 teeth. Bite without gap, scissor bite.
  4. The nose and eyes are set slantingly and have an oval shape. The eyelids are dry, dense, completely covering the whites. The outer corner is raised towards the ear.
  5. The ears are medium, triangular in shape, only erect ears are allowed. Set wide apart, can't be too big.
  6. The limbs are muscular, proportional, and sinewy in the lower part. The front paws are parallel and pressed to the chest elbows. The hips are noticeably elongated, the back is strong.
  7. The tail is saber-shaped, reaching to the hocks or below. In its natural state it flies low or between hind legs. When working, it rises to the spine or higher.

Breed defects

In dog behavior, cowardice, lethargy, unbridled aggression and indifference are considered vices. Minor faults are shortcomings in the external characteristics of the animal. More pronounced deviations, due to which the East European Shepherd loses its working qualities, are considered disqualifying defects:

  • weak ligamentous apparatus;
  • loose, rough or light constitution;
  • weak muscles;
  • light eye color;
  • brown or red tan on saddle coat;
  • curvature of the limbs;
  • weakness or deformation of the ears;
  • corkscrew tail;
  • unbalanced movements;
  • lack of teeth.

East European Shepherd color

The coat of a representative of this breed is strictly defined by the standard. The dog's guard hair is smooth, hard, fits tightly to the body, and is of medium length. The undercoat is well developed. It is felt-like and may differ in color from the guard hair. The standard VEO is black or scooped with a mask. Zone-red and zone-gray are also acceptable, but they are undesirable.

Character and temperament

Initially, the Eastern European was bred as a service breed for military dog ​​breeding. She works in the police, border troops and army, because her character corresponds to the tasks performed in these structures. Other distinctive features character of the shepherd dog of the Eastern European breed type:

  1. Sensitivity. Even with this quality, VEOs are not the best guards, because they do not inform the owner about strangers.
  2. Security qualities. The pet will be the best guard. The animal protects its family and territory to the end. Anyone who wants to offend the owner will first have to deal with a powerful and purposeful dog.
  3. Goodwill. With proper socialization, the dog does not show aggression towards other animals. Although it all depends on the character of a particular representative: some are not at all interested in other pets, others, on the contrary, attack any four-legged animal.

High intelligence and balanced character

The East European Shepherd is highly intelligent. They have good learning abilities, are very obedient and are not prone to escape. The pet happily obeys all commands of the owner. In terms of trainability, this dog is considered simply magnificent, otherwise it would not have been accepted into the army and special services. For an East European type shepherd, there are practically no tasks that it cannot perform. Besides high intelligence The dog's character is distinguished by its complaisance and restraint. The animal experiences pleasure from serving humans.

Relationships with people

The dog is neutral towards children. If the dog is not attached to the child as to the owner, then it may even bite in response to rudeness. The pet plays with children in the same way as with adults. Some representatives of the breed cannot even tolerate small family members. Without training, dogs can be aggressive towards children. The main difference of this breed is loyalty and devotion, more often to one person. Some dogs can ignore or become accustomed to another member of their owner's family for years. The animal is affectionate towards only one person, but not servile.

Features of training

Dogs of this breed love to learn, so they are easy to train. They look into the coach's eyes to understand what is required of them. Distinctive feature– the shepherd dog equally well perceives both commands with instant reactions and those that require endurance. It is easy to train the Eastern European dog even at home, without the help of a dog handler. To do this, you should follow the following rules:

  • first learn commands with the puppy at home;
  • then move the classes outside when the dog is already confidently fulfilling the requirements (if at first he doesn’t obey, it’s not scary);
  • carry the puppy until the end of quarantine only in your arms, not allowing him to communicate with other pets;
  • constantly change walking locations, walk in crowded places, take him on public transport or by car, so that the dog reacts calmly to any situation.

Service dog training

In the absence of training and control on the part of the owner, the Oriental will easily break off the leash at the first cat running nearby. For this reason, the puppy is trained from an early age. Thanks to its impeccable obedience, the shepherd dog is easy to train. When training, you need to use treats and praise. The approach to education involves:

  • the beginning of serious training from 6 months of age;
  • training without the use of physical punishment;
  • constant support of already learned skills;
  • passing general course training (OKD), if there is no experience working with large dogs.

Care and conditions of detention

The East European Shepherd is suitable both for keeping in an apartment and in an enclosure if the owner lives in a private house. The pet has excellent adaptive abilities in relation to any climate conditions. Although the animal is little susceptible to heat and cold, it still needs a canopy that would protect it from the sun and precipitation. An insulated booth is also required.

How to properly care for your fur

The East European Shepherd is an unpretentious animal. Thick coats need to be brushed regularly, at least once a week. During shedding, you need to do this daily. This procedure is mandatory, because VEO sheds a lot. Wool can be found on carpets, clothing and furniture. There is especially a lot of it during the changing seasons. Bathing is carried out 2-4 times a year if necessary.

