How to appease a brownie in a new apartment. What to feed the brownies. How to make friends with a brownie

Our ancestors also believed that in every home there is an invisible owner who keeps order and protects from misfortunes. Despite the fact that many traditions of our ancestors have been forgotten, some people continue to believe in the existence of the brownie and even know how to appease it. The behavior of the invisible spirit has a direct connection with the owners of the home, and if they behave inappropriately, then he can punish.

How to properly appease a brownie?

To protect your home from problems and live in harmony, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. It is important to appease the brownie when moving, as he may simply not move into the house. To do this, it is necessary that the cat enters the new home first. It is believed that with its energy it cleanses space of negativity. If you move, be sure to take the brownie. Stand in the center of the room, open your bag and invite him along. You can also use a broom for this. In the old days, when changing place of residence, they called the invisible spirit with the help of bread and salt and said the following words: “Come, master, to live with us.”
  2. Do not litter your home, clean it regularly. The brownie does not like dust and he often punishes sloppy owners, for example, by hiding things.
  3. If you have children, then together with them make a crib for the brownie. For example, take a small box, put a rag and a home-made pillow and blanket in it. Place the finished crib in a secluded place and call the invisible owner.
  4. To appease the brownie in your apartment, treat cats well, since it is often in them that the invisible spirit is reincarnated.
  5. The invisible owner also does not like scandals, since negative energy becomes a magnet for attracting various evil spirits.
  6. If you notice that things have begun to disappear, and then you find them in unexpected places, it means that the brownie is being naughty. To get him to return what was stolen, say the following words: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back”.

There are a couple who will help you appease and make friends with the invisible owner of the house.

Option #1. On the third day of the full moon, you need to thoroughly clean up and at exactly midnight stand in the center of the house with a lit candle, bow to all 4 sides, and then say:

“Hostess, sir, let’s go to my house, to the rich courtyard, to live, to be, to wealth!”

Option No. 2. Exactly at 12 o'clock at night from Sunday to Monday, you need to put a piece of rye bread in the kitchen on the edge of the table and sprinkle it thoroughly with salt with a piece of meat or boiled potato. After this, say the following words 3 times: “Master, dear, invisible to the eyes! Accept the treat, I offer it with respect. Protect us with your strength and zeal, so as not to be flooded with water, so as not to be scorched by fire, so as not to lose our wealth.”.

Come to the kitchen early in the morning and eat the leftover treats.

By the way, before the advent of Christianity, everyone celebrated the brownie’s birthday, and it was April 1st. People believed that at this time he wakes up after hibernation. Some sources also contain information according to which the brownie’s name day is celebrated on February 7th. It is on these days that it is recommended to treat and appease the brownie in the house, as this is a big holiday for him. To do this, pour vodka into a glass and place a piece of pie or some other pastry next to it, while saying:

“Father brownie, guardian and zealot of my family. Return from the wide roads, from other people's outskirts to your father's threshold, to your own corner. Father brownie, sit down next to me and let’s talk well. Amen".

After this, cross yourself and bow. Leave the treats in a secluded corner of the house where the brownie can eat them with pleasure. The invisible owner will certainly appreciate this and will keep peace and happiness in the house.

In order to successfully conclude a deal for the sale of an apartment, it is necessary to appease the brownie, since, otherwise, he may not accept the new owners. To do this, stand in the doorway, turn to the far corner and, bowing, say:

“Grandfather Brownie, welcome new owners into the house, not to spend the night for an hour, but to live forever. They will not offend you, and you do not offend them.”

Leave a saucer with a small amount of porridge as a treat overnight.

Most people have never thought about them - the invisible owners of our homes - brownies. But if something starts to happen in the apartment, then they are remembered, and all the misfortunes fall on them. The question “how to appease a brownie” is often asked by those who feel that they are being strangled in their sleep. Or if a “poltergeist”, aka “drummer,” has settled in the apartment. Know that the brownie has absolutely nothing to do with it, and these phenomena must be considered separately from him.

