How to remove a hangover. How to relieve a hangover at home under normal conditions. Water, mineral water

Hangover syndrome is the result of poisoning the body with ethyl alcohol fumes. Toxic substances are formed during the breakdown of any alcoholic beverages, even beer and wine. Dangerous compounds damage the digestive organs, liver and nervous system. A person develops severe thirst, headache and nausea, and pressure surges. To restore the functioning of the body, you need to cleanse the blood and internal organs from toxins and start metabolism.

Water and brine

Hangover symptoms occur due to decreased concentrations of potassium, magnesium and sodium. Minerals are washed out of the body along with toxic compounds, so immediately after waking up a person is advised to drink a glass of cucumber or tomato pickle, or even better, cabbage pickle. They will increase the level of salt in the body and help with headaches.

If you constantly feel sick, it means that there are particles of undigested food mixed with alcohol in your stomach. Products release toxins that irritate the walls of the digestive organs. The ideal way out of the situation is to induce vomiting. A person drinks 1.5–2 glasses of salted water, and then presses medium and index fingers to the root of the tongue. If yellowish mucus with a bitter taste comes out of the stomach along with half-digested food, the organ has been completely cleansed and there is no longer any need to induce vomiting.

Sorbents help with nausea. For example, Enterosgel. But the most affordable option is Activated carbon or its analogs such as “Polysorb”. The tablets are taken according to the instructions twice a day: immediately after waking up and 5-6 hours later.

Patients who experience heartburn in addition to the symptoms of a hangover are recommended to drink a glass of water with 15 g after the sorbent. baking soda. The medicine is stirred so that the additive dissolves in the liquid. Drink the product in small sips. Soda can be mixed with 1 tsp. table or iodized salt.

Headache quickly relieved cold and hot shower. The procedure is indicated for people who do not have heart problems, otherwise due to sharp drop temperatures, the patient’s blood pressure may rise and tachycardia or arrhythmia may appear. Hot baths are contraindicated if you have a hangover. They dilate blood vessels and increase blood circulation, which causes toxins to be absorbed faster into the internal organs. You should not visit a sauna or bathhouse on the first day after a fun time. Yes, at high temperatures a person's sweating increases, and dangerous substances are eliminated along with natural secretions. But the bathhouse is a test for the cardiovascular system. The patient may suffer heatstroke or hypertensive crisis.

Most safe way To combat hangover symptoms, stand for 15–20 minutes under running water at room temperature. It is better not to use shampoos and gels, as strong odors can increase nausea.

When the nausea decreases and the pulse returns to normal, you need to go outside. Walking on fresh air awaken the body and invigorate. You can sit on a bench in the park or near your house, but it is better to avoid direct sun rays. Ultraviolet radiation worsens your health and leads to an exacerbation of hangover symptoms.

Juices and herbal infusions

You need to drink at least 1 liter of liquid 2-3 hours after waking up. Still will do mineral water, as well as vegetable and fruit juices. Tomatoes quench thirst well and facilitate the work of the liver. You can eat 1-2 fresh or pickled fruits. Red vegetables contain vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessels, tones and accelerates the elimination of toxic substances.

For nausea and low acidity, a cocktail of homemade or store-bought tomato juice is recommended. Pour 1-2 cups of tomato mixture into a blender bowl, add 1 chicken white or a whole egg, season with a sprig of celery and a pinch of salt. Beat the ingredients until smooth and drink in one gulp.

Orange juice is beneficial for alcohol syndrome. Freshly squeezed is better, but store-bought will do. The drink contains ascorbic acid and potassium. The substances speed up metabolism and cleanse the liver of harmful compounds. Vegetable and fruit juices are replaced with dried fruit compotes:

  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • raisins;
  • apples;
  • dried figs.

The infusion of crushed products is poured into a thermos and steamed with boiling water. The container is closed for 2–3 hours. The compote is sweetened with honey and a slice of lemon or orange is added. The infusion is drunk together with pieces of dried fruit.

