After angina, the whole body c. Complications and consequences of angina in adult patients. Local effects from angina

- this is acute inflammation palate, lingual and nasopharyngeal tonsils. Most often, the palatine tonsils become inflamed. Angina refers to acute infectious-allergic diseases. In the course of the disease, the palatine tonsils become inflamed.

Causes of angina

The causative agent of angina is most often hemolytic, rarely streptococcus aureus. In very rare cases - pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, viruses (enteroviruses, adenoviruses, herpes virus, Epstein-Barr virus, etc.), mycoplasmas, chlamydia, fungi, mixed infection.

The infection can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through food and drink, as well as through direct contact with a sick person. Angina develops most often in the cold, damp season (spring, autumn), it can be a consequence of hypothermia or a manifestation of diseases such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough, and in some cases blood diseases.

Hypothermia is not main reason angina, as is commonly believed. The cause of angina in 90% of cases is hemolytic streptococcus Streptococcus pyogenes. Therefore, you can get infected by airborne droplets even from healthy person, which is a carrier of bacteria.

Another way of transmission is contact (through dirty dishes). You can also get infected through food, for example, if you drink raw milk from a cow with mastitis. And sometimes a person infects himself. In such cases, angina may be the result of chronic, rhinitis, diseased teeth, and other permanent foci of infections in the body. The situation is complicated by unfavorable conditions: hypothermia, decreased immunity.

Angina symptoms appear after the incubation period which is most often 24-48 hours.

The main symptoms of angina can be called the following:

    Angina has an acute onset. In a person, against the background of complete health, health deteriorates sharply.

    Body temperature rises, chills occur. The mark on the thermometer can reach 40 ° C.

    Headache, aching joints, general weakness.

    The throat is very sore, the pains are aggravated during the process of swallowing. On the second day pain reach their peak and are present on a permanent basis.

    On average, a sore throat lasts about two weeks, in babies - a little longer.

    Symptoms of catarrhal angina

    Catarrhal angina usually develops quickly, but the temperature is not high 37-38°C. In most cases, a person suffers from dryness and sore throat. After the first unpleasant sensations, the patient feels swelling in the throat and pain when swallowing. The palatine tonsils visual inspection appear reddened and swollen, and probing the neck in the region of the submandibular lymphatic gland usually causes quite severe pain. As a rule, the pain increases when swallowing. After a few hours, the human body temperature reaches 39 °C. Angina is accompanied by severe chills and excruciating aches, migraines.

    As a rule, catarrhal angina is a precursor of follicular or lacunar angina. Despite the milder degree of angina, it must be treated, any angina poses a threat to human health.

    Symptoms of follicular angina

    Follicular angina is a longer and more severe disease. It usually causes serious complications.

    The main symptoms are also headaches, fever up to 39°C, joint pain and general malaise. All symptoms are much more pronounced than with catarrhal angina. In the oral cavity in many patients, the content of saliva is significantly increased. Follicular angina should be treated only in a hospital with constant medical supervision.

    Symptoms of lacunar angina

    Lacunar angina is considered to be at least serious illness. It is accompanied by a noticeable deterioration in the general condition of the body. Temperature rise can reach 40°C.

    In addition to headaches, swallowing food and liquids causes discomfort. Quite often pains in a throat are given in ears. The mucous membrane of the tonsils swells and turns red. Patients in the lacunae form white or yellowish plaques typical of angina, the so-called plugs, consisting mainly of torn cells and bacteria. On examination, swelling and redness of the palatine arches are always noticeable.

    How to distinguish angina from acute respiratory infections or pharyngitis?

    The most important symptoms of a sore throat, and not an acute respiratory disease or a cold, are a rapid increase and retention of body temperature within 39 ° C, the appearance of an acute unpleasant sore throat. It becomes painful to eat, drink and even talk. Later, the patient begins attacks of severe fatigue, malaise, begins to ache in the joints. If you already have these first signs of the disease, you should immediately contact your local doctor.

    Also, angina can be confused with. But there are differences, sore throats are caused by a specific type of bacteria, streptococci, and the symptoms are often more severe. In addition, streptococci can affect other parts of the throat.

    When to see a doctor?

    Sometimes angina can cause it to the point where breathing becomes difficult. If this happens, medical attention is needed and urgent.

    In addition, if a person experiences any of the following symptoms, they should visit a doctor:

    • Temperature over 39.5 °C

      Inflammation of the lymph nodes, the neck becomes stiff to the touch.

      muscle weakness

      Sore throat that lasts more than 2 days

    Angina is highly contagious, so isolation of the patient is mandatory.

    Diagnosis of angina

    Doctor's examination:

      The doctor will examine your throat, and possibly also your ears and nose, which can also be foci of infection.

      The doctor will ask you if there is a rash on your body. The rash may indicate, which is associated with some cases of angina

      Gently feeling (palpating) your child's neck to check for swollen glands ( lymph nodes)

      Your doctor will listen to your lungs with a stethoscope.

      Check for enlargement of the spleen (- dangerous disease which also causes inflammation of the tonsils)

    throat swab

    With this simple test, the doctor takes a secret from the throat. The sample will be tested in a laboratory for the presence of streptococcal bacteria.

    Some clinics are equipped with a laboratory that can get a test result within a few minutes. However, a second, more reliable test is usually sent to a lab, which can provide results within 24 to 48 hours.

    If a rapid intraclinical test gave positive result then you almost certainly have a bacterial infection. If the test result is negative, then you most likely have viral infection. However, your doctor will be waiting for a more reliable laboratory analysis to determine the cause of the infection.

    Treatment of angina

    home care

    Whether angina is caused by a virus or bacterial infection, the described tactics will be needed in any case for a speedy recovery.

    Remember that if your sore throat is caused by a viral nature, then the doctor will not prescribe antibiotics for you. And this home care will be the only tactic of treatment

    The home care strategy includes the following:

      Get more rest.

      Drink more water - this will prevent.

