Gleb Savchenko. Gleb Savchenko: “If not for my wife, I would be sitting somewhere in Bali and calmly drinking beer. Biography of Gleb Savchenko

Where he performed in tandem with the Olympic champion in figure skating Adelina Sotnikova, and now the charming handsome man shines in the British version of the project. Foreign viewers are delighted with the new participant in the program!

A new season of the dance show Strictly Come Dancing has started in Britain. And all the attention of the public turned out to be riveted to our compatriot Gleb Savchenko (who, however, has not lived in Russia for a long time). The brown-eyed brunette has already been dubbed the most desirable, handsome and hot man of the project. As soon as the first episode of the show ended, the network was flooded with enthusiastic messages:

"Oh my God! Gleb Savchenko is the most handsome man I have ever seen!”, “I will watch this show only for him”, “His partner has already fallen in love with him, look!” - Internet users wrote on Twitter.

37-year-old journalist Anita Rani, who now performs with a handsome man, really shines with happiness next to him and does not hide her joy.

Gleb is no stranger to such increased female attention: he took part in Dancing with the Stars in different countries of the world and managed to acquire fans, it seems, on all continents. In Russia, many still remember his performances with Adelina Sotnikova: this couple was one of the brightest in the 9th season of the domestic version of the franchise.

It is interesting that then among the members of the jury was the wife of Gleb Savchenko, Elena Samodanova, who is also a professional dancer. To the deep regret of the fans, Elena and Gleb have been together for more than 9 years and are raising their 4-year-old daughter Olivia. The couple met in Moscow, but for many years they have been working and living abroad: they perform either in Australia or in the USA. The couple's daughter was born in Hong Kong!

Savchenko takes his popularity calmly and says that in life he is not at all the same as fans think about him. The dancer states that he does not like parties and prefers to spend time at home after training and work with the family he loves. Not a man, but a dream, do you agree?

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Thoughts: Kenzie got a dance that will likely suit her tendency to hit every line hard. While it kinda stinks that Ariana got saddled with a ballroom dance for the 2nd week in a row, that song will probably help her to blow it out of the water. I think I'd rather get a root canal than listen to " Thunder“, and it doesn’t seem to be the right kind of song for Argentine tango. I feel pretty neutral on the duos – Kenzie/Miles seems stronger technically, but I’m still getting a disconnect from Kenzie during her performances; Ariana/Sky will probably be a crowd-pleaser.

– foxtrot (song: “ We're All in This Together from High School Musical)

– paso doble (song: “ The Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga)

– cha-cha (song: “ Shake Senora by Pitbull feat. T Pain & Sean Paul

Sky & JT (mentored by Alan)– Argentine tango (song: “ Thunder by Imagine Dragons)

dance duos :

Ariana & Artyon/Sky & JT (song: “ 369 by Rhett George)

Kenzie & Sage/Miles & Rylee (song: “ Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus)

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Ariana & Artyon (mentored by Brandon)– 40's quickstep (song: “ Classic by MKTO)

Kenzie & Sage (mentored by Gleb)– 80’s jazz (song: “ call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen)

Mandla & Brightyn (mentored by Cheryl)– futuristic paso doble (song: “ Gangsta's Paradise by 2WEI)

Miles & Rylee (mentored by Lindsay)– 50’s jive (song: “ Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley & His Comets)

Heh, Bruno doesn't know where his camera is. 😀

This opening is kinda fun….taped yesterday or Saturday. Can't remember.

Alexis up first with her Argentine Tango. Talking about something other than her showmance. Oops. Spoke too soon. Sounded like the Bachelorette there for a moment.

I do love this music, but it’s still not great for an AT….and her feet are STILL wrong, in week 9. Other than her feet which annoy, she moves very well.

Len says congrats to all the finalists. Says Alan pulled off a terrific dance, nice lyrical feel. Says he's concerned with the footwork (agreed). Bruno says she's gained poise and elegance, loves the classical touches, the connection works. He felt it. Noted a little stumble on the landing, then says he didn't see it. CAI says she's opened up but her pointe wasn't as strong (that's what I was seeing).

Scores: 9, 9, 9 for a total of 27. For those keeping track, I was a point too high on my guess for her score.

Lin-Manuel Miranda in a commercial for Mary Poppins. :::swoon:::

Did you all know that Bobby has never danced before? 😀 Should probably warn the audience if you're going to high five of them. Looks dumb otherwise.

I’m sure bobby is doing a better job at this dance because the bar was so low….but it’s still so stiff in the actual dance parts. Even his hammer part is too wild.

