How to wear a trench collar. How to choose and wear an orthopedic trench collar correctly. Who needs aids?

Shants collar (splint) is an orthopedic device made from materials of different densities. Its goal is to correct pathologies that have arisen in the area cervical spine spinal column. If orthopedic splint is used correctly, the affected area of ​​the neck is relieved, because receives a light massage and is treated with heat at the same time.

Indications for use

There are indications for wearing a Shants collar:

  • with osteochondrosis;
  • if damaged moderate severity cervical spine;
  • for myositis (inflammation of muscles) with various pathologies;
  • newborns with symptoms of muscular torticollis;
  • during rehabilitation after injuries and surgical interventions;
  • for dizziness and neurological pain;
  • poor posture;
  • compression spinal cord.


Despite all the positive aspects of using an orthopedic collar, there are some contraindications for use.

Contraindications for using a collar include:

  1. Presence of dermatological diseases.
  2. Pronounced instability of the cervical spine.

Types and properties of collar

The Shants collar has several varieties. They serve to compensate for the natural apparatus of the neck and have several options:

  1. The inflatable collar has the appearance of a frame made of dense but flexible material. The inflatable mechanism is located between the strips of material. Inflated using a bulb. This allows you to gently stretch the spinal column in the neck area and increase the distance between the joints. Perfectly stimulates blood flow in nearby organs.
  2. Inflatable soft mechanism. Allows you to fix the spine in the required state and does not allow you to tilt your head to the maximum level. Slightly stretches the vertebrae and reduces the manifestations of osteochondrosis. Symptoms of the disease are mild.
  3. Rigid collar with plastic or metal construction. Indispensable for fractures or injuries of the cervical spine.

In case of osteochondrosis, the force of inflation of the orthopedic collar should be regulated by a doctor.

The use of an orthopedic collar is indicated for patients of all ages. The duration of wearing the splint is determined by an orthopedic specialist. A padded collar is usually recommended. Its size can be adjusted with Velcro fasteners. Its upper surface is covered with special fabric and equipped with a protective cover.

The splint collar produces the following effects:

  • reduces tension in the neck muscles;
  • relieves pain;
  • normalizes neuromuscular conduction;
  • improves blood supply to the vessels of the brain;
  • restores muscles and tendons.

How to choose a Shants collar?

When choosing a Shants collar, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Once the splint is placed around the neck, it will limit its mobility. It will be impossible to tilt your head back or tilt it forward.
  2. The height of the collar should exactly match the length of the neck.
  3. The top line of the Shants collar should be at the base of the skull, and the bottom line at the base of the neck.
  4. The collar should support the chin and jaw, and the bottom should run parallel to the collarbone.

If the size of the Shants collar is chosen correctly, the collar will fit snugly to the neck, but will not cause a feeling of squeezing.

If the collar is chosen incorrectly, unpleasant symptoms will appear:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the neck muscles.

If any of the above symptoms occur, the cervical collar should be removed and a doctor should be consulted regarding further use of the collar. The specialist will suggest another modification of the collar or adjust the degree of inflation.

How long to wear a Shants collar?

Wearing a collar all the time is not recommended. This will lead to irreversible atrophy of the neck muscles. During the day, it can be used for no more than 2 hours. The time depends on the patient’s condition, type and extent of the disease. If the doctor may prescribe using the collar 2 times a day for 1 hour. Physiotherapeutic treatment and massage may be prescribed at the same time.

Features of the Shants collar

The collar, when used, does not completely eliminate the problems of osteochondrosis and other diseases. Refers to concomitant therapy, in which temporary relief of the patient’s condition is achieved. The therapeutic collar functions as a support apparatus for the spine.

It has a collar and another name - a cervical crutch. The mass of the head is supported by the distribution of weight on the collarbones and partly the base of the neck. As a result, the head takes the required position, and the neck muscles, tendons and ligaments are not subject to stress.

Therapeutic effect

Patients who used the Shants collar to eliminate discomfort due to osteochondrosis noted the following effect:

  1. Improved overall well-being.
  2. Elimination of skin numbness and pain.
  3. Normalization of blood supply to the cervical vessels.

Shants collar for newborns

During childbirth, damage to the baby's cervical spine is often observed. A neonatologist may prescribe wearing a Shants collar to a newborn.

