How to concentrate on anything. How to learn to concentrate on important things. Learn to set the right pace for your work day

Open any book on popular psychology and you will find tips on how to avoid distractions and finish your work faster. But only many of them are difficult to implement. How do you like the idea of ​​spending the whole day wearing headphones? Or turn off the Internet so as not to look at social networks? Maybe you can instantly switch gears and imagine that your job is the most interesting, inspiring and fun? But if the tips don’t work, what will help you avoid distractions?

1. Disconnect

Can't concentrate on important work? This may seem absurd, but then don’t try it. More and more researchers are coming to the conclusion that we spend a significant portion of our day simply daydreaming and imagining. But this is not laziness, not a whim, but something necessary that helps the brain function normally.

Concentration requires concerted action various parts brain, including the frontal lobe, which, among other things, is responsible for counteracting distractions and controlling our natural desire to do more interesting things. For this system to work smoothly, a lot of energy is required. So at some point we inevitably slow down and our mind starts to wander.

People who can turn off their brains cope with complex tasks more successfully than those who allow their brains to dictate when to work and when not to work. Manage the process. Decide for yourself when you need maximum concentration, and when you can relax a little and switch off. And don’t feel guilty about this - on the contrary, such switches will make your work more efficient.

Cats, videos, funny statuses that are copied and endlessly distributed across the Internet seem like a distraction to us. But some psychologists believe that such videos, on the contrary, allow us to successfully cope with our work.

During one of the experiments, people who viewed a funny video, looked longer and more carefully for a solution difficult task than subjects from the control group, who were shown relaxing but unfunny videos. The researchers concluded that in order for people to work effectively, offices need to create a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Of course, this doesn't mean everyone should watch these videos all day long. However, it's good to pause for jokes every now and then, especially when you're tired.

3. Boost yourself even more

Back in 1955, psychologist Nillie Lavy of University College London proposed a theory she called Load Theory. According to it, there is a limit to how much information from the outside world our brain can process in a given period of time. When it is overloaded, the attention system itself begins to choose what to focus on.

Lavy's experiments showed that we work more efficiently not at empty, clean tables and in complete silence, but in disorder and chaos. “Perhaps this happens because when the perception cells are full, all the brain energy is directed to the most important task,” the scientist says. “Everything else is simply cut off.” The challenge with implementing this idea is to provide the right amount of distractions without going overboard.

4. Take a break

When you urgently need to do something, a break is the last thing that comes to mind. But everyone needs a little break. We can concentrate on something for a maximum of 90 minutes, after which we need a 15-minute break.

Even a very short pause, lasting only a few seconds, can help - provided that you are not thinking about the current task. You can look out the window and make a few simple arithmetic operations. Even better - take a walk, do a little warm-up, meditate.

5. Don't push yourself too hard

“Take breaks often!” advise Joe Degutis and Mike Esterman of the Boston Attention and Learning Laboratory. Through a series of experiments they discovered that The best way maintain concentration - work a little, and then take a short break. Those who tried to work without stopping ended up getting more tired and making more mistakes.

Christian Olivers from the Free University of Amsterdam agrees with these conclusions: “If you are under constant stress, working without a break, the ability to concentrate gradually fades away. Load yourself less. And don’t forget to take breaks more often - in the end you’ll get a lot more done.”

The ability to concentrate is an important part of the arsenal. successful person. Having learned to concentrate, concentrate on a particular goal, a certain form activities, you have a very good chance of achieving success in this.

In this article we:
A) Let's discuss why the ability to concentrate is so important.
B) Let's figure out what factors prevent us from concentrating.
C) Let’s think about how to eliminate factors that interfere with concentration.
D) And finally, we will work out overall strategy, which will help us learn to concentrate.

What is the role of the ability to concentrate?

(Perhaps you will immediately scream to yourself: what is the role?!!! And so it’s clear!!! Let’s get closer to the point!!! Have a little patience: let’s deal with everything in order. We want to learn how to concentrate, right? So, there is no need to get distracted, you need to read in order. Well, I’m finishing the protracted introduction.)

