Acupressure for lip augmentation. Lip massage: why is it needed and how to do it? Sports, sun rays and water procedures - our friends or enemies

Hello again, dear blog readers!

I recently watched a program about plastic surgery, specifically about increasing lip volume, and was horrified at the lengths people go to in order to change their own appearance.

At the same time, they seem to have no idea that they are not becoming more beautiful, but on the contrary.

And I thought, but there are completely safe and even useful methods beauty that can in no way lead to complications and deterioration in appearance.

I'm talking about lip massage, which effectively copes with wrinkles, tightening, and even increasing volume.

Lip massage at home

Would you like me to share with you a secret technique for increasing lip volume? Just kidding, of course, this is not a secret, but the technique is effective.

However, it is impossible to believe that lip massage for enlargement really exists until you see it for yourself.

Although, what's amazing here? Remember the romantic evenings when you passionately kissed your loved one for hours on end. Remember how lips swell and interestingly complement the image of a girl in love?

I found (and tested on myself) a simple massage method for lip enlargement at home.

Let me note right away that it is better to use this method on the eve of an important event, when you want to make an impression, since the effect, although visually noticeable, does not last long.

So, we need to make a special lip mask:

  • mix ½ tsp. Vaseline with the same amount of glycerin;
  • add ½ tsp. honey or lemon juice and ½ tsp. Sahara;
  • mix everything and apply for 15 minutes;
  • wash off the remnants of the homemade mask with warm water.

You've probably bought lipstick or gloss at least once, and in the first minutes after application you feel discomfort. This happens precisely because of the effects of the listed oils.

Massage movements should be carried out for about 1 minute with your fingertips.

You yourself will feel when you should end the procedure: you will feel a burning or cooling sensation from the selected irritant.

Whether it is necessary to massage the lips after augmentation is up to everyone to decide, but I want to remind you that the methods I have listed are completely safe and tested.

However, before using oils, make sure that they do not cause allergies to your body.

Always young and beautiful!

We talked about the beauty of voluminous lips, now let’s discuss ways to rejuvenate using a lip massage against wrinkles.

Remember that as you age, the corners of your lips begin to droop, fine lines and wrinkles appear, and the color of your lips and skin begins to fade.

All this happens due to the body not receiving enough oxygen. And to improve skin tone and improve blood circulation, you should massage daily.

As the incomparable Coco Chanel said: “If at 20 years old your face is given to you by nature, then at 50 years old its beauty will depend only on you!” Accordingly, it is never too early to take care of your beauty, and you should fight old age even before its first signs appear.

However, I want to immediately warn you that the key to success lies in daily massage sessions.

And accordingly, this activity is not for the lazy! But if you pull yourself together, throw off the overwhelming laziness that keeps whispering in your ear that all this will wait and it doesn’t matter at all, the reward for your efforts will be confident facial features, young skin and sensual lips.

Lip massage with a toothbrush

I would like to tell you an unusual technique for massaging your lips with a toothbrush, which is recommended to be done regularly in the morning and evening immediately after brushing your teeth.

  • rinse the brush from the remaining paste and gently massage your lips for 1-2 minutes (do not damage the skin);
  • pour into a small container hot water(not boiling water!) and keep the sponges in it for about 2 minutes;
  • now take an ice cube and massage movements cool the steamed lips (ice can be replaced with cold water);
  • Cover your lips with nourishing cream or balm.

This technique will improve blood flow and saturate with oxygen. It is after such a procedure that it is observed better perception nutrients, which is very important for health and beauty.

We declare battle against wrinkles

You can get rid of facial wrinkles, which previously disappeared on their own, by applying massage lines to the face to tighten the nasolabial folds.

There is no point in talking about huge sets of exercises, since they are all based on almost the same massage manipulations.

Use your fingertips to gently smooth out the folds, moving towards the middle from the corners of the lips, as well as from the mouth to the wings of the nose.

Wherein Special attention Care should be taken to apply pressure so as not to overdo it and stretch the skin.

There are also simple and quite interesting exercises that will strengthen the muscles around the lips and increase blood flow:

  1. buy a balloon, inflate and deflate it 5-10 times a day;
  2. every morning in front of the mirror, stretch out your lips and smile widely;
  3. when no one is looking, try to reach your chin with your tongue;
  4. while walking, try whistling tunes;
  5. before talking on the phone, take a deep breath, close your mouth and move the air inside the cavity in a circle from cheek to cheek, then tilt your head back and exhale slowly, stretching out your lips.

How I felt like a superstar

I woke up to the fact that for the first time in my life, two mosquitoes bit me right on my beautiful lips. I brushed away the annoying insects, scratched myself and went on to sleep.

But when I woke up, an unusual surprise awaited me: my lips were swollen and quite uneven.

I didn’t know how to massage my lips after lip augmentation, so I came to the conclusion that if I lie down for a while, the swelling will go away, and if I also sleep, I won’t feel my lips itching.

I didn’t dare leave the tent in front of my friends, who probably wouldn’t miss the opportunity to gloat, albeit in a friendly way.

But when I dozed off for another half hour and reached for the mirror, I was surprised by the sight that opened: a tumor from mosquito bite spread evenly and fell slightly, thanks to which the lips became very attractive.

This is how I happened to accidentally feel far from discomfort from voluminous lips.

By the way, my friends appreciated this technique, but did not dare to catch these, it turns out, beneficial insects. True, I was surprised by the fact that it was somewhat unusual to talk at first.

What a story! I hope you learned a lot today interesting information and even had fun. Leave your impressions of the massage in the comments and share the article with your friends!

The procedure for lip augmentation is not complicated (for an experienced specialist) and takes little time (about 15 minutes), but lip care after augmentation requires especially careful care. Correcting the shape of the lips in a specialized clinic by a highly qualified specialist can make them more sexy, which gives a woman self-confidence. Proper care will allow you to maintain the resulting cosmetic effect for a long time (up to 1 year).

Any woman who has no contraindications to this procedure can have her lips enlarged.

The procedure is not carried out if:

  • Herpes popped up;
  • During pregnancy, during lactation;
  • For autoimmune diseases;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.

The indication for lip augmentation is their small volume, asymmetry or unclear contour.

The safest method is the injection of hyaluronic acid. How much drug can be injected under the skin, and which of the existing drugs fits better Just in each individual case, the doctor will tell you.

Lipolifting has a longer effect than drugs based on hyaluronic acid - the effect lasts up to 3 years. In this case, the patient’s own fat cells are used as a filler to increase volume.

How to care for your lips after injection

Immediately after the correction procedure, swelling in the mouth area and discomfort will appear. To alleviate these symptoms and improve your well-being, you should apply the creams prescribed by the doctor who performed the procedure and follow all the recommendations that he made.