      Warm liquids - broth, decaffeinated tea or warm water with honey - and cold treats like ice cream can soothe a sore throat.

      Use a humidifier. Dry air can further aggravate a sore throat.

      Lozenges for sore throat (Strepsils, Angi Sept Dr. Theiss, Anti-Angin, Septolete, Faringosept,).

    Try not to take aspirin. In addition to causing stomach ulcers, in children, aspirin causes Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition.

    Preparations for the treatment of angina

      Fusafunzhin (Bioparox) - 4 inhalations by mouth every 4 hours for 4-5 days. Before use, read the instructions.

      Ambazone - keep the tablet in your mouth until it is completely dissolved. After taking the tablet, refrain from eating and drinking for 3 hours.

      Gramicidin - a tablet is kept in the mouth (behind the cheek) until it is completely dissolved. Apply 2 tablets (one after another for 20-30 minutes) 4 times a day for 2-3 days.

      With severe sore throat: Geksoral, Stopangin, Strepsils, Lugol and other means. Menthol products such as Halls (menthol lozenge) can also reduce pain.

      In case of an allergy, take: Suprastin, Tavegil, Phenkarol, Loratadin, Claritin


    If the sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics. Amoxicillin is the most powerful antibiotic for angina, you need to take it for 7-10 days.

    You should definitely take a full course of antibiotics, even if the symptoms completely disappear after a couple of days. Stopping medication early can cause the infection to flare up or spread to other parts of the body. Incomplete completion of a course of antibiotics can, in particular, increase the risk of developing rheumatism and serious inflammation of the kidneys!

    Amoxicillin is the most effective antibiotic for angina from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins a wide range actions. The following brands of amoxicillin are represented on the Russian market: Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab.

    From cheaper ones: Amoxicar, Amoxil, Amosin.

    For children: Suprax, Klacid, Azithromycin, Augmentin

    In the event that the body temperature persists for 5 or more days, the treatment regimen should be changed, as this indicates its ineffectiveness.

    Video: how to quickly cure a sore throat at home? 5 easy steps:

    Surgery - is it worth removing the tonsils?

    A tonsillectomy is usually an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home the same day.

    There is very little research on this operation to support the benefits of tonsillectomy. However, in a 2013 study, a Finnish scientist looked at 86 adults with recurrent sore throats. Of these, 46 had a tonsillectomy and 40 did not have a procedure. After 5 months, only 39% of those who had their tonsils removed had an episode acute pain in the throat, compared with 80% of those who refused removal.

    If you are experiencing chronic sore throats, talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of having tonsil surgery.

    Surgical removal of the tonsils usually becomes last hope. However, the negative effects of surgery are thought to outweigh the positives associated with tonsil removal.

    Is it worth it to cut tonsils? What serious complications are dangerous angina? These questions will be answered by the therapist Alla Protasova:

    Serious complications of angina

    Angina is very dangerous for its complications. One of them is a paratonsillar abscess, which is a continuation of a sore throat. It seems that recovery has come, but suddenly the patient has a severe sore throat, which is constantly increasing. After 2-3 days, swallowing becomes impossible, the temperature rises, salivation increases. Soon the patient's condition worsens so much that during swallowing, as a result of swelling of the soft palate, food can enter the nasopharynx and nose. Difficulty breathing. In this case, only urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention will help.

    On examination, there is significant asymmetry. The tonsil on the side of the lesion is enlarged and displaced to the center, the uvula is pushed aside, soft sky swollen.

    Seeking medical attention should be immediate if you experience the following symptoms:

      Paleness of the skin, the appearance of a bluish tint;

      Change of excitation to lethargy;

      A sharp drop in body temperature;

      Violation of consciousness;

      Reducing the volume of urine separated (a symptom of infectious-toxic shock);

      The appearance of convulsions, loss of consciousness (involvement in the process of inflammation nervous system);

      The appearance of hemorrhages (damage to blood vessels, disturbances in the processes of blood clotting);

      Difficulty breathing, inability to open your mouth, increased intensity of sore throat (paratonsillitis);

    • Article author: Lazarev Oleg Vladimirovich| ENT doctor

      Education: In 2009 he received a diploma in the specialty "Medicine", in Petrozavodsk state university. After completing an internship in the Murmansk Regional clinical hospital received a diploma in the specialty "Otorhinolaryngology" (2010)

And ngina, according to the standard medical definition, is an acute or chronic infection of the tonsils (glands). The pathological process can be triggered by bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

According to the data medical statistics, among the complications of angina, the leading positions are occupied by problems with the kidneys, then with the heart, then the lesions go to the joints and secondary pathological processes from the lower respiratory tract.

It is impossible to predict in advance which system will suffer. As part of prevention, adverse effects can be prevented.

Complications with angina, according to the statistics of the otolaryngological profile (in Europe), occur in approximately 25% of clinical cases.

The causes and mechanism are always the same. Because the pathological process develops due to the penetration of various types of pathogenic agents into the body, their expansive spread occurs.

Pathological organisms (speaking conditionally) spread downward, with the blood and lymph flow are transported to the brain, heart, kidneys and other structures. Moreover, the danger is not only and not so much acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), but its chronic form.

Herpes viruses, human papillomaviruses (many of them are oncogenic), staphylococci, streptococci, atypical flora, such as Klebsiella, gonococci, chlamydia and other pathogenic agents pose the greatest threat.

Complications on the heart

According to specialized studies, most often we have to talk about the development of myocarditis and endocarditis as the consequences of a sore throat (the second is much more dangerous than the first, and can lead to lethal outcome).


It is an inflammation of the heart muscle - the myocardium itself. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci and staphylococci. Somewhat less often other representatives of atypical flora.

It manifests itself acutely, with a pronounced clinical picture, even in the case when the pathological process proceeds sluggishly, in the chronic phase.

