Green peas: benefits and harms. How to can peas at home? Fresh green peas: benefits and harms

Almost all types of vegetables can be canned, but this type of processing negatively affects the value and usefulness of the product. According to nutritionists, green peas can be considered an exception to this rule. Of course, the characteristics final result largely depend on the correct processing of the ingredient, volume food additives, used in its preparation.

If you do canning at home, the benefits of the products will be maximum when minimum level danger. This component can not only be added to salads, but also used as a base for unusual and traditional dishes.

Composition and benefits of green peas

During the canning process, green peas undergo the most gentle processing, due to which vitamins and minerals are preserved almost in full. Dietetics became interested in this ingredient not so long ago, but certain conclusions about it have already been made. According to experts, the benefits of canned vegetables are not so different from those of a fresh product.

By including it in the diet of adults and children, you can count on the following positive effects:

  • For the preparation of preservation, only young vegetables are used, and they contain a lot of antioxidants. Thanks to them, free radicals are bound, removed from the body and the formation of new compounds is prevented. People who consume peas in any form significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer in their body.
  • The abundance of antioxidants has other benefits. Even canned peas help remove toxins from tissues and inhibit the activity of allergens. Practice shows that introducing this product into the diet eliminates problems with skin, hair and nails. After some time, all these formations acquire a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Like many legumes, peas are beneficial for people with high blood pressure. By eating 50 g of canned or fresh peas per day, you can reduce the risk of developing hypertension and hypertensive crisis. At the same time, the blood vessels are cleansed of cholesterol plaques, which is regarded as effective prevention thrombosis
  • Green peas also contain many nucleotides. These substances give the product regenerative properties. They also help strengthen local immunity and restore elasticity. skin. If you eat a few tablespoons of preserved food daily, you can count on more fast healing wounds, cuts, burns, frostbite, deep cracks against the background of dry tissue.
  • The presence of fiber in the product helps loosen stools. With the help of green peas you can cleanse the intestines and get rid of constipation. To improve peristalsis, it is enough to include the ingredient in your menu 2-3 times a week.
  • Many people consider peas to be a heavy food. In fact, fresh and canned foods are perfectly absorbed by the body. They can even be included in people's diets during the recovery period.

With all this, it is important to understand that green peas, both canned and fresh, are not a panacea for all of these conditions. It can be an excellent preventive measure, but in case of existing problems it is necessary to use traditional methods treatment.

Ways to use green pea brine

The filling that remains in the jar after the green peas are removed from it can also be quite useful. Of course, if the product contains various preservatives and food additives, it is better to discard the liquid. If the mass emits a persistent metallic odor or other unpleasant odors, it must also be disposed of. In general, even canned peas extracted from such a base may not be the healthiest and should at least be washed.

Advice: Contrary to popular belief, canning young peas is extremely useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It helps to saturate the woman’s body with useful substances, covering its growing needs. And in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the pulp helps combat constipation, which is not uncommon.

If the filling is tasty, clean, or even obtained from a product prepared at home, then it can be used for hangover syndrome. It is enough to drink 200 ml of the composition in small sips to get rid of nausea, vomiting and headaches. Consuming the mass before the feast will reduce susceptibility to alcohol.

Harm of green peas to the body

The absence of contraindications is another positive point that canned green peas highlight. The benefits and harms of the product depend solely on compliance with the dosages. According to nutritionists and doctors, 3-4 tablespoons of the composition is more than enough to obtain the desired results. If you exceed these indicators, the consequences may be as follows:

  • Due to the abundance of purine, severe gas formation may occur, signs of flatulence and bloating may appear.
  • Overeating peas sometimes leads to inhibition of the production of enzymes that are necessary for the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • When broken down, purine forms uric acid in large volumes, so in case of kidney disease, this can cause a worsening of the condition.

Otherwise, doctors and nutritionists consider green peas exclusively useful product. It extremely rarely causes allergies and is perfectly absorbed by the body. It can be introduced into the diet of people of any age, taking into account their condition and individual characteristics body.

Method for preparing canned green peas

The home-cooked product has a fairly low calorie content - only 40 units per 100 g of product. It contains no fat, a lot of protein and dietary fiber. Preservatives and food additives affect the properties of the food ingredient in the most negative way, so it cannot be compared with homemade products.