During the first 24 hours after filler injection, cooling compresses will help relieve swelling. Already a day after the injection of the filler, you can apply a mask made from cream and fatty cottage cheese to the skin, which will effectively reduce swelling. You need to keep this mask for about 20 minutes.

After giving your lips the desired shape and volume, you should regularly moisturize them using products specially designed for this. In the summer, you need to protect them from the active effects of ultraviolet radiation using special sunscreens. Moisturizing, protective and decorative cosmetics should only be purchased in specialized stores.

In addition to applying special anti-inflammatory drugs and masks to the skin in the mouth area, you can do a special massage (the doctor will tell you what massage movements should be performed and how many exercises will be enough). Self-massage will increase the blood supply to tissues, which will contribute to the even distribution of nutrients in them.

The massage must be done very carefully, with smooth movements, so as not to injure delicate skin. Lip massage after lip augmentation involves lightly patting the skin with your fingers and making circular movements. You need to do this massage every evening for a few minutes. In order not to injure your lips, massage should begin only after lubricating them. butter or applying the simplest hygienic lipstick.

Special exercises will help prolong the effect of filler injections. Such exercises can include:

  • Pronounce vowels by stretching your lips;
  • Move from side to side with closed lips;
  • Alternately puff out your cheeks and release air through your slightly open mouth.

However, before carrying out these manipulations, you should consult your doctor. It is not recommended to do self-massage on your own.

What is harmful to lips after lip augmentation procedure?

  1. Licking your lips (especially outside in windy weather or in the cold) can lead to peeling;
  2. The reason for the increased inflammatory reaction after changing the shape of the lips with fillers may be the use of expired decorative cosmetics. In general, it is not recommended to paint your lips in the first days after the filler injection, since even high-quality lipsticks or glosses that come into contact with injured skin can provoke or intensify the inflammatory process;
  3. During the first days after this procedure, you cannot visit the beach, solarium, bathhouse or sauna;
  4. You should also stop playing sports for a while;
  5. In the first few days after the procedure, you should not drink very hot or alcoholic drinks, or eat spicy foods;
  6. You should definitely try not to touch your face with your hands and extremely limit facial expressions of your mouth (for 2-3 days);
  7. To prevent the shape of your lips from changing for the worse, you should not kiss passionately for several days after their enlargement. You should not use scrubs or peels for two weeks so as not to injure your delicate skin.

Short-term ways to enlarge lips

When all side effects the increase will disappear (this will happen in 1-2 weeks), you can gradually return to your usual lifestyle. Since hyaluronic acid is completely absorbed in the body, after 6-12 months there will be a decrease to the original volume (the duration of this period depends on individual characteristics body, and does not depend on how well you take care of your lips). When this happens, you can return to the filler injection procedure or start using cheaper methods that do not last as long.

There are such ways to make your lips look fuller for a short time:

  • Special lipstick;
  • Cream;
  • Plumper.

The action of these drugs is based on provoking a slight swelling of the lip tissue, which causes their short-term increase. The effect of these products lasts 1-2 hours.

An effective method of combating signs of age and small lips, which has replaced surgical intervention– hyaluronic acid, but after lip augmentation you can expect both good result, and sad consequences. This procedure will be a savior if the girl has asymmetrical lip shape.

What is this hyaluronic acid? This is an important substance in human skin that fills the space between cells and prevents mechanical damage. A person weighing 70 kg contains 15 g. But this is so little, isn’t it? Yes, that’s why since 1934 people have learned to obtain hyaluron from animal materials.

Interesting! A sufficient amount of hyaluron is produced in a person under 25 years of age.

The procedure takes place in the form of injections, which are almost painless and safe, that is, if carried out correctly, there will be no scars. Creams containing this substance are powerless if you need to enlarge your lips.

Interesting! It is impossible to overdose on hyaluronic cyst, since it is a natural component found in the body.

As before any procedure, it is necessary to understand whether there is an allergy or not; the doctor will help you conduct an allergy test. You will also need to take a course of medications for prevention so that herpes does not appear.

How the procedure will go:

  1. Before administering the injections, the doctor will apply an anesthetic (gel or cream) to the lips.
  2. Session time depends on the technique.
  3. After each injection, the cosmetologist massages the lip to distribute the acid evenly.
  4. At the end, a cold compress is applied.

What techniques exist:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • needle;
  • cannula

How do the techniques differ? The difference between them is that the injection is placed in different zone areas of the lips.

Important! An overdose only threatens that asymmetry may occur due to the appearance of “balls”.

Enlargement is carried out using different needles: either a small sharpened one or a cannula.

The peculiarity of the cannula is that it cannot pierce the skin. Therefore, this is done using a needle, which pierces the skin at the corners of the lips. Next, a tube is inserted so that the filler can be distributed evenly in the epidermis.

The advantage of cannulas is that they are not as traumatic as injections. They act without damaging tissues and blood vessels, preventing hematomas and swelling.

The filler is injected to a depth of 2 mm between the skin of the mouth and the orbicularis muscle.

Lips after hyaluronic acid acquire tone, fresh look. In the epidermis, hyaluron will begin to stimulate recovery processes and cell renewal.

Hyaluronic acid can be used in two different techniques. The most popular among girls are lipofilling and biorevitalization.

  1. Lipofilling is a rejuvenation procedure during which fat cells and the additional component hyaluron are injected into the skin layer.

What are the advantages of lipofilling?

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • you can not only enlarge your lips, but also correct their shape;
  • done quite quickly;
  • the result looks natural and neat.

But there are also disadvantages to this procedure:

  • allergies may occur to anesthesia;
  • There are times when injections need to be repeated again, since fat cells tend to dissolve.

Lipofilling effectively fights wrinkles, smoothing and moisturizing the skin.

You should remember the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy or feeding;
  • infectious disease;
  • epilepsy, seizures;
  • oncology;
  • if you are not yet 18 years old, since the body does not stop forming until adulthood.
  1. Biorevitalization – there is laser and injection. What is their difference?

The injection is carried out by pricking the area with a thin needle, which gives a quick result. With the help of a needle, hyaluronic acid reaches all layers of the skin and can be controlled in this way. This method helps smooth out even deep wrinkles.

Laser does not cause discomfort at all, since no injections are used. But this method is difficult to achieve the desired result.

After lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, we must not forget that special care is required, which the specialist will advise. Due to improper manipulations, asymmetry and allergic reactions may occur.

What lips look like after augmentation with hyaluronic acid

First of all, you need to find out who can perform lip augmentation:

  • plastic surgeon;
  • cosmetologist;
  • dermatologist.

Arriving at the salon, you must ask for a certificate of training completed and a document with permission to conduct cosmetology procedures.

