Fortune telling on the first day of the new year. Serious fortune telling for the New Year. New Year's fortune telling by melted snow

New Year is a wonderful and magical holiday. This is probably the most magical holiday, when there is great hope for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. And, of course, I want to know, to guess what will happen, what awaits, whether it will come true or not... They guess from December 25 to January 19.

The most New Year's fortune telling

On New Year's Eve we expect something unusual and magical. We believe that this year all our wishes and dreams will come true, all our hopes will come true. Try to realize everything you dream about and expect from the new year with the help of this fortune telling. Perhaps the New Year's fairy tale will turn into reality? Write down all your innermost desires on a small piece of paper and, when sitting down at the New Year's table, place this piece of paper next to you. When your glasses are filled with champagne and the chimes begin to strike 12 times, burn this piece of paper, carefully pour the remaining ashes into your glass and drink quickly. You must do all this before the last strike of the clock, and if you are even a minute late, your wishes will not come true this year.

On the night of December 31, remember your dream. He predicts the future for the whole year

On the night of December 31 or January 1, pour water into a low vase and throw in a pinch of ash, salt and sugar. Mix and put in 3-4 hairs of your own (not scattered, but in strands) and three or four of those you love or your husband. The next morning, look at the position of the strands: if they are together - you will be together, if they are separated - one of you or both will walk.

Wishes are written on small cards:

- Children will delight you in the New Year!
- The replenishment of the family is guaranteed!
- Your projects will be a success!
- Prepare your wallets for big money!
- Everyone will like you!
- Mutual love will delight you!
- In the New Year, two of your cherished wishes will come true at once!
- Be careful in January and don’t miss out on your happiness!
- May will bring new opportunities!
- A meeting with fate awaits in July!
Now every person who comes to visit you or members of your family stand with their backs to the cards that should be hanging and, concentrating on themselves, closing their eyes, answer “this!” or "not that!" to the question of the presenter, who randomly points to divinations.
Everyone can only tell fortunes twice.

Fortune telling on Eggs

A method of prediction associated with recognizing silhouettes is fortune telling with eggs. It is, of course, advisable to use eggs from domestic chickens - store-bought eggs are unlikely to be suitable for this purpose. If you decide to try this method, you need to follow a few basic rules.

Fortune telling is performed as follows: pour into a glass warm water and dissolve in the water egg white. If the protein suddenly sinks to the bottom of the glass, this portends all sorts of troubles: death, fire. For unmarried girls, this omen threatens them with an eternal lonely life.

But usually the protein remains in the center of the glass and, curled up, takes the form of various figures, which are interpreted as follows:

A figure resembling a church foretells a quick wedding for a girl, and death for an elderly woman;
- if the resulting figure reminds you of a ship with sails, this means the imminent arrival of your husband for married woman, foretells marriage and departure to another country for a girl, and a long journey for a young man.
In Russian villages, they still use an ancient ritual that makes it possible to find out the sex of a child even before birth. A pregnant woman should take the egg out from under the hen, break it and see what gender the embryo is. It was believed that the sex of the unborn chick coincides with the sex of the unborn child.

How many children will there be?

To guess how many children there will be, girls take a mirror and point a month at it. The number of lunar reflections in the mirror is the number of children the fortuneteller will supposedly have when she gets married.

On New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve, write your most cherished wishes on small pieces of paper, fold them and put them under your pillow. On January 1, when you wake up, the first thing you do is pull out any of them at random. Whatever wish is on this piece of paper will come true in the coming year.

"Betrothed, mummer, come to me"

Girls of marriageable age used a comb to tell fortunes: they put it under the pillow and said: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and comb my braid!” - and in a dream the future lover appeared to the girl. I wish I had time to remember it!

How to find out the name of your betrothed?

The girls sat around a basin of water, and nutshells were thrown into the water. Papers with male names. And they blew hard. To which name he nails the shell, he will be friends with him.

Who will get married first?

Gathered in a circle, the girls each lit a candle. Whose candle goes out first will get married first, and whose candle burns out to the end will be a bride for a long time.

You will be beautiful all year!

Light objects are placed in nut shells: candy, ribbon, eraser, ring, etc. The girls are blowing again. Whatever shell floats to you is what awaits you. A ring means acquaintance, a candy means gifts, a ribbon means you’ll be beautiful all year, an eraser means you’ll be lucky in your studies.

