Intelligent dog breeds. The smartest dogs Rating of smart dogs of the breed 100

The methodology for determining the smartest dog breeds and their intellectual abilities was compiled by the American animal psychologist Stanley Coren. He also set up an intelligence scale for dogs of the 133 smartest breeds. The researcher surveyed US show ring judges and dog trainers and, based on the survey results, wrote the book “Dog Intelligence” (1994). Based on these data, our rating “The Most smart breeds dogs in the world."

Photo: Border Collie. The smartest dog breeds

The top ten smartest dog breeds in the world are. This breed was developed 100 years ago as a new line of Scottish Collies mixed with a variety of Sheepdogs. The result is a very smart and hardy working dog. After special training, she can work as a guide for the blind or as a nanny for a child.

Takes second place. Representatives of this breed not only perform in the circus, demonstrating their abilities. They are used as hunters, rescuers, observers, and security guards. They are smart and loyal, obedient and love challenging games.

3. German Shepherd

In third place is the world leader service dogs. Loyal, brave and intelligent, the breed is highly dependent on companions. She obeys commands almost the first time and can learn a new command in just a few repetitions. They love to constantly learn new things, so the German Shepherd can be trained in any dog ​​craft.

4. Golden Retriever

Capable of remembering up to 200 commands, which makes it an indispensable human companion. Patient and loyal, they are always ready to learn new things and serve their master.

5. Doberman

He obeys his owner well and is easy to train. And thanks to its endurance and innate fearlessness, it is one of the most popular breeds. They are confident and very loyal.

6. Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

– a reliable guard, quickly adaptable and obedient. The Labrador Retriever is popular for its patience, loyalty and intelligence. They are easy to train and love to play with children. They work for the police to search for things and people and are excellent guides. Watching the owner, they often copy his behavior.

7. Labrador Retriever

Popular for his patience, loyalty and intellectual abilities. They are easy to train and love to play with children. They work for the police to search for things and people and are excellent guides. Watching the owner, they often copy his behavior.

8. Papillon

Papillon (Papillon)

– a little dog with butterfly ears is much tougher, stronger and smarter than it seems at first glance. They are hardy and fiercely protect their owners, and are easy to train.

Known for their keen perception, stoicism, unflagging devotion to their master and courage. These dogs are independent and even aloof, distrustful of strangers. They are aggressive, but manageable and well trained.

10. Australian Cattle Dog

Photo: Australian Cattle Dog on the list of “The Smartest Dog Breeds in the World”

Australian Cattle Dog She also has amazing intellectual abilities, is attentive and devoted, loves everything new. Herding dogs know how to organize themselves and are easy to teach them to put their toys back in place after playing.

These breeds obey the trainer in 95% of cases and master the command in five repetitions. Training such dogs is easy even for a beginner.

The smartest dogs in the world

On the basis of intellectual abilities, the author of the book "Dog Intelligence" took the dog's understanding of a new command and execution of this command the first time. The author himself admits that this scale has a drawback - it is dependent on the ability to obey and has little connection with the abilities of creativity and understanding. As a result, some breeds ranked lower on the Smartest Dog Breeds list due to their independent nature rather than poor trainability.

The professor divides dogs into six categories:

  1. the smartest dogs (Einsteins),
  2. dogs with excellent abilities (Clever),
  3. with intelligence above average (Able guys),
  4. with average intelligence (Hard Workers),
  5. below average (Stubborn),
  6. simply beautiful.

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For thousands of years, man and dog have been inseparable friends. Some herd herds, others are not averse to hunting, others protect their home and territory, and others faithfully serve their fatherland. But all of them are united by one quality - canine devotion, which is the only and main motto of the four-legged friend.

They have always been, are and will be close to people. These are the only creatures that love a person simply because he exists.

Scientists for a long time tried to find out how dogs develop mental ability. As a result, they came to the conclusion that it is enough for dogs to repeat the command 5 times so that they can remember it. Based on this theory, a rating was formed 10 smartest and most loyal dogs.