If after a stormy feast you need to go to work, in the morning they prepare an invigorating cocktail that cleanses the liver of toxins and reduces the symptoms of a hangover. Boil a 2-3 cm long ginger root in 1 liter of water. Add 500 ml of orange and 200-250 ml of lemon juice to the spice tea. The sour drink is seasoned with 2 tbsp. l. natural honey. Drink 150 ml, pour the remaining medicine into a thermos or plastic bottle and take it with you to work. An invigorating cocktail is taken every 2-3 hours.

Herbs, no worse than juices and brines, normalize the heartbeat, improve performance and relieve hangover symptoms. Medicinal decoctions prepared from 0.5 liters of water, to which you can add:

  • 1 tbsp. l. mixtures of yarrow, thyme and wormwood;
  • 120 g chopped St. John's wort;
  • 20 g anise fruits;
  • 1 tsp. hop cones;
  • 4 velvet flowers.

The selected mixture or plant is poured with cold liquid. Heat to 75–80 degrees in a steam bath. Infuse in a bowl wrapped in a scarf or terry towel. Strain and sweeten before use natural honey and drink in small sips throughout the day. The hangover decoction can be prepared in advance and simply warmed to room temperature before use.

Oats and fermented milk drinks

Ethyl fumes primarily hit the liver. To facilitate the work of this organ and start metabolism, you need to drink a decoction of oat grains. A glass of the workpiece, washed under the tap, is filled with 1.5 liters of water. Place on the stove for 50–60 minutes. Turn on medium heat and stir occasionally to prevent the grain from burning. The result is a thick jelly, which is separated from the cake and mixed with 1 tsp. l. salt. Drink after waking up and in the first 3-4 hours.

Alcohol also affects your stomach. Warm milk helps start digestion and relieve nausea. Dissolve a pinch of red or hot pepper. Take 200–250 ml of the product at a time. This treatment is not suitable for people with gastritis and high acidity.

A glass of kefir or fermented baked milk normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Fermented milk drinks populate digestive organs beneficial bacteria and launch metabolic processes. Only the product needs to be warmed to room temperature. It is advisable not to mix kefir with brine or sauerkraut, so as not to provoke diarrhea.

The simplest treatment method is green tea with a slice of lemon. Honey, not sugar, is added to the drink, or it is drunk without sweetener. The tea contains antioxidants that neutralize toxic compounds and suppress attacks of nausea.

Proper breakfast

People with a hangover don't even want to look at food, but doctors recommend not skipping breakfast. The easiest snack is a banana. The fruit is rich in potassium, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It also contains starchy substances that coat the irritated walls of the stomach and relieve discomfort.

The concentration of toxins is reduced through liquid meals. The stomach will not like fatty cabbage soup or borscht, but a light broth will come in handy. The medicinal dish is prepared from beef tenderloin or chicken breast. The meat is boiled with carrots and onions, you can add broccoli, some potatoes and sweet peppers.

Rice water has soothing properties. For 1 part of cereal take 3-4 parts of water. The porridge is simmered over low heat for 25–30 minutes. The liquid is separated from the rice, honey or a pinch of salt is added to the drink. The decoction is useful for nausea and indigestion caused by alcohol abuse.

Boiled or fried eggs. The product is combined with oatmeal or buckwheat porridge and a light vegetable salad, which is seasoned vegetable oil. You should not abuse fatty and fried foods. A stomach weakened by alcohol does not tolerate bacon, chips, processed foods and lard. Sandwiches with sausage, butter and mayonnaise increase nausea and cause vomiting.

Additional funds

Lemon peels relieve headaches. Rub the temples and bridge of the nose with fresh peel. You can put it on your forehead cabbage leaf or pieces of raw potatoes. Breathing exercises also help. It is done after a shower. A person fills his lungs with air and holds his breath for exactly 6 seconds. Then he exhales slowly.

People with healthy stomach can combat hangover symptoms with an egg cocktail. It consists of table vinegar diluted with water and a pinch of hot pepper. The products are poured into a beaten egg and add some salt. The medicine is drunk in several large sips.

