What industries are included in the chemical industry? "Chemical industry" message

Designed to showcase the most outstanding achievements of this industry. Representatives of the largest chemical industry centers will take part in the event. Enterprises will present their best products and the latest developments that have not yet entered mass production. Consumers will be able to evaluate these new products, and manufacturers will draw conclusions regarding their new products based on reviews. The exhibition is held in an international format. It will combine industry and research. The largest suppliers of chemicals, equipment, latest technologies will meet in one place with consumers of their products in order to assess the significance and level of development of the chemical segment today.

The assortment of the chemical industry includes over 80 thousand items. The sales market for this segment consists of the metallurgical, textile, automotive industries, and agriculture.

The largest chemical complexes of the Russian Federation

The chemical industry in Russia is at a decent level of development. The share of exports in total production reaches 20%. Russian industry consists of a huge number of factories, each of which specializes in a specific product. All chemical enterprises can be divided into 2 groups. The first is enterprises whose activities relate to fundamental chemistry, that is, they produce mineral-based products (fertilizers for soil, acids, alkalis, soda, etc.). The second group includes enterprises engaged in organic chemistry, that is, those that produce fibers, resins, synthetic rubber, rubber, polymer materials, etc.

The centers of the chemical industry are concentrated mainly in areas where they are supplied with raw materials and energy. The problem is that most of them are far removed from their consumer market. But now, thanks to the presence of transport highways and various types transport, this difficulty is no longer decisive. So, in the Central region the chemical centers are the cities of Yaroslavl and Ryazan. The factories located there specialize in the production of fertilizers and plastics. In the Volga region, the cities of Balakovo, Nizhnekamsk and Volzhsky can be distinguished. Factories in these cities produce rubber and synthetic fibers. In the Northwestern region, the centers are St. Petersburg and Novgorod. Fertilizers and household chemicals are produced there.

Thus, we can conclude that the majority of chemical enterprises are concentrated in the European part of the Russian Federation. Siberia is not so rich in chemical plants, although it has a significant share of resources that have not yet been fully explored and developed.

World chemical industrial centers: their activities and location

The chemical sector is inextricably linked with the scientific and technical sphere and the degree of its development. This is what determined high level chemical industry in the West and the USA. In developed countries, this area has been improved and taken to a new level. Globally, there are 4 main areas where the chemical sector is most developed. European countries are in first place: Germany, England, France, Italy, the Netherlands. These countries provide about 25% of world exports. The leader among these countries is Germany.

The second area is North America, namely the USA. This power is one of the world's largest suppliers of chemical products. It accounts for more than 20% of world exports.

In third place are the countries of East Asia, among which Japan stands out the most. Next comes China and Korea. Russia deservedly takes fourth place. The share of export products globally is about 5%.

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Lesson type: Learning new material.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: Describe the Russian chemical industry. To form an idea of ​​the sectoral composition of the chemical industry and its location throughout the country. Describe the bases of the chemical industry.
  • Developmental: Continue to develop skills in working with a textbook, with atlas maps, map diagrams and tables, develop the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations.
  • Educational: To form a belief about the need to take care of the environment.

Lesson type: Combined

Teaching methods: partial search, comparison and overlay of atlas maps, cartographic, problem-based.

Logistics support.

  • Map “ Chemical industry”, textbook “Geography of Russia.
  • Population and economy” 9th grade V.P. Dronov V.Ya. Rom, Atlas for 9th grade “Bustard”, presentation.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment – ​​1 min.

The teacher greets the class. The attendants mark those who are absent. The teacher reminds about the topic “Non-ferrous metallurgy”, studied in the previous lesson.

2. Checking homework. – 8 min.

Students receive cards with questions (one card per desk). You are given two minutes to think about the question. Then students answer at a fast pace. If the answer is incorrect, the others correct the answer. The first to correct the mistake is the neighbor at the desk.

(Start the survey in two minutes.)