Physiological scientists have established that a person’s performance changes during work. The first ten to fifteen minutes is the so-called burn-in period, the next 20-30 minutes are optimal performance, and after some time exhaustion sets in.

What is the situation with performance and work efficiency during these periods?

Run-in: increases
Middle phase: highest
Exhaustion: Decreases

Taking this into account, you should work in periods of about an hour, so that, firstly, good development occurs, then you work hard and practice a little to fight mild fatigue. Then you need to pause, rest a little and start a new cycle.

I think there is no need to explain that by being distracted, we disrupt the natural course of this cycle. If we are distracted once every 15 minutes, we run the risk of never achieving maximum performance - and therefore not seeing decent results. What kind of effective work is this...

As you can see, a person purely physiologically (that is, if we consider him as a kind of “biorobot” :)))) must work with concentration, without distraction.

What about from a psychological point of view? It's not hard to guess. The business that captivates us, the business that captivates us, occupies all our thoughts (that is, the thing on which you are focused) is done much easier, the process of work itself gives you pleasure - it’s interesting to work!
So, perhaps the first commandment of a person who wants to succeed in one thing or another: productivity requires concentration on one subject!

What prevents us from focusing?

1. External factors that interfere with concentration
- noise, music
— neighbors and colleagues asking questions
- ICQ and phone
- something else that requires your attention, competes for attention with the thing that needs to be done.

2. Internal factors that interfere with concentration (ATTENTION!!!)
- general bad feeling
- lack of a clear activity plan
- unbalanced emotional condition
- disinterest in work

The lists go on. By the way, if you really want to learn how to concentrate properly, I advise you to minimize the browser window, open a piece of Word or Notepad and write a small list under the heading “What prevents me from concentrating.” I emphasize that it doesn’t hinder you in general, but what prevents you from doing a specific thing, focusing on a specific job.

I got this list:
1. I have more interesting things to do (surf the Internet, play with a new toy). I don’t do this, but my thoughts keep coming back to me.
2. Work does not give me satisfaction.
3. I did it yesterday and it just makes me bored - the routine drags on.

However, I understand that it is necessary to do it. Here we are not discussing how to force yourself to do this or that thing (victory over laziness and gaining motivation is a topic for a separate discussion).

So, smoothly, we got to the main thing.

How do you still concentrate?

How can you learn not to get distracted, do your job effectively, focus on important things and not waste time?

Now I’ll try to be brief;))) Everything that is written above can be considered an introduction, here is the essence.

1. We provide ourselves with good things workplace. Ask your family and friends not to disturb you if you are working from home, and gently let your colleagues know that you don’t really like being interrupted. Explain to them that you yourself are distracted every hour and are ready to discuss with them anything they want. You can also casually explain to them why it is so important (for you and for them) to focus on work.

2. We work in periods of an hour, with a break of 10 minutes. This organization of work the best way promotes concentration. It may be difficult at first not to be distracted for a whole hour - be patient, developing the ability to concentrate does not come so easily.

3. We provide ourselves with the necessary psychological attitude. Everything needs to be removed internal factors that make it difficult to concentrate. Feel like your work really matters to you. Focus on the results it brings (salary, job growth, position in society).

4. Always have a clear work plan: you must know how much, what and when you have to do. This will help you focus not just on the work, but on the result and you will strive for it, because after achieving the goal for the day (not necessarily for the day) you will receive a reward. You've done the job - feel free to go to ICQ! =)))

5. Start working as early as possible!!! Start your planned tasks in the morning or from the moment you arrive at work. Let there be no distracting activities between starting work and waking up. Don't allow yourself to check your email as soon as you sit down at your computer. Do not open ICQ or reader. The way you start your day will affect the rest of your day. Once you set a working, business-like tone, it will become much easier to concentrate (For me, this point turned out to be the most effective. Perhaps the fact is that it came from experience, and was not deduced logically. Therefore, I advise you not only to read and apply my or someone else’s then some advice, but also try to find your own methods by observing yourself and doing experiments).