To relieve nausea headache And bad smell, you need to chew cardamom or thyme seeds. Spices are added to soups, salads and cereals. If you have a severe hangover, it is recommended to take a tablet of Alco-Prima, Bison, Alko-Seltzer, Zenalka or succinic acid.

What is prohibited to do

  1. A bottle of beer or a glass of vodka will not eliminate a hangover. Alcohol will accumulate in the body, and the person may go on a long drinking binge. Even a solution prepared from ammonia.
  2. Smoking only after a hearty breakfast, and it is better to abstain from tobacco. Nicotine slows down metabolic processes and increases the load on the liver, so toxins are eliminated more slowly.
  3. Don't drink coffee or black tea. Strong drinks are bad for your work nervous system and hearts. They cause tachycardia, hypertension and worsen headaches.
  4. Do not consume cold food or drinks. They cause cramps in the stomach and can provoke vomiting. Any food, decoctions and even water are heated to 35–37 degrees.
  5. Do not overload the body. After a short walk, it is better to sleep or lie on the sofa in silence. TV and loud music will only increase headaches and worsen your mood.

The consequences of a stormy feast are eliminated with herbal decoctions, fruit juices and the right breakfast. Sorbents help with hangovers and special drugs, rich in potassium, magnesium, ascorbic acid and sodium. In advanced cases, you can go to the hospital and get a cleansing drip, which will quickly remove unpleasant symptoms and return the person to normal life.

Video: how to treat a hangover

The question of how to relieve a hangover at home arises both for a lover of alcoholic beverages and for those who rarely drinking man. Popularly, this condition is called a hangover, and we will introduce you to the main ways to independently remove a hangover with its characteristic headache and swelling.

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How to relieve nausea, headaches and other symptoms

Do not try to fight the urge to vomit. In this way, the body fights toxins and tries to remove them from the body. If nausea torments you, but there is no vomiting, you can provoke it yourself. To do this, drink as much as possible more water and, putting two fingers in your mouth, stand over the toilet or basin. Vomiting with bile from a hangover indicates that your condition will improve within 5-7 hours.

Tea, fruit drink or chicken bouillon good to relieve nausea and symptoms of a severe hangover at home. You can drink ginger or black sweet tea with lemon, berry juice, chicken broth, and fermented milk products. Eat an English breakfast before leaving home. Fry two eggs and a piece of bacon or lard.

If you are wondering how to relieve a hangover headache, you can take a painkiller or put a cold compress on your forehead. Ice cubes or any cold object are wrapped in a towel. The action of cold will narrow the dilated blood vessels and the pain will go away.

A contrast shower will be your ally in the fight against headaches due to a hangover. First stand under the streams hot water, due to which the skin pores expand and the removal of toxins is activated. A cold shower will give you a boost of energy. Take a twenty-minute bath at a temperature not lower than 37 degrees, adding a few drops of lavender and rosemary to it.

Pills and medicines that quickly relieve a hangover

They will help in the fight against the consequences of yesterday's revelry medicines and special drugs for over-drinking. Effective tablets for a hangover - these are activated carbon, aspirin and no-spa. When you have a hangover, drink charcoal (1 tablet / 10 kilograms of weight, it removes toxins), 2 tablets of no-shpa, it supports the liver and 1 aspirin, it thins the blood and reduces pain.

The most popular special means are:

· Zorex. It is recommended to start taking it on the evening of drinking. You need to take three capsules per day. Zorex Morning effervescent tablets will help activate the body's strength and quickly remove toxic substances.
· Alka-Seltzer – relieves headaches. It is forbidden to take more than 8 capsules per day.
· Zenalac. Improves the condition of the body and supports internal organs. Two capsules are taken.
· Anti-hangmelin is taken on the day of the feast or the morning of 4 to 6 tablets.