What name will her betrothed have?

The girls can all run out of the house on New Year’s Eve together, so that it’s not scary. The one of you who meets a passerby must find out his name. Her betrothed will have the same name.

What year will it be?

Water was poured into a saucer or shallow bowl. The bowl was left on the red porch throughout New Year's Eve. In the morning they looked at it: the ice rose up - the year will be good, the ice froze - the year will be calm, the ice froze in waves - there will be both grief and happiness; and if the water freezes like a hole, the year will be bad.

Fortune telling on rice grains

Hold your left hand palm down over a jar of rice and, concentrating, ask a question out loud. Then take a handful of rice from it and pour it onto a spread napkin. Even number grains - a positive answer. Odd is negative.

Fortune telling by book

Place your left hand on the cover of a closed book and ask a question. Then they open it at random and read the line starting under thumb left hand.

Dream fortune telling

Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but not drink. When going to bed, they make a wish, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” Whoever gets you drunk is the one you will marry.

Fortune telling with bulbs

The names of possible candidates for marriage are written on the bulbs. They put them in water. Whichever bulb sprouts first - on behalf of that one, expect a marriage proposal.


Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dream about the king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - expect matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.
Fortune telling for snow.

You need to lie down on your back in the snow, get up and leave without looking back. In the morning, inspect the place where you lay down in the snow. If the footprint in the snow is all covered with lines, the husband will be rude. If the body mark is smooth, the husband will be a gentle and kind person. If the hole is deep, then you will have to get married more than once; if the imprint is covered up, then you will not get married soon. And if there is a mound in this place, then danger awaits you in the coming year.

Fortune telling with apples

This is how they tell fortunes in the Czech Republic. After Christmas dinner, the apples are cut crosswise, and if the correct seeded star is inside, the coming year will be a happy one.

Fortune telling on the phone

Think about a question and mentally focus on it. Looking at the phone, ask it out loud. If the first call is from a man, the answer is positive. From a woman - negative.

Fortune telling on the key

They tell fortunes in the company. The key is placed in a thick book so that its ring (or shackle) remains outside. The book is tightly closed, bandaged and hung from a hook by the ring. Those gathered around wait until Kinga hangs motionless, and then everyone calls out their name. The one on whose name the book begins to spin, marriage (or meeting with new love) cannot be avoided.

Fortune telling with a gold ring

At least six people must take part in this fortune telling. Take gold ring and a large piece of black velvet. Take turns rolling the ring, saying: “I’ll roll the ring around the city, and then I’ll go get that ring and get to my dear one.” Place a mark where the ring stops. Whose ring stops first, that girl will get married first, and if the ring rolls further than the others, she will get married later than everyone else.

Fortune telling New Year 2019: discover the future. © Shutterstock

Fortune telling for the New Year? Why not! Do you want to know your future? Of course! Moreover, on New Year's Eve this is more real than ever. Many girls like to make jokes for the New Year and have fun, while others may take such predictions seriously.

Editorial offers you 10 types of fortune telling and predictions on. Choose any fortune telling and satisfy your curiosity on a magical New Year's Eve.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2019 by sounds

On the night of January 1, listen carefully to the sounds outside the window. If you hear the ringing of a church bell - there will be important events in the family, the meowing of a cat - a new cute neighbor will appear, the barking of a dog - you will have new friend or groom. If there are bird voices outside the window, it means good news, and for guys - a wedding.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2019 by ring

Do you want to know when you'll get married? Then attach a gold ring to a hair and lower it into an empty glass. The number of times the ring hits the wall of the glass is the number of years you have to wait until your wedding.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2019 by grains

Fortune telling for the New Year will help you find out whether you will get married or not. And it’s easy to do: mark under the table, if you find grain, you’ll find a husband this year. Of course, it would be nice if someone scattered it before fortune telling.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2019 by stars

If on New Year's Eve you see many stars in the sky before dawn, it means that the year will be successful for you.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2019 using notes

On New Year's Eve, light the paper so that its shadow falls on the wall. By the outlines of the shadow you will learn a lot about the coming year. The main thing is to use your imagination.