Accordingly, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • Dyspnea. Violation of the number of breaths per minute. It is most pronounced at rest. After physical exertion, the symptom worsens.
  • Arrhythmia. Violation of the normal rhythm of the heart. As a rule, we are talking about sinus arrhythmia of a transient nature. However, such a process can lead to sudden cardiac arrest, which is fraught with rapid death of the patient.
  • Cyanosis. In other words, blue nasolabial triangle. It is provoked by insufficient nutrition of tissues due to impaired blood circulation.
  • Swelling of the veins in the neck. There is a secondary stagnation of the venous-lymphatic nature.
  • Tachycardia. Accelerated heartbeat. Occurs with myocarditis always.
  • Swelling of hands and feet due to improper blood circulation and stagnant processes.
  • Pain behind the sternum. The nature of the discomfort - aching, stabbing, dagger pains - a rarity.

Asphyxiation is also possible if the process reaches the advanced phase. The danger of myocarditis causes its preferential treatment in a hospital setting.


Endocarditis is a more dangerous complication after tonsillitis: according to studies, mortality is 30-35% of all cases, regardless of treatment.

Streptococcus viridans plays a leading role in the development of endocarditis. Somewhat less often Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms are similar to those of myocarditis.

Accordingly, the clinical picture includes:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Suffocation. A significant violation of normal breathing due to stagnant processes. Perhaps the development of congestive pneumonia of a secondary nature. Then the symptoms of one pathology will be superimposed on the signs of another.
  • Weakness.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • The rise in body temperature to subfebrile-febrile marks. Fever is a specific sign of endocarditis. With myocarditis, hyperthermia is almost always absent.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Pain in the heart, radiating to the left arm.

Both endocarditis and myocarditis are treated with antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs in a hospital setting.

Surgical intervention is not practiced. It is also important to use diuretics to "drive" excess liquid, which inevitably appears.

Complications on the kidneys

Kidneys after tonsillitis suffer more often than the heart. The most common consequence of angina is pyelonephritis.

This complication is an inflammation of the renal parenchyma and pelvis of the paired organ. It can be unilateral or bilateral, depending on the severity of the lesion. Provoked by pyogenic flora.

The manifestations of the disease are as follows:

  • Pain in the lower back. Intense, aching, pulling character. This is not a pathognomonic symptom. It is also possible with urolithiasis, differential diagnosis is required here.
  • Urination disorders. In the early stages, the pathological process is manifested by polyuria and pollakiuria. The first is an increase in daily diuresis, and the second is characterized by frequent unproductive urge to urinate. Both phenomena are very painfully tolerated by the patient.
  • Discomfort when passing urine. There is a burning sensation in the urethral canal, the formation of secondary urethritis is possible.
  • Microhematuria (excretion of a small amount of blood in the urine). Most often found in the framework of laboratory diagnostics.
  • Over time, the increase in daily urine production is replaced by a reverse process. Oliguria sets in.


Most often autoimmune disease. It is provoked (started) by pathogenic microorganisms.

However, the mechanism of development of glomerulonephritis remains immune when specific cells begin to attack the kidney parenchyma.

Symptoms of the disease are very characteristic:

  • Severe pain develops in the kidney area (average or minimal intensity of discomfort is possible). A thorough diagnosis is required.
  • Change in color of urine to brown. This happens because of macrohematuria - an abundant admixture of blood to the urine. It is visible to the naked eye.
  • Raise blood pressure sometimes to critical levels.
  • Polyuria. Excretion of large amounts of urine. The norm per day is up to 1.5 liters and a little more, depending on the build, drinking regime of a person and age.
  • An increase in body temperature to 37-39 degrees Celsius.

Pyelonephritis requires therapy in stationary conditions far from always. Preparations of several pharmaceutical groups are prescribed: anti-inflammatory non-steroidal origin, analgesics, antispasmodics, hormonal medicines and antibiotics.

Glomerulonephritis is treated in a similar way. The only difference is that immunosuppressants can be prescribed if the process is overly active. The use of all these medicines in the complex is required. With intense polyuria or, conversely, oliguria, treatment is indicated in a hospital setting.

Articular tissue damage

Complications after tonsillitis include impaired functioning and trophism of connective tissues.

First of all, the kidneys suffer, then the heart and, to a lesser extent, the joints.

Often the so-called rheumatoid arthritis. The reason for its occurrence lies in the violation of the immune system. Bacteria or viruses, as well as fungi, penetrate into the structures of the joint capsules, causing inflammation.

The body begins to fight the pathogen, then, when it enters the latent phase and "falls asleep", the immune system continues to attack already healthy tissues.

Rheumatoid arthritis of infectious origin (almost always it is) is accompanied by a mass of symptoms. Their intensity directly depends on the duration of the disease.

Manifestations include:

  • Pain syndrome of pressing, pulling, shooting nature.
  • Mobility disorders in the affected joint. The patient describes the condition as a "tight glove" or "boot". There is a violation of the normal functioning of the joints and cartilage, the impossibility of performing certain movements.
  • Deformations. They occur already in the advanced stages of the disease. Formed according to different types(hammer, other).
  • Increase in body temperature.

Unfortunately, if rheumatoid arthritis has begun, it is for a long time. It requires careful treatment. Treatment options include medication and surgery.

The conservative method involves the use of drugs from several pharmaceutical groups: anti-inflammatory drugs of various origins, painkillers, chondroprotectors to inhibit the pathological process.

Surgical treatment is required in extreme cases and consists in excising the affected tissues. You may need prosthetics (in the long term).

It can also be a classic infectious or purulent arthritis. The second is much more dangerous.

Requires additional use of antibiotics, antifungal or antiviral agents. Everything is decided solely at the discretion of the treating specialist.


Inflammation of the appendix of the caecum. Accompanied severe pain in the right iliac region, nausea, reflex vomiting, increased rectal and body temperature in general, a host of specific manifestations (symptom of Shchetkin-Blumberg, Obraztsov, Rovsing and others).

