Physiological hypotension. Hypotension - symptoms, causes and treatment of the disease. General subjective symptoms

Low blood pressure does not cause such serious concerns among doctors as high blood pressure, however, it can cause a number of troubles for the patient, and in extreme cases can pose a threat to life.

It is important to trace why the problem with low blood pressure occurs and what underlies this condition. The fact is that hypotension may be a manifestation of some chronic illness. In this case, all actions of doctors should be aimed at combating this disease, and then the pressure will gradually normalize by itself.

In what cases can we talk about hypotension? This diagnosis is made if you use a tonometer to detect a persistent, prolonged decrease in pressure in the vessels relative to normal. In this case, many traditional medicines are successfully used.

Attention! A pressure reading below 90 to 60 indicates a significant decrease in blood pressure in the arteries, low vascular tone, and this is exactly the point that indicates the existence of pathology.

Low blood pressure manifests itself with the following negative signs:

  • sleep disturbances are possible;
  • nervousness;
  • constant weakness;
  • dizziness.

Hypotension may be accompanied by severe headache, dependence on meteorological conditions(affected by a sudden onset of cold or heat), rapid pulse.

However, all these manifestations cannot yet clearly indicate hypotension: weakness or dizziness may have other causes not related to low blood pressure.

Attention! It is important to monitor the pressure level over a period of time (several days) and then, in case of a persistent decrease in pressure, consult a therapist.

There are many people for whom blood pressure of 90/60 is the norm; this is the nature of their body. This pressure is especially common among residents of mountainous or northern regions; in this case, hypotension develops as a reaction of the body to conditions environment.

What diseases can cause hypotension?

Secondary hypotension (arising from any other diseases) is dangerous because a person can for a long time struggle with low blood pressure on your own, when the reason lies much deeper. That is why, in case of persistent low blood pressure, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a detailed examination.

Hypotension may occur as a manifestation hormonal disorders. Low blood pressure can also occur:

  • after head injuries;
  • as a result of heart failure;
  • with liver disease;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for stomach ulcers.

Causes of primary hypotension

If you find out for sure that serious illnesses you have no, it means that low blood pressure occurs due to congenital features the functioning of your nervous system. In this case, hypotension may be a reaction to stress, lack of sleep, depression, or overwork.

A person may suffer from weather dependence; hypotension may also be caused by a lack of vitamins or heart problems. Most often, the basis for the development of hypotension is insufficient vascular tone.

Video - Low blood pressure: causes and treatment

How to cope with low blood pressure at home?

The most common means against low blood pressure are popular pharmacy tinctures: hawthorn, ginseng, echinacea, eleutherococcus.

However, do not forget that these are still medications, and you should not get carried away with taking them without the consent of your doctor. Besides, medicinal herbs, on the basis of which pharmaceutical tinctures are made, can also be used to obtain decoctions, the main advantage of which is the absence of alcohol. More gentle options can be a good alternative to pharmaceutical tinctures: for example, caffeine is found in green tea, and St. John's wort has a noticeable tonic effect.

Rhodiola rosea

To prepare a decoction of Rhodiola rosea rhizomes:

  • take a teaspoon of raw materials and 1 liter of water;
  • boil for 10 minutes;
  • let sit for 1 hour.

The maximum volume is 3 glasses per day, during an attack. Rhodiola decoction is not taken in courses; it is used as a remedy emergency care with a great loss of strength for two to three days.

St. John's wort

How to use St. John's wort to increase blood pressure? The daily volume of dry herb decoction in this case is no more than a glass (in two doses, morning and evening). To make a decoction:

  • take 1 tablespoon of dry herb;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • boil the broth in a water bath for half an hour;
  • cool for half an hour.

The course is no more than a month.

Immortelle decoction

Among the folk remedies for increasing blood pressure is immortelle decoction. This is a milder remedy that gives a minimum number of allergic reactions. To prepare the medicine for 1 day, you will need 10 g of dried flowers (one tablespoon). The raw material must be brewed with a glass of boiling water and heated for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. The course of treatment is up to three weeks. The standard dosage is a third of a glass two to three times a day before meals.

Decoction of tartar and tansy

Decoctions of tartar and tansy also have a good effect. Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed flowers of the prickly tartar, pour into a glass hot water. To prepare the decoction, boil the herb for 10-15 minutes. The finished medicine can be taken for up to 1 month, 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day.

The course of treatment with tansy decoction is 1 month. However, tansy should be consumed with caution, keeping track of allergic reactions. If your body reacts well to tansy, then you can use the standard scheme: pour 1 tablespoon of dried flowers into 200 ml of hot water, let it brew for an hour and a half. Take one tablespoon before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment with tansy decoction should not exceed 1 month.

Grape juice

Fresh grape juice has a wonderful effect on blood vessels, improves their condition, and slightly increases blood pressure. For expressed therapeutic effect You need freshly squeezed juice, not canned juice from the store. For medicinal purposes, buy tart dark grapes. Prepare freshly squeezed juice in the morning in the evening, drink half a glass. It is advisable to take the juice in courses of 2 weeks, taking a break for a week.

