Which ointment is best for acne on the face. The best drugs for acne. Inexpensive effective drugs

Facial rashes create discomfort and reduce confidence. An ointment for acne on the face will help get rid of acne or rash. What to choose among the many ointments - salicylic, retinoic, zinc, traditional ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky. Which one is most effective? Reviews and complete information about the composition will help you choose the right drug.

Which acne ointment is best?

Pharmacies and beauty salons offer various ointments, creams, and gels for acne. They differ in composition, price and effectiveness. It is often difficult to choose what is really needed. Which anti-acne ointment should I take - retinoic or salicylic? How effective will the chosen ointment be for large acne? And how long can you use hormonal drugs?

Let's try to figure this issue out. Let's consider what modern pharmaceuticals offer, and which ointments help with acne on the face and which do not..

To do this, we will analyze the composition of each ointment, the features of its action and recommendations for use - when it is really effective, and when you can do without it. Let's start with two well-known ointments that Soviet time used to treat any boils and abscesses - Vishnevsky and Ichthyolka.

Ichthyol ointment for acne

Ichthyol ointment contains ichthyol or inhammol- extract from shale rock resins. The main advantage of this ointment is it draws pus out from under the skin. The targeted application of ichthyol allows you to form an abscess, draw purulent contents onto its surface, after which it is removed and treated with an antiseptic.

It is necessary to apply ichthyol if the abscess stretches for a very long time and hurts. Usually such a pimple is quite different large sizes and looks painful and thickened. Without ichthyol ointment, it can ripen for up to 2 weeks, and “break through” for just as long, and only then heal.

In addition, ichthyol is used as alternative way cosmetic facial cleansing. It dissolves comedones (blackheads, blackheads), which are oxidized fat in the pores of the skin. And they stimulate the spontaneous flow of sebaceous secretions, cleaning the pores of blackheads.

Note: after all, cleaning (squeezing) acne from a cosmetologist is more effective. Therefore, it is worth remembering that ichthyol is an ointment for subcutaneous acne, and not for acne.

Vishnevsky ointment for acne

Vishnevsky's composition has the same indications as ichthyol ointment. It is also used to draw out ulcers. Vishnevsky's ointment contains natural ingredients ( Birch tar, Castor oil ) And antibiotic xeroform. What is the difference between the two ointment formulations?

Ichthyol - accelerates the maturation of the abscess. It draws out pus from the superficial subcutaneous layers. Vishnevsky ointment - makes the abscess more extensive in order to draw out pus from the deeper layers of tissue. Thus, Vishnevsky ointment removes pus completely. From here the following recommendations: first use ichthyol ointment for acne on the face, and after the abscess breaks through, use Vishnevsky’s composition.

Note: before the discovery of antibiotics, the main means for treating skin inflammation were two ointments - based on ichthyol (Ichthyol) and ointment with xeroform (Vishnevsky). Today these are the two most inexpensive ointments from acne.

Salicylic ointment for acne

Salicylic ointment - contains a powerful keratolytic agent ( salicylic acid). The action of the acid is so aggressive that it is used to soften keratinized skin seals (calluses). When applied to the skin as part of an ointment, salicyl has an exfoliating effect. It removes old dead cells and thereby exfoliates the face.

In addition to peeling, salicylic ointment is used to treat skin infections - acne and rashes. It dries, so it is good for oily, shiny skin. And not suitable for dry, flaky epidermis (increases the feeling of dryness).

Recommendations: salicylic ointment contains an aggressive component (in the amount 1% , 2% , 3% or 5% ). Therefore, it is worth using it for obvious redness and inflammation on oily skin.

Note: due to the effect of exfoliating old cells, salicylic ointment used as an ointment for acne scars. It causes a burning sensation and accelerates local blood flow, and this ensures regeneration (renewal) of skin epidermal cells.

Synthomycin ointment for acne

Syntomycin ointment - represents antibacterial compounds. Contains one of the "obsolete" antibiotics ( syntomycin) and natural base ( Castor oil). Before the invention of the common antibiotic chloramphenicol, syntomycin was the main treatment for bronchitis, gonorrhea and syphilis. Afterwards, it was forced out of the sphere of treatment of internal diseases, but remained in the composition of external ointments.

Synthomycin ointment is effective if rashes and pimples are caused by a bacterial infection(staphylococcus, streptococcus). However, it is far from harmless. The antibacterial component disrupts the skin microflora. That's why It is not recommended to use the composition for prevention daily.

Recommendations: the ointment has proven itself well for teenage rashes. It is also used to smear the bikini area after shaving (to prevent irritation and the appearance of small pimples). And one more thing: if there is no noticeable improvement within a week of using the ointment, it means main reason acne is not infectious. We need to look for another effective remedy.

Baneocin ointment for acne

Let's continue our acquaintance with antibacterial ointments. The list of ointment compositions is presented here in ascending order. So syntomycin is one of the weak antibiotics. Baneocin is a more potent drug. Further there will be even stronger antibacterial compositions of ointments.

Baneocin ointment contains two antibiotics that mutually enhance each other's effects. Bacitracin- for the treatment of streptococci and staphylococci. AND neomycin- for the treatment of Klebsiella, Shigella, the causative agent of cholera and tuberculosis infections.

Note: these antibiotics are usually not prescribed orally (due to their toxicity). Used as part of an external antiseptic ointment.

The combined use of two antibiotics expands the spectrum of activity of the drug. The ointment is intended for external treatment of skin inflammations. It is applied to purulent wounds, extensive burns, boils, as well as small pustular rashes and pimples on the face.

Note: sometimes Baneocin is considered as an analogue of Levomekol. With the difference that the latter is released Russian manufacturer and costs 2 times less than Baneocin, a product of a Swiss pharmaceutical company.

Erythromycin ointment for acne

Erythromycin ointment is another option for antibacterial treatment of facial skin, an ointment for acne healing. Contains antibiotic erythromycin, which is actively used in pharmaceuticals. In tablet form, erythormycin is prescribed for bronchitis, pleurisy, otitis, gonorrhea and syphilis. In ointment form - for the treatment of eye infections ( conjunctivitis), skin and soft subcutaneous tissue (burns and other wounds).

