What to write to a colleague goodbye. When is it customary to write corporate farewell letters? Interesting cases in the practice of personnel services

Today I am resigning and leaving our friendly team. My dear colleagues, thank you for the warm and welcoming atmosphere, for your good cooperation, help and mutual support. I wish you to always remain in business, great success, good health And in a great mood.

Always worked diligently
They worked tirelessly
You have become more experienced
Now, it’s worth summarizing:

Your work is impeccable
It's not easy for you to find a replacement,
You have always been humane
Solved complex problems.

Thank you for your service,
For the contribution they made,
We really value your friendship,
And let the best await you ahead!

Sometimes you have to say goodbye
Life is a continuous river,
It's impossible to stay somewhere
For countless centuries.

We've lived together a lot
Both work and everyday troubles.
And it happened to replace each other
I had to, or just bring lunch.

Thank you for your experience and support
And for the kind glances and warmth.
Let your work be appreciated by your superiors,
And the salary will make your dream come true!

At the farewell hour I want to say,
Colleagues, “Thank you!”
I will remember with love
About our team.

I say goodbye to you as to family,
As with loved ones, relatives,
In trouble and in joy always
You were next to me.

And my dismissal
Don't let friendship get in the way
For you, colleagues, there is a door in the heart
I leave it open.

It was a pleasure to work with you,
But the workers parted ways,
Now everyone has their own worries,
And we will have to go to them separately.

Colleagues, thank you very much
For everyday life, and support, for advice,
I want everything to work out for you in life,
And everyone was healthy until they were a hundred years old!

Thank you, dear colleagues,
For our team, for success!
What they supported, did not abandon,
Sometimes they understood without words!

Let me quit today
I felt at ease with you,
Thank you for our cooperation,
It's a pity that you are an intermediate station!

My colleagues, together with you
It always worked wonderfully.
In such a close-knit team
Always easy and creative.

Thank you for everything that happened
Each of you is dear to the heart.
Know that even dismissal
There is no reason to stop communicating.

Life is changeable and amazing
And we have the power to change our destiny!
Today, colleagues, I will say convincingly,
That I won't come to work anymore.

I will say words of gratitude to you,
For help, tips and just advice.
For greeting me with a smile and joy,
And there was always an answer to questions!

I quit today with sadness,
But I need to move on in life.
Let's say goodbye to you with a smile
And we will remember each other warmly!

Dear colleagues, we have worked together for so many years! I really appreciate this time, but it's time to say goodbye. I sincerely want to thank you for your kindness, joint successes and many positive days! I wish you new achievements, career ups and prosperity!

Thank you, my colleagues,
For the support that was,
May everything be successful for you,
I wish you only the best!

Good luck to you, more money,
So that trouble doesn't happen suddenly,
Health, happiness and patience,
And always positive to you!

Regardless of the challenges you're facing in your workplace, when you decide to quit, it can be difficult to say goodbye to your co-workers. Try extracting maximum benefit, making your breakup cordial and inclusive. You may need to contact some of your former colleagues in the future, so say goodbye to them with tact and grace. Are you saying goodbye in person or through email, this shouldn't be stressful for you.


Personal farewell

    Give notice of your departure in advance. This should not be done on your last day at work, as many may find it rude or indecent. Try to make sure that all your colleagues know about your departure before you no longer appear in the office.

    • In most cases, you must submit your notice of resignation 2 weeks in advance (unless a different deadline is specified in your contract).
    • After submitting your application, you can inform your colleagues about your resignation. Announce this when appropriate, but be sure to announce it in advance and not on your last day of work.
  1. Say goodbye the day before last day work. Say goodbye on the second to last day to give your colleagues some time to process the fact that you are leaving. Time before your departure day will also give you a chance to finish all your projects without a stream of colleagues wanting to say goodbye to you.