6. Another secret from me personally, a continuation of the previous one. You need to focus on important matters not when you sit down at the table, but in bed. Think about your work, try to evoke positive emotions in yourself towards it. Tell yourself that you will do it with interest, with fervor, with passion. That you show creativity and a truly original approach that your colleagues and clients will appreciate.

P.S. Please note that in this article we talked about how to learn to concentrate, what prevents you from concentrating on work, etc. - seems to be a narrow topic, a kind of life hack that fits into standard recommendations like “10 ways to unscrew a light bulb” (“10 tips on how to concentrate on work”))))), but in the end it turned out that this “narrow topic” is very closely associated with motivation in a healthy way life (to focus you need to be in good health - see above), planning and time management.

Hence the main conclusion: if you want to be successful in general, and not just be able to screw in light bulbs well, then you need to constantly see such relationships and, while optimizing one area of ​​your life, casually put things in order in the rest. And, of course, don’t rely only on someone else’s advice. Even on mine;))))) Think and experiment! And yes, also comment;)) If you have something to say about concentration and more, welcome to the comments!

May also come in handy.

In order for your work to be productive, you need to know how to concentrate on work and not get distracted. For this purpose, many organizations even conduct special trainings. However, you can do it yourself without them by following a number of tips. It is often difficult for a person to concentrate on work due to extraneous thoughts or distractions. The brain consists of many neurons that form different connections that change as we think. If the matter is difficult or unfamiliar, then the process is more difficult.

When a person just starts work, they create certain connections neurons. This process is completed in a few minutes. After 15-20 minutes, a person is already completely delving into the task at hand.

When the brain is tired, it is difficult to concentrate on work. A person begins to think slowly, and labor efficiency is greatly reduced. This is a signal that the body needs a break. You can simply temporarily do other things, and then return to the main task.

In order to concentrate, you need to properly equip your workplace. Leave on the table only what you will need in the next few hours, remove the excess. Everything you need should be within reach so as not to waste time looking for the necessary tools or things.

To work productively, it is better to make a to-do list in advance. All tasks are divided by priority. First you need to write down the most important thing, then what can be done a little later, etc. At the same time, you need to allocate time to complete the task with a small margin. Other tips for staying focused at work:

1. You can’t be distracted by calls, Skype, email, etc. Otherwise, the brain’s work gets disrupted and it then needs time to concentrate again. If a person is frequently distracted, maximum productivity will not occur. Therefore, while working, you can ask your colleagues and friends not to distract you. Answer all calls and messages after the task is completed or during a break.

2. Remove unnecessary items from the table. They are very distracting.

3. Use a timer. It is set for a specific time. You need to persuade or order yourself not to look away from work until the signal sounds. The timer is set at approximately the time when the brain needs rest and begins to get tired. For some it may be 30 minutes, for others it may be several hours.

4. Wake up early. For most people, the most productive hours at work are the morning hours. That's when it's easiest to concentrate. It's better to start with difficult tasks.

5. Entertainment. You should not start your working day by chatting with colleagues, watching the news, the Internet, TV, etc. Otherwise, the work will seem unattractive and you will have to force yourself to do it.

6. Making a plan for the day. This process can be carried out both on paper and in thoughts.

7. Responsible for logic and work left hemisphere brain You can activate it by performing logic puzzles and shaking your right limbs. You can twirl an object in your hands.

8. Remove everything that moves from your field of attention. Otherwise, attention will be concentrated precisely on these objects. This is a self-preservation instinct inherent in nature, since all moving objects pose a potential danger to the subconscious. In order not to react to movements, you can simply close the door and sit with your back to it. If you work from home, ask not to enter the premises. Remove animals from it (birds, snakes and an aquarium with fish can be left).

