Why does a person need psychology? Basics of psychology. Why is psychology needed? The main criterion is the result

Why do you need to study psychology?

Man studying foreign language to expand your social circle, feel free to live abroad, and get a more prestigious job. The man gives himself physical exercise to always be in good shape and feel good. Why is he studying psychology? Most often people turn to this science when there are some problems. For example, joy has disappeared from life, relationships with other people do not work out, and it is not possible to get results. Most often, the first step a person takes is to look for where he can look, reads articles by psychologists, subscribes to public pages in social networks, buys specialized literature in electronic form or in bookstores.

If he becomes interested in what can be done to change the situation, eliminate problems and fulfill a desire, then he begins to look for additional sources of information, for example, he begins watch trainings on psychology. In any case, no matter what source you choose, the most important thing is an honest attitude towards yourself, a willingness to change and work on yourself . If a person is not ready to change, to take responsibility for his life into his own hands, the information will become a dead weight, and he will not be able to use it, simply because he did not want to.

When choosing material, before starting a serious study, it is advisable to double-check the source of information: who is this psychologist or coach, what does he preach and through the prism of what beliefs does he look at life, because it often happens that from the video screen a person preaches one thing, but lives completely differently.

A separate direction is distance learning psychology, This format is still only suitable for those who want to devote their lives to psychology in the future; here psychology comes as a vocation.

In general, psychology is a fairly broad concept; it is important to understand what exactly you need, depending on your tasks. But there are a number of things that can greatly simplify the life of any person, enhance his safety and skills.

This is knowing yourself, your nature, which makes it possible to understand your strengths, learn to use them so that they bring maximum results, and with your shortcomings, which you should not hide, but transform into your advantages. Understanding your own nature, your behavior patterns and the reasons for failures in life makes it possible to correct this, and therefore improve your quality of life or even change your life beyond recognition. But you always need to start with an analysis of what we have now.

It is understanding the nature of other people. Why do they act this way, what motivates them, how should you interact with them. Answers to these questions provide opportunities for improving relationships both in personal life same at work

In order to gain a more complete understanding of how man himself works, human life and what the laws of this world are, you can watch seminars on psychology,, sign up for courses, seminars, find a mentor who could teach you to live differently, etc. The choice of relevant material on the Internet and the media is quite large, so everyone can choose the most suitable option for them.


Psychology is a fascinating science. It is known that ancient thinkers sought to understand the world of the human soul. And the longer humanity lives on earth, the more more people trying to unravel the secrets of their own inner world. Psychological knowledge has always been very important and useful. The motives of human behavior, the peculiarities of the manifestation of feelings, the relationship between the conscious and the intuitive - this area of ​​​​knowledge has always interested people.

To date, many discoveries have been made in psychology: various mental phenomena have been explained, the laws of development of the human psyche have been identified and described. And yet, some contemporaries are wondering how knowledge in the field of psychology can help them, mere “mortals.” Let's consider this issue in more detail.

This strange condition is depression

Usually with questions from your state of mind We begin to become interested when our soul becomes ill. The whole body is healthy, life goes on as usual, but the soul hurts and aches. Nowadays it is customary to call this condition the word “depression”; previously they used to say “melancholy” or even called it the fashionable word “spleen”. But in any case, this state of internal mental discord must be overcome. But how?

Depression from the point of view of everyday experience

From the point of view of everyday experience, depression as such simply does not exist: there is fatigue, temporary blues, which can be extinguished by new acquaintances, a rich feast, or simply relaxation. But what to do if you still feel strong and persistent sadness? Imagine that in such a state you try to independently understand what is happening to you, however, this will lead nowhere: after all, everything in life happens as before, but for some reason you don’t want to live.

You can ask a friend for advice. But what will he say? Most likely, he will try to calm you down, offer you to rest and take your mind off sad thoughts. But if in this state you turn to a psychologist, what then?

Depression from the point of view of psychological knowledge

At an appointment with a psychologist, during a conversation with him, you will be able to analyze your condition and look at it with different eyes. It will suddenly turn out that your depression is caused by conscious or even unconscious motives. It can be caused by childhood psychological trauma, or by experiencing a state of dissatisfaction with marital or child-parent relationships, and hidden phobias, and even extreme nervous exhaustion.

