The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages before a missed period. First signs of pregnancy before missed period Low blood pressure as a sign of pregnancy

Accurate and inaccurate first signs of pregnancy before the onset of a missed period

Not every woman can recognize the first signs of pregnancy before her period. The thing is that all of them (toxicosis, growth of the uterus, etc.) become more pronounced the longer the fetus’s gestational age. But nevertheless, knowing this information will be useful for every representative of the fair sex.

The first signs of pregnancy before a missed period appear at least 1 week after “successful” sexual intercourse. Before this period, no such significant changes occur in the woman’s body that could provoke certain symptoms of an interesting situation. During the first week, the fertilized egg makes its longest journey - from the fallopian tube to the uterus (in the case of a non-pathological pregnancy), then attaches to the wall of this organ. And from this moment, hormones that help maintain vitality begin to be intensively produced. ovum. A woman feels their effect as minor ailments. What are they?

Temperature increase

The first sign of pregnancy before a missed period is an elevated basal temperature. If you are making a schedule, you should know that the most high values You can see it on the thermometer on the day of ovulation; over the next few days, if conception has taken place, the temperature will remain subfebrile - that is, 37-37.2 degrees. Some women perceive basal temperature as one of the clear indicators of how the pregnancy is progressing. Allegedly, if it is below 37 degrees, this means there is a threat of miscarriage or the fertilized egg has attached outside the uterus. This is by no means always the case. Firstly, not every woman takes measurements correctly (you need to measure your temperature based on certain rules). Secondly, the thermometer itself may not show entirely accurate values. But this small error should not be scary. Modern gynecologists do not recommend measuring basal temperature at all, so as not to have unnecessary reasons for worry. There are more accurate methods for determining how well the process is proceeding, which do not rely on the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation.

An increase in body temperature may also occur in the first 2-4 weeks. This is due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which somewhat slows down heat transfer. Up to 37.2-37.3 degrees is normal if there are no other symptoms similar to the disease. You should not take medications to normalize temperature values. On early stages In general, you need to be very careful with medications, take them only when strictly necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor. You can improve your condition a little by walking on fresh air, regular ventilation of the room and light, loose clothing.


Of course, the apogee of this unpleasant state is still quite far away. But there are such sensitive women who feel the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period in the form of a dislike for any previously favorite foods and dishes, nausea (especially in the morning), feelings of fatigue, irritability, insomnia, low blood pressure. In general, these symptoms are very similar to premenstrual syndrome. Toxicosis is not a dangerous phenomenon if its course is not severe, that is, if there is no frequent, debilitating vomiting. In such cases, the woman is usually recommended to undergo treatment in hospital, since constant vomiting interferes with the absorption of essential nutrients from food nutrients and can lead to dehydration. Sometimes, on the contrary, there is an increased appetite.

Chest pain

In the second half menstrual cycle many women, regardless of whether they have the prerequisites for early motherhood, experience painful sensations in the chest. The chest becomes very heavy. If you are large in size, you cannot do without a bra that supports heavy breasts well. The nipples become quite sensitive. Some call such phenomena mastopathy. In fact, these are ordinary, absolutely normal cyclical changes for female body. During pregnancy, discomfort usually becomes even stronger. In some cases, already at such an early stage, a whitish or yellowish sticky liquid begins to be released from the nipples - colostrum. These first signs of pregnancy before a missed period are associated with increased production of the hormone prolactin.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Unpleasant tugging sensations experienced by expectant mothers who do not yet know about their situation are often perceived as harbingers of menstruation. But pain occurs periodically, but there are still no periods... If unpleasant, pulling sensations occur frequently and are quite painful, this may be due to the tone of the uterus. You can alleviate your condition with the help of No-Shpy tablets and rectal suppositories papaverine, which quickly relieves spasms of the uterine muscles. And often it helps to just lie on your side for a while.

Intermenstrual discharge

This first sign of pregnancy before your period is quite rare. Sometimes in the middle of the cycle, after ovulation, a bloody “smear” is found on the underwear. This may be nothing more than implantation bleeding, which is caused by a fertilized egg implanting into the wall of the uterus. By the way, since we are talking about bleeding, it should also be noted that sometimes during pregnancy there are “not real” periods, that is, very scanty, menstrual-like discharge appears. If the doctor does not see any abnormalities on the ultrasound, then this is not a pathology.

Increasing the number of discharges

We mean discharges that are not associated with any infectious disease or thrush. For many women, in addition to increased vaginal discharge, libido - sexual desire - also increases.

