Eye diseases in cats: how to keep your pet healthy. Treatment of cats for eye inflammation Eye diseases in cats symptoms

Pets become members of the family, go through difficulties, grief and joy with people, and love their owners for simply being. When an illness occurs, a person is obliged to provide help and get rid of the disease. It seems that the cat was just running around the apartment, playing and frolicking, but suddenly it became less active, began to meow, and hide in secluded places. This behavior indicates that something is bothering the animal. Eye diseases are most common in cats, so pay attention to their condition first.

Let's deal with this disease

In modern veterinary medicine, doctors distinguish two types of it: inflammation eyeball and disease of the century. There are many causes and symptoms of eye diseases in cats. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Mechanical damage. If the animal is outdoor, then most likely it comes into contact with other cats. An example would be a fight, which, as a rule, ends in numerous injuries. During battle, the eyes are more likely to suffer. The main symptoms of injury include: redness, swelling of the eyeball itself and the area around it. Most often the eyelid is damaged. Scratches and cuts bleed. If you do not provide help on time and do not treat the inflamed area, this can lead to dire consequences.
  2. Inflammation of the inner and third eyelids. There are two stages of the disease. The first is swelling, accompanied by purulent discharge. The cat begins to injure the inflamed area, scratching the sore spot, trying to wash it with its tongue. The aggressive environment enters the eye and leads to the second stage - severe redness and a deep festering wound.
  3. Let's consider the third reason. These are different infectious diseases. These include: conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, iritis, keratitis and blepharitis. We will talk about them later; the symptoms of each infection are individual and are considered directly based on the type of disease.
  4. The last reason why eye problems can occur is tumors. Indeed, unfortunately, they are no less common in cats than in people. The first symptom is the appearance of severe swelling; not only the eyeball, but also the area around it swells. Sometimes the size of the tumor reaches impressive dimensions. The cat is suffering and has a fever. Cancer develops gradually, over time the pet loses activity, appetite, and subsequently weight. Photosensitivity appears, the animal tries to hide its muzzle in a darker place.

If all these manifestations are detected, a loving owner should take his cat to veterinary clinic, where she will be examined and given first aid. Below are eye diseases in cats with photos so that you can provide first aid based on your own knowledge.

Causes of conjunctivitis

If the owner begins to notice that the cat has discharge from the eyes and is constantly scratching them, then this is not a good sign. Treatment and causes of eye disease in cats depend on where the disease originates. When it comes to conjunctivitis, the most common ones are:

  • allergy to flowering plants or fungi (mold), household or decorative chemicals;
  • foreign bodies;
  • mechanical damage;
  • infectious diseases.

The main symptoms of conjunctivitis in a pet:

  • inflammation of the fundus;
  • and areas around the eyes;
  • the appearance of pus;
  • flow of tears;
  • redness;
  • reaction to light;
  • cloudy film.

We continue to describe the disease of eye disease in cats. So, they also distinguish: changes in behavior, the appearance of apathy, loss of activity, unexpected reactions to the owner, squinting and closing the eye completely.

Conjunctivitis is a serious inflammation of the eyes, and it cannot be treated with various folk remedies. A warm tea solution will help relieve only the first symptoms, but will not be effective on later diseases. It is important, as soon as possible, to contact your veterinarian who is caring for the animal, because the cat, feeling discomfort, will begin to scratch the eye and try to get out of it, thereby provoking new inflammation.

Of course, inflammation is the cause of eye disease in cats, but it contributes to mechanical damage and infection that the cat reintroduces into the wound. Just think how many bacteria are on her paw pads and fur. If the cat is active, it does not miss a single corner where dust often accumulates. Sometimes she can pick up something from the floor and eat it, and then lick her paw with her dirty tongue to wash her eyes. Therefore, you should monitor your pet’s behavior and try to avoid additional contact until the inflammation goes away.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

Those remedies that are good for treatment of this disease in humans, are not always effective for cat eyes. But if you have an albucid solution in your first aid kit, it will significantly alleviate the pet’s suffering, relieve swelling and begin to fight the pathogenic environment that injures the animal’s eye. Tetracycline ointment will also help the kitten combat unpleasant symptoms. You need to use these remedies, like people, twice a day, until complete recovery.