In cosmetology, erythromycin ointment is used to treat small pustular rashes. The antibiotic erythromycin is stronger than syntomycin, so erythromycin ointment is used when syntomycin does not help for some reason.

Important: any antibacterial compounds are not recommended for long-term use.

Tetracycline ointment for acne

Tetracycline ointment is another representative of antibacterial external agents for treatment. Contains one of "late" and strong antibiotics - tetracycline.

Tetracycline ointment is intended for the treatment of extensive skin inflammation (burn surfaces, deep wounds, purulent ulcers). But also used in cosmetology - as a remedy for severe acne, pustular rashes.

As a rule, the prescription of antibacterial agents occurs incrementally. First, use a weak antibiotic. If it does not help, move on to a stronger antibacterial agent. Tetracycline ointment is one of the most potent. You can use it on the face for very severe and extensive rashes, when other antibiotic ointments turned out to be weak.

Note: the instructions for using acne ointment with the antibiotic tetracycline emphasize that uncontrolled use of the antibiotic can cause complex inflammations on the skin.

The tetracycline composition could be called the best ointment from acne on the face, if not adverse reactions from the use of an antibacterial component. After frequent use of an antibiotic, the so-called "superinfection".

Retinoic acne ointment

Retinoic ointment - "new" cosmetic product, one of the most effective ointments for acne on the face. Its action is based on its ability to enhance blood circulation and skin cell regeneration. The manufacturer of the ointment regulates its effectiveness against acne and to prevent wrinkles, as well as as an ointment for spots after acne on the face.

The effect of the ointment is ambiguous. It irritates the skin and causes slight redness and sometimes a burning sensation.. There are cases where, after retinoic ointment, the skin received a “chemical” burn. However, this does not happen often.

Based on so-called retinoids, ointment compositions are produced for the treatment of complex rashes, acne and pimples. Retinoids are used when many remedies have been tried and there is no noticeable improvement. They are also prescribed for the treatment of rosacea and nodular cystic acne..

The most aggressive formulations with retinoids - Roaccutane And Aknekutan. A dermatologist prescribes them by prescription for severe acne that is difficult to treat.

Note: if the rashes on the face are persistent and stubbornly do not respond to treatment, this means that there is an internal cause (diseases internal organs).

Conclusions: the effect of retinoic ointment against wrinkles is not always noticeable. But its effectiveness against ordinary pustular rashes is high. In addition, the retinoic component prevents any scars and is an ointment for acne marks.

It is important to know that retinoids cause deformities in the fetus. That's why It is not recommended to use the ointment during pregnancy and during pregnancy planning.(when there is no pregnancy yet, but conception is already expected). After using Roaccutane, pregnancy should not occur earlier than a month later.

Akriderm ointment for acne - hormonal treatment

Akriderm ointment contains the hormone - betamethasone. The hormonal component inhibits the development of inflammation. In addition, the ointment has an antiallergic effect. It reduces atypical inflammatory reactions, and thereby reduces swelling and redness. Therefore, it is used for inflammation of an allergic nature (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis). And also from warts, calluses, and corns.

Akriderm ointment is not used for treatment acne, blackheads, acne, comedones(different names for the same phenomenon are listed - acne).

Hormonal ointment for acne may be needed if, against the background of allergic redness, severe irritation appears or a bacterial infection occurs. In this case, in addition to the main treatment (antibiotic ointment), an antiallergic drug will be needed.

Calendula ointment for acne

Calendula is an antiseptic plant. You can make calendula ointment yourself (mix wax and calendula oil) or purchase it at the pharmacy. This remedy is recommended for use for vascular problems - bulging veins, venous mesh on the face, dilated capillaries. And also as an antiseptic treatment for inflamed skin areas.

The effect of calendula will not be as noticeable as the effect of synthetic antibiotics ( syntomycin, erythromycin or tetracycline). Among herbal antiseptics, calendula is average in effect. Tea tree oil and aloe juice work stronger than calendula.

Calendula ointment is used as a night cream for oily, porous skin.. Due to the excessive secretion of sebum in the pores, its outflow is often disrupted and stagnation occurs. Therefore, oily skin often becomes inflamed.

For the treatment of acne, ointment with calendula extract is less effective and therefore is almost never used.. For preventive purposes only.

Sulfur and zinc ointments

Sulfuric and zinc ointment have similar action. They dry the skin, reduce inflammation, but do not counteract pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, zinc and sulfur ointments are used for non-infectious skin inflammations(dermatitis, bedsores, skin manifestations of allergies).

In addition to antiparasitic properties, sulfur compounds promote tissue regeneration. This means they speed up the healing of wounds. And here Sulfur ointment is not very effective against acne on the face. It only reduces the amount of acne (due to the normalization of sebum secretions).

Acne is a problem familiar to many. For some, the rashes are few and go away quickly, while for others they persist throughout their lives. The reasons may be different: skin characteristics, hormonal imbalances, poor diet, lack of hygiene. The problem can only be solved by the correct selection of a product that will disinfect, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and soothe the inflamed epidermis.


How to treat acne skin

Modern stores and pharmacies offer a huge number of lotions, creams, ointments and gels for annoying skin rashes. Despite such diversity, the active ingredients and the very principle of influence are identical. Apart from some minor exceptions, each facial acne remedy aims to accomplish the following tasks:

  • cleansing the surface of the skin and the pores in it;
  • destruction of pathogenic bacteria;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • drying out pimples.

Rapid healing effect allows you to pacify inflammatory process and prevent the risk of scars forming at the site of large acne. The main component for the treatment of minor acne is salicylic acid, which kills bacteria on the surface of the skin, and zinc in ointments has a drying effect. In severe cases, you will have to resort to medications containing antibiotics and hormones.

Video: Elena Malysheva about acne and its treatment

The best acne remedies

Since acne is not just a whim of the body, but a real disease, it must be taken seriously. It is advisable to contact a dermatologist, who, after a thorough examination of the skin surface and examination of test results, will determine which remedy will best help the patient. If it is not possible to see a doctor, and appearance If your skin is not happy, you can use some high-quality cosmetic product.


This company has long established itself as one of the best manufacturers of products for problem skin. Experts recommend purchasing a line of cosmetic products at once, including a cleansing gel, a scrub for deeper skin cleansing, a disinfecting toner and a moisturizer. For those who urgently need to get rid of a suddenly popping up ugly pimple, the manufacturer suggests using a special product that helps remove redness and inflammation within a few hours after application.