Gypsy fortune telling for the New Year 2019 using wax

Take a wax candle, hold it in a water bath and pour the melted wax into a plate with cold water. And look at what you received wax figure. Horseshoe - to great happiness, a star - to the news. In other cases, your imagination will help.

How to correctly guess for the New Year 2019 in the mirror

“My light, mirror, tell me and tell me the whole truth...” - do you remember such fortune-telling in verse? On New Year's Day, even a mirror can become all-seeing. Place a decanter or glass of water in front of the mirror, and surround the vessel on three sides with burning candles. To see the future, look through the water in a mirror. Surely you will see something there.


Fortune telling for the New Year 2019 using rice

Hold your left hand over the jar of rice, palm down, and ask a question out loud. Then take a handful of rice and pour it onto a napkin. If the number of grains is even, the answer is “yes”. If it's odd - "no".

Fortune telling for the New Year from a book

The simplest and most fun New Year's fortune telling. Place your left hand on the cover of a closed book and ask a question. Then open the book at random and read the line that the thumb left hand.

How to tell fortunes for the New Year from dreams

And finally, the most difficult fortune telling, because for this you will have to forget about the celebration and go to bed on New Year's Eve. Before going to bed, eat something salty and don't drink anything. And when you go to bed, say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” Whoever brings water in a dream will have a wedding in the new year.

The main thing is not to get carried away too much by different fortune-telling, and not to believe in everything at once. Otherwise, as they say, you can frighten away fate. And make everyone around you laugh.

Of course, New Year is considered one of the most magical holidays. We all hope that our cherished desires will come true, so we resort to New Year's fortune telling, giving the holiday a special atmosphere.

Fortune telling for the New Year will help you find out what lies ahead and whether your dreams and desires will come true. You can get answers to your questions, and not just anywhere, but at home. There are many ways to do this.

Read in this article:

New Year's fortune telling "December 25"

Many folk customs Fortune telling for the new year begins on December 25th and the time to look into the future will last until January 5th.

So, December 25 is the day of the solstice. Fortune telling using this method is performed only once a year. By following the recommendations, you can find out about the most significant events (change of job and place of residence, purchase of expensive things or an apartment, marriage). Your uncertainty in solving these problems pushes you to take a step of knowledge the right decision through the ritual of fortune telling. What needs to be done?

  1. Imagine that the outcome of your plan will only be favorable.
  2. Find a bird cherry and break off a branch no more than 10 cm long.
  3. It should be placed in a crystal glass of water and placed on the windowsill.
  4. Over the next 12 days, you need to take the glass in your hands, clasping it with your palms, and imagine for 5 minutes that your wish has come true.
  5. It will be a good sign if the branch blooms before January 6th. The wish will come true.

This ritual will not only tell you about the result of the mystery, but will also attract good luck to you.

Fortune telling “At the chime”

This New Year's prediction most popular. And it's easy to do.

1. On a blank piece of paper, write your cherished wish with a simple pencil.
2. At 23.45, burn the leaf and pour the ashes into a glass of champagne.
3. When you hear the chimes, you need to drink the contents. The wish will definitely come true.

New Year's rituals

You can perform the fortune telling ritual a little differently. An hour before the chimes start striking, prepare a note with your wish. On the first hit, set it on fire. If the note manages to burn out before the end of the battle, then it will come true.

Ritual New Year's fortune-telling “Water Transfusion”

An amazingly accurate method, more like a New Year's spell. To do this you need to prepare:

One glass is empty;
the second glass with water to the brim.

Having made a wish, quickly pour the water into an empty glass above the table. Pay attention to its surface. If three drops are spilled, the wish will come true. More than three drops - the plan will not come true. You can only pour water once!

New Year's fortune telling “Looking through the water in the mirror”

Fortune telling for the New Year in front of a mirror was popular in the old days, but today it has not lost its significance.

Place a decanter or jar of water. On three sides - light a candle. Look through the water in the container in the mirror. It can show a picture with a prediction.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve “On a wish”

In this way you can also cast a spell on the old New Year. Fill the glass halfway with water and, looking at it, whisper your deepest desire. Go to bed or continue having fun with your guests. In the morning, look at the water level. If there is more liquid, the wish must come true. If the level has decreased, it will not be fulfilled.

