How to quickly and easily learn German on your own in a day? How to learn German on your own and quickly: simple, accessible ways

Effective tips on how to learn German that will help you master it in a short time official language Germany.

In today's article I have collected the most effective tips for you, how to learn german, which (I’m just sure of this!) will help you master the official language of Germany in a short time.

In the USSR, German shared the palm with English in terms of popularity of study in schools, often even ahead of it.

Today the situation has changed: most children strive for it as one of the international languages, but they have forgotten about “Deutsch” a little.

And only those who need German for work or travel remain faithful to the glorious traditions of Germany.

If you are interested in this article, then you are one of them.

The main difficulties preventing you from learning German

I studied English at school.

My friend’s niece is now learning German, dreaming of moving to Germany one day.

I would like you to receive recommendations, how to learn german quickly, from a real specialist, and not from a schoolgirl, which is why I talked with her teacher, who has been teaching children not only at school for 15 years, but also privately, doing tutoring.

More than one student of Anastasia Ivanovna entered the university to study foreign language, therefore, I think, one should listen to her recommendations.

The experienced teacher decided to start the conversation not with ways to learn German, but with the problems that await careless students.

According to Anastasia Ivanovna, the main difficulties of newcomers in the plan look like this:

    Wrong motivation or even lack of it.

    Before you start doing something, you must clearly understand why you need it.

    Starting to learn German for a group because your girlfriend or boyfriend is doing it is strange.

    In 90% of cases, sociable comrades quit training at an early stage.

    It’s better this way: you want to learn German in order to make money from translations or have the opportunity to study/work in Germany.

    Lack of discipline.

    Today you still have a hard time learning a dozen words, and in the next 3 days you will even open a textbook or dictionary.

    It won't work that way.

    Only by devoting time to studying every day can you achieve success.

    Even if you are very busy, learn to find time for them.

    And, of course, you should under no circumstances succumb to the persuasion of laziness - to give up on everything and be idle.

    Wrong choice of tools and methods for learning German.

    Every person is unique.

    It is easier for some to perceive information by ear, while others learn only through visual perception.

    There are those who can master new knowledge on their own, some are driven by the desire to become the best in the group, while others are squeezed among strangers and require individual training with a tutor.

    Consider your personality when choosing tools and methods for learning German.

Traditional ways to learn German

If we are talking about learning foreign languages, then most people imagine a long and tedious memorization of first new words, then sentences, then entire texts, climbing through the corridors of the grammar of an unfamiliar language, in general - mortal boredom.

And they are somewhat right.

There are two ways to learn German:

    On one's own.

    Of course, you won’t be completely “on your own with a mustache,” but other people won’t help you. But the following will contribute to the rapid acquisition of a new language:

    • Self-instruction manuals.

    • German-Russian/Ukrainian and Russian-/Ukrainian-German dictionaries.
    • Audio lessons that you can listen to on public transport on your way to work or during your lunch break.
    • Video lessons to help you pronounce correctly foreign words, adjust the articulatory apparatus in the desired way.
    • Schemes, tables, cards, etc.
  1. With the help of another person.

    There are several options:

    • You can sign up for courses and study with a group, and improve your knowledge by doing homework.
    • You can find a good tutor who will work with you individually for as many hours a week as you can afford to pay.
    • Or you can meet a native German speaker, or at least someone who knows it well, and learn new words and sentences through live communication.

The choice of methods for learning German depends not only on your individual characteristics, but also on how much money you have and how much you are willing to spend on learning a foreign language.

Lessons with a good tutor three times a week will cost you a lot.

You will also have to spend money on dictionaries, tutorials, video and audio lessons, although a lot of things can be found online today for free.

An innovative method to help you learn German quickly

Anastasia Ivanovna told me about one innovative technique that makes the process of learning German more fun, and at the same time simplifies it.

It's called mnemonics.

This is a way of remembering new information by building an associative series or.

For example, I associate the word “reisen” (translated as travel) with the word “flight”. We build a logical series: flight – planes – travel.

Or let’s take the word “wollen” (to want). In the Ukrainian language there is a word “volіti” (in Russian it is translated as wanting something strongly).

Here you have a ready-made association.

Of course, it is not possible to perform such a trick with all words of the German language: to connect them with Russian ones, but you can try.

And when you have already accumulated a certain lexicon, move on to writing sentences and grammar rules.

Learn the German alphabet in 5 minutes.