    • After you've announced that you're leaving, chances are your coworkers will stop by from time to time to say goodbye. Because of this, saying goodbye can be made easier if you have completed all your tasks.
  2. Meet with people one on one. Pack your belongings early so you have time to say goodbye to your co-workers individually. This may make you feel like your work together is over because it will be the last time you meet as colleagues.

    Keep it brief. Say goodbye to your colleagues like a professional. There is no need to make a long speech. Tell your colleagues that you enjoyed working with them, that you wish them well, and that you will be in touch with them.

    • If your colleague is leaving, do not take too much time from him to say goodbye, as other colleagues may also come to say goodbye to him. Even if you are upset that this particular employee is leaving, keep your emotions to yourself.
    • Just tell him: “Mark! It was a pleasure working with you. You are a good person. Let me know how you are doing, okay?”
  3. Maintain a positive attitude. If you've been suspended or fired, you may find it difficult not to lose your cool while saying goodbye to your co-workers. However, you should try to remain calm in order to present yourself in the most professional light. Even if you are upset, remain calm and brief.

    Invite your close colleagues to a farewell meeting after work. Most likely, among your colleagues you have friends, enemies and people to whom you are indifferent, so you should not invite everyone.

    • Invite only your closest colleagues who have become your friends to your farewell meeting after work. This meeting will allow you to talk more openly with them and establish stronger connections for the future.

Sending a goodbye email

  1. Make your corporate letter comprehensive. If you're saying goodbye to colleagues in a department or company and you can't say goodbye to each of them, kindly thank them. You should include people you don't know personally, as this is the right thing to do from a corporate ethics standpoint. The letter might include something like:

    • Dear Colleagues! As you may have heard, I will be leaving my position at (insert your position) tomorrow. I want to say that it was a pleasure working with all of you. I'd like to stay in touch; you can reach me at (your email) or (your LinkedIn profile). Thank you for the time we worked together. Best regards, (your name).
  2. Keep a positive tone. You could write about the difficulties associated with your job (especially if you were fired). However, it is better to maintain a positive tone in order to present yourself in the best light. Positive attitude will make it more likely that you will communicate with colleagues in the future.

    • It's always a good idea to end on a positive note, so try to speak positively about the company (as much as possible). This is especially important if you are sending a letter to your manager.
  3. Write a short and to the point letter. There is no need to reveal the real reason for your leaving. If your colleagues have questions, ask them to contact you directly. In the letter, simply indicate that you are moving forward and have decided to try yourself in a different position.

  4. Please provide your contact details. Your farewell letter should end with your contact information. Please indicate your number clearly mobile phone, email address and Linkedin account address. However, do not share your personal contact information if you are not comfortable doing so.

    • You can also select several colleagues with whom you will share your personal contact information.
  5. Read the letter before sending to make sure there are no errors, that it is grammatically correct, and that the tone of the letter is friendly and positive.

    • Make sure you include everything you wanted in your email.
    • You can read your email out loud to identify unpleasant (or awkward, or ugly) parts.
  6. Talk personally with colleagues close to you. It's generally rude to tell your friends you're leaving via email. Try to say goodbye to them in person or at least over the phone.

    • If you can't meet close colleagues in person, send them personalized letters. Provide them with personal contact information so you can stay in touch outside of the office.
    • A personal email might include something like: “Dear (coworker's name), As you may have heard, I'm leaving this company tomorrow. It was a pleasure working with you and I will miss your positive energy. I'd like to stay in touch and I hope we can meet outside of the office. You can contact me by my phone (number) or by (your email). Thank you for the time we worked together. Sincerely, (your name)."

How to avoid common mistakes

  1. Don't make false promises. If you have no intention or desire to stay in touch with a certain colleague, do not make false promises about future meetings. You will be considered insincere and deceitful. Be upfront and honest - if you don't want to communicate with someone after you leave, don't do it or promise it (remember, no one is forcing you to do it!).