What also affects the lips after hyaluronic acid?

  1. How well does the specialist know the methodology for performing the procedure?
  2. Verified and quality drugs, on which the entire outcome of the session depends.
  3. Features of the client's lips.
  4. Compliance with indications and contraindications.
  5. Execution sequence.

If the doctor follows the rules for lipofilling or biorevitalization, the result will really please you with its beauty and naturalness.

After the procedure, hyaluronic acid densely fills all folds and wrinkles, which gives the effect of elastic skin at any age. A framework is formed in the layers of the skin on which collagen molecules will be attached.

In the first hours, in any case, swelling with redness will occur. But this will pass quite quickly - within a day. The main thing is to follow the rules of lip care.

Interesting! Hyaluronic acid helps slow down the destruction of cells and skin.

How long does the enlargement effect last? You can enjoy the beauty of your lips for 1 year. When using a hyaluron-based filler, you need to know that it will gradually dissolve in the body, and the volume of the lips will decrease significantly, but after the increase, the skin will not require strong lip care, because it is sufficiently moisturized long term, which will slow down the degeneration process. By doing the procedure regularly, the effect of hydration and nutrition will become better each time.

But the duration also depends on the drug used by the cosmetologist.

One of the popular drugs is Restylane, a high-quality Swedish filler that will maintain sexy lip volume for 6 months, after which the biodegradation of the molecules will begin.

Another American filler, Artefill, wins in terms of long-lasting results, since it contains collagen. The effect lasts about 9-10 months.

In most cases, doctors also use the following fillers:

  • Juvederm;
  • Restylane Lipp;
  • Surgilips;
  1. Temporary fillers - consist of natural components that dissolve in the body within 12 months.
  2. Permanent – ​​these fillers contain hyaluronic acid mixed with synthetic additives (silicone). These gels can remain in the body for five years. They are more popular than temporary ones, but cause complications due to synthetic additives.

Attention! Biphasic fillers have a long-lasting property and an evenly distributing consistency than monophasic fillers.

What prices do doctors charge for this miracle procedure? In beauty salons, the price for lip augmentation can start from 12 to 15 thousand rubles, which makes the procedure not easily accessible, but it still remains one of the most desirable.

The best drugs cost from 7-10 thousand rubles per 1 ml. This is a significant price, but sometimes 1 ml is enough for one procedure, and later a smaller volume will be required.

Every girl wants to correct her shortcomings successfully and without side effects. Any drug with a poor-quality composition will have negative impact for the whole body.

Yes, plastic surgery has great results, but not every woman can afford it, not only due to cost, but also due to individual characteristics. Therefore, many are inclined towards a safer solution to the problem.

But still, lip augmentation has its own nuances.

During the procedure, in any case, the body is invaded by foreign substances (synthetic components), which can be rejected. Therefore, you need to remember about contraindications to the use of drugs.

  • poor blood clotting;
  • acute infection. After the injections, the temperature may rise, which will be difficult to bring down.
  • immune disease. It is better to refrain from injections when you are ill, as the drug can cause a response of the whole body in the form of large edema;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy, as herpes may occur, which is integrated into the child’s DNA;
  • lactation;
  • herpes;
  • oncology;
  • if animal components are used, this can lead to allergies;
  • individual intolerance to the substance;
  • recent operations. It is strictly forbidden to give injections after any cosmetic surgeries or procedures, for example, after peeling. It should take 2-4 weeks;
  • cuts at the site of acid injection, abrasions, hematomas;
  • epilepsy, seizures;
  • dermatitis, acne, psoriasis and other dermatological diseases.

Any substance administered, even if the component is produced by the human body, may cause side effects that you need to be aware of. Now hyaluronic acid is a synthetic substance, since scientists have stopped producing acid from animal raw materials. Therefore the risk negative reactions the body remains.

The following side effects need to be taken into account:

  1. Pain. After lip augmentation, pain may persist for several days if the girl has sensitive nerve endings on her lips.
  2. Swelling, swelling of wounds. This is a common tissue reaction to injections with hyaluronic acid. Swelling may also be accompanied by redness. Because of this, there are painful sensations when pressing on the lips, when moving the head and while chewing food. A specialist will advise you on what to apply on your lips after lip augmentation.
  3. Dehydration of lips after hyaluronic acid. The acid maintains its activity thanks to water. Therefore, the cosmetologist will insist that the girl drinks about 1.5-2 liters of water per day for the first few days. After lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, lips will begin to dry out.
  4. Allergic reactions. More often they arise due to additional components of the filler. The allergy is accompanied by redness, pain, and hives. After the first signs of allergy appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for medical care. He will advise further lip care.
  5. Hematomas. They occur more often from improper injection technique, as well as in girls who smoke. How long it takes for lips to heal after augmentation with hyaluronic acid depends on how serious the hematomas are; they go away on their own, but this can take a long period of 15 days, while swelling disappears after 10 days.

Proper lip care after hyaluronic acid injections will reduce the risk of negative reactions from the body and reduce the recovery period.

A specialist will explain what needs to be done after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid.

Many girls are interested in how they can moisturize their lips after lip augmentation, and whether they can apply hygienic lipstick. Yes, hyaluronic acid requires moisturizing the lips, so using hygienic lipstick is allowed.

Attention! If a girl has already used filler for lip augmentation, she needs to tell the doctor so that she knows the drug and the manufacturer.

Lip care after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid also includes a number of restrictions that can harm your health and ruin your appearance.

  1. Touch your lips, especially with dirty hands.
  2. To talk loudly.
  3. Go to a bathhouse, sauna, solarium, or any spa procedure.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Eat hot or spicy food. It's better to eat something that requires less chewing.
  6. Drink alcohol.
  7. Smoking cigarettes, as well as electronic, hookah.
  8. Use decorative cosmetics.
  9. Allow chapping.
  10. Kissing as the acid may move unevenly.

After lip augmentation, you must strictly adhere to the rules of care, which the dermatologist will definitely tell you.

  1. After lip augmentation, it will not last for 2 weeks. pleasant feeling heaviness and swelling on the lips. The cosmetologist will prescribe what to smear your lips with after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid to restore, moisturize and nourish them.

What ointment should I apply to my lips after lip augmentation?

After lip augmentation, gels such as Troxevasin and Traumeel are suitable

  1. Lips after hyaluronic acid will remain swollen throughout the day, so you will need to use cold compresses to also reduce pain.
  2. The doctor will definitely show you how to massage so that the lips recover faster after hyaluronic acid and the volume effect lasts longer. Self-massage is done in the evenings.
  3. Always wash off your makeup at night, and completely forget about decorative cosmetics for the first two weeks.