Attention! A good tonic effect for hypotension is provided by decoctions of herbs such as St. John's wort, immortelle, tartar, tansy, as well as grape juice.

The main types of drugs used for hypotension

Drug nameImageType of drugWhat effect doesIn what cases is it used?How to useDuration of the course
Schisandra tincture Herbal preparation (alcohol tincture)Fights fatigue, tones3 times a day, 30 drops half an hour before meals1 month
Ginseng tincture Eliminates fatigue, tones, relieves drowsiness2 times a day, 20-25 drops half an hour before meals. Take morning and afternoon1 month
Aralia tincture Herbal medicineTones blood vessels and stimulates the central nervous systemRelieves fatigue, tones2-3 times a day after meals, 20-30 drops2 weeks – one and a half months
Hawthorn tincture Herbal medicineTones blood vessels and stimulates the central nervous system, as well as disruption of the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous systemEliminates fatigue, tonesTake before meals, 20-30 drops, 3 times a dayCourse 20-30 days
Eleutherococcus tincture Herbal medicineTones blood vessels and stimulates the central nervous systemFights fatigue, tones, relieves drowsiness20-30 drops in the morning, before meals3-4 weeks
Piracetam NootropicIncreases the resistance of the central nervous system to various influences, helps with lethargy, depression, memory problemsFor acute and chronic hypotension2 tablets 3 times a day (standard prescription, but in in this case you must follow the doctor's instructions)2-3 weeks
Glycine NootropicActs on the central nervous system, improves memory1 tablet 2-3 times a day1 month
Noofen NootropicPositive effect on the central nervous system, improves cerebral circulationFor chronic hypotension1 tablet 3 times a day4-6 weeks
Nootropil NootropicImproves cerebral circulationFor chronic hypotension2-4 tablets per day2 weeks, after which you need to take a break for 1 month
Adolorin Increases blood pressureIn the treatment of chronic hypotension1 tablet 3-4 times a dayNo more than 3 days
Pentalgin Caffeine-based blood pressure drugIncreases blood pressureIn the treatment of chronic hypotension1 tablet 3 times a dayNo more than 3 days
Citramon P Caffeine-based blood pressure drugIncreases blood pressureIn the treatment of chronic hypotension1-2 tablets with food during a painful attackNo more than 7 – 10 days
Vinpocetine CerebroprotectorIn the treatment of chronic hypotension1 tablet 3 times a day after mealsUp to 3 months
Cinnarizine CerebroprotectorImproves cerebral hemodynamicsIn the treatment of chronic hypotension1 tablet 3 times a dayUp to 3 months (in small doses). Usually – 1 month
Actovegin CerebroprotectorImproves cerebral hemodynamicsIn the treatment of chronic hypotension1-2 tablets per day (standard regimen)1 month
Ginkgo biloba Herbal medicineImproves memoryIn the treatment of chronic hypotension1-2 capsules per day3-4 months
succinic acid Vitamin preparationIncreases energy supply to cells, improves body toneIn long-term treatment of chronic hypotension1-2 tablets in the morning1 month
Vitamins A, E, B

Low blood pressure is a condition that can be either physiological norm, and pathology requiring medical intervention. But before engaging in the treatment of hypotension, it is necessary to comprehensively consider hypotension, how to diagnose, treat and prevent this pathology.

What is hypotension

Hypotension is a disease that is diagnosed in the presence of two conditions: if the systolic pressure is below 95-100 mm Hg, and the diastolic pressure is below 60 mm Hg. Art., while the indicators should be stable.

Low blood pressure is a less dangerous pathology than hypertension, but with prolonged pathology, hypoxia occurs - a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues of the body, which negatively affects the functioning of all systems. The most destructive effect of hypoxia is on the brain.


Low blood pressure is not always a reflection of pathology. Exist individual characteristics organism, in which objectively low level is the norm for a certain organism as an adaptation to various external and internal factors. Physiologically caused hypotension occurs in athletes, people living in mountainous area, in pregnant women in the third trimester.

Any other hypotension is considered a pathology. There are two types of hypotension:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Acute hypotension can be dangerous, as it occurs against the background of toxic or anaphylactic shock or collapse. Chronic hypotension is always symptomatic, that is, secondary. Provoke a decrease in level blood pressure can endocrine diseases, liver cirrhosis, blood loss, digestive tract disorders.

There is also so-called drug-induced hypotension. It develops during the treatment of hypertension, when the drug or dosage is chosen incorrectly. Hypotension develops not only when taking antihypertensive drugs, but also diuretics, nitroglycerin.

Causes of hypotension

Considering pathological causes hypotension, the following common diseases can be distinguished:

  • anemia;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • reduced function thyroid gland;
  • infections;
  • bleeding, including internal bleeding.


In order to understand the mechanism of hypotension, you need to know how the body regulates blood pressure levels. There are special receptors on the inner walls of blood vessels that respond to the level of blood pressure inside the vessels. If the receptors detect a decrease in blood pressure, they release substances into the blood that provoke an increase in pressure. The vessels narrow, and from small vessels that act as a “depot”, an additional volume of blood enters the bloodstream - thus the condition is normalized.

