Levocarnitine contraindications. L-carnitine harm and side effects. Beneficial properties of the supplement

The body simply cannot absorb more. The exception is the pre-competitive period - the dose can be reasonably increased.

L-carnitine: harm or pure benefit?

In order not to experience the side effects of l-carnitine, you must remember: the drug can easily deteriorate if kept in a humid or hot place. The refrigerator is ideal for storing l carnitine. Do not try to force the intake of the drug if you accidentally missed the required time - it is better to forget about the omission and follow the schedule in the future. Usually, the instructions for use of l-carnitine indicate possible contraindications.

However, it is wiser to contact your doctor to find out about the side effects of l-carnitine in relation to your body. I can reassure you, scientific research has not been able to detect any side effects of l-carnitine on a healthy human body.

An athlete can easily tolerate a dose tens of times higher than the generally accepted dose, without any side effects of l-carnitine on the body.

L-carnitine is prescribed even to infants. L-carnitine has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and cerebral circulation; useful for metabolic diseases. However, you cannot use it constantly because... The production of natural l-carnitine in the body decreases and l-carnitine, which theoretically has no harm, will ruin your metabolism.

L-carnitine: contraindications

Like any drug, l-carnitine has instructions that indicate the side effects of l-carnitine, contraindications for l-carnitine, and signs of allergic reactions to l-carnitine:

Contraindications to the use of l-carnitine: pregnancy, intolerance of the body to protein, strict low-calorie diet, thyroid disease, lactation period.

Side effects of l-carnitine: eating disorder accompanied by nausea, excessive body tone, depression, constant feeling of hunger, aggressive or risky behavior.

Signs of an allergic reaction to l-carnitine: skin rashes, difficulty breathing, swelling especially in the oral cavity.

Among athletes, there are practically no complaints about the side effects of l-carnitine.

Fresh opinion from scientists

Recent research on L-carnitine provides us with the following information: in the intestine, the substance is converted into trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), which can cause heart disease in rodents. In experimental animals that regularly received l-carnitine with food, a significant increase in trimethylamine-N-oxide in the blood was observed. However, it is difficult to say whether the human body is susceptible to this side effect of l-carnitine.

Every person's body produces L-carnitine, which is synthesized from methionine and lysine in the kidneys and liver. However, very little of it is produced, and it is quickly consumed. The main role of L-carnitine is the transport of fatty acids across the cell membrane. If there is a lack of this amino acid, the body uses mainly carbohydrates for energy.

However, you shouldn’t just take L-carnitine and expect rapid fat burning. The peculiarity of this amino acid is that it only works during physical activity. And if you want to lose weight with L-carnitine, you will have to combine a low-calorie diet, aerobic exercise and taking medications with L-carnitine.

The second beneficial property of L-carnitine is that it helps build muscle. Taking an amino acid shifts metabolism to obtain energy from fatty acids. And proteins at this time go to build muscles. This feature of L-carnitine is heavily used by athletes.

But these are not all the positive properties of L-carnitine. It can significantly increase endurance and performance, reduce fatigue, which is also extremely important for people involved in sports. Taking this amino acid speeds up recovery after intense training and reduces muscle pain during and after physical activity.

For ordinary people, L-carnitine is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis - it helps slow down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and lowers cholesterol levels. For colds, L-carnitine helps you recover and recover faster.

Uncontrolled intake of L-carnitine can cause harm to the body. If all fat reserves are used up, the heart and abdominal organs, which need fatty acids for function and protection, will suffer. In addition, large doses of L-carnitine can cause insomnia, nervousness and anxiety.

How to take L-carnitine

Taking L-carnitine uncontrolled is not recommended. Before supplementing your diet and exercise with this substance, you should consult your doctor. In addition to some contraindications, L-carnitine can cause allergic reactions and individual intolerance.