Fortune telling with a coin “For love”

Fortune telling is akin to magical ritual and it requires some preparation. You will need:

An old coin, if one was inherited;

You can use a regular one, but charged with your energy. To do this, you need to carry it with you closer to your body, for example, in the pocket of a dress or shirt for five days. If possible (in cases of fortune-telling for your betrothed), let your lover hold the coin for a couple of minutes.

The white porcelain dish is new, specially purchased for fortune telling;
black mascara;
a photo of the person you are guessing about or his personal item that he uses.

If you don’t have anything, then you just need to write his name and date of birth on paper. Fortune telling takes place at midnight.

  1. Place the dish on the table. In its center is a photo, a personal item or a note with a name and date of birth.
  2. On the right side of the dish, write the word “I” in black ink. On the left is “He”. At the top is “We”. Below - “She”.
  3. Start fortune telling. Take the coin right hand and place it in the center of the dish on the edge.

Unwind and say magic spells:

“From myself - to me, from her - to me, from them - to me, I - We, You and only - We.”

Say it three times and, starting with the word “I,” roll the coin in a circle for the third time.

The coin stopped immediately, without even going around a circle - you are dearly loved and devoted to you.
The coin stopped against the word “She” - you need to think about whether the person is worth your thoughts and feelings. Most likely, you have a strong rival.
“We” – you deserve each other.
“He” – the beloved loves himself more.

Fortune telling on “Bridge for the betrothed”

Prepare twigs from a broom and make a bridge out of them as best you can. When you go to bed, hide it under your pillow and say the words:

“My betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge.”

Whoever you dream about this night will become your destiny. You can also put a comb under the pillow, do not comb it before going to bed and say three times:

“Betrothed mummer, comb my head.”

They also add a mirror to the comb and say the words three times:

“Come, come, comb your hair, comb your hair. Look at me and show yourself.”

Whoever appears in a dream will be on your path and will meet you in the new year.

Fortune telling “For the betrothed” on a glass of water

This is the most popular method of fortune telling, because in 80% of fortune tellers everything comes true. Pour water into the most beautiful decanter, then slowly pour it into a glass with love wishes to the one who is in your heart and say:

“You’ll get tired from the road, I have some water, come, betrothed, I’ll give you a drink.”

This spell must be recited three times. Place both the decanter and the glass at the head of the bed and go to bed. This night you will see your betrothed.

New Year's fortune telling “On Ice”

Interesting fortune telling for all guests. If you wish, sign each spoon with a marker. Give them out with the condition that they be filled with water. If the temperature outside is sub-zero, leave them on the veranda. If not, then freezer. In the morning, you can learn about your future from the ice and its patterns.

The water has frozen, forming a depression - to troubles, let him prepare to meet them fully armed.
The water froze with a tubercle - to profit.
Exactly - to successful deeds.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve “By patterns on the mirror”

Buy a new mirror and at midnight, after pouring water on it, take it outside if it’s frosty there. If the weather is positive, put it in the freezer for ten to fifteen minutes. Patterns will appear on the mirror surface:

Circles - to prosperity;
spruce branch - to good fruitful work;
squares – life difficulties;
triangles - success in business and good luck.

Fortune telling for the New Year will add variety to the holidays. Take care of yourself and be with Lady 40 plus in the most beautiful and significant events your life.

The best time for fortune telling is traditionally considered to be the time of Christmastide; rituals are also carried out on New Year's Eve. But due to the existence of the new and old chronology, a little confusion has arisen. Therefore, now fortune telling usually begins on December 25, and ends on January 19. Most often, of course, doing this on Christmas Day, on the night of January 6-7.

Before starting fortune telling, you need to formulate a question in your head or think about a problem. Then sit at a table in front of a light, flat wall, place a plate turned upside down on the table, place a crumpled paper sheet on it and set it on fire using wax candle. After this, observe the shadows that appear while the paper burns. By the form they take, you can get answers and know the future. Your imagination will help you interpret the meaning of the figures.

The algorithm of actions is very simple: take a book, think about what worries you, then open the page at random and, without looking, point your finger at the line. This phrase will become a clue, advice or a description of what lies ahead. If there is someone else with you, you can ask this person to name the page and line number at the top or bottom in advance. Fortune telling can become excitingly interesting, the main thing is to choose the right one printed edition!