9. It is important to learn to control your excitement. It directly depends on adrenaline. The higher it is, the greater the excitability and the less concentration of attention. To work with documents, adrenaline should not exceed the “3” mark. Calm music and walks will help relieve overexcitement. fresh air, pleasant thoughts and images. If, on the contrary, the adrenaline level needs to be increased, then an energetic melody, coffee, or muscle warm-up will do.

10. Ensure silence while working. You need to turn off players, TVs, you can do this with phones or doorbells. When working in a factory or in a team, earplugs will help.

11. If this is possible, then work while standing. The more your muscles are in contact with your body, the easier it is to concentrate. It is advisable to limit the consumption of confectionery products during work. They contribute to fatigue and energy deficiency. As a result, the desire to work may disappear altogether, the person becomes absent-minded, and concentration may drop to zero. When a person works in an enterprise, the question may arise: “How to concentrate on work in a noisy office?”

1. Focus on a specific goal. To do this, you need to realize it. Imagine what will happen when the goal is achieved.

2. The task must be realistic and achievable.

3. Set a specific time frame for yourself. Even if they are violated, then “agree” with yourself to finish the work in any case.

4. Set the right pace for the day right away - start working quickly. Begin your duties as soon as you arrive at the office, and don’t pay attention to the little things.

5. Take breaks. It takes 10-15 minutes to get into the work. Gradual exhaustion begins after about an hour. A 5-minute break is enough to regain your attention.

6. Use techniques and exercises to focus attention. They can be performed in any place and position.

How to concentrate on one thing

Lighting is also important for concentrating on work. It should not be overly bright, but it should not be twilight either. In both cases, this leads to rapid eye fatigue. The lamp should have a soft, even light.

All people have problems with concentration. Sometimes our mind can pretend to be a cunning little lizard lurking around in the dark corners of our workday, forcing us to do everything but what we need to do. If you can't focus on one thing and take it to its logical conclusion, you are in the right hands. The ability to focus is a skill we all need to develop. However, the process of developing the ability to eliminate interruptions, concentrate your efforts and plan your daily routine does not have to be torture. However, with these abilities, you can harness your overactive mind, optimize its functioning, and become the best possible version of yourself. And this article will tell you how to do this.


Practice active concentration

    Take notes as you work. One of the most effective ways The way you can actively focus on what you're doing is by taking notes by hand. Unlike printed text, handwritten notes force us to actually do what we need to do, allowing us to hold a clearer mental vision of our work and be more involved in it on a subconscious level.

    • If you can't get yourself together and concentrate during a meeting or class, take more active notes. Let your hand never cease to write. Even if the notes will not be useful to you in the future, this way you will keep your mind from being in the clouds.
  1. Scribble. Overthinking is a sign that people are not paying attention. It turns out that some of the most active thinkers also tend to actively scribble. If you draw, even just squiggly lines or something silly, while you're trying to concentrate, some studies show that you can help you engage your mind and focus, keeping boredom at bay and keeping your brain active. and his receptivity to learning.

    Speak out loud as you work. Like doodling and note-taking, speaking out loud while working or studying, research shows, actively helps us retain what we read and the ideas that come to mind, even though your roommates might think you don't. there are not enough cogs in the head. But who cares? Like note-taking, verbalization allows us to better retain information, creating a two-step learning process and promoting full engagement in the process, making it easier to refer to the learned information later.

    • If this confuses you, try to find a separate very quiet place, where you can study, or wait until your roommates leave to try this method alone. Or just stop worrying about what they think of you. Talk to yourself! We all do it.
  2. Look only for the right solutions. Professional drivers know that when their car skids, they need to look not for obstacles that they would like to avoid, but for a safe space to maneuver. Successful football players move towards open space during a game, successful guitarists look for an empty space to successfully practice their parts, and excellent students focus on the right direction of action.

    Make a plan

    1. Find best time for work. Are you a morning person? Night owl? Or maybe you work best in the afternoon? Determine the time of day when you are at your best and plan your active life based on this fact. There's no point in pretending. You shouldn’t pretend to be a morning person if in your heart you long for lessons to start not at 8 in the morning, but at 3 in the morning. Listen to your heart and do what really works.