Bruno…can't tell if he likes it or now. I think not, because he then says he understands why he's there at the finale. CAI says he defies the law of ballroom and latin dancing, but his hard work pays off. Blah Blah. Len says he put the ham in hammer, but he has to say that he doesn't have the good feet, blah blah, but he makes so much fun out there than Len has so much fun.

And he gets a 24 out of 30. I think I nailed that one.

Female pros killing it - Witney, the master of the hair whip out in front.

Must we really see the retrospective?? Surely that time is used better elsewhere.

Oh god, a Bachelor dance. So Joe, Eric, Nick, Val and Wells (my favorite). Wells is dating the little girl from Modern Family, so don't get to excited seeing her in the audience. 🙂

OMG…too much virginity talk. All the rest of it is typical Bachelor fun stuff. I should live blog my thoughts on that show if you think I can be harsh regarding this one. 🙂

Evanna up next!! If you didn't see, check the PDH twitter feed to see a video of nearly every potter star wishing her luck only one I didn't see was Daniel Radcliffe.

Her Halloween tango I think puts Alexis to shame. I miss the cat ears though. 🙂 She's doing great. Not seeing any issues yet. well done!! Yikes, a near perfect score the first time around??

CAI says congrats to Keo and says Evanna is the most improved dancer, and this dance was even better this time. Len says he gave her a challenge last time and she accomplished it. Bruno remembers the kitty ears too. Says she adds something every week.

And she gets a 30! I believe I was on target with that score as well.

The male pros without shirts! How new, exciting and different. :::yawn::: This show had more class when Derek and Mark were on it. Oh Demarcus? Well, that helps.

Milo up next! My wine tastes…funny. Not bad. Just different. Anyway….what dance is he doing again?? Something with Robin Thick? Okay Charleston. He's still awesome, that hasn't changed. Lift was a little awkward. I think live performance throws them off a bit, but that was still an excellent dance.

Len is annoyed – he has underpants older than Milo. 🙂 He didn’t like the charleston as much…last time. This time he had the Charleston swivel. Bruno says it was even more exciting and sharper than ever. Out of this world. CAI says he is ridiculously amazing, says he's the one to beat. STFU, CAI. I don't think she's forecasting, just hoping. But it wouldn't surprise me if she was trying to appear omniscient.

And they get a 30 as foreseen.

Yeah, let's pimp the tour…with shit camera work. And that's two total fuckups by camera men. Good thing we didn't call it a drinking game…

All the male celebs are going on tour. Oh boy. Biggest surprise elimination in 27 seasons, Tom? Really? I don't think so, but whatever. Ad why does he get to dance again? You realize there is only 50 minutes left and you're going to screw the winner out of their moment yet again?

Tinashe looks and sounds great…but so bored of these male pros and their Magic Mike moves. Come on, get some real choreo here gang.

For those wondering about the numbers, they are extremely similar to what I forecast yesterday. The numbers for the freestyles that haven't been danced yet are, of course, guesses.

dancer Redo Dance Freestyle Total % of total points awarded
Milo 30.00 30.00 60.00 26.20%
Evanna 30.00 30.00 60.00 26.20%
Bobby 24.00 28.00 52.00 22.71%
Alexis 27.00 30.00 57.00 24.89%
Total Points Awarded 229.00 1.00

If these numbers hold, here's what Bobby and Alexis would need to do to win. And they'd have to beat both Milo AND Evanna.

Bobby vs. Alexis 2.18% 21,834
Bobby vs. Evanna/Milo 3.49% 34,934
Alexis vs. Evanna/Milo 1.31% 13,100

Alexis is up first with her freestyle, talking about how this was her mom's favorite show.

I don't know that Alexis is good enough a dancer for this kind of freestyle. She looks stunning though. The staging is getting in her way as well. There isn't much to this so far. I think she's kinda hosed by having a live performer. Yeah, that was an awkward ending and the dance was much too simple for her and what I think she's capable of. Not that great, IMO.

Len seems to love it. I suspect that everyone gets a 30 except for Bobby. Bruno says it was a big risk and that the level of difficulty (emotionally) was high and she was on top of it. CAI says it started out with a struggle, but once she hit the floor she earned it back and it was her best dancing to date. I don't agree with that, but it is the freestyle.

Oh god, more showmancing. Whatever it takes, I guess.

And they get a 30 as expected.

Bobby's freestyle is up next. The one advantage he has is with people who wait to the freestyles before they see vote. This is where Evanna and Milo are hampered. If you're going to vote, VOTE NOW.