A psychologist will not prescribe you medications, because this is not within his competence, but he will help you understand the intricacies of your mental state, offer a course of psychotherapy, and provide support. But the most important thing is that you yourself are aware of what is happening to you and accept responsibility for what is happening. Apparently, you took the wrong step in life, made a mistake that, with the help of knowledge in the field of psychology, can be corrected and you can begin to live with renewed vigor.

How does psychology help people?

Psychology is a powerful, harmless and safe cure for many ailments, a wise mentor for overcoming problems. She will help build harmonious relationships with others, to understand one’s own soul, the motives of other people’s behavior, to preserve family relationships and achieve success. Therefore, a person armed with psychological knowledge will never feel in a state of discomfort and will cease to be helpless, uncertain, and indecisive.

Therefore, you should read books about psychology, try to constantly improve your level of psychological knowledge, but most importantly, carefully observe people and life phenomena, drawing the right conclusions and correlating them with your own behavior. It is in this case that psychology will become a faithful assistant in solving many difficult issues, and people will be drawn to you, looking for your support and advice as a wise and experienced person and a competent psychologist.

For self-knowledge, self-understanding, as well as for understanding other people and understanding the relationships between them. A person savvy in psychology is more attentive, observant, and insightful; understands the motives of human behavior; he can read a person like open book. A person just thought, and you know what’s on his mind, because it was expressed on his face, facial expressions, gestures, i.e. non-verbal. What does this give? He knows what can be expected from a person: “forewarned is forearmed,” and if there are already ready-made models for responding to such situations, then the situation can be kept under control. And most probably most importantly, a person learns to control his body: his emotions, desires, feelings, which are often OH-HOW not subject to our consciousness. Psychology answers many questions: why? Do you understand what motivates us? If you want to understand the reasons for what is happening around you, and most importantly, know the answer to the question “what to do about it?”, how to change the situation, thinking, behavior of yourself and loved ones, then welcome to fascinating world psychology.

Why does a civil engineer need psychological knowledge?

Are they really necessary? The first reaction is, of course not... Why? In my understanding, a psychologist is a reasonable, prudent person who maintains calm in any situation, knows himself and understands others, and psychology is the science of being like that? In this case, of course, every engineer should be at least a little bit of a psychologist. The most serious problem that a person encounters in his creative or practical activities is relationships with people. And here it is not enough to know mathematics, economics and cybernetics. Requirements for the personality of a specialist with higher education changed dramatically. Now, after graduating from university, you can count on yourself, your capabilities, abilities, be able to adapt to a new environment, and quickly and creatively solve problems posed by life. It is equally important to be a specialist in working with people: to be able to clearly and intelligibly explain your idea, to be able to build relationships with people, to be understood and pleasant in communication, to be able to listen, to be able to avoid conflicts - such a person makes his career much more successful.

Each engineer upon completion of training comes to work in the team. And whether he can build relationships with other members of the team, whether he can find the key to each of them, depends on how comfortable it will be for him to work. Here, knowledge of psychology will first of all help to form normal professional behavior. It seems to me that it can be characterized as follows: the employee is well aware of his own job responsibilities, is focused on the image of the organization, values corporate culture, is characterized by adequate motivation, the level of individual readiness for self-organization and self-realization in production process. Many modern organizations are built on the principle of collective creative self-development and act as a single whole, where each employee not only realizes his or her professional potential, but also takes a creative part in the decision production tasks at the level of their own official powers, production as a whole. The psychology of mutual support, collective creativity, and emotional comfort affects both labor productivity and economic efficiency enterprises.

Psychology of Individuality

According to Ananyev’s concept, individuality is represented as four unified structures:

1) The individual is a biological structure. A person is born as an individual with natural properties that develop according to a certain genetic program.

2) Subject of activity - the individual is formed as a subject of activity over time. Understanding a person as a subject of activity includes three main components: consciousness as a reflection of reality; activity as the transformation of reality or creativity as the creation of something new or original. In activity, the cognitive sphere of the psyche (perception, memory, thinking, attention), volitional and emotional is formed.

3) Personality is a person who is formed in society. The initial characteristics for the individual are status-role and value orientations, on the basis of which the motivation, orientation, and character of a person are formed. Personality-subject social relations and conscious activity

4) Individuality is a complex structure, which is a holistic formation with a certain organization of properties. It is formed under the influence of life in society from the subject of activity and personality. Individuality, unlike personality, is a system closed to the world. If you imagine a person in the form of a vessel, his neck will be his personality, and everything inside the vessel will be his individuality: “Personality is the top of a person, individuality is his depth.”