But if a failure occurs in this mechanism at any stage, the pressure remains low and hypotension develops. In most cases, the problem is that the vessels cannot narrow to the required diameter, that is, the body detects the problem, but does not eliminate it.

Sometimes as a reason for disruption of the normalization process blood pressure there is an obstruction to the outflow of blood from the heart: thrombus, tamponade.

Symptoms of hypotension

The main symptom of hypotension is headache. As the disease progresses, it becomes constant, although at the beginning pathological process may occur immediately after waking up, after physical or mental stress.

The clinical picture of hypotension often resembles vegetative-vascular dystonia. A person may complain of causeless weakness, drowsiness, low vitality, and reluctance to do anything. People suffering from hypotension often report sensitivity to atmospheric pressure. This sign is too nonspecific to be used in diagnosis, especially since complaints made “about the weather” in most cases are a reflection internal state body, not external factors. Signs of VSD of the hypotonic type are also expressed in tremor and sweating, dizziness when changing position, feeling faint in a hot room or loud noise. Fainting may also occur.

As the disease progresses, when hypoxia has Negative influence on the brain, cognitive impairment may be noticed. The patient may complain of decreased memory and perception of information. Emotional lability may occur: causeless mood swings, tearfulness, irritability.

And finally, another sign of hypotension is decreased libido in both men and women.


For chronic hypotension, a standard health examination is performed:

  • biochemical composition of blood;
  • clinical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine.

With low blood pressure, as a rule, all indicators remain within normal limits. To exclude symptomatic hypotension, studies are carried out on the level of hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands.

In order to record the fact of a consistently reduced blood pressure level, it is necessary to take measurements using a tonometer at least 2 times a day for 10-14 days or use daily blood pressure monitoring using a special device.


Not all cases require low blood pressure therapy. If a person feels normal, it means that his body has adapted to the condition.

Besides, drug treatment Hypotension, as with hypertension, does not exist. There are medications that can briefly raise blood pressure levels, but taking them long time it is forbidden.

Sometimes doctors recommend herbal preparations that enhance activity sympathetic division nervous system. This could be a tincture of eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass, or caffeine tablets. But accept them like any other pharmacological preparations, is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

A much more effective method of treatment is with the help of healthy lifestyle rules. Simple tricks healing allows you to normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system, increase vascular tone:

  • full sleep for at least 8 hours in a dark, well-ventilated room;
  • daily walks in comfortable shoes;
  • cold and hot shower, as you get used to it - dousing cold water;
  • proper nutrition with the necessary balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • consultation with a psychotherapist.

Taking into account the fact that the clinical picture of hypotension is similar to the pathogenesis of vegetative-vascular dystonia, we can recommend that patients be distracted from attacks feeling unwell, if they occur suddenly and do not pose any risk to humans. The fact is that with expressed anxiety about one’s well-being, the vegetative system is activated. nervous system, and the subsequent attack panic attack will cause unpleasant symptoms, much more pronounced than the symptoms of hypotension.

A disease in which tone decreases blood vessels and, as a result, the level of blood pressure decreases, in medicine it is classified as hypotension. The level of blood pressure reduction may vary, but it is generally accepted that it is the indicators of 100/60 for men and 95/60 for women that are the reason for diagnosing the disease in question.

Note:doctors can call hypotension two different pathologies - decreased tone of the vascular walls and muscle tissue. This article discusses hypotension as low blood pressure.

Acute hypotension

This condition requires emergency treatment. medical care, and subsequently long-term treatment. Manifestations of acute hypotension include sharp drop tone of blood vessels (collapse), dilatation of paralytic vessels (shock), decrease in the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain (hypoxia). All this entails an inevitable decrease in the level of functioning of all vital organs.

Note:Doctors determine the severity of manifestations of acute hypotension not by specific indicators of blood pressure, but by the rate of its decrease.

Chronic hypotension

Unlike acute form of the disease in question, chronic hypotension does not pose a serious threat to human life, although its symptoms should not be ignored. By the way, it is for this reason that much less attention is paid to low blood pressure than to high blood pressure. But hypotension in old age increases the risk of developing the ischemic type by several times, more at a young age it disrupts an active lifestyle and interferes with productive work. Doctors distinguish two more types of hypotension – primary and secondary.

Primary hypotension

It does not occur against the background of any diseases or as a consequence of another pathology. Most often, primary hypotension is hereditary and occurs in a chronic form.

In this case, the disease in question is a consequence of the development of some pathology in the body - for example, hypotension can occur against the background of anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, and certain stomach diseases. Arterial hypotension can develop as by-effect at long-term use certain medicines.

Doctors do not consider secondary hypotension as separate disease, but as one of the syndromes during the course of any pathology. Therefore, treatment of this type of disease in question will be aimed at getting rid of the main cause of its occurrence. There is also such a thing as orthostatic hypotension - it appears when the body moves from a horizontal to a vertical position, it occurs more often in the morning and lasts no more than 3 minutes.