To prepare canned peas at home, you need to do the following:

  1. Take 1 kg of young peas, fill it with water and add 1.5 tablespoons of salt.
  2. Place the container on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 7 minutes.
  3. Now drain the liquid, being careful not to crush the peas. Place the vegetable in sterile small jars.
  4. To maximize the benefits of green peas, we also prepare the brine ourselves (although some housewives simply drain it from canned food). To do this, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt to 1 liter of boiling water. Stir until the crystals dissolve.
  5. Pour brine over boiled peas. You can add a little acetic acid to the liquid to be sure.

All that remains is to close the jars and wait for them to cool. After this, you need to put it away for storage; the refrigerator is best for this.

Rules for selecting, storing and using green peas

If it is not possible to prepare the product yourself, you need to at least choose it correctly. Sometimes, in all the variety of products offered, it is not so easy to find green peas, the benefits of which will be maximum. In the store you need to pay attention not to the price, but to the following points:

  • The shelf life of peas, closed according to all the rules, is exactly 24 months. The shelf life of open formulations should not exceed 2 days. If the readings are high, this may indicate the presence of chemical preservatives.
  • It is better if the jar is tin or glass. It should be free of stains, scratches and dents. If the container is transparent, evaluate the condition of the brine. Turbidity indicates low quality liquid or a violation of the integrity of the peas.
  • Even whether the label is glued evenly plays a role important role. A product that looks unsightly in most cases turns out to be not of very high quality.
  • The jar needs to be shaken. If the gurgling sound is faint, this indicates that the container is well filled and there is a sufficient amount of brine.
  • Be sure to read the composition of the product. If the product list includes only sugar, salt, water and young peas themselves, its benefits will be maximum possible.
  • The presence of any food additives is unacceptable. They are necessary only if it was not a young vegetable that was initially closed, but a mature and not so healthy vegetable.

Quality green peas are a versatile culinary ingredient and food product. It goes well with vegetables and all types of greens. It can improve the taste and nutritional properties of omelettes, scrambled eggs, and most cereals. Its use in the process of preparing soup allows you to significantly save time and get a hearty dish in record time. Today, more and more often, various cream soups and purees are prepared from the product, which are distinguished by their pleasant taste and delicate texture.

Canned peas are one of the most popular canned vegetables, which are often used in cooking for preparing all kinds of dishes. It is used to cook soups, make various salads and seasonings, and is also used in its natural form as a simple side dish. Thanks to the rich complex useful substances The value of this product is undeniable. Nevertheless, experts are often interested in the calorie content of canned green peas. It is worth understanding this indicator in more detail.

Calorie content of peas

Peas are ancient culture, which humanity knew about back in the 4th century BC. Its fruits are quite valuable food product, which contains a huge amount of vegetable protein. In addition, it contains many vitamins, minerals and various useful acids. The energy value of such a product is a little more than 80 kilocalories.

For a long time, the only way to harvest peas was drying. Later, people learned to preserve it.

The Dutch were the first to do this in the 16th century. Today, canned peas can be found in any grocery store.

Many people have a question: what is the difference between products that have undergone these types of processing? The most important difference is that the calorie content of canned green peas is several times lower than that of dried ones. There may be two reasons for this. Firstly, removing moisture increases the concentration of basic elements in it (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), which determine its energy value. By the way, the calorie content of dried peas is about 300 kilocalories. Secondly, exclusively young grains of special varieties are used for preservation. Moreover, their processing is carried out precisely when fresh fruits reach the so-called milk maturity stage. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of vitamins and sugars. The calorie content of canned green peas is only 55 kilocalories. This is much less than that of a natural or dried product.

Practical Application

For proper organization nutrition, as is known, it is necessary to take into account not only the quantity, compatibility, but also nutritional value each individual product. The low calorie content of canned green peas allows them to be used as a main component in various diets. This product is useful for those who care about their figure or want to lose weight. The fact is that you can safely eat the fruits of legumes without fear of gaining extra pounds.