Requires urgent surgical treatment. Even in the chronic, sluggish phase. The consequences of appendicitis are unpredictable. In the absence of therapy, sepsis, peritonitis and death occur.


Blood poisoning. It occurs relatively rarely, mainly after purulent tonsillitis, but if this happens, you need to be alarmed.

Sepsis requires urgent medical treatment with the use of anti-inflammatory and antibiotics in high concentrations. Therapy occurs only in a hospital setting.

Peritonsillar and/or pharyngeal abscess

Abscess is the most common consequence purulent tonsillitis, is an inflammation of the subcutaneous fat in the pharynx.

The result may be sepsis, the formation of a fistula with the prospect of secondary infection of the wound and the onset of necrosis.

The treatment is strictly surgical, under the supervision of a specialist you need to be for a long period of time.


Inflammatory lesion of the palatopharyngeal arch. Often goes hand in hand with tonsillitis (tonsillitis). Accompanied by pain, burning, respiratory disorders and other symptoms. Perhaps an increase in body temperature, hoarseness, or the complete disappearance of the voice.

Purulent lymphadenitis

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck. Accompanied by pain, burning, the formation of bumps (affected nodes).

This is an extremely dangerous pathology, fraught with sepsis and the development of phlegmon. Surgical treatment. In case the disease is weakly tested - conservative.


Inflammation of the meninges. It occurs relatively rarely. It is manifested by headaches, high body temperature, impaired cognitive functions and the psyche. Requires urgent antibacterial treatment, including the use of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal origin.


Angina, at first glance, may seem pretty harmless disease. general weakness, heat several days, sore throat- It seems to be nothing to worry about.

But if we consider the large number of immunological and biochemical processes occurring in the body with this disease, then we can greatly revise our views. The most common cause of this disease is streptococcus, which has a number of insidious features.

Human immunity is designed in such a way that when pathogenic agents enter the body, antibodies are produced, which are proteins, their main purpose is to “destroy” the antigens of the microorganism.

In its composition, streptococcus has a complex of antigens similar to the antigens of the joints, kidney tissue, heart muscle and some other tissues and organs. In other words, human immunity does not recognize subtle differences between antigens and sometimes “attacks” its own tissues, leading to various complications..

What are the complications of angina?

After a sore throat, all complications are divided into two groups: local and general. During the general complications of angina, a cascade of immune reactions with antigen and the participation of antibodies takes place, which results in damage to the kidneys, joints, and heart. Local complications are due to local changes. Most of the time they don't represent great danger for humans, but still need some treatment.

Complications on the heart

The most common complication is rheumatic damage to the heart muscle. During rheumatism, connective tissues throughout the body are damaged, which are most often localized in the heart muscle.

Heart failure- this is a very formidable complication, since it leads to the appearance of defects and disability of patients. As a rule, rheumatic damage to the heart muscle occurs in children aged 7-16 years. During rheumatic heart disease, inflammation develops - myocarditis. And there are general weakness, pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath is likely. The temperature usually remains normal, which does not allow time to suspect a complication. But during the progression of the process, an increase in temperature is likely, arrhythmias, heart murmurs. This condition is dangerous by the formation of blood clots in the vessels and the further appearance of thromboembolism.

When the inner layer of the heart muscle is damaged, endocarditis develops, which is also most common in children. The child develops swelling, a tendency to bleeding, thickening of the phalanges on the fingers, an increased body temperature is noted, signs of heart failure are added. Somewhat later, pains in the heart join, which often does not allow determining the cardiac cause of this condition. During the progression of the process, other complications appear after tonsillitis in children.

Separately, it should be noted that rheumatic damage to the heart muscle is dangerous by the rapid development of valvular defects. This lesion sometimes also affects the pericardial sac. In these cases, consider pericarditis, which may be exudative and dry.

  • During dry pericarditis a person is worried about pain in the heart, aggravated during coughing, deep inspiration, movement. Also concerned about chills, fever, the appearance of pain in the left side.
  • Exudative pericarditis characterized by an excessive amount of fluid in the heart sac, which leads to compression of the esophagus, heart and other organs. There are violations of swallowing, pain, shortness of breath is likely.

Complications on the kidneys

The kidneys are the second organ in frequency, prone to complications after tonsillitis in adults and children. Complications of the kidneys, as a rule, are expressed by glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, which appear a couple of weeks after the disease.

  • During pyelonephritis, the renal pelvis is affected. Most often, only one kidney is affected, however, a bilateral process is not excluded. Suddenly, the body temperature rises to high levels, there are frequent urge to urinate, pain in the lower back, chills.
  • Glomerulonephritis is characterized by the presence of blood in the urine, an increase in blood pressure, and the appearance of edema.

Both conditions require hospitalization with complex treatment.

Complications on the joints

After a sore throat, among the most common complications, joint damage should be noted - arthritis, which also has a rheumatic character. There is an increase in the size of several joints, their swelling, pain at rest and during movement. Over the affected joints, the skin is edematous and hyperemic. The joints of the lower extremities (ankle, knee) are often affected. Also, with a rheumatic attack, small joints on the hands, wrist and elbow groups of joints can also suffer. Among other complications, the appearance of appendicitis, sepsis, a rather dangerous and formidable pathology, is likely (albeit rare).

Local complications of angina in adults and children

After a sore throat, otitis media often develops. Most often, this condition occurs after catarrhal angina, but the appearance of otitis media after other types of this disease is not excluded.

Otitis is expressed by the inflammatory process of the middle ear with the involvement of the tympanic membrane. Symptoms of otitis media are typical: general malaise, pain in the ear, increased body temperature. In severe situations, this leads to a complete or partial hearing loss. Sometimes, after a sore throat, mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process) develops. Clinical symptoms resemble signs of otitis, but pain appears behind the auricle.