This is the science that everyone is talking about now. Many people think they understand it. Is it enough just to be attentive, observant, insightful; understand the motives of human behavior; read psychological texts to call yourself a psychologist? Maybe yes. But this is not enough when a person decides to engage in psychology professionally, i.e. provide people psychological assistance. To do this, you need a higher basic psychological education (university) + practical training (training in counseling, psychotherapy, etc.).

can be studied for self-knowledge, self-understanding, as well as for understanding other people and understanding the relationships between them.

The work consists of 1 file

“Why do I need psychology?”

The report was prepared by a student of 16-301 MAI

Grebeneva Maria


This is the science that everyone is talking about now. Many people think they understand it. Is it enough just to be attentive, observant, insightful; understand the motives of human behavior; read psychological texts to call yourself a psychologist? Maybe yes. But this is not enough when a person decides to engage in psychology professionally, i.e. provide people with psychological assistance. To do this, you need a higher basic psychological education (university) + practical training (training in counseling, psychotherapy, etc.).

can be studied for self-knowledge, self-understanding, as well as for understanding other people and understanding the relationships between them.

There are critical moments in a person’s life when relationships with others become complicated, internal contradictions intensify, experiences (feelings) become unbearable, and the situation seems hopeless. The problems that arise cannot be solved through the efforts of one’s own mental powers. Does not help life experience. In such a situation, the help of a psychologist can be indispensable.

can accumulate for years, sometimes unnoticed by oneself and others. These may be difficult difficulties to overcome, consequences of childhood mental trauma, unresolved conflicts, suppression of important personal needs. Rarely does anyone manage to solve such problems on their own. In such a situation, the help of a psychologist can be indispensable.

psychological knowledge can be obtained from everyday experience and from works of art, then why do you need to study psychology, and why are psychologists needed in institutions, enterprises, schools, the army, etc. The answer to this question depends on how and from what position you perceive the people around you and yourself.

Any modern enterprise or institution is primarily a social organization. People in a variety of professions, especially managers of any rank, spend a significant portion of their time communicating with people. There are people who tend to view others as a source of possible interference with their plans. In particular, at work, employees are one of the sources of production costs for them, clients and customers are objects from which they need to “shake out” more money, giving as little as possible in return, etc. Such people do not need serious psychological knowledge, although they may turn to books and even consultants in search of ways to manipulate other people. They may achieve relatively short-term success, but in the end they fail, and not only in business sphere, but also on a personal level.

A position in which a person is committed to interacting with others is much more productive. People for him are the main resources in any business. Then the need naturally arises to learn more about them. If, when making a decision related to, say, some technology, a person would usually like to rely on fairly clear and reliable knowledge about the laws of its functioning, it is logical that knowledge of the same kind (albeit not so solid) is also desirable in relation to human personality. Therefore, a scientific approach to describing personality is sought - this science, in fact, is called psychology.

Unlike, perhaps, some other sciences, certain knowledge about psychology is necessary for everyone who feels serious responsibility for themselves, other people and their business. Here it has similarities with medicine. Not everyone is, say, a surgeon, but it is highly desirable to be able to provide first aid to yourself or a friend. It is also important to understand what can happen to the inner world of yourself and those around you. In particular, without knowing your weak points, it is very easy to fall into primitive traps, sometimes set by circumstances, and sometimes by people. Without knowing the personality traits of a friend or even a spouse, you can be confused by his (her) behavior without any of his (her) desires. In addition, knowledge of personality traits allows you to more correctly choose a profession and find your place in the work team. Thus, the mindset for effective interaction with other people and with oneself based on psychological knowledge can help avoid many business and personal failures, and therefore is one of the main conditions for psychological safety.

In addition, in modern life, especially when managing people or complex equipment, one’s own psychological qualities, such as attention, memory, sociability, motivation and decision-making are not just personal data, but specific “tools” with the help of which a person achieves his goals . Therefore, the ancient call “Know thyself” is for modern man- not the good wish of a philosopher, but a condition for personal and professional success.