When can you paint your lips and how many days should pass after augmentation with hyaluronic acid? Experts recommend painting your lips after at least 2-3 days have passed, since balms and lipsticks are non-sterile and can cause infection through injection sites.

  1. After the first week of brushing your teeth, you can do a light massage with a brush. First, circular movements, and then patting. This will remove the dead skin layer and improve blood circulation. You can repeat this massage every day.
  2. Immediately after the massage, you need to smear your lips with olive oil or hygienic lipstick, which will help better moisturize the skin.
  3. You definitely need to forget about the habit of licking your lips. This leads to chapping and loss of the effect of sexy plump lips.
  4. The dermatologist will advise you on how to sleep properly after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid and whether you can sleep on your side. It is best to lie on your back so that your face does not touch the pillow. If you sleep with your face in the pillow, lip asymmetry may occur, and this also threatens infection.
  5. It is better not to put off visiting the dentist before the lip augmentation procedure, but to cure all the teeth that are bothering you, because going to the dentist will only be allowed in a month. For a long time seats with open mouth threatens to cause improper redistribution of acid.
  6. It is known that solarium in general has a bad effect on the human body. But fans of honey tanning often wonder: will it be possible to go to a solarium after lip augmentation?

Immediately after the procedure, sunbathing is strictly prohibited, as the gel can become deformed and cause severe pain.

How to protect your lips in a solarium? Nowadays special lipsticks with SPF are sold. Or you can apply sunscreen, which will protect your lips with hyaluronic acid from negative influence rays, like lipstick.

  1. To maintain lip volume for as long as possible, you need to do special exercises, which also serves as a prevention against premature aging.
  • puff out your cheeks and release air, not quickly;
  • move your lips first to the right and then to the left, helping with the lower jaw;
  • repeat vowel sounds, stretching your lips and pronouncing carefully.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use hygienic lipstick that has expired, as there is a risk of infection.

How to care for lips after augmentation with hyaluronic acid, first of all, you should consult with a specialist who has experience and knowledge in this field.

Due to the wrinkles that appeared, I suffered for a long time with ineffective creams. As a result, I decided to undergo lipofilling. The cosmetologist did everything perfectly: she corrected her lips, gave them volume, and most importantly, no more wrinkles. I will continue to do this procedure.

I had lip augmentation done a week ago. The procedure is not as painful as I expected, but the rehabilitation... Firstly, these swellings were huge, as if there were two dumplings instead of lips, and secondly, pain. It's inconvenient to eat. Small bruises also appeared. I don't know if I will do it again.

Skin problems appeared, as well as fine wrinkles. I decided that it was time to fight this, especially since I want to look fresh all the time. I asked a friend for advice on which cosmetologist would be better to go to, since she had already tried to enlarge her lips. The procedure went very well, in general my lips hurt a little. There are no wrinkles, and as a nice bonus, my lips also became beautiful)

Because age problems had already completely overtaken me, I decided to enlarge my lips, since mine had completely lost their volume, and upper lip was more. I did lipofilling and just a miracle happened! The lips became the same as in youth, the wrinkles disappeared, and the nasolabial wrinkles also tightened. In general, beauty!

As a teenager, I dreamed of plump lips like Jolie’s. About three weeks ago I enlarged my lips, but not much. And I like everything! The swelling went away quickly, there was almost no pain) The guy is delighted, as am I)

Lip plumping injections help make lips plump and expressive. The fillers contained in the preparations attract moisture, which allows you to give your lips a neat shape and volume. The procedure is relatively simple and takes a short amount of time. The result lasts from 5 months to a year. Important here proper care behind the lips, which will help maintain the effect for a longer period, and avoidance of actions that cannot be done after the lip augmentation procedure.

Lip contouring

To enlarge lips, cosmetologists mainly use gels based on collagen or hyaluronic acid. They do not cause rejection by the body, are well absorbed and practically do not injure the skin.

All injections are quite painful, so anesthesia must be used before the procedure.

How to make recovery easier after lip correction

In order for the unpleasant symptom to subside faster and more painlessly, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Cold compresses will also help relieve swelling. In addition, to avoid lumps, massage the lip area using Vaseline to soften it. Massage will help distribute nutrients evenly under the skin. The cosmetologist is obliged to show how it should be performed correctly.

What not to do after lip augmentation

Most girls are afraid to enlarge their lips using the injection method, as they remember all the most unsuccessful attempts of celebrities, whose lips after the procedure began to look ridiculous and funny. In fact, these are rare cases that are the result of poor care after augmentation. It also happens that you may be unlucky with a specialist, so many cosmetologists strongly advise choosing a proven specialist who has successfully enlarged the lips of someone you know.

Lip care after lip augmentation

  1. During the first two weeks after lip augmentation, in most cases, a not very pleasant feeling of heaviness and swelling appears. It can be easily removed by regular application of special, specialist-prescribed care products for enlarged lips, most often moisturizing and nourishing creams.

  2. On the first day after lip augmentation, you must apply cold compresses to them throughout the day and avoid visiting solariums, swimming pools, saunas, baths and beaches for two weeks.
  3. The masters who performed the lip augmentation procedure are required to show you several of the most basic techniques for self-massage of the lips, which must be done daily in the evenings in order for the enlargement effect to last as long as possible.
  4. On the second day after the lip augmentation procedure, it is advisable to make masks made from cream and fatty cottage cheese at night. You need to keep this mask on your lips for fifteen minutes. After two weeks, you can diversify the masks with honey, sour cream, cucumber or berry juice. They need to be done twice a week for half an hour, after the time has elapsed, lubricate the lips with a nourishing cream or special lip oil.
  5. It is necessary to constantly ensure that your lips are moisturized by regularly applying special moisturizers to them.
  6. During the first two weeks after lip augmentation, you need to reduce to a minimum, or better yet, completely abandon the use of decorative cosmetics. It is imperative that you follow all the recommendations of the specialist who performed the augmentation procedure for you in order to avoid cracks and swelling.
  7. Don't go to bed with makeup on your lips. Every evening, before going to bed, use a cotton swab or pad pre-soaked in makeup remover to remove lipstick and lip gloss.

