Two soul mates: compatibility between Pisces man and Aquarius woman. Compatibility between Pisces man and Aquarius woman

The union between a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman is interesting for both, as it serves as a source of pride and admiration for owning their partner. Their relationship can arise against the backdrop of mutual interest in each other’s talents, as they find an ideal and perfection in their partner’s creativity. Love is formed as a consequence of the idealization of a partner. They feel each other perfectly, reading the wave of mood, understanding the emotions of the chosen one without words.

Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman

They can be one of the sweetest couples in the Zodiac. The warmth of Pisces and the coldness of Aquarius are mutually balanced, creating fairly good compatibility. They are both dreamers, but his dreams are full of fantasies, and she dreams of the future. He will like her unpredictability, desire for adventure and struggle with mediocrity, he will see real nobility in this. Her unconventional ideas can spark his imagination like nothing else. She will appreciate his desire to help others, to make the world a better and cleaner place. It's possible that they will find each other's quirks and flaws endearing. Their life together can become an adventure, a journey through a fantasy land. At the same time, they have enough strength to make their dreams come true.

The Pisces man is very thoughtful and friendly, he often gives too much of himself to other people. This makes him vulnerable to the machinations of those who take advantage of his kindness, which can cause him to be in a bad mood. The spontaneity and openness of an Aquarius woman will help him strengthen his self-confidence and give him a boost of energy.

Attempts to keep a Pisces man are very weak and do not work for everyone. If there is a lot of disagreement in the relationship, he may pretend to agree and then simply disappear. Freedom is really dear to him; he does not like to feel limited. At the same time, he needs communication and will appreciate the friendly nature of the Aquarius woman. Their love can give each partner a lot.

This couple will be able to show mutual interest in each other based on the misleading impression of their similarity. In fact, it turns out that they have almost nothing in common, and disappointment will follow. The Pisces guy has a more developed intuition, he will be the first to notice that something has gone wrong, he will not be able to feel comfortable next to the Aquarius girl. The Aquarius girl does not take what is happening as close to her heart as her lover. Emotionally, everything will remain in place for her for a long time, but she will feel the difference between herself and her chosen one. Perhaps she will very soon be disappointed in this guy, because for a serious relationship she would like to see a more responsible person next to her. The Pisces guy will sense her mood and most likely, on his initiative, this relationship will end.

The compatibility of such interesting people as the Pisces man and the Aquarius woman is quite favorable - and the stars agree that they have every chance of building a strong, prosperous family.

An interesting meeting can happen between a Pisces man and an Aquarius girl. The fact is that astrology assigned these neighboring zodiac signs the last 2 places in the general row - the 11th house of Aquarius and the 12th house of Pisces. It is believed that karmically these are the most experienced people who feel and understand each other incredibly well - and not so much in everyday life, but in deeply personal, truly subtle issues.

If we translate what has been said into simpler language, we can say that Pisces and Aquarius will definitely pay attention to each other, no matter what the circumstances of their first acquaintance. They are just really on their own wavelength, perhaps seeming a little strange to others. At the same time, acquaintances, relatives and friends idolize such friends - it is very comfortable to be in the same company with them and share revelations of the soul.

A Pisces guy will certainly be attracted to such an interesting girl as Aquarius by her openness, sincere friendliness, and sociability. Aquarians tend to be flamboyant extroverts who go into this world with their arms wide open and their hearts warm. Pisces, on the contrary, are a little self-absorbed and try not to be frank about trifles, while maintaining external decorum and even showing themselves to be quite sociable people.

The feeling between Pisces and Aquarius can flare up at different times: for each side in its own way. The fact is that fish are the element of water, and water represents emotions. It is very easy for them to fall in love with a person; they are able to literally plunge into a sea of ​​sensations, which they sometimes create on their own, without relying on external reality. Pisces can sometimes really come up with something like that, but at the same time they will be sincerely confident that it was so. And it's not a matter of love for deception. And not even in a rich imagination (although in that too). It’s just that Pisces is intuition itself, the traditional 5 senses for these people are replaced by one, and it’s called “as the heart tells you.”