At the veterinary pharmacy you can purchase special products that are prescribed by the doctor after an examination. All doses are aimed specifically at treating the disease in cats and will be more effective for them. All preventive measures What a person can do to avoid this problem again is to put all household chemicals and cosmetics in places away from cats. Get rid of plants causing allergies, carry out wet cleaning as often as possible, remove mold fungi. The pet’s nutrition plays an important role, which also needs to be normalized.

Keratoconjunctivitis, a form of conjunctivitis

Keratoconjunctivitis is a type of conjunctivitis that is also called dry eye. If you notice that your cat has spots around his eyes. yellow discharge, then you should consult a doctor. This is one of the symptoms of the disease that is most dangerous for your pet, since the lack of telepathy leads to blindness.

There are many reasons for the appearance of this disease. These are mechanical damage - dust, sand, dirt entering the tear ducts of the eyes, and infections - the pathogenic environment of herpes and other viruses.

Treatment for this disease is different from ordinary conjunctivitis. To relieve your pet from suffering, medications based on antibacterial and antifungal agents are used. The drugs are quite expensive and are prescribed only by a specialist. Therefore, immediately take your pet to a veterinarian who can help cope with the disease.

Iritis before our eyes

This is one of the most common ailments of the iris. Inflammation of the latter, as well as the ciliary edge of the eye, are symptoms of eye disease in cats. The infection appears after viral disease or mechanical damage to the eye.

The symptoms of this disease are very clear clinical picture. If your pet experiences severe lacrimation, the iris of the eye acquires a yellow tint, and the pupil is constantly constricted, then these may be the first symptoms of iritis. Also, if your cat has photophobia, purulent discharge from the inside of the eye, then these may also be symptoms of the disease.

In order to diagnose iritis and relieve your cat of pain through treatment, it is enough to take a test (smears).

Next rule. First of all, make sure your cat is comfortable. Set up a warm place for her, use a bedding or a small blanket. Place a tray, drinking bowl and feeder nearby. Speaking of nutrition, exclude meat from the diet from the person’s table, various sausages and special treats for cats.

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. The set of measures also includes hypoallergenic and dietary nutrition, and careful care. After discharge, follow sanitary standards. To provide first aid, instill a diluted solution of atropine, novocaine, hydrocortisone. A mild antibiotic will do. Providing your pet with comfort and care will bear fruit and the animal will recover very soon.

Keratitis in a cat

It is one of the ophthalmological diseases. The cause of the appearance may be mechanical damage, for example, a blow to a hard surface or the ingress of dust and dirt. The disease sometimes occurs together with infectious inflammation. If a cat has a cold, then its immune system will not be able to cope with elementary conjunctivitis, which, in turn, turns into keratitis. Sometimes it is a symptom of eye disease in cats. genetic predisposition, when a kitten is born immediately with eye inflammation.

It is necessary to start treatment as soon as you notice symptoms. These include clouding of part of the cornea (rough-matte). Most often, the sign is observed in both eyes at once. There is also a flow of lymph, which can be confused with tears. And the main symptom is photosensitivity. The kitten hides its head when bright light appears.

Only a doctor can tell you how to treat the symptoms of eye diseases in cats, because the degree of keratitis can vary significantly. Treatment of eye disease in cats depends on the severity of the inflammation. Sometimes cats have ulcerative keratitis, which can lead to complete blindness. If treatment is not provided in time, then even amputation of the eye or corneal plastic surgery is possible.

If you notice these symptoms, immediately take the kitten to the veterinary clinic along with its mother. Timely treatment will not only relieve the cat from painful symptoms and photophobia, but will also allow the cat to live a healthy life without dire consequences.

Inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct

Terrible disease. Obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct in cats is a pathology that can be caused by a variety of reasons. The disease itself is not as terrible as its consequences. If your cat actively produces tears and does not receive subsequent treatment, this can lead not only to stagnation of tears, but also to skin and fur lesions, eczema, eye loss and chronic conjunctivitis.

Causes of inflammation tear ducts a bunch of. This is a hit foreign bodies, infectious diseases, neoplasms, environmental irritation and allergies. You can see in the photo eye disease in cats.

It is important to find the root cause and make the correct diagnosis. This can only be done after examination by a doctor. In order to diagnose this disease, you do not need to have much knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine. If you observe that your cat is actively secreting a clear liquid, which leaves tear tracks on the fur, then this is nothing more than a clogged tear duct. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by discharge of greenish or yellowish fluid from the nose. You need to see a doctor immediately!