  8. Every day, while brushing your teeth, it is advisable to massage your lips with a toothbrush. For several minutes, use light circular movements, and then, patting, massage the lip area. During this procedure, the keratinized layers of the skin will become softer and blood supply will significantly improve. As a result, your lips will become softer and smoother.
  9. After self-massage, lips should be lubricated with butter or regular hygienic lipstick. This mask will relieve your lips from chapping and flaking, and will also make your lip skin softer.
  10. During the hot season, it is necessary to protect the skin of enlarged lips from aggressive sun rays. To do this, you need to regularly use sunscreen.
  11. It is advisable to get rid of the habit of licking your lips, especially in the wind and cold.
  12. In order to prolong the effect of lip augmentation and prevent premature aging, it is necessary to periodically perform special exercises:
    A) Taking air into your mouth, puff out your cheeks and slowly let it out.
    B) Slowly turn your lips right and left, you can even use lower jaw.
    IN) Carefully pronounce the vowels, carefully stretching your lips.
  13. Under no circumstances should you use expired lip glosses or lipsticks. It is advisable to purchase lip cosmetics in specialized stores without saving money.

Proper care for enlarged lips takes a minimum of time, and in gratitude, your lips will delight you with lush shapes and a healthy color.

Features of lip augmentation

Contour plastic surgery using injections of sodium hyaluronate or hyaluronic acid refers to safe method increase. Filler based on hyaluronic acid has gained popularity due to its naturalness. active substance. Hyaluronate is a component of tissues, mucous membranes, skin.

Action of drugs and cosmetics based on this acid, it is aimed at combating the aging process. Gel fillers with hyaluron are used in contouring. It helps retain moisture in the epidermis, which helps slow down aging. Fillers are safe and effective. Their effect lasts from 6 to 18 months. This depends on the individual characteristics of the body, hormonal levels, and care after injections.

Post-procedure care rules

Those with thin or thin lips want to enlarge their lips irregular shape with the presence of asymmetry. Before performing a cosmetic procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, consequences of the operation and rules for caring for the area affected by the filler.

In the first 1-3 days after filler injection, swelling and redness of the treated area is observed. Swelling is a reaction of tissues to their trauma and is relieved with the help of cold compresses. You can use pieces of ice wrapped in a plastic bag and soft cloth. The cold should be applied for 10 minutes, take a break of 2-3 hours, and cool the inflamed area again.

The use of decongestant ointments will help relieve swelling and eliminate bruises. Troxevasin is considered one of the effective ones. An analogue of the drug is Troxarutin, Lyoton, Troxevenol, Heparin, and other liniments.

Lip care after injections includes several tips to help reduce swelling and prevent possible complications. The following rules will help speed up healing and reduce the risk of infection:

  • do not apply gloss, lipstick or other types of decorative cosmetics until the needle wounds have healed;
  • avoid eating salty, spicy, sour foods and foods, so as not to irritate the skin with microtraumas;
  • It is recommended to lie on your back for the first 5-7 days during sleep and rest to reduce pressure in damaged areas;
  • To eliminate dryness, use moisturizing creams recommended by a specialist;
  • to prevent the formation of lumps and eliminate hematomas, knead the mouth area with a light massage;
  • It is not allowed to expose injured skin to sunlight, especially the first two weeks.

3-5 days after contour plastic surgery make moisturizing masks for delicate skin, use creams, gels or folk remedies. The latter are sour cream, cream, vegetable oil, cucumber juice.

There is a line of professional cosmetics designed for lips enlarged with hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to replace decorative lipstick with hygienic or moisturizing lipstick.

The consequence of violating the integrity of the skin with needle punctures is a decrease in local immunity, which leads to an exacerbation of herpes. Girls prone to rashes should take an antiviral drug a week before the procedure and the same amount after it. The recommended remedy is Acyclovir tablets. If the effect of the virus appears on the skin in the mouth area, the drug should be used in the form of liniment.

Do you need to knead your lips and how to massage them correctly?

Recommendations after lip augmentation include gentle massaging of the filler affected area without applying excessive pressure. Self-massage is necessary, as mentioned above, to evenly distribute the filler, improve blood circulation, and prevent the formation of lumps in the tissues. Massaging your lips after lip augmentation will help get rid of bruises at the puncture sites.

You should knead your mouth not on the first day of the procedure, but on the 4-5th day, when the swelling subsides. It is necessary to massage carefully, making circular movements without lifting your fingers from the problem area. It is recommended to perform light pats and perform special facial exercises. Do exercises daily for 10-15 minutes:

  1. Extend your mouth with a tube, draw out vowel sounds, alternating o-i.
  2. Puff out your cheeks, leave a narrow slit between your lips, and slowly release air from your mouth.
  3. Make several rotating movements with your mouth closed.

What not to do after enlargement

After injections that promote enlargement and acquisition of seductive forms, it is not allowed:

  • visit the dental office within 14 days. If there are dental or oral health problems, these will need to be addressed prior to the augmentation procedure;
  • play sports and perform intense physical exercise– they will increase swelling;
  • prohibited from producing cosmetic procedures, in particular acid or chemical peels, tattooing until the wounds are completely healed:
  • the limitation is taking hot baths;
  • do not smoke for 3-5 days after the procedure;
  • do not drink alcohol before and after the increase;
  • do not touch your mouth with dirty hands;
  • You should refrain from eating hot food and drinks;
  • you cannot kiss for several days after injections to avoid uneven distribution of hyaluronic acid in the tissues and infection;
  • do facial depilation with wax;
  • use scrubs in the mouth area;
  • bite and lick your mouth, especially on the street;
  • get hypothermic and sunbathe.

If you adhere to the rules and take care of your lips regularly, having previously ruled out the presence of contraindications, you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences and achieve the desired seductive shape, as in the photo.

Why do you need a massage?

The skin on the lips is thin and has no subcutaneous fat Therefore, more often than other areas of the face, it suffers from the effects of the sun, wind, and dry air. Caring for it involves the systematic application of nourishing, protective and moisturizing agents, and additional procedures: exfoliation, massage, wraps, gymnastics.

Lip massage is an effective home procedure that can improve their appearance and even, albeit briefly, increase their volume. This manipulation is especially useful after 30 years. After all, the mouth, like any other part of the body, is subject to aging. You can notice this by the drooping corners of the mouth, loss of volume and bright color.

The simplest technique

First, you should moisten your sponges by applying balm, cream, or oil to them. And only then start massaging.

Massage with your finger, performing 10 circular movements in a horizontal plane in one direction, while grabbing the area and around the contour.

Massage improves the structure and appearance of the skin on the lips, as well as around the contour, preventing the appearance of early wrinkles

Then massage 10 more times, performing movements in the opposite direction with the other hand.

Regular massage maintains active blood circulation in the tissues of the mucous membrane, thereby providing its cells with nutrients and oxygen, helping to increase volume, strengthening the structure of the tissues.


On initial stage It is recommended to massage to increase lip volume twice a day, gradually treating first the lower lip and then the upper. It is most convenient to perform it immediately after brushing your teeth - in the morning and in the evening, practicing one of the methods below.