  • hyperexcitability;
  • short neck syndrome;
  • installation torticollis;
  • movement disorder syndrome;
  • syndrome of depression of the nervous system.

The collar normalizes blood flow to the baby’s brain and facilitates the work of the neck muscles. But if used incorrectly it will lead to muscle atrophy. The child will not be able to hold his head up by the 2nd month of life, because... the muscles will be weakened.

It is advisable to wear it after the session physical therapy or massage to enhance the effect. The duration of wearing is determined by the doctor. Usually this is from 15 minutes to the whole day.

Parents must comply hygiene rules so as not to arise skin diseases. No moisture should penetrate under the collar, the skin of the neck should be clean.

You need to take care of your collar by keeping it clean. Wash it in cold water manually. Dry naturally. You need to make sure that the collar does not lose its shape.

In addition, all doctor's instructions regarding rehabilitation measures must be followed.

The medical device must not be worn on healthy person. This can cause muscle atrophy and other Negative consequences.

The cervical spine is more susceptible to osteochondrosis than other parts. It's connected with physiological characteristics structure of the spinal column. The fact is that the vertebrae in this section are smaller in size compared to others, but they are very mobile, constantly tense and provide normal blood supply to the brain. To alleviate the patient’s condition and help him get rid of the disease, a Shants collar is used for cervical osteochondrosis.

What is a Shants cervical collar?

For treatment cervical osteochondrosis a special splint is used, which is better known as the Shants collar. This soft elastic bandage that provides correct location and fixation of the cervical vertebrae. The Shants collar is made of durable elastic material that follows the physiological curve of the neck and the chin notch, and has a reliable fastener at the back.

Most often, polyurethane foam, a special synthetic material that does not cause allergies in humans during prolonged contact with the skin, is used as an internal filler. For patient comfort, many splint models have replaceable covers made of cotton fabric.

Depending on the rigidity of the collar and the materials used, there are several types of neck braces:

  • soft type;
  • semi-rigid type;
  • hard.

Based on the type of impact on the cervical spine, several types are also distinguished:

  • fully inflatable;
  • partially inflatable;
  • metal.

The fully inflatable Schanz collar is made of a special material that is inflated with air to the rigid state required specifically for the patient. Inflating the collar is carried out in the presence of a doctor. A half-inflatable collar, in which air pockets are located between strips of the main material, works on the same principle.

Metal and plastic bandages are used during rehabilitation period after severe surgery or injury. It is also worth noting that for inflatable bandages, the degree of compression of the spine and the duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician.

To eliminate problems with the cervical spine, a special soft Shants collar is most often used. As practice shows, this orthopedic product is most often used for elderly patients who are especially susceptible to age-related changes bone tissue, as well as children with a pronounced clinical picture of muscular torticollis.

You can buy a bandage at a specialized store of orthopedic goods, or you can make it yourself from improvised means. To make it, you will need a small piece of natural fabric, the width of which is equal to the height of the neck multiplied by 2.

The length of the cut corresponds to the circumference of the neck with a margin of 2-3 cm. A bag is sewn from the fabric, which is filled with cotton wool, padding polyester or other soft material. The collar should be secured at the back with buttons or Velcro.

The main condition effective application Shantz's bandage is the correct size of the product. Modern orthopedic bandages from Shants have a universal size, thanks to Velcro fasteners. Many models are equipped with an additional replaceable cover that can be removed and washed.

Indications and contraindications

The Shants collar is indicated for use in diseases such as:

  • muscular torticollis in newborns;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • myositis;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • spondylosis.

The Shants collar is approved for use by patients of all ages, ranging from newborns to elderly patients.

How to choose the size of a Shants collar

Many patients are confident that they can prescribe wearing a bandage for themselves and buy it themselves, but this position is far from correct. It is best to ask for help from a consultant in a specialized orthopedic store who will help you choose a truly high-quality and useful item.

If the neck contour of the collar can be adjusted using Velcro, then the height of the bandage itself is very individual for each patient. At the front, the Shants bandage should be under the chin, and the chin itself should be fixed in a special notch. At the back, the collar runs along the line of the base of the skull.