A dog you can trust in everything. The homeland of this wonderful breed is Australia. Local residents bred them as herding dogs and they had no equal in this matter. Hardworking, balanced, flexible healers have excellent mental abilities. It is this quality that brought them into the top ten dog leaders on the planet.

infinitely faithful and devoted dog, who is the ideal guard. They are obedient and well trained. These dogs are cheerful and active. Shaggy Australians quickly remember commands and do it with great pleasure.

A nanny dog ​​is the second purpose of this breed. Having absorbed the shepherd's instinct with their mother's milk, they will never offend the child and take care of him, like real educators. For those people who truly love them, they are ready to give their dog’s heart forever.

At first glance it inspires respect. She is ready to make self-sacrifice for the sake of her owner's life. The ancestors of modern Rottweilers lived in ancient Egypt and Babylon. Dogs helped people hunt, guarded their homes, took part in military operations and at the same time were loyal friends.

A courageous, strong, but slightly lazy Rottweiler agrees to serve a person faithfully at the present time. This dog should be trained with early age. From the first words he understands what is required of him, but only a strong-willed and calm owner will carry out commands unquestioningly.

In the family, the Rottweiler behaves like a peace-loving bumpkin and does not show aggression towards children and other animals at all. But as soon as he suspects danger, he turns into a real devil with whom it is better not to argue.

Thanks to their unusual ears, they are affectionately called butterfly dogs. They have ancient history. Nobles and kings kept them in their palaces. These cute little beauties bring joy to your home. With their cheerful barking, funny “bells” will report to the owner about the latest news.

Little Papillons are a fashionable, elegant breed and are ready to accompany a person twenty-four hours a day.

They are able to amaze the imagination with extraordinary mental abilities. “Butterflies” instantly remember and carry out many commands. They do this with pleasure and without much difficulty. Their main task is to please those who love them. In exchange for their owner's love, they are ready to walk on their hind legs and dance the waltz.

Need some company? At your service . They will meet you, escort you, wait, carry bags and bring slippers. And if you need to serve in the name of saving humanity, then their keen sense of smell and strong paws are always ready to do any job.

This breed is famous as affectionate and friendly. They will not bark for no reason and bare their teeth at strangers. Minimum aggression and maximum love, that's who they are Labrador retrievers. The “shaggy psychologist” knows perfectly well the path to a person’s heart and is ready to be close to the owner at any time of the day or night. Children are the object of his adoration; he allows them literally everything.

Labrador Retrievers are universally trainable. But security and fighting qualities are strictly contraindicated for him. The main mission of the Labrador Retriever is peacekeeping and this is its great uniqueness.

6. Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

This is a small representative of the Scottish Cattle Dogs. It has been familiar to man since time immemorial. Externally similar to a collie, the miniature Shetland is distinguished by the fact that it has its own pedigree line.

Sheltie always agrees to herd livestock, but her unearthly beauty looks more elegant on a green lawn, where a cheerful and charming Sheltie will happily demonstrate her mental abilities. She will do whatever the owner asks without reservations, as long as he is satisfied and treats her to a tasty treat.

The Shetland Sheepdog will become a friend and companion, play with children and be a source of pride on walks.

Her chic, shiny fur brings complete delight. Only caring for such a treasure will require a lot of time.

Unprecedented stamina, endurance, sensitive sense of smell, sharp vision, graceful movements and athletic physique - this is all the Doberman Pinscher in person.

Conquers beauty, charisma and strength of character. Serving and working next to a person is a common activity for them. Search for drugs, guard secret facilities or stand up full breasts to defend justice, the magnificent Doberman will do all this without any special reminders.

The Doberman is a flow of energy, which they are able to expend during long walks or physical activity. Dober will not tolerate a despot. Regular training, patient and persistent training can bring him stellar results.

These dogs have their own point of view on everything and only a competent and experienced breeder can understand his character. They will never follow stupid commands, and they agree to run after a ball only in puppyhood.

An intellectual in dog form! This is how this dog breed can be characterized. Beautiful and charming, Golden Retrievers can make anyone fall in love with them. These rather large and stately dogs are famous for their sensitive sense of smell; they can smell danger in a second.

– this is a real treasure for people with limited vision. They agree to work on land and in water. This intelligent, good-natured fellow is created for a large, friendly and loving family. He will do everything possible to please his owners with his intellectual abilities.