Intestinal disorder

For most expectant mothers, the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation appear in the form of increased gas formation and other intestinal disorders. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, as a result of which intestinal motility slows down. Some even feel like the uterus is starting to grow and the tummy is getting bigger. As you now understand, this is not for a reason rapid growth fetus occurs, but due to the slow functioning of the digestive system.

HG growth

HCG is a hormone responsible for the normal course of pregnancy. It is produced only in expectant mothers and in certain diseases. This hormone can be detected in the blood using laboratory tests - urine and blood tests. The second method allows you to detect hCG in very small quantities. It makes sense to take the test regardless of whether the first signs of pregnancy appeared before menstruation or not - approximately 10 days after the expected conception, earlier - it does not make sense.


If you don’t want to donate blood, you can diagnose pregnancy at home using a test. Fortunately, it is quite inexpensive, accessible to every woman and extremely easy to use. Errors rarely occur, and only because of a poor-quality test or a woman’s violation of the instructions for use.

Each test, regardless of its sensitivity, has an inscription stating that it is recommended to use the test from the first day of absence of menstruation, but at that time other first signs of pregnancy will appear before the missed period. What if you “test” a little earlier than the recommended time? Theoretically, and practically, it is possible to obtain a reliable version 10-12 days after possible conception. You just need to use high-quality test strips with high sensitivity and be sure to “test” in the morning, and in order to achieve the maximum concentration of urine in hCG, it is advisable not to urinate for at least 6 hours before the test.

A positive result almost always indicates pregnancy. A negative result- does not always indicate its absence. Also, sometimes women observe unclear results - the second stripe seems to have appeared, but it is very pale. In this case, you need to repeat the diagnosis after a few days.

Remember that all the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation are relative. You can only trust the diagnosis made by a doctor.

Many women guess the onset of their interesting situation long before the expected date of menstruation. Are these lucky women with well-developed intuition, or is nature itself hinting at the need for a more careful attitude towards ourselves? How do two fused male and female cells first communicate their existence?

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    Some scientific facts

    Two germ cells, carrying half the set of genes from each parent, have united and strive to quickly implant themselves into the mucous membrane of the uterus, so that they can be reliably protected by the warmth of the mother’s womb for the next 40 weeks. What will accompany their amazing journey, and how the implantation process itself will occur, depends on the characteristics of the female body. It is the specificity of the organ reactions of the expectant mother that influences the process of implantation of the embryo. The imminent appearance of the unborn baby is accompanied by a change in the vital activity of each organ system and the concentration of hormones circulating in the blood, in particular, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin sharply increases.

    Of course, the most reliable method for diagnosing pregnancy is the absence of menstruation, palpation of the pelvic organs and ultrasound of the uterus, but sometimes you really want to detect the unborn child as early as possible. Since ancient times, there have been a number of signs that can help determine the onset of pregnancy before visible to the eye changes.

    The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation

    Nagging pain in the area of ​​the uterus

    Unpleasant tingling or pain in the lower abdomen is very common for many pregnant women in the very early stages. Movement of the embryo fallopian tube into the uterine cavity and its consolidation there can be felt by a woman as a rather unpleasant feeling of compression in the abdomen.

    Minor discharge

    Every second pregnant woman can notice a very small amount of milky-white, slightly yellowish mucous discharge. The reason for this is an increase in the concentration of pregnancy hormones.

    Sharp emotional outbursts

    Change hormonal levels leads to unexpected changes in mood - outbursts of rage, sudden sadness, stormy delight or anger. Any minor reason, be it bad weather or a runaway bus, are perceived as a tragedy, invariably leading to bad mood for the next few hours. Watching melodramas, reading books can cause a storm negative emotions, sadness and tears, creating a picture of previously unusual hysteria.

    Night sleep disturbance

    Quite often, women expecting a child have to struggle with insomnia. Disturbed sleep in the first half of the night affects the feeling of exhaustion for the whole day. But even when very tired, it is difficult to fall asleep. In addition, you may have meaningless dreams that bring anxiety and excessive suspiciousness.

    Fatigue and loss of strength

    During implantation and development of the fertilized egg in the uterus, women experience increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, and absent-mindedness. The body spends a lot of energy on the proper attachment, retention and growth of the embryo, so a pregnant woman lacks strength for everyday activities. Dizziness and, in rare cases, fainting due to hypotension in the first trimester are possible.