If a furry or not so furry animal lives in your house, then you are in luck - with its help you can find out whether what you dream about will come true. So, you need to make a wish or ask a question and place your cat in different rooms. Then call the animal and wait with which paw it will cross the threshold when it enters: with the left - the answer is “yes”, the wish will come true, with the right - no. They say that such a ritual is valid only on New Year's Eve, or during Christmastide.

One of the most common fortune telling, with the help of which they find out what events to expect in the coming year. The process is not complicated: put the wax in a spoon and melt it over a candle, and then pour it into a container with cold water and examine the resulting figures. It is the interpretation of the result that usually causes the greatest difficulties. If your intuition and imagination do not suggest anything, you can turn to the Internet, where a huge amount of information on this matter is stored.

Unmarried girls perform this ritual on Christmastide: before going to bed, you need to pour water into a bowl and put a twig on top - a kind of bridge. Then put it all under the bed, saying “betrothed, take me across the bridge.” On this night, you should dream about the one with whom you are destined to connect your fate. Similarly, you can place a comb under your pillow, asking your potential groom to “come comb me.”

After your betrothed appears in a dream, it would be nice to find out his name. And this can be done on Christmas night by leaving the house exactly at midnight and asking the first man you come across what his name is. The future groom's name will be exactly the same.

The following ritual will help you make this or that decision. You need to hold your hand, palm down, over a jar of rice, while asking your question loudly. Then grab a handful of cereals and count their number: if you have an even number of grains in your fist, the answer is positive, if there is an odd number, the answer is negative.

On New Year's Eve you should take several cups. Fill one of them with water, put in the others: sugar, salt, ring, coin, onion and bread. After which each of the fortune tellers chooses eyes closed cup and looks at what's in it. Water - a calm life, sugar - something very good will happen this year, salt - misfortune will happen, bread - prosperity and well-being in the family, onions - there will be a lot of tears, a coin - to wealth, and the ring, of course, foreshadows a quick marriage.

Pour water into a basin, and hang strips of paper with wishes or predictions along its edges. The leaves should not reach the water a little. After which, lit floating candles are lowered into the container; their number is equal to the number of those participating in fortune-telling. Next, you need to carefully monitor your candle - if it sets fire to a piece of paper, then what is written on it will come true.

You can predict what the coming year will be like using ice. On a frosty New Year's night, you need to take a spoon with water outside or onto the balcony, and examine it the next morning. If there are bumps on the surface of the frozen water, then good luck and prosperity await you in the new year, if there are holes - bad luck and losses.

This fortune telling is suitable for company unmarried girls. It is necessary to take threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster will get married first. But if the fire goes out, but more than half of the thread remains intact, then marriage will not happen in the near future.

Fate or not? Can you answer this question unambiguously? Of course, you can go to a fortune teller or a psychic, but you yourself can find out what awaits you in the year of the rat. Traditionally, fortune-telling is done on Christmastide, but you can also do this on New Year’s Eve. This way you will learn about your future. What fortune telling can be used for the New Year 2020? Let's figure it out together.

People have been trying to find out their future since ancient times. We will not engage in religious debate here. Let's just say that he who is forewarned is forearmed. This means you can use the situation for your own purposes. We hope they are good for you. In this case, you must take full responsibility only on yourself. To the question whether it is possible to guess, we will answer this way: there is no need to expect too much trouble. The fact is that often what we most often expect happens. Take fortune telling as a warning. But that doesn't mean it's inevitable.

The sacrament of fortune telling

To tell fortunes by striking the chimes, you need paper and a pen in advance. As soon as there is one minute left until the New Year 2020, you need to write a wish very quickly. It should be short. There is no need to write something unrealistic. It is advisable to come up with what is more or less real there. For example, I want to be given a gift and get a job. Now we are guessing by chiming the chimes for the year of the rat. Set fire to your leaf and watch it. If it burns out before the clock strikes for the last time, it means that your wish will somehow come true.

By the glowing windows

Not only do they make them for the New Year, but they are also easy to use to tell fortunes. It is best if there are high-rise buildings nearby. Come up with a wish. Now select a house or some floor. And now the windows that glow are counted. If the number of windows is divisible by two, then your desire is possible.

We continue our fortune telling for the New Year 2020. The following should be used on the night of January 13-14. It is for marriage, so it is best used by girls. Guys can also use this fortune telling.