In addition, peas help cleanse the body, removing unnecessary toxins and various harmful substances. By the way, the pea diet is the simplest. It does not contain a strict list of products indicating the amount of their consumption. It is necessary to include at least one dish made from peas in your menu every day. The main thing is that the remaining components in it are not high-calorie. By the way, this could be a few spoons of canned peas as a side dish. The main disadvantage of such a diet is the unpleasant side effects in the form of flatulence. But this problem is not so global.

Calorie calculation

Many people like canned green peas. The calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product is 53-55 kilocalories. And here we mean the edible part of it, excluding liquid. This is the number that is usually indicated on the labels. After all, peas are sold in containers of different sizes. The energy value of the entire package can be calculated independently by drawing up a simple proportion. But as a rule, this is not necessary. Most often, the caloric content of a unit of product is needed to calculate energy value ready dish.

For example, to prepare an omelet with green peas you will need the following products:

2 eggs, 200 grams of canned peas, 50 milliliters of milk and 2 grams of table salt.

As a result culinary processing the finished omelette will have the following characteristics:

Having this calculation before your eyes, you can decide how much food to use to prepare a given dish so that its consumption does not have undesirable negative consequences.

Official standard

Since the times of the USSR, for any product produced in the country food products there was a certain GOST. “Canned green peas” is a product that meets certain requirements.

Until recently, GOST 15842-90 still existed for it. It represented the technical conditions for the production of food pea products for export and the needs of the national economy. This document detailed the following indicators:

  • characteristics of the raw materials used;
  • rules for packaging, labeling and acceptance of finished products;
  • description of testing methods for basic quality indicators;
  • conditions of transportation and storage.

After the collapse of the Union in Russia, many documents were revised. Over time, a new national standard of the Russian Federation was introduced: GOST R 54050-2010 entitled “Natural canned food. Green peas." Today, this document is the main one for determining the compliance of a given type of product with the standards established in the state.

Product benefits

It's no secret that it is proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are responsible for the calories in canned green peas. When they decay, energy is formed that is transferred to the body to maintain its vital functions. Despite the small value of this indicator, canned peas are considered a fairly healthy product.

For example, the selenium it contains is an excellent anticarcinogen, and vitamin PP has a positive effect on cardiovascular system person. In addition, canned peas contain a lot of starch and dietary fiber, which are practically not digested. Due to these components, you can use peas to get rid of constipation and solve many other problems associated with digestion. Don't forget about fiber too. It not only removes harmful waste and toxins from the body. With its help you can set up good job total gastrointestinal tract and also normalize cholesterol levels. Besides this, frequent use such peas strengthens bone tissue and improves immunity. It also improves blood circulation, resulting in increased mental activity in a person. This is just a small part of the benefits it brings to the human body, a seemingly simple and unremarkable product.

Possible harm

To properly plan your diet, you need to know not only how many calories are in canned green peas. It must be remembered that this product, like many others, has, in addition to positive benefits, also negative aspects. For example, it is strictly contraindicated for people prone to flatulence and suffering from colitis. This can not only create some discomfort, but also lead to quite serious consequences.

In addition, those who have been diagnosed by doctors with urolithiasis. Being a strong diuretic, this product can easily provoke spontaneous movement of sand and cause serious renal colic. In principle, canned peas can no longer threaten the human body. The danger will only arise if the product is stale.

It is also necessary to carefully study the composition of the product, which is usually indicated on the label. It is advisable that it does not contain any additives or preservatives that are harmful to health.

In this article we will talk about canned green peas and try to answer the most frequently asked questions from consumers: are there any benefits from canned green peas or can they cause harm to the body?

Are there any contraindications to its use? What composition does the product have? But first things first.

The culture of green peas is very widespread. Moreover, this culture is ancient.

And if earlier it was mostly consumed in dried form, now they prefer fresh and canned. Peas are unpretentious and grow well in different climatic zones.

What substances are contained

Without a doubt, this plant of the legume family is useful in its raw form. The protein product is widespread in all countries and replaces animal protein in the diet of vegetarians.

Its composition is very rich. Peas are a source of useful substances: vitamins, essential amino acids, microelements, natural sugars.

Canned peas are most often eaten. Yes it saves green, but does he lose his positive qualities? Turns out, beneficial properties are not lost during storage.