Forward! 😉

I think Anastasia Ivanovna gave my readers great tips, how to learn german quickly.

So, it's time to get down to business!

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Learning German is a lot of work. Don’t believe the loud titles of articles and courses on the Internet and the media called “German in 3 months”, “Learn German quickly” or “How to become a polyglot without making any effort”. This does not happen in nature.

The process of learning German is always full of difficulties. Most likely, you will step over yourself through clenched teeth many times, memorizing the next dozen unknown German words written down in the dictionary for the next lesson.

Moreover, the teacher will most likely check this whole matter scrupulously, look at you sternly, at best say “okay” and, most likely, next time he will ask at least the same amount.

It’s paradoxical that we started an article about how to speed up learning German in exactly this way. But in our German courses via Skype, we never tell our students that it will be easy.

People who promise high results without equal effort on the part of both the student and the teacher most likely simply do not know what they are talking about.

But at the same time, we can promise that studying with us will be interesting, exciting, and also that German you will master it much faster. We will be happy to share some of the techniques on how to speed up learning the German language, as well as make the learning process more interesting, in this article.

For some, the advice below may seem unusual and unexpected. Yes, teachers prefer not to talk about many really useful things, giving out information “bit by bit” to their students after they pay money.

But people will turn to us in any case, since no techniques aimed at speeding up or diversifying the study of the German language can replace a good tutor. But first things first.

1. Find the “right” guy or girl

This is one of the most effective ways combine business with pleasure. To master the German language faster, you need to interact with it as often as possible. The best way to do this is to surround yourself with German-speaking people who don’t know Russian at all and won’t let you relax even for a minute.

And a true language enthusiast should not pay any attention to the rest. Moreover, 98% of people on the planet constantly talk to themselves. After all internal dialogue it doesn't stop for a moment.

We constantly prove something to ourselves, affirm and retell it. As they say in Tibetan Buddhism, the mind ordinary person- This is a raging elephant, which is extremely difficult to tame. Imagine what will happen if you direct this colossal energy in the right direction!

If you regularly, loudly and clearly talk out loud to yourself, then, firstly, you will very quickly get used to your language. Many people find it difficult to speak German to others simply because they are afraid of how their speech will sound to others. They get lost, confused and make many more mistakes than if they did the same decisively and without fear.

But after talking to yourself a little, you will soon realize that not everything is as bad as it seems. Your speech is very good, considering that you are just in the process of learning German. From this moment on, speaking skills will begin to improve at a completely different speed.

In addition, speaking in a foreign language always involves some other facial muscles and oral cavity, which are not used in the process of communication only in their native language. To develop them, you need to exercise regularly.

When you think in German, you activate a large layer of previously learned vocabulary. And in the future, at the right moment, the right words will “find” themselves during a conversation with other people. Most of us think much more than we say. By integrating this aspect of your life with the German language, the learning process will go faster.

5. Memorize films in German

Is this the first time you have heard such “instruction”? In fact, memorizing phrases from movies, TV series, TV shows, books and songs is much more effective than simply cramming unfamiliar words written in a dictionary. Indeed, in this case, all the vocabulary contained in the phrases learned in this way immediately becomes active.

If this is your favorite film, then along with the lines you will probably remember the context within which the words were spoken, and even the facial expressions of the characters. Associative memory will be fully involved. Thus, it will not be at all difficult to obtain from the subconscious at the right time the necessary combination of words and phrases.

But effectively learning a film in German is also a whole science. We recommend the following sequence of actions:

  1. Choose your favorite German-language film.
  2. Watch it first with subtitles and then without them.
  3. Download the movie script from the Internet and then print it out.
  4. Read the script and highlight any words that seem unfamiliar to you.
  5. Learn these words.
  6. Watch the film again, reading everything the characters say along the way.
  7. Break the script into scenes and begin to gradually learn it from memory.

Memorizing a movie is no more difficult than memorizing 300 unfamiliar words from a dictionary. But this is a much more exciting activity. Moreover, it will allow you to literally speak German “on the fly”. This is an extremely effective, fast and also very fun way of learning.

We hope you take advantage of these powerful tips to speed up your German language learning as efficiently as possible. But do not forget that they do not replace classes with a teacher, but only complement them.

Perhaps someone will tell you that you can quickly learn a language without a teacher, by studying diligently alone. Of course, it is possible to achieve some progress through persistent independent study.