Questions on cards:

  1. Why is the center of ferrous metallurgy located in Lipetsk? (Lipetsk is located in the KMA iron ore mining area).
  2. There are no reserves of coking coal and iron ore near the city of Cherepovets. However, a full-cycle metallurgical plant was built here. Why? Cherepovets is located in the middle between the iron ore deposits of the Kola Peninsula (Kovdor) and Karelia (Kostomuksha) and coking coal of the Pechora basin. The plant is built on ore and coal flows.
  3. Why was an aluminum plant built in Volgograd? (Aluminum production is energy-intensive, therefore it is located near a source of cheap energy - the Volgograd hydroelectric station).
  4. Indicate the main workshops of a full-cycle ferrous metallurgy plant. (Blast furnace – steelmaking – rolling).
  5. Why were non-ferrous metallurgy factories built in Norilsk (behind the Arctic Circle)? How are raw materials delivered and finished products shipped from Norilsk? (In Norilsk, copper-nickel production operates on local ore. From Norilsk to the port on the Yenisei - Dudinka Railway. Dispatch finished products along the Northern Sea Route during the navigation period).
  6. Why were the largest aluminum smelters in Russia built in Eastern Siberia in Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk? (Aluminum production is energy-intensive. The larger the plant, the greater the energy consumption. Large hydroelectric power stations operate in Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk, the energy of which is cheaper than the energy of small hydroelectric power stations)
  7. Why do the factories of the Urals metallurgical base bring coal from Kuzbass and Kazakhstan, and not from the Pechora basin, located much closer to the Urals? (There is no railway to the Urals from the center of the Pechora Basin - Vorkuta.)
  8. Why are there two metallurgical plants in Moscow? ( These are small metallurgy factories, working on scrap metal and waste from Moscow machine-building plants, and are consumer-oriented.)
  9. Revda, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Karabash are centers of what kind of production? Name another example of a center for this industry located in the same metallurgical base. (These are centers of the copper industry; an example is the city of Mednogorsk in the Urals, since these are cities of the Ural metallurgical base.)
  10. Indicate the metallurgical production corresponding to the industrial center and the factors influencing the location of this production. (Norilsk - copper-nickel, for raw materials; Stary Oskol - electrometallurgical, for raw materials; Revda - copper smelting, for raw materials; Shelekhov - aluminum, for hydroelectric power stations; Nadvoitsy - aluminum, for hydroelectric power stations and for raw materials; Novotroitsk - ferrous metallurgy, for raw materials, )

3. Studying new material. - 24 minutes.

The topic of the lesson is announced. In a notebook we write down the topic of the lesson “Chemical industry”.


The chemical and forestry complex consists of two industries: the chemical and forestry industries. (Slide 3.4)

The chemical industry produces a variety of products.

Russia ranks second in the world in the production of sulfuric acid; in the production of mineral fertilizers - fifth place; in the production of synthetic resins - fourteenth place.

The chemical industry, along with mechanical engineering and electric power, influences the development of scientific and technological revolution through chemicalization.

According to the textbook “Geography. Population and Economy” for grade 9 V.P. Dronov and V.Ya. Rom paragraph 7, p. 33 define what chemicalization is?

(Chemization is the widespread use of technologies and chemical materials in all economic sectors.) (slide 5)

The chemical industry has three features that influence plant location.

Using page 33 of your textbook, list them. (slide 6)

  1. Creates new materials that do not exist in nature. In terms of their qualities they often surpass natural products. Their use saves labor and raw materials. Therefore, chemical industry enterprises are often created in already established areas, centers of production and consumption of traditional construction materials (machine-building centers and metallurgical bases).
  2. The chemical industry has an almost unlimited raw material base: oil, gas, wood, water, air, etc. In this case, the same product can be obtained from different types raw materials. For example, nitrogen fertilizers can be produced from coal coking, water electrolysis, oil and natural gas refining. Therefore, theoretically, chemical industry enterprises can be created everywhere. But today the main chemical raw materials are products of oil and gas processing, i.e. specially prepared raw materials. As a result, modern chemistry largely gravitates towards the areas of extraction and processing of these types of raw materials (Volga region, European Center).
  3. Chemical technologies are very diverse. It opens opportunities for complex processing of raw materials.