To carry out this manipulation, you should use a separate toothbrush with soft bristles. Before starting the procedure, you should apply a small amount of honey, nourishing oil or moisturizer to the mucous membrane, lightly tapping it into the skin with your fingers. Then, moisten the brush with water, massage the sponges for 1-2 minutes, performing circular movements. Instead of a toothbrush, you can use the tip of a terry towel. Finish the massage by applying a nourishing balm. As a result of this procedure, the activity of blood flow in the mucous membrane increases, which helps to add volume.

Massage with toothpaste

Mint is required for the procedure. toothpaste, a small amount of which must be applied to the sponges, massage them, and then rinse and lubricate with balm. Menthol included in the paste produces an irritating effect, leading to blood filling and a short-term increase in mucous membranes.

Advice! This method can also be used for daily care after lip augmentation with fillers. The main thing is to massage gently so as not to injure the mucous membrane.

With contrast compresses

Warm your lips with a hot compress by placing a cloth soaked in hot water on them. Then rub them with an ice cube. Alternating heat and cold, repeat the manipulation several times. At the end, lightly bite your lips to add color.


The skin of the lips needs an exfoliation procedure. At the same time, their surface becomes smooth and soft. In addition, such manipulation increases blood flow in the tissues, causing the sponges to enlarge. To perform it, you need to mix in equal proportions:

  • petrolatum;
  • glycerol;
  • lemon juice;
  • sugar.

Apply the resulting mixture to your lips, massage for a couple of minutes with your fingers and rinse.

Advice! Lips will become softer and will not dry out or crack if massage is combined with exfoliation and moisturizing wraps from time to time.

Massage with lemon zest

Grate the lemon peel and rub the resulting zest into your lips, actively massaging them. Finish the procedure by applying a cosmetic balm. Instead of zest, you can use finely chopped ginger root. Massaging with ginger wrap provokes irritation of the mucous membrane, causing it to swell, causing the mouth to acquire a sensual volume.

Features of oil massage

The use of aromatic oils in lip care helps improve their appearance, increase in volume, serves effective prevention aging. For this purpose, it is recommended to use oils with intense nutritional properties, which include shea butter, coconut, cocoa, shea, macadamia and others. Their use in daily care allows you to soften the surface of the sponges, prevent it from drying out and the appearance of cracks on it.

Oil massage is performed with the fingertips in the following sequence:

  • Apply 1-3 drops of nourishing oil to the sponges, spreading evenly over the entire surface;
  • rub it in with light circular movements from the middle to the corners;
  • make tapping movements, also moving from the middle to the corners, then light pinching movements, finish by repeating the tapping.

For daily procedures, you can use almond aroma oil, which has regenerative properties, healing cracks and improving the color of the mucous membrane, avocado oil, which helps rejuvenate and moisturize the surface of the skin, or wheat germ oil to restore and tone the lips.

Advice! You can enhance the caring effect of nourishing oils by combining them with tea tree oil or bitter orange oil - neroli, to also achieve the effect of plump lips.

Options for oil treatments for a voluminous effect

The property of some aromatic oils to gently irritate the oral mucosa, causing it to fill with blood and enlarge, has become popular in the creation of plumpers - special cosmetics for increasing lip volume. When performing a massage, it also makes sense to use them to enhance the volume effect.

  1. With cinnamon butter. Mix 1-2 drops of cinnamon aroma oil with ½ teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture to your lips, massage for a couple of minutes, blot your mouth with a napkin or rinse with water. In addition to the enlargement effect, this procedure will also soften the skin, restore its bright color and freshness.
  2. With peppermint oil. Apply a few drops of mint oil to your fingers, and then knead your lips with them for 2-3 minutes. Peppermint oil promotes blood circulation in the mucous membrane, causing irritation of its receptors. This method can be used to instantly increase lip volume, for example, before a photo shoot.
  3. With lemon balm oil. Mix 2 drops each of almond, lemon balm and peach aroma oil. Apply the mixture to your lips, lightly tapping and then pinching them. Finish by repeating the tapping movements again. This method will allow you to restore brightness and volume to the red border of your mouth for a while. By doing it systematically, you can achieve a more lasting effect.

Features of post-correction massage

A special massage after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is a necessary daily procedure that promotes better distribution of the injected filler in the tissues and prevents the formation of scars. It is recommended to perform it throughout the week, combining it with wraps and compresses that have a cooling and moisturizing effect.

Lip massage after augmentation is as follows. You need to use your fingertips or the back of a toothbrush, without pressing too hard on the surface of the mucous membrane, to massage your lips, making stroking and patting movements.

Attention! Lips after augmentation require especially delicate care, so when performing massaging movements, special care should be taken

At the end of the procedure, the skin should be nourished with a cream or balm enriched with hyaluronic acid or nourishing oils. This helps to maintain active blood circulation in the tissues and their deep hydration. Post-correction lip care can be supplemented with exercises to strengthen the muscles of the mouth.

Massage after lip augmentation – affordable way improve them, returning childhood swelling, brightness and well-groomed appearance. The multifaceted effect obtained from its implementation is worth dedicating 2-3 minutes to it every day.

Lips like rose petals

Would you like me to share with you a secret technique for increasing lip volume? Just kidding, of course, this is not a secret, but the technique is effective. However, it is impossible to believe that lip massage for enlargement really exists until you see it for yourself. Although, what's amazing here? Remember the romantic evenings when you passionately kissed your loved one for hours on end. Remember how lips swell and interestingly complement the image of a girl in love?

I found (and tested on myself) a simple massage method for lip enlargement at home. Let me note right away that it is better to use this method on the eve of an important event, when you want to make an impression, since the effect, although visually noticeable, does not last long.

So, we need to make a special lip mask:

  • mix ½ tsp. Vaseline with the same amount of glycerin;
  • add ½ tsp. honey or lemon juice and ½ tsp. Sahara;
  • mix everything and apply for 15 minutes;
  • wash off the remnants of the homemade mask with warm water.

To enhance the effect, it is also recommended to massage the lips after augmentation with hyaluronic acid in order to accelerate the blood flow and make the effect as natural and attractive as possible. To do this, it is recommended to use special oils (cinnamon, menthol or peppermint), which are often found in many cosmetic products to increase volume. You've probably bought lipstick or gloss at least once, and in the first minutes after application you feel discomfort. This happens precisely because of the effects of the listed oils.

Massage movements should be carried out for about 1 minute with your fingertips. You yourself will feel when you should end the procedure: you will feel a burning or cooling sensation from the selected irritant. Whether it is necessary to massage the lips after augmentation is up to everyone to decide, but I want to remind you that the methods I have listed are completely safe and tested. However, before using oils, make sure that they do not cause allergies to your body.

Always young and beautiful!