How to relieve a hangover using folk remedies

An effective drink that relieves hangovers at home is a cocktail of two egg yolks into which three teaspoons of sugar are ground. A glass of citrus juice and half a glass of heavy cream are added to the solution. How else to relieve a severe hangover? For example, sour berry juice or citrus juice, diluted with still water.

Restoring your hydration and acid-base balance. An effective remedy from overdrinking is the use of non-carbonated mineral water - Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki.
In the fight against alcohol withdrawal, dryness, jitters and trembling in the hands, the “old-fashioned methods” will also help.

· In the morning it is recommended to drink half diluted with cold water cucumber pickle. It replenishes fluid deficiency and is suitable for preparing folk hangover soup. Fresh and pickled cucumbers, boiled potatoes, green onions and slices of chicken or beef are cut into one bowl. The products are poured with cold diluted brine.
· If you feel dizzy and have a headache after a hangover, then oatmeal broth will help. It will relieve pain, normalize liver function and neutralize toxic substances.
· Homemade infusion of hops and mint, which is poured with boiling water. Tea is suitable if a person does not know how to relieve anxiety and hangover
· Kvass. The drink contains thiamines, beneficial microorganisms, enzymes and organic acids that intensively process the breakdown products of alcohol. You should not drink store-bought kvass, which will only worsen the condition.
· How to relieve palpitations and the main signs of binge drinking. Take half a glass of cabbage brine and some medium-thick tomato juice.
· Bath or sauna best medicine, if you don’t know how to quickly relieve a hangover after a binge. Staying in the steam room activates sweating and opens the pores of the skin, due to which toxic substances are removed from the body.
What helps better against a hangover and what better relieves its symptoms, “grandmother’s recipes” or classical medicine, is a controversial issue. Read a more detailed article about treating a hangover.

How to remove fumes from a hangover at home

People's advice will help if you have to work in the morning and need to quickly remove the smell of stale beer or vodka from your mouth.
· Rinsing your mouth with a mixture of water, vinegar (2 drops/1 glass) and lemon juice will help prevent the smell of alcohol.
· Chew a few coffee beans thoroughly, which will remove the odor for about 2 hours.
· Immediately before communicating with a person, chew bay leaves, cloves, parsley, cinnamon or pine twigs.
· The smell will go away for a short time if you chew the nutmeg.

The unpleasant smell from a hangover will increase if you smoke or drink alcohol. In order not to experience all the “delights” of this terrible state, read our article “How to drink so that you don’t have a hangover.”

If the article “How to quickly relieve a hangover at home” was useful to you, do not hesitate to share the link. Perhaps this simple solution you will save someone's life.

Those who are too early to call alcoholics are also familiar with hangover syndrome. Quite often, the symptoms of this phenomenon appear in people who are practically non-drinkers or moderate drinkers. Experts explain this by the fact that not only in cases of binge drinking, but also when consuming small amounts of alcohol-containing drinks, alcohol leaves its consequences.

Once inside the human body, alcohol is broken down into breakdown products such as fusel oils, formaldehyde, etc., which, poisoning the body that has taken alcohol, cause a number of unpleasant sensations.

These discomfort and is called hangover syndrome; in medicine it is known as abstinence syndrome. Its duration depends on the degree of intoxication of the body. In binge alcoholics, this condition can persist for up to 5 days. For those who drink alcohol irregularly, the hangover syndrome lasts no more than a day.

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Vomit
  • Hunger
  • Reaction to loud sounds and harsh light
  • Feeling of shame.

Typically, hangover symptoms in such cases go away on their own after sunset. In cases where it is not possible to get over the illness calmly or the symptoms are quite acute - headache, vomiting - hangover remedies available for use at home will come to the rescue.

The arsenal of products available for use at home is quite rich. It includes an incredible number of ways to cure a hangover at home, which indicates the popularity of this problem in society, unfortunately.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the common opinion that you need to treat with what made you sick is definitely not suitable in this case. Despite the fact that the use is not large quantity drinking alcohol for a hangover actually relieves its symptoms, experts categorically prohibit the use of this method. Similar treatment Not only will it not bring any benefit, but it will also do harm, continuing to poison the internal organs. In cases of binge alcoholics, this method may provoke a binge rather than cure a hangover.