In notebooks, students write down the main features of the chemical industry. (slide 7)

In the chemical industry and, in its interaction with

combination is widely developed in other industries. It contributes to the formation of various plants: chemical, petrochemical, coke, wood chemical, etc.

Several features of the chemical industry limit its potential ubiquity. These include the high energy and water intensity of many of its industries, especially modern ones. In recent years, the influence has been growing environmental factor, because most of chemical production is a strong environmental pollutant.

4. Relax (eye exercises) – 1 minute (slide 8)

Write in your notebook:

Industry composition and factors of location of the chemical industry.

  1. Using fig. 9 “Composition of the Russian chemical industry” on page 35, determine the sectoral composition of the chemical industry. What products does each of these industries produce?
  2. Using table 6 “Factors for the location of the most important production facilities in the chemical industry,” page 36, determine the factors for the location of these industries. (slide 9-10)

Make a table

Industry composition Products Placement factors
Mining and chemical Extraction of salts, phosphorites, apatites. At the places where raw materials are extracted.
Basic Chemistry Acids, alkalis, salts, fertilizers. From raw materials and consumers.
Chemistry of organic synthesis Organic acids and alcohols. From raw materials
Polymer chemistry Synthetic rubber, chemical fibers, plastics and synthetic resins. Raw materials, water, cheap energy.
Polymer processing Plastic products, tires, rubber technical products. From the consumer.

Chemical industry bases. (slide 11)

There are 4 chemical industry bases in Russia:

1. North European

2. Central

3. Ural-Volga region

4. Siberian

5. Consolidation of the studied material – 7 minutes (slide 12-13)

Smash the cities

A) Cherepovets,

B) Kemerovo,

B) Angarsk,

D) Lipetsk,

D) Solikamsk,

E) Bryansk,

G) Dzerzhinsk,

H) Tolyatti,

I) Voskresensk,

K) Veliky Novgorod

Into groups depending on their production of mineral fertilizers:

1. complex

2. nitrogen

3. potassium

4. phosphorus

Please note that some cities may be classified into more than one group.

After 2-3 minutes of preparation, those interested are invited to the board (to the map) to complete the task.

2. b, c, d, g, j

6. Lesson summary - 2 min

The most active students are given grades for their work in class.

7. Homework- 2 minutes. (slide 14)

Homework assignments are given in a differentiated manner:

  1. For the main group of students - Create a table “The largest chemical companies in Russia” (Annex 1), item 7
  2. For students with reduced educational capabilities - paragraph 7 of V.P.’s textbook. Dronova, I.I. Barinova, V.Ya. Roma, A.A. Lobzhanidze “Geography of Russia”, M., Bustard, 2011

The chemical industry is a type of industry in which the processing of raw materials is of key importance chemical methods. The main materials used in this industry are various minerals and petroleum. The role of the chemical industry in modern world very big. Thanks to it, people can use various plastic and plastic products, as well as other petroleum products. In addition, the industry produces explosives, fertilizers for agricultural needs, medicines, and so on.


The beginning of the history of this industry is considered to be the industrial revolution, which occurred in early XVII century. Until the 16th century, the “science of substances” generally developed very slowly, but as soon as people learned to apply this knowledge in industry, much changed. The very first product of the chemical industry was sulfuric acid, which today remains an extremely important substance and is used in many areas of human activity. At that time, this compound was mainly used in the processing of metal ores needed for the Industrial Revolution in large quantities. The first enterprises for the production of sulfuric acid were created in England, France and Russia.

The second stage in the development of this area was the need for mass production of soda ash. This substance was necessary to ensure the production of glass and textiles.