Phlegmon and cellular abscess

After purulent or follicular tonsillitis, a phlegmon or abscess of the perialmond tissue may develop. The main difference is that the abscess is a cavity with clear contours filled with pus. Phlegmon is a purulent diffuse inflammation. The clinical symptoms of these conditions are similar: nearby lymph nodes increase, sore throats occur, and the temperature rises. Often the pain is so intense that it makes it difficult to swallow, forcing the patient to clench his jaw. Treatment of phlegmon and abscess is to provide with the help surgical intervention pus output.

Swelling of the larynx

great attention among local complications deserves swelling of the larynx. At the first stage, the voice changes, patients try to clear their throats, but this does not give significant results. In the future, the edema increases, leading to a complication of breathing: at first it becomes difficult to inhale, and then exhale. The integuments of the skin due to insufficient breathing get a bluish tint. The swelling of the larynx is very dangerous complication, which can lead to death.

Often phlegmonous tonsillitis leads to bleeding from the tonsils. They appear during damage to the arteries that feed the palatine tonsils. This condition requires urgent assistance.

During the suppression of the infection of purulent tonsillitis in the early stages of development, the continuation of the spread of the disease stops. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms spread to other organs and tissues. What causes disease varying degrees severity, depending on the time of initiation of treatment.

The consequences develop gradually and become chronic, but they can appear so quickly that even in resuscitation it will be impossible to take measures to save the patient. That is why there is no need to delay treatment. The most dangerous are such negative consequences:

  • rheumatic acute fever- This disease in medicine is called rheumatism. It can affect the skin, joints, and heart.
  • Streptococcal shock - sometimes it has such a rapid spread that saving the patient by resuscitators becomes simply impossible.

As a result of this impact, the following develops:

  • Polyarthritis - inflammation of the articular parts of the body;
  • Chorea - nervous breakdown, which is associated with infection in the brain of the head;
  • Rheumocarditis - is accompanied by a feeling of pain in the region of the heart, which intensify and become more frequent over time. The result is the development of heart disease.

Features of complications in children

The consequences of the disease in children often have a different clinical picture, unlike adults, because their body reacts differently. These complications include otitis media. Streptococcal tonsillitis in some cases leads to the development of scarlet fever. The most vulnerable age is the period of 4-8 years, since there are no antibodies from the pathogen in the child's body. When the tonsils become inflamed, weak blood vessels in children can bleed, especially during coughing. When such symptoms are present, the child must be urgently examined by a doctor.

The rheumatic process that develops after an illness provokes endocarditis. There is swelling. External symptoms of endocarditis may be similar to signs characteristic of heart failure. But heart pain often appears later than other symptoms. In addition, at the age of 5 years, the child may have suppuration of the lymph nodes, after which they disappear. Because of this, the larynx begins to narrow, there is a high risk of suffocation. Effective way getting rid of these abscesses is surgery.

How to prevent complications?

To avoid the occurrence of such severe and dangerous complications, the following rules must be observed:

  • Adequate and early treatment of angina is necessary. Local therapy should include regular irrigation and rinsing of the throat with antiseptics, lubrication of infected tonsils. Taking into account causative factor an appropriate medical treatment(antivirals, antibiotics).
  • Angina in any form requires bed rest, even when the temperature normalizes, but while maintaining some changes in the oropharynx. The required duration of bed rest is up to 7-10 days. If this rule is violated, rheumatic lesions of the kidneys, joints, and heart are usually formed.
  • After a sore throat, it is necessary to observe a restrictive regimen: do not overcool, avoid significant loads. These recommendations must be followed for at least a month.
  • A large amount of fluid intake is required, this ensures the removal of toxins by the kidneys.
  • It is necessary to increase the activity of the immune system. Such mild natural immunostimulants as decoctions of wild rose, feijoa with honey can help with this.
  • And, finally, dynamic observation by a doctor with regular monitoring of laboratory examinations and the functional activity of systems and organs that are at risk of complications is of no small importance.

Here are five main components that must be observed in order to defeat the disease:

  • Use of antibiotics which only a physician must prescribe.
  • Use of ancillary drugs. Antipyretics, lozenges, antiseptics, etc. They can help relieve or relieve symptoms.
  • The use of folk remedies in. Beet juice, compresses, drinks from herbal preparations, for example, the monastic collection.
  • Peace. This is important! If you are sick, you must strictly observe bed mode.
  • uplift immunity. Why is it necessary to harden, eat vegetables and fruits, take special vitamins to boost immunity.

Angina is dangerous not so much for its tonsillitis, but for the complications that arise after it. To avoid complications, the disease must be recognized as early as possible and adequately treated in a timely manner. Most often, it is untreated angina that causes further complications. Therefore, in the treatment of angina, it is not necessary to self-medicate with folk methods, but to be observed by a doctor who will prescribe effective drugs and oversee the entire healing process.

Attention, only TODAY!

If the patient does not seek medical help in a timely manner, angina threatens with severe complications, which are usually divided into two large categories - general complications and local. Common complications include those that leave a negative imprint on work internal organs person. Local complications appear in a limited area, it is easier to cope with them, but they also bring significant inconvenience to a patient who has had a sore throat.

General complications

Rheumatism- a distant lesion of the body after a sore throat. Rheumatism is an inflammation of the connective tissue in the human body. And if in some places the human body can cope with inflammation of this type of tissue, then the heart and joints are the most defenseless. With rheumatic fever, the heart valves are affected, and after a certain time this can result in the patient's disability or even death. Most often, the rheumatic component of complications after a sore throat is present in children of five to fifteen years old, but it can also appear in adults. Usually, after a sore throat passes, patients after a few months feel a deterioration in health, which is commonly called rheumatic attacks. These symptoms include fever, pain in the joints, their increase in volume (the joints become more noticeable, as if swollen). A rash may appear on the face and the whole body, in some cases patients suffer from convulsions.