But learning German on your own, and doing it quickly, is simply impossible. An experienced teacher will always correct the student in a timely manner so that the mistakes he makes in pronunciation and writing of words and sentences do not become a habit.

In addition, a good teacher will offer the shortest path to mastering the German language, based on the student’s abilities.

By signing up for classes with one of them, you can be sure that your learning process will be led by real professionals in their field. We recommend you try it. Moreover, our trial lesson is completely free.

Mnemonics techniques

Mnemonics techniques have been known since antiquity. Periodically, they experienced times of increased interest and prosperity. But one thing has always been clear: their knowledge and use greatly facilitates the memorization of any material and improves memory.

Advice: Get acquainted with some of the most famous mnemonic techniques and test their effectiveness for yourself.

1. "Loci" technique

New words are “assigned” to well-known objects on the way home, to pieces of furniture in the apartment, etc. For example, you need to learn German words that have a special inflection mixed type: der Buchstabe, der Gedanke, der Wille(n), der Funke, der Friede(n), der Name, der Same(n), der Haufen und das Herz. “Place” these words mentally or on cards with the word and/or picture on stationary objects in your room. Watch and remember.

2. Keyword method

A foreign word is remembered in pairs with a word of the native language that sounds similar, and both are remembered in some image:
“Gabel” - “rake” (Mentally draw a picture: a giant eats with a rake.)
“Bratkartoffeln” - “brother” (Mentally we draw a picture: a photograph of a brother who has a potato instead of a head.)
“Wetter” - “wind” (Mentally draw a picture: the wind drives clouds and brings good or bad weather.)

3. Technique of associative connections

It is associated with the property of our memory to remember faster and more firmly what is in a natural or logical interdependence. Associative links can be of various types:

3.1. Interactive:
To learn a series of words, you need to connect them into an associative chain, even an absurd one. For example, you want to remember neuter nouns that form plural using the suffix -en, which is atypical for this type:
das Auge, das Bett, das Ende, das Hemd, das Interesse.
Draw a mental or real picture: at the end of the bed there is a shirt, from the pocket of which an eye is peeking out, in the pupil of which the word “interest” is written.

3.2. Grapheme:
Easier to remember similar words, if you come up with “knots for memory” (in German they are called Eselsbrücken - “donkey bridges”) and graphically secure them. For example: nap R avo - R echts, on L evo - L inks.
This makes it easier to remember the rules for using conjunctions a ls-w e nn:
A ls in der Verg A ngenheit einm A lig, w E nn in der G E g E nwart m E hrmalig,
or gender of nouns: de R Fehle R, di E Fahn E,da S Gedächtni S.

3.3. Figurative:
der Hahn - rooster and cock (in shape); plötzlich - imagine a person in front of whom a stone falls into a puddle and splashes him with water from head to toe.

3.4. With native language:
die Trauer - “mourning”, rot - red like a “mouth”, flott - “fast” like an Aeroflot plane; die Dose - "tin can" (with cola) - my daily "dose".

3.5. Kinesic or "motor":
“Tying” a word or phrase to a gesture or movement. For example, prepositions with dative and accusative cases are easy to remember if you memorize them accompanied by semantizing gestures: in, an, auf, vor, hinter, über, unter, neben, zwischen.

3.6. Contrastingly ridiculous:
In order to remember, for example, the gender of words, especially in cases where it does not coincide with the native language, which causes annoying errors:
das Bett - bed O, der Sessel - chair, das Regal - regiment O, die Couch - sofa A. You can memorize German words by looking for similar and funny associations for them in your native language: Überraschung - “stunning”.

3.7. Natural:
For example, to memorize the gender of nouns, memorize groups of words as they are usually used:
ein Glas Bier, ein Stück Brot (all neuter words),
eine Tasse / Flasche Milch, eine Scheibe Wurst, eine Stunde Zeit (all feminine words).
And, in general, try to learn new words not in isolation, but in “natural” word combinations:
eine große Rolle spielen, an der Universität studieren, einen Deutschkurs be suchen, die Prüfung ablegen, am Tisch sitzen, mit Appetit essen, sich über jemanden lustig machen...