At the first stage, England made the largest contribution to the development of the industry. With increasing interest in organic chemistry, Germany had an increasing influence on the development of this science, whose scientists are still considered one of the best specialists in this domain. At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the chemical production was located in this country, which, according to some analysts, provided German leaders with confidence in victory in the First World War due to the high quality of explosives and advanced research chemical weapons. By the way, it was German troops who used chemical warfare gas for the first time.

Chemical industries

Nowadays both inorganic and organic chemistry, many discoveries are made in these areas every year. The most promising developments are:

  • Oil refining.
  • Creation medicines.
  • Creation of fertilizers.
  • Creation of polymers and plastics.
  • Study of the conductive properties of substances.

Scientists have been working on creating an ideal conductor for several decades. If successful, humanity will be able to use the planet's resources much more efficiently.

Chemical industry in Russia


Petrochemistry is a key branch of the chemical industry in Russia. This is largely due to the extremely important role of the oil refining industry in the country's economy. Educational establishments Every year tens of thousands of petrochemical specialists graduate. The government also allocates a lot of money to sponsor research in this area.

The annual sales volume of all petrochemical production is more than 500 billion rubles.

Ammonia production

Togliattiazot is one of the leading ammonia producers in the world. Recently, the company has been producing more than 3 million tons of gas per year, this is an exceptionally high figure. According to experts, the share of this company in global ammonia production ranges from 8 to 10%; the company also produces mineral fertilizers and occupies about 20% of the Russian market in this sector.

Fertilizer production

An important part of the industry is the production of fertilizers. On the territory of Russia there are very large deposits of raw materials for this industry. The production of resources to create chemical fertilizers is also well developed. During the Soviet era, the best scientists worked on increasing the efficiency of fertilizers, making many fundamental discoveries in this area. Thanks to this, Russia is one of the most important exporters of fertilizers.

Pharmaceutical industry

Production medicines and their components is a very promising direction. Currently, this industry does not cover Russian needs, and the creation of many drugs has not even been established. Therefore, every year foreign investors, including large chemical concerns, invest in the development of this industry. Nevertheless, a significant increase in production volumes and product quality, according to analysts, will occur in best case scenario After ten years.

Chemical industry in the world

The chemical industry is most developed in Germany, Great Britain and the USA. That is, among European countries, the most advanced are usually states that have made a certain contribution to the development of chemistry as a science. In the case of the United States, this is due to favorable conditions for the development of chemistry and pharmacology: a good economic situation, the presence of large raw material resources and a developed transport system, and luring the best specialists from other countries.

In particular, the top five concerns with the highest profits include 2 companies from Germany, 2 from the UK and one from the USA.

My husband, when he opens the shelf in the bathroom where all the cleaning and washing products are stored, says that I have a whole chemical plant. Really, various means I use it almost every day. But dishwashing gel and washing powder are only a small part of all products of the chemical industry.

What industries does the chemical industry include?

Chemical industry enterprises can be located in any region of the country, but attention must be paid to the presence of all necessary resources, including labor, to ensure their efficient work. All chemistry is divided into several branches:

  • inorganic;
  • organic;
  • mining chemical;
  • petrochemistry;
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • household chemicals;
  • fertilizers;
  • paintwork.

Any varnishes, paints, as well as artificial fibers and other products would not have appeared on store shelves if the chemical industry had not developed in the country. The chemical-pharmaceutical department is responsible for the production of medicines necessary to maintain public health. Chemical plants are very resource-intensive, so often many of them are combined with each other for more economical and efficient operation.

The role of the chemical industry in the state

The products produced by chemical industry enterprises are considered one of the most in demand. This applies not only to the production of various types of drugs and detergents, but also other materials that are needed by industrial enterprises in other sectors.

Because chemical products Since it is used by both private users and enterprises, it is customary to divide it into two types: personal consumption and production. For example, the engineering industry uses plastic and paints and varnishes. And agricultural activity cannot do without various types of fertilizers in order to get a good harvest. And in any other field, chemical materials will definitely be required. Therefore, enterprises are constantly improving to increase the level of production efficiency.