Recommended daily doses of L-carnitine:
- 10-15 mg - up to a year;
- 30-50 mg - for 1-3 years;
- 60-90 mg - for children 4-6 years old;
- 100-300 mg - for children 7-18 years old;
- 300 mg – for adults;
- 500-2000 mg – to combat extra pounds and boost immunity;
- 500-1000 mg – for infectious diseases, kidney and cardiovascular diseases;
- 500-3000 mg – for intense sports and heavy physical labor.

is an amino acid with properties similar to B vitamins. But unlike vitamins, the body is able to produce this substance on its own. Many athletes who want to get lean and get a beautiful figure use L-carnitine, the side effects of which are very minor.

L carnitine is an amino acid with properties similar to B vitamins

Main functions

L carnitine is able to influence metabolic processes in the body. Its benefits are obvious, as it performs the following functions:

  • Promotes muscle growth
  • Prevents oxygen starvation,
  • Accelerates fat metabolism,
  • Improves tissue regeneration,
  • Improves appetite,
  • Suppresses the increased production of thyroid hormones in thyrotoxicosis.

Carnitine is considered a relatively safe supplement. Its benefits are due to a large number of positive effects. It is even prescribed to children. Its benefits have been proven for people with heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension and hyperthyroidism.

L carnitine can influence metabolic processes in the body

In addition to the fact that carnitine accelerates the breakdown of fat deposits and, accordingly, promotes the release of energy, its benefit is that it significantly reduces cholesterol levels.

This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Recent scientific studies have proven that this substance increases not only physical endurance, but also intellectual abilities.

The advantages of the drug are that it relieves fatigue, including chronic fatigue, improves health and prolongs life.

Bodybuilders taking carnitine gain muscle mass faster and lose fat tissue better. The substance affects blood cells, improving their transport function. It has been noticed that the substance is equally useful for both women and men.

Harmful effects

Carnitine has been studied many times, but no obvious side effects have been identified from taking it. Interestingly, even a significant overdose hundreds of times higher than the norm did not cause negative reactions and had no consequences. Poisoning with the drug is impossible.

Carnitine has been studied many times, but no obvious side effects have been identified from taking it.

It is known that taking L-carnitine helps increase the amount of energy released. A person becomes cheerful and full of energy, which he can spend on improving athletic performance, which is one of the goals of using this drug. But such excessive cheerfulness also has its downsides. Over time, some people may develop insomnia from constant use of the substance, so it is not recommended to take the supplement before bed. Taking L carnitine in the first half of the day will prevent sleep problems and enhance its positive effect.

Sometimes, due to the action of carnitine, a person may experience nausea and headache, and possible disorders of the digestive system. But this is quite rare and only in cases of individual intolerance to the drug.

L-carnitine is usually well tolerated, but in isolated cases dyspepsia, allergic reactions and pain in the epigastric region are possible. These side effects often occur due to the fact that manufacturers add sweeteners and other flavor enhancers to the drug.

Athletes taking the supplement often noticed an increase in appetite. This is really possible, since carnitine accelerates metabolism and the burning of subcutaneous fat, which can cause a calorie deficit in the body and, as a result, hunger.

Athletes taking the supplement often noticed an increase in appetite

In order to avoid headaches, carnitine-based supplements often include dietary fiber. Appetite can also be influenced by a well-designed diet and exercise regimen. If any negative reactions from taking the drug are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

You can buy carnitine on the American website, where there are always promotions, and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. It also works. Therefore, if you have already decided which carnitine suits you best, then it can be found on.

Who should not take a carnitine supplement?

Any remedy, be it a medicine, a vitamin complex or a sports supplement, can have its side effects. And, despite the fact that L-carnitine is considered one of the safest drugs, it has its own contraindications. Basically, it is worth relying on the specific characteristics of the body, which may not tolerate any substances well.

L carnitine is not harmful, but it is not prescribed to people who have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. It is also not recommended to take during pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindications for taking the supplement apply to people suffering from severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. People who have been diagnosed with uremia should also not overuse the drug, as they may develop muscle weakness.

You should not take L-carnitine on the day you plan to undergo a procedure such as hemodialysis, as cases of myasthenia gravis have been identified.