Peas are one of the popular canned vegetable products, for the preparation of which they use varieties created for this purpose. Its benefit lies in the content:

  • complete protein;
  • macro- and microelements necessary for metabolic processes body;
  • vitamins: C, group B, carotene, fiber;
  • selenium and zinc, which have anti-carcinogenic properties (i.e. properties that prevent the development of cancer tumors).

Canning peas began a long time ago (back in the 16th century); since then, technology has been aimed at maximizing the preservation of all substances contained in the product. Calorie content is low: 300 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Benefits and harms

In addition to nutritional value and undoubted taste, peas also have beneficial health properties:

  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • is an anticancer preventive agent;
  • has a positive effect on the skeletal system;
  • “helps” with the functioning of the immune system;
  • reduces the feeling of fatigue;
  • improves brain function;
  • relieves hangover.

Advice: at long-term storage canned peas retain their beneficial properties well. It is precisely as a canned product that it is used to make a huge number of dishes. Used in various menus, for example, dietary ones.

Peas are harmful to those who:

  • suffers from bloating or flatulence;
  • has intestinal diseases;
  • suffers from gout;
  • who has kidney problems.

But the harm is repaid a hundredfold by the benefits. Therefore, those who do not have such problems can safely eat fresh or canned peas.

What does a tin can contain?

When buying a can of peas, we do not always study the packaging and expiration date, but in vain. Firstly, the purchased jar should not contain any additional ingredients, which is clearly visible in a glass jar.

Secondly, the list of ingredients is short: peas, salt, sugar, water. The packaging shows the date of manufacture: correct date: summer months. When the product is prepared in the autumn-winter period, most likely, the dry peas were first steamed and then pickled. Everyone knows that peas do not ripen in winter.

Important to know: Preservatives are not required for cooking peas, and they do not need to be listed on the package.

Pay attention to the GOST of the product - GOST 15842-90 and its grade. Premium or “extra” peas are the most delicious.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

How I love young green peas. With the onset of spring, this wonderful product appears on our tables; it is used to prepare salads, borscht, and side dishes for meat dishes.

It can be used when creating a menu for weight loss. And how delicious it is raw, I could eat it and eat it.

If you decide to regularly eat green peas, the benefits and harms of this vegetable should be known to you.

I think many of you grew peas on your plots. It is a climbing herbaceous plant whose fruits are harvested at the milky stage. It is then that they seem especially soft and tender.

The value of peas is that they contain a lot of vegetable protein, which is absorbed much better than animal protein. The vegetable can be eaten fresh without exposure heat treatment. This is how he saves maximum quantity vitamins and nutrients. Young peas contain:

  • vitamins C, K, B, A;
  • minerals (sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, magnesium);
  • protein compounds;
  • fiber.

Peas are quite nutritious when dried, but fresh or canned vegetables do not provide much nutritional value. Its calorie content is 50-80 kcal per 100 g of product.

Green peas can be used without fear for weight loss by adding to salads and vegetable soups. It will add satiety to the dish and satisfy hunger for a long time.

Useful properties

Did you know that if you eat green peas at least 2-3 times a week, you can significantly improve your health and strengthen your body. Regular consumption of this vegetable will help restore the functions of many internal organs:

  • thanks to the vitamin A content, metabolism improves;
  • Vitamin C in the composition activates protective functions and allows the body to resist infection;
  • vitamin K provides normal work kidney;
  • promotes calcium absorption;
  • fights atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes glucose levels;
  • improves the condition of the lens and retina of the eye;
  • slows down skin aging;
  • thanks to high content fiber normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • increases tissue regeneration.

Marinade from canned peas can be used to relieve a hangover.

Contraindications to the use of green peas

However, frequent consumption of green peas can harm the functioning of some organs:

  • there are difficulties with digesting food;
  • gas formation increases.

Peas contain many purines. When they disintegrate upon entering the esophagus, a uric acid. It can be deposited in the body, causing gout and the accumulation of salts in the joints. In addition, this compound negatively affects kidney function.

In order for green peas to bring you only benefits, you need to choose them correctly in the store or prepare them yourself.

How to choose a product?