The patient's finger should fit freely between the Shants collar and the skin.. The splint must be fixed in such a way as not to block the blood flow to the brain and not to disrupt the physiological curves of the spine.

How to wear a Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis

The Shants neck splint is effective and accessible means, but before you start using it, you must discuss all the nuances of its use with your doctor. Ideally, It is recommended to wear the collar for the first time in the hospital, under the guidance of the attending physician.

Before putting on the Shants collar, skin this area should be thoroughly rinsed warm water with soap and dry with a towel so as not to provoke the development of diaper rash and fungal infections.

If the first signs appear under the collar inflammatory process, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this, and also carry out antiseptic treatment of the wounds using drying agents. When choosing the right model:

  • the patient cannot freely tilt the head forward and backward with a fixed neck;
  • the height of the bandage should clearly correspond to the size of the neck (from below - the base of the neck, from above - the base of the skull);
  • The collar fits tightly to the neck, but does not squeeze it.

The duration of daily wearing of the collar and the duration of the course of treatment are determined individually for each patient. For some patients, wearing a Shants splint for 1.5-2 hours every day for several months is enough, while other patients wear it throughout their lives, removing it only when swimming.

To achieve a more pronounced therapeutic effect, wearing a neck brace is supplemented with a course of physiotherapeutic procedures and massage.

Good day, dear friends!

Today I want to start a conversation with you about sales of orthopedic products. I know you're afraid to sell

Because orthopedic products seem too complicated to you, and you are afraid of doing harm by offering something wrong.

And for some reason it’s impossible to make a presentation of them. Everything seems clear, but when you start telling the buyer about them, it turns out somehow clumsy. Is there such a thing?

You may ask, how do I know all this? Firstly, I train the first-principals, and they share their fears and doubts with me.

Secondly, I did the same a long time ago :) And I was terribly afraid of orthopedic products. Because no one taught us them then. And they raised a lot of questions!

So let's deal with them. And we'll start with the spine. Namely from his cervical region. In general, let's go from above.

Do you know what I was thinking now? “Whoever hurts something, talks about it.” I’m sitting at the computer, tapping on the keys, and my neck aches mercilessly. 🙂 I understand that I need to attach the Shants tire, but I can’t tear myself away.

No, I’ll still go and put it on.

Well, that's a completely different matter.

So, meet:

She's the same soft head holder.

She's the same Shants collar.

She's the same bandage for the cervical spine.

She's the same the rescue for hardcore PC users like me. 🙂

When is it needed?

  1. For neck pain resulting from prolonged work at the computer.
  2. For cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. After a manual therapy session.
  4. For cervical myositis. It has probably happened to you that you wake up in the morning and your neck is “stuck.” This is what he is, my dear.
  5. For use in the late period of rehabilitation after injuries to the cervical spine.

How is it arranged?

Most often, the Shants splint is made of soft polyurethane foam, has an anatomical shape and Velcro fastener.

Polyurethane foam(PPU) is a soft cellular material filled with air. Once upon a time, during Soviet Union, it was produced by the Scandinavian company “Porolon”, hence the name PPU foam rubber.

Some models have plastic insert , which provides stronger fixation. This may be necessary if there is very severe pain in the neck or instability of the cervical vertebrae, which threatens to pinch the spinal cord roots. Or after surgery on the cervical spine.

How does it work"?

Due to the fact that the Shants tire is approximately 2 cm thick, it fixes the cervical spine in the correct position . This normalizes blood circulation and accelerates the restoration of damaged structures. This time.

Polyurethane foam layer has a warming effect on the neck area. Thermal effect relaxes tense muscles , which is often the cause of pain. The muscle spasm “went away”, and with it the pain.

In addition, remember that in the cervical spine there are arteries that provide nutrition to the brain?

If there is a muscle spasm, the blood vessels are compressed, and the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. This is where we get headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus. If the muscles are relaxed, blood supply is restored and the brain again receives its nutrients. These painful symptoms are reduced.

The warming effect improves blood circulation in the cervical spine, resulting in improved nutrition of the damaged area of ​​the spine, recovery occurs faster or the exacerbation of a chronic disease is relieved more quickly.

What types of Shants tires are there?

I already told you that Shants tires are available with or without a plastic insert.