    The appearance of a capillary network

    As the fetus grows, the blood flow of the expectant mother changes: the amount of circulating blood gradually increases and the blood supply to certain parts of the body improves. Therefore, it is possible to increase the visibility of small veins in the skin of the chest, abdomen, and thighs.

    Changing taste preferences

    During intrauterine development the child consumes a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, to replenish which the mother’s body needs nutritious food. As a rule, pregnant women consume exactly those foods that contain the substances they need. It is not surprising that the overwhelming number of women in this situation consume huge quantities of the same products. For example, very often they are drawn to eat pickles or herring. This can be explained by the body’s natural defense mechanisms: due to the redistribution of blood flow, a decrease in blood pressure occurs. Foods rich in salt, when entering the body, help increase the volume of circulating blood.

    Change in appetite

    The needs of the embryo also determine the fickle appetite of the expectant mother. It can either increase or remain unchanged if the reserves of the mother’s body are sufficient for the full development of the fetus.

    Metallic taste

    The birth of a new life requires a serious restructuring of the female body. Changing the rhythm of functioning internal organs affects oral cavity, which has many receptor zones. May appear metallic taste any food, or your usual food will suddenly become tasteless.

    Increased amount of saliva

    Most often, saliva production increases at night and may leak out of the mouth. This is a temporary phenomenon caused by changes in the rhythmic functioning of the digestive organs.

    Enhanced sense of smell

    Very often, pregnant women suffer from intolerance to the bright smells of perfumes and cooking. In this case, it is advisable to avoid contact with strong aromas.

    Dark spots

    Unusual pigmentation most often appears suddenly on the face and stomach. And just as suddenly it disappears without a trace. This can be explained by excessive activity of skin pigment cells

    Painful mammary glands

    Painful swelling of the mammary glands, which have begun preparing for lactation in advance, brings severe discomfort in the form hypersensitivity breasts In addition, the nipple areolas may darken and the nipples may become slightly rougher. In this case, soft natural fabrics and loose-fitting clothing will help reduce discomfort.

    Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction

    Possible flatulence, constipation, heartburn, belching. Most often, these disorders will smoothly replace each other throughout the 40 weeks. Such manifestations can be reduced by eating smaller meals, excluding carbonated and flour products, and drinking more water.

    Frequent urination

    Frequent trips to the toilet are associated with a rapid increase in the size of the uterus, which puts pressure on bladder. The kidneys also work actively, increasing the volume of daily urine, which also contributes to an increased frequency of urination.

    Manifestations of early toxicosis

    Nausea and vomiting most often appear at 8 weeks of pregnancy, but sometimes a pregnant woman begins to suffer from toxicosis from the first days of fertilization of her egg. Nausea may come from the sight or smell of food, or even from the thought of food.

    Exacerbation of chronic diseases

    Due to the restructuring of the functioning of all body systems, chronic diseases in a state of incomplete remission they may worsen. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist to prescribe medications appropriate to the woman’s interesting situation.

It is quite possible to determine pregnancy at a short period of time, when there is no delay yet. Knowing the early signs of gestation and identifying them in yourself will please a married couple who has been striving to conceive.

Pronounced signs of pregnancy before a missed period are noticeable during the implantation of the fertilized egg (approximately 20 days after the fusion of the female and male cells). Until this moment, the body reacts slightly to the birth of a new life. But attentive women understand that a new addition to the family is expected.

Physiological changes in the expectant mother

If a woman of childbearing age suspects that conception has occurred and is looking for information on how to understand that she is pregnant before her period is missed, first of all she should listen to herself.

How are you feeling, sense of smell, condition of the breasts, type of vaginal discharge, etc. Any deviation from the usual sensations is a reason to think about what is happening in the body.

Distorted sense of smell

An aversion to environmental odors during pregnancy occurs in every second woman. The phenomenon is associated with changes in the central nervous system. Aversion to odors leads to profuse salivation, nausea, change in the taste of food.

Breast tenderness

The mammary glands react to conception immediately after implantation of the egg. Breasts may appear swollen in the first week. Light touches cause pain. Sensitivity increases, the color of the halos changes.

Montgomery's bumps, which resemble rashes on halos, become more pronounced. They are present on every woman's chest and are usually not so noticeable. These small rudimentary glands become visible after the fertilized egg has implanted. Therefore, changes in the mammary glands can be considered one of the earliest signs of a recent pregnancy.