Causes of hypotension

Some exact and unconditional reasons for the development of the disease in question modern medicine have not been identified - rather, a combination of different factors can serve as a “push” to reduce the tone of the walls of blood vessels. For example, the following factors are highlighted:

  • previously diagnosed vegetative-vascular;
  • a sharp change in climatic conditions (for example, when a person moves);
  • the presence of endocrine diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • living in an area with increased level humidity;
  • forced acclimatization;
  • arrhythmias;
  • arterial valve stenosis.

Arterial hypotension is often observed in athletes during excessive physical exertion - doctors call it “training hypotension.” The cause of the development of the disease in question can also be forced bed rest - for example, after suffering surgical intervention, and long-term use of some medicines.

The clinical picture of the disease in question, however, like all others, consists of objective and subjective symptoms. It is noteworthy that it is hypotension in humans that does not objectively manifest itself clearly; doctors can note only three symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • pallor skin(this is especially noticeable on the face);
  • temperature drop to 36 degrees.

But subjective symptoms are complaints presented by patients at a doctor’s appointment. These include:

  • emotional instability;
  • bad mood and apathy, indifference;
  • significant decrease in performance;
  • unmotivated irritability.

The main symptom of low blood pressure is, which can be different character– aching, pulsating, bursting, sharp. Against the background of a headache, slight dizziness usually appears, but if we are talking about orthostatic hypotension, then the dizziness will be intense, and a person may fall and go into fainting for a short time. Most often, people with low blood pressure wake up already tired and weakened (this sign may also be evidence of the development of the syndrome chronic fatigue– needed differential diagnosis), their performance returns only after a couple of hours and does not last long, and the general peak of activity appears only in the evening.

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As a rule, hypotensive people cannot stand the stuffiness - in the summer they prefer to go the right path on foot than in stuffy and cramped public transport. And with little physical activity, shortness of breath may appear (not intense) in the heart area.

Note:It is precisely for people with low blood pressure that they react to changes in the weather - we are talking about meteodependence. Hypotonic people do not tolerate heat well, but react even worse to humidity, cloudiness and windiness.

With low blood pressure, completely nonspecific symptoms for this disease may appear - for example, heartburn, pain syndrome in the epigastrium, . In men with hypotension, potency may decrease, and women note disorders menstrual cycle. In many people, hypotension does not manifest itself at all with the above symptoms; patients only note weather dependence and increased fatigue.

Treatment of hypotension

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There are very few drugs on the pharmacological market to stabilize blood pressure and treat the disease in question, and experts believe that first of all it is necessary to support healthy image life. Doctors for hypotensive patients recommend:

You can normalize and stabilize blood pressure with the help of hardening procedures - it is recommended to douse yourself with cold water. But several features of this procedure should be taken into account:

  • You cannot start dousing abruptly immediately with very cold water temperatures - gradually lower the degree;
  • you should pour yourself over from head to toe, otherwise you will get a disproportion of blood pressure in the torso and head;
  • exclude contraindications to the hardening procedure of cold dousing.

A sauna with a steam bath will also be very useful, but keep in mind that if such procedures are intended to be carried out for the first time, then you need to do this in a gentle manner, gradually accustoming the body to such a shock.

In folk medicine, there are many methods for increasing blood pressure; you just need to make sure of your diagnosis - this will require consultation and examination with specialists.

For hypotension, it is very useful to drink 1 glass of pomegranate juice per day - it is better to prepare it yourself from ripe fruits. But keep in mind that in pure form This drink cannot be consumed - the juice from it is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. This is due to the fact that the acid contained in pomegranate juice has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

For hypotension, healers recommend regularly consuming chocolate - only natural, black, without any flavoring additives. Of course, we need to exclude possible contraindications to consuming this delicacy, but in general even half a standard chocolate bar will help restore general state hypotension.

You can also cook alcohol tincture Schisandra chinensis - for this you need to take 1 part of plant material (sold in pharmacies) and 5 parts of alcohol and infuse the medicine for 3 days. Then the tincture is taken 30 drops three times a day 15 minutes before meals, the duration of the course is 10 days.

if you want to stabilize your blood pressure and improve your well-being using products from the category ethnoscience You must consult a doctor.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy - as a rule, hypotensive patients are recommended to take tincture of ginseng, immortelle sandy, and/or, as well as drugs containing caffeine. Hypotension is a fairly common disease that usually does not require any emergency treatment. medical measures(except for the acute form of the disease). In many cases, patients simply need to change their lifestyle and take advice from specialists to stabilize their condition.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

Very often we began to complain about headaches, insomnia, irritability, and fatigue. The reason for this is low blood pressure - hypotension.

In this article we will cover the following topics:

What is hypotension?