Russia and includes chemical and petrochemical industry, subdivided into many industries and industries, as well as the microbiological industry. It provides the production of acids, alkalis, mineral fertilizers, various polymer materials, dyes, household chemicals, varnishes and paints, rubber-asbestos, photochemical and chemical-pharmaceutical products.

The chemical and petrochemical industries are characterized by features, the combination of which makes these industries unique in the breadth of economic use of their products. On the one hand, the complex’s products are used as raw materials in all industries (medical, microbiological, radio engineering, space, woodworking, light), in agriculture and transport. On the other hand, the process of processing chemical and petrochemical raw materials into the final product includes big number technological stages of processing, which determines a large share of intra-industry consumption.

The volume of goods shipped by type of economic activity “Chemical production” in 2007 amounted to 67% of the output of manufacturing industries. There are 7.6 thousand enterprises in the industry, employing more than 500 thousand people.

The volume of investments in fixed capital of the chemical complex from all sources of financing has increased 6.7 times since 2000. External investments during this period exceeded $3.7 billion, although the payback period for a large chemical project is 13-26 years.

The current location of the chemical complex has a number of features:

  • high concentration of enterprises in the European part of Russia;
  • concentration of chemical industry centers in areas that are deficient in water and energy resources, but concentrating the bulk of the population and production potential;
  • territorial discrepancy between the areas of production and consumption of chemical industry products;
  • raw material base of the industry, which is differentiated depending on natural and economic specifics certain regions of the country.

The chemical industry plays the most important role in the economy of the Volga region, the Volga-Vyatka region, the Central Black Earth Region, the Urals and the Center. The industry is even more important in the economy of individual regions, where it serves as the basis for the formation of the economy of these territories - in the Novgorod, Tula, Perm regions and Tatarstan.

Products of the Russian chemical complex are in great demand abroad. In 2007, the volume of exports of chemical and petrochemical products amounted to $20.8 billion, or 5.9% of the total exports of the Russian Federation.

The development and location of the chemical complex is determined by the influence of a number of factors

Raw material factor has a huge impact on the location of all sectors of the chemical complex, and is decisive for the mining and chemical industry and the production of potash fertilizers. In the cost of finished products, the share of raw materials for individual production ranges from 40 to 90%, which is due either to high consumption rates or to their value.

Energy factor is especially important for the polymer materials industry and certain branches of basic chemistry. The chemical complex consumes about 1/5 of the energy resources used in industry. The production of synthetic rubber, phosphorus by electric sublimation and nitrogen fertilizers by water electrolysis is characterized by increased electrical capacity, and the soda industry is characterized by significant fuel consumption.

Water factor plays a special role when locating enterprises of the chemical complex, since water is used both for auxiliary purposes and as a raw material. Water consumption in the chemical industry varies from 50 m3 in the production of chlorine to 6000 m3 in the production of chemical fibers.

Consumer factor taken into account when locating, first of all, branches of basic chemistry - the production of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, sulfuric acid, as well as highly specialized enterprises producing varnishes, paints, and pharmaceutical products.

Labor factor influences the location of labor-intensive industries of the chemical complex, which include the production of chemical fibers and plastics.

Environmental factor until recently, was not sufficiently taken into account when locating enterprises of the chemical complex. However, this industry is one of the main polluters environment among industries (almost 30% of the volume of contaminated industrial wastewater). Therefore, the main and determining thing for further development and placement of the industry is the transformation of traditional technologies into low-waste and resource-saving ones, the creation of closed technological cycles with full use raw materials and non-generating waste beyond their scope.

Infrastructure factor, which involves the preparation and arrangement of the territory for industrial development, is especially important when placing industrial enterprises, mainly in areas of new development.

Composition of the chemical complex

As part of the chemical complex, one can distinguish the mining and chemical industry associated with the extraction of primary chemical raw materials, basic chemistry, which ensures the production of mineral fertilizers, sulfuric acid and soda, and the polymer materials industry (including organic synthesis).