Stages of getting rid of a hangover

So, how to relieve a hangover at home? In order to quickly get rid of an unpleasant condition, you need to perform the following steps:

  • cleanse the stomach
  • remove toxins
  • restore water balance
  • relieve pain syndrome.

Stomach cleansing

To quickly get rid of suffering, it is necessary to carry out a stomach cleansing procedure. Despite all its unpleasantness, it will remove any remaining alcohol from the stomach. To do this, you need to prepare a liter of a weak (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate and drink it. Then induce vomiting. Sometimes this is not required, so the body tries to treat what it receives on its own by vomiting. In such cases, you should not stop it at first, as it will clear the stomach. However, do not forget that excessively prolonged vomiting can cause dehydration.


Having removed the remaining alcohol, you should continue treatment to remove accumulated toxins. Activated carbon will help with this. When calculating the dose, it is necessary to take into account weight - one tablet is taken per 10 kilograms of body weight. Ammonia will help relieve the condition. A few drops of alcohol per glass warm water It will also help remove toxins.

Treatment of intoxication can be carried out using sorbents. These drugs “bind” toxic ingredients and remove them from the body, cleansing it.

Treatment for a mild hangover can be continued in a steam room or sauna. Accelerated sweating will help eliminate waste and toxins. In severe cases accompanied by increased blood pressure, or in cases of hangover after heavy drinking, this method is not recommended.

A walk in the fresh air will improve your well-being and speed up the elimination of toxins.

Restoring water balance

Helps you get rid of hangover pain faster drinking plenty of fluids. Still mineral water will help relieve hangover symptoms. In addition to restoring lost water, it will also replenish the lack of minerals in the body. The fact is that as a result of drinking alcohol, a number of mineral components are removed from the body, the lack of which causes discomfort.

Treatment for a hangover involves drinking small amounts of fluid regularly to avoid vomiting. Lemon or orange juice is suitable as a drink, hot tea, a small portion of strong chicken or beef broth.

Relieving pain

In this case, treatment involves taking pharmaceutical drugs– Paracetamol, Aspirin, Andipal or Citramon. Special anti-hangover medications will help to quickly alleviate the condition. At home, you can remove the symptoms of a hangover using the following means:

  • "Alkozeltzer" or "Alco-Prim". Both medicines contain citric acid, aspirin and soda. The combination of these components restores the acid-base balance, helps get rid of headaches and quickly removes toxins. In addition, glycine, which is part of Alkozeltzer, restores nerve cells.
  • The drugs “Antipohmelin” and “Bison” help remove toxic breakdown products of alcohol from the body.
  • "Alko-Buffer", which includes milk thistle extract, normalizes liver function.

In addition to these medications, medications may be used to support activity of cardio-vascular system, sleeping pills, vasodilators and sedatives. The latter will help get rid of the anxiety, worry, shame, and emotional stress that accompany a hangover.

When using pharmaceutical drugs at home to help treat hangover symptoms, you must be very careful and calculate their exact dosage. The influence of alcohol breakdown products and existing health problems can cause complications in cases of improper use of medications.

Folk remedies for hangover

Traditional medicine has a large number of recipes that help solve the problem of how to overcome a hangover.

  • Lemon is considered the best remedy to get rid of a hangover. A glass of water with lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey will relieve thirst. If you rub lemon slices on your temples, you can relieve headaches. Garlic and raw potatoes, which are also applied to the temples, have the same effect. To do this, turn the garlic into a paste and apply it for about 10 minutes. It is not recommended to keep it longer to prevent burns to the skin.
  • Before the advent of medicine, it was proposed to treat hangovers with herbal teas containing mint and chamomile. A decoction of ginger root is no less effective.
  • If vomiting occurs, a water-salt solution will help stop it. To prepare it, a small amount of salt and soda must be dissolved in water and drunk in small sips. Tomato juice with salt and pepper will help stop vomiting.
  • Massage will ease your hangover ears– the ears need to be rubbed until they turn red.
  • Restores digestion chicken soup or a regular banana. Eating a banana will calm the stomach and restore potassium deficiency.