Hypotension or hypotension is a decrease in pressure in blood vessels to a noticeable limit. The norm is a mercury level of 120/80 mm. If for several days the blood pressure shows a mark of 20 units less, this is already a deviation from the norm. Such pressure is already hypotension. The term “hypotension” itself is easy to decipher. The first part of the word “hypo” translated from Greek means under or below. The second part “tonia” translated from Latin means tone. Hypotension – low vascular tone.

A decrease in blood pressure is called hypotension.

If low blood pressure is persistent, a person is called hypotensive.

Hypotonic people are very sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.

Hypotonic disease is not a death sentence. It goes away with age. But hypotensive patients should definitely see their doctor and monitor their blood pressure.

Diastolic (bottom) pressure

What is diastolic pressure? It has already been said that hypotension is low blood pressure. When measuring with a tonometer, the first number indicates the (upper) systolic blood pressure, the second number indicates the lower (diastolic). This is an indicator of the blood pressure at the moment the heart relaxes.

Diastolic pressure indicates problems with the circulatory system.

The reasons for a low upper and low lower figure may be the following:

  • Deviations in kidney function.
  • Abuse of diets.
  • Lung diseases.
  • Moving to another climate zone.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • Allergy.
  • Stress.

Wikipedia. Arterial hypotension (hypotension) - classified by type.

There are several types of hypotension.

  • Spicy.
  • Chronic.
  • Primary chronic hypotension.
  • Secondary chronic hypotension.

Acute arterial hypotension is very dangerous for human life. Our body is designed in such a way that without oxygen it can live only a few minutes. In acute hypotension, blood flow to the brain stops, resulting in tissue oxygen starvation (hypoxia). Hypoxia can be caused by: intoxication of the body, stress, infectious process.

Chronic hypotension, or physiological, means constantly low blood pressure.

Athletes suffer from this form of the disease. Large physical exercise contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, and this leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Population living in regions with specific climatic conditions(heat, highlands, tropics, subtropics) may not even respond to this type of hypotension. The chronic form of arterial hypotension can also be hereditary. An examination to exclude pathology is mandatory.

Idiopathic (essential), or primary chronic hypotension is much less common. Finding a person in prolonged psycho-emotional stress associated with dissatisfaction of basic life needs: depression, discomfort, stress, anxiety, causes this type of disease. In this case, it is recommended to throw out negative emotions, and start treatment on time. Otherwise, oxygen deficiency will cover the entire body.

What doctors say about hypertension

Doctor medical sciences, Professor Emelyanov G.V.:

I have been treating hypertension for many years. According to statistics, in 89% of cases, hypertension results in a heart attack or stroke and death. Currently, approximately two thirds of patients die within the first 5 years of disease progression.

The next fact is that it is possible and necessary to reduce blood pressure, but this does not cure the disease itself. The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension and is also used by cardiologists in their work is. The drug acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of hypertension. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation can receive it FOR FREE.

Secondary chronic hypotension

This type of hypotension is defined as symptomatic, namely, it is a symptom of another disease. In addition to the usual complaints, hypotensive patients also experience ailments of a different nature.

Among these diseases: diabetes, heart disease, osteochondrosis cervical spine spine, organ diseases endocrine system, oncology, brain injuries, respiratory diseases and others.

Important! An agronomist from Barnaul with 8 years of experience in hypertension found an old recipe, set up production and released a product that will once and for all relieve you of blood pressure problems...

Orthostatic (postural) hypotension

Indicators of postural hypotension: dizziness, pounding in the head, slight lightheadedness, sometimes even fainting, we felt when we had to quickly get up from a sitting or lying position, or straighten up after bending over. The duration of orthostatic hypotension ranges from a few seconds to several minutes, but if it happens very often, consult a doctor.

Hypotension. ICD

The symptoms of hypotension are very similar to the symptoms of hypertension:

  • Shortness of breath with low blood pressure and nausea.
  • Headache in the temples and forehead.
  • Feeling of chilliness when normal temperature body and environment.
  • A state of fatigue and powerlessness.
  • Gastrointestinal – intestinal disorders. Constipation.

As a result of all this:

  • Insomnia.
  • Apathy towards everything that happens.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Emotional stress. Irritability. Nervousness.

In women and girls, the manifestations of signs of hypotension are directly related to physiological changes in the body in different periods their lives. Namely: puberty, menstrual irregularities, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances during menopause. Well, plus the influence of the atmosphere, nervous disorders, improper organization of working time and rest. Tonometer readings, 95/60 mm Hg. in women, they talk about low blood pressure.

I think many people know what meteosensitivity is. Some people feel the effects of magnetic storms, others do not. But hypotensive patients must monitor atmospheric changes to alleviate their condition.

It is also important that hypotension poses a danger to the entire body. In fact, due to the fact that the vessels of the brain do not receive adequate blood supply, other vital signs may suffer. important organs. At the first symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Video: how dangerous are blood pressure failures?

Table of blood pressure norms for different age groups

AgeGender maleFemale gender
Child 1 year 95/66 95/65
Child 10 years old103/69 103/70
Young people 20 years old123/76 116/72
Young people 30 years old126/79 120/75
Man 40 years old129/81 127/80
Man 50 years old135/83 137/84
Elderly man 60 years old142/85 144/85
Elderly man 70 years old145/82 159/85
Elderly man 80 years old147/82 157/83
Old men145/78 150/79

Causes and treatment of arterial hypotension

First, let's analyze all of the above:

  1. Firstly, hypotension can be triggered by changes in atmospheric pressure.
  2. Secondly, the physiology of the body.
  3. And most importantly, low blood pressure can affect the functioning of other circulatory organs.

The following reasons for low blood pressure are:

  • Stress. Depression. Neuroses.
  • Spinal diseases. Osteochondrosis.
  • Intoxication of the body of various kinds.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland).
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diets. Lack of vitamins.
  • Chronic diseases. Heredity.

Timely treatment is the key to a quick recovery.

But not everyone follows this golden rule, and the consequences can be the most dire (heart attack, stroke), even death.

Diagnosis of arterial hypotension

As we have already found out, prevention is better than cure.

  1. Timely consultation with the attending physician.
  2. Determination of the type of hypotension.
  3. Blood pressure monitoring.
  4. ECG examination.
  5. Vascular Doppler examination (vascular Doppler ultrasound).
  6. CIG examination (cardiointervalography).

How to treat hypotension directly depends on its type.

A decrease in blood pressure, in most cases, is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle and nervous disorders.

You can fix the situation simply:

  • You need to do simple physical exercises.
  • To walk outside.
  • Try to get rid of bad habits.
  • Eat properly.
  • Maintain a proper daily routine.
  • Beware stressful situations.

Treatment of hypotension with folk remedies

The most important thing is not to harm your body. It is imperative to identify the cause of the resulting arterial hypotension.

If there are no contraindications, you can use herbal teas, which will include:

  • ginseng;
  • echinacea;
  • ginger;
  • radiola pink;
  • Eleutherococcus

Pomegranate juice helps very well with hypotension, preferably natural juice. It's not difficult to prepare it yourself.


  • squeeze 0.5 cups of pomegranate juice;
  • dilute with boiled water 1:2;
  • take 2-3 times a day before meals.

Drug treatment of hypotension

What is drug therapy? This is a treatment method using various medications. Such therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The course of treatment consists of several groups of drugs.

One of these groups will be drugs containing caffeine:

  • "Askofen";
  • "Regulton";
  • "Pyramein";
  • "Saparal" and others.

The next group is nootropic drugs. They promote better blood circulation, improve memory, and are not addictive.

These are tools such as:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Piracetam";
  • "Cavinton";
  • "Tanakan";
  • "Cinarizin";
  • "Vinpocetine";
  • "Nootropil"
  • "Gutron";
  • "Simptol";
  • "Ekdisten";
  • "Rantarin";
  • "Ephedrine".

Medicines used to treat depressive conditions will also be appropriate in the treatment of hypotension. “Amitriptyline”, “Imipramine”, “Maprotiline” will help improve mood, eliminate irritability, and normalize sleep.

If signs of hypotension appear, psychomotor stimulants are prescribed.

  • "Sidnofen";
  • "Sidnocarb";
  • "Mesocarb".

These drugs are used in the first half of the day. They act gradually, so the course of treatment lasts up to several months.

Analeptic drugs help improve performance, mood and memory. They are used only under the supervision of a doctor. These include: “Centedrin”, “Cordiamin”.

Another group of drugs that help increase systolic and diastolic pressure. These are adrenomimetic drugs. A remedy such as Mezaton is used in emergency cases in the form of injections.

Proper nutrition for hypotension

Your attending physician will provide assistance in choosing food products for hypotensive patients. It would be better to say that everyone needs to eat right. However, there are products that can increase or. For people with low blood pressure, you should saturate your body with protein, vitamins C, E, B (3,5,6,9). Build your diet from foods rich in microelements and antioxidants. Hypotonic people can freely eat salty, hot and spicy foods if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


Hypotension or, more correctly, hypotension is a condition when blood pressure is constantly below the levels that are considered healthy, while a whole complex develops various symptoms, the person is experiencing serious illness. Hypotension can develop as an independent disease, or it can arise as a result of other pathologies.

In the article we will consider: what kind of disease this is, what are the causes and symptoms of acute and chronic form hypotension, as well as what methods are effective in treatment.

What is hypotension?

Hypotension is a long-term condition of the body characterized by low blood pressure and various autonomic disorders: decreased body temperature, sweating of the feet and palms, pallor, etc.

According to statistics, women suffer from hypotension more often than men. Low blood pressure is often diagnosed in adolescence. In older people, it makes sense to talk about atherosclerotic hypotension, which occurs against the background of vascular damage by atherosclerosis and loss of vascular tone.

Who is a hypotensive person?

A hypotensive person is a person whose blood pressure is chronically low (90 to 60 or lower).

While hypertension is predominantly a disease of older people, hypotension is a problem of young people.

  • Congenital hypotension most often affects girls aged 19 to 40 years. In older age, blood pressure usually increases due to the onset of aging processes.
  • Acquired hypotension is a common occurrence among athletes and students.