    • If you think your intentions to connect with some colleagues will offend others, keep your plans to yourself. It is not necessary to spread the word on every corner that you will communicate with certain employees even after you leave.

The number of economic associations in Russia is increasing every day. The concept of corporate ethics, the purpose of which is to create a favorable atmosphere in the team, is becoming familiar to us.

Psychologically difficult moments (reorganization, change of leadership, hiring and departure of employees) are accompanied by certain rituals, one of which is writing a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal.

Why a farewell letter?

Large corporations and offices have hundreds and even thousands of employees. It is not possible to approach everyone for a personal farewell. Gather the team in the meeting room, too, if the person leaving is not the head of the enterprise.

It is also worth remembering that being fired is stressful and not conducive to personal communication. And if you consider that in a large team, not all employees are closely acquainted, you can also find yourself in an awkward situation.

The best way to avoid trouble is to send internal emails.

Psychologists give another reason for writing a farewell letter to colleagues. When a person understands that he should quit, but cannot make up his mind, the process of composing farewell lines will help him objectively answer the questions: why does he want to leave, how does he work in his previous place, what has he achieved, what is he striving for, what are his relationships with colleagues? and superiors. Along with the last point, a reasonable, balanced decision will come.

When is it customary to write corporate farewell letters?

  • when moving to another place of work;
  • when transferred to another branch or department;
  • when changing position and level in the corporate hierarchy;
  • upon retirement;
  • when going on maternity leave.


The main objective - compliance with the rules of good manners. Nursing in English is incompatible with corporate behavior. The person resigning with the help of a letter shows respect for colleagues and the company and helps to ensure that his departure does not in any way affect the atmosphere in the team.

The second goal is personal and slightly selfish. This desire to maintain reputation in professional circles and business connections. People rarely leave bankers to become musicians. Usually he receives a lucrative offer from competing organizations. And business relationships with former colleagues can greatly help in career growth in a new place.

How to write a farewell letter upon dismissal

The formality of the writing style is manifested in objectivity and unobtrusiveness. But it is advisable to abandon the dryness of presentation, making the message warmer and more friendly.

This way it will be perceived as an act of respect from a caring person, and not a burdensome obligation. Correct, delicate humor is allowed in a farewell letter.

Such a letter is not a document, but has a clear and binding structure.

Name, position

To save your colleagues time, avoid misunderstandings and sending the letter to spam, you first need to introduce yourself and remind your colleagues who the sender worked for and in what department. In the subject line of the email, you should also indicate “Farewell letter, full name, position in the genitive case.”

Notice of resignation and reason

Not needed in a corporate letter bright emotions. It should leave the impression of the writer as a balanced person who can accept both failures and victories with dignity. The reason is formulated clearly and clearly, without hints that give rise to rumors and gossip.

When the reason for dismissal is unpleasant, you don’t have to indicate it.

If a person nevertheless decides to do this, he needs to suppress his resentment, anger and the desire to express everything that hurts about his former colleagues and place of work.

A pleasant reason is also discreetly indicated. In a farewell letter to colleagues there is no place for boasting, gloating, or expressions of superiority.

If desired, they explain what influenced the decision to quit, but remember that negative statements are inadmissible. When it is impossible to do without criticism, it is presented as a series of proposals for improving the work of the enterprise, indicating specific facts. This once again emphasizes competence and integrity.

Successor's name, contact details

The well-functioning mechanism of the corporation must work without failures or delays. If the departing employee informs his colleagues about the changes in a timely manner, they will be grateful.

Description of the employee's achievements during his employment

The starting point for describing achievements is the team. Cannot be presented professional success as personal victories.

You should start with what the writer learned while working at the enterprise. It is advisable to indicate the names of those who contributed to his development as a professional and express special gratitude to them.

At the end of this part of the letter, it is imperative to show that the professional improvement of the quitter is the result of the work of the team, which supported his endeavors, helped, showed patience and mutual understanding.