Interaction of L-carnitine with other drugs

It has been established that L carnitine practically does not interact with other drugs, so no side effects from its combination with them have been identified. The drug can be used simultaneously with other sports supplements and fat burners. There will definitely be no harm from this.

However, some of the drugs that have an anabolic effect, as well as those containing lipoic acid, when taken together with carnitine, can enhance its beneficial properties. Some types of steroids also cause the substance to accumulate in body tissues, but not in the liver.

In any case, the benefits of carnitine far outweigh its disadvantages. Especially if you take it while following a diet and training regimen in the gym.

Many of you have probably heard about the popular sports supplement L-carnitine, which people often use for weight loss. In this article, you will learn briefly about this dietary supplement and the effect it has on the body.

A little about L-carnitine

L-carnitine or as it is also called Levocarnitine is not an amino acid as many assume, but a chemical compound that “The daily dose for the average person is ~350g. red meat" synthesized from certain amino acids (methionine and lysine). This substance can be synthesized in the body, so it is considered to be a vitamin-like substance. This process occurs in the kidneys and liver, after which it is distributed throughout the body. This substance is interesting because it participates in the process of converting fats into energy, transporting fatty acids directly into mitochondrial cells, where they are converted into energy due to physical activity.

Levocarnitine only works in conjunction with good physical activity.

Carnitine promotes:

  • Energy exchange
  • Fat burning
  • Inhibition of aging processes
  • Reducing cholesterol levels
  • Strengthening endurance (physical, intellectual)

Contraindications and side effects of L-Carnitine

If you use L-Carnitine for a long enough time, then it will not have any very harmful and detrimental toxic effects on the body, but with prolonged use, the production of your own carnitine decreases and thereby disrupts internal metabolism. This may lead to a reverse reaction, i.e. to more excess weight gain later. Therefore, it is better to drink this product for 2-3 months with breaks of about 4 weeks, in order to prevent addiction and so that the synthesis of your own carnitine does not weaken.

It is important to note that some people, after an overdose or long-term use of the drug, experienced eating disorders caused by feelings of hunger and depression, and in special cases, loose stools.

Generally speaking, this product is absolutely safe, because... it is a natural nutrient found in common foods we eat. It can only cause harm in large doses, so for a better understanding, this supplement can be compared to vitamins.


This drug is produced both in liquid and in the form of gelatin capsules and tablets. Liquid L-carnitine is a concentrated syrup or ready-made bottled drink. The liquid supplement is absorbed faster, but it often contains a bunch of harmful chemicals, and it costs correspondingly more. It is better to use a pure, proven supplement in capsules and make sure that there are no harmful additives.

How to use?

The general dosage is equal to 1-2 g. per day, but depends on total body weight. The concentration of this substance remains for quite a long time, but after ingestion, it will take 2-3 hours for it to be absorbed. It is optimal to take Levocarnitine every day, and it is recommended to divide the daily dose into several doses (morning and evening).

Always remember that there is no panacea, that magic wand that allows you to quickly lose weight with the snap of a finger, but there are auxiliary mechanisms and L-carnitine is one of them, so weight needs to be lost comprehensively and gradually.

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L-carnitine: features and effect

Painting experienced its popularity in the 1980s, when athletes began to actively take it. But then other drugs for increasing muscle mass successfully went on sale, and carnitine was quickly forgotten. Today, the vitamin-like substance is again at the peak of popularity. As carnitine's acceptance has grown, so has the amount of controversy surrounding it. Is it beneficial or not, does L-carnitine cause harm? Levocarnitine is recommended for use not only as a fat burner, but also as a medicine. The whole point is that L-carnitine delivers fatty acids directly to the “heart” of cells – mitochondria. As a result, fat does not accumulate subcutaneously and is well absorbed. In addition, levocarnitine has beneficial effects: it increases the endurance of athletes, allows you to burn fat faster and accumulate it more slowly.

The benefits of using L-carnitine

L-carnitine is used in medicine. Indications for use: treatment of strokes, muscle weakness, delayed physical development in children, heart disease. Prescribed to older people to slow down the processes of inhibition of brain activity.