Feeling the need for psychological knowledge, a person can turn to a professional psychologist, of which there are quite a lot now. A good psychologist can help you understand many situations of a personal and business nature, and can suggest something. His advice may be unexpected, or it may be very simple, but such that the person himself for some reason did not notice. A psychologist can help a person get rid of any qualities that interfere with him and acquire new, useful ones. But a psychologist is precisely an assistant, and not a “universal problem solver.” No psychology can cancel the need to think for yourself, communicate with people yourself, make decisions and be responsible for them.



Ramendik D.M., Solonkina O.V.

Have you noticed that in different environments, with different people do you behave differently? How do we feel like kings in one situation, and a member of a plebeian tribe in another? Yes, we are exactly the situation we find ourselves in. Often the situations themselves and their experiences reveal and shape our psychological qualities. These are the qualities of our soul. From ancient times Greek language the word “psychology” is translated as the science of the soul. It was precisely the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle who first studied the foundations of human psychology (the treatise “On the Soul”), and gave the definition of the soul as inseparable from the body, without which it is impossible to breathe, think, eat, feel; that human behavior is driven by a feeling of pleasure or displeasure, which the body then reproduces, trying to fix this feeling as motivating and shaping the person’s subsequent behavior.

General sensitivity, fantasy, thinking, associations and reason are aspects proposed by Aristotle as the main components of our psychosoul, and accepted by followers for the subsequent study of human psychology.
A person’s psychological qualities are always formed in relation to the characters of other people who make up a person’s environment from his very birth. If a person was always in an empty space where only he alone exists, then he would never be able to understand himself: how kind, handsome, smart, generous, brave, etc. he is. Each of our qualities creates our personality - a face that then interacts with the world around us. The more qualities are cultivated in a person, that is, the more developed the experience in many aspects of the psychosoul, the more harmoniously a person’s life flows and further, more complex experience is gained, which helps to achieve the ultimate goals set in life.

The development of the psyche or psychosoul is the most important process in a person’s life. Restrictions in childhood from negative emotions, avoiding conflicts, minimizing the entire range of experiences, forms an immature psyche, unprepared for situations that will inevitably be modeled to create the missing experience, so that later the person is ready to build exactly the life that was his target, satisfying his needs souls.

From birth, a person is focused on interaction with other people, on the result of this communication, which brings satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Due to the fact that all people have different psycho-spiritual experiences, which makes each one completely different from the other, we are forced to know the basics of the psychological structure of a person. This is as normal and obligatory as being able to read and write or knowing the anatomy of the human body.
First of all, you need to understand yourself, study your weaknesses and strengths, qualities, determine your priorities and goals, form your position in society, develop missing qualities in communicating with other people, educate yourself. Knowing the characteristics of your own psychosoul will protect you from mistakes, traps, and stupid situations that can stall your progress. By studying the characteristics of one’s own personality, an inquisitive mind will begin to be more attentive to others, noticing their characteristics, weak and strong points, which can help in communication, help to understand the motives in the behavior and reactions of other people. Knowledge of the psychological principles of communication and personality development means responsibility for yourself, your loved ones, your environment, for your goals and life.

Despite the fact that none of the active psychologists, and none of the deceased, claimed that there are standards in the work of the psyche, they still exist, albeit conditional ones, which are acceptable in a given society and in the world community as a whole. And the job of any psychologist is to bring the human psychological system to general level perception of reality, help balance a person’s mental concepts that have gone astray due to some circumstances, knocking out previously working attitudes. In this case, psychology specifically shows what exactly did not work in a person, what led to a sensory catastrophe, and helps to understand how to more correctly build a line of priorities and values ​​of a person that would correspond to the true spiritual qualities and needs.
The era of the 21st century - developed, technocratic, educated, smart time and society, which especially needs to reassess its historically and hereditarily established values, change social stereotypes, and form new role behavior. Constant ethnic conflicts, political wars and economic upheavals - all this forces modern man to be more aware of the formation of his own psychological environment and respond in a timely manner to disruptions in its work.

Children in high school especially need early psychological development. School curriculum missing item psychological preparation children to adult life. Psychological unpreparedness for real life leads to severe disappointments, failed marriages, crippled destinies and relegated dreams to the background. Parents are not able to provide the necessary psychological-adaptive experience for their children, because they do the opposite all their lives - they protect the child from experiencing all sorts of shocks for as long as possible and are not role models in conscious acceptance conflict situations and adequate solutions to them.