Breathing exercises for hangovers

Treatment with original breathing technique suggested by the Japanese. It consists of taking a deep breath, holding your breath and exhaling slowly. Each action must be performed within 6 seconds. These exercises will help you cope with headaches. Brain cells poisoned by poisons provoke the occurrence of intracranial pressure, which causes headaches. Gymnastics allows you to saturate the brain with oxygen and dilate its blood vessels, which relieves pain.

What not to do

Relieving a hangover at home is possible only in cases where there is no direct threat to the life and health of the patient. IN medical practice There are rare cases of death from a hangover caused by drinking too much alcohol, but do not forget that the presence of hidden diseases can provoke irreparable consequences. In cases where a person has problems with the heart, blood pressure, kidneys or liver, treatment for a hangover should be under the constant supervision of loved ones.

So, let’s look at what not to do to relieve hangover symptoms:

  1. Drink alcohol. A small dose of alcohol will help get rid of the torment, but not for long. A new dose of alcohol will only prolong the intoxication.
  2. Smoking. The nicotine contained in cigarettes will increase discomfort - nausea and dizziness.
  3. Take either a hot or cold bath. Temperature changes can negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is not recommended to expose your head to a stream of ice water. Such a procedure will cause sudden cooling, which can lead to spasms of cerebral vessels, which can provoke a sharp change in blood pressure and even loss of consciousness. In such cases, if a person falls, he may be injured and will have to be treated not for a hangover, but for ears or a concussion.
  4. Do heavy physical activity.
  5. Drink tonic drinks - strong hot tea or coffee. Eating them will not help relieve unpleasant symptoms, but will only increase thirst, palpitations and fermentation in the stomach.

In addition, it is worth remembering that you can only fight a hangover at home in uncomplicated cases. Signs that you should not delay going to the hospital are:

  • Continuous vomiting
  • Signs of a heart attack (shortness of breath, blue lips, pain in the substernum)
  • Presence of blood in vomit
  • Increased pressure
  • Confusion.

You may also be interested

After a noisy feast, many people are interested in how to quickly recover from a hangover, since sooner or later they need to return to everyday work. There are a large number of methods that can alleviate the condition of the body. First, you should cleanse your stomach, which has accumulated a lot of toxins and other breakdown products of ethanol - this will help relieve a hangover quickly. Secondly, you need to take a contrast shower and wash with cold water. In this article, we will look at popular methods on how to get rid of a hangover at home.

Get rid of a hangover quickly

Withdrawal syndrome is a rather uncomfortable human condition that creates a large number of problems and reduces a person’s performance and vital signs. For this reason, after a noisy holiday, everyone is looking for ways to quickly recover from drinking. The following symptoms are typical for a hangover:

  • The person suffers from nausea and vomiting;
  • Very bad headache;
  • Thirst is tormented as the body becomes dehydrated;
  • There is an increase in temperature;
  • General weakness throughout the body;
  • Blood pressure levels change;
  • A hangover can lead to depression.

How to quickly relieve a hangover at home? Waking up after a cheerful alcoholic feast, a person feels heaviness in the tin, so it is difficult for him to do anything. If he needs to go to work or an important event, then he should very quickly get rid of the hangover and return to normal condition and appearance.

Attention! The appearance of a hangover depends on many factors, not just the amount of drinking. It is influenced by the quality of the alcohol and the range of alcohol you drank.

The most popular hangover cures

Our ancestors also knew how to relieve a hangover. To do this, different methods were used, and in different countries There were different options for getting out of a hangover. So, for example, in Ancient Rome drank raw eggs owl, and in England they prepared a special wine, which was infused with eel and frog. In the 19th century, experiments led the population to the warm milk and soot method. As we can see, in history people have gotten rid of unpleasant symptoms using quite extreme ways to come to their senses. Thank God that progress does not stand still, and today there are many options on how to cure a hangover quickly and painlessly.