You can also see Shants tires for adults, children and babies. Yes, yes, and there is a soft head holder for them too. Most often it is prescribed for muscular torticollis or after a birth injury.

When which one?

Orthopedic products differ from each other in the degree of rigidity, and therefore in the degree of fixation.

Remember one principle for prescribing orthopedic products:

How the problem is more serious, the stronger the fixation.

Therefore, I repeat, if there is severe pain in the neck area, if there is a threat of compression of the spinal cord roots, after surgery you need a Shants splint with a plastic insert. However, most often this is a medical prescription.

The regular soft Shantz tire is much more popular. When to recommend it, I already said above.

How to choose the size?

As you understand, there are different necks: long-short, thin-thick. Therefore, you need to take two sizes.

Neck height is measured like this. We ask the visitor to keep his head up. Then take a measuring tape and measure the distance from the corner lower jaw(protrusion on the lower jaw 1-1.5 cm down from the earlobe) to the collarbone. This is the height of the neck.

Now you need to measure neck circumference. To do this, we place a measuring tape at the base of the neck above the jugular fossa.

Try on the Shants tire for the buyer. Notice whether his cheeks “lie” on Shants’ splint? If there is a little :-), then you need to take a bandage of a smaller height. The same should be done if the head in the Shants tire is slightly raised upward.

How long should I wear it?

When a buyer asks you this question, be sure to clarify:

Usually it is worn for no more than 3-4 hours at a time, preferably for 30 minutes with breaks of 10-15 minutes.

You will ask why? Because as a result of prolonged fixation, muscle atrophy develops, and your own muscles cease to act as a natural frame. This leads to instability of the cervical vertebrae and threatens complications.

Buyer Information

How to wear

It depends on the tasks that the bandage must solve.

  • In case of severe pain or vertebral instability, the task is to prevent complications and relieve pain. Wear as much as your doctor tells you.
  • For muscle tension, aching pain - periodically during the day during exercise, i.e. while working at the computer.
  • After a manual therapy session - as a rule, the Shants splint is recommended for 2 hours after the session.
  • And for babies with muscular torticollis, doctors recommend constant wearing. Take it off only when swimming.

How to care

If this product has a removable cover, it can be washed only him in the usual way. PU foam usually takes a long time to dry.

If there is no such cover, then wash the bandage by hand at a temperature of 30 degrees without chlorine-containing substances. Do not wring out, dry flat, away from heaters and direct sun rays. If all this is not observed, then it will lose its shape and stop “working”.

A task for you

And now that you know everything, try to tell a buyer about the Shants splint yourself who complains of tension and aching pain in the neck when working at the computer for long periods of time. In general, to me. 🙂

Then you can look at the answer.

To reduce neck pain and tension, I recommend you Shants soft collar.

It has a warming effect, and the heat relaxes the neck muscles, which relieves pain. After all, when sitting at a computer for a long time, the cause of pain is muscle spasm.

The Shants tire is made of hypoallergenic materials, therefore does not cause skin irritation. It is fixed using reliable and convenient Velcro fasteners.

And I also have one question for you (the last one): I ask you to think and tell me, for the sale of which drugs can you offer the Shants splint?

You ask, I answer:

This concludes our first lesson. Do you still have any questions? What information was missing? Maybe you have something to add? Did you like it? 🙂

Write here in the comments.

Next time we will “go down” the spine lower and analyze for thoracic spine. OK?

And buy an exclusive basic course for pharmacy employees on orthopedic products you can here.

See you again on the blog for hard workers!

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova


In modern orthopedics there are many devices that successfully correct spinal abnormalities and prevent the development of disability. Among these is the Shants collar, which can be prescribed from the first days of life or already in adulthood. In any case, this is an important component of the treatment of pathologies of the cervical spine.

What is a Shants collar

If an orthopedist has prescribed you to wear a splint on the cervical spine, the first step is to find out what it is, what it is for, what the results are, and how soon you can expect them. Shants's collar is effective method correctional treatment, when a patient at any age is prescribed an orthopedic device made of special material.

The main purpose of wearing such a collar is to reduce the load on the affected cervical spine and provide warmth and light massage to the characteristic focus of the pathology. The orthopedic device has several varieties, where the determining factor is the material of manufacture. Structurally, Shants collars do not have significant differences.