There's no talking during freestyles!! But it's who he is…he needs to flap his gums. Took a long time to get to the dancing. And he's off time. So many dancers I lost him several times. I thought that dance was short…and he's talking again. Okay, the best part was Tom ACTUALLY flossing. lol. That was smart. And they throw in some more shit camera work.

Bruno seemed to love it, says Sharna did a fantastic job. CAI is confused (she stole my wine!!) – she seems to love it too although she comments on his counting out loud. Len says he's not always been the judges champion – he's Len's champion tonight though.

Score: 30?? I hope like hell the judges know what they're doing. :::runs off to do the numbers:::

NUMBERS UPDATE: If all four couples get a 30 on their freestyle, here is how the numbers end up.

Bobby vs. Alexis 1.30% 12,987
Bobby vs. Evanna/Milo 2.60% 25,974
Alexis vs. Evanna/Milo 1.30% 12,987

I think Bobby beats Alexis, but can't beat either Evanna or Milo. After that, it comes down to who gets the most votes – Evanna or Milo. It all might actually hinge on the freestyle – but I might give the edge to Milo since he’s not going last. Evanna based on actual dancing.

Milo and Witney up next with their freestyle. The umbrellas are dangerous, but if they pull it off it could be amazing.

Oh Milo! looking all grown up there. Starts off very well. Lots of actual dancing. It's going to piss me off that Alexis and Bobby each got 30's when you stack their dances up with this one. Yep. pretty cool. Vastly superior to the two that went before it.

That look on CAI's face should be her thinking why did I give Alexis and Bobby 30s?? Usual freestyle hyperbole comparing to other seasons BS. Len is raving also. Bruno…also raving. I'm tired of typing, can you tell? 🙂

Score: 30, as expected.

Hurry up and get Evanna out here!! Jesus, cutting it kinds close once again.

Is Keo going to throw up? Dancing to Evanna's favorite dance in the world. Keo says he's going to go big. I hope he doesn't go too big - sometimes less is more. Keo talking about how he made family/friend with Keo. Evanna getting wet. She says this was one of her happiest times.

Clever staging and I love this song too. wow. Nice lift. Love the fast/slow components. Damn, I loved that. It just made me happy. It was such a happy, joyful dance. Fantastic!

Len is talking about the evening and the dance. Calls this dance the cherry on the cake, he loves the mix of styles. Len congratulates Keo. Bruno raves. CAI says she did a great job, she made it her own. Says there is something very special about her - agreed.

June 25, 2014 admin

Gleb Savchenko: “If it weren’t for my wife, I would be sitting somewhere in Bali and drinking beer normally”

Adelina Sotnikova is the first Olympic champion in women's singles in Soviet and Russian history, and Gleb Savchenko is one of the ten best experienced Latin American dancers in the world. This couple delighted viewers for the entire season of Dancing with the Stars - 2015, and it is not surprising that they were awarded the audience award.

Okolo TV has no questions for Gleb Savchenko as a specialist: he is a dancer of the highest class. We decided to determine what kind of person he is outside the parquet, what he dreams about, how he is raising his daughter, and at the time when he had the last chance to invite his wife Elena Samodanova to dance.

How do two specialists in the same family get along (Gleb Savchenko's wife Elena Samodanova is a choreographer-judge and director of the international category. - Approx. ed.)?

We are both favorites, both of us have character. Of course, everyone has their own conclusion. But we already know each other so well that we easily overcome disagreements that happen in any family. The national secret is that we have learned to work in a team. A family is a kind of business where partners do one thing together.

In addition, we have learned to separate personal destiny, parenting and family relationships from work and career. Proceeding from this, the domestic alliance is really working.

Elena Samodanova

And who still provides more assistance to the second in the development of a career and personal growth in your tandem?

Perhaps Lena is more of a help to me. She sets me up, recommends something, generates some crazy ideas, which we will later implement together. She has an idea, and I take it and do it (laughs).

This is a double collaboration: without my participation, her ideas would not have come true, and without her ideas, I would have been sitting somewhere in Bali and drinking beer normally.

Gleb, how do you raise your daughter? What specific dances do you dance with her?

Oh, she loves to dance! She has a lot of emotions and energy. Since we live in different states and invariably move between them, in each country it does something different.

Here, in Moscow, she goes to gymnastics, dancing and ballet, in Australia she is engaged in surfing and swimming, in America - also gymnastics and dancing.

Elena Samodanova and Vadim Lyubushkin

Do you want a son? Will you also teach him how to dance?

Yes, I want a son. By and large, I want three children. I will teach dance to a certain level. In my opinion, it is necessary to develop in children what they really like, but you should not put pressure and impose your own conclusion in terms of choice.