Deterioration in general health

Fluctuations in progesterone levels and a slight increase in body temperature lead to the appearance of signs of a cold. Not yet knowing about her situation, the woman thinks that this is a consequence of hypothermia or infection, because all the symptoms are the same:

  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Migraine.
  • Dizziness.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Runny nose or sore throat.

In the first 48 hours after fertilization of the egg, a special substance appears in the blood of women, which experts call an early pregnancy factor. An increase in its indicators is observed in the 1st trimester. Diagnosis of conception based on this factor confirms 67% of completed pregnancies.

Bleeding from the genital tract

Let's consider whether pregnancy can be determined by vaginal discharge. When the egg implants into the uterine cavity, slight implantation bleeding occurs. This is explained by the presence of its own vascular network in the endometrium.

At the moment of attachment of the egg, the vessels are injured and blood is released. Often such an event occurs on the day of the expected menstruation. If a woman has never had heavy periods, she may not suspect gestation.

However, there are several signs by which false menstruation can be distinguished from true bleeding:

  1. Short duration – 1 – 2 days.
  2. There is no increase in bleeding.
  3. The color of the blood is red or pinkish.
  4. The discharge does not contain impurities.
  5. The process is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

If the process of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus was atraumatic for the vessels, vaginal discharge During pregnancy, they become transparent, moderately thick and lose their distinct odor.

Frequent urination

Increased frequency of trips to the toilet during the day and the need to urinate at night may indicate pregnancy.

If there are no unpleasant symptoms, there is no need to worry. This phenomenon is caused by hormonal changes, due to which the uterus receives more blood. Crowded blood vessels affect the urinary system. This is not considered a disease.


Toxicosis, which is often manifested by nausea and vomiting, will help determine the development of pregnancy before a missed period.

Many mothers remember with a shudder an unpleasant symptom, due to which they could not even brush their teeth properly. Toxicosis cannot be ignored, since it disrupts the formation of organs and systems of the embryo. Besides digestive symptoms a pregnant woman may experience cramps, bronchial asthma, skin rashes. And all this refers to signs of toxicosis.

Scientists cannot determine why such an unfavorable process develops during pregnancy. However, gynecologists analyzed which factors increase the risk of developing toxicosis:

  • Stress.
  • Multiple abortions.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Excessive body thinness.
  • Endocrine and digestive disorders.

HCG tests help doctors judge the presence of pregnancy. The hormone begins to increase even before the delay of menstruation, and at 1 - 2 weeks of pregnancy its value varies between 25 - 156 mU / ml. From 2 to 3 weeks, the hCG value is 101 – 4870 mU/ml.

Fullness in the lower abdomen

A strange feeling of a full stomach sometimes indicates pregnancy. The severity is explained by the increase in the size of the uterus, to which blood actively flows.

With a significant increase in the reproductive organ, when the fetus is rapidly developing, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen may be accompanied by hemorrhoids. During the first pregnancy, the complication occurs after the 20th week, and during the second pregnancy it bothers us in the early stages.

Basal temperature indicators

Constant measurements in the morning immediately after waking up and drawing up a graph of its fluctuations provide the most accurate results. Based on BT indicators, you can easily calculate ovulation, since during this period previously recorded indicators increase and persist for some time. About a week before your period, the temperature measured rectally becomes normal.

If a woman sees on the graph that the dynamics of BT have changed, but there is no decrease, it makes sense to suspect pregnancy. IN interesting position rectal temperature does not decrease.

Low blood pressure in early pregnancy is observed in hypotensive women. Blood pressure levels reach 90/60 mmHg. and are lower. In a stuffy room and after a long stay in a standing position, the expectant mother experiences weakness or dizziness. For the same reason, fainting occurs.

The first symptoms of pregnancy by gender of the child

If a married couple really wants a boy or a girl and makes every effort to conceive, information on how to find out about pregnancy based on the child’s gender will be relevant for future parents.

There are several rumors about the conception of a boy obvious signs, noticed by mothers of sons. They have no medical basis. Let's look at how pregnant women walk:

  1. Appearance – only positive changes. The woman looks blooming. Her hair becomes thick, her nails become strong, her skin becomes matte with a pleasant peach tint.
  2. Appetite increases from the first days. A craving for meat products appears.
  3. Mood – psycho-emotional state is good, performance is normal, a surge of strength is felt.
  4. Temperature of extremities – cold feet on general background internal heat.
  5. Nausea - either not there, or slightly nauseous.
  6. The belly is rounded at the bottom, taking on the shape of a small bulge. Upon careful examination of the body, this is noticeable in 1–2 weeks.

