Dream of yourself as a child. Why do children dream? English dream book. What does it mean to see yourself as a child in a dream?

If married woman sees small children in a dream - this means a completely special state of her soul and body.

Seeing your own childhood in a dream is a harbinger of good luck in trade, or professional pursuits, or in courtship and marital affairs.

If you see yourself as a child in a dream, this is not a very favorable dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream Interpretation - Childhood

If in a dream you see yourself as small, it means that there are some unresolved matters left for you from your past and, as a rule, they will continue in the present or near future. The subconscious takes you back some time to rethink events, point out mistakes, and give advice. the right decision.

Dream Interpretation - Back to childhood

Cinema, Fairy Tales on audio tape - the life the Dreamer was striving for, in a Fairy Tale (where you can afford a lot). The dreamer paid for one Fairy Tale, but found it difficult to choose a fairy tale (wrong choice) and settled on the song “If there were no Winter” - the dreamer’s real life in reality, where everything is beautiful, but there is no love and warmth (Winter). And now the dreamer practically has no other choice (for herself, for her soul) - the dreamer doesn’t know what exactly to take for wiretapping on her sofa at home. The discrepancy in the Amount of payment on the Check with what the Dreamer actually paid (more) - the Dreamer’s life choice was not worth it, but she chose it herself, with her own Hands (the amount on the Check was written out from the Hand). The difference in the Amount on the check and the amount actually paid is not so big in a dream - in reality it means that “you don’t know where you will find it and where you will lose it!” That's the whole fairy tale! Interesting DREAM, but not at all fabulous, but straight from life! Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - A Dream from Childhood

Good evening! You have been a very sensitive and vulnerable person since childhood; you had a childhood in which you had to grow up early, but your psyche resisted. And now the moment has come when you decided to accept the world as it is. And then it seems that your heart opened - perhaps you have insight and feel other people, but you do not use your gift to its full potential. If you again had a dream with the sun, do not miss the chance of a second Spiritual birth, but first figure out within yourself, are you ready?

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

If a married woman sees small children in a dream, this means a completely special state of her soul and body.

Seeing your own childhood in a dream is a harbinger of good luck in trade, or professional pursuits, or in courtship and marital affairs.

If you see yourself as a child in a dream, this is not a very favorable dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself naked

The lack of clothing as the basis of a dream can be interpreted as preoccupation with one’s own state of mind. Even if you are not aware of some problems, this does not mean that they do not exist. Something still undermines your soul, causing anxiety, to which the unconscious reacts first of all; it then sends signals that reach consciousness in symbolic form.

The lack of purpose in life is symbolically expressed in nakedness. Being born like this, we soon acquire many threads that connect us with the world around us, we become actors in the theater, whose name is society. Falling out of this theater, breaking the threads connecting us with the world is the central plot of the dream. It is worth thinking about how justified your departure from reality is. Disappointments are a constant companion for anyone, even an outwardly successful and happy person.

The main thing to remember is that everything is actually in your hands. You can always find the strength to continue your life or direct it in a direction that will be radically different from your previous position.

A return to the origins, to that state of nirvana in which we all were before being born - this is the plot of the dream itself. It would seem that there is no hidden subtext here. Despite this, it is still present, just in a less encrypted form than any other. The craving for a happy existence, childlike serenity and carefreeness - this is the main meaning invested by the unconscious in this dream.

Dreams of being in the womb often foreshadowed birth famous people. For example, the mother of Alexander the Great, shortly before his birth, saw her unborn son in her womb in the form of a huge serpent. Dream tellers predicted the birth of a great commander for her.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about childhood?

If you dreamed of childhood, then real life you are dissatisfied with the state of things around you, you believe that your loved ones underestimate you and do not understand you.

Seeing childhood in a dream for a young woman means that she is entering a new stage of her development - she is ready to become a mother and wife. If a young man sees himself as a child in a dream, it means he is in difficult situation, from which he does not know how to get out, and at the same time he will not receive help from the outside.

Depending on what specific situations, episodes from childhood you saw in your dream, the dream can be interpreted in different ways. It also matters whether the episodes seen in the dream were real or whether they never actually happened.

If in a dream you saw your real childhood (perhaps with elements of fantasy), then such a dream indicates that you do not feel protected, that you have a lot of problems that you do not know how to deal with.

If your dream is pure fantasy, then not everything is so simple - look at more specific concepts in our dream book and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Remember that dreams about childhood are dreamed by those who need support and who are not happy with the current state of affairs - thus, in a dream we are trying to return to a time when we felt good and safe. Try to improve relationships with your loved ones, and then it is quite possible that your attitude towards the world around you will change.