4. Techniques for writing sentences or writing stories

For example, you need to remember the verbs that form Perfect with sein:
sein, werden, bleiben, folgen, begegnen, gelingen, misslingen, passieren, geschehen.
You make up a story in which you use all these exception words:

Ich bin Detektiv. Heute bin ich in der Stadt gewesen. Ich bin einem Mann gefolgt. Es ist dunkel geworden. Plötzlich ist mir mein Freund begegnet. "Was ist passiert?" - wollte er wissen. - "Warum bist du nicht zu Hause geblieben? Es ist world nothing gelungen, dich telefonisch zu erreichen." Endlich bin ich meinen Freund losgeworden. Es ist nichts Schlimmes geschehen. Aber meine Verfolgung ist misslungen!

5. Technique for composing rhymes

To remember various words, rules and exceptions, for example:

Vor l, m, n und r, das merke ja, steht meistens das Dehnungs-h.
Nach l, m, n, r, das merk dir ja, steht nie tz und nie ck.

-chen und -lein machen alles neutral und klein.

Regelmäßige Verben tun nicht weh, vorne ge- und hinten -t.
Bei Verben auf -ieren kann nichts passieren: ohne ge-, aber hinten -t.

Bis, durch, gegen, ohne, um, für - öffnen dem Akkusativ die Tür.
Durch, für, gegen, ohne, bis, um - Akkusativ, sei nicht dumm!

Aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu - sieben sind es an der Zahl
wünschen stets den dritten Fall.

Aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu
Fordern Dativ immerzu!

Während des Sommers ist es heiß
Wegen der Sonne, trotz des Regens
Um des Lernens willen lerne ich Deutsch
Anstatt mich ins Bett zu legen!

Über, unter, vor und zwischen,
an, auf, hinter, neben, in
Nehmen Dativ nach dem "wo?"
Und Akkusativ nach "wohin?"

6. Techniques for composing acronyms (or abbreviations)

For memorization, for example:
coordinating conjunctions: ADUSO - aber, denn, und, sonder, oder;
suffixes-indicators of various genders:
der Ig/ling/or/ismus
die Heit/ung/keit/ei/schaft/tion
das Tum/chen/ma/lein/ment/um.

7. Technique of melodization and rhythmization

Singing a speech cliche or a stable phrase to a simple well-known melody:
Würden Sie mir bitte sagen! - “Nikolai, let’s have a smoke!”
Schwer zu sagen! - “Get up early, get up early, get up early!”
To learn the spelling s/ss/ß: Nasse Füße machen Spaß, weißt du das?

8. Technique for visualizing the meanings of words or the content of rules, For example:

phonetic: emphasis on long vowels: BrOt, sUchen, trÖsten;


for example, depict the conjugation of strong verbs in the present tense in the form of “your own” special table or:
depict the frame structure of a German sentence as a bridge, on both sides of which there are, for example, verbs and prefixes:

Ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf.
Wann stehst du auf?

4.2. Want to know everything! Or how to master vocabulary, grammar, phonetics

A million, a million, a million new words...
I guessed!
Dictionary or flashcards?


To learn German words, you can write them out from words randomly or alphabetically. Every day you need to try to remember at least five words, in total this is a decent figure per year. The method works if you have little time for analysis and creativity. Repeat them out loud as many times as necessary to words bounced off the teeth. To be able to remember at the right time, it is better to group them by topic.

Some people teach words from certain texts. They choose a passage from a work of art and try to remember it. The text is memorized in entire paragraphs, and understanding the meaning of the sentences is not necessary. The method is good for improving speech skills. It is advisable to choose modern texts, with vocabulary commonly used in wide circles.

German words you can remember if you write them out on separate cards: on one side the translation, on the other the word in the language. You need to train your memory every day, looking through the cards and finding out what you remember and what you need to learn. A similar technique is learning German words from pictures.

Borrowed words are well remembered words And words-internationalisms. They are recognizable and understandable. Try not to confuse them with false friends. For example, Spirt is not only , but also gasoline and fuel.

Teach words by word-formation elements. For example, the prefix un- adds the meaning of the opposite, for example, abhängig - dependent, unabhängig - independent. Prefix fort– -, fortfahren – to leave. The suffix -bar means ready, trinkbar means drinkable.

To learn more German words, laws. Remember, translation is done from the end words. Forschungsschwerpunkt - the main problem is research (Forschung - research, Schwerpunkt - main link).

Helpful advice

Try to be aware of what you are learning, and not engage in mindless cramming.

Learn German language on your own is a small feat. To do this, you will need to speak, listen, and read German every day. If you are ready for this - go ahead!