Now let's try to figure out how to determine pregnancy before a missed period if a girl is born in the womb. The mother's appearance changes for the worse. The daughter takes away her beauty, making her skin pale and puffy, and her lips swollen. Pigment spots appear and freckles become more pronounced. My legs feel warm to the touch, but my insides are pounding with chills.

There is no appetite from the first days of pregnancy. If you want to refresh yourself, a woman chooses sweets or citrus fruits. Mood, thoughts and actions are disordered. Much is done spontaneously. In the morning, mommy is bothered by nausea, which subsides slightly in the evening. The stomach looks slightly sunken.

As for multiple pregnancy, which pleases some people and saddens others, its symptoms may be as follows:

  • Appearance – powerful hormonal changes and the body’s work “for everyone” significantly spoil the appearance. I'm worried about severe toxicosis. Acne appears on the face.
  • Appetite is increased even with nausea.
  • Body weight is gained quickly.
  • The mood is unimportant. The woman is overcome by laziness, drowsiness, and fatigue.
  • Nausea – periodically ends with vomiting.
  • Urination – accelerated growth of the uterus increases the need to urinate.
  • The belly is evenly rounded from the first weeks.

A gynecologist can determine early pregnancy. He examines the patient on the chair and sees that the cervix has become softer and cyanotic. Its color changed under the influence of increased blood circulation. These indicators are typical for a period of 6 weeks.

Folk signs about the beginning of pregnancy

Determining pregnancy in the first week is very difficult. After merging with the male seed female cage within 5–7 days it moves through the tubes to the uterus. The pea-sized embryo acquires a placenta and umbilical cord. After a week, it attaches to the walls of the reproductive organ. You can feel the birth of life at this moment intuitively and by comparing folk signs with her early pregnancy condition.

Some women do this simple test: sprinkle a pinch of soda into fresh urine and observe the reaction. If bubbles appear, the test is positive. The second option is to mix urine with a drop of iodine. If the drug has dissolved, conception has taken place.

Dream interpreters consider a dream in which a watermelon or live fish was a signal of pregnancy. Many mothers notice an increase in libido as pregnancy begins. I want sex more and more often. A more reliable method would be a simple measurement. You need to lie on your back and measure 8 cm down from the navel. If this point pulsates, there is new life within.

Two identical bulbs will help you tell your fortune whether you are pregnant or not. They are placed in glasses and watched to see which one releases green feathers faster. The winning vegetable gives the exact answer.

Other signs also promise pregnancy:

  1. Sprinkle with urine houseplants or flowers in the garden - their intensive growth will indicate a hormonal surge characteristic of gestation.
  2. Boil urine - the appearance of flakes indicates pregnancy.
  3. Assess the color of morning urine - dark liquid indicates an interesting situation.

But what to do if the signs indicate conception, and the first symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period are accompanied by unilateral abdominal pain and prolonged heavy pseudomenstruation?

Most likely inside female body develops ectopic pregnancy. In other words, the fertilized egg stopped at a certain part of its path and settled outside the uterus (most often in the tube). Unpleasant sensations occur at the site of its localization and intensify when walking and turning the body.

What to do in this case? Go to the doctor immediately!

A little about vaginal thrush

At the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be bothered by the symptoms inherent in thrush - itching, curdled discharge, swelling of the genitals. Out of ignorance, women classify the disease as a sign of gestation and do not receive treatment. But in fact, it is fungi that provoke it, and not the fact of conception.

Intense blood flow to the pelvic organs, an increase in the amount of secretions and a surge of estrogen create the prerequisites for the successful reproduction of candida flora. The specific smell and unusual consistency of discharge during pregnancy should alert a woman. Thrush is not harmless. It must be completely eliminated before birth so that the baby does not pass through the infected genital tract.

After conception, physiological changes occur in a woman’s body, which are manifested by unusual symptoms. At the very beginning, these manifestations are weak, not all women pay attention to them. However, it is useful to know about the most typical first signs of pregnancy, so as not to confuse this condition with a common ailment and not to begin treatment that could harm the unborn child. The first weeks of intrauterine development are a very crucial period, so it is important for a woman to find out about her situation even before the delay occurs.

In the first weeks of embryo development, it develops the most important organs. Incorrect behavior of the mother (excessively intense sports, increased nervousness, drinking alcohol, smoking) can have a detrimental effect on the health of the unborn baby. Infectious diseases pose a particular danger.