There are no comedogenic components in Clearasil skincare products, so you don’t have to worry that the moisturizer may clog your pores even more. The main component is salicylic acid, which eliminates bacteria from the surface of the skin. Too much can dry out the skin, but the entire Clearasil line contains moisturizing components: glycerin, allantoin and aloe extract. They help soothe the skin, regulate the process of cell division in the epidermis and dermis, and remove inflammation and redness.

The product really helps a lot, but some people have negative impressions. The thing is that in the first two to three days after starting to use Clearasil, the skin may worsen. Not seeing positive changes, many change the product to another, in their opinion, more effective. But in vain! Acne increases due to the fact that active renewal of the upper layers of skin begins. As soon as the process returns to normal, the surface of the face will clear.

An important advantage of the line of products from Clearasil is affordable price. The cost of the most expensive acne treatment product does not exceed 350-400 rubles.


One of the cheapest but most effective acne remedies. It is obtained from a natural freshwater sponge, which is dried and ground into a powder. The sponge skeleton consists of silicon oxide and the protein spongin, which form microscopic needles. This is related to the peculiarity of the effect of badyagi: small sharp pieces injure the surface of the skin, thereby stimulating cell division and regeneration for the healing of microtraumas.

To use the product, you need to dilute the powder in water and apply it to the skin, and after a while rinse thoroughly. The peculiarity of using badyagi is that it cannot be smeared all over the face at once; only spot application is allowed. In addition to the traditional powder, pharmacists offer badyagu in a more convenient format - in the form of a gel.

The product is not addictive and helps to quickly get rid of pimples, but it must be used extremely carefully, as allergic reactions often occur. If your skin is damaged, you should also abandon badyagi in favor of more delicate cosmetic products.


The main active ingredient is adapalene. It belongs to the retinoid metabolites, helps to quickly get rid of rashes, disinfect the skin surface and normalize sebum production. People who have used Differin for quite a long time have noted that it works better for acne than for acne. The cosmetic product will not help quickly remove inflammation, but due to its effect on the sebaceous gland, it prevents clogging of pores. If the pore is clean, the likelihood of inflammation is reduced.

There are no antibiotics in the composition, so Differin can be used for a long time. But the mild effect also carries an obvious disadvantage: you should not expect instant results; acne will begin to go away only a couple of weeks after the start of regular use.

Differin can be used by adolescents over 12 years of age. Women during pregnancy will have to give up the product, but it can be used for breastfeeding. The only caveat is that you should not apply the ointment to the skin of the chest so that the child does not accidentally lick it off.


The drug is actively advertised, so the number of people who have tried zenerite is growing every day. It really does a great job of removing inflammation, drying out acne, and preventing scar formation, but there is an important nuance.

Important! The main component of the drug is the antibiotic erythromycin, which is addictive. This means that bacteria that live on the surface of the human epithelium and cause a rash will get used to the effects of zinerite and stop reacting to it.

Dermatologists recommend resorting to this remedy only in extreme cases, and in case of severe acne, reduce the use of zinerite to once a day and alternate it with other anti-acne cosmetics. In addition to erythromycin, the composition contains zinc acetate, which disinfects and dries.

Significant skin cleansing is noticeable after a couple of weeks, and acne will disappear almost completely in 3-4 months. You can buy zinerite at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription; the product costs about 300-400 rubles. If used infrequently, one package may be enough for a full course of treatment.

Baziron AS

One of the best drugs for the treatment of severe forms of rash. The main active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide. It has a strong oxidizing effect, causing bacteria to quickly die. Microorganisms cannot adapt to benzoyl peroxide, so Baziron AS works well both at the beginning and at the end of the acne treatment course. Only in a small percentage of cases, after several months of use, the effect may weaken.

Typically, dermatologists recommend starting treatment with a gel with a low concentration of the active substance, and then the dosage is gradually increased. The maximum percentage of benzoyl peroxide content is 10%. Baziron AC can be used from 12 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, the medicine can be used, but subject to extreme caution.

The main disadvantage of the drug is that it dries out the skin greatly. Therefore, when doctors prescribe baziron, they combine it with moisturizing and skin-softening gels and creams. The drug is sold in any pharmacy, costs from 500 to 800 rubles, depending on the concentration.


The medicine contains both adapalene and benzoyl peroxide, thanks to which it is able to fight even the most advanced cases of acne. Effezel can be used on an ongoing basis, the effect will appear a couple of weeks after the first use.

The gel should be applied to the surface of the skin in a thin layer, avoiding mucous membranes and the area around the eyes. If the product dries out the skin, you need to add a light, non-pore-clogging moisturizer. If signs of irritation occur, you may not abandon Effezel, but simply reduce the frequency of use.

The effect of the medicine on the body of pregnant women has not been fully studied, so it is recommended not to use the gel until the baby is born. During lactation, it is possible to treat the skin with effezel, but with maximum care and without exceeding the dosage.


The product is available in gel format, so it is easy to use. The components penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, preventing the formation of new acne. Helps cure rashes azelaic acid, which is part of skinoren.

This is not an antibiotic, so you can’t count on quick results. Acne will begin to clear up within 3-4 weeks of consistent use, and breakouts will disappear within 5-6 months. Best effect Skinoren is effective in the treatment of mild forms of acne or in the last stages of therapy. The gel can be applied both to the entire face and to spots. Be sure to avoid the area around the eyes and mouth.

Skinoren has no toxic effects, so it can be used during pregnancy and lactation without fear of harm to the child's health. But allergy sufferers may experience mild irritation and dryness, so it is advisable to test the product on the crook of your elbow before use.

Boro Plus

A natural remedy that contains sandalwood, aloe, turmeric and ginger lily. The cream actively relieves inflammation and disinfects, while simultaneously nourishing and moisturizing the surface of the skin. The sebaceous glands do not have to work hard to soften the epithelium, so the likelihood of acne and pimples is reduced. Pores are cleaned and tightened, the skin is protected from external influences and looks healthy. Regular use of Boro Plus will help remove not only acne on the face and body, but also get rid of unsightly scars.