If you wake up with a feeling of horror, as if someone is strangling or pressing you, if at the same time you feel icy cold or numbness in various parts of the body, this has nothing to do with the tricks of the brownie. Ask yourself if you have been under any stress lately. Are you too nervous and worried? Everything described above are typical symptoms of “sleep paralysis.” You can contact a neurologist, but it is better to take a course of mild sedatives yourself, preferably of plant origin. For example, valerian. Please note that stress may not be obvious - you have simply suppressed your emotions for too long, and you have an internal crisis. Naturally, in this case you need to figure out what is happening to you. But you shouldn’t brush aside “sleep paralysis.” Its consequences can be very tragic - from neurosis to cardiac arrest in a dream.

The second case when a brownie is undeservedly suspected of “minor dirty tricks” is the appearance or manifestation in the apartment of an evil, noisy spirit, which is now called a “poltergeist.” If your light bulbs or chandelier shades burst, objects fall (especially sharp ones), things break, various groans, creaks and footsteps are heard - these are typical symptoms of the presence of a “drummer”. It is useless to negotiate with him, and his actions not only irritate, but also cause harm. Sometimes they can be life-threatening, especially if there is a small child in the house. Poltergeists, unlike brownies, are feared and disliked by cats. Therefore, if you see that your furry pet jumps up in horror for no reason and looks into empty space, most likely you have unwanted guests. The easiest way out: spray the entire apartment with holy water, straight from a spray bottle. If the case is difficult, invite the priest home and ask him to bless your home.

Is there a brownie at home?

A real brownie is a big help in the house. It is unlikely that you will see its manifestations clearly, but you can feel them. First of all, it creates a feeling of comfort, or, in modern psychological language, “improves the microclimate in the family. But he is also capable of small feats - protecting you from falling, cutting, or making a rash decision. He will look after a small child, protect the house from theft - he will simply scare away thieves from it. It will also save you from a fire - no, it will not flood the fire with water. It’s just that at the right moment you suddenly remember that you forgot to turn off the stove or in time you smell something burning. The manifestations of the brownie are always soft and delicate. It was not for nothing that in the old days they addressed him very affectionately as “master”, “neighbor”, and tried in every possible way to appease him. Think for yourself, if the brownie were even a little dangerous or harmful, would they invite him to a new house when moving, and even carry out special rituals for this?

Brownies love communication - affectionate and respectful. They always listen to you and will definitely hear everything you say. Just make it clear that you are addressing the brownie, and not just muttering to yourself.

The brownie will especially favor the house that is always clean. Sweep often, throw away trash on time, and avoid the appearance of “abandoned corners.” All things must be in their place. Brownies are very friendly with cats, but they will not get along with restless or aggressive dogs.

Treat for the brownie

How to show a brownie that you love him and care about him? Offer him a treat. And in the most beautiful dishes, and place it higher, for example, on a cabinet. It could be milk in a saucer and a piece of pie or just buns. You can offer candy, a piece of chocolate, but he will be more pleased with the pastries that you made yourself.

A treat for the brownie is left in the evening with the words: “Master of the Brownie, this is a treat for you from us, with our full respect.” Or: “Father brownie, guardian and zealot of my family. Return from the wide roads, from foreign outskirts, to your father’s threshold, to your corner. Father brownie, sit down next to me and let’s talk well. Amen". Or it’s quite simple: “this is for you, brownie, help yourself,” “brownie, brownie, sit down to eat with me.” And if you have children, teach them this little rhyme: “Egorka the Brownie, help yourself to some sour cream and don’t grumble or shout, help with the housework.” It goes without saying that in this case the treat should contain cream or sour cream.

Many people expect that they will “get away” from the treat, that is, the brownie will taste it. Like, if all the food is there, then there is no brownie or he did not accept your offering. Nothing of the kind! Do you know why incense sticks are lit in temples? Because perfumes feed exclusively on aromas. In ancient times, lambs were sacrificed - they were also thrown into the “sacrificial fire”. Likewise, your brownie neighbor will taste not the treat itself, but its “spirit”. At the same time, it is very important that you pronounce the words of dedication, in any arbitrary form. Otherwise, the “victim” does not count. By the way, for the same reason, food left for a cat or dog cannot be considered a treat for a brownie - it was not intended for him.