Woman wanting to give birth healthy baby, must introduce some restrictions into her life from the very first days of pregnancy. She needs to stop drinking alcohol, as well as strong coffee, and should take a more responsible approach to nutrition. Pregnant women should not be nervous or overexert themselves physically. If you feel unwell and have to see a doctor, you need to warn him about your possible condition so that he takes it into account when prescribing medications.

Conception may also be unplanned (for example, contraception was unsuccessful or the woman made a mistake in calculating safe days). The first signs will indicate that an unexpected event has occurred; she should be careful not to harm the baby. If a woman does not intend to give birth, she will be able to have an early abortion, avoid toxicosis and other ailments that have to be endured before having a regular abortion at a later date.

When do the first symptoms appear?

Fertilization of the egg occurs only after ovulation, which in a 28-day cycle occurs approximately in the middle. There may be slight deviations in the timing of conception due to the presence individual characteristics physiology in women, as well as the existence of differences in sperm activity in men. However, it is safe to say that trying to detect reliable signs earlier than a week after sexual intercourse does not make sense.

When is it appropriate to do the test?

If you use the test earlier, the result may be false negative. That is, conception has occurred, but the level of the hormone secreted by the embryo (hCG) is still too low. The more expensive inkjet tests are most accurate. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, since if done incorrectly, the result may be false positive.

Blood test for hCG

A reliable result of a hormone test can be obtained only 10-12 days after sexual intercourse. The fertilized egg must have time to implant in the uterus, only after that the chorion (embryonic membrane) begins to secrete hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Each week of pregnancy corresponds to a certain level of the hormone, higher than in non-pregnant women.

However, this sign is not absolutely accurate, since an increase in hormone levels occurs not only during pregnancy, but also with kidney disease or diabetes.

Signs of pathological pregnancy

If the test gives positive result, and the hCG test shows its content in the blood is below normal, this indicates that the pregnancy is ectopic. It is especially dangerous when the fetus begins to develop in the uterine tube. A condition in which a pipe ruptures is life-threatening for a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to identify such a pathology as early as possible and remove the fetus. Signs of improper attachment of the embryo include the appearance of cramping pain on one side of the lower abdomen, as well as spotting.

A frozen pregnancy is possible, when the embryo stops developing and dies, but a miscarriage does not occur; the fetus also has to be surgically removed. This pathology occurs if a woman has polycystic ovary syndrome or an increased level of androgens in the body. An early sign of a frozen pregnancy is low hCG level in blood.

There is such an anomaly as false pregnancy. Moreover, the signs are so real that it is difficult to dissuade a woman from her self-hypnosis.

Video: What are the signs of pregnancy?

Early signs of conception

All signs of pregnancy that appear before a missed period are not absolutely reliable; they only allow us to make an assumption about its likely occurrence.

These include the following manifestations:

  1. Nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of toxicosis. They appear approximately 3-4 weeks after conception. At this time, a woman develops intolerance to certain odors (for example, perfume aromas or the smell of meat broth), as well as unusual taste preferences(love of pickles, sweets).
  2. Drowsiness and fast fatiguability, decreased blood pressure, inability to concentrate, weakened memory.
  3. Frequent mood changes. The desire to cry over the most insignificant things.
  4. Change in the nature of discharge. If a woman is not pregnant, then before the onset of menstruation, the leucorrhoea becomes scantier and thicker. After fertilization has occurred, the level of progesterone (the corpus luteum hormone that remains in the ovary after ovulation) remains high. Thanks to this, the work of the cervical glands that produce mucus is activated. Discharge literally from the first days of pregnancy becomes abundant, transparent and liquid.
  5. Implantation bleeding. Droplets of blood may briefly appear in the discharge. In this case, a particularly sensitive woman feels weak nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms occur when the fertilized egg implants into the endometrium of the uterus. If bleeding occurs immediately before or coincides with an expected period, it is sometimes mistaken for menstruation. In other cases, women mistake them for intermenstrual bleeding. You need to know that pregnancy can be assumed if such “menstruation” is too scanty and short-lived.
  6. Swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands. Changes in their condition occur immediately after conception. Before the delay, the skin around the nipple may darken, and the tubercles on the areola become more noticeable. Sometimes a clear yellowish discharge from the nipple (colostrum) appears.
  7. Constipation, feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen.
  8. Increased urination, cystitis. With the onset of pregnancy, women's immunity sharply decreases. In this way, the body “adapts” to the new state, doing everything to prevent fetal rejection. Decreased immune defense leads to increased susceptibility to bacteria and viruses. Therefore, at the very beginning of pregnancy, the inflammatory processes(particularly in the bladder). Colds may become more frequent.