Shants soft tire

To easily stretch the cervical vertebrae and suppress attacks of the disease, orthopedists prescribe a soft therapeutic collar. It is made of medical foam rubber or elastic porous material for the comfort of the patient. Externally, it is a flexible strip that has an anatomical notch specifically for the chin, and convenient Velcro for securely fixing the position of the neck.

This orthopedic device by Shants limits head tilt, stretches and strengthens weakened vertebrae, and prevents the development of cervical osteochondrosis. The collar is often prescribed in childhood, a common indication for use is torticollis in newborns. It is important to choose the right “spine corrector”, otherwise there will be no therapeutic effect at all.

Semi-rigid collar

Structurally, this option is not much different from its predecessor, it characteristic feature is the material of manufacture. The Shants semi-rigid collar is used for more serious pathologies of the cervical spine, as it fits tightly around the neck and limits turns and tilts of the head. different sides. It is made of dense material with metal inserts and structural elements. When worn every day, it gives the patient a feeling of discomfort. Provides traction of the vertebrae not only in children, but also in adults.

Shantz's hard collar

This metal structure is used for severe lesions of the spine, as an option for a fracture of the cervical spine. A rigid cervical bandage firmly fixes the spinal column in one position, while requiring very long daily wear. It is made of metal or durable types of plastic, with competent medical participation it provides non-surgical methods for eliminating such global problem with health.

What is the Shants collar used for?

For injuries, disorders and age-related weakness of the cervical vertebrae, the orthopedist prescribes corrective treatment, which can take up to a month. If you wear a Shants collar, it limits the flexion and extension of the vertebrae of the neck, holds them in one position, and promotes soft and imperceptible traction. A cervical collar is also necessary for injuries, when it is important to limit increased load to the affected part of the spine.

Shants collar for newborns

If in the first days of life the doctor suspects torticollis, parents will have to buy an orthopedic collar for newborns and put it on the baby, according to all medical prescriptions. Such a device is necessary to stretch and strengthen weakened vertebrae, perform a gentle massage and provide a warming effect. A soft retainer for a baby can be bought at a pharmacy, but before making your choice, it doesn’t hurt to carefully read the instructions. The principle of operation of the Shants collar is explained by a pediatric orthopedist.

Other indications for everyday wearing of a collar are as follows:

  • hyperexcitability;
  • short neck syndrome;
  • movement disorders;
  • birth injuries cervical spine;
  • depression of the nervous system.

Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis

If in the background severe pain migraines occur in the neck, frequent dizziness, decreased visual acuity and general weakness, it is possible that these are signs of cervical osteochondrosis. The disease progresses more often in adults, but also requires additional wearing of corrective devices on the recommendation of an orthopedist. An orthopedic neck collar for osteochondrosis effectively relieves acute pain, strengthens the muscle frame, restores blood supply to the vessels of the neck, stabilizes the sleep phase, and normalizes the emotional background.

Shants collar - application

If the attending physician prescribes such an orthopedic device, you should not violate his recommendations. The Shants collar is an effective method of corrective therapy for lesions of the cervical spine of varying intensity. It is put on the neck, tightly fixed, long time don't take it off. The duration of wear ranges from one to several months, determined individually by the orthopedist. The main indications for everyday wear are the following clinical pictures:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • poor posture;
  • myositis;
  • torticollis of newborns;
  • spinal cord compression;
  • rehabilitation period after injuries, spinal surgeries;
  • migraines and dizziness of a neurological nature.

How to choose a Shants collar

When choosing such a corrective fixation, it is important to consult an orthopedist for advice. Otherwise it will only make things worse general state health. The specialist will tell you what types of orthopedic products are appropriate in a specific clinical picture, what size, and how to properly try on. Before buying a head holder, it is recommended to consider the following nuances:

  1. After trying on the Shants brace, neck mobility should be as limited as possible - it is impossible to tilt your head back or tilt it forward.
  2. The length of the neck and the height of the collar coincide, and the upper line of the orthopedic device should be located at the base of the skull, the lower line - first of the neck.
  3. The upper edge of the retainer should rest against the chin and jaw, and the lower part of the structure runs parallel to the collarbones.
  4. The collar acts as a neck holder, so when making the right choice There is no pain at all when wearing it.