It is not advisable for hypotensive patients to walk with their head and neck open, especially in the cold. Feet should be kept warm, and hands should not be allowed to cool under any circumstances. The heart has to try too hard to warm the extremities, and this is a big burden.

As a rule, hypotensive people cannot stand the stuffiness - in the summer they prefer to walk the necessary path than to be in stuffy and cramped public transport. And with little physical activity, pain (not intense) in the heart area and shortness of breath may appear.

During the hot season, people with low blood pressure usually experience a lot of unpleasant symptoms: compressive pain in the temples, spots before the eyes, dizziness.

What is important to know?

  1. Hypotonic people cannot stand in one place for a long time; it is easier for them to walk, because they need any muscle activity, at which the pressure rises. That is why they will not wait long for public transport at the bus stop.
  2. To maintain your tone, you must lead an active lifestyle not occasionally, but constantly, regularly.
  3. The best weather conditions are frosty sunny days. Patients do not tolerate climate change well, so doctors recommend that hypotensive patients spend their holidays in a familiar climate zone.
  4. For many, hypotension can only manifest itself in the form of increased fatigue and weather instability.


The primary cause arterial hypotension in 80% of cases it is neurocirculatory dystonia. According to modern theories, primary hypotension is a special form of neurosis of the vasomotor centers of the brain, in the development of which stress and prolonged traumatic situations play a leading role. Direct producing causes can be:

  • psychological trauma,
  • chronic fatigue and lack of sleep,

Much more common is secondary hypotension, which occurs as a result of other diseases. Hypotension may accompany the following diseases:

  • Endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus, and most often – disorders of the adrenal glands;
  • Injuries to internal organs and especially the brain;
  • Heart failure;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Peptic ulcer disease.

It makes no sense to treat secondary low blood pressure without treating the underlying disease, the elimination of which will lead to normalization of blood pressure.

Other causes of hypotension include:

  • (blood viscosity decreases);
  • Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency), adrenal amyloidosis, their surgical removal(deficiency of catecholamines in the body);
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • acute and chronic bleeding (decreased blood volume);
  • infectious diseases;
  • anaphylactic and other types of shock;
  • overdose of certain medications (antihypertensives, diuretics, nitroglycerin).

Physiological hypotension also occurs, which is not accompanied by any changes in internal organs. Physiological hypotension can develop:

  • Residents of the subtropics and tropics (hot climate zones)
  • For hot Czech workers at factories (usually metallurgical ones)
  • Among athletes and residents of high mountain areas.

Arterial hypotension is often observed in athletes during excessive physical exertion - doctors call it “training hypotension.”

Symptoms of hypotension

The main symptoms of hypotension are quite vague, they can also indicate other diseases. Therefore, if they occur, you should definitely consult a doctor. Typically, the following signs indicate low blood pressure:

  • severe dizziness, headache, weakness;
  • sleep disturbances, constant fatigue, irritability;
  • the skin is constantly white, the fingertips may turn blue;
  • various disturbances of the heart, shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes with sudden movements.

Often, patients with hypotension have symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, a bitter taste in the mouth, decreased appetite, belching, heartburn, flatulence, and constipation.

Signs of acute hypotension

The acute form of arterial hypotension occurs with severe oxygen starvation brain tissue, resulting in symptoms such as:

  • dizziness,
  • short-term visual impairment,
  • unsteadiness of gait,
  • pale skin,
  • fainting.

Symptoms of the chronic form

In chronic secondary arterial hypotension, the symptoms of the underlying disease come to the fore. In addition, patients experience:

  • weakness,
  • apathy,
  • drowsiness,
  • increased fatigue,
  • headache,
  • emotional lability,
  • memory impairment,
  • thermoregulation disorders,
  • sweating of the feet and palms,

Long-term arterial hypotension causes disturbances in the menstrual cycle in women and potency in men.

Orthostatic hypotension

Orthostatic hypotension is very common - a sharp decline blood pressure when changing body position. This is a fairly common condition among teenagers, when a growing body requires more intensive vascular work.

  • Standing or standing upright for long periods of time may cause insufficient blood flow to the brain.
  • As a result, the pressure drops, dizziness occurs, the vision becomes dark, and fainting may occur.

In people with hypotension, increased physical activity causes their heart rate and pulse to increase, shortness of breath, and discomfort in the area of ​​the heart. Most often, deterioration in well-being in hypotensive patients is observed after undergoing infectious diseases and colds, as well as in the spring and summer periods of the year

First aid

First aid for hypotension involves doing the following:

  • It is necessary to lay the patient on a comfortable surface, placing a cushion under his feet;
  • You can sit the patient so that they lower their head below their knees;
  • It is important to help the person monitor their breathing. It should be smooth, but not deep;
  • If a person loses consciousness, you can offer him to sniff a cotton pad soaked in ammonia;
  • When the patient's health improves, you need to give him a cup of sweet tea or coffee. The drink should not be very hot.