So in the case of an Aquarius girl, this heart can tell: here it is, your chance; here he is, your man. And then the soft, slightly pampered fish begin to show miracles of perseverance and perseverance, trying to interest their passion and in every possible way keep her attention.

But Aquarius does not fall in love right away, does not lose his head, and the cycles of emotions are unknown to him. He’s just a bright, interesting, charismatic, but very changeable person. And at first, the girl, perhaps, will not be able to refuse the pressure of the fish. Indeed, is it possible to refuse such a sophisticated suitor, who perfectly understands the language of hints and half-hints, knows how to read between the lines perfectly, and is generally simply a born master of solving puzzles.

This is exactly the hook that Aquarius will fall for, who loves mysteries, shades of mysticism in relationships and everything that is in the twilight, on the other side of existence. For Aquarius, Pisces will seem incredibly interesting people. At first, they will generally feel that they are in a fairy tale: how can this happen in reality, and in general, are there still interesting, attractive people who can so tenaciously hold the attention of their interlocutor, regardless of the topic of conversation?

Believe it or not, there are such people, and they live next to us. They also have their own names: Pisces and Aquarius. Their compatibility in love promises great opportunities for not just being together, but also truly enjoying their company. Literally, they need each other in order to simply take a break from all the external turmoil, which cannot please you endlessly, can it? Still, there comes a time when you need to come into the house and just be silent with someone. So these two cope well with such interesting responsibilities.

Problems in an alliance can only arise in the fact that despite all the similarities in energy, the Pisces guy and the Aquarius girl have very different characters. Pisces, as already mentioned, are self-absorbed and live by feelings. And Aquarius loves noise, festivities, a sea of ​​communication and everything that is connected with friends, acquaintances, familiar families. This is where contradictions may appear.

Indeed, Pisces are basically homebodies, and they will clearly not like the social activity of Aquarius. The most lively representatives of this sign can turn a house into a real backyard, and this will certainly drive the faithful one crazy. And fish are very vulnerable and touchy creatures. Aquarius's careless statements, of which he is sometimes even sincerely proud, can plunge his loved one for a long time into a protracted period of depression, from which only... Aquarius can pull him out. So it turns out that no matter what the external differences, these people are still very friendly inside. Do you know why? They just like to take care of each other - they really get real pleasure when the people around them are truly happy. A solid foundation for compatibility in a love relationship, right?

Marriage compatibility: money doesn't buy happiness

It is quite difficult for Aquarius to reach the doors of the registry office; sometimes both girls and boys born under this sign are frightened by the very thought of getting married. It is all the more interesting to watch when she will give in to the incredibly beautiful courtship of the fish, for whom family and marriage are sacred.

The persistence of the Pisces man is explained not by the natural qualities of a macho, but by the fact that they are incredibly passionate about the love object of their passions. These people are driven by strong feelings, and the word “driven” must be taken literally: beautiful words, confessions in poetry, unusual gifts that catch the eye not with the price tag, but with the emotional investment... undoubtedly, the Aquarius woman will appreciate this, since she is just like Pisces , is cut off from the material world, it doesn’t matter to her how much he earns. But exactly how he treats her, how devoted he is spiritually - these are the parameters that play the main role.

That is why Aquarius will not be able to refuse Pisces, and both will almost certainly end up in front of the altar. Moreover, this can happen either very quickly or rather slowly, years after meeting. Moreover, it often happens that a couple breaks up due to minor misunderstandings, but then gets back together. And there is nothing surprising in this - they are simply really attracted to each other, because no one else can replace their partner, no matter how hard they try.

In marriage they have very good compatibility. As a rule, if it comes to such a serious relationship, they will not quarrel over trifles and throw words into the wind. It is generally common for an Aquarius girl to follow what she says, although in a fit of emotion she may promise something that can only be fulfilled in heaven. However, her faithful Pisces will certainly understand what she meant. It’s just how she expressed her love, and this is one of the most interesting ways. Here it is, a pleasant exception to the rule, when promises do not have to be fulfilled - the main thing is that they simply exist.