Regular walks and exercise

Regardless of where the dog is kept, it requires regular exercise and walks. This could be swimming, cross-country, walking uphill, running in shallow water or snow. This strengthens the animal's muscles and ligaments. Every day your pet needs at least 1-2 hours of walks. They help the animal socialize and begin to better understand the owner and make friends with him.

Hygiene procedures

Eyes, ears and teeth should be examined daily and cleaned as needed. All hygiene procedures begin at an early age so that the animal gets used to them and behaves calmly. It is better to do them in the form of a game. This way the VEO puppy will accept the whole process more easily and will not react aggressively to it. You also need to take care of the claws. If you don’t grind them down on time, at least once a month, it will cause inconvenience to the dog.

What to feed your East European Shepherd

Proper feeding of puppies affects the full development, growth and appearance of the pet. In the first days in a new living space, it is worth feeding the animal in the same way as the breeders did. Most of them advise the buyer on the correct diet. During the first month, the puppy is fed 6 times, up to 2 months - 5 times, up to 3 months - 4 times, and from six months - accustom to 2 feedings a day. At an early age, the animal is fed mainly dry food. It is better to switch an adult dog to natural food.

Natural products

A large pet needs a high-calorie diet. The East European Shepherd requires a diet consisting of 70% meat. The rest consists of dairy products, fish, vegetables, porridge and greens. To brush your teeth, you should give your dog apples and carrots. The meat is used raw, gradually increasing the serving size. If the product is not trustworthy, then it must first be scalded with boiling water.

Specialized feed

The use of specialized premium feed is recommended during periods of intensive animal growth. At this time, puppy and young dogs can be given brands such as Ekanuba, Acana, Bosch, Belcando. When your pet reaches physical maturity, it is worth switching to ProPak, Pro Plan, and Dog Chow food. Such a diet must be supplemented with a sufficient amount of liquid, so keep an eye on the animal’s bowl all the time.

East European Shepherd puppies

It is better to purchase a puppy from well-known nurseries that have a good reputation. You should first call several organizations at once and study their offers and conditions. It is not recommended to buy an animal from random breeders, especially without documents from the RKF (Russian Cynological Organization). There is a high risk of purchasing an animal that is not purebred, and sometimes even a sick one with various mental defects or hereditary pathologies. When contacting a nursery, you need to ask the breeder:

  • give the opportunity to observe the puppy;
  • look at the pet's parents;
  • provide a veterinary passport and pedigree of the puppy.

Where can I buy

There are several trusted kennels where fans of this breed can purchase a purebred East European Shepherd. They are especially important to know for those who plan to have not just a pet, but a future winner of exhibitions and a participant in breeding shows. Among the popular nurseries are the following:

  • Lutar RKF - http://www.veolutar.ru;
  • Moncher Virsal - http://veoworld.ru;
  • National Club of the East European Shepherd Dog breed - http://www.veorkf.ru/;
  • Veovita - https://vk.com/veovita;
  • Olan Olzheks - olan-olczeks.jimdo.com.

How much does a puppy cost?

Price of a dog with good pedigree and others necessary documents cannot be low. You can buy a puppy cheaply without veterinary passport or not purebred. If you need a good, healthy and purebred pet, then you should not expect low prices. The average price of an East European Shepherd is 30 thousand rubles. This is the cost of a promising puppy with good characteristics. Most nurseries offer approximately this price.

Health and hereditary diseases

It is difficult to talk about the health of this breed. According to Soviet canine reference books, only two ailments are typical for VEO, such as:

  1. Gastric volvulus. The reason is the increased elasticity of the ligaments that support the organs. Because of this, when physical activity overlap of the intestinal loop or stomach occurs. The first symptom is swelling of the peritoneum, after which the disease develops very quickly. Due to the deprivation of circulatory organs, necrosis occurs, which leads to the death of the animal.
  2. Arthritis. This is a joint disease. Develops as a result of delayed recovery bone tissue or degenerative changes age-related.

In the first years after the collapse of the USSR, monopolists dishonestly used only their own dogs for selection, which caused damage to the breed. Such omissions in the development of the VEO breed led to an expansion of the list characteristic diseases. It began to include:

  1. Rickets. Develops more often at an early age. Characterized by irreversible curvature of the limbs.
  2. Enteritis. The disease belongs to the acute viral category. The dog is vaccinated against it while still a puppy.
  3. Dysplasia. This pathology is associated with age. Its cause is considered to be untimely renewal of articular tissue.

How long do East European Shepherds live?

The average life expectancy of a representative of this breed is 12-16 years. At good care the animal can live longer long term. For a dog of large stature and build, this is the optimal life expectancy. Breed-specific diseases occur in dogs of any age, so at the first symptoms you should consult a veterinarian.

Photo of an East European Shepherd