    2. Plan every day from the very morning. Having a plan will help you get rid of distracting thoughts and emotions. Break down each thing you need to do on a given day, trying to predict how long it will take you to complete it. Try to leave some wiggle room in case you end up needing more time to finish your coursework or prepare for that presentation at work.

      • Do your best to avoid doing multiple things at once. If this is the time for breakfast and reading the latest newspaper, try to exclusively have breakfast and read the newspaper during this period. You don't have to worry about studying for your English exam if you have your preparation scheduled for 6:30 p.m., after work and before your dinner with friends.
    3. Work actively on both short-term and long-term goals. It's best if you find something that reminds you of why you do what you do. This way it will help you move in the right direction and will remind you of what you will eventually achieve. Remember your long-term goals and how small steps will lead you to big achievements.

      • When you're trying to sit down to study trigonometry, for example, one of the biggest hindrances can be the thoughts: “Why am I doing this? Do I really have to miss parties my whole life?” At times like these, it can be helpful to remind yourself why you're studying this class: “I have to pass this class so I can get my master's degree, go on to my doctorate, and become the coolest pediatric neurosurgeon. My plan is in action." Take some time to laugh evilly and then get back to work.
    4. Create a habit and then make changes to it. Monotony itself can be very distracting. Understand when you get bored of the same, same, same. Try to plan your day so that different types of daily activities alternate with each other and go on continuously. Try to organize your day in such a way that you do not have to do one household chore after another. Alternate housework with studying or exercising. Don't answer everything emails straightaway. Answer a few, then take a break to do something else. At the end of each such day, you will be able to see how much more productive your activity has become if it was correctly organized.

      • This method may not work the same for everyone. Understand for yourself how you work best. If you feel it would be more efficient for you to go through all the paperwork first, go ahead and do it. Pour a glass of wine and get to work.
    5. Rest according to your schedule. Breaks are important, but the temptation to take a break can creep up at the most insidious moments, for example when something is not going well and you would rather take a rest than overcome that difficult point or page. If you set regular breaks and try to stick to this schedule, you will not get tired, but at the same time, it will not harm your productivity.

      • If there's a long day ahead, some people find effective method"50-10". If you have a ton of work to do, do the work for 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break to do something relaxing. Get up from your desk, go for a walk, watch a video about a bulldog on a trampoline on YouTube. In general, do what you need to do first to get the break you need. Then get back to work.

    Removing Interference

  3. Try not to react to interference that you cannot control. Sometimes there is simply no escape from them: something distracts you from work. Sometimes it happens that you find, as it may seem, perfect place in the back quiet corner of the library, the place where you hope to get all your work done, and suddenly some guy next to you, reading old newspapers, starts coughing so hard, as if he was about to cough up his lungs. What to do in this case? There are two options:

    • Leave. If the interference is unbearable, you don't need to react sharply, but you also shouldn't sit there wasting time aimlessly. Get up, gather your things, and find another quieter place in the library.
    • Ignore this. Put on some headphones and play a nice song to drown out the distracting voices of other people, or just focus on your reading until you stop noticing them. People aren't trying to annoy you on purpose. Deal with it.
  4. Try to do without the Internet for as much time as possible. Sometimes it feels like the browser window is designed to ruin our lives. You're one tab away from going down the rabbit hole of old boxing match videos and messages from your girlfriend. You don't even have to close your work! If possible, go without the Internet while you work. Put your phone aside, turn off Wi-Fi and get to work.

    • If you need a computer and the Internet for work, protect yourself from the very beginning. Block the websites that distract you the most using programs like Anti-Social, or download time-limiting software that will allow you to use the Internet only during set periods of time. You can take breaks during which you can watch videos on YouTube, for example.
    • Concentration is necessary in any business. It needs to be developed as a habit. Make it a rule to do no more than one thing at a time with all your heart.