So it turns out that emotionally the couple maintains a real idyll - their compatibility in family relationships will always be at a high level. What cannot be said about the everyday side of life. And about money too. They will always live differently from everyone else. After all, to do this you must first become like everyone else. And something like this is simply impossible. Maybe someday in another life.

This state of affairs suits both Pisces and Aquarius quite well: they are not rich, they cannot afford a wedding in Notre Dame Cathedral and a vacation on the Cote d'Azur, so what? They simply don’t need to go somewhere to find their happiness, and this is a great bonus, isn’t it?

Sexual compatibility: fantasies: yes, traditions: no

The Pisces man and the Aquarius woman are also inventors. Aquarius, as a rule, leads a little: she creates, invents, and the rich imagination of Pisces is simply delighted with all her creative successes in bed.

If we take into account that Pisces are very tender and sentimental, and Aquarius feels incredible sympathy for them, which in the case of this sign is tantamount to passionate desire, is it necessary to say how good it is for a couple to be together on a common bed?

Compatibility in bed is maintained at a high level due to the fact that they not only love everything new, but also have great sympathy for each other in life. This is an excellent example of when real warm relationships are transformed into physical friendship every evening.

Compatibility at work: two entertainers

A Pisces man and an Aquarius woman will get along well with each other in those work matters that require ingenuity, a bit of imagination and creative inspiration. You can safely entrust them with holding holidays, interesting congratulations to colleagues, farewell to retirement, and in general everything related to public life.

The best option for Aquarius and Pisces is a creative, slightly bohemian environment. Not accustomed to rigid routines and strict regulations, these people feel great in a free environment. They just need to look for themselves in where work presupposes this very freedom.

Pisces and Aquarius are astrological neighbors, kindred spirits: together they can achieve a lot.

The most important thing that both the Aquarius woman and the Pisces man are looking for in love is depth. They are both intelligent enough to understand the relationship as a unity of two personalities, each of which cares about its own development and desires the same for the other. They hate jealousy, possessive instincts, and don’t understand why they should focus on one person. We can say that their relationship will even be somewhat cynical, as if a little cold. At the same time, they will have real respect and interest in their partner as a unique individual, and not as some kind of foreign object. The Aquarius woman and the Pisces man will have to develop a livelier, more passionate approach to love in order to be able to enjoy all its delights, in order to live a more juicy and rich life.

Sex between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man will be something akin to meditation. They are both tuned in rather not to physical pleasure from the process (although this is also an important part, of course), but to sensory-emotional pleasure. The preparation stage, foreplay, is extremely important for them. Long, relaxing conversations, the right music - all this will be of very high quality, as if this is the most important part. Perhaps this is true.

Family and marriage

The marriage between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man will be very tender and strong. They will not play the roles of ideal spouses familiar to society - they have completely different interests - but their family will be truly strong. The Aquarius woman will always be able to support her husband, and the Pisces man quite often experiences difficulties associated with the pragmatic side of life. She will inspire him and inspire him to overcome difficulties of any kind. He, in turn, will create the necessary emotional atmosphere of love and peace, in which any family member, especially children, will be very comfortable. The Aquarius woman and the Pisces man will be very concerned about maximizing everyone’s talents: both their own and the talents of their children.

They will also be able to be friends. They are both quite sociable (though the Pisces man often opens up only in private), love adventure and are eager for something new. These will be real friends, friends who can tell each other about everything that makes them happy or worries. The Aquarius woman will always be a little more cheerful than her Pisces man friend, so the role of the ringleader in their micro-company will most likely belong to her. He will peacefully agree to everything that she came up with - and will be happy. The Pisces man will be able to understand her worries, listen and give practical advice - the Aquarius woman will be very grateful for such friendly support.

Work and business

They will be able to work together to create something beautiful and interesting. It is unlikely that they will be able to show themselves in what has long been clear and known to everyone: the Aquarius woman and the Pisces man cope better with what has not yet been explored, where the field for research is wide enough. Together they will be able to set ambitious goals and achieve them. The Pisces man has excellent intuition; he will definitely find a way to solve any problem, and the Aquarius woman will receive the necessary information no matter what.