After expressing gratitude, it would be appropriate to apologize to the team if the person leaving feels discomfort after the offense committed.

Wishes to colleagues

This part is designed differently depending on the size of the team and the nature of employee relationships. Wishes can be specific if the small team has friendly relations.

If the team is large and unfamiliar, a few general points are enough. You can wish success in work, career growth, creative success, professional discoveries, decent salary, personal and family well-being.

At the end, they express a desire to maintain business and friendly relations in the future.

New contacts

So that the previous phrase is not an empty formality, former colleagues need to leave their contacts. This can be a personal email address, cell or home phone number, or residential address.

If data from a new place of work is provided (address, telephone), the position must be indicated to make it easier to find a new employee.

Should I send a goodbye letter to my boss?

It is necessary to write a farewell letter to your boss.

  • This is again a manifestation of tact and good manners.
  • This is an opportunity to leave with dignity and leave your mark good impression, especially if your field of activity requires letters of recommendation and calls to old place work.
  • This is a good opportunity to highlight your professionalism. If the resigning employee did not have free access to the boss’s office, he can unobtrusively express his accumulated ideas and suggestions in a letter, which will also have a beneficial effect on future recommendations.
  • This is the last chance to resolve a conflict or correct a mistake. By speaking frankly with your boss and describing your vision of the current situation, you can even avoid dismissal or demotion.

How and what to write to your boss? Unobtrusively, respectfully, respecting the chain of command, without unnecessary emotions and flattery, express gratitude for support, assistance in self-realization, and advanced training.

Emphasize that the experience gained is the result of the high professionalism of the management. If the dismissal is related to promotion, the role of governing bodies in achieving this should be emphasized.

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal

There are no strict standards in the form of farewell letters. They can be in prose and verse, humorous and serious, official and friendly.

The only limitation is volume. If the letter is addressed a large number employees, you shouldn’t distract them from their work with hundreds of farewell lines. A long letter is acceptable only in a narrow circle of colleagues who will definitely read it to the end.

A person should be able to thank beautifully for kindness, for love, for services rendered. After all, it helps make our life positive.

A workplace manager plays a big role in the lives of his subordinates. It helps you achieve your goals, enjoy success, and learn great interactions between colleagues.

Before expressing gratitude to your manager, you need to think carefully. You must choose the right speech and intonation to express gratitude for the help and create a friendly atmosphere in the team. You need to speak from the heart, speech should flow from the heart.

Tip: Order a gratitude book from a creative specialist. In it you can highlight the merits of the director in a beautiful poetic form.

Kind words of gratitude to the leader in poetry and prose are an expression of gratitude that can be timed to coincide with any holiday, for example, a professional or birthday.

Words of gratitude do not have to be spoken in poetry. This can be done in prose or in your own words:

“You know how to treat your subordinates correctly—we appreciate that. We always know what yours are wise advice they help us in our work. You listen carefully to everyone, and we respect you for that. We consider you the best director. On your holiday, we want to say many words of gratitude. May luck always accompany you through life, and may fortune smile.”

“I would like to express my gratitude for your excellent attitude towards your subordinates. Let them meet only on your way good people, and let only good news surprise you."

“We rush to work as if it were a holiday. You always greet us with a smile. We express our gratitude with deep respect and congratulate you on your birthday. Bring a lot of benefit to our company, and we will always help you with this. We wish you good patience, professional endurance and great willpower in leadership.”

“There are few good managers in the world like those in our company. We are ready to dedicate songs and poems to our boss. You will always listen and help solve any problem. Human most spends most of his life at work, so I want to feel comfortable here. You help us with this, and we want to thank you for this. We wish you that your cherished dream comes true and that luck always accompanies you through life.”

The school principal can be thanked by the teachers who work with him. This can be done in such beautiful words:

Every person spends a lot of time with colleagues. All people who work together try to help and support each other. For this I want to say “Thank you” to my colleague, especially if it is his birthday or professional holiday.

Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues help set a person up for positivity and add Have a good mood into a festive atmosphere. Psychologists say that in a team in which colleagues are grateful to each other for communication and work, fewer conflicts arise. So don't hesitate to talk good words.

Expressing words of gratitude to my work colleagues, it can be noted that it is comfortable to work with these people, and each of them is a special and amazing person. You can also say these words:

“Thanks to you, we were able to create a friendly team, the people in which are hardworking, kind and cheerful. Thank you for the fact that even in the most difficult stressful situations, you do not lose heart and remain optimistic and self-confident. All this is necessary for effective work. Thank you for the fact that everyday life is not routine and commonplace, and every new morning is a bright and original working time.”

“Dear colleagues, I am happy that you work with me in the same company. For each of you I have words of gratitude, some for kind words, smiles, others for comments, help and support. All this helps me work hard and improve. We are one team and one whole. Thank you for making me feel comfortable next to you.”

There are times when you need to say beautiful words gratitude to a colleague who is resigning due to at will or for health reasons:

“You helped us run our business. We trusted you with professional secrets and personal secrets. We can confidently call you a life partner. Therefore, let you be respected everywhere just as you are in our company, and be happy in any other team as well. Thank you!"

“I would like to say “thank you” to you, dear colleague, on behalf of the entire team. You always found kind words for us, you could always listen and understand. May life love you, and may fate be wonderful, so that you never be sad and always smile. Let the good that you do to people multiply and return to you like a boomerang.”

“It’s not enough to just say “thank you,” I want to tell you what a good person you are. Thank you for the kindness that constantly came from you. May the sun shine on you and illuminate your path, and may people give you their smiles billions of times.”

Help can be different: charitable, help with matters at work, at home, with treatment, study, and so on. I always want to express gratitude for help in a special way, so that the person will be pleased and remember these words for a long time.

You can express your gratitude for your help in your own words from the heart. But it will be more effective to write them and creatively arrange them in the form of a letter.

Tip: Order from creative person a beautiful image related to the matter for which you received help. You can put the photo in a frame and write words of gratitude, for example, for the fact that this person helped the child recover and become just like everyone else.

In a letter of gratitude, in addition to your words from the heart, you can write the following words:

Often teachers do not know how to express gratitude to active parents who participate in life kindergarten or schools. This can be done using the following words:

Sometimes people are thanked simply for their kindness, because it is also considered help in difficult times when problems arise.

Words of gratitude for help, expressed from the heart, will cause a reaction that will touch you to tears. Grace and inspiration, the desire to be better and kinder to the world - all this will be felt by the people around who will hear words of gratitude for the help.

“Thank you, dear man, for your help. Thank you for being you, because you can make many people happy who need your help. Responsive, sensitive, understanding and kind - all the words of our Russian language are not enough to tell about yours. good qualities. Thank you for helping in difficult times. May good luck accompany you throughout your life."

Tip: If you express gratitude to a specific person, do not simply say the word “Thank you.” Say “Thank you,” because this is the word that carries certain energy and gives a completely different feeling.

Advice: Do not thank out of a sense of duty - it will be immediately noticeable. Speak words of gratitude from the heart, and your heart itself will tell you what and how to say.

There may be times in every person’s life when you need to say “thank you” to a person who did a certain job. Gratitude for work can be expressed in poetry or prose.

“Thank you for your efforts and work. I would like to wish you inspiration - you deserve gratitude! May your life be happy. I wish you new victories and not giving up before a new difficult task.”

“I wish you to love your job from the bottom of my heart, so that you always help people. You perform it flawlessly, making you want to shout “Bravo.” Let your work be only joy, and let the path of life lead you to success.”

“Everything turned out great, you know how to do your job perfectly.” You did your best, for which we praise you. May fate be favorable to you and bring only joy and success.”

“I would like to bow low to you for being such a professional in your field. You as an employee are invaluable, not lazy and skillful. We will tell the whole world about you so that orders flow like a river. A simple Russian thank you for the high quality of work and for the wonderful result.”