Fresh green peas come to our table only in the summer. If you want to enjoy legumes in winter, you can freeze them and then add them to various dishes as needed. However, most often we have to buy it in canned form at the store.

The jar containing the product should not be swollen. Dear readers, pay attention to the expiration date. This is a very important choice position. It will also be nice if you find the inscription “GOST”, which corresponds to state standards for the preparation of products.

The ideal composition of industrial canned peas will be the presence, in addition to the vegetable, of salt, sugar and water. No preservatives should be detected. If the composition contains dyes, flavors and other additives, it is better to avoid such a product.

If you have the opportunity to prepare your own peas for the winter, be sure to do so.

How to can your own green peas?

You can make canned peas at home, but it is recommended to store them in a cool place, for example, in a refrigerator or cellar, for no more than 1 year. Raw materials can be bought on the market or grown on your own plot.

  1. Hull the peas and boil in salted water for several minutes.
  2. Place the raw materials in jars no larger than half a liter.
  3. Prepare the brine. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of salt, sugar and vinegar per liter of water.
  4. Pour the brine into jars and roll up.

In winter, you can get these peas and use them to make salads.

Losing weight with legumes

Green peas are an excellent aid for weight loss. Fresh peas contain only 80-85 kcal per 100 grams of product. This is an ideal product for weight loss. Dry peas are not used at all for weight loss. When dried, its nutritional value increases several times.

A green vegetable can completely replace one meal. For example, you can mix it with sour cream and eat it as a separate dish: tasty and nutritious.

There are many benefits to this diet:

  • well tolerated by the body;
  • thanks to the large amount of easily digestible protein, it allows you not to lose muscle mass;
  • accessibility;
  • dishes are prepared quickly;
  • satisfies hunger well;
  • all components are balanced;
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

During a weight loss course you can not only lose overweight, but also to get rid of anemia, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, and prevent vitamin deficiency.

It’s not for nothing that in Rus' this vegetable was called “Tsar Peas”. This is truly the king among plant products. Even with a poor diet and lack of meat, it can allow a person to lead an active lifestyle and feel great.

Eat peas and be sure to include them in your children’s diet. Green peas will thank you for your attention to them with vigor and good health.

Now you, dear readers, know exactly how beneficial green peas are for our body, but do not forget about the contraindications.

See you again, dear readers!

Preservation allows you to preserve almost all the beneficial substances and vitamins in green peas. The vegetable is successfully used to prevent the development of kidney and liver diseases, as prophylactic against vitamin deficiency.

Green peas contain vegetable protein large quantities, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. The vegetable contains almost all B vitamins, retinol, ascorbic acid. Peas contain rare vitamin K, which normalizes kidney function, promotes better absorption of calcium, and improves blood clotting.

The main microelements are sodium, potassium, selenium, zinc. Green peas are recommended for use when diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. The presence of vitamin B1 in peas allows the product to be used to strengthen nervous system, eliminating stressful conditions. Peas are recommended to be included in the diet of children to improve mental activity.

What are the benefits of green peas:

  • improves the condition of the lens and retina;
  • normalizes blood pressure, useful for hypertensive patients;
  • removes harmful and toxic waste from the body, reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases;
  • slows down the aging process, improves skin condition due to the presence of nucleic acid;
  • lowers cholesterol levels:
  • has a diuretic property, eliminates swelling;
  • prevents heart attack.

100 g of peas contains 300 kcal - the product helps to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, while being quickly absorbed, it is indispensable for people who are struggling with excess weight. Peas improve peristalsis - excellent prevention of constipation.

The brine from canned peas is also useful - the optimal ratio of microelements helps to quickly eliminate a hangover.

If you use peas wisely, there is no harm from them. If overused, problems with digesting food may occur, the load on the kidneys increases, and flatulence develops. For gout, green peas should be consumed in minimal quantities.

The quality of canned green peas is determined not only by the taste and structure of the grains, but also by the ratio of peas to filling in the jar. The optimal proportions are 70% peas and 30% brine.

How to preserve peas for the winter

On supermarket shelves you can see cans of canned green peas from various manufacturers. But the purchased product is not always of high quality, and it may contain many harmful additives. Without much hassle, you can can your own peas for the winter.