They are ready to lie for hours waiting for walks and do not create fuss or inconvenience, even in a small area. They are playful and loving, intelligent and obedient.

You can safely call police officer. She is ready to serve man and the law from puppyhood. Everything that the owner requires from her German Shepherd performs perfectly. She will guard the house, serve in the army, participate in rescue operations, search for criminals - this is her job! And in moments of rest, the shepherd dog will happily run for a stick or play with children.

The intelligent eyes of German Shepherds are full of charm. Beautiful body proportions and measured movements create the image of a calm and thoughtful dog. These dogs know the value of loyalty and love. They will not betray under any circumstances.

God forbid that uninvited guests encroach on his territory. At that very second, the “calm German” will rush to the embrasure, at the cost of his own life, protecting the owner and his family.

This dog breed is always at the peak of popularity. She is easy to train and even a novice dog breeder can get along with her.

German Shepherds like to work, overcome difficulties, and they agree to the most dangerous activities. The peculiarity of their character is that they are slightly willful and it is impossible to force them. Only gentle touches and good words are able to inspire heroic shepherd dogs to new exploits.

Currently associated with decorative dog who performs in the circus. Who would have thought that previously they played a completely different role. Poodles participated in duck hunting, they looked for those wounded in the war and worked as field postmen, accompanied blind people and helped peasants with housework. Mentions of this breed are found on the frescoes of ancient Rome and Greece, in the chronicles of Italy and France.

Today the poodle is one of the most common breeds in the world and is a unique friend and companion. The popularity of the breed lies in the fact that it is not only cheerful, affectionate and beautiful, but also a very smart and peaceful dog.

Training poodles looks like a kind of game that even a child can do. The curly dog ​​happily does everything that is asked of him. It remembers commands literally the first time and does not require long training.

Every day he can delight his owner and household members with new tricks. The original appearance, smart eyes and devoted heart of poodles have found millions of fans.

Everything connected with the owner (game, sleep, walk or long trip) poodles are a joy. Love, intelligence and great devotion - characteristics these cheerful thinkers.

The leader of the star hit parade of intelligence and devotion is the Border Collie. This breed Universal Soldier: she is a shepherd, a watchman, a nanny, a friend, an actress, an athlete and a great hard worker. The blood of ancient herding dogs flows in her veins, and the Border Collie has preserved this instinct to this day.

Despite their cute appearance, Scottish Borders selflessly protect their home and family. They are brave and courageous dogs.

These collies absolutely love small children and pets. Thanks to such love, they are ready to shepherd them around the clock and make sure that no one gets lost.

Borders are wonderful students and training lessons bring them great joy. From the first words they understand what is required of them. Moreover, they are able to think independently and can understand their owner without words.

Border collies are truly smart and are able to remember more than a hundred words and carry out a huge number of commands. This breed is not for the lazy and requires daily training. It comes easily to her, and the dog will ask for more and more new tasks.

A dog's intelligence can be assessed in different ways. However, there are lists with the smartest breeds that are confirmed by official research. Some scientists assessed the ability to train, others to remember words or actions in free flight. Therefore, the definition of “smart” can be considered conditional. The question worries many researchers and lovers of four-legged pets, which affects different opinions about selection criteria, assessment of abilities.

A psychology professor from Vancouver named Stanley Coren compiled his top 10 breeds with developed intelligence:

  1. Border Collie.
  2. Poodle.
  3. German Shepherd.
  4. Golden retriever.
  5. Doberman.
  6. Shetland Sheepdog.
  7. Labrador Retriever.
  8. Papillon.
  9. Rottweiler.
  10. Australian Cattle Dog.

Their learning abilities were considered excellent. On average, all dogs executed commands 95% of the time, and to remember them it is enough to repeat them 5 times. The above list includes service, herding, former hunting and even decorative breeds.

This does not mean that all Border Collies or Papillons are highly intelligent and learn very quickly.

Much depends on:

  • genetics;
  • health;
  • living conditions;
  • education by the owner.