Apply the cream to the surface of the skin 2-3 times a day in a thin layer. The product can be used even by children for some skin diseases, but during pregnancy it is better to consult a doctor about using the product. If you are hypersensitive to the components, an allergic reaction may occur.


The popular name is chatterbox. The drug is available in suspension format. Thanks to the zinc contained in the composition, the product has a disinfecting, astringent and drying effect. You need to use the mash precisely: apply it to a tampon or cotton swab a small amount of suspension, then apply it to the pimples.

An additional plus is safety and the possibility of use during pregnancy. If you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug, rash, redness or itching may occur.


Available in the form of a gel or concentrate for preparing a solution. The main active ingredient is dimethyl sulfoxide. It quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and helps other medications get into the epidermis and dermis faster. Therefore, dermatologists often prescribe dimexide along with other medications to treat severe forms of acne.

The solution and gel are used in the form of applications; for this, they are applied to the skin, a clean napkin is placed on top and left for 20-30 minutes. Some patients may experience allergic reactions; use during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited.

Acne is an unpleasant problem, but it is treatable. The correct selection of products can eliminate them and make the skin healthy and beautiful. But only skincare cosmetics and medications will not help completely get rid of the problem. Proper nutrition, special diet, refusal bad habits, compliance with hygiene rules and healthy image life will put the skin in order.

The basic rule for treating any disease, including acne and pimples, is to identify and eliminate the cause. Without this, even the most effective, proven and recommended remedy will get rid of the problem for a while; after stopping use, it will return. A dermatologist will help determine the cause of the rash and prescribe treatment.

Acne is a fairly common skin problem. They can occur regardless of age and level of skin care, and there can be many reasons for their appearance.

Often pimples, blackheads and acne occur due to hormonal background, but other factors can also cause their appearance. The key to defeating acne is identifying the cause of its occurrence.


The causes of acne can be roughly divided into two large groups:

  • hormonal;
  • non-hormonal.

Hormonal reasons include changes in hormones due to age (common teenage acne), body cycles (appearance of rashes during critical days in women) and other hormonal fluctuations in the body (pregnancy, use of contraceptives or hormonal drugs).

Non-hormonal causes of acne and pimples can be:

  • insufficient cleansing of the skin (from makeup, dust);
  • use of dirty towels after washing;
  • individual reaction to some food products(most often sugar or milk);
  • use of low-quality cosmetics.

It is easy to defeat non-hormonal acne - you just need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence and help the body cope with existing inflammation. With hormonal acne, everything is more complicated - complex therapy is needed here.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacy remedies most often help the body fight existing inflammation. They are aimed at removing existing acne and preventing the appearance of new acne.

Due to the fact that inflammation is often caused by pathogenic bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the skin, many products are aimed specifically at disinfection.

Some drugs concentrate on drying out inflammation and preventing it further development. The most effective drugs in the cheap price segment are presented below.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid has been perhaps the most popular budget acne treatment for many years. It is also often added to expensive skin products in varying proportions. Application in pure form can also bring results.

The product can be in different concentrations - from 1 to 10%. This must be taken into account when purchasing.

The acid is applied to inflammation or inflammation-affected areas of the skin pointwise. There is no need to treat the entire surface of the face. Frequency of use – up to 3 times a day.

Salicylic acid has the following effects in the fight against acne:

  • dries;
  • fights acne spots (post-acne);
  • destroys bacteria on the surface of the skin;
  • regulates the secretion of sebum;
  • fights blackheads.
The use of salicylic acid does not require additional consultation with a doctor. However, this must be done strictly in accordance with the instructions.


The composition of the drug cindol includes fairly simple components - zinc, talc, glycerin, ethanol. However, combining them allows you to effectively fight inflammation.

Zinc plays a key role in this matter. It disinfects the skin, and ethanol dries out inflammation.

Tsindol is an inexpensive remedy and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

It has the following effects on acne:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • drying;
  • healing.

Compared to salicylic acid, zindole can be called a milder agent. However, it must be remembered that excessive use of one or the other will lead to dry skin and the appearance of even more rashes.

Video: Doctor's review of the drug Tsindol

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is widely used in medicine and veterinary medicine due to its disinfecting properties. As you might guess, it is based on zinc (as in the case of zindol).

Salicylic-zinc paste

The active component of the paste is the same zinc. Salicylic acid acts as an auxiliary element. Additional substances are also added to the paste - starch and petroleum jelly.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment is a drug aimed at combating bacteria and the inflammation they cause. It promotes the rapid release of pus accumulated in the tissues (which is the bacteria accumulated by acne).

The ointment accelerates the opening of pimples and has a disinfecting effect on them. Compresses made from Vishnevsky ointment help speed up the development of acne and eliminate the cause of its appearance.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment is aimed not only at combating acne existing on the surface of the skin, but also at their subcutaneous “brothers”. This ointment can “pull out” from subcutaneous pimple pus and speed up healing.

Erythromycin ointment

Erythromycin is an antibiotic that fights pathogens. It is against inflammation caused by such microorganisms that the ointment can help.

In case of acne caused by hormonal reasons or poor nutrition, the ointment will not be as effective. Of course, the foci of inflammation will be dried out, but the ointment will not be able to prevent the occurrence of new ones.


Sledocid is often mentioned as a cream that can get rid of acne marks. It is for this purpose that it is used most often. Sledocid has a drying and whitening effect. That is why it is most often used to treat post-acne.

Sledocid also contains zinc, which puts it in the same group as all zinc-containing acne medications. The effectiveness of the drug is highest at the last stage of inflammation maturation.


Zinerit is the most popular zinc-based acne drug. The drug also contains antibiotics. It copes well with inflammation even over a large area of ​​skin.

A special feature of zenerite is its relatively short shelf life. After preparing the solution (the product is sold in two separate bottles - powder and liquid), it can be used for no more than two months.

Effezel gel

Effezel gel is an equally effective remedy for both open and closed acne. It is also extremely effective for acne. The essence of the drug’s action is antimicrobial. Therefore, the drug is not able to eliminate hormonal acne or pimples.


The product is based on an antibiotic. It affects microbes and destroys harmful environments on the surface of the skin. Dalatsin has a fairly pronounced effect and can be used not only for acne and acne, but also for the treatment of boils.