If the heart muscle is affected ( myocarditis), then patients complain of pain in the region of the heart, general malaise, and the appearance of shortness of breath. The temperature is often normal, but subfebrile condition is sometimes observed. Because of this, the onset of the disease is often missed, and heart pains are attributed to minor, passing deviations. However, with the progression of the process, the heart slightly increases in size, conduction and rhythm are disturbed - it can either slow down (bradycardia) or become more frequent (tachycardia). When listening to patients with myocarditis, doctors note a change in heart murmurs, the detection of extraneous sounds - deafness of the heart tone, systolic murmur, gallop-like rhythm. Such dysfunction threatens with the appearance of blood clots, which will be carried further through the vessels by the blood flow and provoke thromboembolism - the closure of arterial lumen and subsequent tissue necrosis in other organs.

When the inner lining of the heart is damaged, patients develop endocarditis. In a third of patients, he does not keep himself waiting, and gives the first symptoms in two to three weeks. Bleeding (external and internal), the appearance of a rash, the development of heart failure, feverish conditions (usually the temperature jumps to high levels, and then a state of remission sets in), edema, thickening of the phalanges of the fingers (the so-called " Drumsticks"). Feelings of heart pain, as a rule, join later, during the development of the process. They are different in nature, intensity, duration. If the disease is not recognized in time, then further complications are given to the kidneys and brain. In combination with heart failure, these deviations can be fatal in a couple of months. If the disease progresses to chronic form significant deterioration may occur in a few years.

With inflammation of the pericardial sac - the pericardium - there is such a complication as pericarditis. Pericarditis is dry and exudative (that is, without effusion into the heart sac and with effusion into it).

  • With dry pericarditis, patients note heart pain that radiates to the left side. Usually, the pain increases with a change in body position or a deep breath, pressure on the chest. Patients have a fever, chills, general weakness, dry, with it the pain in the sternum increases even more.
  • With exudative pericarditis, the nature of the pain is slightly different, associated with fluid pressure on the heart. Normally, such fluid is present, but its volume is small, but with an increase in the amount of fluid in the pericardium, there are sensations of heart compression (due to direct pressure and circulatory disorders). The patient has pronounced swelling of the extremities, face, neck. It becomes difficult for them to speak, a dry, “barking” cough occurs, the voice may change due to squeezing the larynx, and the swallowing function is impaired. Patients are restless, excitable, depressed, often tormented by the fear of death.

Kidney damage. Angina puts a heavy burden on the kidneys, and in some cases directly provokes problems in this area. The fact is that those antibodies that are formed in the body of a healthy person to fight infection, interacting with the kidney tissue, form specific protein compounds that negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys. Dysfunction can appear quite quickly - after a couple of weeks in the form of glomerulonephritis or.

  • The symptoms of glomerulonephritis are quite indicative, so you can not miss the disease. Patients develop swelling, increased pressure, complaints of headache and general weakness. The color of the urine changes. With timely access to a medical facility, glomerulonephritis is treated, but hospital stay can be delayed up to six months, since the excretory function is strictly controlled by doctors until full recovery. Subsequently, patients need to be registered at the dispensary, annually undergo an inpatient examination, and drug therapy.
  • If the infection enters the renal pelvis, then patients may be provoked by pyelonephritis - inflammation of the renal pelvis. The situation develops rapidly and more severely if there are such negative factors as kidney stones or bladder stones, that is, everything that interferes with normal urination from the body. Symptoms are manifested in lower back pain, frequent urge to urinate, fever. Treatment of pyelonephritis should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

Appendicitis. quite often (according to some reports - in a quarter of cases) goes in conjunction with acute tonsillitis. Doctors suggest that the appendix begins to fight the infection in its own way and takes part of the blow. However, not completely coping with the infection, the appendix itself is affected and acute appendicitis develops.

Sepsis. Most severe complication angina - sepsis - blood poisoning. It can occur at any stage, including the stage of remission. Patients have a sharp increase in body temperature, breathing is speeded up, pressure is increased, shortness of breath. Lymph nodes are sharply enlarged and painful, in various bodies ulcers appear. AT this case urgent hospitalization in the intensive care unit and the beginning of large-scale antiseptic measures are necessary.

Local complications

  • Abscess characterized by the formation of purulent cavities in the perialmond tissue, which occur in both acute and chronic tonsillitis. Patients feel characteristics abscess - sore throat, intoxication, increased body temperature to significant levels. Regional lymph nodes are painful, swollen, because of this, it may be difficult to open the mouth, the pronunciation of sounds is also distorted. It is noticeable that patients tilt their heads in the direction where the abscess has formed. In this case, the patient is operated on - an abscess is opened, the cavity is drained, and antibacterial agents(cephalexin, ampicillin). After the procedure, frequent rinsing with special solutions (chlorphyllipt, furacillin) is prescribed.
  • Phlegmon. Purulent inflammation of soft tissues, which does not have a clear limit, is called phlegmon. The tissues seem to be saturated with purulent contents, muscles, tendons, and fiber are involved in the process. Outwardly, swelling is visible, the neck becomes swollen, the skin turns red, painful to the touch, body temperature rises, severe weakness occurs, headache. The phlegmon is treated conservatively in the initial period, if the disease progresses, then the phlegmon is subject to autopsy.
  • Otitis. Acute occurs when pathogens infect the eardrum, middle ear, or mastoid. In this case, exudate accumulates, which after a while presses on the eardrum with such force that it breaks through and causes pus to flow out of the ear. If there is no free outflow of pus, then the process may result in the formation of adhesions and hearing loss. Symptoms are obvious - patients note a sharp deterioration, weakness and fever, ear pain, which can radiate to the teeth, temple, hearing becomes worse, constant tinnitus may appear. A blood test shows an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which indicates the presence of inflammatory process in the body. The tactics of treatment is determined by the degree of damage, most often a course of antibiotics is prescribed, if necessary, surgical intervention.
  • Laryngeal edema. Swelling of the larynx is a serious complication that can lead to death. On the initial stage you can feel how the patient's voice changes, it becomes like barking, the voice is hoarse, the patients try to cough, but this does not bring relief, and irritation of the larynx only increases the swelling. Inhalation is difficult, after a while, exhalation is also difficult. Due to lack of oxygen, the skin color of patients becomes bluish, cyanotic. Patients are subject to panic, fear of death, suffocation. Outwardly, you can see that the throat is edematous, then the edema passes to the trachea. In this case, urgent medical attention is needed, since patients can die from suffocation.
  • Bleeding from the tonsils occur when ulcers form on the tonsils. If such bleeding is discovered, the patient must be immediately taken to the hospital, where the vessels will be ligated if they are large, and diathermocoagulation if the vessels are small. It is carried out under anesthesia.