You will need

  • Manuals and reference books on the German language, the Internet, many new German friends to practice the language every day.


Take a big one and write on it: “I want language, because...", and list all the motivations that you have for this desire. Hang whatman paper in front of your eyes and do not remove it while you are in the process of learning. You must clearly understand that you are teaching language so as not to throw everything away in a day. Learn language- this is a huge job.

Start by studying. Watch movies, TV series, talk shows on language e. Do this in order to get used to German speech. Don't choose films that are too complex - take something in between that uses more colloquial speech, because you need to start simple. Read newspapers, magazines, blogs, books. You will remember how to write - this will help you advance language It's much faster.

Video on the topic


If you are going to hire a tutor, take it seriously. It is better if it is a teacher with sufficient work experience. Don't rush to the first private ad you come across. It is better to use the services of a language school.

Helpful advice

There are now many volunteer programs that are designed specifically for people who want to live in Germany and learn the language at the same time. This option is suitable for people who know the language at least at a basic level.


  • Work in Germany in 2019

Remember German words– a necessary part of learning German. At quick memorization Words make language easier and more effective. To better memorize words, you need patience, daily work and willpower.

You will need

  • Cards with German words.


Take German courses or work with a tutor. Remember that memorizing words alone will not lead to language learning. Any language, including , in the system. Memorizing German words is only part of this system. It is impossible to speak in English only by memorizing words.

Write down the necessary words on cards (on one side the word, on the other - the translation and). Organize them into groups: “home”, “family”, “hobbies and entertainment”, “food”, “shopping”. Refer to the cards every day, let them always be at hand - in your bag, in your pocket, on your desktop. Repeat words at any opportunity.

Create new cards as often as possible, 5-7 pieces each. The learning process must be continuous. Hang up cards with German words we are at home. Let them be in the places where you spend the most time: on the refrigerator door or on the computer screen.

Try to use recently words in written and oral speech. Insert new German ones words in your speech when performing various tasks on, during classes in courses, when communicating with native speakers. Take every opportunity for repetition and active use.

Remember German words while watching films in a foreign language, reading German literature or listening to music. Any positive emotions make the learning process much more effective. Have fun learning.

Use mnemonic techniques and the method of associations. Remember words in conjunction with the Russians words mi. The connection can be absolutely anything. The more absurd the better. For example, the word spielen means to play, frolic. It sounds similar to the Russian word "spire". Use this similarity - "Tommy on the spire and played." Make such chains, and the quality of memorizing German words will increase significantly.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Be patient and practice every day, this is the only way the result will be guaranteed!


  • German words cards in 2019

The phonetic system of the German language is distinguished by a large number of pronunciation rules. A person who has a large lexical base and a perfect command of grammar will look illiterate, ignoring the phonetic laws of the German language.


To pronounce German correctly words, carefully study the basic phonetic laws of this language. Special difficulty when reading and pronunciating they represent sound combinations, . IN words x, where there are two “a” sounds next to each other, for example, “Saat”, “Waage” the sound “a” is pronounced drawn out.

If the vowel sound comes at the beginning words, such as “an” “und” “Ende”, pronounce it clearly without deafening. In academic German phonetics this pronunciation law is called “Knaklaud” (hard attack).

IN words x, where the sound combination “ie” occurs - “dienen”, “Lied”, “tief”, the sound “e” is not , but a long “i” is pronounced. The sound “i” will be long in the combinations “ih” (ihm, ihn) and “ieh” (Vieh, ziehen). If the sound “i” is between two consonants (mit, bitte, Wind), then it is pronounced briefly, without excessive length.

The sound “e” is read as [oi] in the following combinations: - eu (neu, heute, Freund); - au (lauten, Gebaude); - oi/oy (Broiler, Boy).

The sound “e” is read as [ai] in the following cases: - ei (Seite, deide); - eih (leihen verzeihen); - ai (Mai Saite); - ay (Bayern).

The most difficult sound to recognize and function competently in speech is the sound [ш], which is formed by forming complex sound combinations. Sound [sh] in German

    To learn the beginner level of German A1, I know live examples that were learned in 1 month. But this is also record-breakingly fast, since the person already knew English (many things in these languages ​​are similar) and one of the West Slavic languages ​​(also much in common with German speech). And it took a month. But in one day nothing at all. But you can learn it for free (video).