Levomekol ointment

The ointment has a beneficial effect on skin affected by rashes:

  • reduces redness;
  • dries out acne;
  • removes irritation;
  • increases skin elasticity.

The drug is sold without a prescription and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Metrogyl gel

Skinoren gel

Proper use of the gel will dry out inflammation, as well as disinfect the skin in case of bacterial acne.

Alzelaic acid in skinoren has a disinfecting effect and helps fight inflammation varying degrees maturity.


Differin has a different mechanism of action on the skin than many drugs. Thanks to the vitamin A derivative in its composition, it accelerates metabolic processes in cells and helps cleanse tissue from blockages that cause acne.

A positive quality of the product is its inability to dry out the skin (unlike many zinc-based products).

Cream-gel “Before and after”

The cream promotes the healing of post-acne and is often recommended by dermatologists for use for this very purpose. It has a pleasant smell and has a slight drying effect.

Synthomycin liniment

The drug is safe for application to fairly large areas of skin and can be used on a large surface area.

Among the disadvantages of this effective product, users cite a not very pleasant specific smell. However, to get the desired effect, many users are willing to put up with it.

Cream "Clean Line"

The cream is a representative of the line for problem skin and can have an exclusively auxiliary effect in general anti-acne therapy.

Natural remedies cheap acne remedies

Natural inexpensive means can be presented in the form of ointments, tinctures, cleansers, serums. In any case, the effect from them can be no worse than from expensive ones.

Plants and herbs

Plants and herbs have virtually no contraindications for use. They can even be used by pregnant women (after consulting a doctor first).

The only contraindication may be individual intolerance. True, the therapeutic effect is less pronounced.

Lemon and cucumber

Lemon and cucumber have a drying effect and promote rapid ripening and healing of acne. You can use lemon and cucumber in the form of masks and compresses.

Tincture of calendula

The tincture has a drying effect (we are talking about an alcohol tincture). A tincture prepared at home does not require the addition of additional herbs. Not suitable for complex treatment(conflicts with many drugs).

Essential oils

Essential oils with a drying effect (for example, tea tree oil) can cause positive result. When applying oils, you should remember to observe the maximum permissible concentration.

Photo: Before and after

Tar soap

Thus, the fight against rashes is a very individual matter, and it all depends on the cause of their appearance.

Cheap acne products can be an excellent help in the fight against pimples, blackheads and acne (sometimes even better than expensive ones). And the choice of such a remedy depends on each specific case of the disease.

And serious inflammatory disease sebaceous hair follicles. Increased in size sebaceous glands produce excess amounts of fat, which accumulates at the mouth of the hair canal. A sebaceous plug is formed - an ideal environment for the proliferation of acne bacteria, and the inflammatory process begins in the pores. This is how acne occurs.

What are the main factors behind their appearance?

Causes of acne include hormonal imbalance, poor diet, and heredity. © iStock

Effect of hormones

One of the main reasons for increased sebum production is high level male sex hormones androgens or increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to them. Up to 25 years of age, skin problems due to unstable hormonal levels are considered normal, but it is important to take into account that even at a more mature age there are factors that can affect the production of sex hormones, for example, the onset of menopause or prolonged stress.

Increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands or high levels of hormones are usually genetically determined, so it will not be possible to turn oily skin into normal skin with the help of procedures and cosmetics. But it is possible to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.


Hyperkeratosis is expressed in the inability of the skin to get rid of dead cells in a timely manner and their accumulation on the surface of the epidermis. This prevents the free release of sebum to the surface of the skin and the formation of sebaceous plugs in the hair canals. To avoid this, you should use exfoliating products and do not neglect deep cleansing procedures in salons.

Nutritional Features

According to the results of numerous studies, in the diet ( bakery products from white flour, snacks and desserts) increases the activity of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, provokes the appearance of acne. Science has not yet officially recognized this fact, but reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates in any case will not hurt.

Improper care

Let's list the most common mistakes that the owners commit oily skin when caring for her.

  1. 1

    They dry out the skin, wanting to get rid of excessive shine with the help of aggressive cleansers. This leads to dehydration and flaking, and also provokes increased sebum production.

  2. 2

    To care for irritated, dry skin, use a thick nourishing cream that clogs pores.

  3. 3

    Corrective tinting cream-gel for oily problem skin prone to acne Effaclar Duo(+), La Roche-Posay In 12 hours, it noticeably reduces imperfections, disguises them and prevents the formation of new ones. The composition includes Aqua Posae Filiformis, mannose, as well as a complex of salicylic and lipohydroxy acids, Procerad ceramide.

    Corrective emulsion Effacar K+, La Roche-Posay helps normalize sebum production and absorbs its excess, prevents the formation of blackheads, mattifies for up to 8 hours. The incredible lightness of the texture and mattifying effect are provided by the Airlicium molecule, consisting of 99% air and 1% silicon. The active ingredients vitamin E, carnosine, salicylic acid, and lipohydroxy acids have a caring effect.

    Moisturizing gel for normal and oily skin against oily shine and skin imperfections Purefect Skin, Biotherm mattifies the skin and minimizes the appearance of imperfections, has a pleasant light gel texture. Contains: algae extract, zinc, perlite.

    Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment, Kiehl's reduces imperfections in just one night by fighting the root cause - pathogenic bacteria. Helps regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

      Proper skin cleansing: do not go to bed with makeup on your face, do not forget to wash your face after training and physical education lessons.

      Regular exfoliation: at a young age, scrubs are also suitable as exfoliants, but do not use them if there are open inflammations on the face. Acids are a universal exfoliant; the main thing is not to forget about sun protection after using products based on them.

      Deep cleansing: Make cleansing masks based on clay or special mud once a week.

    Acne can appear in both adolescence and adulthood. © iStock

    Acne Prevention Cream

    There is nothing difficult in preventing acne.

      Skin care begins with moisturizing - choose a cream according to yours and remember to use it daily morning and evening.

      Creams with acids will help to promptly get rid of unnecessary burden in the form of dead cells that interfere with the normal regulation of sebum.

      Soothing creams will put the skin in order when cleansing turns out to be too aggressive and exfoliation is traumatic.

All ages are susceptible to acne. This catchphrase has absolutely real foundations. Many people suffer mentally and physically from acne, from early childhood to old age.