We also need to thank teachers for their invaluable work in raising children. It is better to write words in capital beautiful postcard so that it can be given to the teacher as a souvenir.

Gratitude via SMS

Gratitude via SMS

Words of gratitude can be expressed not only verbally or in writing, but also via SMS. Gratitude in SMS should be expressed in the form of a quatrain or a few words:

I say “thank you” to you,

And I will repeat this in my dreams.

Let everyone know about this

You are the best person in the world!

I want to say “thank you” for the kind gesture.

You rushed to help without sparing any expense

You are kind - people told me about this,

I want to wish you happiness, joy and many smiles.

Thank people for their good deeds and for any help. After all, gratitude has great value in our life. Let's learn to say “thank you” correctly, because this is a step towards goodness and peace.

Video: Perhaps the most touching gratitude to parents

It's such a pity to part with a person,
That in the team he became one of our own, family.
But now we wish you success
And new achievements and perspectives!

Leaving work is a new step:
Let it be as fate wills.
Let the door of fate be open
For happiness, for health and goodness!

Our entire friendly team
Accompanying you today
Let there be only positivity on this day,
Warmth and friendship surround you!

We wish you a new life,
Happy, joyful and cool,
So that all plans come true,
And all the problems disappeared!

Despite the bitterness of parting, congratulations on leaving your job. We wish you a good rest and plunge headlong into new life, in which a lot of interesting, sometimes complex and unusual things await you. We wish you to cope with all the difficulties, find only good things in all changes and enjoy life, no matter what happens. Good luck!

Today we have to say goodbye to you,
We worked side by side for many years,
I really want to ask you to stay,
But life writes a different story for you.

So may luck smile on you,
Health, happiness, new prospects,
Let your optimism remain with you,
Bring only positive things to people!

There is no more interesting concern,
Why quit your job completely?
There is only a white sheet ahead,
It's so excitingly pure.

Don't forget about us
At least visit sometimes.
We wish you all the best.
Change is a good sign.

How fate will go is a mystery.
The anticipation is so sweet.
We wish you good luck
On the upcoming adventure.

You're leaving work
There will be new worries
Interests, hobbies,
Towards new goals of aspiration!

We are now left on our own
We will miss you,
Don't disappear at all
Come visit us sometimes.

We are grateful to you for your work,
We agree on our wishes:
Be happy forever
And definitely healthy!

It was a pleasure working with you,
It's a pity that you decided to leave us.
But everything has already been decided irrevocably.
We would like to wish you: Good luck!

You have new goals, prospects,
Only let success await you ahead.
Believe in yourself, be positive.
Happiness, good luck on your new path.

It's very sad to leave
But that’s how the stars align.
Are you leaving the team?
Where everyone respects you immensely.

It was easy to work with you
But apparently the time has come
Travel to other heights
But don't forget about us there.

We wish you good luck in everything,
In a new place and everywhere.
You can do everything - no other way
After all, you are always on top!

You are part of the team
It will be hard without you
But as we say goodbye, we wish you
The new path is easy to follow,

Hundreds of bright achievements
And great prospects.
May it be as friendly
There will be a new team!

We are always glad to see you,
Always remember this!
I wish you happiness, warmth, luck,
Peace, light and goodness!

We worked together amicably, fruitfully,
We are sad to part with you, no doubt.
Still, let’s not create dampness,
We will try to see you off together,

Wish you good luck, wish you happiness,
And we also wish not to forget us,
May everything work out well and smoothly for you,
We will meet, and more than once!

Well, now your work is over,
A well-deserved rest awaits you ahead!
We wish to “rush” to Hawaii, to the sea,
The heart never knew grief!

So that the eyes sparkle, the soul laughs,
So that life is only good for you,
Always positive, just have an attitude,
And rest, by no means, should be your “golden” one!