What is the font of the state number. Font for registration plates (car numbers)

Development of an integrated automated system, whose goal is to automate the access control mechanism based on the license plate recognition system, is a difficult and, undoubtedly, complex task. To solve it, as part of the qualifying work for a bachelor's degree, it took me more than one month, and more than one hundred cups of tea.
Today we will look at the algorithm and the results of solving the local problem of creating a font in vector format according to the regulatory documentation for displaying symbol standards in correlation recognition. At the first stage, we will delve into the essence of the problem being solved.

1 "Material": Registration plate of the Russian Federation

According to GOST R 50577-93 “Signs for state registration of vehicles. Types and basic dimensions. Technical Requirements” most registration plates look like the one shown in the figure below.

The standard dimensions of the registration plate are 520×112 mm. Symbol combinations on standard license plates are defined by three letters and three numbers. The above GOST R 50577-93 refers to the use of 12 Cyrillic letters, which have graphic analogues in the Latin alphabet: A, B, E, K, M, H, O, R, C, T, U and X. It should be noted that the letters the font size is smaller than the numbers.
The character style is determined by the ZhR5 font according to GOST 3489.2-71 “Typographical fonts. Headset Magazine chopped. The figure below shows the area from the GOST font style for sizes from 12 and above.

Rice. 2.

Before solving a problem, it is always necessary to conduct research and determine “Have you already solved this problem before me?” and “How was it decided?”. Therefore, let's move on to the next stage, namely the search.

2 "Search": Font for license plates

A search on the Internet was short-lived, for the correct request "font car number", the corporation of good happily announced that the vector font was available for free download.

Finding "free cheese" cannot be rejoiced at once, so the next step is necessary - to understand how the resulting template will solve the problem.

3 "Applicability Analysis": RoadNumbers.otf

without a thorough analysis excellent result, in my opinion, is impossible, so it is recommended to spend a little time so that later you do not frantically correct errors and shortcomings.
And so, the analysis showed the following:

  • The font is missing a couple of characters (including the "D" character, see below)
  • Font filled in lowercase
  • Outlines only PostScript (I had some problems with it)
  • Incomprehensible and redundant characters

Note: the letter D is used in the registration plates of vehicles of diplomatic missions and trade missions of foreign companies.

4 Bicycle 2.0: RoadNumbers2.0.ttf, RoadNumbers2.0.otf

As a result, work was carried out to optimize the font, which received the attribute "2.0":

  • The font has all 12+1 characters
  • Uppercase and lowercase characters are filled and have the same style (ensures no errors)
  • TrueType and PostScript versions
  • Unused characters do not have a style (similar to "space")


As a result, let's imagine a font that, although not ideal, allows us to solve a global problem.
Font name: RoadNumbers
Version: 2.003 2009
contours: TrueType, PostScript
Download: sdrv.ms/PjPjPM


  1. GOST R 50577-93 “Signs for state registration of vehicles. Types and basic dimensions. Technical requirements"
  2. GOST 3489.2-71 Typographic fonts. Headset Magazine chopped»
  3. Wikipedia. Article "Index license plates Russia"

How to choose the type of number?

To select the number type, such as square or rectangular, press the button. In the drop-down menu, select the desired number, attention to your previous drawing may be lost!

How to manage text and pictures on the number plate?

Click with the mouse or finger on the desired picture or text, a red frame 777 and a panel with control buttons will appear: , these buttons can enlarge, reduce, rotate or delete the picture or text on the number plate. To remove the red border, click anywhere outside of the editor, the border and panel buttons will disappear, and you can look at the final version.

How to add text?

Under the layout image there is a panel to add text, enter in the field, for example, the name of the child and click the "Add" button. If you want to specify the color of the text, then click the "text color" button next to the field, you will see a palette: To select the desired color, move your finger or mouse over the palette until you select the desired shade. The text color will change according to your choice. To select a font, click on one of the fonts below. After clicking the "Add" button, your text will appear on the number plate with the selected font and color.

How to add a picture?

You can add any picture or photo to the editor. The panel for adding images is located under the font panel. To add a picture, select the theme of the picture, to do this, click on the drop-down list: Select the desired theme, and click on the image that you like. After that, it will appear on the number and you can edit it. by clicking on it with your finger or mouse.

How to add your picture?

You can add your own picture to the editor, to do this, click the "Load" button on the picture selection panel. After that, select a picture or photo on your computer and click the "Open" button. Your picture will appear on the number. Click on it and you can edit it.