The mining and chemical industry ranks third in terms of production volume and includes the extraction of apatites, phosphorites, potash and table salt, native sulfur, boron, chalk, etc. The reserves of chemical raw materials in Russia, which are raw materials for the production of mineral fertilizers, are significant - the country ranks first in the world in terms of resources of potassium salts and phosphate raw materials (apatites and phosphorites). The main reserves of chemical raw materials are concentrated in the European part of the country. No large and profitable deposits have yet been identified in the Eastern zone.

The structure of phosphate raw material reserves is dominated by apatite ores, where the Khibiny group in the Murmansk region plays the main role. Almost 90% of the country's proven reserves of potassium salts are concentrated in the Verkhnekamskoye deposit in Perm region, where the extraction of this raw material is entirely carried out in Russia. Table salts are represented in the Volga region, the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Far East, deposits of sulfur and sulfur pyrites are in the Urals.

Fertilizer production

Basic chemistry occupies a leading place in the chemical complex in terms of production volume. Its main industry is the mineral fertilizer industry, which includes the production nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertilizers. In the structure of production of mineral fertilizers, approximately the same share (more than 2/5) is accounted for by potassium and nitrogen fertilizers, and 1/6 by phosphate fertilizers. In the cost of production of mineral fertilizers, the costs of feedstock, natural gas, electricity and transport account for approximately 70-80%.

The territorial organization of mineral fertilizer production has not undergone any changes over the past decade. As before, more than 95% of the production of mineral fertilizers is concentrated in the Western zone of the country, where the importance of the Urals has increased even more (2/5 of all-Russian production) against the backdrop of a reduction in the role of the Center, the North-West, the Volga region, and the Volga-Vyatka region.

Modern nitrogen industry is based on the synthesis and subsequent processing of ammonia, in the cost of which almost 50% of the costs come from natural gas (as raw materials and fuel). In this case, the determining factor in placement is either the presence of gas resources in the area (Nevinnomyssk in the North Caucasus) or consumers of finished products - Agriculture— and enterprises are located along the routes of main gas pipelines (Novomoskovsk in the Central, Novgorod in the North-Western, Dzerzhinsk in the Volga-Vyatka regions). When using coke oven gas, which is formed during the coking of coal, as a raw material, enterprises for the production of nitrogen fertilizers are built either in coal basins (Kemerovo, Angarsk) or near full-cycle metallurgical plants (Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Lipetsk, Cherepovets).

Potash fertilizers Produced at mining and chemical industry enterprises, they combine the extraction and enrichment of potash ores. On the basis of the Verkhnekamsk deposit, potash fertilizers are produced at two large enterprises in Solikamsk and Berezniki in the Perm Territory.

Production phosphate fertilizers based on the acid processing of phosphate raw materials (phosphorites and apatites) and is carried out at 19 enterprises located in almost all European regions of the country, including the Urals. The determining factor in location is the presence of a consumer, so enterprises are built mainly in agricultural areas: Kingisepp (North-West), Voskresensk, Novomoskovsk (Center), Uvarovo (Central Black Earth Region), Balakovo (Volga Region), Krasnouralsk (Ural).

The sulfuric acid industry produces products that are widely used, especially in the production of phosphate fertilizers. Sulfuric acid production is concentrated in the European part of the country; the main regions remain the European North, the Urals and the Center, which provide almost 2/3 of the total Russian output, slightly less - 1/5 - are provided by the Volga region and the North-West.

A distinctive feature of the soda industry is its attraction to raw materials - deposits of table salt. The production of caustic and soda ash is material-intensive (up to 5 m3 of salt brine is consumed to produce 1 ton of finished product), auxiliary materials are widely used here (about 1.5 tons of limestone per 1 ton of finished product) and fuel and energy resources. The leading areas of concentration of the soda industry are the Volga region, the Urals, Eastern Siberia and the Volga-Vyatka region, which account for over 9/10 of the all-Russian production of caustic and soda ash.