Treatment is provided only by a veterinarian ophthalmologist. None folk remedies will not relieve the cat from inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct. Prevention is proper, clean nutrition, care, adherence to sanitary standards in the apartment, as well as regular examination by a veterinarian.

Description of panophthalmitis

This is the most serious illness. It is accompanied by copious discharge, inflammation of the fundus of the eye and the area around the eye.

The cause of the disease is injury to the eyeball. The disease occurs as a result of an infection that enters the eye and begins to actively develop, causing sharp pain and discharge of pus. Appears when an injury occurs, for example, after an animal runs into its eye on a rusty nail, dirty stone or wire.

Treatment of panophthalmitis

The disease causes inflammation of the eye. Symptoms do not include the presence of pus and swelling, but clouding of the eyeball. The cat stops seeing, the iris opens with a dense white shell, through which nothing is visible. Sometimes red, inflamed vessels are observed on top of the membrane.

In order to cure an animal, it must be sent to a hospital, where it will be treated complex treatment. If observation is refused, the animal loses its vision, after which all tissues in the body begin to become infected and death. Therefore, it is better to be more attentive to your pet’s health and provide timely assistance. correct treatment.


Glaucoma of the anterior part of the eye occurs from increased intraocular pressure. There are two main forms: primary (non-hereditary) and secondary. The first is quite rare in domestic cats. The reason for its appearance can be understood from the name.

Secondary occurs due to lens disease, inflammation of nerve tissue. The first signs are the appearance of blindness in the cat, lacrimation and redness. Diagnosis in the early stages is only possible thanks to an ophthalmologist who can measure intraocular pressure. Treatment is provided with antiseptic and blood pressure-lowering drugs.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Eye health has great importance for the overall health of cats, so owners should regularly check their pet's eyes. To prevent long-term problems with your cat's eyes, it is important to know what to look for and what to do if an infection is detected. Having identified the problem on early stage, you will have to decide whether to try to deal with the infection at home or go to the vet. If in doubt, be sure to seek professional help as some problems can be very serious and even lead to loss of vision or an eye.


Part 1

Examining your eyes for infection

usually as a result of injury, infection or allergy.

Part 2

Treating an eye infection at home

    Clear discharge from the eye. If your cat's eyes are watering or leaking fluid, take a wet cotton swab and wipe them away. Wipe them as often as needed. In case of severe infection, this procedure will have to be done hourly.

    • Dry your eyes.
    • When the cotton wool becomes dirty, take another one. Dry each eye with a separate cotton swab.
  1. Be especially careful with your kitten's eyes. Kittens with eye infections often have their eyes stuck together due to discharge. It is very important to clean them out promptly, as infection can accumulate behind the eyelids and cause blindness.

    Be careful not to get any irritants into your cat's eyes. Trim long hairs to keep them out of the eyes, and make sure the muzzle is clean. You should also not use aerosols if your cat is nearby, as his eyes are very sensitive and the aerosol may cause him to tear up.

Part 3

Medical treatment for eye infection

    Don't forget about vaccinations. It may seem strange, but vaccination can prevent the development of some infections. Two common causes of eye infections that can be prevented by vaccination are the common cold and chlamydia.

    Take your cat to a veterinarian so they can evaluate the infection and prescribe treatment. Typically, eye infections are caused by bacteria or viruses. Viral infections can go away on their own. The immune system cats can handle it on their own. Bacterial infections are being treated eye ointments or drops that contain an antibiotic.

    Apply the medication as directed. Depending on the dosage form antibiotic, the drug should be given from twice a day to once an hour. Oral antibiotics are generally not prescribed for eye infections. An exception may be cases when it is not possible to apply the ointment due to the capricious nature of the cat.

Article information

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and the care of companion animals. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Works at the same animal clinic in his hometown more than 20 years.

Unfortunately, ophthalmological diseases in felines are not so rare, and these ailments are not always easily cured.

List of inflammatory eye diseases in cats

Conjunctivitis in a cat.

TO inflammatory diseases relate:

  • keratitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • iritis;
  • inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct or lacrimal sac;
  • blepharitis;
  • panophthalmitis.

They occur in acute, subacute and chronic forms. They develop as a primary or secondary pathology.


Clouding of the cornea due to keratitis.

It is not so difficult to suspect keratitis at home, since the disease in which the cornea becomes inflamed manifests itself in a characteristic way. Normally, the organs of vision should be transparent and have a healthy shine.