In addition to explanations of what childhood dreams mean, you can find out the interpretation of other dreams - to do this, use the alphabet at the top of the page.

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Childhood is bright, but at the same time difficult period human life. He is distinguished by the sharpness and speed of perception, the fastest possible development opportunities, and a positive attitude towards the world around him. But at the same time, he requires constant care and assistance, and is not independent in his actions and decisions.

Feeling like a child again - such a plot is quite common, and its interpretation depends largely on what the dreamer’s childhood was like. If this time can be called happy and prosperous, moreover, the dreamer experiences positive feelings, is well dressed, and is in a pleasant environment, then such a dream is a harbinger of joy, new opportunities, and great luck.

Otherwise, a dream about childhood symbolizes a feeling of insecurity, inability to cope with real life problems, underestimation or excessive claims of others.

English dream book. What does it mean to see yourself as a child in a dream?

For a married dreamer, a dream about children reflects her special spiritual mood. To dream that you have become a child again is very good sleep which portends good luck in commerce or other professional activities, in family or romantic matters.


A dream about childhood is not so much a prediction as a reflection of the psychological and emotional state of the dreamer. Most likely, he is anxious and worried, feels the need for support and care, is not confident in his ability to solve this or that problem, and is not averse to shifting its solution to someone else.

It is also important what the dreaming child did - whether he was cheerful, played, cried, fought, etc. Each of these conditions must be interpreted separately. In addition, one should take into account the atmosphere of the dreamer’s real childhood and compare it with the one reflected in the dream.

People and circumstances that appear in such a dream reflect some old acquaintances or old problems that may remind of themselves again. Sometimes such a dream can speak of new worries, as well as the appearance of children in the family.

If in a dream you saw a beautiful environment, pleasant and caring people, then such a dream may indicate that the unfavorable period of your life (if it took place) will soon be left behind, and most problems will be resolved without your participation.

Sometimes this dream also suggests that you have taken on too much responsibility, and you need to relax and look at things more simply. It should be added that seeing cheerful children in a dream is usually a favorable dream, which indicates that your affairs will have a successful conclusion. If the dreamer himself or the dreamed child is crying, dirty, poorly dressed, you will have difficult times ahead.

What if you dreamed about your childhood?

Why do you dream about childhood?

What if you had a dream in which you spent your childhood in the village? For a woman, such a childhood foreshadows a meeting with a person from the past. However, it will be negative in nature, and the dreamer will shed a lot of tears because of this. For a man, such a dream threatens to reveal unpleasant details of his life. The dreamer should not trust the first people he meets, otherwise he will later wish he was careless.

When a person dreams of pictures from his childhood, in fact he is not happy with the people who surround him. He believes that they underestimate him and do not understand him, but he should not blame everyone, since there are those who can help him in difficult times.

If a young man has a dream about his childhood, then he should be more careful, otherwise he risks getting into serious trouble. But he can get out of it, he just needs to turn to his friends for help.

What if you dream about childhood

According to the summer dream book, childhood for an adult is a harbinger of an increase in wealth. He will have the opportunity to conclude several profitable deals, so the dreamer should not waste time, otherwise luck may turn away from him.

For a woman, such a dream promises a meeting with a long-forgotten love. The feelings will return again, but she should not give in to the impulse. Her husband is a very worthy person, so she should not cheat on him; it is better to think about family, about home, than to indulge in passion with someone who is not worthy of it.

Seeing yourself as a small child means being helpless in difficult situation. However, the dreamer needs to think a little, build a strategy, then he will be able to overcome any adversity. Also, you should not trust your surroundings, since the dreamer is surrounded by many enemies.

What does childhood portend?

According to Miller's dream book, childhood is a harbinger of sadness. Soon the dreamer's life will change for the worse, he will feel helpless, but his friends will be able to solve the problems that have befallen him.

Sometimes a dream about childhood suggests that a person is carrying the burden of childhood grievances. He needs to get rid of them, otherwise it will be difficult for him to cope with adversity in life. adult life. It is necessary to forgive and let go of your offenders, since the past has no power.

A woman's dream book promises a lady an addition to her family. Also, such a dream suggests that she is ready to become a mother; now is the most favorable moment to have a baby. She shouldn't miss it, otherwise she will regret the missed opportunity.

If a man imagined a happy childhood, although in reality it was not such, then in reality he regrets the missed opportunities.