Angina is dangerous not so much directly by tonsillitis itself, but by the complications that arise after it. In order to prevent complications, angina must be recognized as early as possible and begin adequate treatment. In most cases, it is untreated angina that causes subsequent complications. Therefore, in the treatment of angina, it is not necessary to self-medicate. folk methods, and observation by a doctor who will prescribe effective medications and will control the healing process.

Complications after a sore throat develop due to untimely medical care or improper treatment and pose a particular danger to the heart, kidneys and joints. That is why it is so important to start the fight against infection at the first warning signs and to provide support for the functions of the immune system, preventing the disease from becoming chronic.

Most often, angina in severe form and with complications occurs in young children, which is associated with anatomical features nasopharynx and not fully formed immune defenses of the body. Let's find out what complications angina gives and how to avoid dangerous consequences past illness adults and children?

Why do complications arise after a sore throat in children and adults?

Angina or acute tonsillitis - infection, in which not only the lymphoid tissues of the pharynx and tonsils are affected, but the entire body suffers. Most often, streptococci or staphylococci become the causative agent of an insidious infection. They quickly spread in tissues, penetrate into the brain, heart, circulatory, lymphatic, urinary system and cause the development of various pathologies.

When infected with other types of pathogens (viruses, fungi), the immune system gives an adequate response, but with the penetration of hemolytic streptococci immune cells cannot identify them and produce a quantity of antibodies that would correspond to the severity of the disease.

Doctors consider complications after a sore throat as an autoimmune reaction of the body, which, failing to recognize foreign agents, begins to attack its own tissues and systems. In the structure of streptococci, there are special substances that are similar to the antigens of the heart muscle, kidneys, liver, and joints. Therefore, antibodies in the first place begin to attack these organs, causing various complications.

Negative consequences after a recent sore throat may develop due to some provoking factors. Among them:

  • illiterate and incorrectly selected treatment (when an antibiotic is selected without taking into account the type of pathogen);
  • neglect of the doctor's recommendations and refusal to take medicines in favor of folk remedies;
  • late initiation of drug therapy;
  • a decrease in the body's resistance against the background of weak immunity.

Treatment should be started at the first sign of angina and be sure to complete the course antibiotic therapy prescribed by a doctor. Only in this case it is possible to destroy the pathogenic microflora and prevent possible complications.

Symptoms of complications after angina

All complications that develop after suffering a sore throat can be divided into two groups:

  • general;
  • local.

The first signs of local complications occur even during the disease, they are not so dangerous, but also require timely treatment. General complications manifest themselves 2-3 weeks after the illness, affect the vital important organs and tissues and can lead to the most severe consequences, up to disability.

General complications

Complications of angina on the heart

The consequences of the disease manifest themselves in the form of various forms of rheumatic heart disease, leading to heart valve defects. In mild cases, the disease may be asymptomatic, but is more often accompanied by shortness of breath, palpitations, pain in the heart during physical activity. Often the patient experiences suffocation at night, complains of swelling of the legs, he has a cyanotic nasolabial triangle. Most often, this complication of angina is diagnosed in children of primary school age.

With pronounced symptoms, the child's temperature rises sharply, shortness of breath occurs even in bed, fainting, hemoptysis are noted. The active spread of the rheumatic process is evidenced by pain in the abdomen, knees and elbow joints characteristic skin rash. Already the first attacks of rheumatic heart disease cause irreversible changes in the heart muscle, each subsequent attack only exacerbates the pathological process. Over time, rheumatic heart disease, regardless of the severity of the course, leads to the formation of heart defects.

Good to know

Among other complications on the heart, myocarditis or endocarditis is often diagnosed. In the first case, with damage to the heart muscle, patients complain of pain in the heart, shortness of breath, general malaise, and a slight rise in temperature. With the progression of the disease, the heart increases in volume, conduction processes are disrupted and heartbeat. It can slow down (bradycardia), or vice versa, become more frequent (tachycardia).

Endocarditis is accompanied inner shell lining the heart. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are internal and external bleeding, temperature fluctuations, fever, swelling, thickening of the phalanges of the fingers, and the development of heart failure. Heart pains appear as the disease progresses and can vary in intensity and duration. In the absence of adequate treatment, the kidneys and brain are affected, which can lead to death.

Complications after a sore throat on the joints

This is the most common complication of angina in adults and children. Pain that occurs in the joints after suffering a sore throat is classified as rheumatoid arthritis. Most often pain syndrome manifests itself in the ankle or knee joint, increases with movement.

Puffiness is observed around the affected joints, there is an increase in temperature to 39 ° C and above. During an attack, it is difficult for the patient to move around, there is severe weakness, fatigue at the slightest effort, constant desire lie down. Other signs of joint complications include excessive sweating and frequent nosebleeds.

The characteristic rheumatoid pains can also appear in other joints, migrate from one side of the body to the other. In this case, the symmetry of the lesion is observed, that is, if it swells and hurts knee-joint on one leg, then soon the same sensations appear in the other knee.

Pain in one joint is usually felt for a week, and then migrates to another joint. After undergoing rheumatoid arthritis in the joints, aching pains persist for a long time, which increase with a change in weather or after hypothermia.