How to pick up a brownie when moving

When moving to a new apartment, you can take your faithful assistant with you. To do this, you need to sweep, then lightly scatter the garbage and invite the brownie to come with you three times. Then the garbage is collected and, together with a broom, transported to a new location. There you should scatter the garbage again and invite the brownie to live with you three times. After a day, the garbage can be collected and thrown away as usual, and treats can be provided for the brownie. It’s better to take a new broom for this, however, you can use it later. It would be a good idea to let a cat into your new apartment first; it is believed that it can remove negative and alien energy. If there is no cat, just bring in a new broom - the result will be the same.

Brownie Day

In Rus', the name day of the brownie is considered to be April 1st. On this day, treat the brownie more attentively, and along with the treat say: “Congratulations, grandpa, on your birthday!” It is advisable to choose a treat so that it does not spoil, and it needs to be renewed on the 1st of every month.

But the most important rule for communicating with a brownie is a peaceful atmosphere in the house. Do not allow swearing, shouting, or violent showdowns. From constant quarrels, the brownie will first become nervous and then angry. There will still be no great harm from him, but he will deprive you of his protection and protection. Therefore, if you want to maintain peace and comfort in your home, resolve all issues in a friendly and gentle tone. And then your “housewife” will help you in everything, protect you and fill your home with goodness and prosperity.

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People, especially villagers, have come up with many creatures that seem to live in a river, in a forest, in a house. And only the brownie was given good thoughts and feelings. The goblin lures people into the swamps, Kikimora takes them deep into the forest. The mermaid drags you into her deep waters. And the brownie takes care of the house, keeps order.

Many civilized people do not believe in the existence of the brownie. Or maybe he still exists?

How to find out if a brownie lives in a house?

It is necessary to force him to make contact with you. Let's determine everything we know about him. The brownie lives in the kitchen. Sometimes in winter he sleeps. The brownie is active in the evenings. And he considers the oldest person in the house to be the master. Lives under the stove, in the warmest and darkest place in the house. In the evening, write large on a piece of paper:<<Домового в доме нет!>>. Place a note under the stove where you dry your mittens or felt boots in winter.

In the morning you will find out if a brownie lives with you? He will take your note as an insult. How is he not in the house? He has lived here since the day it was built. And suddenly he’s not here! He will actively protest. As soon as you fall asleep, you will hear the shuffling of feet, the clanging of plates, cups, knocking and other sounds. If you're lucky, you might see his shadow flicker. Or maybe you suddenly wake up at night, as if you were woken up. This way you will know about the presence of a brownie in your house. By the strength of its noise you will know how brave your brownie is and how he treats you? If your household notices its manifestation, then it really exists. And the more noise he made, the more angry he became about your note.

Communication with the brownie

Sometimes brownies still fiercely defend their right. They can push pots from the windows, throw paintings from the wall onto the floor, break chandeliers, sconces, push you and wake you up. There is no need to be afraid. It’s better to invite him to live together with you. The following words help:<<Чур со мной, а ты, домовой, стой>>. You will offer him peace. If he agrees with you, then he continues to behave quietly. You can even voice the brownie. He will tell you something like:<да>> or<<согласен>>. His voice is muffled, not clear, but can be heard. Only brave brownies communicate.

Brownie service

If you have a brownie, then you are incredibly lucky. This is a free guard for your home. Imagine how a person who comes to you with bad desires will feel. Seeing a strange creature, he will be so frightened that he will forever forget the way to your house.

Can you ask his name or how long he's been around? You will find out his answer in a dream. Don’t be surprised if he tells you that he has lived in the world for three hundred years. House long-livers. He still remembers your great-great-great-grandmother. Once you learn and get used to it, you will even be able to communicate with him. But remember the proverb: Don’t make a fuss while it’s quiet.

More timid brownies may be quieter after your note. They will simply prove their presence in your home. Hoping that you will be aware of his presence. If you understand him, then try to make friends with him.

