What is ichthyol ointment for? Instructions for use of ichthyol ointment - composition, indications, side effects, analogues and price. Contraindications and possible side effects

Ichthyol is an anti-inflammatory medicine, which has a local antiseptic and analgesic effect. Ichthyol is used in gynecology, urology and dermatology. Available in the form of pure Ichthyol, Ichthyol suppositories and Ichthyol ointment.

Pharmacological action of Ichthyol

In accordance with the instructions for Ichthyol, the active ingredient of the drug in all forms of release is ichthyol.

An auxiliary component in the composition of suppositories with ichthyol is vitepsol.

An auxiliary component included in Ichthyol ointment is medical petroleum jelly.

Ichthyol is a powerful antiseptic and disinfectant substance of natural origin.

Ichthyol ointment has local antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and keratolytic effects. The drug has a bactericidal effect against certain types of yeast-like fungi, pathogenic staphylococci and streptococci. Has no effect on gram-negative microorganisms. Ichthyol ointment effectively eliminates skin itching and softens the process of keratinization of the skin, thereby increasing its elasticity. The processes of regeneration and metabolism in the skin are also accelerated, which leads to a reduction in peeling. The ointment is recommended for use as a reducing agent in the regressive and stationary stages of psoriasis, since under the influence of ichthyol, dilation of skin vessels occurs. According to reviews, the effect of using Ichthyol ointment occurs within 2-3 hours after application.

Rectal suppositories with ichthyol have anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effects. When a suppository is administered, slight irritation of sensitive nerve endings occurs, which leads to a decrease in their sensitivity and denaturation of protein molecules. The drug normalizes vascular tone, helps restore blood circulation and improve metabolism.

Pure Ichthyol is included in various medications. The drug is actively used in dermatology for external skin lesions of various etiologies, including burns, eczema, abscesses, inflammation and other skin diseases. Pure Ichthyol is widely used in cosmetology for the preparation of various masks. The drug effectively fights acne and pimples of different origins by stimulating the process of opening the acne and releasing pus. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of Ichthyol, acne heals quickly without marks or scars.

Ichthyol is actively used in gynecology, proctology, and urology.

Indications for use of Ichthyol

The instructions for Ichthyol indicate that the indications for use are: medicinal product in the form of an ointment are skin diseases, joint inflammation, streptoderma, infiltrative-suppurative form of trichophytosis and microsporia, hidradenitis, inflammatory and traumatic neuralgia, solar eczema, light pox, discoid lupus erythematosus, rosacea, ostiofolliculitis.

Pure Ichthyol is prescribed to patients with purulent and inflamed acne, burns, eczema, and erysipelas.

Effectively applied rectal suppositories Ichthyol in gynecology for the treatment of inflammation of the fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries and periuterine space. Ichthyol suppositories are also recommended for the treatment of prostatitis.

Directions for use and dosage

In accordance with the instructions for Ichthyol, suppositories should be placed deep into the rectum, 1-2 suppositories per day after a natural bowel movement or cleansing enema. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician individually for each patient, depending on the severity of the disease.

Ichthyol ointment is used in pure form and in the form of glycerin lotions. To make the latter, mix ointment and glycerin in equal volumes until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Not a large number of substances should be applied to areas of inflammation and rubbed until the appearance of a lung sensations of warmth. For skin diseases and neuralgia, the area where the ointment is applied must be covered with gauze, a bandage or a bandage. Bandages should be changed every day.

For staphyloderma and streptoderma, the ointment is used in the form of applications of glycerin lotions 1-2 times a day, covering the area where the drug is applied parchment paper under the bandage.

Pure Ichthyol is applied directly to the site of inflammation 1-2 times a day under a bandage. For boils on the skin of the face, it is recommended to dilute Ichthyol with glycerin.

Side effects of Ichthyol

When using Ichthyol, local allergic reactions may occur.

Reviews report that there are no side effects from the body when using Ichthyol in gynecology, urology and proctology.

Contraindications for use

Ichthyol is not prescribed to children under 6 years of age, people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Women during pregnancy and lactation are prescribed the drug only if there is evidence from the attending physician.

Ichthyol should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, as well as to open wound surfaces.


In reviews of Ichthyol, there are no reports of cases of drug overdose.


Drugs similar in chemical composition And pharmacological action with Ichthyol are Betiol, Isarol, Ichthammol, Ichtam, Bitumen sulfonate, Bitaminol, Ichthyopan, Ichthyolsulfonate, Ichthyosulfol, Ammonium sulfoikhthyolate, Ammonium ichthyolsulfonate.

Conditions and shelf life

Ichthyol of all forms must be stored in a dry, cool, dark place out of the reach of children. The shelf life of pure Ichthyol is 60 months, suppositories and Ichthyol ointment are 24 months.

The drug is available from pharmacies over the counter.

Of all types of acne, subcutaneous acne is considered the most difficult to treat.

They not only take a long time to mature, but are also significant in size and cause pain.

However, there is simple remedies, which will help get rid of them in just a couple of days.

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  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

These include Ichthyol ointment, known to the older generation as the first remedy for cuts and abrasions.

The properties of this drug will be very useful for deep purulent acne.

What it is

The active ingredient of Ichthyol ointment is ichthammol, a product of oil shale resins.

He has dark color And bad smell. The ointment itself has a sticky consistency and can turn the skin dark.

The heavy odor is associated with the high content of the active substance, but thanks to this same component, the drug has healing properties.


In addition to ichthammol, the ointment contains only petroleum jelly to give the drug the necessary substance.

Photo: composition and consistency of the drug

All properties of this medication are based only on the action of its active component. Therefore, we can say that the drug has a completely natural composition, which, of course, is its undeniable advantage.

How it works

The use of Ichthyol ointment for acne is determined by its properties:

  • keratoplasty– softens and dissolves keratinized particles of the epidermis;
  • anti-inflammatory– relieves swelling;
  • local anesthetic– reduces painful sensations at the place of application;
  • local irritant— locally stimulates blood circulation, which helps accelerate the healing process, pus and exudate to the surface;
  • antiseptic– fights bacteria;
  • regenerating– promotes rapid restoration of damaged skin, helps with acne marks.

The active substance quickly penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and has a complex effect on inflammation there - the ointment simultaneously disinfects, anesthetizes, and heals.

Few acne products can boast similar characteristics.

Photo: the use of the drug is determined by its properties


Ichthyol ointment for acne has a number of advantages over other drugs used in the treatment of acne:

  • with its help it is possible to treat any acne, in which an inflammatory process is observed;
  • dissolves sebaceous plugs, blocking ducts sebaceous glands, which helps cleanse pores and prevent the formation of new acne;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in the skin which improves its condition and appearance;
  • helps get rid of even after large acne;
  • quickly draws pus to the surface, reducing the period of existence of even subcutaneous acne;
  • relieves pain which is very important for subcutaneous formations;
  • can be used not only on the face, but also other parts of the body where the problem arose;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • the drug has low price and is available at any pharmacy.

The only disadvantage of using this drug is its unpleasant odor.

But it can be tolerated for the sake of good result in the treatment of acne.

Video: “How to treat a boil”


Indications for the use of ichthyol ointment can be any skin lesions in which an inflammatory process occurs or a bacterial infection develops (as an adjuvant).

Instructions for use recommend using it for:

  • burns and frostbite;
  • purulent acne and;
  • eczema and erysipelas;
  • from acne and boils.

This drug is most popular specifically for subcutaneous purulent formations, because it helps to very quickly draw pus into the upper layers of the skin, preventing infection of the deep layers of the dermis and the spread of infection.

It is used not only on the face, but also on the buttocks - where the subcutaneous tissue causes very painful sensations.

Photo: the drug can be used on any part of the body

This drug can also be used for ordinary abrasions, cuts, and to lubricate pimples after squeezing.

It helps to quickly relieve inflammation, pain, and promotes regeneration. skin, protecting against stains after skin damage.

How to treat acne with ichthyol ointment

How to use ichthyol ointment for acne?

In principle, the method of its application is simple.

You just need to choose the right form and concentration of the active substance.

  • Typically, a 10% ointment is used to treat acne. Pharmacies offer its concentration from 5 to 30%. Perhaps in your case the doctor will recommend a different concentration.
  • A specialist may also recommend a 10% solution with glycerin or a 10-30% aqueous-alcohol solution. They are suitable for lubricating areas of the skin and compresses, while ointment is only for spot use.

So, to combat an inflamed pimple, no matter whether it is subcutaneous or regular, a thin layer of ointment is applied to its top.

How to apply the ointment?

Photo: spot application of product on rashes

Apply cotton swab. You can also apply the product to your finger, but for some time you will not be able to get rid of the smell of this drug.

Is it possible to smear the skin around it?

There will be nothing wrong if a little product gets on healthy skin, but the ointment can turn it dark, so try to be careful.

It is better to use Ichthyol ointment when you are at home and not in a hurry.

  • Keep the product on the skin for 1-2 hours, then its remains are washed off warm water with soap.
  • Some recommend using wet wipes; with their help, it is easier to clean the skin of ointment.
  • If you use the product in the evening and wash off any remaining residue from your skin at night, the unpleasant odor will disappear by morning.

How to use Ichthyol ointment for deep acne?

  • In this case, the drug can be applied at night. To do this, apply a little ointment to a cotton pad and press it to the site of subcutaneous formation.
  • The compress should be secured with a bandage.
  • By morning you can notice that the pus is freed from the pus.
  • Then you should wipe this area with a disinfectant, for example, or a hydrogen solution.

Photo: for boils, a compress can be applied at night

If the pus does not come out overnight, simply repeat the procedure.

Usually repeated compresses are sufficient to clear the duct.

Ichthyol stains not only the skin, but also clothes and underwear, so use it carefully.


There are no obvious contraindications to the use of the drug.

It can be used by both breastfeeding women and with the necessary caution.

But before using the ointment for the first time, it is better to conduct a skin test.

If an allergic reaction occurs, then this drug is not suitable for you.

Side effects

The only side effect from using the drug may be an allergic reaction.

  • On the skin it manifests itself in the form of a rash, swelling of the skin, itching, irritation or redness. In this case, it is necessary to stop further use of the ointment.
  • Darkening of the skin can also be called a side effect, but it is a natural consequence arising from the composition of the ointment, and therefore does not require its cancellation.

Storage conditions

The drug can be stored at room temperature, its shelf life is 3 years.

  • Opened tubes or bottles are recommended to be used within six months.
  • If you use the product periodically, keep it in the refrigerator, this will prevent it from prematurely losing its healing properties.

Efficacy of the drug

Ichthyol ointment for acne reviews for the most part has positive.

Another thing is that it is not very popular at present. But this is not the “fault” of the drug itself.

The reason most likely lies in the huge number of acne products that have appeared on the pharmaceutical market. Some of them advertise very aggressively. And for many people, a stereotype is triggered - at the pharmacy they buy the product that is constantly “on the lips”.

Some people will be put off by the smell of the product.

But at this moment you can find positive features– Manufacturers do not add fragrances or other components that mask the natural odor. As a result, we get fewer risks of allergic reactions and contraindications.

Does Ichthyol Ointment help solve acne problems?

In terms of effectiveness, it can easily compete with the most famous anti-acne drugs.

What other acne medicine can boast a versatile effect on skin problem and such a high speed of solving it?

So Ichthyol ointment is quite worthy to take pride of place in the medicine cabinet of those people who suffer from regular rashes.


Ichthyol ointment is inexpensive.

The price of the drug in Moscow pharmacies is presented in the table:

A boil is very painful and unpleasant illness, it develops very quickly, so they are looking for all sorts of ways to get rid of it. Ichthyol with a boil is a reliable assistant, it beneficial features help many people forget about purulent inflammation skin. Ichthyol-based ointment is accessible to everyone and very easy to use, which is why it is popular.

What is ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol is obtained by processing shale resins; it contains up to 10% sulfur, which is associated with an unpleasant, pungent odor of the ointment. Contains petroleum jelly as an additional substance and has a tar-like structure. True, despite its unique properties, ichthyol scares off many people with its smell and appearance, and they choose more modern and expensive products. The drug is still widely used in the treatment of boils, since it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic effect, and relieves pain in the inflamed area of ​​the skin.

Among the beneficial properties of the ointment are:

  • tissue regeneration;
  • increasing blood circulation in the sore spot;
  • the damaged inner layer of skin is restored;
  • pus is drawn upward;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • the inflammatory process decreases.

External use of ichthyol promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissue in any area of ​​the skin. Itching and redness are also relieved by this healing ointment, and pain is also reduced.

Ichthyol ointment is considered one of the best in the treatment of ulcers; despite its specific odor, it significantly reduces swelling and redness around the boil in a few days. The duration of therapy depends on the course of the skin disease. To achieve maximum results from treatment, you need to follow several rules for using the ointment:

  1. Do not apply preparations containing heavy metals and alkaloids simultaneously with ichthyol. For example, using iodine along with ointment causes a burn.
  2. Ointment for boils will be more effective on early stages development of a purulent process than in advanced cases, when a medical examination is indispensable.

It is not recommended to squeeze the contents out of the abscess, as there is a high risk of infection. It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist. Before treatment at home, you need to consult a doctor, because there are cases when you can only get rid of a boil through surgery. A remedy for treating boils based on ichthyol is available to everyone, and the application of the ointment is very simple.

How to use ichthyol ointment to treat boils

To completely get rid of a boil, you will need to apply the ointment to the sore spot. Before starting the procedure, the abscess and the skin around it are treated antiseptic solution or washed with warm water and laundry soap. The required amount of the drug is applied to the red tubercle in a thick layer, then covered with a bandage made of sterile material. The ointment compress should be securely fixed with a plaster or bandage. Until the boil ripens, the procedure is done twice a day.

It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly so that residues do not get on the mucous membranes. In addition to the ointment, the doctor prescribes bactericidal agents; sometimes it is necessary to drink antibiotics or administer them by injection. External treatment works well on initial stages boils are maturing, so in most cases you will need additional therapy simultaneously with compresses. After the pus is released, antibiotic preparations will be effective, and compresses with ichthyol also continue to be applied for better healing fabrics.

The principle of action of ichthyol ointment for furunculosis

The drug will help speed up the maturation of the boil and draw the purulent contents out. A valuable property of ichthyol is pain relief, since active substance has an anesthetic effect. The components of the ointment irritate the skin and contribute to fast healing wounds after an abscess breaks out. A 10 or 20% drug will do.

There are examples when the boil significantly decreased in size after the first application of the ointment. Due to its bactericidal properties, it is well suited for disinfecting wounds, reducing inflammation and swelling. Staphylococci, which become the most common cause boils die under the influence of the product. If you apply it to a newly formed red tubercle, you can prevent further development purulent process.

After the abscess breaks through, the wound can be treated with peroxide, and then continue to apply bandages with the drug. One application will not be enough for a complete recovery. Treatment with ichthyol ointment should last several days, depending on the stage of the disease. It is recommended to apply it carefully, only to the site of the abscess.

The remedy will be especially effective if the boil is located deep inside the skin, because its components quickly draw up the contents of the boil.


Among the contraindications of the ointment are individual sensitivity to the components. Allergic reactions are observed very rarely, so you can safely use the drug. During pregnancy and lactation, the product is used only after consultation with a doctor. Children are rarely allergic to ichthyol, but it is not recommended to apply it to the skin until the age of 6 years, and sometimes doctors prohibit the drug until the age of 12. The ointment is used only for external use; it should not be applied to mucous membranes, especially if there is open wounds and abrasions.

The action of ichthyol ointment is very fast and, when used correctly, completely eliminates purulent formation on the skin. If the drug is applied to initial stage and with the right scheme, it can be a good replacement surgical intervention and prevent serious complications from a seemingly small and harmless boil.

Ichthyol ointment is an antiseptic that has been used in dermatology for several centuries. Ancient healers used ointments made on the basis of ichthyol in their practice quite successfully. Translated into Russian, “ichthyol” can be translated as “fish oil”. Although this substance can be attributed to fish very conditionally. It is obtained from shale resins, and it is in ancient shale deposits that a large number of fossilized skeletons of prehistoric fish were discovered.

The widespread use of ichthyol ointment began in the middle of the 20th century. In modern pharmacies there are many antiseptics and disinfectants, but ichthyol ointment, like Vishnevsky ointment, is the most effective and inexpensive means, which helps to get rid of many skin diseases. It contains a large amount of sulfur, which has excellent cleansing and softening properties.

The use of ichthyol ointment for inflammation

Ichthyol ointment is a highly effective remedy for various skin inflammations: frostbite, burns and eczema. The ointment is simply irreplaceable for various purulent processes. Very often it is recommended for use in cases of furunculosis and severe suppuration of wounds.

The uniqueness of ichthyol ointment is that it is used not only in the treatment of skin diseases, but also in inflammatory processes that occur in the joints, as well as in some other ailments. For example, for diseases of the male and female genital organs. To treat them ichthyol ointment produced in the form of suppositories that neutralize inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, treat the uterine mucosa, prostate gland and so on. The same dosage form(suppositories) is used for inflammatory lesions of the rectum.

The ointment can also be used to remove deep splinters. Having lubricated the required area of ​​skin, it is bandaged or sealed with a bactericidal plaster. After some time, ichthyol ointment “pulls out” the foreign object.

How does ichthyol ointment work?

A serious advantage of ichthyol ointment over similar drugs is its deep penetration under human skin. Many modern ointments have an exclusively external effect on the affected skin area. Internal purulent processes are not available to them. Ichthyol-based ointment penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin. The powerful antimicrobial effect has a strong effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Very quickly the ointment penetrates the capillaries and veins, eliminating not only the symptoms of the disease, but also its causes. Pronounced swelling and inflammatory processes disappear after just a few sessions of using the drug. At the same time, the ointment improves blood flow in the vessels, optimizes delivery useful substances and oxygen throughout the body.


For some, the use of ichthyol ointment may cause allergic reactions, expressed in redness of the skin, severe itching, as well as mild irritations. In practice, such manifestations are quite rare, but, nevertheless, it is better to be aware of them. If an allergy occurs, you should stop using the ointment and consult a doctor.

The advantage of ichthyol ointment is that there are almost no contraindications to its use. However, you should refrain from simultaneous use of ichthyol ointment with alkaloids and iodide salts.

The versatile therapeutic effect that ichthyol ointment has obliges everyone to have it in their home medicine cabinet.

Ichthyol ointment is effective, safe and accessible remedy to get rid of acne, boils and other skin pathologies accompanied by the formation of an inflammatory process.

On this page you will find all the information about Ichthyol ointment: full instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Ichthyol ointment. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Keratoplasty, local anesthetic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Ichthyol ointment cost? The average price in pharmacies is 70 rubles.

Release form and composition

“Ichthyol Ointment” is available in dark glass jars. This medicine can be found on pharmacy shelves in jars at:

  • 25 grams. 10%. This ointment contains 10 grams of the main drug and 90 grams of the auxiliary drug;
  • 800 grams. 20%. This ointment contains 20 grams of the main drug and 80 grams of the auxiliary drug;
  • 1800 grams. 20%. This ointment contains 20 grams of the main drug and 80 grams of the auxiliary drug.

Pharmacological effect

Ichthyol ointment has an anti-inflammatory and local antiseptic effect. The product also has an antipruritic and keratostatic effect. The bactericidal effect of the drug is aimed at certain types of pathogenic staphylococci, streptococci and yeast-like fungi. However, this drug does not show activity against gram-negative microorganisms.

The use of ointment promotes effective elimination skin itching, improving skin elasticity, as well as mitigating the processes of keratinization of the skin. In addition, the use of Ichthyol ointment eliminates excess peeling, as well as enhances the processes of regeneration and metabolism in the skin.

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are observed after several hours from the moment of application of the drug.

Indications for use

What does it help with? Due to its unique composition, Ichthyol ointment is used for the treatment of boils, purulent abscesses, acne, blackheads on the face () and other skin diseases.

Other indications for the use of ichthyol agents are:

  • ear infections;
  • atheroma;
  • mastitis;
  • subcutaneous inflammation;
  • wen;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • traumatic and degenerative joint diseases;
  • dandruff, seborrhea;
  • (even a 0.2% solution of ichthyol can suppress the activity of fungal infections).

Ichthyol is effective in suppressing the proliferation of various bacteria, but the component has a greater effect on gram-positive microorganisms that stimulate the development bacterial infections. Ichthyol ointment can inhibit the action of enzymes that promote the degradation of arachidonic acid. The advantage of the drug is that the actions it provides are interrelated: for skin diseases of a fungal or bacterial nature, the therapeutic effect of ichthyol is aimed not only at eliminating pathogenic flora, but also to relieve inflammation.


Ichthyol ointment can be used to treat skin diseases in any group of patients. Contraindications for use are intolerance to ichthyol or petroleum jelly, as well as allergies to these components.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There are no direct contraindications for the use of ointment during pregnancy. However, it should not be used without a doctor's prescription or without his knowledge. Use of the product during pregnancy is not recommended. The ointment, when absorbed, does not enter the systemic bloodstream, but use is not recommended during lactation.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Ichthyol ointment is intended exclusively for local application. It is used either in its pure form or in the form of a glycerin lotion (20% ointment and glycerin mixed until smooth in equal proportions).

Apply a thin layer of ointment to the skin in areas of inflammation and rub in with your lungs. massage movements until a feeling of warmth appears. The amount of ointment that should be used depends on the size of the lesion, but is usually between 2 and 4 g.

  1. For arthritis, neuralgia, burns and erysipelas After applying the ointment, it is recommended to cover the lesion with a gauze bandage or napkin.
  2. At gynecological diseases, according to the instructions, Ichthyol ointment should also be used in the form of a glycerin solution. To do this, a cotton swab soaked in the solution is inserted into the rectum several times a day, after giving a cleansing enema, or immediately after a natural bowel movement.
  3. For streptoderma and staphyloderma, Ichthyol ointment should be used in the form of a glycerin lotion - it is applied to the affected area, covered with parchment paper and a bandage is made, which is changed several times a day.
  4. Ichthyol ointment is effective for boils and hidradenitis; in these cases it is used in the form of “cakes”, i.e. Approximately 2 g is applied to each boil or site of inflammation, covered with a swab and fixed with a band-aid. Change ointment swabs every 8-10 hours. Improvement occurs within the first 24 hours. Ichthyol ointment for boils that are located on the face is recommended to be used diluted (with glycerin) to avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.

Side effects

It is extremely rare that skin reactions may occur during the use of ichthyol ointment: burning, itching, redness, tingling. Specified side effects pass on their own, have a mild degree of severity, and the duration of their manifestation usually does not exceed 1-3 days.


Cases of significantly exceeding the recommended therapeutic dose Ichthyol ointment has not been registered to date. In case of accidental ingestion, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and intestines, take intestinal sorbents ( Activated carbon) and seek medical help.

If the ointment gets on the mucous membranes, they must be washed with a significant amount of running water.

special instructions

Before starting to use Ichthyol ointment, you should read the instructions for the drug. There are several special instructions, which are worth paying attention to include:

  1. The ointment is applied to clean, dry skin.
  2. After applying the drug, hands should be washed thoroughly, preferably under running water.
  3. The question of using Ichthyol ointment for pregnant or breastfeeding women is decided by the doctor individually, after analyzing the expected benefits for the mother and the potential risk for the fetus or infant.
  4. Do not allow the ointment to come into contact with mucous membranes.
  5. When used externally according to the instructions, the drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to concentrate.

In the pharmacy chain, Ichthyol ointment is sold without a doctor's prescription. If you have doubts or questions regarding its use, you should consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

The medicine is not recommended for use in combination with drugs used for topical use on one area of ​​the epithelium. An unpredictable reaction may occur due to the formation of new compounds when using the ointment simultaneously with medications intended for topical use containing:

  • heavy metals;
  • salt;
  • alkaloids.