We talked about the beauty of voluminous lips, now let’s discuss ways to rejuvenate using a lip massage against wrinkles. Remember that as you age, the corners of your lips begin to droop, fine lines and wrinkles appear, and the color of your lips and skin begins to fade. All this happens due to the body not receiving enough oxygen. And to improve skin tone and improve blood circulation, you should massage daily.

As the incomparable Coco Chanel said: “If at 20 years old your face is given to you by nature, then at 50 years old its beauty will depend only on you!” Accordingly, it is never too early to take care of your beauty, and you should fight old age even before its first signs appear.

However, I want to immediately warn you that the key to success lies in daily massage sessions. And accordingly, this activity is not for the lazy! But if you pull yourself together, throw off the overwhelming laziness that keeps whispering in your ear that all this will wait and it doesn’t matter at all, the reward for your efforts will be confident facial features, young skin and sensual lips.

Arming yourself with a toothbrush

I would like to tell you an unusual technique for massaging your lips with a toothbrush, which is recommended to be done regularly in the morning and evening immediately after brushing your teeth.

  • rinse the brush from the remaining paste and gently massage your lips for 1-2 minutes (do not damage the skin);
  • pour hot water (not boiling water!) into a small container and hold the sponges in it for about 2 minutes;
  • now take an ice cube and cool your steamed lips with massage movements (ice can be replaced with cold water);
  • Cover your lips with nourishing cream or balm.

This technique will improve blood flow and saturate with oxygen. It is after such a procedure that a better perception of nutrients is observed, which is very important for health and beauty.

We declare battle against wrinkles

You can get rid of facial wrinkles, which previously disappeared on their own, by applying massage lines to the face to tighten the nasolabial folds. There is no point in talking about huge sets of exercises, since they are all based on almost the same massage manipulations.

Use your fingertips to gently smooth out the folds, moving towards the middle from the corners of the lips, as well as from the mouth to the wings of the nose. In this case, special attention should be paid to pressing so as not to overdo it and stretch the skin. Cosmetologists recommend performing these actions after cleansing your face, using creams suitable for care at a certain time of day.

There are also simple and quite interesting exercises that will strengthen the muscles around the lips and increase blood flow:

  1. buy a balloon, inflate and deflate it 5-10 times a day;
  2. every morning in front of the mirror, stretch out your lips and smile widely;
  3. when no one is looking, try to reach your chin with your tongue;
  4. while walking, try whistling tunes;
  5. before talking on the phone, take a deep breath, close your mouth and move the air inside the cavity in a circle from cheek to cheek, then tilt your head back and exhale slowly, stretching out your lips.

How I felt like a superstar

But when I woke up, an unusual surprise awaited me: my lips were swollen and quite uneven. I didn’t know how to massage my lips after lip augmentation, so I came to the conclusion that if I lie down for a while, the swelling will go away, and if I also sleep, I won’t feel my lips itching. I didn’t dare leave the tent in front of my friends, who probably wouldn’t miss the opportunity to gloat, albeit in a friendly way.

But when I dozed off for another half hour and reached for the mirror, I was surprised by the sight that opened: the swelling from the mosquito bite spread evenly and subsided slightly, thanks to which my lips became very attractive. This is how I happened to accidentally feel the far from unpleasant sensations from voluminous lips. By the way, my friends appreciated this technique, but did not dare to catch these, it turns out, beneficial insects. True, I was surprised by the fact that it was somewhat unusual to talk at first.

What a story! I hope you learned a lot of interesting information today and even had fun. Leave your impressions of the massage in the comments and share the article with your friends!

Stages of the procedure

Correction occurs through the introduction of hyaluronic acid, which is found in small quantities in any person. It is she who is responsible for ensuring that the skin of the lips, eyelids, and cheekbones is elastic and has a beautiful appearance. This type of augmentation is considered a virtually painless procedure, which is largely why it is so popular. The injection drug is selected by a specialist individually, and he also carries out the injections accordingly.

So, the injection procedure includes the following steps:

1. At the first stage, the specialist begins local anesthesia using a special cream that is applied to the lips;
2. After 30 minutes, the doctor begins the injections directly, injecting the drug into the skin a few millimeters. The drug is administered several times depending on the desired result;
3. The doctor gives a light massage so that the acid is evenly distributed in the right places.

The effect of the procedure lasts from 6 months to a year, again, it all depends on how the girl will take care of her lips after the procedure. Of course, in the first hours after the administration of the drug they will be more plump, after the swelling goes down they will acquire a natural size and will also look very elastic.

Consequences of the procedure

Any cosmetic procedure is not without consequences, which in our case may arise if:

These two reasons can cause the following consequences:

  • The appearance of allergies;
  • Severe prolonged swelling;
  • Recurrence of herpes;
  • The appearance of hematomas with deep administration of the drug.

Whether it is necessary to stretch your lips after augmentation with hyaluronic acid depends on several factors. It is mandatory to carry out a massage in the following cases:

  • using a filler with an anesthetic (an additional component that is not biologically compatible in structure with the body fluid can cause side effects);
  • the formation of cones and tubercles, regardless of the location and depth of placement;
  • when introducing a significant amount of filler for its proportional distribution.

To be absolutely precise, massage and warm-up of the lips after augmentation should be done in any case, but not on the first day. The cosmetologist will give advice on both the time factor and the specifics of the movements performed. The client only needs to listen carefully and remember so that she can repeat it at home.

Massage after lip augmentation is usually done twice a day, during the morning toilet. This will extend your time in the bathroom by five to seven minutes, but will give you the opportunity to enjoy the result of your appearance transformation sooner and longer.

Rules for massage with a toothbrush:

  • After brushing your teeth, turn the brush over and apply it to your lips;
  • you need to knead your lips carefully, without pressing, with soft circular movements;
  • massage first from the center to the corners, and then in the opposite direction - massage correctly with smooth, light circular movements;
  • then also pat from the center to the corners and back, but very softly, not sharply or forcefully.

After the massage it is very good to carry out a set of simple exercises:

  • pronounce vowel sounds with slightly elongated lips, as if you were going to sing a lullaby;
  • puff out your cheeks one by one. Inhale long and long, hold the exhale for a few seconds and then release the air through the “duck mouth”;
  • With closed lips, turn left and right, using the lower jaw. At the same time, try not to pull your lips into a tube, but move them “with the whole array.”

At the end of the cycle, lubricate your lips with a moisturizer. It can be a banal hygienic lipstick (but high quality) or cosmetic oil.

If you are not allergic to honey products, natural high-quality honey will very well relieve swelling and help the skin recover faster. It is better to use a liquid light variety, which does not contain any admixture of beebread and propolis.