As a rule, this pathology in cats is acquired.

Main reasons

  • mechanical damage – injury or the presence of a foreign object;
  • complication of conjunctivitis;
  • thermal effects;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • lesions of the lacrimal glands;
  • congenital predisposition.

Sphinxes are most susceptible to the appearance of keratitis.

As for congenital predisposition, British, Siamese, Persian, American smooth-haired and Sphynx cats are most susceptible to the appearance of keratitis.

Main symptoms

With the development of keratitis, pus may appear.

First a clear sign development of keratitis appears clouding of the cornea.

  • Either one organ or both may be affected.
  • Less commonly, streaks of blood vessels may be observed in the area of ​​the diseased cornea.
  • Fluid often accumulates inside, causing the diseased area to swell, profuse lacrimation occurs, and pus may appear.
  • An advanced case is characterized by the appearance of scars, which, most often, is fraught with blindness for the cat later.
  • Difference in behavior, fear of bright light.


Any therapy begins with eliminating primary causes . IN in this case ophthalmic drops containing an antibiotic are recommended. If the cause is a fungal infection, use fungicidal agents for a fairly long course of treatment.

Elimination viral infection it is possible to use antiviral serum.


With iritis, inflammation of the iris occurs.

As a rule, inflammation of the iris develops together with inflammation of the ciliary body, and the name is modified to iridocyclitis. The causes are injuries, viruses, bacteria, fungi,... Often pathology occurs due to an imbalance of metabolic processes.

Clinical picture

The disease is accompanied by profuse lacrimation.

  • The animal experiences profuse lacrimation, which over time turns into purulent discharge.
  • The cat begins to be afraid of bright light, and later tries to hide in a dark corner and not go out into the light.
  • The iris turns yellow.
  • The pupil narrows and stops responding to light.
  • The pet is noticeably agitated, does not let itself be handled, and rubs its eyes with its paws.


Iris ophthalmic drops are used for therapy.

  1. First aid for a sick cat will consist of transferring it to a darkened room and ensuring peace.
  2. Ophthalmic drops with atropine and “Iris” drops with an antibiotic are used.
  3. Gamavit is prescribed.
  4. For prevention purposes, atropine solution and medicinal eye films with atropine, dicaine, and sulfapyridazine are recommended.
  5. A purulent infection is eliminated by mixing a solution of novocaine, atropine, hydrocortisone or prednisolone.
  6. Novocaine blockade and antibiotic ointments. Chronic course treated with tissue preparations.


Pyogenic infection of the tissues and membranes of the organ of vision.

Panophthalmitis in kittens.

Such a lesion is a consequence of a penetrating injury to the eyeball and is accompanied by a fairly severe course. Factors that stimulate the purulent process are pneumococcus, streptococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Diagnosed through general visual inspection, ultrasound examination.

Main symptoms

With the disease, voluntary closure of the eyelids often occurs.

  • The most striking symptom of panophthalmitis is sharp eye pain.
  • The animal experiences anxiety, nervousness, and often reacts aggressively to any attempts at contact.
  • Then there is a strong fear of light, profuse lacrimation.
  • Often there is an arbitrary closing and opening of the eyelids - blepharospasm.
  • The eyelids are swollen and hot to the touch.
  • The conjunctiva is swollen, the mucous membrane is pinched by the eyelids, the cornea is cloudy and swollen.
  • There is formation of pus in the anterior chamber and subsequent disintegration of the iris.
  • A progressive disease is characterized by purulent melting of the cornea and sclera, an increase in the forward shift of the eyeball and immobility of the organ of vision.
  • Possible rupture of the sclera.
  • Due to the strong pathological process intoxication develops, which causes severe vomiting, increased general body temperature, severe pain.

The disease is severe and, if not treated promptly, the eyes can leak completely., and sepsis developing in a diseased area is quite capable of spreading to other areas of the body.

Help methods

Effective help will be surgical removal eyeball to avoid further infection.

Surgical removal of the eyeball will be an effective solution.

After removal, the upper and lower eyelids are usually stitched together. Drainage is rarely needed. Postoperative period requires special care. First of all, the possibility of scratching the operated area should be eliminated. Next, apply therapy that prevents the development of the pathological process and complications - anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.


Inflammation of the lacrimal sac in most cases occurs in a chronic form, however acute form requires close attention and difficulties in treatment.

Dacryocystitis in a cat.

Diagnostics is based on differentiation from atheroma, fibroma. It is examined by palpation for excessive accumulation of tear fluid in the neoplasms.


With dacryocystitis, a cat's eye becomes swollen and painful.

Most characteristic feature- lacrimation.

The conjunctiva is swollen, painful, and hyperemia is noticeable. Fluctuating edema is noticeable below. When squeezing the bag, a different consistency and color may be released. This may be a purulent exudate or a slightly mucous clear liquid. If, when pressed, the contents of the seal do not flow out, but the emptying of the bag is felt, this may indicate that exudate has entered the nasal cavity through the nasolacrimal duct.

Thus, a blockage of this channel is formed, dropsy or empyema .


  1. The first step is to ensure the passage of the channel, which is done by pressing on it from the outside.
  2. Inhalation or rinsing with disinfectant solutions is recommended.
  3. If necessary, expand the tubule and wash the bag.

    Therapy includes washing the eyes with disinfectant solutions.

    If these methods do not lead to positive result, removal of the lacrimal sac is allowed.

    Video on how to put drops in a cat's eyes

Eye diseases in cats are common. This is a serious condition that requires consultation with a veterinarian. In the absence of adequate or untimely therapy The pet may develop irreversible effects and even blindness. Therefore, as soon as any problems with the organs of vision appear, you should not expect them to go away on their own, but immediately seek qualified help.

Third eyelid prolapse

There are several of them. By type of process there are:

  • Inflammatory. These include keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, iritis (the iris is damaged), inflammation of the lacrimal canal, etc.
  • Not inflammatory. Injuries, bruises, foreign bodies entering the eye, entropion of the eyelids, cataracts, glaucoma, etc.

According to the course of the process, the disease can be acute, subacute and chronic. In the subacute process, the symptoms do not disappear completely, but only subside slightly, while the danger of vision deterioration remains. This course is no less dangerous than acute or chronic, although it seems that the animal has gotten better.

They are divided into:

  • Primary – eye problem – this is the underlying disease.
  • Secondary - the organ of vision reacted in response to concomitant pathology. For example, when a cat is infected with bacteria, in addition to other organs, the eyes are also affected, which manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis. In this case, it is necessary to identify the disease that caused this condition and treat the animal comprehensively, and not just deal with the symptoms.


Veterinary experts distinguish 2 main categories of causes of eye diseases:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of protective organs and the eyeball itself. These include various injuries and burns, inversions and eversion of the eyelids, fusion and drooping of the eyelids, eye loss, blepharitis, neoplasms;
  • Pathology of the organ of vision itself. These are: glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, panophthalmitis, uveitis, etc.

They all require urgent veterinary care, since they can go to chronic form, which is either very difficult to treat or incurable, and the organ will have to be removed.

Symptoms of diseases

Among the most common are the following diseases.


Characterized by the presence inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eyelids. One of the most common in cats.

There are several types: catarrhal, purulent, ulcerative, follicular. It arises as a result various reasons: ingress of foreign bodies, injuries, as a result of many infectious processes. For example, banal.

This pathology is manifested by redness of one or both eyelids, their swelling and lacrimation. This picture is typical for the catarrhal type, with purulent symptoms the same, but more pronounced and, in addition to the copious secretion of tear fluid, purulent discharge appears. The swelling can be so severe that the eyelids hardly open, and they also stick together, making it difficult for the cat to open them.

With an advanced process or reduced immunity, a rise in local or general symptoms is possible. With follicular conjunctivitis, in addition to the described symptoms, regional The lymph nodes located in the inner corner of the eyes.


Characterized by clouding of the lens. Older animals are more susceptible to this disease, but young animals can also develop it as a result of infection.

Main symptom: decreased vision. The pet becomes slower and more careful, loses orientation in an unknown environment, and crashes into everything.


Inflammation of the lacrimal sac. It is divided into acquired and congenital. This disease develops as a complication after others, such as injuries or infections.

All age categories of pets are susceptible to it.

The main symptoms are: swelling of the conjunctiva, lacrimation, redness in the corners of the eyes, the lacrimal sac increases in size, temperature rise, and pus is released when pressed. The cat becomes restless due to severe pain developing with this disease.

Manifestation of keratitis

This is an inflammation of the cornea. It occurs as a result of other pathologies: conjunctivitis, thermal burns, infections, allergic reactions, vitamin deficiency, injuries and congenital predisposition.