This problem has been well studied by scientists. It is no longer a secret that acne is not just a cosmetic defect of the skin, but a disease with many causes. Doctors tend to believe that acne reflects internal state body.

This leads to an important recommendation for all people suffering from acne: before you start even the most effective treatment, you should find out the cause of this phenomenon and undergo maximum examination in a medical institution.

How to get rid of acne quickly by changing your diet

Anyone who is struggling with acne and pimples should start by reviewing their diet. It would seem, what is the connection here, where is the stomach and where is the skin. But there is also a very direct connection. The body diligently removes everything harmful that comes to us with food beyond its own limits, and the liver, kidneys, intestines and skin, which is the largest organ of the human body, help it in this. At the same time, the skin itself immediately reacts to harmful substances, becoming inflamed and festering in the form of familiar pimples.

So, what should you forget about forever and how to enrich your diet? Of course, depriving yourself forever of products dear to your heart is blasphemy, but junk food You can always find a useful alternative:

Refuse or significantly limit
It is possible and necessary
Fat meat Lean, white meat. Meat of young animals
Smoked meats Naturally prepared raw-dried products
Hot spices Herbs
Products cooked over an open fire with a crust Foods cooked over an open fire in foil
Carbohydrate side dishes (pasta, refined rice) Vegetable side dishes
Black tea Green tea
Sugar Sugar in fruits and fresh juices. Honey, but not much (strong allergen)
Table salt Sea salt
Industrial drinks (Cola, Fanta, etc.) Natural freshly squeezed juices, especially vegetable juices, fruit drinks, fruit water
Mayonnaise Sour cream with lemon juice
Ketchup Pure tomatoes or tomato paste
Baking, especially with creams, confitures Bread, croutons
Glazed cheese curds, sweet curd spreads, full-fat milk Natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese

Of course, giving up your favorite foods is very difficult. And you shouldn’t expect results on day 2-3 of the diet either. Proper nutrition should become a lifelong lifestyle, not a temporary limitation. And this will be a huge contribution not only to the beauty of the skin, which will get rid of annoying acne and gain fresh look and healthy color, but also in general state body, especially internal organs and blood vessels.

You should also limit alcohol. If you suffer from a lack of goodies, but abuse beer, there will be no effect. If you have to drink, then good white wine or high-quality cognac (in moderation).

The easiest home remedy for acne - proper skin care

Both women and men should take care of their skin. The skin on the face is different from the skin on the body, and therefore requires different, careful and thorough care. At the same time, the person is constantly in contact with the environment, which is full of allergens, dust, dirt, viruses and bacteria.

Basic rules for caring for inflamed skin:

  • You can't squeeze pimples! A hackneyed recommendation known to absolutely everyone, but not everyone adheres to it. By squeezing just one pimple, a person with his own hands prolongs the period of its resolution, introduces an additional infection into the skin, and contributes to the spread of pimples across the face. After the skin has healed for a long time, after squeezing, unsightly scars remain on it. But what about squeezing out pimples in beauty salons, many will think. Specialists use completely different equipment and tools; repeating their work at home is neither worth nor necessary.
  • You need to wash your face twice a day with special light foams or gels for problem skin. It is not recommended to use sponges for washing, as this additionally macerates the inflamed skin. The optimal water temperature is 18-20 C. You should wash your face with your hands, effortlessly, and after washing, lightly pat your skin with a soft towel, or let your face dry naturally.
  • It is worth switching to cosmetics and skin care products that do not clog pores (usually labeled “non-comedogenic”).
  • During the day, if the skin becomes very oily, you can use neutral cleansing wipes, or those soaked in beneficial additives such as tea tree oil, string, etc. Read more about.
  • You should not be exposed to scorching heat for a long time sun rays with skin unprotected by special means. It is also not recommended to sunbathe in a solarium.
  • Avoid invasive skin cleansing methods acute period when there are a lot of pimples and comedones on the face. For problem skin, it is recommended to use soft scrubs and cleansing gels, for example, based on oatmeal.
  • If you are using a topical medication to treat acne, cleanse your skin and do your usual hygiene procedures should be carried out before applying the treatment.

Basic drugs for treatment

Acne medications affect the following processes in the body:

  • Reduces inflammation in and around the hair follicle
  • Reduce sebum production
  • Reduce the number of bacteria in the follicle
  • Reducing blockage of the sebaceous glands

By chemical composition These drugs are close to vitamin A - retinol, their effect is to block the ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. This is a new direction in the treatment of acne and acne. When using retinoids, there is a temporary suspension of the function of the sebaceous glands, as well as a decrease in their size. High efficiency after a course of treatment and a lasting therapeutic effect are noted. After treatment with such drugs (when taken orally), you should not become pregnant for one year, since retinoids have a teratogenic effect. These are expensive medicines, have quite a lot side effects, therefore, their prescription should be justified (excessive acne, present for a long time, ineffectiveness of other treatment) and under the supervision of a doctor.


Adapalene is a naphthoic acid derivative and is a new generation of synthetic retinoids. Adapalene has anti-inflammatory, sebostatic, comedolytic effects. Does not have a photosensitizing effect (see).
Usage: Apply the cream or gel, without rubbing, 1 time/day at night to dry, clean skin. Recommended for dry and sensitive skin with mild to moderate acne. medium degree as monotherapy, for moderate and severe cases in combination with benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics. The effect occurs after 1-2 months of use, a lasting effect - after 3 months.

  • Adaklin 350-380 rub.
  • Clenzit 350-460 rub.

  • Differin cream 600-780 rub.
  • Differin gel 600-780 rub.

Mechanism of action: antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory effect. The exact mechanism of action of the drug has not yet been identified, but improvement in skin condition in severe cases is due to suppression of the activity of the sebaceous glands.
Use: applied externally in the form of an ointment or solution, as well as internally (the dose is calculated individually for 16–24 weeks of course treatment).
Contraindications: allergies, kidney and liver diseases, pregnancy and pregnancy planning.

  • Retasol solution 50ml. 400 rub.
  • Retinoic ointment 230 rub.
  • Erase 20 mg capsules. 30 pcs. 1300 rub.
  • Acnecutane capsules 30 pcs. 8 mg 1300 rub., 16 mg 30 pcs. 2000 rub.
  • Roaccutane capsules 20 mg. 30 pcs. 2800 rub.
Azelaic acid

Analogs: Skinoren, Azelik, Azogel, Aziks derm

Skinoren cream 20% 30 mg 800-900 rub.