Modern scientists do not consider a hangover to be a single symptom that occurs after drinking alcohol. This is a series of several consequences that need to be treated comprehensively. Most swipe falls on the liver, which is responsible for breaking down foods and removing toxic substances from the body. If a small amount of alcohol is drunk, the organ can easily convert it into carbon gas and eliminate it. If the situation is completely opposite, then the consequences can be the most ardent. For example, swelling increases, heart rate increases and spasmodic attacks occur. Knowing the main symptoms of the phenomenon, you can use several proven remedies that help with a hangover. Among them are the following methods:

  • Gastric lavage. Clearing toxins and other waste products will really help relieve a hangover. To do this, you can use folk remedies or special-purpose medications;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids will help cure a hangover. When drinking alcohol, the body becomes severely dehydrated. Therefore, it is necessary to stabilize the water balance. It is better to drink mineral water, filling the gaps of salt, which is also eliminated along with the liquid;
  • A contrast shower will help remove a hangover. Stand under water for about 20 minutes and you will feel much fresher and more alert;
  • Our ancestors knew how to treat a hangover, who removed thirst with kvass, kefir, orange juice or water with honey and lemon. Brine is also in high demand, and today it is considered one of the most popular methods for quickly getting rid of a hangover.

There are no specific rules for hangover treatment, because each person selects methods based on individual preferences. Next, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will help you get rid of a hangover after drinking more easily:

  • If you have a severe headache, there are several options to relieve the discomfort. The most popular way out of this situation is to drink a special painkiller tablet. Lemon, raw potatoes or cabbage, pieces of which are applied to the temples will also help: for about 1 hour;
  • The next point is how to quickly relieve attacks of vomiting and eliminate nausea. To do this, you can drink tomato juice with salt and pepper: this should be done gradually, in small sips. Activated carbon will help greatly, which should be drunk at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight;
  • A solution of water and ammonia (6 drops per glass) will help relieve a hangover, including ridding the body of intoxication;
  • Pay special attention to nutrition. My brother gets rid of unpleasant symptoms by eating chicken broth. And indeed, after it you feel a powerful surge of strength and energy, which is very useful after drinking;
  • You can treat a hangover at home with the help of oats, which will help remove all poisons and help the liver return to normal functioning. To do this, you need to make a solution, using 1 cup of cereal per 1.5 liters of boiling water;
  • A walk in the fresh air will quickly help you get rid of a hangover. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve blood flow and remove toxic waste from the body;
  • The optimal remedy for a hangover at home, quickly restoring the body, is a soda solution. Simply mix a teaspoon of the substance with a glass of water and drink.

Attention! In order to speed up the elimination of toxins, you should steam in a sauna or bathhouse.

Popular folk remedies for hangovers

Folk remedies hangover remedies are very popular among the population, as they were passed down from great-grandfathers to grandchildren, and thus have survived to this day. My grandmother told me that she got rid of the unpleasant consequences of a cheerful feast with the help of mint tea. With its help you can really cleanse the body of various harmful substances. Green hour and yogurt also show high efficiency.

It is a completely erroneous opinion that only alcoholic drinks will help get rid of a hangover. Medical professionals do not recommend having a hangover, as the situation can worsen significantly. It is best to drink tomato juice with some salt and pepper. Willow bark, which must be chewed, helps very well against withdrawal symptoms. You can purchase it at any pharmacy where it is freely available. To restore the water-salt balance, you should eat pickles, for example, brine or liquid with sauerkraut. Now you know the main features of treating a hangover and how to get rid of it without leaving home.

After drinking a lot of alcohol, the next morning a person suffers from a hangover. This is due to the removal of alcohol from the body and the effect of toxins on all systems. If your head hurts and feels dizzy, you feel nauseous, it is necessary to remove the breakdown products of ethanol and normalize the water and acid-base balance.