Who knows, maybe he will like to grow tomatoes? So, be an agronomist. Why not?!

How to deal with the stereotype “dancing is not for boys”, another thing is boxing, football ...

I believe that any dancer has inevitably come across this. And this conclusion exists not only in the Russian Federation - such a situation is everywhere. Especially goes to those who are engaged in just ballroom dancing. Despite the fact that at the moment they are very popular in the Russian Federation.

There is a ballroom dancing section in virtually every school. Yes, at first they laugh at you, but later, when you go out and show your skills, they say: “Wow, this is strong!”.

Gleb Savchenko and Adelina Sotnikova

- "Wow, that's strong!" TV viewers also spoke. No wonder you and Adelina Sotnikova won the Audience Choice Award. By the way, how did you work together with the Olympic champion?

I was sick and worried about Adelina at the time when I watched the Olympics in Sochi. But personally, we were not used to her before the project. Having found out that I would dance in the show with Adeline, I was wildly happy. Everything coincided so strongly with her: the weight category, the characters, and the age. Adeline, and I'm not afraid to say this, is a partner you can only dream about.

I think that any experienced partner in the project, having found out that he did not get it, to some extent I was jealous of.

Really Adeline was superior in everything to the second participants, and she had no vulnerabilities?

Adeline is the youngest participant in the project. She is only 18 years old, therefore she has less life experience compared to the rest. In addition, she is only an athlete - she does not have an acting base, unlike the second participants. As a result, there were difficult tasks ahead of me. It was necessary to tune it to any of the numbers and explain the temperament of each dance. It took quite a lot of time and for me personally it was a kind of challenge.

I was worried about Adeline, because she never danced. This is something new for her. Based on this, in each number I thought not only about myself and how I could dance, but also about her: I constantly watched Adeline inattentively.

That was my part of the responsibility for her.

Gleb Savchenko, Adelina Sotnikova and Daria Zlatopolskaya

In a partner for me, the main thing is desire: the desire to dance, the desire to learn, the desire to do better, the desire to stay on the project, the desire to create, to realize, to live. Because if you really want something, you will definitely have it. Here, for example, Valeria Gai Germanika ... At the beginning of the project, by and large, no one thought that she would have something. And she came out in one fourth of the final and danced in a way that a good half of those who remained in the final at the moment did not dance.

At she was it's a wish! Plus, it goes without saying, endurance is responsible, because in the project the specialists dance with the stars, which, as we know, all have different personalities: some are capricious, some are lazy, some are quick-tempered, some are easily crazy. Patience must be metallic.

See also this:

"Dancing with the Stars": what experts think about their own partners

Is it possible for anyone to learn to dance?

Yes. The only question is how much time is available for this and what level needs to be achieved. I am fully convinced that anyone can dance.

In your opinion, were the judges' marks adequate?

At the beginning of the season, all the judges immediately started with a dozen. I wish there were sevens and eights, and not just delight, but constructive criticism. We needed an eye from experts in order to take their recommendations into service and apply them in the next issue. This was not enough for me. For the most part, only good reviews sounded - everyone sang praises to each other. The only judge who issued a construct with instructions for use was Lena Samodanova.

She really spoke from an experienced point of view about the dance and made specific remarks: I don’t like shoes, help, a costume, and without that then. On her advice all couples paid attention and tried to guide them. But at the end of the season, starting from the 1/8 finals, all the judges suddenly began to scold couples and put low marks.

And this was not clear to me.

What are your specific plans for shaping your own career?

The next project in which I participate, is the UK version of Dancing with the Stars, which starts in August and runs until mid-December. Then, tentatively from mid-February, I will be touring England. And already in the last days of February, the American version of Dancing with the Stars begins, in which I will also take part.

This will be the 22nd season! So I'm all set for next year.

How do you make time for personal destiny with such a geography of a working and busy schedule?

This talented choreographer is also an actor. It is reported that in the ranking of professional Latin dancers around the world, he is ranked 10th. For the first time the guy started dancing at the age of seven. He made a firm decision to connect his own life with ballroom dancing after 7 years. Like all professional dancers, Gleb Savchenko fills Instagram with photos taken during the performance of the next number. He is often invited to television programs not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Among the new photos you can see the dancer surrounded by family: wife and child. He also often flashes in photographs in the company of his colleagues in the dance workshop. On Instagram, Gleb Savchenko publishes pictures where he had to perform with world-famous stars. The dancer is now incredibly in demand.