However, there is a relative guarantee that the breeds from the Canadian top 10 will be smart. IN next group Those with excellent learning abilities, according to Stanley Koren, are the Welsh Corgi, Schipperke, Bernese Mountain Dog, Miniature Schnauzer and many others. They showed excellent obedience from the first command given in 85% of cases. It took them up to 15 repetitions to learn new ones.

The list of breeds with above average abilities includes the Yorkshire Terrier, Newfoundland, Irish Setter, Samoyed, Amstaff and others. Their result is 70% execution of commands the first time and 25 repetitions for learning and memorization. Average abilities were noted in Siberian Huskies, Fox Terriers, Boxers, Shar Peis and Great Danes. In half the cases they did not follow the command, and to master the skills they had to repeat them up to 40 times.

This scientist's research has shown which dogs are the worst to train:

  1. Afghan Hound.
  2. Basenji.
  3. English bulldog.
  4. Chow-chow.
  5. Russian greyhound.
  6. Bloodhound.
  7. Pekingese.
  8. Beagle.
  9. Mastiff.
  10. Basset Hound.
  11. Shih Tzu.

The criteria for this group: 80 to 100 repetitions of commands and a 25% probability of execution after the first return. These are the worst results among all the breeds studied.

Here you can see that most breeds are involved in hunting. They are geared towards independent work in unusual conditions. There is an element of creativity in their actions. You cannot call them stupid; there is not a single breed in the world that initially has low level intelligence. Greyhounds, Spitz-types, and mastiffs differ from their relatives in their freedom of thinking and less focus on people.

When training such breeds, owners are faced with stubbornness and reluctance to carry out the same command several times.

Enough to train them basic course obedience and pay attention to working qualities. Hunters have their own criteria by which the smartest dogs are determined. They must act decisively, carefully and show good results in his field. Many of them do not even have pedigrees.

Unfortunately, due to the published rating, ordinary people have extremely negative opinions about such breeds as the Afghan Hound, Chow Chow, and Pekingese. It is worth considering the selection criteria in this scientific work and consider each individual individually.

All the results of Stanley Coren's work are described in his own book. In total, 80 breeds and 208 judges participated in the research. To do this, the scientist turned to canine organizations in the United States and asked to record how the animals carried out the command the first time and how many repetitions were needed to remember it.

In the course of his research, Koren concluded that intelligence can be adaptive, instinctive and working. Interestingly, in his opinion, young breeds show better learning and training abilities. He designated 6 conditional groups based on the data obtained. In the first, the Canadian scientist indicated the smartest dog breeds, and then the listing goes in descending order of intelligence.

Additionally, in a book dedicated to the psychology of four-legged pets, Koren described their development in general, and also touched on working qualities, in particular hunting skills and instincts. The author warns that his own top 10 breeds cannot be considered universal, because the selection criteria do not address some types of intelligence. It is Koren who claims that adult dog developmentally comparable to a two-year-old child.

Despite the popularity of the book “Dog Intelligence” 20 years ago, today the Canadian psychologist’s conclusions are often questioned. Modern trainers and specialists in the field of animal psychology emphasize that it is necessary to test the abilities of dogs in natural conditions when solving non-standard problems.

Stanley Coren is responsible for developing a test to determine a dog's IQ. It consists of several stages and involves the creation of certain situations. For example, the pet must be over 1 year old; before the test, it cannot be overly physically stressed or starved.

The American Kennel Club has compiled its own list. It includes the following breeds:

  1. Border Collie.
  2. German Shepherds.
  3. Bloodhounds.
  4. Labrador retrievers.
  5. Malinois.
  6. Siberian Huskies.
  7. Golden Retrievers.
  8. Australian Shepherds.

The studies involved various dogs and a large number of dog handlers and specialists. Each of them became the best in a certain field.

Thus, Border Collies have excellent sense of smell and are loyal to their owner. Coping with complex tasks

and adapted to work. Bloodhounds have an ideal sense of smell and are used for search and detection activities.

Labrador Retrievers have made many families around the world happy, but they are not far behind their other counterparts in training and skills. They remember commands easily and love to be useful. For example, they can be found in rescue services, including on water. Golden Retrievers are similar to these dogs in most respects.

Siberian huskies have long conquered the Olympus of sledding sports. There are very few equal breeds in this activity. In addition, huskies are very hardy. In the pastures, Australian Shepherds show the height of their skill. They are valued for their ingenuity, love of work and innate qualities.