How to be friends with a brownie?

Try to come to an agreement with him.

You agree to give him food, and he will guard your home. Show him respect and treat him as your assistant. Be fair to him. If a brownie starts making noise at night, begging for a pie or candy, then give it to him once, but only once. Otherwise you risk spoiling your brownie. Let him know his place - under the stove or under the radiator. You agreed to feed your brownie, and he agreed to guard your house.

How to feed a brownie correctly?

For the brownie, you need to purchase one simple glass glass. One glass stack. And one little white saucer. There should be no pattern on the glass, glass or saucer. You can knit him a bed as a reward for his service. It is better to give a gift on February 10th. This day is considered the common birthday of all brownies.

How to treat him correctly?

Milk is poured into the glass;

Porridge is placed on a saucer. You can put candy, freeing it from the candy wrapper.

The treat and its bed are placed in a warm corner in the stove. They say the following words: “Brownie, guard your corner, behind one is my house!” And quickly go to the bedroom

How to treat a brownie correctly?

If you want to maintain a neutral relationship with the brownie, then you can give him porridge on the tenth of February, once a year. Maybe. If you seriously count on the help of the brownie, then feed him every month. A plate of his food is left in his corner. Leave the treat in its place until it spoils. You don’t need to think that the brownie will really eat. He will only take energy from the treat you offer. This is determined by the fact that food spoils faster than usual. After the treat has completely spoiled, you can politely ask the house owner’s permission and take it away. Give the spoiled food to the cat. Or you can take it to the intersection. By giving the food to the cat, you ask the brownie to warn you through your cat in case of an accident. Then you should not ignore any loud meowing of the cat. What if she warns you about something?

In the second case, you give him the opportunity to leave the house and come back. At the intersection where you left the food, place a coin without looking back. The coin remains as payment to the owner of the crossroads. The brownie will know the crossroads. He will bring all the troubles and misfortunes of your home here. Follow these rules and you will have peace and friendship with the brownie. This will bring peace to you and your home.

Your hereditary brownie Kuzya.

Beliefs about spirits protecting homes from harm arose in Rus' a very long time ago. The first mentions date back to the 14th-15th centuries, but the word “Brownie” itself, characterizing the domestic spirit, appeared somewhat later in the 17th-18th centuries. Our Russian ancestors believed that the brownie was present in every home and invisibly protected its inhabitants from troubles, diseases, failures and evil spirits. The modern demonological dictionary lists 46 other names for brownie used in ancient times. Here are some of them:

  • Khlevnik
  • Dodrozhsh
  • Breadwinner
  • Father
  • Stable
  • Neighbor

The modern definition of a brownie sounds somewhat different.

Brownie The energy structure of any room or other enclosed space.

It is believed that a brownie can be present not only in the house, but also in the bathhouse, car and even the yard.

Origin of the brownie

There is no clear opinion about the origin of the brownie. Christianity believes that a brownie is a negative spirit that should not be present in a room. It’s as if brownies are the ancestors of a clan, cursed by God for a certain period of time and forced to serve their descendants each time taking the guise of the previous deceased owner of the home.

To the question how to appease a brownie, any priest of the Russian Orthodox Church will tell you that not everything is in order at home and the apartment should be blessed. The ancient Slavs, being pagans, thought differently and revered their brownies. It was believed that the brownie was a spirit that replaced the pagan god Rod, or Chur, whose memory was preserved in the exclamation-amulet “Chur, me!” Modern people sometimes use this exclamation without any idea of ​​what Chur they are calling.

A brownie can be incarnated in completely different guises. To some he appeared as a small, clumsy man, to others he appeared as a small but rather strong old man, to others he appeared as a big fluffy cat. Some are sure that the appearance of a brownie changes depending on how the household best accepts him, but if he appears in the guise of one of the family members, then this is not good. A person will either get sick or die.

Communication with the brownie

The brownie doesn’t particularly like to communicate, but if he wants to protect his household from trouble or warn about something, he can make strange, causeless sounds (knocks), if the danger is great, he can go over and call it, then the person will hear it like the rustling of leaves or the howling of the wind, although It will be absolutely calm outside the window.