At one time, the choreographer studied theatrical art at Moscow University. He also has several movie roles in his arsenal. If you look closely at Gleb Savchenko's Instagram, you will notice that he is photogenic and knows how to take beautiful poses. In fact, everything is explained by his modeling past. In this area, he managed to realize himself before he left Russia.

Instagram Gleb Savchenko has a large number of foreign subscribers. The dancer managed to gain popularity in many countries of the world. He took part in a large number of Latin American dance championships and won them an unconditional victory. While in the US, the talented dancer also managed to model for a while and even walked the runway for several fashion houses. The career continues successfully to this day.

The personal page of an incredibly charming and handsome man is loved by his many fans, and this is not surprising, because in many photos you can see what a beautiful and inflated body Gleb has. He carefully monitors his appearance: goes in for sports, organizes proper nutrition. More precisely, a celebrity is spoiled with tasty and healthy food by his beloved wife, joint pictures with which often appear on the official Instagram of Gleb Savchenko. On them, the couple looks in love and incredibly happy, which greatly pleases and delights the large army of fans of Gleb's work.

Gleb Savchenko and Elena Samodanova are known to the Russian audience for the project "Dancing with the Stars", where Gleb acted as a participant, and Elena was a member of the jury. But few people know that Gleb and Elena are husband and wife, whose four-year-old daughter Olivia is growing up.

Photo: DR

Both Gleb Savchenko and Elena Samodanova have been dancing since childhood, and both have reached great heights. Their paths crossed in the Russian capital when the future stars were eighteen years old. Then they became just partners, and the fact that something more was born between them was understood much later ...

We did an interview with Gleb and Elena via Skype. At that moment, they were walking down the street of Hong Kong, and the sounds of a ten million metropolis were heard in the tube. The couple call this city their home - however, one of several around the world. In general, they feel great in America, and in Australia, and, of course, in Russia, where, after Dancing with the Stars, they decided to make their own world-class dance show.

My first question to Lena. Both of you participated in the same project, though in different statuses. Is it difficult to evaluate your own husband?

Elena: I didn't appreciate it. The task of the jury was to judge the performance of not professional dancers, but their partners - Russian stars, who had to open up and learn something on this project. Therefore, my gaze was directed not at my husband, but at his partner, figure skater Adeline Sotnikova. In the same way, I evaluated Lyubov Tolkalina, and not her partner, dancer Vadim Lyubushkin.

I read the news here that Adelina Sotnikova took her husband away from Elena Samodanova.

(General laughter.)

E: Where is it? And, again, the yellow press.

Gleb: Lena usually keeps track of all these things and sends them to me. Puts emoticons - they say, have fun. I show Adeline. She laughs too. We all laugh together.

Doesn't anyone get jealous? You are both attractive, successful young people, there are many of the same around you ...

G: Lena is very jealous, just a nightmare.

E .: I'm not jealous, I'm just always on the alert. But he is so jealous that he does not let me go to the show. Before I pair up with some new partner, he first gets to know him personally.

Let's find out more about you. I read about Gleb that he was born, grew up and studied in Moscow. And you, Lena, where are you from?

E .: I'm from Volgodonsk. She attended a dance school there until she was thirteen. Then I was invited to Rostov-on-Don to play for the south of Russia. At the age of sixteen, I had a partner with whom we represented Moscow at the national championships among professionals. As a result, we became winners of many Russian Cups and reached the world level. From that moment I danced among professionals in the Latin American program.

At what age do you need to start practicing in order to become one of the country's leading dancers at sixteen?

E: Very early. It's in my blood because I was born into a family of dancers. From the age of three or four, I went to a classical ballet studio and lived it every day. I have competed since seven. My parents supported me a lot - they took me to teachers and went to championships with me, then they began to send me to study abroad, in particular to England, so that I could improve my level.

It certainly had an impact on my high school studies.

I practically missed the program, so I had tutors - in Volgodonsk, and in Rostov, and in Moscow. But if you had to choose, say, between exams at school and dance competitions, then preference was always given to the first. I prepared almost on the go to be as good as the other students in the class.

Gleb, you started dancing at the age of seven. Did it get harder for you?

Some start at fourteen and reach the top against the odds. Another question is that for me it was just a hobby. My grandmother took me to the circle, and at my request. I liked one girl who signed up for the group, and I decided that I also want to go there. ( laughing.) We even danced together with her. But she eventually quit classes, and I continued and soon realized that this was my future career. At sixteen, I moved to Latvia to represent it at competitions, became a two-time champion of this country, and went to the World Championships. Then he entered the choreographer at GITIS in Moscow. And after graduation, he left dancing for five years.