It is characterized by clouding of the cornea and swelling upper eyelid. Blood vessels become noticeable in the form of red veins, pus accumulates in the corners of the eyes. The cat stops liking the light, begins to squint and hide in dark places.

Corneal ulcers occur for a number of reasons: chemical burn cleaning and disinfection products, ingrown eyelashes, injuries, damage by viruses and bacteria. Breeds with flat faces and protruding eyes are more susceptible.

Symptoms: the organs of vision become red and “cloudy”, copious discharge, the pet constantly scratches his eyelids, trying to relieve the itching and squints, bright light becomes unpleasant to him.

Third eyelid (loss)

Characterized by increased intraocular pressure.

There are types:

  • closed-coal;
  • congenital;
  • open-coal.

Among the main symptoms are: pupil dilation, burst vessels on the conjunctiva and the eye itself, an increase in the size of the organ and it becomes hard (felt when pressed lightly). Normally, the eyeball is quite elastic and, with light pressure, springs a little under the finger, but with glaucoma it becomes as if it were made of stone. This occurs due to a sharp increase in pressure inside.

Glaucoma in a cat

In the open-angle form of the disease, clouding of the cornea occurs and its sensitivity decreases. The development of glaucoma leads to decreased vision and causes suffering to the pet due to incessant pain in the eye, due to which the pet becomes restless, sleeps poorly and meows a lot. Therefore, if you notice the symptoms described above, you should urgently contact a veterinarian to prescribe adequate treatment.

Sometimes glaucoma requires urgent surgery, for example, when the lens is dislocated, which is the cause of the disease.

A very common pathology among cats. It is very easy to notice - an area of ​​turbidity or whitening appears on the cornea. It can occur as a result of injury, an infectious process, or untreated cataracts. This disease causes vision impairment in 90% of cases.

Cat's thorn

There are a number of other symptoms:

  • in 50% of cases strabismus develops;
  • the cornea is red, swollen;
  • eyes fester;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • the animal has a negative attitude towards the owner’s attempt to wash his eyes.

Sometimes an eyesore leads to the development of glaucoma, in which case they resort to radical measures and remove the eye, while the eyelids are sutured.


It is carried out by a veterinarian in a specialized clinic, as it requires special tools. It is carried out in several stages. First, the organ is examined and the following parameters are assessed:

  • preservation of vision;
  • appearance of the organ: the size and shape of the pupils, their symmetry; the same parameters are used to evaluate the eyelids and their condition;
  • condition of the eye: its size, shape, position relative to the orbit, absence or presence of injuries.

After an external examination of the organ, the doctor begins research using additional equipment: examines the fundus of the animal, measures intraocular pressure, prescribes general clinical and biochemical tests blood and urine, takes a smear to identify pathogenic microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics, etc.


Most eye diseases are treated conservatively. To do this, use various drops and ointments with antibacterial agents in the composition. Before placing or instilling them, wash the animal’s eyes with a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate.

The most popular are products based on Tetracycline, Gentamicin, Erythromycin and Levomycetin.

They try not to use Albucid to treat pets, as it burns strongly and the animal will not allow it to be instilled anymore.

After applying the ointment or drops, you should hold the cat in your arms for a while, otherwise it will wipe off all the medicine with its paw.

If there was an injury, Solcoseryl ointment (Actoveginovaya) helps well for healing, it is applied to inner side century.

In advanced stages, antibiotics are administered, it depends on the condition of the animal and the tolerability of the procedure.

In order to exclude allergies to injected drugs, a course of antihistamines, for example, Suprastin or Tavegil, is prescribed.

TO surgical treatment they try to resort to it in extreme cases or when it is not possible to preserve the organ of vision. For example, with panophthalmitis, this is often the only treatment option.


The owner of the animal must be attentive to his well-being and behavior, and notice any changes in this.

If a cat rubs its eyes and shows anxiety, it is worth examining it, the cause may be a foreign body. If so, you need to remove it and rinse the eye with plenty of clean water, furatsilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then drip any eye drops. After this, you need to take your pet to a veterinarian for a more thorough examination.

For preventive purposes, you should wipe your pet's eyes daily. boiled water or chamomile decoction. Animals don't really like it hygiene procedures, and therefore it is necessary to accustom them to this from childhood.

If crusts, discharge, or any changes in the pet’s behavior are detected, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian as soon as possible.