Classic recipe for canned peas

These peas taste in no way inferior to the store-bought product, and do not contain harmful preservatives or other additives.

What is needed:

  • green peas –1.2–1.3 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • salt – 35–40 g;
  • granulated sugar – 40–45 g;
  • citric acid – 7 g.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the peas, rinse and dry.
  2. To make the brine, bring water to a boil, add granulated sugar and salt.
  3. Pour the marinade over the brine and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. 2 minutes before the end of the process add citric acid.
  4. Sterilize the jars in advance, spread out the peas - there should be 1.5–2 cm left to the edge of the container.
  5. Pour boiling brine over it and roll up.

This amount of ingredients is enough for 5 0.5 liter jars. This product can be stored in the refrigerator for 12 months. You can preserve both shelled peas and peas in pods.

Pickled green peas

What is needed:

  • shelled peas – 4.2 kg;
  • black peppercorns;
  • clove buds;
  • water – 1.7 l;
  • salt and granulated sugar – 80–85 g each;
  • vinegar 9% – 55–60 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Pour cool water over the peas and leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, bring the water to a boil, add the vegetables, and cook for 2 minutes over high heat.
  3. In another container, prepare the marinade - add sugar, salt and vinegar to boiling water.
  4. Place the boiled peas in jars, add a few cloves and pepper each, and pour in hot brine.
  5. Roll up the lids.

For winter harvesting, it is better to use medium-ripe peas. Young peas may burst during the canning process, and old peas have fewer vitamins and nutrients and will be tough and not very tasty.

Simple and original recipes with canned peas

Canned green peas go well with almost all vegetables, fish and meat products. It can be used not only for preparing salads, but also main dishes and side dishes.

Bright vitamin side dish

This dish can be prepared at any time of the year - use fresh vegetables in summer, frozen foods are perfect in winter.

What is needed:

  • rice – 180 g;
  • water – 220 ml;
  • sweet pepper – 75 g;
  • corn – 110 g;
  • peas – 225 g;
  • garlic – 25 g.

How to cook:

  1. In heated vegetable oil, fry the garlic cut into slices.
  2. Add washed rice and continue frying for another 10 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Pour in water and salt.
  4. After boiling, add peas and corn, pepper cut into small pieces.
  5. Stir, turn down the heat to low, and simmer for 30 minutes.
  6. You can add water as needed.

This side dish goes well with any type of meat. If you mix canned green peas with a little mint and basil in a blender, you will get an excellent side dish for boiled or steamed fish.

Boyarsky Salad

What is needed:

  • chicken meat without skin and bones – 350 g;
  • carrots – 120 g;
  • leek – 120 g;
  • peas – 170 g;
  • sour cream – 45 ml;
  • lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • vinegar 15 ml;
  • sugar – 12 g;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • black ground pepper, salt.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat into thin slices, fry in a grill pan, or in small quantities vegetable oil.
  2. Cut the peeled onion into half rings.
  3. Prepare a marinade from vinegar, sugar and 120 ml of boiling water.
  4. Pickle the onion.
  5. Grate the carrots into long strips. It can be fried or used raw.
  6. Mix sour cream with black pepper and citrus juice.
  7. Mix all ingredients, season with sauce, spread on lettuce leaves.
  8. You can sprinkle pine nuts or crackers on top.

You can use boiled or smoked chicken in this salad.

Green peas can be added to all vegetable soups, rassolnik; they will add an unusual taste to borscht or solyanka.

Chicken Italian style

What is needed:

  • portioned pieces of chicken – 1.1 kg;
  • canned peas – 370 g;
  • carrots – 270 g;
  • low-fat sour cream – 190 ml;
  • bay leaves, oregano, lemon zest.

How to cook:

  1. Fry the chicken pieces and place in a pan with thick walls.
  2. Grate the carrots and simmer in the same oil in which the chicken was cooked.
  3. Transfer carrots to meat.
  4. Add peas along with the marinade, sour cream, and spices.
  5. Cook in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Green peas for the winter (video)

Canned green peas are a useful vitamin supplement in children's and dietary diets. It can be used in salads and side dishes: such dishes will not only be tasty, but will also help prevent the development of many diseases.