Note: Do not forget that these signs are non-specific. Nausea and vomiting may also occur with intestinal diseases(gastritis, colitis), poisoning, strong experiences. Odor intolerance occurs even with the flu. Craving for sweets occurs during nervous stress.

It is important not to confuse changes in the mammary glands with symptoms of diseases. If the pain becomes obsessive, lumps appear, and the breast skin turns red, you should definitely visit a mammologist.

Basal temperature

One of the first signs of pregnancy is the constancy of a woman’s basal temperature after conception. True, it can only be detected if the measurements were carried out for a long time (over several cycles) in the previous period.

Basal temperature is measured rectally. This allows us to eliminate the influence on the performance of various external factors. The procedure is carried out in the morning at the same time. In this case, the woman must still be in bed. By changing the temperature you can find out when ovulation occurred, since at this moment it reaches a maximum (37°). If fertilization does not occur, the temperature decreases. And if conception has occurred, it remains slightly elevated.

Thrush in early pregnancy

A natural decrease in immunity can provoke the appearance or exacerbation of thrush. The occurrence of the disease is also facilitated by changes in the state of the vaginal microflora due to an increase in the volume of discharge. The lack of beneficial lactobacilli leads to the proliferation of Candida fungi in the body.

However, not all pregnant women develop thrush. It all depends on the state of the immune system and the characteristics of the hormonal shifts occurring in the body. Therefore, the presence of thrush cannot be considered a reliable way to establish the fact of conception.

Video: Early symptoms in pregnant women

Missing a period is a known sign of pregnancy. But you've probably heard statements from some women that they knew about conception even before the delay. Let's try to figure out whether this is possible and what are the signs of pregnancy before menstruation.

Formally, the first days after fertilization of the egg are not yet considered pregnancy, since the unborn baby at this moment has not had time to gain a foothold in the uterus. But still, certain changes in the mother’s body are already beginning to occur.

During the first week after meeting the sperm, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube and, reaching the uterus, is fixed in it. At the site of implantation, the placenta begins to form, which will supply the baby with nutrients.

From this moment, the production of progesterone begins, the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy. Then, the umbilical cord is formed and laid the cardiovascular system fetus A bubble filled with amniotic fluid forms around the embryo.

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear before the delay?

During all of the above processes, increased blood flow to the uterus and hormonal changes occur. This affects the mother's body and can cause a number of symptoms.

14 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed

The first signs of pregnancy after menstruation before the expected start of a new cycle, when a delay should occur, are weakly expressed and depend on the individual reaction of the body to the new condition. Symptoms indicating recent conception include:

  1. Mild pulling or tingling pain in the lower abdomen. Such sensations are normal and indicate that the uterus is preparing to bear a child.
  2. Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands. Not all women experience this symptom before the delay, but such breast changes may indicate recent conception.
  3. Change in the amount of vaginal discharge. Due to the rush of blood to the genitals that occurs during pregnancy, women may notice that their daily discharge has become more abundant.
  4. Frequent urination. The enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, which causes frequent urge to urinate.
  5. Implantation bleeding. On days 6-12 after conception, light yellowish-brown discharge sometimes occurs, which women mistake for the beginning of menstruation. If they stop soon and your period never starts, it is most likely caused by the implantation of an egg into the wall of the uterus.
  6. A distinct manifestation of the vascular pattern on the limbs, abdomen and chest. This occurs under the influence of hormones and becomes less noticeable over time.
  7. Increase in basal temperature. BT is measured rectally, using a thermometer. Only those women who monitored regularly can notice the change. After conception, the so-called implantation depression occurs, when BT decreases sharply, the next day it rises above 37 ° C and remains at this level.
  8. Digestive disorder. Because of hormonal changes metabolic processes in the body may be temporarily disrupted, which causes constipation or loose stools.
  9. Increased salivation. This symptom is associated with the onset of early toxicosis and is often accompanied by nausea or vomiting.
  10. Fatigue, drowsiness, fatigue. Apathy is one of the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation. This feeling can make itself felt a week after the day of expected conception. The reasons for fatigue and drowsiness are that the hormone progesterone, which begins to be produced in a pregnant woman, depresses the psyche. However, the same condition can be caused by simple fatigue or a cold.
  11. Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area. The very first signs of pregnancy before the delay include a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic organs. In pregnant women, the size of the uterus increases and blood flow to the organs increases. This is why women can feel heaviness in the pelvic area even before the delay. Some women also experience a feeling of “fullness” in their organs.
  12. Lower back pain. Another first sign of pregnancy before your period may be lower back pain. “Shots” in the area of ​​the sacrum give a signal to a woman that she is pregnant. It is very important to be able to distinguish them from pain that occurs due to any disease.
  13. Headache. Serious changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. They may cause headaches. They can torment a pregnant woman throughout the first trimester. The cause of their appearance can be not only pregnancy, but various diseases.
  14. Increased appetite. Increased appetite is one of the signs of pregnancy. In the early stages, women have a desire to enjoy something (cucumbers, ice cream, etc.), and a craving for certain foods appears. A pregnant woman, despite the increase in appetite, should eat in moderation. Overeating during pregnancy is undesirable, as is fasting. Nutrition should be complete. A pregnant woman's food should contain all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.