A popular remedy for treating acne from the expensive category.
Mechanism of action: antimicrobial, keratolytic, pore-tightening effect.
Application: cream (gel) rubbed into cleansed skin twice a day for about 3 months in a row.
Contraindications: allergy
Noted good efficiency Azelaic acid in the treatment of acne caused by Propionibacterium acnes. Helps even out skin color and slows down cell keratinization. Not addictive. At the same time, in a third of patients the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

Other acne medications at the pharmacy

One of the cheapest acne remedies. Available in powder form for home preparation dosage form, and is also included in various acne gels and creams.
Active substance: powder from the exoskeleton of freshwater sponges.
Mechanism of action: mechanical and local irritant effect on the inflammatory element.
Application: the powder is diluted with water and applied to the inflamed area of ​​the skin, washed off after a certain time. Apply until the pimple resolves.
Contraindications: skin damage, allergies
Conclusion: Badyaga is successfully used for spot treatment of acne. It is not addictive, but an allergic reaction often occurs to it.

price: gel 80 rub., powder 50 rub.

A popular anti-inflammatory drug for topical use.
Active substance: dimethyl sulfoxide.
Mechanism of action: local anesthetic, antimicrobial and analgesic effect.
Application: a solution of 10-20-30% concentration is applied to the skin in the form of applications for half an hour for 10-15 days. The gel is applied in a thin layer.
Contraindications: allergies, severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels.
Conclusion: Dimexide has limited use in cases where other acne treatments are ineffective. Most often it is used in combination with an antibiotic, helping it penetrate deep into the skin.

price: solution 30-50 rub. gel 130-150 rub.

Safe aid in the treatment of acne. Available in powder form.
Active substance: natural clay.
Mechanism of action: disinfecting, cleansing, healing and drying effect.
Application: the powder is diluted with water and applied to the skin in the form of a mask until completely dry, then washed off. Apply 2-3 times a week.
Contraindications: period of acute rashes, allergy to clay.
Conclusion: green clay is effective at the healing stage of acne and as a prevention of rashes, as it cleanses the skin well. If you have a lot of pimples and blackheads with purulent contents, using clay masks can aggravate the situation by pushing the infection deeper into the layers of the skin.

price: 20-30 rub.

A classic drug for the treatment of acne. Cheap and accessible, you can use both a solution and salicylic ointment.
Active substance: salicylic acid.
Mechanism of action: antiseptic and keratolytic effect.
Application: the solution is applied to a cotton swab or cotton wool, then spot treatment of inflammatory elements is carried out several times a day until they dry. The ointment is applied 3 times a day to clean skin for up to 3 weeks; if there are pustules, you should first clean them, disinfect them, then apply the ointment.
Contraindications: allergy
Conclusion: Salicylic acid does not act on the cause of pimples and blackheads, but only promotes their speedy resolution, preventing the spread of infection. The use of salicylic acid in a duet with a remedy is justified.

price: Salicylic acid 10-20 rub.

Zinc, salicylic-zinc paste, Tsindol

Active substance: zinc oxide.
Mechanism of action: drying, astringent, adsorbent and disinfectant effect.
Application: applied to inflammatory elements 2-4 times a day until they dry out.
Contraindications: allergy
Conclusion: Zinc paste often used together with salicylic acid. IN Lately actively displaces the previously popular drug Tsindol, which is available in the form of a suspension and contains the same zinc oxide. The Tsindol suspension is rubbed into the skin and is not washed off, leaving a visible mark. Zinc paste is convenient to apply pointwise, it does not spread and dries quickly on pimples.

price: Zinc paste, Salicylic-zinc ointment 30-40 rub. Tsindol 60-80 rub.

Calamine lotion

Ingredients: calamine, zinc oxide
Essentially the same Chatterbox or Tsindol, only much more expensive.
Action: soothes inflamed skin, dries, reduces swelling, relieves irritation, creates a protective barrier for the skin.

price: 650-800 rub.

Curiosin, Regetsin

A highly advertised drug that is popular among teenagers.
Active substance: zinc hyaluronate.
Mechanism of action: regenerating, drying and antiseptic effect.
Application: applied to inflammatory elements 2-4 times a day until they dry.
Contraindications: allergy
Conclusion: The ointment has proven itself well. It is not addictive and has no side effects, Therefore, it is applicable both in the treatment and prevention of acne. The antiseptic effect of zinc and the restorative effect of hyaluronic acid lead to the fact that inflammatory elements heal without unsightly scars.

price: Regetsin (150 rubles), Curiosin (400 rubles)

Sledocid mask and cream gel

Ingredients: hyaluronic acid, arnica oil extract, green tea extract, witch hazel oil extract, polysaccharide product isolated from baker's yeast.
Reduces the severity of pigmentation after acne, promotes the disappearance of acne.
Application: 2-3 r/day applied to areas of skin remaining after acne, after application wait until it is absorbed.

price: Sledocid zinc mask and cream gel - 100 rubles

Ingredients: a mixture of chlorophylls from.

Oily solution: It is better to use for dry skin, if the pores are not clogged and there is no demodex disease. It is better to apply before bed on a clean face for 2 weeks. For prevention, you can add a few drops to any mask - oatmeal, clay, herbal.
Alcohol solution: should be used carefully and only for oily skin, diluting with chamomile decoction 1:3 to avoid drying out the skin. Just wash your face (without cleansing) and apply 2 times a day to inflamed areas with a cotton pad soaked in the solution for several days.

price: buttered 110 rub. alcohol 180-200 rub.

Antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs

Ingredients: benzoyl peroxide

Effect: Benzoyl peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent, that is, it has a powerful bactericidal effect on bacteria, while microbial resistance does not arise. Baziron AS has an anti-inflammatory and comedolytic effect, reduces sebum production, improves tissue oxygenation and moisturizes the skin.
Contraindications: children under 12 years old
Application: Apply the gel to clean skin in the morning and evening for 3 months; a therapeutic effect occurs a month after the start of its use.

price: Baziron gel 550-650 rub.