Shants inflatable collar

The use of such a design for diseases of the cervical spine has become widespread among the masses, since the retainer is convenient to use, practical for everyday wear and, if chosen correctly, does not cause discomfort to the patient. The Shants inflatable neck splint is a convenient model that is used for mild damage to the spinal column. Air is pumped into the structure using a special bulb, which provides gentle traction of the vertebrae and increases the space between the joints.

Inflatable bandage

This is an orthopedic structure similar in principle of operation, into which air is also pumped with a bulb. An inflatable neck brace is a kind of “alternative” to the Shants collar, however, the device itself does not treat spinal problems, but eliminates the impact pathogenic factors to the affected area. An inflatable bandage is used for osteochondrosis to maintain a period of remission, as well as for disease prevention. When treating injuries to the cervical spine, radical methods are used.

Neck brace

The rigid collar around the neck is radical treatment spinal column problems. The need to wear it every day arises when severe injuries or vertebral fractures. This type of brace restricts neck rotation, minimizes the load on the affected area, full mode nearby muscles. It will not be possible to quickly cure the characteristic illness; the patient will have to undergo several months of persistent rehabilitation in the hospital and at home.

How to choose the size of a Shants collar

Before you buy a collar at a pharmacy or order it from an online pharmacy, you should decide on the size, since such an orthopedic device can no longer be returned. To do this, position your head so that your eyes remain level with your ear openings. Then, using a centimeter, measure the distance from the sternum to the chin, which is the determining size of Shants’ collars. Neck circumference is a secondary indicator, since all orthopedic collars have a universal clasp and can be adjusted to fit the neck circumference.

How to wear an orthopedic collar

Wear this neck brace tightly, but do not squeeze soft fabrics. Otherwise observed side effects, and the patient complains of nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath. It is important that there is a slight finger gap between the device itself and the neck. Only in this case does it fulfill its main purpose. The optimal height is that the collar should cover the entire neck, from the bottom to the top. In this case, the lower edge rests on the bones of the collarbone, the upper edge holds the lower jaw.

How long to wear a Shants collar

You should wear such a collar every day, and in some clinical pictures It is completely contraindicated to remove it within the specified time interval. The question of how long to wear the Shants collar is best addressed to your orthopedist. The answer is individual for each case, for example, with congenital torticollis, you will have to wear the specified brace for at least a month. In case of exacerbation of a hernia or cervical osteochondrosis, the collar should be worn until the alarming symptoms completely disappear. In this way, you can further strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Is it possible to sleep in a Shants collar?

If we are talking about children's body, a newborn child with torticollis is allowed to sleep in a Shants splint, and remove it only for bathing. Improvements will be noticeable within the first month of daily wear. However, there are pitfalls in this issue. For example, if you do not remove such a collar, the muscles will atrophy. Therefore, in older adults, doctors prescribe wearing the specified orthopedic device for 4-5 hours a day, no more. The time interval for wearing can only be selected by the attending physician for medical reasons.

How to wear a Shants collar for newborns

For torticollis, such a brace is prescribed from the first days of life. Parents must understand how to use it correctly so as not to harm the health of the baby. The Shants collar for torticollis in infants must be worn for a month. More often than not, this time interval is enough to strengthen weakened neck muscles. It is important to put the collar on correctly so that the child does not experience discomfort, then he will completely forget about the existence of the retainer. He must sleep in a collar, and stay awake in Shants's collar. Treatment takes place under strict medical supervision.

How to wear a collar with osteochondrosis

This pathology often progresses in adulthood and is associated with previous spinal injuries, work characteristics of an adult patient, and genetic predisposition. The focus of the pathology is indicated for rest, so the orthopedist must prescribe a collar for the cervical vertebrae. This is protection, massage, and the necessary warming effect. Wear a retainer depending on medical indications, but more often this is a period of 4-5 hours per day for several months.

Shants collar price

You can buy such an orthopedic device in a specialized store in Moscow and beyond. To make the purchase inexpensive, it makes sense to place an order based on photos from catalogs in thematic online stores. The cost of products is much cheaper, but you can make a mistake with the size. Prices in city pharmacies are different; for example, you can check the prices in the capital using the following table.