His warnings are not limited to just auditory manifestations. It is not uncommon for a brownie to pinch or strangle its owners in their sleep. This has not yet led to death, but it is not pleasant. If at the moment of suffocation they wake up and, pulling themselves together, ask the brownie whether his behavior is for good or for worse, then there is a chance of learning valuable information about their near future.

Some are sure that the brownie needs to be appeased, since a good relationship with him can have a very favorable effect on the life of the owner of the house.

The brownie is an energetic entity that loves a clean aura in the apartment. He sees all the energy garbage scattered around the house, stepping into which he gets dirty, which greatly upsets him and puts him in a bad mood.

If a person does not eliminate the reasons that irritate the brownie, he may leave the house forever. If, on the contrary, the house is clean and tidy, both energetically and spiritually, then the brownie will happily help its owner.

It can warn about a fire, or remind you of forgotten things, help you find something or wake you up for work in the morning. If a bad person comes to the house, the brownie will do everything to drive him out. The guest may, as if by accident, break the dishes and spill the contents of the glass on the tablecloth. The owner can also unexpectedly drop something from his hands. This brownie warns and tries to protect you. To achieve such favor from a brownie, you need to establish contact with him.

How to make friends with a brownie

There are two proven ways to appease a brownie. At midnight on the third day of the full moon, in a clean apartment, you need to stand in the center of the room with a lit candle and bow to all four sides, then say:

Master, let's go to my house, to the rich courtyard, to live, to be, to wealth!

The second way to make friends with a brownie is quite simple and does not require repetition. It is enough to choose the end of any week and at midnight from Sunday to Monday in the kitchen, put on the edge of the table a handful of rye bread thickly sprinkled with salt with a piece of meat or boiled potatoes and read three times:

The owner, dear, invisible to the eyes! Accept the treat, I offer it with respect. Protect us with your strength and zeal, so as not to be flooded with water, so as not to be scorched by fire, so as not to lose our wealth.

In the morning, come to the kitchen before everyone else in your household and eat this treat yourself.

How else to appease the brownie and make friends with him? This is done simply. Make a sacrifice to him. On the night of January 28, his favorite treat is placed in the oven on the most beautiful plate in the form of a crust of rye bread sprinkled with salt with two spoons of buckwheat porridge and left until the morning. You clean it all up and throw it away.

Brownies love it when they are remembered, leave them treats, thank them for their help with the housework, give them small shiny things and new coins, say hello (by the way, you have to talk to the brownie out loud, it is believed that he cannot read thoughts) and respectfully address “Master "

They don’t like house quarrels, screaming, obscene language, drinking, scandals and whistling; they also don’t like it when hot spices, knives, spoons and forks are left in the kitchen overnight. They prevent them from clearing the house of negative energy.

Brownie and pets

Brownies pay no less attention to their pets than people do. Many people have probably noticed that some people do not have pets at home. They either run away or die. This happens because of the brownie. The brownie does not allow the animal to sleep, eat, or move around the house in peace. This can often be seen if the animal bristles for no reason or periodically runs from place to place.

If the brownie opposite the pet takes a liking to it, then he cares for it and cherishes it. This is most often noticeable in cats. Some have clean, smooth fur, as if someone is taking care of it (except for the cat itself, of course). Occasionally you can observe a picture of a cat following something invisible with its gaze or behaving as if someone were standing nearby. She can even roll over on her back and wave her paws in the air, this tickles her from the brownie.

In order to accurately determine whether the brownie likes the new pet or not, you need to:

  1. Match the animal to the owner's color. If he is dark-haired, get a black cat, and if he is blond, get a white cat.
  2. Before purchasing an animal, place a piece of heavily salted bread on the back of a chair or the wooden arm of a chair. If a piece disappears or falls during the night, the brownie agrees with your choice.
  3. When brought into the house, the animal should be led through a sheepskin coat with the sheepskin facing up. This way the brownie will quickly recognize your new inhabitant of the home.