Removing toxins from the body

Homemade hangover remedies should remove toxins from the body. Taking sorbents, an enema, and gastric lavage will help with this.

Activated carbon is often used as sorbents - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, you can crush the dose and take the resulting powder with plenty of water. More modern drugs are Enterosgel, Smecta, tablets containing lignin.

2 hours after taking sorbents, it is important to have a bowel movement so that the intestines are not overloaded. If you can’t do this on your own, an enema with plain water will help. At very feeling unwell after drinking a large amount of alcohol, you need to rinse your stomach - induce vomiting and then take sorbents.

Normalization of water-salt balance

The next help for a hangover is to normalize the water-salt balance. After drinking alcohol, the body is severely dehydrated; the following will help return it to normal:

  • bath, contrast shower;
  • a glass of brine (before water);
  • mineral water;
  • diuretic Veroshpiron ( single dose 200 mg);
  • oatmeal broth (500 ml twice with a break of 40 minutes, a glass for preparation oatmeal pour 500 ml of water, cook for 15 minutes);
  • Aspirin in the form effervescent tablet(500 mg for every 35 kg of weight, at least 6 hours after the last drink of alcohol).

The listed methods transfer fluid from the intercellular space into the blood, relieve swelling and headaches. In an interesting way is to take a liquid and a diuretic at the same time: coffee and non-alcoholic beer. You can eat watermelon, zucchini, strawberries, wild strawberries, drink dandelion infusion or green tea. Furosemide is not recommended for its diuretic effect.

These methods relieve symptoms of acidosis, stimulate metabolism and normalize the Krebs cycle. To restore the acid-base balance, eliminate the feeling of heaviness and heartburn in the stomach, the following drinks will help:

  • alkaline (bicarbonate) mineral water;
  • soda solution(1-2 tsp per liter of water);
  • lemon juice(juice of 2-3 lemons diluted with double volume of water);
  • dairy products(kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ayran).

Acceleration of metabolic processes

To speed up the metabolism and breakdown of ethanol, whose metabolites cause a hangover, it is important to take the following remedies:

  • succinic acid – 100 mg (1 tablet) dissolved every 50 minutes, but no more than 6 pieces. per day;
  • Eleutherococcus tincture - drink 30 drops in a glass of water before meals;
  • honey – 100 g taken throughout the day;
  • kefir – no more than 600 ml;
  • kvass;
  • anti-hangover agents, Glutargin - 1 pc. every hour, no more than 4 pcs. in a day.

Succinic acid is contraindicated for ulcers, gastritis, high blood pressure. Ascorbic acid If you have a hangover, it doesn’t help much, it’s better to focus on milk or lemon. Among the anti-hangover remedies, Limontar, Drinkoff, Zorex, Medichronal are popular.

Improved mood and performance

The following methods will help improve your mood and improve your performance:

  • Glycine – 2 tablets every hour, but no more than 5 times a day;
  • Picamilon – 150-200 mg per day;
  • Pantogam – 2 g per day;
  • Mexidol – 1-2 tablets three times a day;
  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • Novo-passit – 1 pc. every 6-7 hours;
  • Negrustin – 6 tablets per day;
  • Persen, Panangin – 1-2 tablets before meals;
  • Magnesol – dissolve 2-3 tablets in water;
  • magnesium solution - take every 50 minutes, 3 times in total.

Most of the drugs presented are nootropics that improve brain function. Phenazepam is contraindicated - it helps you sleep, but can cause vomiting and hallucinations. Known tonics and stimulants of the central nervous system include coffee, tea, cocoa, taurine, guarana, ginseng, and you can take energy drinks.

To replenish your strength, you need to take a walk in the fresh air, drink an infusion of St. John's wort, rose hips, remedies with valerian, motherwort, sedatives herbal teas. It is forbidden to take Corvalol, Valocordin, Valoserdin if you have a hangover - they contain phenobarbital, which is incompatible with ethanol.

5 ways to relieve a hangover

Folk remedies for hangovers help cope with discomfort and depressed mood just as well as medical ones. Popular recipes.