Corset fixation for osteochondrosis is prescribed as it helps reduce the severity of symptoms and increase the effectiveness of treatment. For such immobilization of the cervical spine, a special inflatable neck collar for osteochondrosis is used. In this article we will look at what this product is, in what cases and for what it is intended, and how to choose it correctly.

What it is?

An inflatable cervical collar for osteochondrosis is an orthopedic design consisting of velor or other soft material, supplemented with polymer, or less often, metal ribs. The standard design also includes a tube and a pump for inflating the device. The structure is hollow, and when air is pumped into it using pumps, it increases in size - both in length and height, fixing the neck in such a way that it becomes motionless.

Devices are produced by different brands. Therefore, these devices differ in service life, quality, characteristics and material. Good corsets are made of soft material that does not rub the skin, and can be changed in size in a fairly wide range, suitable for patients with different dimensions.

Indications for wearing

Wearing a corset in the treatment of osteochondrosis is not always prescribed, since it is not comfortable, not aesthetically attractive, and wearing it may have side effects. But sometimes during periods of exacerbation of the disease it is impossible to do without it. It is prescribed for:

  1. Immobilization of the cervical spine for cupping pain syndrome(when nerve tissue gets pinched at the slightest movement, causing pain);
  2. Relieving stress from intervertebral discs and fixing vertebrae in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment and access nutrients and medications for discs;
  3. Stretching the cervical spine to relieve compression of blood vessels and nerve tissue.

The need to wear such a device is determined by the doctor in each specific case.


Provided that the device is worn in accordance with all the rules and recommendations of the doctor, it can be effective, but only as an additional method. Removing the load from the affected intervertebral discs makes treatment and exacerbation more effective, but in itself therapeutic method is not. It is impossible to relieve the exacerbation of the disease only by wearing a collar - it is necessary medications and other methods of influence.


There are several types of such devices, differing in design and scope, as well as wearing purposes:

  1. Spiral inflatable collar – increases primarily in height when inflated. Necessary for stretching the spine, immobilizes gently. The degree of fixation is weak;
  2. Collars with a lock are an open ring with Velcro. When pumping, they increase not so much in height as in width, fixing more rigidly;
  3. The bandage with an inflatable insert is designed for rigid fixation in severe conditions. Typically, such corsets have a hard plastic part in front and an inflatable part at the back of the collar. Used when rigid fixation in the back of the neck is not needed.

The doctor can choose the appropriate option in each specific case. Since uncontrolled wearing of a collar can have negative consequences, you should not prescribe it to yourself or choose it yourself, because it can be harmful to health.

How to choose?

Your doctor will help you choose the right inflatable collar for osteochondrosis. The dimensions of the patient, the required degree (rigidity) of fixation, the nature of the damage, etc. will be taken into account, but there are a number general recommendations when choosing a bandage:

  1. In front, the upper edge should rest against the chin, the lower edge should run parallel to the collarbones;
  2. At the back, the upper edge should pass near the base of the skull;
  3. The corset should not rub the skin, be excessively rigid, or have sharp parts;
  4. You need to select a collar according to your size.

Inflatable braces are difficult to choose - more difficult than other types of such corsets. Therefore, you need to carefully discuss the aspects of your choice with your doctor.

Where can I buy?

You can buy the device in an online store or at physical points of sale, in pharmacies. The price varies significantly depending on the manufacturer and type of device. Devices made in Germany and the USA are considered the highest quality and most expensive.

  1. Made in Germany // ;
  2. Made in Germany // ;
  3. Made in Germany // ;

Children's varieties of this collar are sold very rarely.

How and how much to wear?

Wearing such a device incorrectly or for too long can have a negative impact on your health. When wearing the device for a long time, the muscles completely lose their own tone without load. As a result, when the collar is removed, they are unable to independently hold the vertebrae in their physiological positions, and as a result, the symptoms become more pronounced.

When wearing, you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. Wear twice a day, morning and evening;
  2. The period of one use is no more than one and a half hours, no more than 3 hours in total per day;
  3. Wear no more than 5 days in a row.

If the patient follows these rules, then using the bandage will only be beneficial.


Wearing a corset is not always necessary, but in certain conditions it is necessary measure. It is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a device and carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations, both when choosing and when wearing the product. In this case, its use will only bring benefits.