There is no need to think that if you massage your mouth from the very first minutes of returning home after lip augmentation, you will be able to avoid swelling and other undesirable but inevitable consequences. There are cases when massage is generally prohibited.

  1. The first day after the procedure, it is not recommended to touch your lips. Yes, this, in principle, will not be possible, since painful sensations and severe discomfort will interfere with the implementation of such plans.
  2. It is not advisable to carry out any manipulations as long as there are wounds from injections on the skin.
  3. If tubercles and bumps are detected in the tissues, you should immediately contact the specialist who performed the procedure. Only he will be able to say what caused the phenomenon and whether a massage will help get rid of it.
  4. In case of severe swelling, bruises and bruises, kneading your lips is strictly prohibited.

Any master performing the procedure will tell the client about all the rules for post-lip care. If unforeseen circumstances arise in the form of complications or incomprehensible reactions, immediately seek qualified help.

This video may be useful to you! You will learn about many nuances after lip augmentation:

After the procedure, you return home, “armed” with new lips and the knowledge of how to massage your lips after augmentation. But what this procedure will do and why it is so important will hardly be emphasized. Let's make up for historical injustice and gain important and useful information.

  1. Warming up will help restore blood supply to the desired level and distribute the filler evenly in the tissues.
  2. In any case, massage helps prevent premature aging of the skin by stimulating metabolic processes in all layers of the epidermis and dermis.
  3. The rate of breakdown of hyaluronate is reduced and, accordingly, the effect of the procedure is extended to 6-12 months (depending on the initial task and the amount of filler).
  4. Improves the correction effect, eliminating the risk of irregularities in the form of tubercles and indentations on the surface of the lips.

The lip augmentation procedure does not guarantee a stunning result, especially immediately after it. It takes some time, effort and adherence to post-treatment rules for the effect to be at the level of your expectations.

Lip augmentation without surgery is an affordable and common way to transform your appearance and correct imperfections. The cosmetic procedure takes no more than half an hour, but lip care after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid requires time and care to maintain the effect for a long period.

Contouring using injections of sodium hyaluronate or hyaluronic acid is a safe method of augmentation. Filler based on hyaluronic acid has gained popularity due to the naturalness of the active substance. Hyaluronate is a component of tissues, mucous membranes, and skin.

The action of drugs and cosmetics based on this acid is aimed at combating the aging process. Gel fillers with hyaluron are used in contouring. It helps retain moisture in the epidermis, which helps slow down aging. Fillers are safe and effective. Their effect lasts from 6 to 18 months. This depends on the individual characteristics of the body, hormonal levels, and care after injections.

Post-procedure care rules

Those with thin or irregularly shaped lips with asymmetry want to enlarge their lips. Before performing a cosmetic procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, consequences of the operation and rules for caring for the area affected by the filler.

In the first 1-3 days after filler injection, swelling and redness of the treated area is observed. Swelling is a reaction of tissues to their trauma and is relieved with the help of cold compresses. You can use pieces of ice wrapped in a plastic bag and soft cloth. The cold should be applied for 10 minutes, take a break of 2-3 hours, and cool the inflamed area again.

The use of decongestant ointments will help relieve swelling and eliminate bruises. Troxevasin is considered one of the effective ones. An analogue of the drug is Troxarutin, Lyoton, Troxevenol, Heparin, and other liniments.

Lip care after injections includes several tips to help reduce swelling and prevent possible complications. The following rules will help speed up healing and reduce the risk of infection:

  • do not apply gloss, lipstick or other types of decorative cosmetics until the needle wounds have healed;
  • avoid eating salty, spicy, sour foods and foods, so as not to irritate the skin with microtraumas;
  • It is recommended to lie on your back for the first 5-7 days during sleep and rest to reduce pressure in damaged areas;
  • To eliminate dryness, use moisturizing creams recommended by a specialist;
  • to prevent the formation of lumps and eliminate hematomas, knead the mouth area with a light massage;
  • It is not allowed to expose injured skin to sunlight, especially the first two weeks.

3-5 days after contouring, apply moisturizing masks for delicate skin, use creams, gels or folk remedies. The latter are sour cream, cream, vegetable oil, and cucumber juice.

There is a line of professional cosmetics designed for lips enlarged with hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to replace decorative lipstick with hygienic or moisturizing lipstick.

If swelling, hematoma, pain, or other unpleasant symptoms do not go away within a week, you should visit a doctor and consult about subsequent actions.

The consequence of violating the integrity of the skin with needle punctures is a decrease in local immunity, which leads to an exacerbation of herpes. Girls prone to rashes should take an antiviral drug a week before the procedure and the same amount after it. The recommended remedy is Acyclovir tablets. If the effect of the virus appears on the skin in the mouth area, the drug should be used in the form of liniment.

Do you need to knead your lips and how to massage them correctly?

Recommendations after lip augmentation include gentle massaging of the filler affected area without applying excessive pressure. Self-massage is necessary, as mentioned above, to evenly distribute the filler, improve blood circulation, and prevent the formation of lumps in the tissues. Massaging your lips after lip augmentation will help get rid of bruises at the puncture sites.

You should knead your mouth not on the first day of the procedure, but on the 4-5th day, when the swelling subsides. It is necessary to massage carefully, making circular movements without lifting your fingers from the problem area. It is recommended to perform light pats and perform special facial exercises. Do exercises daily for 10-15 minutes:

  1. Extend your mouth with a tube, draw out vowel sounds, alternating o-i.
  2. Puff out your cheeks, leave a narrow slit between your lips, and slowly release air from your mouth.
  3. Make several rotating movements with your mouth closed.

Knead your lips after injecting hyaluronic acid only with clean hands. Afterwards it is recommended to apply moisturizer, olive oil or cream.

What not to do after enlargement

After injections that promote enlargement and acquisition of seductive forms, it is not allowed:

  • visit the dental office within 14 days. If there are dental or oral health problems, these will need to be addressed prior to the augmentation procedure;
  • play sports and perform intense physical activity - they will increase swelling;
  • It is prohibited to perform cosmetic procedures, in particular acid or chemical peels, tattooing until the wounds are completely healed:
  • the limitation is taking hot baths;
  • do not smoke for 3-5 days after the procedure;
  • do not drink alcohol before and after the increase;
  • do not touch your mouth with dirty hands;
  • You should refrain from eating hot food and drinks;
  • you cannot kiss for several days after injections to avoid uneven distribution of hyaluronic acid in the tissues and infection;
  • do facial depilation with wax;
  • use scrubs in the mouth area;
  • bite and lick your mouth, especially on the street;
  • get hypothermic and sunbathe.

If you adhere to the rules and take care of your lips regularly, having previously ruled out the presence of contraindications, you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences and achieve the desired seductive shape, as in the photo.