We guess from a dream: You need to eat something very salty, and then not wash it down. Before going to bed you need to say: My betrothed, mummer, come to me, give me something to drink.” If guys use it, you need to replace the endings of words. Now we are waiting for who will come to you in a dream. If your betrothed takes you across the bridge, it means there will definitely be a wedding.

Guessing by rice

We guess by rice as follows: we need a handful of rice, very small. You need to hold it in your fist. In this case, you need to say the following: “I’ll tell my fortune, I’ll tell my fortune, I’ll find out the truth.” Now ask a question and throw the rice on the table. The grains that stick to your hand are not counted, only those on the table. An even number of beans will tell you “Yes”.


This is also fortune telling for marriage. It requires bulbs. You need to write a name on them - this could be the name of the guy or girl you like. You plant the bulb in the ground. Now watch which of the bulbs will germinate first. Fortune telling by onion is considered very reliable.

There must have been a lot of snow. At 23:00 you need to go outside. Now choose any snowdrift and lie down in it. Then you need to go home, but you can’t look back. Now we wait for the morning and we need to find this snowdrift. Next, we guess based on the snow like this. If the trail is deep, then good luck awaits you. If it snows and there is practically no trace visible, a friend or family member will be added. If animals or birds run along the trail, ill-wishers will interfere in your life.

Guessing by apples

We guess by apples like this: of course we will need the apples themselves. We are waiting for the clock to show 23:00. Now take an apple and cut it in half. Let's look at the cut. If the grains form the correct star, it promises joy for you in the new year.

Guessing by the mirror

It should be said right away that people with weak nerves are not recommended to do this. We guess in the mirror as follows. Take a mirror or some kind of transparent vessel into which water is poured. This could be a decanter or a very large container. You will also need two candles. The container should be located opposite the mirror itself. Candles should be on the sides. Now turn off the lights, light the candles and look in the mirror. What you think will be your future.

List of the best fortune telling for the new year

We offer you another list best fortune telling for New Year 2020:

  • You will need a paper boat. Surely you know how to do it. If you don’t know how, then shells from walnut. Now we take a basin, glue papers on the sides with short wishes. For example, a car, a dacha, a house, money, in general, anything. Pour water into the basin. Everyone asks their own question. We put the boat on the water and wait for the ship to sail somewhere. You can't push him on purpose.
  • Here's another fortune telling - based on a book. It is best to use a Bible or Band-Aid. Besides them, Pushkin, Lermontov and even Shakespeare are perfect. Now you need to take paper and pen. Make a question by placing your left hand on the book, now open and read the line that is under your thumb. She should reveal the answer to you. If you are unclear, ask the book for clarification. However, they do not do this more than 3 times.
  • For another fortune telling, you will need the following things: a ring, bread, a coin, a piece of ribbon or braid, a key and a button. They are folded under plates or hats. Whoever gets the ring will get married. Whoever has bread will be well-fed all year. Whoever has the coin gets money. A piece of tape marks the road. The key is a new home. Button - new clothes.
  • Take paper and pen. Write down the entire alphabet on a piece of paper. All vowel sounds of the letter should be removed from it. Consonants need to be numbered. Now write your question, for example, will I get married. Remove the vowels in this question; the consonants must be numbered as in the alphabet. That is, for example, the letter B is one. All obtained numbers must be multiplied by each other. Now let's see what day of the week it is. It is counted from Monday -1. Sunday is considered zero. Let's match the remainder of the division with this number. If the number can be divided by 2, then the answer is yes, if it cannot be, then no. But if it’s 0, it’s difficult.
  • Let's talk about shadow reading. You will need some kind of iron thing on which to place the paper. This could be a frying pan or a baking sheet. It is advisable to install the item near the wall. Now take a piece of paper to write down. You will also need a candle. So, the light is turned off and the candle is lit. You need to ask questions like will I get the job. The paper must be crumpled up properly, set on fire, and placed on the prepared surface. You should wait until it burns well. Now carefully turn the container and examine the shadow. The symbols will tell you the future. For example, a rat is a friend, dogs are enemies. All vehicles- this is a road, that is, a car, a helicopter, and so on. If the car is filled to the brim with things, it’s definitely a move. Any numbers indicate the date. If you don’t know what a symbol means, write it down and then look it up in any dream book.

Video tips from the best fortune tellers: