How to tell fortunes to find out if you are pregnant or not. The best ways to tell fortunes about pregnancy and childbirth

At all times, women differed from men in that they always wanted to look into the future. Excessive curiosity was evident in everything. If it is impossible to predict or plan something in advance, the girls tried to find out about the most secret things in advance. For example, they were telling fortunes about pregnancy.

Some married couples they plan to conceive a child in advance and are not at all interested in when this will happen and what gender the child will be born, such couples strive for only one goal - to give birth healthy child. But there are very few such people, compared to women who are really looking forward to pregnancy, but it still doesn’t come. What can you do to learn more about your life? Many women decide to tell fortunes about pregnancy. This technique also works in the case when a woman feels something, but cannot understand what is happening to the body, and the pregnancy test does not yet show the coveted 2 lines due to the possible short term.

Fortune telling is different, you can find out the gender of the unborn child, whether there is a pregnancy, when it can occur and in what month the child will be born. There are people who believe that fortune telling is not true, it is better to live and not look into the future. And many cannot remain idle and want to know their fate in advance.

There are many ways to predict pregnancy. Let's look at the popular and effective methods, with the help of which it was possible to determine who will be born to a woman.

Popular beliefs and fortune telling about pregnancy

I can’t even imagine how we can manage without ultrasound now? Who else can tell the gender of the baby? Our mothers and grandmothers did not have such equipment, they would probably be very happy if technical progress came earlier and the opportunity to find out the gender of your unborn baby could be found out in advance. In the old days, women accurately determined who would be born to them without ultrasound machines. In those days, they prepared the dowry in advance, when the girl did not yet plan to get married. After marriage and conception, women approached the collection of a dowry for the baby more thoroughly. And they helped decide on the color of the dowry for the baby - fortune telling. With the help of certain manipulations, it was possible to predict not only the sex of the child, but also find out in what month he would be born and when the woman could become pregnant.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had a highly developed intuition, otherwise how can one find out by certain signs about a woman’s condition, whether she is pregnant and what gender the child will be born. There was no need to even resort to fortune telling playing cards for pregnancy, everything was already clear.

Predicting the future:

  1. If you look at a pregnant woman, you can immediately determine who will be born to her. If she began to look worse, this is especially noticeable in her face - facial features began to blur, spots, rashes and swelling appeared - we can assume that a daughter will be born. Why a girl? Our grandmothers believed that a child takes away the mother’s beauty. But if a woman becomes noticeably prettier with the onset of pregnancy, her complexion has improved, her eyes shine, then we can say with confidence that she will have a boy.
  2. Starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, when the tummy was already rounded, it was possible to draw certain conclusions. If the belly is low, a girl will be born, and if it is high, a boy will be born.
  3. Incredibly, the child’s father could also predict the sex of an unborn child. If his wife has already become pregnant, and during this period the man began to lose hair on his head, then he can expect the appearance of a son.
  4. Popular pregnancy fortune telling is familiar to many modern pregnant women. Many people guessed this way simply out of curiosity. Let's try to look into the future. A woman who carries a baby under her heart can tell fortunes. It is necessary to prepare a silk thread (color does not matter) and remove it from ring finger wedding ring. The jewelry must be tied by a thread, and the free end of the thread should be held over the tummy. While performing this fortune telling, it is better to close the windows and doors so that there are no drafts, since then the result may be distorted. You need to lie down on the bed, relax and think about your baby, and now raise your hand with the thread above your stomach so that the ring is just above your tummy and wait. After a few seconds, you will see the ring begin to swing. If it “draws” a circle, then a daughter will be born, and if the ring begins to swing like a pendulum, then an heir will be born. For those women who have not yet gotten married, you can take a new sewing needle instead of a ring.
  5. And this fortune telling was popular in the villages. Pregnant women collected morning urine and poured the liquid over grains of barley (male) and wheat (female). Whichever crop germinates first, we can expect the birth of a child of that gender.
  6. And so future grandmothers loved to tell fortunes; they put a key on the table and asked their pregnant daughter to take it. If a woman took the key by the round base, a granddaughter would be born, if by the sharp one, a grandson would be born.
  7. And this fortune telling is very interesting. To complete this you will need several logs. A pregnant woman should go to the woodshed and choose the log she likes. If the tree is light, then a child will be born with blond hair, dark - on the contrary. A smooth log means the child will have an easy-going character, but one with knots will make him quarrelsome. If the log is large, then the baby will be born with a good weight. If a woman pulls one log, and after it another one falls, then we can expect the birth of twins.
  8. Fortune telling with a gold ring. You need to throw it into a glass, pour water and put it out in the cold. The water will freeze overnight, if the surface is smooth, then pregnancy may not occur, but if depressions appear in the ice, a daughter will be born (the number of holes will indicate the number of daughters). If there are tubercles on the surface, expect the birth of sons.

Fortune telling with cards for pregnancy

Many girls ask this question: when can they expect pregnancy? You can try to get the answer as follows: take a piece of paper and cut it into equal strips. On each piece of paper, write 1 number of your age (for example, 20, 25, 40, etc.). Roll up the leaves and place them under your pillow, in the morning you need to pull out any leaf, the number will indicate your age when you should expect the birth of your baby.

The above-described method of fortune telling is very interesting, but many women believe more in fortune tellers who can predict fate using cards.

Fortune telling using tarot cards for pregnancy

It is known that cards can answer a variety of questions and predict the future. Getting an answer to the most intimate question regarding the conception and birth of a child is no exception. IN last years The popularity of Tarot cards has again gained relevance, as women are increasingly resorting to pregnancy fortune telling this year.

You should not neglect fortune telling on cards, since this is not a game, but a prediction of your fate. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is possible only if a woman is concerned about the problem of conception, pregnancy and childbirth. You cannot lay out Tarot cards for the sake of curiosity and pastime.

Tarot cards are a forecasting system with which you can better know your inner world and look into the future. The deck consists of 78 cards, each with its own design, but carries a common meaning with the reflection various systems(astrology, occultism, etc.).

Historians and esotericists are confident that cards originated from ancient cultures different countries(India, China, Egypt). Tarot cards are a mystery of the past that no one has yet been able to solve.

Esotericists use various decks of cards: Egyptian (with drawings of motifs of this country), French (Marseille Tarot) style of the 17th century, Italian and the Reiter Waite deck. The latest deck of cards is the most popular one used by many people. It was drawn at the beginning of the 20th century and since then you can find many variations of this deck of cards.

Until now, historians do not know when Tarot cards first appeared and in what place in the form in which we are accustomed to using. A standard deck consists of 78 cards, of which 56 are minor arcana (the name of the cards) and 22 are major or trump cards. Minor Arcana- These are ordinary cards that look like playing cards. In turn, the arcana consist of 4 suits. Each suit has 14 cards - from ten to ace, plus 4 noble cards. Minor cards (or arcana) indicate an event or a person’s attitude, and senior cards help to find out the secret meaning.

The 22 major arcana are arranged by number and will help you find out a person’s whole life.

Depending on the layout of the cards, you can find out your destiny. For beginners, a simple layout or simple fortune telling is intended. The meaning of each card can be deciphered in a special reference book. Naturally, the answers will be superficial, but this is quite enough for independent fortune-telling and getting answers to your questions.

Here is a simple example of a Tarot card layout:

  1. We choose 5 cards - this is analysis.
  2. Next, we take 3 cards - we find out the person’s attitude.
  3. The following 7 cards will help you find out the relationships between people.

A complex layout is necessary if you need to understand what is currently happening to a person’s fate. To do this, first 9 cards are selected from the deck (we predict events), then 16 - personal layout and 15 - we learn about the situation.

During fortune telling, it is important to treat Tarot cards as good advisors; they will help you understand the situation and understand what is happening. The choice of tactics to resolve the issue remains up to the individual. It is very important to understand that fortune telling with cards, especially if you have to learn more about your future and the birth of children, is a serious and responsible job. This is very important if a woman wants to change her destiny in better side(for example, fortune telling for pregnancy will help you become a mother).

The next stage of fortune telling with Tarot cards is also very important - assessing a person’s psychological state and identifying problems. And one more level of comprehension of fortune telling using Tarot cards is karmic diagnostics. The work at this stage is to evaluate the subconscious. Special karma diagnostic reference books will help you interpret the meaning of the images on the map. The final stage Fortune telling with Tarot cards will help you look inside your consciousness, but this already refers to high magic.

How to predict conception, and how to use Tarot cards to find out how pregnancy and childbirth will proceed. You must select 7 cards from a deck.

The layout in the position of the cards will mean the following:

  1. Women's health.
  2. Possible conception.
  3. Problems conceiving or possible problems during pregnancy and childbirth. If the card is positive, then there should be no problems.
  4. Health of a pregnant woman for 9 months.
  5. Well-being and health of the fetus.
  6. What will the birth be like and its course?
  7. Health of the newborn.
  8. Key card (significator).

The first card is placed on the left side, the second - at the top, slightly to the right above the first card. Next – from right side, opposite card No. 1. Card No. 4 is placed over card No. 1, the next one is opposite it, the sixth card is under card No. 4, and card No. 7 is opposite it. The final card - the key one - is at the bottom, between the resulting two rows of Tarot cards.

We will try to decipher the layout of tarot cards according to the scheme described above. Let’s say that the first card is the “Two of Pentacles”, which does not always mean favorable changes; if a woman is sick, then a slow recovery is possible. Next - card No. 2 is “Mage”. We will get an answer to the question of whether conception will occur. The answer is: the wish will come true, and the treatment will be successful. Most likely it will be a boy. The next card drawn, the “King of Cups,” will answer the question of what the birth will be like and whether problems with conception are possible. We are looking for the designation of this card in the reference book - psychosomatic disorders are possible, but overall the state of health is good.

The next card drawn (No. 4) is the “Six of Wands”, its designation is as follows: the woman will feel confident, that is, the pregnancy will proceed well without problems and complications.

“The King of Wands” answers the next question, and we find out how the fetus will feel in the womb - in general, everything is fine, but pressure surges are possible, so support or additional stimulation is necessary (for example, taking vitamins).

The “Jester” card that appears answers the question of what the birth will be like. Unfortunately, this information is closed, there may be problems with psychological state women in labor.

The dropped “Priestess” card will tell you about the health of the newborn - there may be health problems or an incorrect diagnosis.

The final card was “Ace of Cups” - the woman’s health is fine, pregnancy is possible, and the woman will breastfeed her baby.

Tarot cards are a very subtle tool that will help you better know yourself and get answers to many questions. Use cards only in rare cases when there is a problem. You can't play cards just to have fun. If you decide to find out whether you will have children and what gender, then the answer you receive is valid for a year.

A woman is natural in her desire to become a mother. Her question: how to find out when I’m pregnant is quite natural.

And if in ancient times young girls found out the answer to it with the help of fortune telling and magic, today there are many other ways. Medicine and Science Offers Women modern methods diagnostics and determination of gestational age.

What worries the expectant mother

Every time you wait interesting situation» expectant mother I am overcome by typical questions on the topic: how do I know if I am pregnant? You can find out about pregnancy using a rapid test. You can purchase it at a pharmacy and conduct your own research in a few minutes. detailed instructions on the packaging of the test it will be oriented towards correct actions. The onset of pregnancy can be signaled by physiological changes in a woman’s body and her psychological state:

  • delayed menstrual cycle;
  • nausea or vomiting with complete exclusion of poisoning;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • tearfulness or irritability;
  • feeling of pain in the lower abdomen and others.

A woman experiences some of the above symptoms even without an “interesting situation.” But a woman needs to listen to each of these signals. Perhaps these are harbingers of pleasant worries and pleasant anticipation of motherhood.

Diagnosis of determining the time of conception

Knowing the date of conception of a child is very important for his health and the expectant mother. With maximum precise definition link further medical research and procedures.

The most reliable way to determine conception is when a woman knows exactly when it occurred.

At a doctor's appointment, the gestational age is determined. It is calculated relative to physiological indicators a woman's first and last menstruation. The exact date of conception further helps doctors:

  • predict the time of the upcoming birth with the utmost probability;
  • schedule tests, analyzes and procedures;
  • prescribe an ultrasound (ultrasound examination) and determine the sex of the child.

Online fortune telling. Will I get pregnant on time?

When I get pregnant. Find out with the help of Tarot cards

When will there be children? Birth Numerology


WILL I GET PREGNANT ON DATE? Fortune telling online general schedule

Tarot spread for pregnancy. When can I get pregnant? When will I become a mother?

Online fortune telling. Will I have children? Can I have children? Fortune telling for everyone.

When will I give birth to a child and become a mother? Layout

To determine the date of conception, a woman can use online
calculators. They can be found by searching on the Internet. There is no need to talk about complete accuracy here either. The operating principle of the calculator is based on standard cycle counting. It determines the day of ovulation, which occurs after the first day of menstruation. But for women, everything happens differently. Conception itself can occur on the fifth day after intercourse.

Scientists around the world are haunted by the idea of ​​finding a universal formula for determining gender before conception or birth of a child. But so far no one has succeeded. Usage traditional methods, palmistry, numerology to determine the date or gender of a child’s birth are presumptive. You can check its accuracy after the birth of the child. But even today, women sometimes trust omens and perform magical rituals in order to be aware of upcoming events.

There are many ways to tell fortunes about determining the future date of conception or the gender of the child. With the help of a pendulum, a ring, sprouting wheat, oats and others, you can try your luck. Modern society treats them with doubt. But today one cannot completely deny their significance.

Human curiosity has no limits. We always want to know everything, about everything and everyone. This is our nature. However, there are things in the world that cannot always be predicted or planned. This includes pregnancy. Yes, some people are planning it. But their number is so insignificant compared to those to whom it, like winter to housing and communal services employees, comes unexpectedly. And there are those who are really looking forward to it, like the children of Santa Claus, but, alas, it still doesn’t come and doesn’t come. What to do?

How to find out the moment of conception of the unborn child? How to check the occurrence of pregnancy when the tests are silent or, due to the short period of time, cannot yet provide reliable information? Try pregnancy fortune telling!

Yes Yes Yes! You heard right. And there are such people. Moreover, you can predict pregnancy in different ways, and each method is distinguished by its originality and its percentage of reliability. Well, let's get started?

Fortune telling about future children

The most common pregnancy fortune telling refers to the gender of the child. Well, who wants to wait a whole nine months for the baby to be born and tell the parents whether they have a daughter or a son?

This fortune-telling does not require any cunning devices, and even those who do not have a child under their hearts, but are interested in who they will have in the future - a boy or a girl, can guess at it.

What needs to be done to lift the veil of secrecy? Take a needle with thread threaded through the eye. Moreover, you need to hold the needle over an open palm by the thread. The hand should not move. But the needle must perform certain manipulations over the woman’s palm in the form of oscillations or movements in certain directions or in a circle.

It is these movements that are a clue to solving the mystery of the sex of the unborn baby. This fortune telling also helps determine the number of children and their gender. You should guess until the needle stops responding, which will mean only one thing - the previous child will be your last.

Take a needle and thread right hand and place it above the left, which should be turned with the palm facing the needle.

For fortune telling, it is better to take a white thread

The thumb of the left hand should be well moved to the side and between it and the other fingers, lower and raise the needle three times, and then fix it above the center of the hand, where it will begin to swing to the sides or describe circles. A circle is a girl, oscillations to the sides are a boy. A frozen needle means no children.

If you already have children and want to know if you will have more, know that the needle will begin to show the gender of the child with the first baby, and then subsequent ones. That is, if you already have children, during the first procedures you have the opportunity to check the accuracy of the needle. Each subsequent procedure after the babies are born will indicate the next baby.

Christmas fortune telling for those wishing to get pregnant

Among those who want to get a round tummy with their favorite belly this coming year, the most popular Christmas fortune telling. In addition to fortune telling, women froze a wedding ring in a glass of water overnight and asked a question about pregnancy, reading the answer from the frozen surface of the water. Lumps on the surface are sons, depressions are daughters, a flat surface is the absence of children in the near future.

The most truthful Christmas fortune-telling is performed on the night before Christmas and on Old New Year(night from January 13 to 14), as well as Epiphany (night from January 18 to 19). Although you can guess during the entire Christmas period.

The ring can be used as a pendulum

Fortune telling can be done using a chicken bone, on cards, on a ring, with a log, and so on. The main thing is that this will be a fortune telling for pregnancy and its veracity is estimated at 90%. Why not 100%? Because 10% is left to chance and possible non-compliance ritual.

Fortune telling by chicken bone

Prepare any chicken dish, have lunch, leave the bones, relax, make a wish, and in the evening take the bones out into the yard. If in the morning the bones remain on same place- the wish will come true if the bones have shifted a little - to achieve the goal you will have to overcome some difficulties, they will disappear - the wish is not destined to come true, at least in the near future, bones covered with snow say that you should abandon your wish.

Fortune telling with a log

Do you live in the city and can’t even imagine where to get logs for this fortune-telling? Then go to a store that sells products for fireplaces, grills and barbecues. You can also find a log in a restaurant, of course - your request will sound strange to the waiter, but is it as important as fortune telling? We think not.

The log is taken at random, without examining the bundle of firewood. This will help you figure out what kind of child the child will be - light or dark, smooth or rough. If the log is difficult to pull out of the bundle, it means that childbirth will not be easy, as will pregnancy. But that doesn't mean you should throw that log and start pulling out another one. You can't do that.

This fortune telling used to be very popular

A long log is a tall child. Heavy - dense. If after one log a second one immediately falls out - twins.

More about pregnancy fortune telling

There are also more information about pregnancy simple fortune telling and signs. So, it is believed that if a woman becomes ugly during pregnancy, then she is expecting a girl. The boy only decorates his mother, and the girl takes away her beauty during pregnancy, but in fact - female hormones.

Another fortune telling based on a woman’s appearance is done by the appearance and shape of her abdomen. When pregnant with a boy, the belly is more droopy and vague. With girls, the stomach is located higher and has acute form, giving it forward.

Another way to predict pregnancy is to compare the year of conception and the age of the mother, that is, the pregnant woman. If both numbers are even or odd, then the woman will have a girl, but if the numbers are opposite in value, the woman will have a boy.

Pregnancy fortune telling is just an assumption and an opportunity to guess. None of them gives the same result as ultrasound, but each of us knows cases when even it was wrong. No one can give a 100% guarantee except the child himself and he will announce his gender at the time of birth! Good luck with your pregnancy, childbirth and life hand in hand with the most desired and beloved creature on earth - your child!

Online pregnancy fortune telling will help you find out whether the fortuneteller is pregnant or not. This can be done completely free of charge on our website. Online fortune telling “Am I pregnant?” It will be useful at a time when there is no pregnancy test at hand, but you really want to know the answer to the question: “yes or no” right now.

It is worth noting that fortune telling cannot serve as a full-fledged alternative to a pregnancy test and you will still have to take the latter. You should also consult a doctor if you suspect you are pregnant. But this fortune telling will also be useful for non-pregnant women, because it not only shows whether a woman is pregnant or not at the present time, but will also tell about pregnancies awaiting the fortuneteller in the future.

There are folk fortune telling similar to this one, for example, pregnancy fortune telling by date of birth, on playing cards and Tarot, coffee fortune telling “When will I get pregnant”, a ring on a thread over a girl’s belly, and so on. They are also very popular, but take longer. Going to fortune tellers will also take time. Our fortune telling can be done, as they say, on a quick fix and you don’t have to go anywhere. Whether the truth is told by fortune telling or not, you can check for yourself.

Online pregnancy fortune telling



















Card No. 1 - Reveals the deep reason for the desire to become a mother. It shows whether you really want a child, or whether this desire is only the influence of some external factors.

Card No. 2 - Answers the question of whether you will be able to become a mother.

Card No. 3 - Indicates what will have to be sacrificed for the birth of a child.

Card No. 4 - Shows what changes a child will bring to your life, whether you will be able to lead a normal lifestyle.

Card No. 5 - Predicts how the birth of a child will affect the material sphere of life. What will happen to career, finances, etc.

Card No. 6 - Provides information about how the birth of a child will affect the relationship with a partner. It talks about the father’s attitude towards the birth of a child, how ready he is to take on such responsibility.

Card No. 7 - Answers the question whether it’s worth thinking about pregnancy now, whether it’s the right time for this.

Card No. 8 - Shows what awaits you when you become a mother.

So, in order to find out if you are pregnant, you just need to go to our website and click on the deck of cards. 8 cards will be spread out on the virtual table, and then you will need to click the “Open” button in order to find out the result of fortune telling. There will be 8 cards in total; you can find out their meaning by looking closely at them. The image will tell you the answer to your question.

ONLINE Fortune Telling PREGNANCY with 3 options (Is there a pregnancy? Am I pregnant?)


The card with the first number speaks about the strength of the desire to become a mother. The card will show whether you really want to conceive a child or whether this is just a temporary whim.

By opening the second card, you will find out whether you will be able to conceive a child in the future or whether pregnancy has already occurred at the present moment.

The third card will indicate possible sacrifices that will need to be made in the name of the baby. God always sends children to people for something, and not just like that, remember this and be ready to sacrifice something for the sake of motherhood.

Tarot card number 4 will indicate changes in life that will certainly come with the birth of a baby. This will allow you to meet them with dignity; these changes will not take you by surprise. And it's all thanks to our online fortune telling for pregnancy.

Card 5 will show how much money you will have to spend on the child and his maintenance. You will not see specific numbers, but will only find out how the appearance of the long-awaited first-born will affect family budget. You will also find out how things will go with your career.

Card number 6 will tell you how the birth of a baby will affect the communication between mom and dad, as well as the character of the dad. You will understand whether you made the right choice and whether the man next to you is the right one to give birth to. If you see that this changes your chosen one in a negative direction, then you can properly prepare him in advance for the appearance of offspring. This will strengthen the relationship between future parents.

Card number 7 will tell you whether you need a child this year or should you wait a few more years. You will see how ready you are for the role of a mother, and you will be able to assess your real strengths.

Tarot card number 8, that is last card, will show exactly when the long-awaited conception will occur. You will find out in what month you will definitely get pregnant. The card does not always tell you the gender of the child, but there is still a big chance to find out.

That's all about free online pregnancy fortune telling using Tarot cards. As you can see, it requires very little time and no coffee grounds no need for this. We hope that with its help you will open the door to your future and find out when you will finally become a mommy!

As a rule, every woman at least once in her life has experienced doubts about whether she is pregnant or not. To determine pregnancy, of course, it is best to consult a doctor, however, various physiological manifestations can also give a completely reliable result.

To find out if you are likely to be pregnant, take a special test for free, and you need to answer its questions thoughtfully and honestly.

Questions from the free test "Am I Pregnant?"

1. Do you have a regular menstrual cycle and are there any gynecological problems?

I have a very irregular menstrual cycle. Every month I suffer because I don’t know exactly when my period will start. I may have either a delay or, conversely, an early onset of “critical days.” I also have gynecological problems.

My menstrual cycle cannot be called regular, but there are no serious fluctuations either, because “ critical days“always occur within 3-5 days of the expected start of menstruation. I’m already used to this state of affairs and I’m not too worried about another small glitch in the cycle. I don’t have any serious gynecological problems, but I do have some minor problems.

In general, my menstrual cycle is quite regular, but sometimes there are still minor hiccups. There are no gynecological problems.

Menstrual cycle Mine is as clear as a clock. Every month, after a certain number of days, my period comes, and nothing can disrupt my cycle - not vacation, not stress, not illness. I don’t have and never have had any gynecological problems.