Malinois became popular only a few years ago, but the fame of their intelligence and performance spread across all continents and allowed them to enter the top 10 according to the American version. Representatives of this breed work together with the military, solving problems of varying complexity.

During the study, Chaser trained for several hours every day. The person had to name the object, and the animal had to recognize it and find it in the common heap. For convenience, toys were used, the number of which reached 1000 by the end of the experiment. Additionally, the border collie learned to manipulate them, for example, to move them to a new place using their nose or paw after a command from one of the professors.

Chaser managed to remember the names of 1022 toys. He can be considered a unique dog and the only one in the world with this skill. The Border Collie outperformed Rico, who only knew 200 words.

Thus, a British study showed that dogs are not similar in level of intelligence to two-year-old children, and their abilities are simply not fully understood.

The phenomenon is now named after Chaser, because he distinguishes between nouns and adjectives. The absolute record in memorization belongs to the parrot - 1729 words.

The bred dog breeds are unique in their own way, each breed has its own peculiarity, for example, the chow chow has a blue tongue, Newfoundlands are excellent swimmers and lifeguards, some breeds have developed working qualities, while other dogs have intelligence.

Many people strive to have a smart dog that can obey its owner perfectly, follow commands and learn new tricks in a short period of time. When deciding to purchase an animal capable of learning, the question arises: “which breed of dog is the smartest?” However, we should not forget that to develop a dog’s intelligence, you need to make efforts, and not expect that it will grow smart on its own.

Scientific Research on Identifying Smart Dogs

American professor of animal psychology at the University of British Columbia, Stanley Coren, conducted extensive research and in 1994 published the book “Dog Intelligence,” which examines instinctive, adaptive and obedience intelligence. The study included a survey of 200 professional dog obedience experts, including trainers and dog show judges.

Despite the rating smart dogs, the author of the book does not recommend relying on research results as 100% reliable. The rating was compiled taking into account the animals' ability to understand and carry out commands the first time, without taking into account their creative side and ability to understand other things.

Border collies, German shepherds and poodles are considered the smartest breeds. The intelligence of the representatives of the listed breeds corresponds to the intelligence two year old child. A striking example highly developed intelligence is a border collie named Chaser, " lexicon Chaser's book is over 1,000 words long.

List of smart dog breeds

Excellent training abilities (understanding a new command in less than for 5 reps and following commands the first time) the following breeds have:

Breed Distinctive features
Representatives of the breed have developed intelligence, ingenuity, they are distinguished by dexterity and high level energy.
Poodle An active breed with high mental potential. Loyal companions, excellent at establishing contact with people different ages and with animals.
German Shepherd A service dog with endurance and courage.
Golden retriever A friendly dog ​​that performs its duties well in search and rescue operations. Faithful companions characterized by a desire to please the owner.
Doberman Hardy and fast service breed showing fearlessness in dangerous situations. True friend.
Sheltie A working breed characterized by a high level of intelligence and increased activity.
Labrador Retriever Family and sporting dog. Representatives of the breed are affectionate, intelligent, active, friendly animals.
Papillon Representatives of the breed are characterized by cheerfulness and endurance. Papillon - big dog in a small body.
Rottweiler A set of certain qualities allows dogs of this breed to be used as service dogs, herding dogs, and companions. Loyal and loving animals, affectionate with family members.
Australian Cattle Dog Representatives of the breed are distinguished by natural agility, energy, curiosity and ability to obey.

Excellent training abilities, namely to understand a new team for 5-15 repetitions and its implementation the first time have:

11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
12. Miniature Schnauzer
13. English Springer Spaniel
14. Belgian Shepherd(Tervuren)
15. Schipperke
16. Collie and Keeshond
17. Kurzhaar
18. Flat-haired retriever, english cocker spaniel and miniature schnauzer
19. Breton epagnol
20. American Cocker Spaniel
21. Weimaraner
22. Belgian Malinois and Bernese Mountain Dog
23. Pomeranian

25. Vizsla
26. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

It should be noted that several breeds share one place. For example, 16th place was shared by a long-haired collie, a short-haired collie and a keeshond.