The polymer materials industry ranks second in the chemical complex in terms of production volume and includes organic synthesis (production of hydrocarbon raw materials based on oil, gas and coke chemistry), polymer chemistry developing on its basis (production of synthetic rubber, synthetic resins and plastics, chemical fibers ), as well as processing of polymer products (production of rubber products, tires, plastic products).

The development and deployment of organic synthesis is due to a significant and widespread raw material base, which removes territorial restrictions for the industry. Initially, organic synthesis relied on raw materials of wood and agricultural origin, coal, and was introduced in Kuzbass, the Moscow region, the Urals, as well as in European regions that consumed finished products. Now the determining factor is the availability of oil and gas raw materials.

Among the branches of polymer chemistry, the largest in scale is the industry of synthetic resins and plastics, which suffered less than others during the period of market transformations of the economy; its production volume decreased by 1/5. The availability of hydrocarbon petrochemical raw materials determines the location of the industry and production approaches petrochemical plants located in oil production areas or along oil and gas pipeline routes.

The expected shifts in the location of the industry in the Eastern zone did not occur. Over the past 15 years, the share of eastern regions in the all-Russian production of synthetic resins and plastics has decreased from 31 to 26% and the role of the Volga region (Novokuibyshevsk, Volgograd, Volzhsky, Kazan) and the Urals (Ufa, Salavat, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil) has increased, which in 2007 provided the production of more than 2/5 of the industry's finished products. The situation remains stable in the largest consumption area - Central, where there are large enterprises in Moscow, Ryazan, Yaroslavl.

Chemical fiber industry and threads ranks second in terms of the volume of polymer chemistry products produced and includes the production of artificial (from cellulose) and synthetic fibers (from petroleum products).

The industry of chemical fibers and threads is characterized by high consumption rates of raw materials, water, fuel and energy and is focused on the textile industry regions - Central (Tver, Shuya, Klin, Serpukhov), Volga region (Balakovo, Saratov, Engels). In the east, large enterprises operate in Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo.

The synthetic rubber industry occupies a special place, since the world's first enterprises based on food raw materials were built in the early 1930s of the twentieth century. in Central Russia. The transition to hydrocarbon raw materials led to the construction of new plants in the Volga region, the Urals, and Western Siberia.

In addition to high material intensity, the industry is characterized by significant electrical intensity (almost 3 thousand kW/h per 1 ton of synthetic rubber) and is characterized by a certain territorial dispersion. Almost 2/3 of synthetic rubber production occurs in the European part, where the Volga region (Kazan, Tolyatti, Nizhnekamsk) remains the leading region. Production volumes are significant in the Central (Moscow, Yaroslavl), Central Black Earth (Voronezh) and Ural (Ufa, Sterlitamak, Perm) regions. In the east, Omsk (Western Siberia) and Krasnoyarsk (Eastern Siberia) remain major producers of synthetic rubber.

Taking into account the resource endowment of individual territories and the capabilities of the processing industry, the following economic regions of Russia are distinguished by large complexes of the chemical industry:
  • The center, where polymer chemistry predominates (production of synthetic rubber, plastics, chemical fibers), is distinguished by the production of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, sulfuric acid, dyes and varnishes;
  • The Urals, where all types of mineral fertilizers, soda, sulfuric acid, as well as synthetic alcohol, synthetic rubber, plastics from oil and associated gases;
  • North-West supplies phosphate fertilizers, sulfuric acid, polymer chemical products (synthetic resins, plastics, chemical fibers) to the all-Russian market;
  • The Volga region produces a variety of polymer products based on organic synthesis (synthetic rubber, chemical fibers);
  • The North Caucasus is developing the production of nitrogen fertilizers, organic synthesis, synthetic resins and plastics;
  • Siberia (Western and Eastern) is characterized by the development of the chemistry of organic synthesis and polymer chemistry, and the production of nitrogen fertilizers.