Based on the listed first signs of pregnancy before a missed period, it is impossible to accurately determine whether conception occurred or not. The presence of even several symptoms at the same time may indicate certain diseases or hormonal disorders.

You can clarify the situation by doing or passing a blood test for hCG. It is not necessary to wait for a delay for this, already 7-10 days after the expected moment of fertilization laboratory test will be reliable. Tests with high sensitivity can also detect pregnancy during this period, although a false negative result is possible.

What symptoms may indicate pregnancy before your period is missed?

First of all, it responds to the onset of pregnancy emotional sphere. Many women notice that they have become more nervous and vulnerable; any irritants during this period can cause tears.

Sometimes there is a change in food preferences, a heightened sense of smell, and familiar dishes and smells begin to cause disgust. The expectant mother may quickly get tired, feel drowsy and weak.

There may be other indirect signs of pregnancy before a missed period:

  • a woman becomes either hot or cold for no apparent reason;
  • dry mouth appears;
  • nagging pain in lumbar region backs;
  • limbs swell slightly;
  • I'm worried about insomnia.

Another symptom of recent conception noted by many mothers is sensations reminiscent of the onset of a cold. Nasal congestion appears, but its causes are not necessarily related to acute respiratory infections.

The fact is that progesterone produced in the early stages of pregnancy provokes fluid retention in the body, manifested by swelling of the mucous membrane. During this period, women may find it difficult to breathe through their nose, and snoring may occur at night.

Body temperature often rises to 37-37.2°. This is a normal phenomenon caused by increased production of progesterone.

Of course, we cannot exclude the possibility that the listed changes in condition may be associated with colds. Risk of infection respiratory infection in the early stages of pregnancy it increases due to a natural decrease in immunity necessary for the normal attachment of the baby.

If nasal congestion is accompanied by other symptoms - cough, sore throat, fever above 37.5°, you should seek medical help.

At your appointment, you need to tell your doctor that you may be pregnant so that you can prescribe medications that are acceptable for this condition. Self-medication is highly discouraged for expectant mothers.

Lifestyle of a woman in early pregnancy

If a woman feels the beginning of pregnancy, even if this has not yet been confirmed by tests, she needs to change her lifestyle taking into account the possible new condition. Drastic changes are not necessary, but you should start taking care of yourself more.

Active recreation or household chores involving significant physical activity, it's better to stop. It is important to follow a daily routine and rest schedule, and get enough sleep. Nutrition should be nutritious, walks in the fresh air are beneficial.

Alcohol should be excluded during this period and try not to be in the same room with people who smoke or have a cold. In the early stages, any negative factor can lead to developmental defects in the fetus or jeopardize the continuation of pregnancy.

Without serious indications, you should not take any medications, because the effect of many of them on the child’s development is unpredictable. Sometimes even short-term use of painkillers or antibiotics leads to disruptions in fetal formation and subsequent congenital pathologies, not all of which can be detected antenatally.

Particularly at risk in the first weeks and months of pregnancy are: viral diseases, How , chicken pox, mumps. Therefore, expectant mothers who have not had them in childhood, you need to avoid places of possible infection. You should refrain from visiting friends whose children are sick or have recently suffered from these diseases, and also not attend various public events.

If future mom in the early stages she falls ill with one of the listed ailments, doctors recommend that she have an abortion. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of subsequently having a disabled child with anomalies in the development of hearing, vision, limbs or the brain is very high.