The diagnosis of hypotension is not difficult to make; a description is enough for this clinical picture and simple pressure measurement. It is much more difficult to establish the cause of low blood pressure. It is necessary to find out whether this condition is primary or secondary.

Secondary hypotension is considered by doctors more closely, since many common diseases often manifest themselves in this way.

  • First of all, exclude diseases of cardio-vascular system, then nervous.
  • In addition to them, secondary hypotension can be a sign of many diseases, from chronic tonsillitis to renal pathology, so diagnosis may require quite extensive research.

The connection between the poor health of hypotensive patients and environmental conditions is important in diagnosis. If symptoms recur, fainting becomes frequent, and the person becomes unable to perform work. It is important that manifestations of hypotension are detected with changes in the environment:

  • high humidity,
  • stuffy room,
  • loud music,
  • driving in crowded transport.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor is guided not by one, but by a complex of symptoms. It is necessary to examine the patient and exclude possible reasons hypotension.

To do this:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • examine the sugar curve;
  • check hormonal balance;
  • liver biochemical tests and residual nitrogen;
  • Dynamic ECG;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and brain.

Treatment of hypotension in adults

How to treat hypotension? The doctor should select the treatment method after general examination the patient's body. You should not draw conclusions on your own and use medications. Otherwise, you may not only not get rid of hypotension, but also worsen your own health.

The specific drug is prescribed by the doctor, but examples include the following medications:

  • for pain (headache, menstrual) Citramon is used;
  • with high fatigue, VSD, in women during PMS - Ortho-taurine;
  • Saparal is characterized by a tonic effect; it can be prescribed as prophylactic from mental and physical fatigue, with asthenia, depressive states, hypotension;
  • for dizziness, impaired concentration, and the need to stabilize intellectual and emotional processes, Nootropil can be prescribed;
  • glycine is used to improve metabolic processes in brain tissue, helps fight depression, sleep disorders, and irritability.


  • electrophoresis with a solution of calcium chloride, caffeine, mesatone;
  • galvanic collar according to Shcherbak;
  • diadynamic therapy of the cervical sympathetic nodes;
  • contrast shower and other water procedures;
  • general ultraviolet irradiation;
  • massage and reflexology;
  • Darsonvalization of the scalp.
  1. Alcohol consumption should be limited and long-term exposure should be avoided elevated temperature(since dilatation of blood vessels in the skin helps lower blood pressure).
  2. All drugs that can cause hypotension should be discontinued.
  3. Rational organization of work and rest, night sleep at least 10 hours, complete and varied meals 4 times a day.
  4. It is advisable to sleep with the foot end of the bed raised (to reduce nighttime diuresis).
  5. Increased consumption table salt(according to portability).
  6. monitor the duration of night sleep - it should be no shorter than 8 hours;
  7. It is better to get out of bed without sudden movements, gradually, since when quickly moving to a vertical position, the blood drains from the head and you can faint;
  8. take a contrast shower in the morning - alternating hot and cool water for 5 minutes tones the blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure;
  9. carrying out the complex physical exercise can also “wake up” sluggish blood vessels;
  10. breakfast - required condition normal health during the day, it should contain a caffeine-containing drink - coffee or green tea, a cheese sandwich.

Folk remedies

Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor.

  • For hypotension, it is very useful to drink 1 glass of pomegranate juice per day - it is better to prepare it yourself from ripe fruits. But keep in mind that this drink cannot be consumed in its pure form - pomegranate juice is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. This is due to the fact that the acid contained in pomegranate juice has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.
  • Take one tablespoon of St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and strain. The finished broth should be diluted with a glass cold water. The solution should be drunk a third of a glass in the morning.
  • Rhodiola rosea extract(the drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of a tincture, the drug should be taken five drops before meals, but not more than three times a day, the course of treatment lasts an average of two weeks);
  • Coffee mixture (mix ground and roasted coffee beans with honey and lemon juice, the mixture should be taken once a day, a teaspoon between meals, but no more than twice a day, general course treatment is approximately two weeks);
  • Carrots and spinach. Spinach and carrot juice are mixed, and the ratio should be 1:2 - there should be more carrot juice. Take a mixture of juices 3 times a day before meals, 200 ml for a week.
  • Schisandra extract. Let's accept it folk remedy drop by drop every day for quite a long time. The number of drops should correspond to age and individual needs. It is very important to avoid overdose.


Effective methods of prevention:

  1. A healthy lifestyle is rightfully considered the best way to prevent hypotension.
  2. Persons at risk for this disease, you need to eat right, regularly experience non-exhausting physical activity, get proper rest and carefully maintain vascular tone.
  3. In addition, hypotensive patients are strongly advised to avoid stressful situations: negative emotions often become a factor that provokes a noticeable decrease in blood pressure.
  4. You need to try to lead not only a physically but also an emotionally active life, meet people, take an interest in current events, participate in public life– vitality is also supported by emotions.

In most cases, hypotension goes away on its own with age, because As the human body naturally ages, blood pressure most often increases. Based on this reason, hypotensive patients should be regularly examined by a cardiologist and periodically monitor their blood pressure.