How to have a brownie in an apartment

Brownies come with completely different characters. Some are strict and important, others are cheerful and mischievous, and there are also angry and hostile ones.

Sometimes it happens that a prankish brownie steals small things. It would seem that a minute ago she was lying here before my eyes, and then suddenly she disappeared. In such cases, you need to go to the corner of the room and say:

Brownie, brownie, play and give it back.

If something is not found, you can scold him:

Such a grown-up grandfather is the one who plays pranks. Ay-yay-yay!.

He will feel ashamed, and he will definitely return the “loss.”

As you know, new houses do not contain brownies at first, and if you lived well in your previous apartment, it makes sense to take your brownie. To do this, use the following ritual. Before leaving the apartment, take an empty bag, sack, or use a broom or old shoe, stand in the center of the room and say:

My master, come with me.

Or the night before moving, give him a treat in the form of a slice of rye bread with a mug of milk and say the words:

Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you.

The next morning, you need to put an awl or coal in a sack or bag, invite the brownie once again in the manner described above to move with you and carefully transfer the brownie.

How to get rid of a brownie

There are times when people want to get rid of a brownie because of his ill will or even aggression. And sometimes because of his dirty tricks, such as tangling hair, which sometimes cannot be untangled except for a haircut, breaking dishes and making shadows that cannot be removed, no matter how much I wash the ceilings and walls. To do this, use the following techniques.

Brownies really don’t like to be scolded, so first you can try to scold the spirit, and the stronger and more detailed the expressions, the better. He especially doesn't like being called a devil. If it doesn't help, try the next option. You take a broom and begin to sweep it in all corners, saying: “I’m sweeping you up, you alien, harmful brownie, I’m driving you out.” Do this throughout the week except Friday.

If this does not help, there is the most cruel old way. You open the front door. Say: “Get out!” and stick the awl into the threshold. The brownie experiences unbearable pain and leaves the house. Nevertheless, according to ancient beliefs, it is highly not recommended to drive out brownies, so it is preferable to come to an agreement with him, since living without him is bad.

Now you know how to appease a brownie, how to get rid of it, what it looks like and what it does in your home.

Do you believe in the existence of brownies?

Firstly, I would like to tell you why brownies sometimes begin to play pranks, show their presence and annoy people in every possible way. There can be a lot of reasons for this, but for the most part it happens because the brownie is simply dissatisfied with the people who live in his house. Unclean and lazy, evil and unkind people who love to quarrel and shout, who lead the house into desolation, harm the home in every possible way, can incur the wrath of the brownie. The manifestations of such anger can vary greatly, so to speak, in the intensity of passions. These could be missing things, strange knocks, howls, voices in the walls and even bruises on the body, strange ghostly images that are visible to people, spontaneous combustion of things and other phenomena for which there is only one explanation - the brownie is trying to tell people something.

In order to pacify or appease the brownie, many different rituals have been invented since ancient times. If you are just looking for a way to pacify the house spirit, then you should immediately discard appeals to Christian clergy, various consecrations of apartments and houses. The brownies are absolutely indifferent to this faith and no church manipulations, no matter how truthful they may look, will have any effect, and most likely everything will happen exactly the opposite. The spirit that understands that you have decided to get rid of it by expelling “demons” will begin to behave even worse than before. The only sure way is to personally influence the brownie. In this case, there can be two approaches: pacification by force and cajoling - friendship. To achieve this or that, a lot of special rituals have been invented, which we will talk about later.

How to pacify a brownie

Before you start talking about ways to pacify and appease a brownie, it’s worth talking about what you should and shouldn’t do, so as not to cause the brownie’s negative attitude towards you directly. Since it is believed that a brownie always and everywhere loves order, you should be especially careful about this. When the house is tidy and clean, most likely the brownie will not play pranks. If there is a cat in the house, then you should treat it kindly and kindly, never scold or offend it. The brownie loves cats very much and anyone who offends these pets can feel the wrath of the “Owner” on himself. The brownie does not like scandals and tense situations in the house. A negative atmosphere in the house can provoke the spirit to take various actions. It is also worth honoring the brownie in a certain way on his holidays.