How to order a drawn number?

After you have drawn the final version, feel free to click the add to cart button, the number will be saved on our server and will be available in your cart. Click on the basket and you will be taken to the checkout form! Thank you for your attention!

The development of an integrated automated system, the purpose of which is to automate the access control mechanism based on the license plate recognition system, is a complex and undoubtedly complex task. To solve it, as part of the qualifying work for a bachelor's degree, it took me more than one month, and more than one hundred cups of tea.

Today we will look at the algorithm and the results of solving the local problem of creating a font in vector format according to the regulatory documentation for displaying symbol standards in correlation recognition. At the first stage, we will delve into the essence of the problem being solved.

1 "Material": Registration plate of the Russian Federation

According to GOST R 50577-93 “Signs for state registration of vehicles. Types and basic dimensions. Technical Requirements” most registration plates look like the one shown in the figure below.

The standard dimensions of the registration plate are 520×112 mm. Symbol combinations on standard license plates are defined by three letters and three numbers. The above GOST R 50577-93 refers to the use of 12 Cyrillic letters, which have graphic analogues in the Latin alphabet: A, B, E, K, M, H, O, R, C, T, U and X. It should be noted that the letters the font size is smaller than the numbers.

The character style is determined by the ZhR5 font according to GOST 3489.2-71 “Typographical fonts. Headset Magazine chopped. The figure below shows the area from the GOST font style for sizes from 12 and above.

Before solving a problem, it is always necessary to conduct research and determine “Have you already solved this problem before me?” and “How was it decided?”. Therefore, let's move on to the next stage, namely the search.

2 "Search": Font for license plates

A search on the Internet was short-lived, for the correct request "font car number", the corporation of good happily announced that the vector font was available for free download.

Finding "free cheese" cannot be rejoiced at once, so the next step is necessary - to understand how the resulting template will solve the problem.

3 "Applicability Analysis": RoadNumbers.otf

In my opinion, it is impossible to get an excellent result without a thorough analysis, so it is recommended to spend a little time so as not to frantically correct errors and shortcomings.

And so, the analysis showed the following:

  • The font is missing a couple of characters (including the "D" character, see below)
  • Font filled in lowercase
  • Outlines only PostScript (I had some problems with it)
  • Incomprehensible and redundant characters

Note: the letter D is used in the registration plates of vehicles of diplomatic missions and trade missions of foreign companies.

4 Bicycle 2.0: RoadNumbers2.0.ttf, RoadNumbers2.0.otf

As a result, work was carried out to optimize the font, which received the attribute "2.0":

  • The font has all 12+1 characters
  • Uppercase and lowercase characters are filled and have the same style (ensures no errors)
  • TrueType and PostScript versions
  • Unused characters do not have a style (similar to "space")


As a result, let's imagine a font that, although not ideal, allows us to solve a global problem.

Font name: RoadNumbers

Version: 2.003 2009

contours: TrueType, PostScript


  1. GOST R 50577-93 “Signs for state registration of vehicles. Types and basic dimensions. Technical requirements"
  2. GOST 3489.2-71 Typographic fonts. Headset Magazine chopped»
  3. Wikipedia. Article "Index of car numbers in Russia"

The development of an integrated automated system, the purpose of which is to automate the access control mechanism based on the license plate recognition system, is a complex and undoubtedly complex task. To solve it, as part of the qualifying work for a bachelor's degree, it took me more than one month, and more than one hundred cups of tea.

Today we will look at the algorithm and the results of solving the local problem of creating a font in vector format according to the regulatory documentation for displaying symbol standards in correlation recognition. At the first stage, we will delve into the essence of the problem being solved.

1 "Material": Registration plate of the Russian Federation

According to GOST R 50577-93 “Signs for state registration of vehicles. Types and basic dimensions. Technical Requirements” most registration plates look like the one shown in the figure below.

The standard dimensions of the registration plate are 520×112 mm. Symbol combinations on standard license plates are defined by three letters and three numbers. The above GOST R 50577-93 refers to the use of 12 Cyrillic letters, which have graphic analogues in the Latin alphabet: A, B, E, K, M, H, O, R, C, T, U and X. It should be noted that the letters the font size is smaller than the numbers.

The character style is determined by the ZhR5 font according to GOST 3489.2-71 “Typographical fonts. Headset Magazine chopped. The figure below shows the area from the GOST font style for sizes from 12 and above.