    It is impossible to learn a language in a day, especially if there is no base! I tried to learn German on my own from scratch, I spent a lot of time and effort, and besides, if there is no self-discipline, then this undertaking can be stretched out for years. If you want to quickly master a language, then it is best to take foreign language courses. I can recommend courses at Yazykoved-I, they have very competent teachers, training is carried out according to an individual plan, with home visits and a flexible system of discounts. I mastered German in a fairly short period of time and further learning of the language went much faster and more efficiently. Now I use free sites and communicate with Germans without difficulty.

    The site is still in beta testing, but there is an entry level of German.

    The question is not an easy one.

    My answer is no way. And any thinking individual realizes this. It is unlikely that an ordinary (!), average person will be able to do this even by 10 percent. Even if he studies for 24 hours straight, without breaks.

    The human brain will not allow him to do this.

    We just need periodic rest and distraction to completely different things.

    I’m not saying this out of spite or anything else, but only because I myself checked how much information I could remember in 1 day. At first, I seemed to remember certain words and sentences, but over time (after an hour or two), memory displaces previously acquired knowledge in favor of new ones.

    Especially if you try to push this knowledge into your head in a day.

    So there's no way to learn it.

    You won't even be able to comprehend the basics.

    Learning a language takes time, just like any other activity. Besides, I find German to be a rather difficult language.

    Isolation from native speakers and immersion in the linguistic environment of Germany will help in learning it. This will greatly speed up the period of adaptation to a foreign language. I am planning to visit my German friends this summer.

    I think this will do me good. And good luck to you in achieving your goals :)

    It definitely won’t happen quickly and easily, but if you approach this issue wisely, it will definitely work out faster. I go to the Linguistics School of Foreign Languages ​​and learn German, although I also tried to do this at home, but nothing worked out. I chose the school based on reviews on the Internet and let me tell you, it was quite successful. By the way, I study there with my sister and sometimes she can’t go to classes and the teacher comes to her home in the evening. A very convenient service for busy people. This is our experience and I am sharing it with you, but of course it’s up to you to decide!

    I have been teaching for many years and have reached the most minimal heights. And in a day you will only be able to read some kind of manual (if you read without stopping), but you will not understand a single word. Learn in a day foreign language no prodigy can do.

    Now this is not a problem. Previously, in schools, for several years a student did not learn to connect even a couple of phrases, but now you can independently begin to speak slowly within 2-3 days from the start of mastering the course. A lot of different materials have been published, the most famous being the lectures of Dmitry Petrov.

    In one day you can learn the most basic everyday phrases and rules for using simple expressions in the German language. It is hardly possible to learn a language. Perhaps you can begin to understand German speech only if you are in a German-speaking environment and then these will be the most simple words and expressions. It is impossible to learn German in one day. The brain needs a break from large quantity new information. But here's the most a basic level of You can easily learn it in a couple of weeks, but you need a well-designed training program and strict adherence to it. Naturally, this requires great diligence. And don’t be afraid to speak like a migrant worker. It’s not scary, because your goal is to understand and be understood. Forward!!!

    You know how sea captain Vrungel taught his senior mate Lom English language in three weeks?

    For this purpose, he chose a special, hitherto unknown method of teaching: he invited two teachers for the senior assistant. At the same time, one taught him from the beginning, from the alphabet, and the other from the end. . . Exactly three weeks later, senior assistant Lom reported to Vrungel that both teachers had taught him halfway through, and thus the task was completed. That same day they set sail, as they were already delayed.

    This is actually humor. Read the wonderful book by A.S. Nekrasov The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.

    In the cartoon of the same name, Lom learned the language even faster - a board fell on his head, and he woke up right with full knowledge in English.

    There is no way to learn a language in a day. It is more effective to achieve more or less the skill of speaking out and understanding primitive information in German in 1 day if you consistently go to several crowded places (market, stadium, cinema, supermarket, folk festival) in the outback of a German-speaking country (Germany, Austria, Switzerland , Belgium).

    If you want to learn the German language, then you will learn it, but not in one day, you need to take video lessons, buy a manual on the German language for beginners, and it is advisable that you have a partner or partner, it will be easier to learn, by the way, the German language is both readable and and is written, you must first learn the alphabet and listen to the pronunciation of words, German words are a little rough in their pronunciation, the main thing is to start, and then it will be easier, but you need a special desire to learn this language, many people study for years, but they don’t succeed, It all depends on your psychological mood.