Aquarius and Pisces are similar to each other. They are idealists, they cannot or do not want to fit into ordinary reality with its small worries, joys, salaries, careers, scheduled rest and creativity according to a template. But these two are not just “out of this world” - they are from different worlds and it is difficult for them to understand each other. A good union between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man requires a lot of effort.

Aquarius-Pisces compatibility: how to seduce a Pisces man?

The Pisces man is a dreamer and visionary. He feels bad because the real world demands attention, breaks into his dreams, destroys them. He will appreciate a woman who supports his fantasies and inspires him to be creative. Aquarius is not mercantile, she will not urge Pisces to “live like everyone else,” she understands his spiritual aspirations. For a Pisces man, she is a muse. In addition, she is active, ready to support, and can take over communication with the outside world, giving Pisces the opportunity to dwell in their fantasies. She does not criticize, does not bring people down to earth, she is romantic, kind and patient. All these traits are a reliable means of conquering Pisces. You can’t discount external attractiveness either. Pisces men agree to love only a fairy fairy. The Aquarius woman is endowed with an elusive charm and attractiveness, which really have little to do with the efforts of stylists and couturiers. It seems to Pisces that she came from another world - so unusual and bewitching.

What does an ideal couple look like: Aquarius woman – Pisces man?

Among the happy couples of Pisces and Aquarius, you will not find those who stand out from those around them in wealth or social status. Even a money-loving Pisces in an ideal marriage with an Aquarius comes to terms with the fact that there is no money and there won’t be in the worst case, or there will be just enough to live on in the best. Aquarius does not allow the worst traits of Pisces to develop - opportunism and gigolo behavior. Instead, Pisces’ best qualities blossom – selflessness, spirituality, creativity. Aquarius is not the sponsor of a poor artist, but his Muse, who helps him create. Many Pisces achieve heights in art or on the path of spiritual self-improvement. A contactable Aquarius woman helps Pisces gain fame. Money even begins to come into the house, but neither Pisces nor Aquarius pays attention to it and spends it on the most impractical things and things. Aquarius in this marriage receives moral support from a person who understands her. He does not consider the behavior of Aquarius to be extravagant eccentricity, but sees in it a deep meaning that more down-to-earth people cannot see. In addition, in alliance with Pisces, Aquarius finds someone to whom (more precisely, whose talents) she can serve as the Highest Idea. This makes her happy.

What are the difficulties in a union between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man?

The biggest difficulty awaits the couple in their early years. Neither Pisces nor Aquarius are able to give each other practical support. As they age, they become more careful and avoid situations in which they are weak. But in their youth they still do not know well the limits of their strength and often find themselves in a position where they need help. Aquarius can only approve of the actions of Pisces, supporting him morally, and Pisces is able to console him with kind words and sympathize. But they are powerless to help each other, and at the same time they expect active help from their partner. Not receiving it, they are offended. It will take time before they become aware of their own and their loved one's weaknesses and lower their expectations. The second difficulty exists in the life of a couple at any age stage. Aquarius is an extrovert and loves company, Pisces is an introvert and tries to stay away from noisy communication. Aquarius will be offended by Pisces’ reluctance to share the fun with them, go on a visit, to a party, engage in social work or take part in an interesting training. And Pisces will not like that Aquarius spends little time at home.

The first difficulty can be overcome only with patience and the ability to forgive. In addition, a couple, even without mature life experience, can reduce the risk of getting into difficult situations: for this, Aquarius has the gift of clairvoyance, which will not prevent her from developing, and Pisces has powerful intuition. The main thing for a successful solution to the problem is to understand as early as possible that you should not count on support from your partner, and not to be offended by him for this. Pisces, offended by the inattention of their beloved and the fact that besides him, there are other people and things in her life, can be consoled with kind words and declarations of love. Pisces feel words subtly if they come from the heart. Praise him more often, assure him of your love, say that no one you know will be as important to you as he is. And in order not to be offended by the unsociability of Pisces, do not forget that your man is a creator, he needs silence for internal growth.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man at work

This is not a very successful union. They have different working styles. Aquarius is sociable and keenly interested in what is happening in the team and the production sphere, while Pisces has little interest in the world around them. True, Pisces is not averse to gossiping about colleagues, but Aquarius no longer likes this.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man - colleagues or partners

Most often they do not notice each other. And perhaps this is the best option. Because in another case, Aquarius is initially pleased with the fervor with which Pisces takes on several things at once and makes plans, and then she becomes convinced that no one intends to bring everything to the end. And Pisces will be surprised to encounter the integrity of such an understanding and friendly Aquarius woman. They have different work styles, rhythms and interests, they can neither support nor complement each other, so nothing bad will happen if they never meet in a work environment.