For dog breeds with average training abilities, namely command understanding for 15-25 repetitions, relate:

27. Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Puli and Yorkshire Terrier
28. Giant Schnauzer
29. Airedale Terrier and Bouvier des Flanders
30. Border Terrier and Briard
31. Welsh Springer Spaniel

33. Samoyed dog
34. Field Spaniel, Newfoundland, Australian Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Gordon Setter, Bearded Collie
35. Cairn Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Setter
36. Norwegian Elkhound
37. Affenpinscher, Australian Silky Terrier, miniature pinscher, English Setter, Pharaoh Hound, Clumber Spaniel
38. Norwich Terrier
39. Dalmatian

Ability to learn a new team for 25-40 repetitions and executing the command the first time have:

40. Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Bedlington Terrier, Fox Terrier
41. Curly-coated retriever, Irish wolfhound
42. Kuvasz, Australian Shepherd
43. Saluki, Finnish Spitz, Pointer
44. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Drahthaar, Black and Tan Coonhound, American Water Spaniel
45. Siberian Husky, Bichon Frize, King Charles Spaniel
46. ​​Tibetan Spaniel, English Foxhound, Otterhound, American Foxhound, Greyhound, Korthals Griffon
47. West Highland White Terrier, Havanese, Deerhound
48. Boxer, Great Dane
49. Basset Hound, Shiba Inu, Staffordshire Bull Terrier
50. Alaskan Malamute
51. Whippet, Shar Pei, Wire Fox Terrier

53. Ibizan dog, Welsh terrier, Irish terrier, Boston terrier, Akita inu

Below average abilities when understanding commands is required 40-80 reps, have breeds:

55. Skye Terrier
56. Norfolk Terrier, Sealyham Terrier
57. Pug
58. French Bulldog
59. Brussels Griffon, Maltese
60. Italian Greyhound
61. Chinese Crested
62. Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Vendean Basset Griffon, Tibetan Terrier, Japanese Chin, Lakeland Terrier
63. Old English Sheepdog
64. Pyrenean mountain dog
65. Scottish terrier, St. Bernard
66. Bull Terrier
67. Chihuahua
68. Lhasa Apso
69. Bullmastiff

For dogs with the lowest learning abilities who need 80-100 reps to remember commands include:

70. Shih Tzu
71. Basset Hound
72. Mastiff
73. Beagle
74. Pekingese
75. Bloodhound
76. Russian greyhound
77. Chow-chow
78. English Bulldog
79. Basenji

Some of the breeds at the bottom of the list could compete in intelligence with those dogs that, according to research, turned out to be the smartest. The fact is that any dog ​​is capable of learning, but certain breeds require more training time and more patience on the part of the owner. Certain breeds Due to their natural independence and stubbornness, they do not want to obey the owner at his first request.

Every person obsessed with the idea of ​​​​buying a smart dog should ask himself the question “What is it for?” Owners of a border collie, an active and intelligent dog, may regret their choice if they do not give the dog the opportunity to realize its intellectual abilities. If the owner himself leads an inactive lifestyle, he is not ready to work with the animal in terms of its mental development, then it is better to pay attention to calmer breeds that do not require much attention. Even the smartest dogs without proper training can turn out to be the most disobedient, and the owner risks being stupider than the pet. When choosing a breed, you should first evaluate the animal's energy level, not its intelligence.

Everyone wants to have a savvy and cute pet at home, so canine experts from the world association American Kennel Club began studying animal behavior and compiled a rating of “The Smartest Dog Breeds.” To determine these criteria, we took into account the accuracy of command execution and understanding them the first time.

Let us note that some representatives of small and small breeds took places on the list below the real ones, but only because of stubbornness and independent decision-making. Therefore in different sources The top 10 smartest dog breeds in the world may vary.

So, the smartest dog breeds – let’s highlight 15 representatives.

It is important that all pets have high intelligence, but the type of thinking is different, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn.