It is believed that Brownie Day is January 28th. This holiday is called Kudesy, Velesichy or Tambourines. In addition to this holiday, in traditional Slavic beliefs, the brownie sleeps or hibernates all winter and wakes up on April 1st. On this day it is also worth congratulating him, since after a long sleep he is in a bad mood. However, it is best not to end with ordinary congratulations. It is advisable to treat Grandfather. To do this, you can leave a piece of pie, cupcake, pancakes, candy, kutya (porridge with nuts and fruits), buckwheat porridge, a salt shaker with salt, sugar on a plate, a crust of bread sprinkled with salt on a plate overnight, in some secluded, dark corner in the kitchen (brownies love quiet and dark places, they don’t particularly like sunlight and noise). You can pour a glass of vodka or wine for the brownie. In addition to treats, our ancestors brought gifts to the brownie: colored scraps, ribbons, pieces of sheep wool, coins. There is also a legend that bread for the brownie was usually wrapped in a red rag, and the porridge was well salted. You can treat your brownie not only on his days, but also on all other holidays. In gratitude for your attention, the brownie will not play pranks and will help you in everything. It is better to offer food with respect, for example, like this: “Father brownie, accept the treat, I offer it with respect!” or come up with your own appeal. You don’t need to think that the brownie will eat all your treats and there will be nothing left of them (although this also happens). Brownies, as astral creatures that exist in Navi, feed on the astral shell of food. After this, it is better not to eat the treats yourself, but simply throw them away or give them to birds, street cats or dogs. You can please the brownie in the following way. To do this, you need to place a saucer of water at the doorstep every first day of the new month and say: “Master-father, sir-brownie, please love me, guard my goods, take care of my cattle, accept my treat and drink from a full cup of water.” Don’t forget that brownies love cats very much. If you bring a kitten into the house, place it near the stove and say: “I give you, brownie-father, a furry animal for a rich yard,” then the brownie will definitely take the pet under his protection, will look after it and protect it. In addition, such a gift will make the brownie softer and kinder.

How to please a brownie

If you are afraid of a brownie and consider this spirit to be something creepy, then try talking to it. Chat, tell jokes, say goodbye when you leave home, greet him when you come home. Such a game will calm not only your nerves and, perhaps, even your wild imagination, turning an incomprehensible creature into a familiar and kind neighbor, but will also be pleasant for the brownie himself, who is always happy to feel cared for by people. Sometimes things start to disappear on their own. At the same time, many remember exactly that they put or put some thing in a certain place, and now there is no trace of it. All searches are fruitless, and then the thing itself is found in some unpredictable places or even in the very place where they were looking for it a minute ago. If you are looking for a thing and cannot find it, then you should say the following words: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!” The thing will definitely be found after this.

If the brownie does not give life at all, then it is worth resorting to more radical means. One of the methods has already been described in the article “Brownie”, here I will remind you of its essence. In order to pacify the spirit of the house, you need to take a whip and, going around your home, whip everything that catches your eye with this whip - furniture, things, corners, walls, floor, ceiling, while you need to tell the house spirit in a self-confident voice that he should not to harm, but to help people, that he should look after the household, and not interfere with people’s lives, not frighten or be mischievous. At the same time, a strong word would not be out of place, maybe even “three-story.” Brownies do not like to be scolded and will definitely become submissive.

Another method of pacification is carried out using a broom. To do this, you need to take a broom and, sweeping in all corners from above and below, say: “I am sweeping you, a stranger, a harmful brownie, I am driving you out.” If you do this all week (except Friday), the brownie will leave your house. The brownie will leave your house and if you open the front door, sharply say “Get out!” and stick an awl into the threshold. As you yourself understand, it is possible to get rid of a brownie, but the ancient Slavs did not recommend resorting to such methods, because a home without a brownie can simply wither away and much more terrible creatures can appear in it that can ruin your whole life. Usually, driving a brownie out of the house occurs only in the most extreme cases, when there is no strength to tolerate his tricks.