Before solving a problem, it is always necessary to conduct research and determine “Have you already solved this problem before me?” and “How was it decided?”. Therefore, let's move on to the next stage, namely the search.

2 "Search": Font for license plates

A search on the Internet was short-lived, for the correct request "font car number", the corporation of good happily announced that the vector font was available for free download.

Finding "free cheese" cannot be rejoiced at once, so the next step is necessary - to understand how the resulting template will solve the problem.

3 "Applicability Analysis": RoadNumbers.otf

In my opinion, it is impossible to get an excellent result without a thorough analysis, so it is recommended to spend a little time so as not to frantically correct errors and shortcomings.

And so, the analysis showed the following:

  • The font is missing a couple of characters (including the "D" character, see below)
  • Font filled in lowercase
  • Outlines only PostScript (I had some problems with it)
  • Incomprehensible and redundant characters

Note: the letter D is used in the registration plates of vehicles of diplomatic missions and trade missions of foreign companies.

4 Bicycle 2.0: RoadNumbers2.0.ttf, RoadNumbers2.0.otf

As a result, work was carried out to optimize the font, which received the attribute "2.0":

  • The font has all 12+1 characters
  • Uppercase and lowercase characters are filled and have the same style (ensures no errors)
  • TrueType and PostScript versions
  • Unused characters do not have a style (similar to "space")


As a result, let's imagine a font that, although not ideal, allows us to solve a global problem.

Font name: RoadNumbers

Version: 2.003 2009

contours: TrueType, PostScript


  1. GOST R 50577-93 “Signs for state registration of vehicles. Types and basic dimensions. Technical requirements"
  2. GOST 3489.2-71 Typographic fonts. Headset Magazine chopped»
  3. Wikipedia. Article "Index of car numbers in Russia"

Each license plate used on a vehicle must meet the introduced standards and comply with uniform rules that will ensure its safety when road traffic. All car numbers GOST R 50577-2018 must have strictly defined dimensions, as well as be located at a certain distance from the surface of the road surface. All cars, trucks, buses and utility vehicles are provided with two license plates, one of which is located in front, the other in the back.

For all other modes of transport, it is sufficient to have one sign located at the back.

The vehicle must have a specially provided place that has dimensions corresponding to the license plate with a vertical rectangular shape. Vehicle structural elements must not cover or block the registration plate. In addition, the sign should not be placed close to the road surface, which will lead to its frequent pollution and difficulty in reading it from a distance. Accordingly, the signs should not cover the lighting devices of the car or protrude beyond the side clearance of the vehicle.

License plate size must be the same throughout Russian Federation. The sign is 520 mm wide and 115 mm high. Also, there are certain parameters for font sizes and letters. one system helps to quickly and clearly obtain all the necessary information about the owner of the license plate and the vehicle on which it is attached.

All license plate sizes are specified in the new GOST R 50577-2018. You can download it at the bottom of this page.

What can we determine by looking at the number of the vehicle

The principle of the arrangement of letters and numbers on the number is used according to a certain standard, in which 3 letters and numbers are located. First, there are two letters, then three numbers and one letter, on the right is the flag of the Russian Federation with the inscription RUS and a code value of two or three digits indicating that the vehicle belongs to one or another subject of the federation, that is, the place where it is registered. Compiling License plate code only twelve Cyrillic letters are used, which have similar meanings in the Latin alphabet.

There are special signs that are installed on special cars. These include license plate of blue color with white letters on it. This is a sign for all vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which was introduced in 2002 in order to reduce the number of special signals used in the process of vehicle movement. Such “blue numbers” are installed on both trucks and cars belonging to various police units.

If you happened to come across a red number with white symbols on it, then such a designation may belong to diplomatic missions or foreign companies that have their representative offices in Russia.

Here, the decoding of the letter value on the license plate matters:

  • CD means that the car belongs to a person with the rank of ambassador or head of consulate;
  • D - the car simply belongs to the diplomatic mission;
  • T - respectively, means belonging to a representative office of a foreign trading company.

A black number is installed on vehicles belonging to the armed forces of the Russian Federation. This is the only type of sign that does not reflect light on its surface, which is done for blackout purposes. The license plate code, which is located in the right corner, does not belong to the region of registration, but to a specific group of troops.

On the vehicles engaged in route transportation, a yellow number with black symbols is installed. Transit transport has a white and yellow sign or capital letter T at the beginning of the number. is a guarantee of its safety, so this process should be approached with all responsibility. It is always easier to prevent a problem than to solve it later.