A complex preparation containing antibiotic and zinc in the active composition.
Ingredients: erythromycin, zinc acetate.
Mechanism of action: bacteriostatic, astringent, healing effect.
Use: The solution is prepared by mixing two bottles included in the package. The finished lotion is applied to cleansed skin twice a day for 10 days; there is no need to rinse off.
Contraindications: allergy
Conclusion: The product is quite popular because it is convenient to use and you can apply cosmetics on top. One bottle is enough to treat two people. Because this antibacterial drug, there is a high probability of developing addiction to it and ineffectiveness during subsequent use.

price: Zinerit lotion 500-600 rub.

Dalatsin, Klindovit, Zerkalin

Antibacterial gels and antibiotic-based solutions wide range actions.
Active substance: clindamycin.
Mechanism of action: bacteriostatic effect.
Application: rubbed into cleansed skin in areas of inflammation twice a day for about 1.5-3 months in a row. Maximum period of use is 6 months.
Contraindications: allergy
Conclusion: Antibiotic medications are truly effective treatments for acne. The result from them is noticeable already on the 2-3rd day of use. But there are also disadvantages: in addition to getting used to the product, which means much less effectiveness during subsequent course treatment, the antibiotic destroys the natural flora of the skin, making it vulnerable to bacteria.

price: Dalacin gel 750 rub., Zerkalin solution 250 rub.

Ingredients: macrolide antibiotic erythromycin
When used externally, it is an anti-acne agent, providing an antibacterial effect.
Dosage: applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day, duration of treatment is 1.5-2 months.
Side effect:, itching, burning, redness, skin irritation.

price: 20 rub.

Compound : antimicrobial agent sulfanilamide.

Streptocide ointment - antibacterial agent Therefore, it is used only in a thin layer for large affected areas (purulent acne).
Contraindications: anemia, hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, renal/, azotemia, porphyria.
Side effects: with long-term use in large doses - systemic side effects- nausea, vomiting, headache, leukopenia, allergic reactions.
Application: can be used in powder form, sprinkled directly onto affected areas, or in the form of an ointment, several times a day, lubricate a cotton pad and apply to the skin.

price: 60-70 rub.

Ingredients: Ichthammol
Accelerates the maturation of boils, has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect on streptococci and staphylococci, and has a keratoplastic effect.
Application: apply a thin layer 1-2 times a day, disinfect the skin before use.

price: 20-50 rub.

Folk remedies against acne

The best remedies for acne on the face were invented by nature or by people through long-term experimentation on their own skin. Undoubted advantages folk methods is the lack of addiction to treatment, but the effectiveness of such therapy cannot be guaranteed. Each individual reacts to traditional treatment differently.

Activated carbon

This inexpensive sorbent is used both externally and internally. During the period of external treatment, a so-called intestinal cleansing is carried out using activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. The tablets are taken immediately before bed with plenty of water, 2 hours after dinner. A total of 10 procedures are required with a one-day interval between each. Activated charcoal is used externally as a cleansing mask; just mix a few charcoal tablets with warm water and a few drops until thick. Apply the mask either to the entire face or specifically to pimples for 10-15 minutes after 3 days. Among other sorbents, one can highlight Enterosgel, Polyphepan.

Herbal infusions

Herbal infusions should be considered as an adjuvant treatment for acne. It is recommended to use infusions of beneficial plants as lotions and tonics, freeze them in ice and wipe the skin in the morning. Such procedures naturally disinfect the skin, cleanse and promote healing of inflammatory elements. There are no restrictions on use.
Medicinal plants for pimples and acne: chamomile, oak bark and leaves, burdock, birch leaves, raspberry, elderberry, plantain.
Method of preparing the solution: for 1 liter of boiling water take 2 tbsp. dry raw materials. After 10 minutes, the medicinal infusion is ready. It is recommended to use dried plants, since they contain a high concentration of beneficial substances.

Bay leaf

The plant helps tighten pores and disinfects the skin. It has a good tonic effect and improves metabolism inside cells. Regular use of bay leaf lotion gives visible results within 2 weeks.
Cooking method: Laurel leaves are poured into a glass glass without compaction. The glass is filled to the top hot water(about 80 C) and leave for several hours, then filter and cool in the refrigerator. Wipe the skin with lotion three times a day. If there is an abundance of purulent inflammatory elements, a tincture of laurel in vodka will help: a quarter of the jar is filled with leaves, the rest of the volume is topped up with vodka and sealed. Leave in the dark for 2 weeks, then spot treat the inflamed areas.

Tar soap

Medicinal soap based on natural birch tar has long been used in the fight against acne. Soap perfectly dries, disinfects and relieves inflammation. Soap is used for washing in the morning and evening, gently treating the skin with foam. You can leave the foam on your face for a few minutes. It is recommended to wash off cold water. The result can be seen already in the second week. You should not use tar soap for too long, because... it destroys the natural lipid layer and dries out the skin.


Despite its apparent simplicity, this plant treats acne very well. It is used very simply: the juice is squeezed out of chopped parsley and used in its pure form as a lotion for wiping the skin. You should use it for at least a month: acne and blackheads will disappear, the skin will become healthier and acquire a matte tint.


If there are pimples on the forehead, they can be spot-treated with toothpaste. If you also have bangs, then this treatment can be carried out during the day while at work. The paste dries out inflammation well, and if it contains plant extracts, it promotes skin healing.


A mixture of equal amounts of crushed oatmeal and milk powder is used for washing as a soft scrub. When used daily, it promises quick results. You can add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the mixture to enhance the effect.


An aloe leaf is cut in half and applied to the areas of inflammation with a cut. You can lubricate inflamed skin with aloe juice. When first used, there is usually discomfort and a slight burning sensation, but it is worth enduring - an excellent bactericidal and healing effect is guaranteed.

Nutritional yeast

Used as a base for a mask: 25 grams of yeast are mixed with hydrogen peroxide to a semi-liquid consistency and gently treat the skin, leaving the mixture for 10 minutes. Apply the mask 2 times a week.

Green tea

The plant is an antioxidant and is good at disinfecting and healing the skin. After brewing and cooling, tea leaves are applied to the face, and gauze soaked in green tea (unsweetened) is placed on top. Leave for 15 minutes, repeating 2 times a week.