L-carnitine benefits and effects:

  • has a beneficial effect on brain cells and slows down their aging;
  • increases cell regeneration, slows down the aging process;
  • improves memory;
  • increases physical endurance and performance;
  • helps saturate cells with oxygen;
  • reduces bad cholesterol levels;
  • promotes fat burning.

An insufficient amount of carnitine in the body may be indicated by:

  • tachycardia or arrhythmia;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • muscle tremors;
  • insomnia and irritability;
  • low pressure;
  • weight gain even on a diet.

Manifestations of carnitine deficiency are most often encountered by those who are losing weight, going on a diet and not receiving enough foods rich in carnitine. Also, a lack of vitamin-like substances can occur in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; due to taking certain antibiotics and drugs that affect blood clotting; in vegetarians and raw foodists. It is worth noting that in order to absorb carnitine, you must definitely consume vitamins A, B6, B3, B9, B12. It is necessary to eat foods that contain iron and essential amino acids - lysine, methionine.

Harm caused by L-carnitine

The recommended dose of L-carnitine for women and men, prescribed in the instructions, is 500 – 1500 mg per day. Athletes can take 500 – 1500 mg of L-carnitine once 20 minutes before training. Some nutritionists recommend taking up to 5 g of levocarnitine daily. Such recommendations are questionable, since doctors are of the opinion that the body is unable to absorb more than 2 g of carnitine per day.

But it is also possible to oversaturate the body with carnitine. This is possible if you thoughtlessly take a fat burner, not following the recommended standards and not playing sports. The recommendations for taking the drug clearly indicate that L-carnitine should be taken in the recommended quantities. It is necessary to maintain a balanced diet. In order not to cause harm to your body, you should stop taking the drug if there are contraindications.

An overdose of carnitine is extremely rare. Signs of an excess of a substance in the body:

  • diarrhea;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased levels of ammonia in the body;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea.

Mixed reviews about L-carnitine among women. Representatives of the fair sex complain about disruption of the menstrual cycle when taking a fat burner. There may be several reasons for this. The first is increased physical activity. The main condition for taking L-carnitine is sports activities, since the substance itself does not burn fat, but is an assistant in this process. As a result, some women lose their cycle, which is the body’s reaction to additional physical activity. In addition, a sharp decrease in body fat can also trigger disruption of the menstrual cycle in women.

The second reason is a change in the functioning of the body. The female body is a system of interconnected, finely tuned processes. Even a small deviation from the norm of one parameter can lead to a failure of all processes. Therefore, the consumption of a natural fat burner and, as a result, a decrease in body weight, may be the cause of menstrual irregularities. If the cycle has not recovered after two to three months, you should consult a doctor for recommendations.

Side effects of the fat burner

Side effects, with varying levels of probability, occur when taking any medications. Levocarnitine is no exception. The following side effects are possible due to carnitine intake:

  • sleep disturbances when taking the drug in the afternoon or at night;
  • dyspepsia;
  • muscle weakness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance, which is expressed in nausea, headache, and stool disorders.

Side effects in the form of bad breath occur in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

It should also be remembered that not everyone can take carnitine. Contraindications to the use of the substance:

  • individual intolerance to carnitine or related components;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Why take L-carnitine

Taking levocarnitine exclusively as a fat burner, forgetting about the peculiarities of its action, and not engaging in physical activity is pointless. There will be no benefit from this. On the forums there are stories about mythical abs that supposedly appeared in those who took a fat burner and pumped up their abs, and after stopping the drug, the “cubes” disappeared. Such reviews are just the result of wishful thinking. Carnitine does not have such an effect as independent breakdown of fat. Levocarnitine is recommended to be taken as an auxiliary substance during training and creating a beautiful body. It is optimal to start taking a fat burner after your first acquaintance with the gym, if you have not done any physical exercise before. With significant increases in loads, transition from the so-called beginner level in sports to the intermediate level, taking L-carnitine is most optimal. It helps the body cope with the tasks assigned to it - increased physical activity and promotes fat burning. The last point is important when forming a beautiful and fit figure while playing sports.