When an Aquarius woman is a boss and a Pisces man is a subordinate

A good union only in the creative field. In the rest, Aquarius cannot put pressure on Pisces, and Pisces cannot work without a magic kick.

When an Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and a Pisces man is a boss

Not a bad alliance if Aquarius is interested in the results of the work. She sees the impracticality of her boss, and if she likes him, she will try not to let him down, setting goals herself and achieving them, and allowing Pisces to have their head in the clouds.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Pisces man in friendship

This is a good, but often short-lived friendship. Pisces is glad to have an Aquarius woman among his friends: she knows how to entertain him, pull him out of melancholy, and encourage him. She listens with interest to his thoughts and gives practical advice. If Pisces feels sad, Aquarius will rush in at any time of the day or night to cheer him up. For Aquarius, friendship with Pisces is also important: she needs a friend who understands her isolation from the world, romanticism, and lack of interest in practical matters. With him she can discuss topics that for most are completely abstract, and even strange. Friendship helps both to withstand the onslaught of reality. The relationship lasts until Pisces finds his mate. After this, he considers it dishonest for his beloved to communicate with another woman.

These two signs, we can safely say, are simply perfect for each other. Both are extravagant, unpredictable, love to shock others, while it is very difficult to surprise them themselves. The Pisces man is always cool-headed and accepts people exactly as they are, without embellishment. And therefore, he perceives the representative of the air sign with all her endless quirks as a matter of course. But what is the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man? And is an alliance possible between them?

How similar are they?

The Pisces man gives every last bit to his beloved. He is ready to shower her with gifts, the price of which she will never consider. She receives much more - love, tenderness and care cannot be expressed by any gifts. While he should expect many surprises from the Aquarius woman. The laws of society seemed not to have been created for her, and therefore the partner will have to blush quite often for the behavior of his beloved. Every time he has to wait for the next trick of his companion. But nevertheless, the union can be called the strongest. They are similar in the main thing - they do not like to make promises. If a Pisces man promised you something, this does not mean that what he said will be fulfilled. And the Aquarius woman won’t even promise anything, because she doesn’t know how events will turn out tomorrow.

Aquarius and Pisces: friendship or love

If an Aquarius girl falls in love with a Pisces man, then she will first tell him about all her problems and difficulties, but at the same time he will not become a simple vest in which it is pleasant to cry. She always listens to his opinion, which is extremely surprising, knowing the mistrust of Aquarius. And most of the advice is Pisces, but not all. Still, the lady prefers to learn from her mistakes. Aquarius woman and Pisces man occurs only when spiritual unity overtakes physical attraction. Yes, they love each other, but they cannot trust each other completely until a certain period. And when this time comes, the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man becomes such as only happens to truly happy people.

Are there any differences?

Of course, like any couple, not everything is perfect here. Aquarius is always indecently curious. And considering that he is also outrageously straightforward, the mixture turns out to be quite flammable. He can approach a person and ask him something directly. And Pisces, who are also quite curious, usually don’t ask unnecessary questions. They have the natural ability to read information on a mental level. A little mystical, but modest and without surprises. It is against the backdrop of curiosity and mysticism that the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man becomes not so ideal. But small misunderstandings happen in every couple. This couple can be considered the most beautiful in the world. They seem to complement each other, each bringing a certain touch of adventurism to the life of their partner. After all, when everything flows smoothly and smoothly, it becomes boring. They definitely won’t be bored. So this is a perfect match in all areas of life. And the marriage of Aquarius and Pisces can be called a standard to which everyone should strive.