Complications of angina on the kidneys

Acute glomerulonephritis usually develops 10-12 days after suffering a sore throat and more often affects children aged 2-6 years. The kid complains of weakness, quickly gets tired, becomes pale and apathetic, he has headaches due to increased blood pressure and swelling. Appears nausea, shortness of breath, tachycardia, aching back pain in the kidney area, which are symmetrical.

Blood is detected in the urine, which may be present in a small amount for several months after cupping acute form diseases. In severe cases, manifestations of acute glomerulonephritis lead to kidney, heart failure, or pulmonary edema.

If infectious agents enter the renal pelvis, inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis) develops. The most severe complication occurs in adult patients with a history of comorbidities (in the presence of kidney or bladder stones). Typical symptoms are difficult and painful urination, frequent urination, back pain, high fever.

Complications of angina on the ears

With the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the middle ear, an inflammatory process develops ( acute otitis media). At the same time, exudate accumulates in the ear, which provokes very painful sensations and presses on the eardrum. When it breaks, pus begins to flow from the ear.

If a purulent discharge left in the ear increases the risk of hearing loss and other complications. The disease is accompanied by characteristic symptoms of intoxication (fever, headache, weakness). Treatment tactics depend on the extent of the lesion. Most often they try to avoid drug treatment, surgery is resorted to only in severe cases, in the absence of effect from traditional methods therapy.

Local complications

Abscesses occur with lacunar or follicular tonsillitis, while purulent complications spread to nearby tissues.

This is a frequent complication of angina, which is characterized by the development of a purulent process in the loose tissue surrounding the tonsils. First warning signs appear on the 2nd day of illness or after baby goes for the amendment. Suddenly, against the background of an improvement in the condition, there is a sharp rise in temperature and increased pain in the throat. The pain is intense, aggravated by swallowing and during a conversation. The patient's voice becomes hoarse.

With the development of an abscess, the temperature can rise above 40 ° C, accompanied by chills and other signs of intoxication of the body - headache, nausea, weakness, enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes. There is a putrid smell from the mouth, a spasm of the masticatory muscles (therefore, it is difficult for the patient to open his mouth), the body assumes a forced position, with the head tilted to the pathological focus.

When conducting pharyngoscopy, purulent foci in the pharynx are not detected, but a sharp increase in size and hyperemia of one of the tonsils are detected, since the unilateral location of the abscess is typical. Another characteristic symptom- swelling and displacement of the tongue, provoked by purulent formation.

When treating an abscess, they resort to a course of antibiotic therapy, if this method does not work and the patient's condition continues to worsen, an abscess is opened or punctured with suction of the purulent contents. After surgery, the patient's condition quickly returns to normal, and he is on the mend.


A severe purulent complication of angina is phlegmon or inflammation of soft tissues. A swelling is formed on the neck, the tissues of which are saturated with purulent contents, muscles and tendons are involved in the inflammatory process.

The skin in the affected area becomes red, swollen, hot to the touch, there is weakness, severe pain, limiting movement of the head, the temperature rises to high values. On the initial stage phlegmon trying to treat conservative methods, with the progression of the inflammatory process purulent formation subject to opening.

Purulent lymphadenitis

Another complication after purulent tonsillitis is cervical lymphadenitis. With improper treatment, in the enlarged and inflamed cervical lymph nodes, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply at a tremendous speed, which ultimately results in a purulent process.

The immune system weakened by the disease cannot cope with its functions, the patient's temperature rises sharply, severe symptoms intoxication, the skin over the lymph nodes acquires a bright red color, becomes edematous. The progression of the infection is accompanied by purulent fusion of the lymph nodes. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, with insufficient effectiveness of such therapy, they resort to surgical intervention.

A dangerous complication that, if not promptly treated, can lead to death. Most often it develops against the background of acute tonsillitis, the causative agent of which is a diphtheria bacillus. First an alarming symptom is the hoarseness of the voice and the appearance of a characteristic "barking" cough, which does not bring relief. Attacks of dry cough only increase the irritation of the larynx and accelerate the development of edema.

In the future, suffocating symptoms increase, the patient develops shortness of breath, shortness of breath, the skin becomes cyanotic. There is a fear of death, panic, which further complicates the condition. Edema from the larynx passes to the trachea and, if not urgently provided to the patient medical care he may die of suffocation.

In children, the picture of complications may be different than in adults. So, the consequence of a transferred sore throat can be scarlet fever, meningitis, bleeding of the tonsils. The mucous membrane of the tonsils in children is much thinner than in adults, so the progression of the inflammatory process can seriously damage them. Bleeding opens after rejection of a purulent plaque, under which an erosive surface remains. In such cases, the child is hospitalized and, in a hospital setting, small vessels are cauterized by thermocoagulation, or large vessels are ligated.

Among other consequences of angina indicate the risk of developing laryngitis, the pharyngeal process (suppuration of nodes on the back of the pharynx), chronic tonsillitis. But the most dangerous complication is sepsis - blood poisoning that can occur at any stage of the disease. In this case, emergency hospitalization of the patient in the intensive care unit and a wide range of therapeutic measures are necessary.

Prevention of complications

To avoid negative consequences, doctors advise the following recommendations:

  • observe strict bed rest;
  • completely drink a course lasting from 5 to 10 days;
  • do not stop taking medications when the condition improves until all doctor's prescriptions are completed;
  • in addition to taking medications, perform antiseptic treatment of the larynx and tonsils;
  • gargle with special antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory solutions to wash off the pathogenic microflora from the mucosa;
  • in the process of treatment, drink more fluids, this will help fight the symptoms of intoxication;
  • accept symptomatic remedies recommended by a doctor to combat fever and inflammation;
  • after suffering a sore throat, avoid hypothermia, stress, high physical exertion.

After recovery, doctors recommend drinking a course of multivitamins and immunomodulators (Immunal, Imudon), taking herbal remedies that increase the body's resistance (tincture of echinacea, ginseng, rosehip decoction). Try to harden, play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits eat properly and nutritiously. This will the best prevention possible complications!