  • So experts identified three main categories:
  • instinctive thinking, when the dog carries out only the commands assigned to it by nature;
  • adaptive thinking, when the dog makes decisions independently;

working mindset with the ability to learn and carry out new commands. The top of the smartest dogs in the world is opened by the Australian Shepherd, which appeared in America for herding. cattle

. These pets love their owner and try to please him; they are distinguished by their hard work and devotion. The dog is also characterized by activity and sociability. Pets learn quickly, remember commands the first time, love outdoor games and long walks. First appeared in England, it is believed the smartest and most loyal dog in the world.

Also appeared in Great Britain; according to legend, puppies were given to humanity by fairies, who previously used them as sled dogs. Therefore, there is still a saddle-shaped spot on the back. Outwardly, this is a small dog that is distinguished by activity, good nature, patience and affection for its owner. They get along easily with other animals, adore children, and are never capricious. The commands are memorized the second time, but they can even be taught to perform circus acts.

Despite large sizes, is used not only as a protector and security guard for an apartment or house, but also a good companion. Because he learns quickly, reacts calmly to stimuli, loves children and the whole family. The dog is also characterized by loyalty and endurance. Requires constant training and training to execute commands.

Also leader among the smartest and good dogs is . Because the dog is characterized by energy, good memory and sense of smell. This is why the pet is used in hunting, by the police to search for people, as a guide and companion. The retriever's character is characterized by kindness, calmness, affection for children, and receptivity. Therefore, the dog will have to devote a lot of time and attention.

It was bred in Germany for hunting and herding animals, although it was also used as a watchdog. Dogs have well-developed intuition, attentiveness and patience. The character is characterized by restraint, loyalty and strict execution of the owner’s commands, although in difficult situations The dog makes his own decisions.

The Labrador is used as a companion, an assistant in the search for drugs and missing people, a protector and a security guard. has a kind, calm character, he is characterized by activity, an excellent sense of smell, good memory, obedience and attentiveness. Affectionateness, fearlessness and quick learning. It is impossible to develop aggression and malice in puppies.

Another smartest dog breed in the world is considered a German Shepherd that can be trained in several types of commands at once, thanks to its memory, patience, activity, and devotion. They always become leaders in teamwork, obey their owner and are attached to him until the end of their lives. Even non-professionals can train a dog. The animal’s intelligence was also noted by Professor Stanley Koren, who compiled top smartest dogs.

They are considered quite smart, quick-witted and attentive, despite their small size. The German Spitz is also characterized by activity, attentiveness and patience. They try to please their owner, learn quickly, and can bark and dance on your command if trained well. In the absence of education and attention, they are prone to aggression.

Ranks eighth in ranking of the smartest people around the world, and second among them after the poodle. Because the pet quickly remembers commands (the first time), is attentive, obedient and loves its owner. Requires training, diet and physical activity.

Features of the breed are excellent hearing, devotion and activity. The Spitz learns quickly because it strives to please its owner, loves games and physical activity, follows all commands, smart. The difficulty is that you need to train your pet constantly, from childhood, since it is characterized by selfishness, dissatisfaction and hostility towards others.

Poodles occupy second place in the ranking of the most intelligent breeds among decorative dogs pets This is dictated by acute intellect, attentiveness, activity, and sociability. easily masters circus acts or complex commands, and then demonstrates them to the owner and others. They can be hunters, guards and companions.

The breed was bred for work and protection, so the pets are hardworking, active and resilient. Quite aggressive, attached to one owner, loves active games and attention. Only one person needs to train it, avoiding contact with children. He carries out commands clearly and accurately, remembers them the second or third time.

All species have first places in the top five smartest dog breeds, because the pet is famous for its endurance, attentiveness, good sense of smell and memory. The dog likes to move a lot and makes decisions on the level of instincts. Thanks to their sociability and intelligence, they can participate in competitions, exhibitions, and be a companion and security guard.

The breed is distinguished by high intelligence, despite its small size. They follow all the owner’s commands and remember them the first time. They can make their own decisions and protect their family. Dogs are fearless, sociable, but cautious with strangers, obeying only the owner. The peculiarity is that the dog constantly wants to please the owner and be useful. Therefore, training and attention cannot be avoided.

These are not all the smartest dog breeds all over the world, because even a decorative terrier can be taught simple commands and obedience. You just have to decide what kind of mentality of the pet you are looking for.

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